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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q1 Would you like to have a village centre?

Yes No N/A N/R

55 14 20 2

There was high response rate to this question with the majority liking the idea of a village centre.

To explore what sites may be appropriate and their availability. The Parish Council are keen to be involved and lead with input from the Working Group Preliminary discussions have taken place with the Canal and Rivers Trust. Continuing discussions about Reading Room future and possible relocation. Also starting discussions about use of Canalside for leisure purposes. Impact of potential bypass may be an improvement.

12 months to come back with a report.

Production of a Feasibility Study

Time CEC


Page 2: QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site10967/Action... · Action Plan for the time being. Awaiting development of future development and roads.


Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q2 (a) If available would you use: a) Local shop b) Pub

c) Post Office d) Meeting Room e) Outdoor leisure space (including children’s play area)

Yes No N/V} N/A} Yes No N/V} N/A} Yes No N/V} N/A} Yes No N/V} N/A} Yes No N/V} N/A}

82 3 4 3

52 14 12 2

79 3 3 2

35 17 15 5

35 25

10 4

All of these amenities are given support with the outdoor leisure space being the least supported.

Links in with Question 1 above. A meeting has been held with Baileys regarding access to the tow path and hopefully residents will support the shop when it is opened. Discussions have started with the Canal and Rivers Trust with regard to access to the tow path from Baileys. Increasing the number of houses in Calveley and Alpraham is going to make the environment more ‘sustainable’. Baileys and the Wardle Garage facilities need to be accessible from the tow path (see discussions with Canal and River Trust).

Time CEC


Page 3: QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site10967/Action... · Action Plan for the time being. Awaiting development of future development and roads.


Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q2(b) The Davenport Arms is currently for sale – if it was possible to purchase the property by some means to provide some or all of the above amenities would you support the venture?

Yes No N/V

58 11 22

Majority would support the venture. However, the property has now been purchased and the new owners are intending to carry out a feasibility study in order to decide what to do with the property.

The Davenport Arms has been sold and is no longer under review

Time CEC


Q3(a) Adoption of shared private sewage system by United Utilities.

Yes No N/A N/R

16 17 53 5

Less than half households are affected. Half of those affected would like action.

The Working Group to contact affected householders via the website with a view to setting up an Action Group of residents who are dissatisfied with the existing United Utilities service. A list of those affected will be compiled. Residents were invited to email the Clerk if they were affected but to date no contact has been made. The invitation will be extended for another three months and if there is no interest this matter will be dropped from the Action Plan for the time being. Awaiting development of future development and roads.

12 weeks

Householders have received comprehensive information to allow them to proceed.

Time UU


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q3(b) I am happy with the shared private sewerage system that currently serves my home.

Yes No N/V} N/A}

32 8 51

A very small proportion of households have an issue. These are likely to be neighbour to neighbour issues/disputes.

Direct action will need to be by Householder. The Working Group could contact United Utilities, identify contacts and options available. Inform householders of contacts and options available. The Parish Council has raised this with United Utilities but they are confident that they know what they are doing!!

12 weeks

As above

Time UU


Q4(a) Is the quality of water that you receive at your address satisfactory?

Yes No N/V

81 6 4

A very small number of households have an issue. We do not know if these are grouped together or scattered.

Contact local manager for United Utilities. Agree a programme of sampling by UU to ensure no variation across the community. If there is variation press UU to remedy and re-sample. A list of those affected will be compiled. As 3(a) above.

12 months

United Utilities demonstrate uniformity across community.

Time UU


Q4(b) Is the pressure of the water supply at your address satisfactory?

Yes No N/V

78 12 1

A small number of households have an issue. Pressure issues are less subjective than quality. We suspect that problem households might be grouped.

As above, and householders invited to contact the Community Plan Working Group via the website if there is a problem with the water pressure. United Utilities have been contacted and a check on water pressure is currently underway in areas where low pressure is suspected. To date, tests are indicating that pressures are within the range stipulated by statutory requirements.

12 months

As above

Time UU


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q4(c) Are you satisfied with the continuity (limited interruptions) of your water supply?

Yes No N/V N/R

84 1 5 1

Only one household reported dissatisfaction.

No action to be taken.


