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  • 7/29/2019 Questions Jan 13 - Mar 13.docx



    1. Tell me about the city you come from.

    - What do you like to do on weekends?

    - What do people in your country like to do on weekends?- Do you think that weekends are necessary? Why?

    - What are the entertainment places available in your area?

    - Which entertainment place would you prefer in your area?

    2. Describe an international sport event that you like the most. Please say

    - Where and when did you see it?

    - With whom did you watch it?

    - What did you do while watching it?

    3. Do you live in an apartment or a house?

    - Please describe it.

    - Do you like your apartment? Why?

    - What is so interesting about it?

    4. Do you use the Internet?

    - Does your family use the Internet?

    5. Talk about a garden that you have visited recently. Please say- Why did you visit it?

    - Who was there with you?

    - Describe the garden in general.

    - Why was / wasnt it interesting?

    6. Do any of your friends visit this garden?

    - What is the benefit of gardens in cities?

    - Who mostly visits gardens, younger or older people?

    - Is it acceptable to plant vegetables in the private garden around your house?

    - What is the best time to visit gardens in the Middle East?

    - What are the benefits of gardens for children?

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    7. Do you work or study?

    - What do you study?

    - When did you become a student?

    - What facilities do students particularly get?

    8. When was the last time you took photographs?

    - Is there any family photo that you like in particular?

    - Do you enjoy taking photographs?

    - Do you think nowadays people take more photographs than before? Why?

    - When do people dance in your culture?

    - What kind of dances most people like to see? Why?

    - Is there any change in the popularity of traditional dances in your culture?

    10. Talk about a gift that you gave to someone recently. Please say- What was the gift?

    - Whom did you give it to?

    - How did you feel about it? Why?

    - Why did you choose this gift?

    11. Is there any particular event or time of the year that involves gifts exchange

    from commercial point of view?

    - Did the tradition of exchanging gifts change lately?

    - Is the feeling of giving and receiving gift equal?- On what occasions do people in your culture exchange gifts?

    12. What would you want to buy if you had enough money? Please say

    - Why would you like that?

    - Do you think you will actually buy that at some point?

    - How would you feel after buying this item?

    - Does wealth make people happy?

    - If not, what does?

    - What do people live for?

    13. Describe a village/town/city that you like the most.

    - Give a short description of that village/town/city.

    - Why do you like it?

    - What in particular do you like there?

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    14. Why do you call an area a city?

    - Do you think the cities are too crowded?

    - What impact does it have on the environment?

    - What should be done to decrease the impact?

    15. What part of your job is more challenging?

    - Would you recommend this job to others?

    - Can employers ask employees to work on Sundays?

    16. What do you do to keep your body fit?

    - What did you learn from your secondary school to keep your body healthy?

    - What do you think you would do in the future to be healthy?

    17. Talk about a present that you gave to your friend. Please say

    - What was it?

    - When did this happen?

    - How did you feel about it?

    18. Do you think people enjoy more giving or receiving gifts?

    - What type of gifts do children like? Why?

    - What do we have to consider before giving gifts to people?

    19. Talk about something that you plan to do in life besides your work and

    personal life. Please say

    - What do you want to do?

    - What should you do for your plan to come true?

    - Why do you want to do it?

    - How would you feel once you have achieved it?

    20. Do you like museums?

    - Have you been to a museum recently?- What museum would you like to visit?

    - Is it important for children to visit museums?

    - Do you think people take more photographs now than they did in the past?

    - When was last time you took a photograph?

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    21.Do you like museums?

    - Have you been to a museum recently?

    - What museum would you like to visit?

    - Is it important for children to visit museums?

    - Do you think people take more photographs now than they did in the past?- When was last time you took a photograph?

    22. Talk about a funny show you saw or a funny incident that happened to you.

    Please say

    - What was it?

    - Why was it funny?

    - Who was there with you?

    23. Is laughter important in our life?- What difference is there between mens and womens humor?

    - Does laughter help one to learn a language?

    24. Describe about the dress that you wore for an important occasion.

    What was it?

    Where you bought it?

    How did it look on you?

    Formal and informal were.

    When formal clothes are wore?

    Why do some organizations have uniform?

    Do the ways of dressing offend life style?

    When informal clothes are worn.

    Should the employer decide about the type of uniform the staff should be

    given to wear.

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    25. Tell me something about cooking? Who does the cooking at home?

    Does u enjoy cooking? Why does u enjoy cooking?

    What is your favorite dishes and why you like it?

    What is the importance of home food?

    Does u think children should learn cooking?


    1. Do you enjoy looking at photographs?

    - Do you like to take pictures yourself?

    2. Describe a song that you heard recently and liked it. Please say

    - What was the song about?

    - When and where did you hear it?

    - Why did you like it?

    - What do you think about the future of songs in your country and in the world?

    3. Are people in your country using mobile phones often?

    - When did you get your first mobile phone?

    - Do you prefer to call or to message your friends? Why?

    - Do you think people should turn their cell phones on silent in public places?


    - Please describe your hometown.

    4. What is interesting in your hometown?

    - Are you planning to stay or go back to your hometown in the future?

    5. If you were given a chance to do an unusual job, what job would it is? Please


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    - Why do you think it is an unusual job?

    - Where did you find out about it?

    - What is so interesting about this job?

    6. Is it important to have a retirement age?- Is a part time job in your country supported by schools?

    - Does government have the right to impose a particular number of workers on a


    - In what way students are guided to choose their career?

    - How do you decide what course or degree will suit you?

    7. Tell me about the house where you stay at the moment.

    - What do you like or dislike in it the most?

    - Are there any electrical appliances that you would like to buy?

    - What kind of products is dominant in your country?

    - Is it important for your country to export products to other countries?

    - How should a companys staff be trained?

    8. Talk about an old building that you have visited recently, please say

    - What is that building

    - where is it located

    - why did you visit that building?

