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ContentsCalendarFrom the PrincipalPrimary SchoolSecondary School

30 May 2018 | ISSUE 9

T: 07 5477 3444 | E: immanuel.qld.edu.au | www.immanuel.qld.edu.au


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3 From the Principal

5 Chaplaincy Chat

5 College Counsellor

6 Primary School

8 Secondary School

10 Reader's Cup

10 College Calendar

11 Secondary School Sport

12 Voices on the Coast

13 Instrumental Music

14 Commercial Operations

A celebration bringing together community, arts

and entertainment.

Nestled in the natural school surrounds, Fruehlingsfest is a twilight fair like no other.

All enquiries are welcome email: [email protected]

• Over 40 market stalls including food from around the world

• Roving artists will delight the crowd all evening

• Live entertainment showcasing local talent

• Children’s and Main Stage entertainment

• Loads of rides for all ages




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From the PrincipalDear Parents

A warm welcome to Week Seven. I trust you are enjoying this stunning autumn weather as much as I am; particularly the cold mornings!

Immanuel Arts Festival

What a tremendous job our tireless and enthusiastic Convenor, Melissa Evans, and her volunteer army did to make the 38th Immanuel Arts Festival an event to remember! With income and expenditure to be reconciled in coming weeks, I am not yet certain how it rates as a fundraiser, although as a ‘friendraiser’ and a significant festival in the cultural calendar of the Sunshine Coast, it certainly made its presence felt. With many quality artworks displayed, and excellent patronage across the three days of the Festival, it again cemented its place as an exhibition of note for the talented artists across a wide range of media who entered and sold their artworks this year.

Highlights from my perspective were the significant quality of student entries, multiple artists in residence and the fashion parade of entries in the Wearable Art category.

My thanks and appreciation to our wonderful musicians, Hospitality students (including the mentoring work of P&F Chair, Sheldon Busch), Interact members and their families, as well as all their teachers and tutors. Moreover, my thanks to the many volunteers who transformed the Stadium into a temporary art gallery and were such generous and helpful hosts for our visitors. In particular, may I express my gratitude to the extremely dedicated Immanuel Arts Festival Committee members and ILC Staff – Miriam Armstrong, Andre Ghouse, Faith Hambrecht, Mark Hambrecht, Graeme Hattrick, Carlie Johnston, Fiona Kirkwood, Sam Moor, Denise Mulholland, Fiona Christie, Libby Collins, Gregg Elliot, Lauren Nielsen, Jim Price and Jenny Veigel – so capably led by our passionate Convenor Melissa Evans. Staff members in our maintenance and cleaning teams went above and beyond, as well as numerous students and parents (current and past) who volunteered their time throughout the Festival in myriad roles. Collectively they surely epitomise the old adage, “Many hands make light work”. It was particularly gratifying to hear committee members already reflecting on fresh initiatives for the 2019 Festival.

Thank you to all who attended the 2018 Festival – your support of the P&F and our College is greatly appreciated. In closing, I especially wish to acknowledge our Platinum and Gold Sponsors:

92.7 Mix FMMedicine on Second My Weekly Preview

The Ink Spot PrintersTo Hold & To Have Jewellers

Sunshine Cove MaroochydoreWeareco, Smart Clothing Company

Welcome our visitors from North SumatraNorth Sumatra Visitors: Ms Triodor Damanik, Ms Donna Saragih, Ms Tianna Sidabutar and Ms Anne Situmorang have had a busy ten days at the College, including a trip to Mt Binga to visit our Year 5 students while they were on camp.

We have all grown from the time Triodor, Donna, Tianne and Anne have spent with us, and our partnerships with SMP/SMA HKBP School in Parapat and the Community Rehabilitation Centre in Raya continue to promote an understanding of diversity; engaging with others who have social, economic and cultural differences.

We will be sad to say farewell tomorrow at Secondary School Assembly.