Q5 Would you like your home/premises to be connected to a mains gas supply?

Yes No N/V

52 35 4

A substantial number of respondents would like to be connected to a mains gas supply .

Identify where gas mains are currently

located and what is planned. Liaise with Cheshire East and gas provider

to explore options and time frame for extending gas network.

Explore the impact of Wardle Development as a possible inducement to BG for network


Investigations continue.

There are no plans to bring gas into the area. The Parish Council will investigate further.

The Parish Council have this matter on the ‘back burner’. No immediate action expected.

12 months

Deliver a clear strategy with time frame that shows how and where the network may be extended.



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q6(a) Does the electricity supply to your address fluctuate unduly?

Yes No N/V

22 62 7

Less than one quarter of respondents reported a problem. However, given the variation in supply method across the community it is probable that these respondents are located in the back lanes areas with overhead power supplies.

Contact infrastructure provider and report the problem. Request a survey of all overhead/ underground cables to identify problems. If/when problems are identified agree an action plan to remedy. Review remedy when advised complete. A list of those affected will be compiled. Residents were invited to email the Clerk if they were affected but to date no contact has been made. The invitation will be extended for another three months and if there is no interest this matter will be dropped from the Action Plan for the time being. United Utilities have replaced approx. 10 poles and associated overhead cabling in the Fields Farm area and this has resulted in a marked improvement to the supply in terms of fluctuations and interruptions.

3 months 12 months 18 months

Obtain key contract information and obtain response confirming action being taken. Survey completed and action plan issued Review satisfaction via Community Website and confirm completion.

Time SP


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q6(b) Is the electricity supply to your address interrupted unduly?

Yes No N/V

18 56 7

Slightly fewer respondents reported a problem with interruption than fluctuation.

Combine investigation, action and remedy with 6(a) above. See 6(a) above.

As above

As above



Q7 Are you satisfied with your landline telephone service in terms of connectivity and interruption?

Yes No N/V

73 11 7

A small number of respondents experience problems. These are possibly associated with the ageing overhead supplies along the back lanes.

Identify where problems are being experienced. Investigate if there is a pattern or common theme. Engage with BT engineers to secure a remedy. Check levels of satisfaction once complete. Residents were invited to email the Clerk if they were affected but to date no contact has been made. The invitation will be extended for another three months and if there is no interest this matter will be dropped from the Action Plan for the time being.

12 weeks 4 weeks 6 months

Marked-up plan showing locations. Marked-up plan from BT engineers that all lines have showing cable routes. Confirmation been tested and repaired or replaced.

Time BT


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q8 Are you satisfied with the speed and degree of interruption that you experience when connected to the internet via broadband?

Yes No N/R

28 54 5

A large number of recipients are dissatisfied with their broadband service. A programme of introducing a fibre network to Cheshire East is underway. This may not reach everyone on the back lanes. Wettenhall telephone exchange is also due to be upgraded to improve connectivity to users who will not benefit from fibre.

Circulate updates of fibre network installation to all residents. Review levels of satisfaction when new fibre network is complete in our area. Four levels of dissatisfaction remain high – arrange a meeting with Cheshire East and BT and agree strategy. OpenReach are working on providing high speed broadband to the majority of residents soon. The latest information is that broadband should be in the area by late Spring 2015. The Parish Council is watching and waiting for promised BT broadband fibre connection due in Spring 2015.

3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months

All residents with access to the internet confirm receipt. Response received – online questionnaire. Meeting date confirmed.

Time BT


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q9 Are you satisfied with the provision of surface water drains on the roads in Calveley and the way in which they are maintained?

Yes No N/V

32 43 16

Nearly half of respondents confirmed dissatisfaction. This is a significant number prompted possibly by localised flooding events.

Obtain Cheshire East engineer’s drawing showing locations. Review each location and take a view on if they are problematic. Contact nearby householder and confirm problem (or investigate via website). Meet with engineer and secure action Plan. Review locations and report. A Parish Council representative met with Cheshire East Highways mid-March.

3 months 2 months 1 month 2 months

Drawing obtained. Schedule of problem drains compiled. Plan secured Drains (road gulley) attended to and regular maintenance plan formalised.

Time CEC


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q10 Would you like to see greater focus and stricter controls on the use of private external lighting?

