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Page 1: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


R. Baldegger, School of Business Administration (HEG) Fribourg, Schweiz

Management in a Dynamic EnvironmentConcepts, Methods and Tools

This book provides basic management knowledge in a clearly structured way. Fundamental aspects of management are described, on the basis of which a model of the enterprise is outlined. This allows readers to find their way around easily, to reflect, then to set new approaches in context and examine them in a critical light. The practical ex-amples, the interpretation questions, and the short case studies at the end of the chapters facilitate the transition from theory to practice.

Features 7 With practical examples and interpretation questions 7 Clearly structured on basis of func-tional management studies 7 Short case studies at the end of each chapter

Contents Basic Models of the Enterprise.- System-Based Approach and Cybernetics.- Management Tech-niques.- Strategy – Thinking and Acting.- Orga-nization – Structure follows Strategy.- Corporate Culture – A Competitive Advantage.- Corporate Development through Innovation

Fields of interestsBusiness Strategy/Leadership; Management/Busi-ness for Professionals

Target groupsUpper undergraduate

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover7 approx. $59.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-1


D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

The Cost Stickiness PhenomenonCauses, Characteristics, and Implications for Fundamental Analysis and Financial Analysts‘ Forecasts

Understanding cost behavior is a fundamental element of cost accounting and the management of a firm. Deviating from the traditional assump-tion of symmetric cost behavior, numerous recent research studies show that costs are sticky, that is, they decrease less when sales fall than they incre-ase when sales rise. Daniel Baumgarten compre-hensively analyzes the cost stickiness phenomenon by discussing its development and all relevant findings presented in the research literature. Furthermore, he provides several suggestions for future research and discusses important implica-tions of cost stickiness for fundamental analysis and analysts’ forecasts by means of two compre-hensive empirical analyses.

Feature 7 Publication in the field of economic sciences

Contents The Cost Stickiness Phenomenon.- Cost Stickiness and the Information Content of the SG&A Ratio.- Cost Stickiness and Analysts‘ Implied Forecasts.- Concluding Remarks.

Fields of interestAccounting/Auditing

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXIV, 105 p. 4 illus. (Quantitatives Controlling) Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4130-5


W. H. Blarr, Leipzig, Germany

Organizational AmbidexterityImplications for the Strategy-Performance Linkage

Today’s companies in diverse industries perceive increasing competition and an accelerating pace of change. To cope with these challenges, they need to leverage their current competencies and exploit existing products and services, while simultane-ously build new capabilities to develop inno-vative solutions. Therefore, instead of selecting and maintaining a focus on either efficiency or flexibility, these firms balance resource allocation and become so-called ambidextrous organizations. W. Henning Blarr analyzes this balancing act, requiring the ability to simultaneously pursue both incremental and discontinuous change. He shows that compared to organizations focusing on either exploitative or explorative activities, ambidextrous organizations significantly obtain higher levels of financial performance.

Contents Fit between Strategy and Structure.- Miles and Snow Strategic Typology.- Exploration Versus Exploitation.- Cyclical, Reciprocal, Harmonic and Partitional Ambidexterity.- Empirical Study in Germany

Fields of interestBusiness/Management Science, general

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 240 p. 45 illus. Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3129-0


Page 2: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


S. Buckup, Genova, Switzerland

Building Successful PartnershipsA Production Theory of Global Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

Hailed by some as fundamental pillar of global governance, and criticized by others as manifes-tation of ‘top-down globalism’, multi-stakeholder partnerships have become the new mantra of policy-makers around the globe. However, our understanding of what drives success and failure in these hybrid institutions remains scetchy and incomplete. This book will introduce a produc-tion theory of partnering which describes how the contributions actors add to a partnership are translated into results. The objective of this new perspective on collaboration is to make sense of the complex dynamics partnerships face and to derive fundamental propositions on how governance structures should be designed to make partnerships succeed.

Feature 7 Publication in the field of economic studies

Contents Introduction.-The Rise of Global Partnerships.-Mapping the Partnering Landscape.-Governing Collaboration.-Partnering as Joint Production.-Technology and Behavioural Dynamics.-Techno-logy, Leadership, and Governance.-Conclusion.-Annex.

Fields of interestEconomics general

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. X, 304 p. 69 illus. Hardcover7 $109.00ISBN 978-3-8349-4063-6


A. Cozzolino, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Humanitarian LogisticsCross-Sector Cooperation in Disaster Relief Management

Humanitarian logistics has received increasing interest both from logistics academics and practi-tioners as a result of the dramatic increase in both natural and man-made disasters. The impact on affected populations can be all the more limited as much as the logistics operations in response to emergencies are effective and efficient. Collabora-tion with various relevant actors involving in the emergency resolution can help to reduce costs, increase speed, and improve the leanness/agility level in the humanitarian supply chain, and vice-versa, poor coordination among them is cited as an explanation for performance gaps. As disasters become increasingly complex better collaboration not only with government agencies, military units, humanitarian organizations, but also through partnerships with private business becomes more and more important. However, such partnerships are not easy as organizations in the two sectors are extremely different.

Feature 7 Suggests a list of tips on how to valorize cross-learning opportunities between  logistics service provider (profit) and the humanitarian organizati-on (non-profit) in disaster reliefs

Contents Introduction.- Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management.- Humanitarian Supply Chain Relationships: Working Together to Meet the Challenge of Preparing for and Responding to Di-sasters.- Emblematic Example of Strategic Cross-Sector Partnership: Logistics Emergency Teams.