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Colin MinkePrincipal

Next year in November (2019), the College will return to Indonesia for a two-week mission trip. This will include a return to SMP/SMA HKBP School in Parapat and the Community Rehabilitation Centre in Raya. As in 2017, the goals for this service learning trip include:

• to promote understanding of diversity and mutual respect among all participants by identifying with and embracing people who have social, economic and cultural difference

• to foster a partnership that is collaborative, mutually beneficial, and addresses community needs

• to worship together as brothers and sisters in Christ• to provide another avenue by which the (Indonesian) students

can learn to speak and write English • to establish remote access networks between students/teachers

for Immanuel Lutheran College students to understand that all communities contribute to the economic wellbeing of their community

• for the Immanuel Lutheran College community to provide support with educational materials and pedagogical instruction

• to teach sporting skills (such as football, cricket, netball) which will also help establish relationships

• for the students/staff to teach us local customs, sports, language, cuisine

• for students to gain insights into marginalised groups in communities and how they can grow through the experience

Any Secondary School students interested in joining the mission group should collect an application form from the Secondary School Office and return it by the end of this term.

Rev. Jasin from Community Rehabilitation Centre in Raya recently sent some photos of what they were able to achieve in the Centre utilising the funds that were donated when we visited last year. I am happy to share some of them with you:

Immanuel Music and Dance Tour – Melbourne

College staff and music tutors Miss Genevieve Birch, Mr Cade Bonar, Mrs Emily Bonar, Mr Hunter Brown, Mrs Emily Newton, Mr Nelson Oakley, Miss Amy Sluggett and Mr Stefan Volejnik will escort 49 students from Years 7 to 12 on the 2018 Music and Dance Tour to Melbourne which will depart on Friday 22 June. Highlights include a workshop with Andrew Housten and his Community Band, a backstage tour of the Arts Centre in Melbourne, a performance at Federation Square and the musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’. We are grateful to Immanuel’s Friends of Music for their tireless support behind the scenes for this tour, and to the P&F for the financial support they generously pledged at their recent meeting – thank you.

Every blessing for the fortnight ahead.

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Chaplaincy Chat College Counsellor

Tarnya Mitchell – College Counsellor T: 5477 3430 E: [email protected]

Gayla Mathews – Chaplain

Komunikasi Tim (Communication Team)The Worship Centre was a hive of activity this week while a group of Year 9 volunteers worked to create a set of Communication Books for our North Sumatran guest to take home.

Darren Trentepohl and Kylie Grimsley, together with Ibu Pandita Donna and Ibu Triodor, meticulously created a set of 40 pages of key Indonesian words for children with disabilities to access so that they no longer needed to be frustrated through communication barriers. (It took them 3 days!)

As Kylie aptly stated, “Just because they cannot speak, doesn’t mean they haven’t got something to say.”

It was an afternoon well spent for the Year 9s; a living example of, “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19.

Have you ever had that frustrating experience of knowing that you are right about something and having someone blatantly tell you that you are wrong, even when the facts are staring you both in the face? Some people will even dispute that the sky is blue.

In fact, there is a tribe called the Himba for whom the sky is never blue. The Himba have no word for blue. They have no stories pertaining to the colour of the sky and its shade has never been given a name. Almost unbelievably, as a result, for the Himba the sky does not have a colour at all. The Himba, who rely on the bush for their survival, can pick variances in shades of green which are imperceptible to our western eyes. They cannot, however, pick a blue square from the midst of a group of green squares, something which is immediately obvious to us.

The sense that neuroscientists make of this is that in some ways which we don’t yet fully understand, language literally shapes the way we see the world. It may be that without a word to describe something our brain does not see it, or that we see things the same way but without a word for it we fail to notice it.

What can we take from this remarkable situation? Firstly, the stories we tell ourselves and our children shape our lives. The words we use matter. They may change our brains and our lives in ways we are unaware of. Secondly, facts are not always black and white. They may be blue, or shades of green. The automated voice says *Yanni even though you hear Laurel loud and clear. ‘The dress’ is gold and white even if you see something else entirely. These are encouragers for us to let curiosity trump frustration, to ask rather than tell, and to be open to the extra wisdom we gain by seeing the colours of the world through the eyes of others.