Yes No N/ V

19 38 34

Twice as many respondents did not want action taken than those who did.

The overwhelming number of respondents has indicated that they do not want action to be taken by the Working Group. On this basis no action can be taken at this time. However it is felt by the Group that this situation may change when development of the new Wardle Employment Park commences. The Working Group will keep this item under regular review and action will be taken when there is a clear mandate to do so. This is being kept under review. Alert the Parish Council to ensure control of light pollution from Wardle Development. The first planning permission applications are expected for the Wardle Development during spring (2015). The Working Group and the Parish Council will respond to these bringing attention to the issue of potential light pollution and requesting that this be dealt with by smart design.

12 months

Residents Review



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q11 Are you happy with the provision of pavements in the parish and their standard of maintenance? If you ticked No is this because: a) there should be more pavements b) the pavements should be wider c) the standard of pavement maintenance d) the standard of pavement cleanliness

Yes No N/V Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

26 39 26

28 5

22 3

17 7

13 8

Of those dissatisfied, a majority felt that there should be more pavements and wider. Some – less than half highlighted concerns with the cleanliness and maintenance of pavements. Various locations were suggested for additional pavements, including adjacent to the school , A51 junction Long Lane, Calveley Green Lane and Calveley Hall Lane and wider pavements by bus stops. A number of people suggested the pavement should be extended up to Wardle Filling Station, possible upgrading of tow path?

Contact Cheshire East regarding their maintenance programme. Working Group to put together a report on what is wrong and what needs to be done with regard to the pavements Contact Cheshire East. Contact Cheshire East and Canal and River Trust to discuss possible upgrading of tow path. Also included in the Wardle Development Discussions are ongoing. Discussions are ongoing with Cheshire East and Canal and Rivers Trust to improve safety with wider pavements at bus stops and access along an improved path/cycle path to garage and beyond to Wardle. In the hands of the Parish Council. Continuing (see page 1).

12 weeks 24 weeks 12 weeks 12 months

Securing satisfactory action by Cheshire East Obtaining Parish Compact to hire a lengthsman



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q12 Are you happy with the maintenance of the roadside verges provided by Cheshire East? .

Yes No N/V

30 50 11

More than half of respondents are dissatisfied. This indicates the perception of the poor standard of maintenance generally on the back lanes. This is exacerbated by a number of issues:

• Increased use of back lanes as a ‘rat run’

• increased use by agricultural plant and machinery where farms are now made up of separated parcels of land

• reluctance of farmers, landowners and contractors to recognise their responsibility for clearing away mud caused by them

• Increased size of agricultural machinery

• Increased traffic generally and especially delivery vehicles

Objectives are:

• deter none access traffic

• slow traffic down

• provide recognisable passing places

• protect remaining soft verges

• ensure farm workers and

contractors clear away mud These issues have to be addressed with Cheshire East Highways Draw up draft outline proposal/action plan Meet with Cheshire East and agree time scale for plan formalisation. Obtain budget commitment. Finalise working plan with Cheshire East Tender and implement


10 weeks 4 weeks 12 weeks 18 months

Prepared scheme for back lane improvement Commitment from Cheshire East to produce working plan and budget Scheme available for tender Passing places, signage, etc in place

Time Drawings Printing Time Time and CEC costs Time


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q12 contd... Are you happy with the maintenance of the roadside verges provided by Cheshire East?

• Increased speed of

traffic and refusal by some drivers to give way causing vehicles to mount what is left of soft verges

Farmers implement mud clearance. Cheshire East acknowledge there is a serious problem. Funding for non-emergency work not available. WG asked for single carriageway with proper passing places. This is ongoing and weight limits are to be implemented on 15 February. Cheshire East will be actively enforcing this – To be implemented by the end of April 2015. The Working Group drew up detailed proposals for a scheme to provide sensible passing places along the Calveley Hall Lane which is the worst affected lane. After various meetings and correspondence CEC agreed to implement this in one location as a trial. This has been delivered but only in part, the passing places are still to be properly surfaced. Signs are in place. It is intended to expand this approach to other areas of the back lanes.

6 months (from start)

No mud on back lanes

Highways’ budget Time


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q13 Are you happy with the degree of litter clearance that is carried out by Cheshire East?