Fields of interestsProduction/Logistics/Supply Chain Management; Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Respon-sibility; Development Economics

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 60 p. 6 illus. (SpringerBriefs in Business) Softcover7 approx. $69.95ISBN 978-3-642-30185-8


D. Cumming, York University, ON, Canada; R. Cressy, C. Mallin, University of Birmingham, UK (Eds)

Entrepreneurship, Finance, Governance and EthicsContents 1 Overview; Robert Cressy, Douglas Cumming and Christine Mallin.- Part I: Entrepreneurship, Venture Finance and Ethics.- 2 The Value of Country-level Perceived Ethics to Entrepreneurs around the World; April Knill.-  3 Do private equity firms respond better to financial distress than PLCs?; Robert Cressy and Hisham Farag.- 4 Deal Structuring in Philanthropic Venture Capital Investments.- Luisa Alemany and Mariarosa Scar-lata.- 5 Law and Corruption in Venture Capital and Private Equity; Douglas Cumming, Grant Fleming, Sofia Johan and Dorra Najar.- Part II. The Impact of Regulation and Financial Structure on Ethics and Governance.- 6 The Development of the UK Alternative Investment  Market : Its Growth and Governance Challenges; Chris Mallin and Kean Ow-Yong.- 7 Controlling Shareholders’ Fiduciary Duties Owed to Minority Sharehol-ders – A Comparative Approach: the United States and France; Celine Gainet.- 8 Harmonized Regulatory Standards, International Distribution of Investment Funds and the Recent Financial Crisis; Douglas Cumming, Gael Imad’Eddine and Armin Schwienbacher.- 9 Active Management of Socially Responsible Portfolios; Annalisa Fabretti and Stefano Herzel.- 10 A Socially Responsible Portfolio Selection Strategy; Stefano Herzel and Marco Nicolosi.- Part III. Ethics, Fraud and Mana-gerial Decisions.- 11 Corporate Social Responsi-bility Boundaries; Celine Gainet.- 12 Voluntary and Mandatory Skin in the Game: Understanding Outside Directors Stock Holdings; Sanjai Bhagat and Heather Tookes. [...]

Fields of interestsPublic Finance & Economics; Ethics; Financial Law/Fiscal Law

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2013. Approx. 400 p. 15 illus. (Advances in Business Ethics Research, Volume 3) Hardcover7 approx. $179.00ISBN 978-94-007-3866-9


Page 3: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


A. Dorsman, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands; J. L. Simpson, Curtin University, Bentley, Perth, WA, Australia; W. Westerman, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (Eds)

Energy Economics and Financial MarketsEnergy issues feature frequently in the economic and financial press. Specific examples of topi-cal energy issues come from around the globe and often concern economics and finance. The importance of energy production, consumption and trade raises fundamental economic issues that impact the global economy and financial markets. This volume presents research on energy econo-mics and financial markets related to the themes of supply and demand, environmental impact and renewables, energy derivatives trading, and finance and energy. The contributions by experts in their fields take a global perspective, as well as presen-ting cases from various countries and continents.

Features 7 Deals with the upcoming theme of energy issues 7 Links energy issues with economics and financial markets 7 Combines global focus with specific regional and local examples 7 Unites theoretical insights with timely data and practical insights 7 Specialized author team from all over the world

Contents Foreword.- Introduction.- Part I: Supply and Demand.- Part II: Environmental Issues and Re-newables.- Part III: The Dynamics of Energy and Derivatives Trading.- Part IV: Finance and Energy.

Fields of interestsFinancial Economics; Energy Policy, Economics and Management; Finance/Investment/Banking

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 250 p. 41 illus., 7 in color. Hardcover7 approx. $139.00ISBN 978-3-642-30600-6


H. A. Eiselt, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada; C.-L. Sandblom, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Operations ResearchA Model-Based Approach

The book covers the standard models and tech-niques used in decision making in organizations. The main emphasis of the book is on modeling business-related scenarios and the generation of decision alternatives. Fully solved examples from many areas are used to illustrate the main concepts without getting bogged down in technical details. The book presents an approach to operations research that is heavily based on modeling and makes extensive use of sensitivity analyses. It is a result of many years of combined teaching experi-ence of the authors.The second edition adds new material on multicriteria optimization, postman problems, Lagrangian relaxation, cutting planes, machine scheduling, and Markov chains.

Features 7 Covers the standard operations research techniques 7 Presents an approach to opera-tions research that is heavily based on modeling and makes extensive use of sensitivity analy-ses 7 Emphasis is on getting insight into prob-lems rather than computing solutions

Contents Introduction.- Linear Programming.- Multi objective Programming.- Integer Linear Program-ming.- Network Models.- Location Models.- Pro-ject Networks.- Maschine Scheduling.- Decision Analysis.- Multi criteria Decision Analysis.- Inven-tory Models.- Stochastik Processes and Markov Chains.- Waiting Line Models.- Simulation.