* to find out whether you are a Yanni or Laurel person google “Yanni or Laurel”.

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Primary SchoolThe term continues to pass at a frenetic pace with carnivals, the SCISSA Trial Day against Suncoast Christian College, bake sales and ICAS competitions all packed into a busy fortnight.

It is around this time of term that children begin to experience fatigue more quickly and potentially exhibit behaviours that are out of character. It

is amazing what a good night’s rest and nutritious breakfast do to recharge those batteries each day. An extra piece of fruit can also boost energy and immunity as we move into a changing season.

Years 3 and 5 students recently participated in the NAPLAN assessment program. All students undertook the assessment with diligence and enthusiasm. A sense of calmness permeated the testing period which is a credit to teachers, parents and students as everyone worked together to achieve the very best results possible. Families of students in these year levels will receive a NAPLAN report in Semester Two. The report provides an individual summary of each child’s achievement and a comparison of their results to the Australian average in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy. It is worth remembering that NAPLAN results are only a small part of a child’s overall assessment throughout the year and often reaffirm the wonderful results being achieved in a child’s learning journey.

We wish Primary School Teacher Aide Mrs Christine Bowden well for her long service leave commencing today. Christine will be replaced by Mrs Fiona Nielsen until the end of this term.

The Many Faces of IndependenceAdults are the gatekeepers for children’s independence. And of course, independence takes many guises including:

1. Self-help skills

The starting point for independence building is giving kids the skills, know-how and confidence to look after their own wellbeing and welfare. This is shown in the many everyday situations where parents model, teach and provide opportunities for children to look after themselves. Including toddlers undressing themselves, primary aged children preparing their own snacks, and teenagers organising their own transport to school and after school activities. Kids develop real confidence from being able to look after themselves and others.

2. Autonomy to make choices and mistakes

Without realising it, as parents we frequently make choices on our children’s behalf. We choose the food they eat; the games they play; their leisure activities and often the clothes they wear. When families are large (four or more children) parents usually give their children more space to make their own decisions as well as opportunities to learn from their poor choices. This

may mean that children choose healthy interests and pursuits that parents are unfamiliar with, or even swim against the tide of their parents’ wishes. In small families parents often know so much about minutiae of children’s lives that inevitably we tend to impose greater well-intentioned control over children’s decisions.

3. Taking responsibility for your own problems and actions

There’s no doubt many kids are adept at shifting their problems and responsibilities to adults. One of my children would always blame me when they were late for school. Even though the child in question had an alarm clock and was more than capable of using it, any lack of punctuality was somehow shifted to me. Go figure! Independence comes when children take ownership of their responsibilities rather than using someone else as a scapegoat.

In order to grant children and young people the type of independence outlined, parents need to be brave rather than fearful; work hard to develop the skills and know-how kids’ independence requires; and be willing to give kids the encouragement and support they need to step out of their comfort zones when independence seems to hard.

By Michael Grose

Casual Clothes Day

The Primary School is holding a Casual Clothes Day on Friday 8 June to help raise money for our sister school in North Sumatra. Participating students are asked to bring a gold coin donation on the day and are expected to wear school appropriate casual clothes, including acceptable length shorts, skirts, closed in shoes and no midriff tops. Casual clothes will also need to meet the Immanuel Lutheran College Sun Safety Policy including covered shoulders, broad-brimmed hats and enclosed shoes.


The next SCISSA Gala Day is being held on Thursday 14 June. Families of students in Years 4 to 6 will receive communication regarding venues in coming days. We look forward to an exciting day of competition between independent Primary Schools across the Sunshine Coast. Should you require further information, please contact Primary School HPE Co-ordinator Michael Johnson E: [email protected] or the Primary School Office on T: 5477 3402.

School Photos

A reminder that this Friday 1 June is class photo day. Students are to wear the correct uniform, including hair accessories. Sibling photos are taken from 7.45am to 8.30am in the Primary School Hall. Sibling photo envelopes may be obtained from the Primary School Administration.