Yes No N/V N/R


34 15 1

Majority were satisfied

Contact Cheshire East regarding their litter clearance programme. Discuss with Calveley Parish Council re organising a community litter collection day. The Parish Council is trying to get a Compact from Cheshire East so that a Lengthsman can be employed. Volunteers Day will be held in the Spring. There will be no Compact from Cheshire East but a Grant has been obtained for the purpose of keeping the village tidy and litter free. The next Volunteer Litter Collection Day is scheduled for May 2015.

12 weeks 4 weeks

No further complaints



14(a) Are you happy with the waste collection service and attention to recycling provided by Cheshire East Council?

Yes No N/V

74 13 4

Majority were satisfied

No further action at this time


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

14(b) Are you happy with the waste disposal recycling centres provided by Cheshire East Council?

Yes No N/V

65 6 18

Majority were satisfied

No further action at this time


Q15 Participation of a Good Neighbour Scheme

Yes No U/S N/A

61 8 17 5

More than half of the residents would volunteer if a Good Neighbour Scheme was established.

Advertise the Scheme on the website with contact information. Appoint a Good Neighbour Co-ordinator Revisit questionnaires and contact those who volunteered, ascertain availability of those residents. Allocate volunteer to resident in need based on data collected. To use the Church ‘Link@ magazine’ to highlight the fact that we have a website and a Good Neighbour Scheme. An advert will be placed on the website to try to identify the number of people required to help. Local Churches will be contacted for assistance with this. Steps are being taken to find out if there is anybody in the area in need of the Good Neighbour Scheme. The Scheme will stay open.

12 weeks

Feedback from those using the scheme Feedback from volunteers on the practicality of the tasks they undertake

Time Stationery


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q16(a) Do you regularly look at the notice boards in Calveley?

Yes No

29 57

Approximately half of recipients who replied look at the notice board on the A51. It is reasonable to deduce that these recipients live close to this notice board. Approximately one third of recipients look at the notice board outside the school. These are most likely parents collecting children from the school gate.

It is unlikely that people in the community make a special journey on a regular basis to view the notice boards. The disparate nature of the households in the area has resulted in a community that struggles to share communication. It is clear that the notice boards are not suitable at this time as the only means of communication. The working group will investigate the issue in more depth and produce options for how this can be addressed and most likely by the introduction of a web based notice board. (See Below) Progress being made in moving the notice boards to positions where residents are most likely to read them. Plans are underway to move the notice boards to their new position. The notice board outside the school has been re-positioned. The notice board positioned by the old Davenport Arms site will require to be moved when the development is started..

See 16(b)

See 16(b)


PC/WG See16 (b)

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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q16(b) Do you feel that a Calveley Website, giving helpful advice for local people would be of interest to you?

Yes No

67 17

A majority of respondents believed that a community website would be beneficial.

Produce a website that is tailored to the needs of the community. Research experiences of other communities in order to learn from others. The new website is up and running and notice boards will be used to let residents know what is available and to ask for any advertising material they may have for businesses, buy/sell, etc. The Parish Council will offer support as required.

6 months

A website is delivered to the community for the community to use. This will supplement the information provided on the existing notice boards which will continue to be used.

Time Funding


Q17 Communication from Homewatch Scheme

Yes No N/A

35 55 1

Current Homewatch Scheme does not cover all residents.

Merge Calveley Central and Calveley Back Lanes Schemes into one Appoint Homewatch Co-ordinator Update current email database for electronic notification circulation Ascertain from questionnaires those residents not on email and organise paper version of notification to be issued Display all notifications received on website and parish notice boards. Homewatch signs are being put up in the area. Residents have been asked to pass on Homewatch information to others who do not have email. The signs are due to be erected in March 2015.

12 weeks

Residents being kept up to date with Homewatch matters.

Time Stationery


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q18(a) Are you happy with the postal delivery service received at your home or premises?

Yes No N/R

86 3 2

The majority of those who responded were happy with the postal service they receive. Comment was made on the wrong postcode allocation in Calveley Green Lane/Calveley Hall Lane.

Establish the position on changing postcode with Royal Mail and home Task Owners. This matter has been resolved satisfactorily.