    9. Do you work or study?

    - What type of work do you do?

    - Do you write at work?

    - Do you like writing?

    - When do you write?

    - Would you want to write a book?

    10. What are the advantages of a conference?

    - Which one is better, a conference or a group discussion?

    - Is it good for people to visit schools and teach children different things?

    - What type of talks is given to the students?

    - Is it difficult for the speakers to talk before students?

    - Do the students like such talks?

    11. Describe a talk that you have heard recently. Please say

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    - Who gave the talk?

    - Where was it?

    - What was it about?

    - Was the talk interesting to you? Why?

    12. Describe a very happy couple in your life that you find interesting. Please say:

    - Who are they?

    - Where do they live?

    - Why do you find them interesting?

    - Tell me about a time when you needed to be polite.

    - How did you demonstrate it?

    - Is it important to be polite?

    13. Describe a parent in your family that you remember well. Please say

    - Who was that person?

    - How well do you remember him/her?

    - Why did you like that person this much?

    14. In your city, do both parents need to work to support themselves and leave

    the children behind?

    - Is it the current situation?- How can they cope with this problem?

    - Tell me in what kind of situations do you need to be attentive?

    - In what situation concentration is much needed?

    - It seems caring for children are important nowadays, do you think attention and

    concentration are skills that parents should use to teach their children?

    15. Do you like big or small bags?

    - What are you looking for when buying a bag?

    - Do you use different bags on different occasions?

    16. Describe a situation where you had to be polite. Please say

    - Where was it?

    - What was the situation?

    - What did you do?

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    17. Is it good to be polite?

    - Is there any difference between being polite and friendly?

    - How do you teach children to be polite in your country?

    18. Talk about an important building in your country. Please say- Where is it located?

    - Who does visit the place?

    - Why is it important?

    19. Are young people today recognizing the importance of the national


    - Is government supporting the maintenance of these national monuments?

    20. Where do you come from?

    - What is your home like?

    - What do you do to make your home more beautiful?

    - Do you have relatives?

    - Do you think relatives are important in our lives?

    - Do you have more relatives or friends?

    - Do you think in the future you may have more relationships?

    21. Talk about a real event or a movie which you have seen recently. Please say

    - What was it about?

    - Why did you see it?- Why would you recommend it to others?

    22. Describe a river (or any other body of water) that you used to visit. Please say:

    - Where was it?

    - Who was there with you?

    - How did you feel there?

    23. Describe an event from your childhood that you remember. Please say

    - What was the event?- How old were you then?

    - Why do you still remember it

    - Do you like water sports?

    - Do you think transportation by river is a good idea?

    - What sorts of music do you like? Why?

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    23. How do you spend your weekends?

    -Describe a plan. What you want to fulfill not related to work or studies in your


    - What is the plan?- What are you already done to achieve it?

    - How do you feel after achieving it?

    - Do children in your country plan & achieve goals as per their desire.

    -Are they allowed to choose the field themselves?

    - Do you think any change of attitude in future?

    24. Describe any website that you like

    -How you came to know about it?

    - What is it?- Is it helpful for you?

    - Any other things about the website?

    25. Is relaxation is important?

    - What you will do to relax?

    - Did you use to go to parks in your childhood?

    - What is the importance of public parks?

    26. What is the importance of internet?- How internet is going to help society?

    - Is there anything else that internet brings to the society in future?

    -Do you buy anything using internet?

    27. Describe the place you come from?

    - Do you think its a pleasure to live there? Why?

    - Would you be living there in future?

    28. Talk about a teenager you know. You should say- Who he/she is?

    - How did you meet her/him?

    -What is it that you like about him/her?

    29. Do you think teenagers are different from children? How?

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    - What is the attitude of todays adults towards the older people/elderly?

    -Teenager today has lot more money, what are the problems because of it?

    30. Are you a student or working?

    - What is toughest part of your job?- Do you recommend your job to others? Why?

    31. Why weekends are important?

    - How people spend their weekends?

    - Is it ok to ask employers to employees to work on weekends?

    - Should employees be paid for working on weekends?

    32. Talk about a movie which is made on real person from history.

    - On whom these types of movies are made?- Do you think movies are the best way to know history?

    - Do movies give correct information?

    - What is important in a movie story or actor?

    - Why only few actors get to work on international cinema?

    - Do you think animation movies are good?

    - Do you think in future real movies starts will be replaced by animated stars?

    PART -II


    1.How much time do you spend in the countryside?- Do people need relaxation time at all? Why?

    - How do you relax?

    2. Describe a place where you have spent most of the time in your life. Please say- What is this place?

    - What were you doing there?

    - Why was that place important to you?

    3.Is the appearance of a building or a company important?

    - Do customers care about the appearance?

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    - Does size of an office have any impact on the performance?

    - To what extent do you agree that people should personalize their working area?


    4. Describe your idea of a perfect vacation. Please say- Where would it be?

    - Whom would you go there with?

    - What would you do there?

    - Why do you think the vacation you described would be different?

    - Do you think you will go there someday?

    5. What things people have to consider before traveling to new places?

    - What do they need to know about these places?

    - What would make the trip special, in your opinion?

    6. What would be the advantages of organized trips?

    - Is it beneficial for companies to give vacations to workers?

    - Do you think it is important to teach children to be helpful?

    - Do you remember yourself helping an adult in some ways as a child?

    7. Talk about a movie that you have seen recently. Please say

    - What movie was it?- What is the significance of that movie?

    - What is the main hero like?

    - Would you recommend such a film to anyone?

    - What an actor has to have, or has to do as an extra activity, when he works on a


    - What do you think such actors character is like, when revealed to the


    8. How often do you use the Internet? What for?

    - When did you use the Internet for the first time?

    - What are the problems with using the Internet?