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Scott Moore – Head of Primary School

Professional Learning

Primary School teachers were privileged last week to participate in two exciting professional learning opportunities. Teachers were involved in in-class coaching and lesson observations centred around co-operative learning pedagogy over three days and then on Wednesday, participated in a moderation program with Primary School teachers from across the Sunshine Coast in the area of Science assessment. Staff here at Immanuel are true life-long learners.

Vacation Care/Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

OSHC accepts families from ILC and any school on the Sunshine Coast for vacation care. Our maximum licensed capacity is 60 children at OSHC and 45 on excursion days and as a result we can sometimes fill up quickly and have to waitlist families. We place families on the roll in order of the date the booking form was returned – we adopt a first-in-best-dressed approach so please get in quick to avoid disappointment. With the school term ending on 22 June, should you require vacation care during this time, please contact Tamara on T: 5477 3418. Please note the service is closed on Sunshine Coast Show Day – Friday 15 June – and no care is available.


The Primary School Assembly schedule for Term Two is listed below. These are held in the Primary School Hall at 2.20pm on Monday. We always start and conclude each term with a whole of Primary School assembly to ensure our students remain connected P to 6. This is supported by our Better Buddies program.

Week 8 – Years 3-6Week 9 – Years P-2

Independent District Cross Country Carnival

Immanuel took a strong team of runners to the Independent District Cross Country Carnival. All runners showed perseverance to complete the course and deserve our accolades. Camaraderie between our team was strong and it was great to see students cheering each other on to the finish.

Year 5 students are anxiously waiting to hear their final places from recorded times taken two days earlier due to their camp.

Congratulations to the following Immanuel runners who finished in the top 10 for this year’s Independent District Cross Country race.

• 9 Years Girls: Ruby Williams (4L) finished 1st

• 9 Years Boys: Luke Rychvalsky (4L) finished 2nd; Stanley Jarrott (4C) finished 10th

• 10 Years Boys: Lachlan Starling (5L) finished 4th

Michael Johnson and Greg Forrest

Thank you for the continued support of your child’s learning journey at Immanuel.

• 11 Years Boys: Xander Liddy (5I) finished 1st; Max Mechen (5L) finished 2nd; Lawson Buckley (5I) finished 6th

• 12 Years Girls: Bonnie Jarrott (6L) finished 4th

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Secondary SchoolTerm Two continues to be an event-filled term. Students have engaged in a number of co-curricular activities, including District Cross Country where there were some very commendable achievements. Years 7 and 8 students attended a performance by Verbal Combat which is a theatrical company that delivers a message about school life and choices in the hope of building healthy and respectful

relationships whilst Year 9 students attended an on-campus retreat to support their Rite Journey program.

We also had a guest from Kagan Co-operative Learning conduct professional learning workshops with teachers, in addition to in-class one-on-one coaching sessions that focussed on strategies to foster student collaboration.

The other highlight has been the visit from our colleagues from North Sumatra. Their time in the Secondary School focused on sharing our teaching strategies and preparing students for exams. Of course, we also shared our experiences and learnt from each other. The time together has been enriching for students, staff and our guests. It reminds us of the importance Jesus placed on hospitality and making our guests feel welcome. “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.” (Matthew 25:35).


We are now mid-term and students are reminded that they are to continue to meet the Dress and Appearance Guidelines that can be found in the College diary. These guidelines are aimed at building personal responsibility and acknowledge the role students play as ambassadors for the College when wearing the uniform. Your support as parents in meeting these standards is appreciated.

Early Departures

There are times when our students need to sign out to leave campus. It is imperative that parental contact has been made with the respective Year Level Co-ordinator to seek permission before students are permitted to sign out. This ensures we meet our duty of care requirements and that students are attending all College activities.

Pick-up Zone

As you are aware, the pick-up times after school can be busy. To keep this process as efficient as possible, parents are asked to drive to the end of the pick-up zone to allow as many cars as possible to access the pick-up point. It will also ensure drivers do not stop in the bus zones as this hampers public transport efforts and creates unnecessary risk for students. Students were briefed of the protocols at Week Five assembly.