3 months

Current problems eliminated.



Q18(b) Are you happy with the location of post boxes in the village?

Yes No N/V}

80 4 7

The majority were happy with the location of the post boxes in the Calveley area. Of those not happy suggestions as to where else post boxes should be located included the school and the garage.

No action required




Q19 Would you join a scheme for the bulk purchase of certain commodities whereby a cheaper price could be negotiated with suppliers?

Yes No N/V

80 4 7

The majority of residents would be interested in such a scheme. There are existing suppliers, information available on the website

Investigate opportunities with various suppliers, with a view to putting details on the website. Information is available on the website. The Parish Council will keep this under review.

2 months

Defined list of suppliers. Householders take up contacts themselves.



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q 20 Do you use the 84 bus service between Crewe and Chester? Would you use a Dial a ride/ Taxi club type service?

Yes No Yes No

47 44

19 65

Few would support a dial a ride.

No Action

Q21 If the railway station at Calveley was reopened would you use it?

Yes No

68 23

The majority of respondents would use the station if it was re-opened but for this to happen we would need to show that a large number of people would use it.

In the future this may be considered in conjunction with Bunbury/Beeston Station in order to increase the catchment area and make it viable. This will be a long term project for further investigation. A Working Party will investigate with Cheshire East and RailTrack. This is an ambitious aim which could only be achieved in the future with political support To be kept under review. No Parish Council action is planned at the present time.

Long term

To be determined



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q22(a), (b), (c), (d) Housing requirements



The population of Calveley is as follows: 10 years of age and under : 30 11-18 years of age : 16 Over 18 years of age : 120 Over 60 years of age : 60 At present very few local people are looking for alternative accommodation – the results show that 5 would prefer to buy locally and 3 to move to a more urban area. No-one is looking to rent locally. For the future 2 will need accommodation in 2 years, 4 within 5 years and 5 will be looking for accommodation within 10 years.

We have learned recently from Councillor Mike Jones that the official view of Cheshire East Council is that Calveley has “zero need for housing” (not to be confused with zero need locally), so each planning application to build new houses will be considered individually. Some developments are being progressed.

Long term

Maintain under review.

Time CEC


Q23 (a), (b) New housing

0 <10 10-20 20-30 31-40 41-49 50 N/R

16 10 17 5 1 0 6 36

The results show that the majority of people who responded would be happy with some new houses in Calveley with a preference for the developments to be scattered and to utilise brownfield sites rather than agricultural land.

We have learned recently from Councillor Michael Jones that the official view of Cheshire East council is that Calveley has “Zero need for housing” (not to be confused with zero need locally), so each planning application to build new houses would be considered individually. Some developments are being progressed.

Long term

Time CEC


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q24 Does the reduction in street lighting on the A51 adversely affect you?

Yes No

33 56

Less than half of respondents felt that the current reduction in street lighting affected them. However, because this issue is one of safety the working group feels that it should be investigated more fully and if possible a solution found.

Raise the issue with both the Parish Council and Cheshire East Council and involve Highway engineers. Agree a course of action that will satisfy local people’s concerns and the objectives of Cheshire East. Alter the lighting regime on the A51 A suggestion that all street lighting be on until midnight will be put to CEC. The lack of street lighting is also affecting the ability of bus drivers to see potential passengers. This has been reported to Cheshire East. Requests have been made to Alpraham Parish Council to reinstate street lighting at the junction of the A51 with Long Lane where this is seen as a clear road safety issue. This is now being reviewed by Cheshire East Highways following a meeting with Calveley Parish Council representatives in mid-March 2015.

3 months 3 months 3 months

Confirmation from Cheshire East that the issue is being investigated Publish how the lighting is to be amended Lighting is amended



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q25 Do you think a pedestrian crossing on the A51 in Calveley would be of benefit?

Yes No

44 37

More than half of the respondents were in favour of a crossing and comments received regarding locations suggested access to bus stops and adjacent to The Davenport Arms This location which also links the north/south parish footpath to the canal towpath (east/west) is considered to be the most appropriate for the community.

