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Page 1: Questionnaire Findings

Questionnaire Findings

Page 2: Questionnaire Findings

On the following two slides, the questions we asked in our questionnaire are displayed.

Page 3: Questionnaire Findings

1) Which age group do you fit into?12-15 16-18 19-25 26+

2) Which gender are you?Male Female

3) What is your favorite genre of film?Action/Adventure Thriller Horror Rom-Com Drama 4) How do you usually watch films?

Cinema DVD Online Streaming

5) What is the first word that comes to your head when you think of a psychological thriller?

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6) What films come to mind when you think of a psychological thriller?

7) What type of storyline do you expect from a psychological thriller?

8) Where would you expect a psychological thriller to be set?

Countryside Inner City Small Village School

9) What type of characters do you expect from a

psychological thriller?

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All of our responses were from students in the 16-18 age range, this is our main target market.

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We had 3 male respondents and 10 female respondents. This could create slight bias in the

results, however we did not think this would affect our results because of the types of

questions we were asking.

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All male respondents said their favourite film genre was action/adventure or horror. Female

respondents chose a mix of answers, half of them chose drama/rom-com, and the other half

chose horror/thriller films.

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From these responses we could gather that if we were to actually release this film it should

definitely be distributed on DVD.

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We have opted to locate our film in a school because it is easily accessible to us as well as the fact that the school environment is a common ground for bullying which is a

major part of our film.

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Some examples of characters our respondents expected to see in a psychological thriller were as follows:

• Strange men• Creepy/haunted children• Psychopath• People with psychological disorders (eg: schizophrenia)• People talking to themselves• Hero/heroin• Murderer and allies• Vulnerable person• People on drugs

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Some examples of storylines our respondents expected to see in a psychological thriller were as follows:

• Psychopath goes around torturing/killing people• Kidnapping• Chase• Murder/death• Person murders/attacks friends/enemies• Twist in the storyline at the end• Stalkers

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