2018 Immanuel Arts Festival

I extend a special thank you to all students, parents and staff who participated in the 2018 Immanuel Arts Festival. I am referring to those who submitted amazing artwork, those involved in performances or assisted as caterers and/or service staff, and those who helped with the set-up and dismantling of the gallery. To witness such a high level of community spirit was very warming and you all did a wonderful job. Well done!

Years 11 and 12 Exam Block (11-20 June)

Years 11 and 12 students will receive their Semester One examination timetable by the end of this week. Please note that study-at-home privileges will be granted on the basis that all school work/assignment requirements have been met prior to this time. I ask that you keep these students in your thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks as they prepare for their exams.

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Sunshine Coast Show Holiday (15 June)

The College will be closed on Friday 15 June due to the Sunshine Coast Show holiday. Students will not be required at school on this day.

Term Two Reports

Families are advised that the Term Two Report will be made available via SEQTA Engage during the first week of the holidays. This will provide an overview of current studies, outline progress in learning behaviours and include grades for every subject. I encourage all parents to carefully study this report with their child/ren and to discuss realistic goals for Semester Two.

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (24 July)

As a follow on from the Term Two report, our second round of Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will take place in the Assembly Area from 3.30pm to 7.00pm on Tuesday 24 July. The booking sheet will be accessible online at www.schoolinterviews.com.au from Friday 6 July using the booking code: 6upxj. Parents are also asked to only reserve one interview per teacher per student. This includes teachers who may take your child for two or more subjects. Further information will be communicated closer to the time.

Interhouse Athletics Carnival (17 July)

The Secondary School Interhouse Athletics Carnival will take place next term on Tuesday 17 July (Week One). Throughout the final weeks of their Recreational Sport program this term, all students will complete a series of field events to secure valuable house points for their team and to determine eligibility for regional representation. We wish our four houses all the very best in their quest to secure the Cup!

Year 12 Pre-school Photos

All students in Year 12 are reminded to forward a photo of themselves from when they were around the age of five to Miss Karageorge prior to the holidays. The photo needs to be clear and not too distant. A Preschool or Year 1 portrait photo for example would be ideal. Many thanks are extended to those who have already attended to this.


Observing growth is always rewarding. Witnessing this among students is a key motivation for the majority of teachers. This is also true of professional practice and it was fantastic to see teachers working together and engage in coaching sessions to build professional practice. Last week, staff participated in two professional workshops and a one-on-one coaching session to embed co-operative learning into their respective classes. The session were fun and valued by our teachers.

Nick Cheyne – Head of Secondary School

www.immanuelcareers.com.au is a dedicated careers website for both parents and students. It provides information on career planning, post school options and job opportunities. Information on the website will be continually updated so please check the website regularly.

Careers Website

Aoyama Exchange (16-26 August)

For over a decade now we have enjoyed an ongoing relationship with our sister school Aoyama Gakuin, and have been fortunate to have their students and teachers visit the College on an annual basis. It goes without saying however that the success of this program has been largely dependent on our families who have offered their homes to these students for the duration of their stay. To facilitate the 2018 tour, we are still in need of sixteen families to help care for four boys and twelve girls. As a host family, you would need to be able to provide a bed for your student, meals as required, transportation to and from the College, and inclusion in your weekend/family activities. During the school day, the students will accompany their host siblings to some classes, attend English lessons and also participate in sightseeing activities off campus. Families who have hosted students in past years have found the experience very worthwhile - many in fact are still in contact with each other. Should you wish to register as a host family, or would like more information on the program, please contact Miss Fiona Karageorge in the Secondary School Office on T: 5477 3461 or at E: [email protected].

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On Wednesday 23 May, Immanuel Lutheran College hosted the Year 6 Sunshine Coast Region Interschool Readers’ Cup Competi-tion.