Fields of interestsOperation Research/Decision Theory; Operations Research, Management Science; Engineering Eco-nomics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing

Target groupsUpper undergraduate

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2nd ed. 2012. Approx. 500 p. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Softcover7 $99.00ISBN 978-3-642-31053-9


A. Endres, University of Hagen, Germany; V. Radke, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Ravensburg, Germany

Economics for Environmental StudiesA Strategic Guide to Micro- and Macroeconomics

An understanding of fundamental economic concepts is essential for students in environmental studies programs around the world.

Features 7 Provides readers with the micro- and macroe-conomic concepts and tools needed for envi-ronmental studies and environmental econo-mics 7 Presents a goal-oriented introduction to economics for non-economists and also serves as a “refresher” for economists 7 Review questions, exercises and solutions included in the text

Contents 1 Introduction.- Part I: Economics - What Is It About and How Does It Relate to the Natural En-vironment.- 2 The Fundamental Problem.- 3 The Economic Approach.- 4 Integration of the Natural Environment: Socially Undesirable Utilization of Natural Goods.- 5 Summary to Part I and Looking Ahead.- Part II: Microeconomics and the Natu-ral Environment.- 6 Fundamental Concepts of Microeconomics.- 7 A Sketch on Environmental Microeconomics.- 8 Summary to Part II and Loo-king Ahead.- Part III: Macroeconomics and the Natural Environment.- 9 Fundamental Concepts of Macroeconomics.- 10 A Sketch on Environ-mental Macroeconomics.- 11 Summary to Part III.- Glossary.- Index.

Fields of interestsEnvironmental Economics; Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice

Target groupsUpper undergraduate

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 250 p. 26 illus., 2 in color. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) Hardcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-642-31192-5


Page 4: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


S. A. Gabriel, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; A. J. Conejo, University of Castilla - La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain; J. D. Fuller, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; B. F. Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; C. Ruiz, École Centrale Paris and Supélec, Châtenay-Malabry, France

Complementarity Modeling in Energy MarketsThis addition to the ISOR series introduces complementarity models in a straightforward and approachable manner and uses them to carry out an in-depth analysis of energy markets, including formulation issues and solution techniques. In a nutshell, complementarity models generalize: a. optimization problems via their Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions b.

Features 7 A very "readable" expository approach appro-priated for students, researchers and practitio-ners 7 First book to specifically apply comple-mentarity models to energy markets 7 Gabriel and Conejo are two huge leaders in the field

Contents Introduction and Motivation.- Optimality and Complementarity.- Some Microeconomic Principles.- Equilibria and Complementarity Problems.- Variational Inequality Problems.- Op-timization Problems Constrained by Optimization Problems.- Equilibrium Problems with Equili-brium Constraints.- Algorithm for LCPs, NCPs, and VIs.- Some Advanced Algorithms for VI Decomposition, MPCCs and EPECs.- Natural Gas Market Modeling.- Electricity and Environmental Markets.- Multicommodity Equilibrium Models: Accounting for Demand-Side Linkages.

Fields of interestsOperation Research/Decision Theory; Financial Economics; Operations Research, Management Science

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical

Due July 2012

2012. XXVI, 629 p. 41 illus. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Volume 180) Hardcover7 $119.00ISBN 978-1-4419-6122-8


S. Gell, Köln, Germany

Determinants of Earnings Forecast Error, Earnings Forecast Revision and Earnings Forecast Accuracy Earnings forecasts are ubiquitous in today’s finan-cial markets. They are essential indicators of future firm performance and a starting point for firm valuation. Extremely inaccurate and overoptimis-tic forecasts during the most recent financial crisis have raised serious doubts regarding the reliability of such forecasts. This thesis therefore investigates new determinants of forecast errors and accuracy. In addition, new determinants of forecast revisions are examined. More specifically, the thesis answers the following questions: 1) How do analyst incen-tives lead to forecast errors? 2) How do changes in analyst incentives lead to forecast revisions?, and 3) What factors drive differences in forecast accuracy?

Contents Financial analysts.- Earnings forecast error.- Earnings forecast accuracy.- Earnings forecast revision.- Conservatism.- Forecast effort.

Fields of interestFinance/Investment/Banking

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXIV, 125 p. 7 illus. (Quantitatives Controlling) Softcover7 $69.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3936-4


Y. Hayek Kobeissi, Financial Consultant, London, UK

Multifractal Financial MarketsAn Alternative Approach to Asset and Risk Management

Multifractal Financial Markets  explores appro-priate models for estimating risk and profiting from market swings, allowing readers to develop enhanced portfolio management skills and stra-tegies.  Fractals in finance allow us to understand market instability and persistence.  When applied to financial markets, these models produce the re-quisite amount of data necessary for gauging mar-ket risk in order to mitigate loss.  This brief delves deep into the multifractal market approach to portfolio management through real-world ex-amples and case studies, providing readers with the tools they need to forecast profound shifts in market activity.

Contents Turbulence in the Financial Markets.- The Noisy Chaos Hypothesis.- The Mind Process.- Cycles.- Trading Multifractal Markets.- The Latest Normal .