Present a clear message to the Parish Council and Cheshire East that the community want a safe pedestrian crossing on the A51 to ink both parts of the community. Engage with CEC highways to develop a deliverable scheme for the most appropriate type of crossing in the most beneficial location. Secure funding. Engage with The Canals and Rivers Trust to explore ways of improving the the existing towpath along the canal to deliver a usable cycleway and footpath to link Calveley and the proposed development at Wardle. Contractor secured and crossing is installed. CEC say funding will be made available as part of the Reaseheath development. A timescale will be ascertained. A Bypass study is now underway by Cheshire East.

3 months 3 months 6 months 3 months 12 months

Acknowledgment by Cheshire East to the Parish Council that they will work towards providing a viable scheme. Deliverable scheme produced and priced. CEC confirm funding Canal and Rivers Trust provides a working scheme with budget. A51 Safe to cross



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q26( a) What effect do you feel the 30mph limit along the A51 in Calveley has had on i) speed ii ) traffic volume?

Speed Pos Neg Vol Pos Neg

73 18

12 39

There were mixed views on the benefits of the 30mph limit on the A51 with 80% saying it had had a positive effect on speed but 65% of the view that it had increased traffic volume.

No action required at this stage. Any traffic volume increases will identified through future traffic monitoring. A 30 MPH speed limit has been implemented. No further Parish Council action is required at this time.




Q26(b) Would you support further speed restriction controls on the A51 such as average speed cameras?

Yes No N/V


40 6

Opinion was divided on the need for further speed restrictions on the A51.

Continue to feed in information to relevant bodies. An A51 Pressure Group has been set up and the Working Party will make them aware of the information provided by Calveley residents. No specific Parish Council action. Local actions are underway.

3 months

An Action Plan produced by the A51 Pressure Group – the residents requests will be taken on board in their Action Plan

Time Pressure Group


Q26(c) Would you support speed restricting methods in the Lanes?

Yes No N/R

59 25 6

Over half of respondents were in favour of restrictions in the lanes, particularly in Calveley Hall Lane, Long Lane and in the vicinity of Calveley Primary School.

To ensure Cheshire East implement the conditions attached to the Wardle Airfield planning application. Explore the potential for greater restrictions with Cheshire East Highways Department. (See also Question 12)

12 months

Delivery of ‘gateway’ features and speed restrictions set up in the back lanes.



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q26(d) What do you consider should be the appropriate speed limit past Calveley School?

Mph 10 20 30 40 N/C N/R


49 28 4 4 3

Most people supported either a 20 or 30 mph speed limit past Calveley School.

Consult with Calveley Head teacher re the current position re restriction past the school. Explore the potential for greater restrictions with Cheshire East Highways Department 40 MPH Speed limit past the school has been achieved. The next step is to try for 20/30 MPH. A Road Safety Group has been established and any areas identified will be investigated. Comments are required. Available Grants are being investigated. The speed limit signs have now been implemented. The next steps are to be reviewed in six months.

1 month 6 months 12 months

Obtain information on current position Identify possible options. Enforceable speed restrictions in place.

Time CEC School


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q27 Should there be a restriction of heavy goods vehicles entering the Lanes, except for access?

Yes No N/V

83 4 4

There was a great deal of support for a restriction on heavy goods vehicles using the lanes with the majority of people in favour and only a few against.

This is an issue for Cheshire East Highways but may be included as part of the Wardle Development. Establish current position re the development and this issue. Progress with Cheshire East Highways to ensure the conditions attached to the Wardle Airfield Develop ment are implemented. CEC Highways has proposed work being undertaken on Long Lane but this will send traffic past the School. CEC looking into this. This is ongoing and weight limits are to be implemented on 15 February. Cheshire East will be actively enforcing this. CEC have advised that a weight restriction limit will be imposed on Calveley Hall Lane and that this will be in place before any development work starts on the Wardle site. They have also advised that they intend to install a weight restriction limit (70T) on all surrounding back lanes. The weight limit signs will be erected in the next two months.

3 months 6 months Dependent on start of Wardle Site

Clarification of conditions attached to the Wardle Airfield planning application Clear plan of action agreed Weight restriction signs in place

Time CEC


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q28 Do you consider traffic lights at the end of Station Road would be of benefit to the community?

Yes No N/R

35 42 14

Less than half of respondents thought this would be a good idea giving no clear mandate for further action.