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    - Do you send post cards?

    - Do you prefer to send cards or emails?

    9. Talk about a wrong decision made by somebody you know. Please say

    - What was the decision?- Why do you think it was wrong?

    - Does that person agree or disagree with you now?

    - Is it better to consult with others before you make decisions?

    - Who are the best people to consult with?

    - Is it always good to consult with your parents?

    - What is the problem with making decisions slowly?

    - Is it better to make decisions on the spot without second thought? Why?

    - What is the problem when you make emotional decisions?

    10. What do you enjoy the most in your studies?

    - Do people take more photographs these days?

    - How often do you take pictures?

    - When did you last take a picture?

    - Do you like cold climate or hot?

    - What are the seasons in your country?- Did the weather change in the recent years?

    11. Describe a product that you bought and were disappointed with. Please say

    - What was the product?

    - Where did you buy it?

    - Why was it unsatisfactory?

    12. What do you think about peoples materialistic attitude?

    - What do people look for when they buy a product?- Is environment getting affected by peoples activities?

    - What considerations are to be taken by manufacturers in order to protect the


    - What is more important, to keep the environment intact or to satisfy our

    consumerist needs?

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    13. Where are you from?

    - Where is your town located in the country?

    - What are the special features of your hometown?- Would you like to stay there in the future? Why?

    - What is the weather like in your country?

    - How many different seasons are there?

    - Do you prefer a cold or a hot season? Why?

    14. Where do you live?

    - Is it a house or an apartment?

    - What is your dream house like?

    - Are buildings in your country mostly traditional or modern?

    - What is your favorite time of the day (morning, afternoon or evening)? Why?

    15. Describe an event or a situation when you were late. Please say

    - What was the event?

    - What was the reason that you were late?

    - How did you feel about it?

    16. Talk about a situation when you helped somebody. Please say:- Who the person was,

    - Why they needed help,

    - How you helped them.

    -In your view, should children be taught to help others?

    - How can charity organizations help people?

    - What works better: big or small charity organizations?

    - Should all countries come together to resolve main issues? How?

    17. Have you ever been on a boat tour?- When you have a holiday will you spend it on a boat tour with your friends?

    - Will you own a boat in the future?

    - Why do you like boat tours?

    - How often do you go to parks?

    - Do you think in the future there will be more parks?

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    18. Talk about an interesting speech that you have attended. Please say

    - Who was the speaker?

    - Where did it take place?

    - What was his/her speech about?

    - Why did you like it?

    19. Should people talk to children at schools?

    - What kind of person should talk to the children?

    - Why is talking to children different from talking to adults?

    - Why is it difficult to talk in front of a big audience?

    20. Talk about a leader from the world of business, politics or sports. Please say

    - Why do you think he is a leader?

    - What does distinguish him from other leaders?- What does inspire you about him?

    What are the qualities of a good leader?

    - Is the leader responsible for his/her followers?

    - Is there any social responsibility that lies with a leader?

    - What should leaders do to inspire their followers?

    - What role do media and technology play in creation of leaders?


    1.- What is your full name?

    - Where do you live?

    - May I see your ID?

    - Do you do some housework at home?

    - What housework do you dislike to do at home?

    - Is it important for a child to do household chores? Why?

    - Do you live in a house or an apartment?

    - Do you like your home?

    - What kind of home would you like to have in the future?

    2.Talk about a meal that you were invited to. Please say

    - When and where it took place?

    - Who has invited you?

    - Explain why you enjoyed the meal.

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    3.- Explain the importance of having a meal together as a family.

    - What are the problems that working parents are facing with meal


    - What is the difference between a daily meal and a meal prepared for a

    special occasion?- Do you agree that there are more foods available these days as compared to

    the past?

    4. Whats your full name?

    - Where do you come from?

    - Do you work or study?

    - What are you studying?

    - What do you like to do after classes?

    - How many hours do you think is enough for you to sleep daily?

    - Do you think it is convenient to sleep for short periods of time?- Do you think elderly people need to sleep fewer hours?

    - Do you prefer to read news in the Internet or in a newspaper?

    - Do you prefer to read local news or international?

    5. Tell me about your ideal holiday/vacation. Please say

    - Where would you go?

    - Whom would you like to go with?

    - What would you do there?

    6. - Where do people from your country prefer to go on vacation, locally or


    - Do you think people should plan their vacation before they go? Why?

    - What things do they need to plan?

    - Do you think a holiday has to be expensive to be enjoyable?

    7. Where do you live?

    - You like apartment or house?

    - Do you offer go to park?

    8. - Which language you want to learn?

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    - Why it is important for you?

    - How will you learn?

    - Should children learn different language at school level?

    9. - Talk about a situation when you helped some one?

    - Who was it?

    - How did you help?

    - How did you feel about it?

    10. - Talk about the community services you are involved in and what do you


    Do you like boats?

    - Have you had a boat ride? How do you feel about it?

    - Would you like to have a vacation in a boat?

    - Do you like to own a boat?

    - do you think organization like Green Peas and UNISCO are far more helpful

    in their service then the smaller organizations.

    - Where do these organizations get their funds from?

    - Do you think people are less helpful now a days?

    - How should you educate a child with helpful behaviors.

    11. Do you like music & what kind of music you like?

    - Did you listen to music when you were a child?

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    - Significance of music in present.

    12. Your full name?

    - What does your name mean and in with name people usually address you?

    - Importance of names and has your name been duplicated within your

    extended family.

    13. Talk about the song you like the most?

    - Where and when did you hear it first?

    - What does the song mean?

    - Explain why do you like it a lot?

    - Type of music and its influence on the world and people in it ?

    - Do you visit art galleries? What do you like about it?

    - Should govt invest public money to promote?

    14. Talk about the message which you have received recently?

    - What are messages about?

    - Who has sent the message?