Fields of interestsFinance/Investment/Banking; Financial Econo-mics; Quantitative Finance

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical

Due July 2012

2012. XV, 138 p. 25 illus., 23 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Finance) Softcover7 $49.95ISBN 978-1-4614-4489-3


Page 5: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


A. Hu, Y. Yan, X. Wei, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

China 2030Contents Brief Introduction.- 1 China’s Dream and Roadmap.- China’s Dream: Common prosperity and a harmonious world.- China: A society with common wealth.- Common prosperity for China and the world.- Co-existence and prosperity bet-ween man and nature.- China’s roadmap.- Logic of China’s development.- Theme and structure of the book.- 2 A world of Common Prosperity.- A Golden Period for the Global Economy.- Period of Global Industrial Restructuring.- Intensification of International Economic Integration.- Global S&T revolution and competition in innovations.- Period of Global Population Aging and Urbani-zation Acceleration.- Global green revolution and green energy.- Brief summary: Toward a world of common prosperity.- 3 World Economic Power.- World’s largest economy.- Largest Consumer Market in the World.- Largest Modern Industrial System in the World.- Largest Urban population in the world.- World’s Largest and Most Modern Infrastructure.- Summary: Toward a World Eco-nomic Power.- 4 The World’s Strongest Innovative Power.- A world leader in human resources.- A strong power in knowledgeable and skilled peop-le.- A Strong Power in S&T Innovation.- Strongest IT Development Power in the World.- Summary: China will be a Strong Innovative World Power.- 5 High-Welfare State.- High-income Country.- High Education Levels.- A Healthy State.- A Country with High Human Development.- Summary: Toward a High-level Human Welfare State.- 6 A Society with Shared Wealth.- Common Wealth Shared by both Urban and Rural Areas.- Common Prosperity among Different Regions.- Equalization of Basic Public Services.- Summary: Toward A Common Wealth Society.- 7 Green China. [...]

Fields of interestEconomic Growth

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. II, 157 p. Hardcover7 $129.00ISBN 978-3-642-31327-1


S. Kortmann, Münster, Germany

The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational AmbidexterityA Comparison between Manufacturing and Service Firms

In strategic management and organizational the-ory, organizational effectiveness denotes the broa-dest domain of business performance. „What is the optimal structural configuration for organizational ambidexterity and to what extent is it contingent upon firm type?“ To answer this research question, this study employs a two-step approach. In the first step, Sebastian Kortmann determines a structural configuration that generally supports organiza-tional ambidexterity. Then, in a second step, he draws upon structural contingency theory and investigates to what extent this optimal structural configuration is dependent on firm type.

Feature 7 A Comparison between Manufacturing and Service Firms

Contents Organizational Structure.- Organizational Ambi-dexterity.- Dynamic Capabilities.- Contingency Theory.- Manufacturing vs. Service Firms.

Fields of interestBusiness Strategy/Leadership

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XV, 167 p. 16 illus. (Betriebswirtschaftliche Studien in forschungsintensiven Industrien) Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3629-5


M. Krühler, Hamburg, Germany

Managing Business Portfolios EffectivelyOn the Explanatory Power of the Parenting Advantage Concept

This dissertation fundamentally investigates the ability and explanatory power of the parenting advantage concept to effectively manage business portfolios. It contributes to a largely ignored field of corporate strategy research: namely, the paren-ting role and value‐added strategies of corporate headquarters.

Contents Exploring Parenting Advantage.- Analyzing Parenting Advantage.- Operationalizing Parenting Advantage.- Identifying and Evaluating Parenting Strategies.- Do Parenting Strategies Pay Off for Private Equity Firms?.

Fields of interestBusiness Strategy/Leadership

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XV, 224 p. 5 illus. Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3500-7


Page 6: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


T. Langner, Berlin, Germany; S. Okazaki, Madrid, Spain; M. Eisend, Berlin, Germany (Eds)

Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. III)Current Insights and Future Trends

Advances in Advertising Research are published by the European Advertising Academy (EAA). This volume is a compilation of research presented at the 10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) which was held in Berlin (Germany) in June 2011. In the face of an ever in-creasing number of products and services, as well as an increasingly cluttered media environment, advertising research is confronted with multiple challenges. Against this background, Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. 3) is gaining signifi-cance in advancing, promoting, disseminating, and stimulating high quality advertising research. This book provides state-of-the-art research in international advertising with twenty-nine articles by renowned advertising and communication scholars from the worldwide ICORIA network.

Feature 7 New articles in economic sciences

Contents Advertising Content, Appeals, and Executi-on.- Corporate Responsibility, Social Issues, and Advertising.- Social Media, Online, and Mobile Advertising.- Product Placement.- Gender, Child-ren, and Advertising.- Consumers, Companies, Brands, and their Relationships.

Fields of interestMarketing

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XII, 432 p. 59 illus. (European Advertising Academy) Hardcover7 $89.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4290-6


W. Leal Filho, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany (Ed)

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management There has been some degree of reluctance in the past to consider disaster risk management within the mainstream of adaptation to climate variability and climate change. However, there is now wide recognition of the need to incorporate disaster risk management concerns in dealing with such phenomena. There is also a growing awareness of the necessity for a multi-sectoral approach in managing the effects of climate variability and climate change, since this can lead to a significant reduction of risk. This book presents the latest fin-dings from scientific research on climate variation, climate change and their links with disaster risk management. It showcases projects and other initiatives in this field that are being undertaken in both industrialised and developing coun-tries, by universities and scientific institutions, government bodies, national and internatio-nal agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders. Fi-nally, it discusses current and future challenges, identifying opportunities and highlighting the still unrealised potential for promoting better understanding of the connections between cli-mate variation, climate change and disaster risk management worldwide.