Twenty nine schools participated in this wonderful event which saw students reading five books and being quizzed on the details within each book. Thirty four teams participated in heats and four teams competed in the final, with Buddina State School being the victor by one point after a tiebreaker.

Our school team consisted of Mackenzie Burns, Monisha Contrac-tor, William Douglas, Sam Woodward and Sarah Young who are to be congratulated on their performance.

Well done everybody and thank you to the Sunshine Coast network of teachers and librarians who co-ordinate a series of competitions for different age groups to determine which team will represent the Sunshine Coast region.

Adie Read – Teacher Librarian / DE Co-ordinator

Readers' Cup College Calendar


Thursday 31 Clarinet Recital KLT at 6.00pm. June

Friday 1PS Photo Day 1

Tuesday 5 Guitar Recital, Drama Theatre 6.00pm Wednesday 6 Violin and Viola Recital, Lecture Theatre 5.30pm. Monday 11 – Wednesday 20Years 11 and 12 Assessment Week

Wednesday 13 & Wednesday 20Years 4-6 netball playersTrial Days, Samsung Primary Schools Cup, Green Courts, 3.20pm-4.45pm

Thursday 14SCISSA Gala Day 2

Friday 22• Year 9 Retreat, Worship Centre• P - 12 Worship, A. J. Jericho Stadium, 2.00pm• P - 12 End of Term

Friday 22 – Thursday 28Immanuel Music and Dance Tour, Melbourne

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Secondary School Sport

Craig Harris – Head of Sport Years 8-12 T: 5477 3444 E: [email protected]

Independent District Cross Country CarnivalThe Independent District Cross Country Carnival was held on 23 May at Elizabeth Daniels Park. Immanuel sent a team of 45 runners to compete in the 3, 4 and 6km courses. The team was rewarded with fifth place in the independent district. Jacob Bristow and Ben Tacey finished first in their respective age groups; Matilda Jarrott, Will Lapsley and Kiara Rychvalsky all finished in the top six and qualified for the regional team; and Luke Bindon, Shelbee Clarke, Claudio Roque Cruz, Nathan Ebb, Elysia Klingsch, Jessica Ling, Harrison McHugh, Hilary Reisenleiter, Yolanda Verhoef and Nerida Wilkinson all finished with top 20 placings – a creditable effort with over 60 runners in each age group. The team is to be congratulated for their effort on the day and commended for their commitment to training.

We wish the students well in the Regional Cross Country Trials to be staged at the Maroochydore Cricket Club Grounds next Tuesday 5 June.

The Samsung Primary Schools Cup

The Samsung Primary Schools Cup is a Netball Queensland initiative open to all primary schools in Queensland for students in Years 4 to 6. The two-day event provides an opportunity for girls and boys to come together and experience competitive netball in a fun and safe environment, with an overall state champion crowned at the end of the tournament. Trials for the Immanuel team will be held on Wednesday 6 and 20 June from 3.20pm to approximately 4.45pm at the Green Courts.

Training from 3.20pm to approximately 4.45pm will commence first Wednesday back from holidays, 18 July and continue each Wednesday. The competition will be held the weekend of the 15 and 16 of September at Bundaberg.

Monday Night Netball

ILC1 20: 24. This game was very closely contested. Taylor stepped up to play centre and had an exceptional game. Congratulations to all the girls, you have had an amazing season.

ILC2. The team of six Year 12 and two Year 11 girls were pumped to make the semi-finals. By the end of the third quarter, and no longer in a winning position, the team changed it up and played a fun quarter out of usual position. The outcome was chaos but there were lots of laughs from all players. Player of the match was Nicki Bunker who gave 100% the entire game.

ILC3 19:22. Congratulations to all the girls. They have had a fantastic year of netball and their enjoyment was shown on court. While they could not finish with a grand final berth, they played with integrity and skill. Congratulations again to all the girls, you should be very proud of your performances on court.


Rugby 7s Two more rounds remain before the finals commence. This week’s games will be played at the Beerwah Bulldogs Rugby League Grounds. Students are reminded they need to arrange their own transport to and from the venue.