    - Why it was so important for you

    15. Talk about your neighbor or roommate. Please say

    - Who is he/she?

    - When did you meet?

    - Do you see each other a lot?

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    16. - Do you live in a house or an apartment?

    - Do you like it?

    - What is your favorite room there?

    - What colors do you like?

    - What do you like or dislike about your city?

    17. Describe an activity that you would like to do with a group of people.

    Please say

    - What activity is it?

    - Whom do you want to do it with?

    - Why do you want to do it?

    18. - What skills do people need to work in groups?

    - What are the benefits of group activities to children and the elderly?

    - Do you think international organizations are helpful to your country?

    19. - What is your full name?

    - Can I see your ID?

    - Where are you from?

    - Have you ever visited a museum?

    - How many times?

    - What were the benefits of these visits to you?- Did you visit museums as a student?

    - Is there any museum that you would like to visit in the future?

    - Do you think children should visit museums as a part of their studies?

    20. Talk about your neighbor or roommate. Please say

    - Who is he/she?

    - When did you meet?

    - Do you see each other a lot?

    21. - What is the difference between neighborhood and neighbors?

    - What are the characteristics of a good neighbor?

    - What is the difference between a real neighborhood and the one shown on


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    22. - What is your full name?

    - Can I see your ID?

    - Where are you from?

    - What do you do to have a healthy lifestyle?

    - What activities would you like to do for healthier lifestyle?- Can you tell me about seasons in your country?

    - What season did you like the most as a child? Why?

    23. Talk about an interesting lesson or training that you have attended. Please


    - Where did it take place?

    - What was the lesson/training?

    - Why did you like/dislike it?

    24. - Should lessons taught at school be fun? Why?

    - Describe an image of the perfect teacher, in your view.

    - What do you think about the statement It is never too late to learn?

    - Do you agree with it? Why?

    - Do you think government should support elderly people who want to study?

    25. - Can you tell me your name?

    - Do you work or study?

    - What made you choose this major?

    - What do you do to keep yourself healthy?

    - What have you learned about health in school?

    26. Talk about a vehicle that you would like to have. Please say

    - What vehicle is it?

    - Why do you like it?

    - How will you get one?

    27. - Discussion of the public transportation.- What can we do to improve it?

    28. - What is your full name?

    - Do you live in a house or an apartment?

    - Which room in your place do you like the most?

    - What makes your place pleasant?

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    - Have you ever bought clothes online?

    - Do you think people in your country are paying too much attention to


    29. Talk about a way of communication that you usually use. Please say:

    - What way is it?

    - How often do you use it?

    - What are its advantages or disadvantages?

    30. - Some people like to write a letter better than an email. Why do you think

    it is so?

    - Do you think letters will be completely replaced with emails in the future?

    31. Talk about any historical event. Please say

    - What was the event?

    - Where did it take place?

    - When did it occur?

    32. - How does the history affect us?

    - Have you ever been to a museum?

    - What did you learn from it?

    - Should museums be free for everyone?

    - What should people send to a museum in the future?

    33. Do you like to talk photographs? What is the latest photograph you have

    taken? What are the ways according to you to maintain a healthy life style?

    34. how have food habits of people changed over the year? What are good

    habits of eating that people are expected to follow now-a-days.

    - is it good to watch TV while eating?

    - is the food they have now different from the past.

    - what is the unique food habit that your community follows in your

    hometown? \

    35. In your view, should children be taught to help others? How can charity

    organizations help people? What works better: big or small charity

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    organizations? Should all countries come together to resolve main issues.




    1. - What is your full name?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What is the major challenge at your job?- Would you recommend this job to others?- Do you like to take pictures?

    - Do you think its important to take pictures? Why?- Do you have a family portrait at home?- What is so unique about it?- When was the last time you took a picture?- Do you think people exercise a lot these days?- Do you exercise regularly?- What kind of exercises do you do?

    2. Describe a major event in your country. Please say

    - Who takes part in the event- What is important about the event- Why you like/dislike this event.

    3. - Do you think people from the countryside forget their local culturewhen moving to the city? Why?- How do we encourage preserving the culture?

    4. - - Do you work or study?- What subject are you studying?

    - Do you think many people study this subject?- When do you think a mobile phone is most useful?- Do you think our environment is noisy nowadays?- What kind of noise do you like or dislike?

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    5. Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard recently.Please say

    - What is the name of the advertisement?

    - Explain what it is about.- Why did you remember this advertisement?

    6. - What type of media is mostly used for advertising?

    - Do you think children like ads?

    - Are they influenced by ads?

    - Are you aware of any regulations imposed on advertisement?

    - Do you think advertisement should be regulated since children

    are influenced by it?

    - What other methods apart from singing and dancing do

    advertisers use?

    7. - - What are you studying?- What do you like to do after classes?- How many hours do you think is enough for you to sleep daily?- Do you think it is convenient to sleep for short periods of time?- Do you think elderly people need to sleep fewer hours?- Do you prefer to read news in the Internet or in a newspaper?- Do you prefer to read local news or international?

    8. Tell me about your ideal holiday/vacation. Please say

    - Where would you go?- Whom would you like to go with?- What would you do there?

    9. - Where do people from your country prefer to go on vacation,

    locally or abroad?- Do you think people should plan their vacation before they go?Why?- What things do they need to plan?- Do you think a holiday has to be expensive to be enjoyable?

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    10. Talk about a gift that you gave to someone recently. Pleasesay

    - What was the gift and when was it given?

    - Whom did you give it to?- How did you feel about it?

    11. - Talk about the importance of gifts in your country.- What kind of gifts do you like to give?- What is the role of advertisement in gifts industry?

    12. - Describe your city.- Is it good for younger generation to live in your city? Why?

    13. Talk about foreign music that you heard. Please say

    - What type of music was it?- How has it influenced you?- Does music play an important role in our society?

