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ECS 152A

Fall 2009

• What are the differences between human protocols and Internet protocols?

• Name five access technologies

• Comparison between DSL and cable

• When is circuit switching better and when is packet switching?

• What is a tier-1 ISP?

• Name the five layers of the Internet stack.

• What is Android?

• Name a few fields in the TCP header.

• What is the fastest way to send a Tera byte data?

• How to fly first-class?

• Which one is more suitable for long-fat pipes, Go-back-N or select ACK?

• Which one is more suitable for long-fat pipes, Go-back-N or select ACK?

• Name two types of congestion control mechanisms.

TCP congestion control

• Name the steps of TCP congestion control

• Slow start

• Congestion avoidance.

• Fast recovery

• The 2008-09 Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan. 21, found that the average annual salary for IT professionals stood at _____ in 2008.

• Those with an IT Management title earned the most in 2008 -- ________ – and those with a title such as system administrator earned the least with an average annual salary of ______, according to Dice.

• The 2008-09 Annual Salary Survey, which Dice released Jan. 21, found that the average annual salary for IT professionals stood at $78,035 in 2008.

• Those with an IT Management title earned the most in 2008 -- $111,998 – and those with a title such as system administrator earned the least with an average annual salary of $70,307, according to Dice.

Entry-level Salaries for 2008 graduates

• Computer Science:  $56,921 • Chemical Engineering: $63,749. • Economics - $52,926• Nursing - $52,129• Chemistry - $52,125• Political science/government - $43,594• Human resources - $40,250• History - $35, 956• Communications - $35,196• English language and literature - $34,757• Journalism - $32,250• Psychology - $30,877• Public relations/organizational communications - $30, 667

Acknowledgement: carebuilder.com

• What is 401(k)?

• What are the benefits?

• When should one start?

• Compounding

Personal Finance• Make sure you understand enough about personal finance.• Retirement• Credit card

– Pay off all your bills every month on time• Get out of debt ASAP• Do not buy that brand new BMW. Leasing is an even worse idea.• Buying a house, or not?• Insurance, buy but do not over-buy• Buy vanilla financial product (my biased opinion)• Budgeting, live within your means• Tax

Healthy living

• Learn to cook

• Eat real food, not too much, mostly plant

• Exercise

• You, the owner’s manual

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