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Page 1: Questions on trailer

At what point in the trailer are we told the name of the film?In this trailer we're told the name of the film at the end, its the second to last shot. The directors have done this as it helps build up suspense and mystery throughout the trailer. Also it ensures the viewer has the name of the film stuck in their head at the end, its one of the key things they’ll remember after watching the trailer!

This is a screen grab of the shot which reveals the name of the film. The shot is simple; there is a plain white background, with just one word spelling ‘Orphan’ in a gothic like text. Here we can see a brilliant example of definition to ‘less is more’, the simplicity maximises the feelings the viewers experience when they read the name, and also helps stamp it into there memory.

Page 2: Questions on trailer

Why are we told who’s staring in the film? How is this information given to us?In trailers we are often told the names of the stars featuring in the film - this is because the stars help sell the film! Film producers often pay millions to cast some of the biggest names in Hollywood, with these stars they are almost guaranteed an audience. Within the Horror genre things work differently, most people go to see the films because of the storyline and not because of who’s featuring in it, because of this most of the casts in horror films are unknown actors/actresses. Due to this most Horror film trailers don’t advertise the names of the main cast members – as with the Orphan trailer.

In the Orphan trailer the stars of the film are introduced to us through images. Throughout the trailer we are constantly introduced to all the characters in the film, this helps the viewer build up a sense of familiarity with them, this is important if they are unknown actresses/actors.

Page 3: Questions on trailer

What type of action from the film do we see?In the Orphan trailer their is lots of mild action shots, the images below are screen grabs of some of these!

Page 4: Questions on trailer

Which is more effective in making you want to see the film, the poster or the film trailer? Why is this?

Page 5: Questions on trailer

Where would you expect to see this trailer?

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