    14. - What type of music do people in your country prefer?- Do you think the taste in music changes with age?- What are the advantages and disadvantages of music?

    15. - Talk about your city.- What do you like about your city?- Why do you feel this city is not safe for youngsters?- How is the climate in your city?- Do many people like this city?

    16. Talk about a wedding you have recently attended. Please say

    - Whose wedding was it?

    - What did you do there?- What was so special about this event that made you rememberit?

    17. - Should weddings be kept small and humble, or big andfancy?

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    - Why do people want to spend so much money on weddings?- What type of wedding do you think is better?- Do you think grand weddings are a waste of money?- What is your opinion on the current state of marriages?

    18. - Where are you from?- What was your hometown like in the past?- What do you think about the developments in your hometowncurrently?- What do you think about weddings in your country?- What do you think about weddings in the past?- What do you think about the weddings at present?- Who do you invite to the wedding?

    19. Talk about a famous person in your country. Please say:

    - Who is he/she?- What is he/she doing?- Why is he/she so famous?

    20.- How do you think people become famous?- What are the problems they face?- Why do they want to be famous?

    - Which people can be famous?- What do you think about the children of the famous people?- What problems do they face?

    21. - Where do you live?- Is it a house or an apartment?- What is your dream house like?- Are buildings in your country mostly traditional or modern?- When you have a holiday would you spend it on a boat tour with your

    friends?- Will you own a boat in the future?- Why do you like boat tours?

    22. Describe your favorite show/performance. Please say

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    - What is it?- Where did you see it?- Explain why you like it.

    23. - Can you name some cultural activities in your country?- Describe the role those activities play in the society.- What would happen, if traditional cultural activities would die out?- Does the government support cultural activities?- Should drama and dancing be taught at school?- Compare the attitude of boys and girls towards drama and dancing, arethere differences?

    24. Talk about someone that you know, who made a wrong decision. Pleasesay

    - Who is this person?- What was the decision?- Why did he/she make this decision?- Did you advise him/her before they made this decision?

    25. - Do you think that you always make the right decisions in your life?- How do you usually make your decisions?- Do you think it is better to consult with others before making anydecisions?

    - Do you believe that emotions play a role in making a decision?- Do you think that young people today ask their parents opinion beforemaking a decision? Why?- How do you think the government can make good decisions?- Do you think that cooperation between countries helps governments tomake the right decisions?

    26. - Do you work or study?- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Do you like it there?

    - What will your dream house look like?- How many hours a day do you write?- Do you like writing? Why?- What are the subjects/topics you were asked to write about inschool/university?

    27. Talk about your best friend. Please say

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    - Who is he/she?- How did you meet?- What did you do together?- Why did you become so close to each other?

    28. - Would you remember a person that you only met once?- Is it important to have a close friend? Why?- Why do you think some friendships last for a long time?- Is the relationship between workmates or colleagues the same asfriendship?- Is it more difficult to find a good friend or a partner for marriage?- Do you think that modern technology has helped people to formfriendships?

    29. - What type of transport do you usually use?- Do you think transportation in your country is good? Why?- How would you upgrade the transportation in your country?

    30. Describe a situation when you were late. Please say

    - When was it?- Why were you late?- How did you feel about it?

    31. - Do people in your country accept excuses for being late?Why?- What type of excuses do people in your country accept?

    32. Talk about your favorite meal and how often do you eat it.Please say

    - What is it?- Why is it your favorite?

    - With whom do you eat it?

    - Do your friends also like this meal?- How have food habits of people changed over the years?- What are good habits of eating that people are expected tofollow nowadays?- Is it good to watch TV while eating?

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    - How have food habits changed in your hometown?- Is the food they have now different from the past?- What is the unique food habit that your community follows inyour hometown?

    33. Talk about a science subject that you studied at thesecondary school. Please say

    - What was the subject?- How were the teachers?- Why did you like it?

    34. - Are science subjects popular in your country?- Should government keep track on scientists activities?

    - Wont this practice curb the freedom of scientists?- What do you think about the role of science in our life?- What should be done to prevent the negative effects of science?

    35. Describe a cafe that you like to visit a lot. Please say

    - Where is it located?- Why do you like it?- How often do you visit it?

    - Is a cafe a good place to meet people?- Compare a cafe and a restaurant, what are thedifferences?- Do you like to meet with your friends at home or outside?

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    1. There are plenty of options available for spreading news, such as

    newspapers, radio, TV, Internet and so on. According to your opinion what is

    the best media to use? Why?

    2. Should education and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the

    government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these


    3. Some say that the government should stop supporting the professional

    sports activities and the cultural performances, and instead begin supporting

    schools to encourage children to take up sports and arts. What is your


    4. Some children have problems at home and difficulties at school. Why do you

    think this happens? How can parents help them?

    5. These days many students are doing a part time job. Is it a good or a bad

    development? What is your opinion about it? Give examples from your own


    6. These days couples decide to have children later in their life. Do you agreeor disagree with this statement? How is it affecting the family life and society?

    7. There have been lots of advertisement for children to influence to buy

    different products and they insist on buying these products. Is it useful or not.

    Give your opinion.

    8. Parents prefer their children to read only the academic books not any other

    entertainment books. What are the advantage and disadvantage? Write your


    9. Influence of advertisement on children: Parents object to the pressure,

    while advertisers say that they also give some useful information in their

    spots. Discuss both sides and state your opinion.

    10.Most people prefer shopping in supermarkets to small shops or local

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    markets. Is this a positive or a negative development?

    11.Young generation should go to the University for higher education or they

    should be forced to do lower class of work like building construction and car

    mechanic. Give your opinion.

    12. Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be

    done to prevent it. To what extent you agree or disagree? Give your own



    1. Some say that people living in high-rise apartments are lonely and unhappy,

    while others say that its advantageous to stay in high-rise apartments.

    Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Give your opinion.

    2. Why do you think artists like writers, musicians and painters still have

    value in our society? Discuss.

    3. Nowadays, many people go shopping in their free time. Shopping has

    replaced many other activities that people choose as their hobby. What are the

    reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?

    4. Some people work only for a few months a year and take the rest of the time

    off to do whatever they like. To what extent do the advantages of this

    arrangement outweigh the disadvantages?

    5. Crime is a problem all over the world. Some believe that crime prevention

    will make no difference, others disagree. Discuss both views and give your


    6. Most countries develop their economies to improve living standards. Some

    people are afraid that it will cause degradation of important social values. Do

    you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

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    7.These days parents are more concerned with their childrens up-bringing

    than before. Child-care training course for parents can be the best way to

    update their parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give

    your opinion and support it with examples where possible.

    8. There are several factors that motivate people to stay in the workforce, and

    money is the most important reason/factor. To what extent do you agree or


    9. Nowadays old people live longer than in the past, it has negative and

    positive effects. What is the reason?

    10. Some people believe that teenagers should spend their free time helpingthe local community without payment. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss and

    provide real life examples from your experience.


    1. Nowadays there is no need for museums and art galleries any more.Since everything is accessible through internet, people can find any

    historic facts there. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and

    examples from your personal knowledge.2. Some say that people living in high-rise apartments are lonely andunhappy, while others say that its advantageous to stay in high-rise

    apartments. Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Give your opinion.

    3. Nowadays young people are less polite and respectful to others. Who doyou think can influence them more, family or society, to change their

    attitude? Give examples from your own experience.

    4. Some say that students should concentrate only on the subjects thatthey like. Others suggest that they should focus on all school subjects.

    Discuss both views and give your opinion.

    5. Nowadays people are forgetting national celebrations and enjoyingthemselves on other days that are important to them personally.

    Discuss and give your opinion.

    Mar 13 WRITING TASK - 2

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    1.Some people think that young learners should not have school subjectssuch as sport or physical exercises, and that these subjects should be

    replaced. What is your opinion? Add any relevant information and give

    examples from your own experience.

    2.Many universities and colleges these days offer distance learningprograms instead of face-to-face courses. Do you think the advantages

    of this new approach outweigh the disadvantages?

    3.Some people think that international travel may be less in future. Doyou think price decrease in future? What are the advantages &

    disadvantages of less international fare?

    4.Nowadays, people use computers or telephones to communicate anddont write letters any more. Some think that letter-writing skills

    would disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    How important is the letter-writing skill to you?

    5.Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greatercontribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and

    entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    6.Some say that reading newspapers and watching TV news is a waste oftime, because it has no direct connection with peoples lives. To what

    extent do you agree or disagree?

    7.Subjects at schools are selected by authorities such as the centralgovernment (not by the teachers). Some say that these subjects should

    be chosen by teachers. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

    Give reasons and examples.8.In the recent years, the number of organizations allowing their staff to

    work from home at least a few days a week is rising rapidly. What are

    the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

    9. Some people say that TV commercials are useful and others say theyarent. Give your opinion and include examples from your own


    10. Some people believe that advertisements are useful for viewers,while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


    A country is experiencing population growth and needs morehomes. Should these new homes be constructed in the existing cities or

    should new towns be built for this purpose? Explain.

    12. Nowadays young people are less polite and respectful to others.Who do you think can influence them more, family or society, to

    change their attitude? Give examples from your own experience.

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    13. Nowadays, many people go shopping in their free time. Shoppinghas replaced many other activities that people choose as their hobby.

    What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative



    In some countries students who misbehave have to leave theschool and are not allowed to continue their education. In other

    countries they can return to their studies after a suspension period.

    Discuss both options and give your opinion.


    1. Some people think that young learners should not have school subjects such

    as sport or physical exercises, and that these subjects should be replaced.

    What is your opinion? Add any relevant information and give examples from

    your own experience.

    2. Older people think the world was a better place when they were young. Do

    you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.

    3. Some believe that an easier hobby is more beneficial than a difficult hobby.


    4. Some say that people should continue to work in the same job for a lifetime;

    others say they should change the job at least once in their career. Do you

    agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and support itwith examples.

    5. In some countries people are not taking care of their elderly relatives

    instead trained professionals are used to care for the elderly. Do you see this

    as a positive or a negative development?

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    6. Some people think that no one should be allowed to work after the age of

    65. Others say that people should be allowed to work for as long as they want

    to. Do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

    7. In some countries students who misbehave have to leave the school and are

    not allowed to continue their education. In other countries they can return to

    their studies after a suspension period. Discuss both options and give your


    8. These days many countries are facing different problems, so it is better that

    each country concentrates on solving its own problems, instead of

    cooperating with other countries. Do you agree or disagree with this


    9. Some parents feel that students should focus on all subjects equally. Othersbelieve that students should concentrate more on the subjects they are

    interested in. Do you agree or disagree?

    10. More people use their own cars rather than public transport, so it is up to

    the government to encourage people to use buses and trains instead. Do you

    agree or disagree with the statement?

    11. Nowadays people are forgetting national celebrations and enjoying

    themselves in activities that are important to them personally. Discuss andgive your opinion.

    12. Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties,

    birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others,

    however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society.

    Discuss both views and give you opinion.

    13. Some people think that a person should change a career at least once,

    while others think that it is better to stay in one job for a lifetime. Do youagree or disagree?

    14. People are living longer now than ever before. At the same time the young

    population is declining while the number of old people is rising. Will this

    development be a benefit for the society? What are the advantages and

    disadvantages of having more old people in the country?

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    15. Parents who work in jobs that require a lot of traveling have no time for

    their family. How does this affect the family and the parents? Discuss and give

    your opinion.

