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Page 1: Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results

Page 2: Questionnaire results

1. How old are you?

Page 3: Questionnaire results

2. Are you…?

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These two questions help give me basic information about the people who

answered my questionnaire and who I will most likely be aiming my products at. You can see from the results that I had more answers from females than males, which may also suggest that this music style

appeals more to that gender. In terms of age, the results suggest I am aiming my

music video and accompanying advertising products at a younger audience (late

teens/young adults).

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3. Have you listened to music by Drake and did you like it?

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4. Have you seen a music video by Drake?

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5. If so, where did you most likely see this music video?

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These questions helped confirm whether those that answered the questionnaire listened to

music by a similar artist to David Stewart (Drake) and whether they enjoyed it. I was also looking to find out how many had see a Drake music video and if so where they had seen it. Results showed that the the majority asked had heard music from Drake and liked it, ensuring me that results from following questions would represent my target

audience. 67% had seen a music video by Drake and of these, most had viewed this video on

YouTube. This shows that many people now use social media and the internet as platforms for viewing new content and that this would be an

ideal place to exhibit my music video.

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6. Do you think a music video contributes to the success of the


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7. What is your favourite style of music video?

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These two questions were to give me information about how essential a music video

was in making a song a success. I was also interested in knowing what type of music video appealed to my target audience the most. The results show that 80% of people think that a music video contributes to the success of a

song, this is a very high percentage and tells me that it is extremely important my video

appeals to its audience and is as professional as can be. The second question showed me

that amongst my target audience, artistic and narrative videos are most appealing. I also

know to avoid a live performance style as this proved unpopular.

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8. How would you most likely find out about a new release from your

favourite artist?

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9. How would you access a new single or album?

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The results from these two questions show how important social media has become in people accessing information about new

music, and new artists. I can see that Twitter and YouTube are equally popular as TV in how people find out about new releases

from their favourite artists, emphasising the importance of using social media in the research process and distribution of my

finished products. Change is also obvious in the way people obtain this music, with most now illegally downloading music instead of

buying physical copies of CDs.

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10. Have you heard any music from David Stewart?

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11. What advertising for his new single would make you most inclined to check it


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The results from these two questions prove how David Stewart is a pretty unknown artist (87% had not heard of him or his songs) and therefore it is important the advertising products that go along

with the music video are consistent with each other and successful enough to promote his music.

My final question asked what advertising would appeal most to people, and this revealed a music video and radio advert as most popular. A music video is the main product I will be making, and

although a magazine advert proved least popular, (maybe because magazines are less read by this

target audience) a radio advert is not feasible with this project and so I will simply ensure that the magazine advert is as engaging as possible.

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