U13 - ILC v St Andrews at 4.20pm and ILC v Suncoast at 5.00pmU15 – ILC v PLC at 4.00pm and ILC v St Andrews at 4.40pm

Volleyball Boys B Division – ILC v St Andrews at St Andrews at 4.45pmGirls A Division – ILC v GSLC at GSLC at 4.45pmGirls B1 – ILC1 v PLC at PLC at 4.45pm

TennisILC played Sunshine Coast Grammar this week. Many thanks to player of the week Danish Chandwani who filled in at the last minute and teamed with Yasmin Lee to win our first set for the season. The singles were the highlight of the afternoon and great tennis was played by both teams.

ILC v St Andrews at the St Andrews courts (at the back of their college grounds) at 4.00pm. Good luck to our teams.

Touch ILC will enter six teams into the SCISSA competition which will commence in week two of Term Three. Games will be played each Wednesday afternoon.

Secondary School Interhouse Athletics Carnival

The interhouse athletics carnival will take place on Main Oval on Tuesday 17 July from 8.30am to 3.00pm. Some year levels have already commenced field event trials in their allocated Recreational Sport sessions and other trials will take place in the remaining four weeks of term. Students are to check the Student Notices daily for information. A full outline of the program will be included in the next newsletter.

The Sunshine Coast Secondary Schools Basketball Competition

Five Immanuel teams will play in this competition commencing on the first Friday of Term Three. A number of teams are already training hard. Details of the draw will be forwarded as soon as it is finalised.

Congratulations to Miah McKeiver who has been selected to represent Queensland in the Australian Gymnastics Championships to be staged at Hisense Area in Melbourne this week. Good luck in both your team and individual events.

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18-21 July 2018Student Days 19 & 20 July 2018

Breakfast 21 July 2018

Literary talks, workshops and performances for children, young people and the general public.

Contact information E: [email protected] | W: www.voicesonthecoast.com.auT: 07 5477 3437

Call out for Volunteers

The 23rd Voices on the Coast Youth Literature Festival will be held at USC Sunshine Coast on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 July. All of our students will be involved as they have the opportunity to visit the USC campus to listen to authors, illustrators and poets, plus presenters will visit the College during those two days. The Festival attracts over 5,000 students and adults from across the Sunshine Coast. Adult volunteers are essential and we are calling for volunteers to act as ticket takers at the door for each talk and workshop. The bonus for the volunteer is that they will be able to listen to a leading author, illustrator, poet or performer engage with young people about writing and reading. Exciting stuff!

If you would like to volunteer for either or both days, or even a portion of the day, we would love to hear from you at [email protected] or T: 5477 3437.

The program is now available online at www.voicesonthecoast.com.au.Kelly Dunham – Festival Co-ordinator

Voices on the Coast

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Instrumental Music

So Many Wonderful Performances

We have had a wonderful couple of weeks, filled with many outstanding performance highlights:

• In Week Six, Concert Band performed on Primary School Assembly and Symphonic Band performed on Secondary School Assembly

• Vivace String Ensemble performed at Immanuel’s Arts Festival Gala Opening

• Concert Band, Stage Band, Years 1-3 Choir and Years 4-6 Choir performed at the Immanuel Arts Festival for patrons on Saturday 26 May

With so many examples of Immanuel’s students getting out there and performing, I think we can proudly say that we have an innovative and inspiring Instrumental Music program. Please join our Immanuel Lutheran College Music Facebook page to see lots of photos from all of these events/performances. Well done, students and music families!

Fruehlingsfest Performances

We have begun planning the performance schedule for this year’s Fruehlingsfest and will showcase more Immanuel ensembles than ever before. Year 11 Rock Band will headline the evening’s performances at Fruehlingsfest.

An Update from Friends of Music (FoM)

The FoM gives sincere thanks for your support of their fundraising initiatives at the recent Immanuel Loud, Instrumental Music Welcome Concert and Immanuel Sings. We have seen a steady increase in the number of students and families who are supporting this committee and it is definitely greatly appreciated.