    16. Some people believe that advertisements are useful for viewers, whileothers disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    17. People in developed countries have the tendency to buy more and more

    things (whether they need them or not). Is it a positive or a negative


    18. A country is experiencing population growth and needs more homes.

    Should these new homes be constructed in the existing cities or should new

    towns be built for this purpose? Explain.

    19. Some people think that it is better for a child to grow up in the countryside

    than in the city, others disagree. Discuss both views, and give your own


    20. Some say that people living in high-rise apartments are lonely and

    unhappy, while others say that its advantageous to stay in high-rise

    apartments. Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Give your opinion.

    21. Some say that if anyone would be given a choice between not working

    and working most of the time, they would choose not to work. Do you agree

    or disagree?

    22. These days many countries are facing different problems, so it is better

    that each country concentrates on solving its own problems, instead of

    cooperating with other countries. Do you agree or disagree with this


    23. Computer games for children are supported by some families because oftheir advantages, while other parents are against them. Discuss both views

    and give your own opinion.

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    1.You have seen a job advertisement in some newspaper. Write a letter to

    your friend asking him to consider this job. Please say

    - Where have you seen the ad?

    - What is the job description?

    - Why do you think, he is a suitable candidate for it?

    2. You want to take training courses for your job. Write a letter to ask your

    employer to help you pay the tuition fee. In your letter- say what courses you want to take,

    - why you think these courses are beneficial, and

    - explain how they will contribute to your performance.

    3. Write a letter to a friend who has visited you a few days ago and has left his

    mobile at your place. Please mention

    - The visit he paid you and how you felt about it.

    - How you found his/her cell phone at your place.

    - Suggest ways of sending it back to him/her.

    4. You have bought airline ticket, but for some reason you will not be able to

    travel on the day scheduled.

    Write a letter to the airline company:

    - Providing the details of you flight,

    - Explain the situation, reasons why you cannot travel, Saying what you expect the

    airline company do to.

    5. You have recently left something in a train; write a letter to the manager of

    the Lost and Found department and Specify: When you lost it,

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    -Describe the object you have left,

    -Tell the manager what you want them to do with it.

    6. You have planned to study in Australia. You have sent a letter to a college,

    but you have not received a reply from the college.

    Write a letter to the college principal. In your letter you should

    -give details of the course that you wished to do,

    -say why do you choose to study at the college,

    -say why do you need the reply soon.

    7. Your telephone company made a mistake about sending your bill to a wrong

    address. Write a letter to the account manager to complain and what

    problems were caused by this and what you would like them to do.

    8.Your neighbor keeping animals in the garden. You face difficulties. Write a

    letter to your neighbor. In your letter

    -Introduced yourself

    -Explain about the difficulties you face

    -Give necessary suggestions

    10.Write a letter to a sports club, tell them that you are not satisfied with the

    service and have already let them know about it. In your letter state:

    -What exactly is wrong with the service,

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    - What happened after your complained the first time,

    - What you want the club to do after your letter.


    1. You borrowed a tour guide book from your friend which was very useful.

    Write a letter and say

    - Why was it helpful for you?

    - When will you return this book?

    - Thank him/her for this guide book.

    2.Youve recently found an object and you think that it might be of some

    historical value. Write a letter to the director of the museum asking for some

    information on the object.

    - Give a description of that object.

    - Tell them where you found it.

    - Ask for information you are seeking.

    3. Someone in your company is organizing a trip abroad for language learning

    training. Write a letter to him/her and say why he/she should choose you for

    this trip, as there is limited number of places available.- Describe who you are.

    - Why do you think this trip is good for you?

    - How can it help the company?

    4. Your local newspaper published an advertisement asking people to help

    with protecting the environment. Write a letter to offer your help to the

    project manager and say

    - Why are you interested?

    - What can you help with?- When can you start?

    5.You have been invited by your colleague to his farewell party. You are not

    able to attend the party, write a letter to the friend.

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    6.Write a letter to one of your closed friend that you have attended a picnic

    party recently, and there you have faced some problem and they help you very


    7. Train service in your area is reduced. Write a letter to the train company;including the following:

    - Explain how it affects you.

    - Describe your situation.

    - Tell the train company what you would like them to do.

    8. You have planned to study in Australia. You have sent a letter to a college, but

    you have not received a reply from the college.

    Write a letter to the college principal. In your letter you should

    - give details of the course that you wished to do,- say why do you choose to study at the college,- say why do you need the reply soon.

    9. Write a letter to a sports club, tell them that you are not satisfied with theservice and have already let them know about it. In your letter state:

    - What exactly is wrong with the service,

    - What happened after your complained the first time,

    - What you want the club to do after your letter.

    10. You would like to work for a company abroad. Write a letter to an

    employment agency, saying:- what kind of company you want to work for,

    - why you want to work there and why,

    - why you want to work abroad.


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    1.You have applied for a position in an international organization and youneed to provide a reference letter. Write a letter to your former teacherasking him/her to write it for you.- Give your full details.- Describe the job that you are going to do there.- Say why it is important to you.

    2. You borrowed a tour guide book from your friend which wasvery useful. Write a letter and say- Why was it helpful for you?- When will you return this book?- Thank him/her for this guide book.

    3. You are working in a very busy office. A particular piece ofoffice equipment is not working properly. Write a letter to themanager and say- What is happening with the equipment?- How does this affects your work?- What do you suggest to be done?4. You have attended a course in college. The teacher was veryhelpful. However you are not satisfied with the college facilities.Please write a letter to explain about the problems you havefaced and provide suggestions.5. Write a letter to the bus company, to express the appreciationof the good service that you received from them recently.

    6. Write a letter to the event organizer to let them know you arenot happy with the hotel that was booked for your meeting.Please say

    - What meeting was it?- Why didnt you like the hotel?

    - Suggest what the organizer should have done differently.