Feature 7 is not mandatory

Contents Preface.- Category 1.- Category 2.- Category 3.- Category 4.

Fields of interestsEnvironmental Economics; Environmental Ma-nagement; Climate Change

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XII, 674 p. 163 illus. (Climate Change Management) Hardcover7 $229.00ISBN 978-3-642-31109-3


E. S. Lee, Pusan National University, Republic of South Korea

Management of International TradeUnder the current multilateral trading system, most business entities have turned their attention away from focusing exclusively on their domestic market to the management of international busi-ness transactions on the global market. Around the world, this trend has increased the demand for education and training on the principles of inter-national trade and, more practically, the administ-ration of international business transactions. This book aims to give upper-level undergraduates and graduate students a comprehensive understanding of the administrative and practical aspects of international commerce.

Features 7 International business and trade hands-on 7 Practical assignments proposed in each chapter 7 Detailed case study presented in final chapter

Contents Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Overseas Market Re-search.- 3 International Trade Contracts.- 4 Terms of International Trade.- 5 Payment Collection in International Trade.- 6 International Transpor-tation.- 7 Marine Cargo Insurance.- 8 Foreign Exchange Risks.- 9 Electronic Commerce.- 10 Claim and Dispute Settlement.- 11 Application to Practical Fields.- Index.

Fields of interestsEmerging Markets/Globalization; Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management; Commercial Law

Target groupsGraduate

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. 383 p. Hardcover7 approx. $109.00ISBN 978-3-642-30402-6


Page 7: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


M. Mazumdar, Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi, India

Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies in IndiaA Critical Analysis of Industrial Structure, Firm Specific Resources, and Emerging Strategies

This book explains how government support and institutional set up facilitated the evolution of the Indian pharmaceutical industry and provides an economic analysis of firm strategies due to recent policy changes. The book is useful for researchers interested in understanding the transition of a lifeline sector for an emerging economy like India.

Features 7 Provides source of important case studies for management courses 7 Provides technical de-tails to analyse efficiency, productivity and related issues for any industrial sector 7 Provides a pic-ture of policy dilemmas for emerging economies undergoing reforms

Contents An Overview of the Pharmaceutical Sector in In-dia.- The sources of Heterogenity in the Efficiency of Indian Pharmaceutical Firms.- Comparing Efficiency Across Various Groups of Firms: A Meta-Frontier Approach.- Examining the Effici-ency, Technical, and Productivity Changes of the Indian Pharmaceutical Firms: A Malmquist-Meta Frontier Approach.- Profitability of the Indian Pharmaceutical Firms.- The Problem of Availabi-lity of Patented Drugs due to Product Patent and Parallel Trade: A Theoretical Approach.- Conclusi-ons and Policy Implications.

Fields of interestsEconomics/Management Science, general; Indus-trial Organization; Public Health/Gesundheits-wesen

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 210 p. 15 illus. (Contributions to Economics) Hardcover7 $129.00ISBN 978-3-7908-2875-7


S. Meister, Hamburg, Germany

Brand Communities for Fast Moving Consumer GoodsAn Empirical Study of Members‘ Behavior and the Economic Relevance for the Marketer

Do brand communities really work for FMCG? Can consumers involved in brand communities be characterized by specific behavioral attributes? Are there significant differences between members and those consumers who are simply visiting the brand-community site? And do the members show a higher level  of customer retention as those non-member? In her study Sandra Meister derives a set of behavioral attributes relevant for brand-com-munity members. By means of a significance test and a structural equation model, she examines the behavioral profile of brand-community members and compares the results with brand-community non-members. Additionally, she investigates the impact of  the behavioral attributes on the perfor-mance measure ‚customer retention‘.

Contents Leanings from Brand Community Research and Theoretical Foundation of Customer Behavior relevant for Brand Communities.- Development of a Behavioral Profil for Brand-Community Members and Definition of Performance Measu-res.- Analysis of  the Behavioral Attributes with a Comparison between Brand-community Members and Non-members.- Development of a Structural Equation Model to Measure the Impact of the Be-havioral Attributes on the Performance Measures with Comparison of Members and Non-mem-bers.- Derivation of Learnings and Recommenda-tion for Brand Community Management.

Fields of interestMarketing

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXIV, 292 p. 33 illus. Softcover7 $89.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4054-4


L. Mönch, University of Hagen, Germany; J. W. Fowler, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; S. J. Mason, Clemson University, SC, USA

Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication FacilitiesModeling, Analysis, and Systems

Over the last fifty-plus years, the increased complexity and speed of integrated circuits have radically changed our world. Today, semiconduc-tor manufacturing is perhaps the most important segment of the global manufacturing sector. As the semiconductor industry has become more compe-titive, improving planning and control has become a key factor for business success. This book is devoted to production planning and control prob-lems in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities. It is the first book that takes a comprehensive look at the role of modeling, analysis, and related infor-mation systems for such manufacturing systems.

Features 7 Presents state-of-the-art modeling and analysis tools for the semiconductor industry 7 Also covers production planning, production control, and IS developments 7 Brings an important field completely up to date

Contents Introduction.- Semiconductor Manufacturing Process Description.- Modeling and Analysis Tools.- Dispatching Approaches.- Deterministic Scheduling Approaches.- Order Release Approa-ches.- Production Planning Approaches.- Produc-tion Planning and Control Systems.