Performance Details (An Overview)

1. Assembly PerformancesIn Week Seven, College Chorale will perform ‘Hallelujah’ by Leonard Coen. In Week Eight, the Years 1-3 Choir will perform on Primary School Assembly and Vivace String Ensemble on Secondary School Assembly.

2. Music and Dance Tour - RehearsalsOn Monday 28 May there is a rehearsal in the KLT from 5.00pm to 6.00pm for all touring students.

3. RecitalsClarinet - Thursday 31 May there is a clarinet recital by students of Mrs Anne Jackson in the KLT at 6.00pm.

Guitar - Tuesday 5 June there is a guitar recital by students of Mr Ed Bettega in the Drama Theatre at 6.00pm.

Violin and Viola - Wednesday 6 June there is a violin and viola recital by students of Mrs Julie-Anne O’Reilly in the Lecture Theatre at 5.30pm. Students will be rehearsing with the accompanist from 4.00pm to 5.00pm in the KLT.

Music Exams

Congratulations to:

• Jack Shirley - AMEB Viola Grade 1 – A • Luke McCarty – AMEB Trumpet Grade 3 – B+ Credit• Sacha Lanham – AMEB Euphonium Grade 2 – B+ Credit• Julian Steyn – AMEB Trumpet Grade 2 – B Credit

This week has begun with wonderful rehearsals and a special tour rehearsal was held on Monday night. Later this week we are looking forward to hearing College Chorale perform on Secondary School Assembly and clarinet students will perform at a recital on Thursday evening.

Emily Bonar – Instrumental Music Co-ordinatorT: 5477 3444 E: [email protected]

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Commercial Operations

Diane Paterson – Commercial Operations ManagerT: 5477 3457 E: [email protected]

College Shop Hours Term TimeMonday, Tuesday and Thursday 7.30am–9.30am

Wednesday 2.00pm-4.00pmWe are closed on Friday.

Alternatively, items can be ordered online via www.flexischools.com.au and delivered to your child’s teacher.

College Shop

Secondary School navy tights are selling out fast for $5.00. Sizes M or XL only.

You can purchase during trading hours or order online via Flexischools. We will deliver items to your child’s classroom or Home Group teacher – easy!

School Holiday Trading Hours The College Shop will be open on Wednesday 27 June, the first week of the holidays, from 7.30am to 11.30am. Otherwise, by appointment only.


We would love some help in the Secondary School Tuckshop on Monday 4 June, Tuesday 5 June or Thursday 7 June.

If you are still considering joining the team, please contact me. We are a bit short of volunteers every Monday during Term Three. If you can help, please give Cherrie a call on T: 5477 3456.

Secondary Primary (operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

Thursday 31 Monica Wilkinson

JuneFriday open mic 1 Jacqui Klibbe Julie Thurston Dannielle Cleary-Frazer Monique McIntosh


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Monday 4 Heather TurnerTuesday 5Wednesday 6 Inna Atkinson Joyclyn TurnerThursday 7Friday 8 Claire Lunny Shona McDonald Kerri Barr


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Monday 11 Lenore Dow Sherron WauchopeTuesday 12 Karen WardWednesday 13 Terri Lanham Dannielle Cleary-FrazerThursday 14Friday 15 SUNSHINE COAST SHOW DAY HOLIDAY


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Monday 18 Evon WoodwardTuesday 19Wednesday 20 Winnie LiuThursday 21 Michelle WebberFriday 22 Jacqui Klibbe Nathalia Yaghdjian Kerrie BarrEnd of Term

Grandparents’ Day

If you are able to help us prepare morning tea and lunch on Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday 15 August, we would be extremely grateful. We need help from drop-off time until about 12.00 noon in the A. J. Jericho Stadium kitchen and in the Worship Centre from around 8.00am until 2.00pm. We have a wonderful day so please contact me if you would like to be involved.

State of Origin

From Monday 4 June until the end of term both tuckshops will be selling State of Origin cupcakes for $2.50. Pick your side!

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