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    MAR 131. You friend has an idea for a start up business. Write a letter to him/her tosay that you are interested to become a partner. Include in your letter:

    - What do you think about the idea?- Why do you want to be part of this business?- Give some suggestions.

    1. Your friend had a baby and you got special gift for her.-Describe the gift which you bought?- Say the reason why did you choose.

    -Ask her to make an arrangement for your visit.

    3. Youve recently found an object and you think that it mightbe of some historical value.

    Write a letter to the director of the museum asking for some

    information on the object.

    - Give a description of that object.- Tell them where you found it.- Ask for information you are seeking.

    4. You have recently bought a personal computer in a shop nearyou and it was faulty. You have visited them and asked to repairit, but they did nothing. Write a letter to their office and say

    - what was the problem with the computer,- what service you got from the shop,- what you suggest they do.

    5. Your computer has been repaired recently, but you are nothappy with the service. Write a complaint letter and say

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    - What is the problem?- How do you feel about it?- What is your suggestion for this issue?

    6. As part of your study you have worked for a short period oftime in a company. Write a letter to the manager of thiscompany. In your letter:

    - Thank him/her for the opportunity- Explain how the experience gained there has helped you- Share your plans for the future.

    7. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a musicconcert. Please say

    - where and when the concert is going to be,- what type of music will be played there, and- why your friend will enjoy it.

    8. You have applied for a position in an international organizationand you need to provide a reference letter. Write a letter to your

    former teacher asking him/her to write it for you.

    - Give your full details.- Describe the job that you are going to do there.- Say why it is important to you.

    9. You borrowed a tour guide book from your friend which wasvery useful. Write a letter and say

    - Why was it helpful for you?

    - When will you return this book?- Thank him/her for this guide book.

    10. Someone in your company is organizing a trip abroad forlanguage learning training. Write a letter to him/her and say why

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    he/she should choose you for this trip, as there is limited numberof places available.

    - Describe who you are.

    - Why do you think this trip is good for you?- How can it help the company?

    11. Write a letter to the Airport Manager, about a flight that youmissed for your business trip because of a problem that occurredat the airport. Please explain in your letter:

    - What was the problem?- What happened as a result of the missed flight?- What would you like him/her to do about it?


    1. You friend has an idea for a start up business. Write a letter tohim/her to say that you are interested to become a partner.

    Include in your letter:

    - What do you think about the idea?- Why do you want to be part of this business?- Give some suggestions.

    2. Write a letter to the cinema manager to inform him/her thatyou have lost your bag in the cinema. In your letter

    - Tell exactly what happened and when.

    - Where do you think you left the bag.

    - Ask the manager to help find the bag.

    3. Write a letter to the bus company, to express the appreciationof the good service that you received from them recently.

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    4. Write a letter to a friend about an item you borrowed lastweek, that accidentally got damaged. In your letter

    - Describe the item.

    - What was the damage?- What do you intend to do to rectify the problem?

    5. You are working in a very busy office. A particular piece ofoffice equipment is not working properly. Write a letter to themanager and say

    - What is happening with the equipment?- How does this affects your work?- What do you suggest to be done?

    6. Write a complaint letter about a taxi service that you haveused recently. Please say

    - When did you use the service?- What was wrong with the service provided?- What actions for improvement do you suggest?

    7. Write a letter to the Airport Manager, about a flight that you

    missed for your business trip because of a problem that occurredat the airport. Please explain in your letter:

    - What was the problem?- What happened as a result of the missed flight?- What would you like him/her to do about it?

    8. Write a letter to a friend who went away for holidays and youstayed at his/her house. In your letter explain

    - What did you enjoy there?- What was the problem with the kitchen equipment?- What did you do to fix it?

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    9. You have stayed in a hotel a couple of days for a businessmeeting and left a few personal belongings there. Write a letterto the manager of the hotel asking for help.

    - Explain when you stayed in the hotel.- What did you leave there?- What would you like the manager to do about it?

    10. Write a letter to the event organizer to let them know you arenot happy with the hotel that was booked for your meeting.Please say

    - What meeting was it?- Why didnt you like the hotel?

    - Suggest what the organizer should have done differently.

    11. You have attended a course in college. The teacher was veryhelpful, however you are not satisfied with the college facilities.Write a letter to explain about the problems you have faced andprovide suggestions for improvement.

    12. Write a letter to your friend from whom you borrowedsomething that accidentally broke. Please say

    - Remind him/her, what have you borrowed- Explain what happened- What you will do about it

    13. You have lost something at the airport and a staff memberhelped you to find your belonging. Write a letter to the airportauthority and tell them about that person, including:

    - What did you lose?- How did that person help you?- Suggest the way of appreciation for that person.

    14. There is a historical building in your town and the city councilwants to pull it down, because there is no money for repairs. You

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    are not happy with this decision. Write a letter to the city counciland say

    - Why is the building important?

    - Suggest a solution to finance the repairs.

    15. Your computer has been repaired recently, but you are nothappy with the service. Write a complaint letter and say

    - What is the problem?- How do you feel about it?- What is your suggestion for this issue?

    16. You are unable to complete your course you have

    discontinued it. Write a letter to your teacher to thank him andexplain.

    - Why have you discontinued it?- What are your reasons for thanking him/her?

    17. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a musicconcert. Please say

    - where and when the concert is going to be,- what type of music will be played there, and- why your friend will enjoy it.

    18. You have just returned from a working trip overseas. Writeyour colleagues a letter thanking them for your experience.Please say:

    - How do you feel about being home?- Thank them for their time.

    - Invite them to come and visit you.

    19. Youve recently found an object and you think that it might beof some historical value. Write a letter to the director of themuseum asking for some information on the object.

  • 7/29/2019 Questions Jan 13 - Mar 13.docx


    - Give a description of that object.- Tell them where you found it.- Ask for information you are seeking.

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