Fields of interestsOperation Research/Decision Theory; Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management; Mathemati-cal Modeling and Industrial Mathematics

Target groupsProfessional/practitioner

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical

Due September 2012

2013. XVII, 363 p. 48 illus., 25 in color. (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Volume 52) Hardcover7 approx. $179.00ISBN 978-1-4614-4471-8


Page 8: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


C. O‘Donoghue, Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc, Ireland; D. Ballas, Sheffield University, UK; G. Clarke, University of Leeds, UK; S. Hynes, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland; K. Morrissey, University of Liverpool, UK (Eds)

Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy AnalysisThe aim of this book is to explore the challenges facing rural communities and economies and to demonstrate the potential of spatial microsimula-tion for policy and analysis in a rural context.

Features 7 First book exploring the use of spatial micro-simulation techniques for rural policy analy-sis 7 A rare example of a model built and used by one agency for a variety of socio-economic applications 7 A good example of a long lasting partnership between academic and a Government policy making agency and its products

Contents 1 Introduction.- 2 The Spatial Policy Context of Economic, Agricultural and Environmental Change in Rural Ireland.- 3 A Review of Micro-simulation for Policy Analysis.- 4 The SMILE Model: Construction and Calibration.- 5 Validati-on Issues and the Spatial Pattern of Household In-come.- 6 Farm Level Spatial Microsimulation Mo-delling.- 7 Conservation and Rural Environmental Protection Scheme.- 8 Modelling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture.- 9 The Location Economics of Biomass Production for Electricity Generation.- 10 Modelling Farm Viability.- 11 The Spatial Distribution of Household Disposable Income.- 12 Spatial Access to Health Services.- 13 Modelling the Spatial Pattern of Rural Tourism and Recreation.- 14 Conclusions and Next Steps.

Fields of interestsRegional/Spatial Science; Economic Geography; Migration

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 250 p. 35 illus., 4 in color. (Advances in Spatial Science) Hardcover7 $129.00ISBN 978-3-642-30025-7


T. Rudolph, St. Gallen, Switzerland (Ed)

European Retail Research2012, Volume 26, Issue I

The aim of EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH is to publish interesting manuscripts of high quality and innovativeness with a focus on retail resear-chers, retail lecturers, retail students and retail executives. As it has always been, retail executives are part of the target group and the knowledge transfer between retail research and retail manage-ment remains a part of the publication’s concept. EUROPEAN RETAIL RESEARCH welcomes manuscripts on original theoretical or conceptual contributions as well as empirical research – based either on large-scale empirical data or on the case-study method. Following the state of the art in retail research, articles on any major issues that concern the general field of retailing and distribu-tion are welcome.The review process will support the authors in enhancing the quality of their work and will offer the authors a reviewed publication outlet. Part of the concept of EUROPEAN RE-TAIL RESEARCH is an only short delay between manuscript submission and final publication, so it is intended to become a quick publication platform.

Feature 7 New articles in economic sciences

Contents Mit Beiträgen von Peter Jones.- Daphne Com-fort.- David Hillier.- Prokopis K. Theodoridis.- Anastasios P. Panopoulos.- Jochen Binder.- Dennis Herhausen.- Nicolas Pernet.- Marcus Schögel.- Alfonso Ruiz Martínez.- Irene Gil Saura.- Thomas Rudolph.- Thomas Schröder.- Tim Böttger.- Wal-ter van Waterschoot.- Leen Lagasse.- Patrick Van Kenhove.- Kim Willems.- Gilbert Swinnen.

Fields of interestBusiness Strategy/Leadership

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. VII, 183 p. 24 illus. (European Retail Research) Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4236-4


S. Šarić, Shanghai, China

Competitive Advantages through ClustersAn Empirical Study with Evidence from China

The world over, clusters are home to leading firms and institutions that compete on the edge of technology. They can be found in developed and developing countries alike and comprise such famous ones as Silicon Valley, London ‐s financial center, ceramic tile and fashion in north Italy, wine in Bordeaux, automotive in Stuttgart and Munich, software in Bangalore, and manufacturing in Chi-na ‐s Pearl-river delta. Today they are studied by a variety of scholars from different fields including economists, social scientists, and strategists, but also by a growing number of business practitio-ners and policy makers.

Features 7 Th e capacity of clusters to promote regional economic development and national prosperi-ty 7 The role of local industrial policy in creating new clusters

Contents Current State of Knowledge on How Clusters Enable Firms to Create Competitive Advanta-ges.- Theoretical Model of Internal Characteris-tics to Create Competitive Advantages Through Clusters.- Case Study to Indentify Skills that Make up a Firm‘s Cluster-Capability.- Empirical Analysis of the Internal Characteristics and their Influence on Firm Performance.- Recommendations for Im-plementing the Identified Internal Characteristics into Organizational Reality.