See Q29 and Q25. Although there is no clear mandate, further action relating to traffic lights at the end of Station Road and Long Lane, further investigation is to take place concerning this area and the possibility of installing a pedestrian crossing in conjunction with Cheshire East Council and Highways. The Parish Council will monitor the effect of the Old Davenport Arms development and access onto the A51.

Long term 18 months

Clear decision

Time CEC


Q29 Do you consider that traffic lights at the end of Long Lane would be of benefit to the community?

Yes No N/R

45 42 4

Half of respondents thought this would be a good idea.

This is in Alpraham Parish Council’s area and therefore not the responsibility of Calveley. This issue will be passed to Alpraham Parish Council. The Parish Council will await the results of the Bypass Study Review.

Q30 Would you support the creation of a Calveley/Alpraham by-pass?

Yes No N/V

61 22 7

The creation of a by-pass around the Calveley area received support in principle by 67% of those who responded. 24% were not in favour of a by-pass.

This is a long term aim with progress being made through the A51 Steering group which is being set up by Cllr Jones and involves the relevant Parish Councils. This will be progressed through the Parish Council? Cheshire East are now doing a study to investigate.

10 – 20 years

Agreement to by-pass being necessary.



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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q31 (a), (b) Participation in further education opportunities

Yes No N/A

47 43 1

Approximately half of all residents would participate in further education activities.

Liaise with Cheshire East Local Area Partnership Manager to ascertain what is needed Contact various locations in a 2/3 mile radius to assess suitability for classes to be held or ascertain what classes are currently held and encourage advertising availability. Display classes on website/notice boards or via email to ascertain interest. Update the website with information available. Investigate opportunities with Cavleley Primary School, advertising their facilities for classes. Options are being investigated. No specific Parish Council action is planned at this time.

12 months

Classes being held in local buildings within distance of Calveley

Time LAP School


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Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q32(a) What type of employment is needed in the area?

Over half of residents suggested that Agriculture and skilled labour Apprenticeships were needed in the area.

Forward results to relevant bodies in Cheshire East Suggest that these figures should be given consideration when planning applications for new businesses are received Encourage local businesses to review their employment needs and advertise on our website/local press/notice boards Under review – no action required at this time. No specific Parish Council action is planned at this time.

12 months

Local companies advertising for Apprentices Cheshire East using our plans to support development of business in the area



Q 32(b) Would you utilise existing local contractors if a central list was held?

Yes No Poss N/R

83 1 1 4

Majority would use such a list.

Opportunity for local contractors to place businesses on list is available on website Accomplished but need to highlight possibility with local contractors. No specific Paris Council action is planned at this time.


Page 29: QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLANbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site10967/Action... · Action Plan for the time being. Awaiting development of future development and roads.


Issue Questionnaire Results Analysis Action Time

Frame Measure for Success Resource Task Owner

Q 32(c) Where would you like to see local start up businesses located?

No consensus of opinion although there was a general view that any new business should be in Wardle.

Ongoing review. No specific Parish Council is planned at this time. This issue will be kept under review.

Awareness of responses when applications arise with Cheshire East



Q 33 Development of Calveley Design Statement



Suggested to be addressed by the Leader of Cheshire East Council

Establish a Working Group. Research and involve community by consultation. Produce and publish a Design Statement The Parish Council will review this issue with the Working Group to decide whether this is appropriate and/or necessary for Calveley. It might be sensible to review with Alpraham Parish Council but this would require Alpraham to support. There is no evidence of this to date.

3 months 12 months 24 months

Regular meetings established Questionnaires issued and analysed Document agreed with Cheshire East Planning and accepted

Time Time Time


N/A – Not applicable CEC – Cheshire East Council PC –Calveley Parish Council RD – R Dawson PH – P Holding N/R – No response UU – United Utilities RM – Royal Mail MG – M Gregory JK – J Kenwright N/V – No view BG – British Gas LAP – Local Area Partnership JG – Joy Greenway AW – A Waterhouse

N/C – No change BT – British Telecom SP – Scottish Power CK – C Konieczny WG -Working Group December 2014 Update – in blue January 2015 Update – in red March 2015 Update – in green

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