Fields of interestEntrepreneurship

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXI, 236 p. 48 illus. (Strategisches Kompetenz-Management) Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3553-3


Page 9: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


M. Schaarschmidt, Nentershausen, Germany

Firms in Open Source Software DevelopmentManaging Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries

In open innovation scenarios, firms are able to profit from technological developments that take place beyond the legal boundaries. However, in the absence of contract-based vertical command chains, such as in the case of open source software (OSS), it is difficult for firms to obtain control over the innovation project’s trajectory. In this book, the author suggests that firms have basically two options to control project work beyond their boundaries and beyond their vertical command chains. The assumption is discussed against vari-ous theories of the firm as well as control theory and empirically tested by analyzing firm engage-ment in Eclipse open source projects as well as communication work in the Linux kernel project.

Contents - Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries.- Commercializing and Controlling Open Source Software Development.- Open Source in Action I: Business Collaboration Among Open Source Projects.- Open Source in Action II: Business Collaboration Within an Open Source Project.- Summary, Conclusion, and Outlook.

Fields of interestInnovation/Technology Management

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XVI, 233 p. 30 illus. Softcover7 $89.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4142-8


M. Schimmer, Grünsfeld, Germany

Competitive Dynamics in the Global Insurance IndustryStrategic Groups, Competitive Moves, and Firm Performance

This thesis investigates the competitive dynamics in the global insurance industry from 1999 to 2008. After reviewing the current state of the academic debate on interfirm rivalry, it derives a research agenda spanning different levels of ana-lysis and phenomena of interest. Specifically, the thesis explores (1) how and why firms continuous-ly adjust their strategic profiles in the presence of an industry‘s strategic group structure, (2) whether market shocks (namely 9/11 and Hurricane Katri-na) temporarily change the decision-logic under-lying competitive choices, and (3) whether stock markets respond differently to competitive moves that follow a clearly stated strategic rationale.

Feature 7 Industry Structure, Market Shocks and Compe-titive Behavior

Contents Theoretical Background.- Convergence-Diver-gence within Strategic Groups.- From Crisis to Opportunitiy: How Market Shocks Impact Inter-firm Rivalry.-Performance Effects of Corporate Diverstiture Programs.

Fields of interestInsurance

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XV, 175 p. 9 illus. Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3991-3


R. Sputtek, St. Gallen, Schweiz

Opening the Black BoxThe Role of Personality and Anger in Executives’ Decision Making and Leadership

Rebekka Sputtek sheds light upon the questi-on of how the personality and emotional traits of executives influence their decision making and leadership behavior. While recent strategic management research has started to recognize the relevance of an executive‘s personality traits as an-tecedents of organizational outcomes, this stream has called for a more fine-grained clarification of the psychological processes underlying executive decision making. In order to contribute to the understanding of these processes, a holistic model integrating the role of an expedient set of perso-nality variables and anger in executive’s decision making comprehensiveness as well as authenticity of transformational leadership is developed.

Contents Narcissism, Core Self Evaluation and Sensitivi-ty to Criticism on the Executive Level: How do Executive‘s Personalities and Anger Influence their Decision Making and Leadership Behavior?.- Anger on the Executive Suite: Towards a Theory Linking Core Self Evaluation and Hypersensitive Narcissism to Individual Decision Making Com-prehensiveness considering the Role of Environ-mental Dynamism.- The mediating Role of Anger in the Relationship between Executive’s Core Self Evaluation and their Individual Decision Making Comprehensiveness: Empirical Evidence. 

Fields of interestBusiness Strategy/Leadership

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XII, 128 p. 5 illus. Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3924-1


Page 10: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


A. Srivastava, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Electronic Signatures for B2B ContractsEvidence from Australia


Fields of interestsLaw and Economics; International IT and Media Law, Intellectual Property Law; e-Commerce/e-business

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. Approx. 250 p. 20 illus. in color. Hardcover7 approx. $139.00ISBN 978-81-322-0742-9


H. Tarrade, Munich, Germany

Cross-Border Venture Capital InvestmentsWhy Do Venture Capital Firms Invest at a Distance?

Hortense Tarrade analyses over 200,000 venture capital (VC) investments over the past 20 years to understand the investors‘ motivation to select nati-onal or foreign companies into their portfolio. She compares the sensitivity of US-based, non-US and German VC firms to the availability of local deal supply and demand as well as the relative impor-tance of their intrinsic capabilities in their invest-ment scope decision („Why do VC firms invest on a national, continental or global scope?“). Further, she provides an in-depth analysis of the role of geographic and cultural distance in investments by German VCs („Why do VC firms invest in a target location rather than another?“).

Contents Firm strategy. - Agency theory. - Geography of the venture capital industry. - Simple, ordered, condi-tional and nested logit models.

Fields of interestEconomics/Management Science, general

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XX, 180 p. 13 illus. Softcover7 $79.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3118-4


W. A. Thissen, W. E. Walker, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (Eds)

Public Policy AnalysisNew Developments

Traditional policy analysis approaches are charac-terized by a focus on system modeling and choo-sing among policy alternatives. While successful in many cases, this approach has been increasingly criticized for being technocratic and ignoring the behavioral and political dimensions of most policy processes. In recent decades, increased awareness of the multi-actor, multiple perspective, and poly-centric character of many policy processes has led to the development of a variety of different per-spectives on the styles and roles of policy analysis, and to new analytical tools and approaches – for example, argumentative approaches, participative policy analysis, and negotiation support.

Features 7 Provides a first synthesis of the traditional and new approaches to policy analysis 7 Links the policy analysis process to the policy making process, showing how to identify and involve all relevant stakeholders in the process 7 Includes realistic examples and practical guidelines that should help readers understand what policy analy-sis is and how it may be of assistance to them

Contents Introduction.- A Policy Sciences View on Policy Analysis.- Perspectives on Policy Analysis: A Framework for Understanding and Design.- Diag-nosing Policy Problems and Situations.- Designing the Policy Analysis Process.- Organizing the Policy Analysis Process.- System Models for Policy Ana-lysis.- Actor Models for Policy Analysis.- Uncer-tainty in the Framework of Policy Analysis.

Fields of interestsSocial Sciences, general; Operation Research/Deci-sion Theory; Organization/Planning

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical

Due July 2012

2012. IX, 340 p. 48 illus., 4 in color. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Volume 179) Hardcover7 $129.00ISBN 978-1-4614-4601-9


Page 11: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

News 7/2012 Economics/Management Science


O. Uecke, Dresden, Germany

How to Commercialise Research in Biotechnology?Effectiveness of the Innovation Process and of Technology Transfer in the Biotechnology Sector

Biotechnology is considered as a key technology of the 21st century with the potential to offer technological solutions for global health and resource-based problems. Oliver Uecke analyses how early stages of the innovation process in biotechnology can be effectively managed, with the aim to transfer an innovation from academia to industry. A mixed method approach is applied with a multiple case study approach to identify characteristics for effective management and with the method of discrete choice experiments/best-worst scaling to estimate the importance of these characteristics. This study adds to existing research by identifying a group of five important characte-ristics that should be considered in the early stages of the innovation process, compared to a group of four characteristics that are less important. The results have implications for policy, directors and the management of research institutes and uni-versities, entrepreneurs, TTO manager and other stakeholders involved in technology transfer.

Feature 7 Publication in the field of economic studies

Contents Research gap and contribution.- Definition of key concepts.- The biotechnology sector as conceptual framework.- Data and methodology.- Results, discussion and implications.

Fields of interestEntrepreneurship

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXII, 323 p. 25 illus. Softcover7 $89.95ISBN 978-3-8349-4133-6


C. K. Volkmann, University of Wuppertal, Germany; K. O. Tokarski, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland; K. Ernst, University of Wuppertal, Germany (Eds)

Social Entrepreneurship and Social BusinessAn Introduction and Discussion with Case Studies

This compilation offers students a comprehensive overview of the field of social entrepreneurship. Leading European researchers and lecturers such as Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Markus Beckmann, Heather Cameron, Pascal Dey, Andreas Heinecke, Benjamin Huybrechts, Alex Nicholls, Johanna Mair, Susan Müller and Chris Steyaert have contri-buted to this textbook.

Features 7 One of the first student textbooks on Social Entrepreneurship 7 With practical examp-les 7 With recommendations for further readings

Contents Part I: The Field.- Part II: The People.- Part III: The Business.- Part IV: The Market.

Fields of interestsEntrepreneurship; Management/Business for Pro-fessionals; Business Strategy/Leadership

Target groupsUpper undergraduate

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XII, 285 p. 47 illus. Softcover7 $49.95ISBN 978-3-8349-2729-3


R. Weber, München, Germany

Evaluating Entrepreneurship EducationEntrepreneurship education at tertiary institutions ranks high on policy agendas in Europe and the US. The increase in resources allocated to this kind of education comes along with a growing demand for justifying these investments. A better understanding of the size and nature of entre-preneurship education effects is critical. Richard Weber addresses this question and analyzes the effects of a large-scale compulsory entrepreneur-ship course on students‘ entrepreneurial intentions by employing a quasi-experimental approach. Mo-reover, he highlights the role of social interactions among students in building entrepreneurial skills. The results yield important implications for public policy, sponsors and lecturers of entrepreneurship education.

Feature 7 Entrepreneurship education at tertiary insti-tutions

Contents Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions.-  Assessing Entrepreneurship Education Using a Quasi-Experimental Approach.-  A Bayesian Updating Approach to Evaluate Entrepreneurship Education.- Peer-Effects in Entrepreneurship Education.

Fields of interestEntrepreneurship

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. XXII, 352 p. 22 illus. (Innovation und Entrepreneurship) Softcover7 $89.95ISBN 978-3-8349-3653-0


Page 12: R. Baldegger, D. Baumgarten, The Cost Stickiness ......2012. IV, 387 p. 140 illus. Softcover 7 approx. $59.95 ISBN 978-3-8349-3193-19 D. Baumgarten, Köln, Germany

Economics/Management Science springer.com/NEWSonline


W. Wei, Peking University, Shenzhen, P.R.China; W. Zhu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China; G. Lin, Peking University, Shenzhen, P.R.China

Approaching Business Models from an Economic PerspectiveContents 1 Introduction: The Business Model and Tran-saction structure.- Transaction Value, Costs, and Risks in the Transaction structure.-  The Six Elements of a Transaction structure.-  From Dis-covery and Reconstruction to Interpretation and Competition and Design.- 2 Business Models and Transaction Value, Costs and Risks.- The Business Model: A Transaction structure for Stakeholders.- Maximizing Value with a Superior Business Mo-del.- Dynamic Business Model Analysis.- The Six Elements of a Business Model.- Relationships and Differences between Business Models and Other Management Theories.- 3 The Business Model with Minimal Transaction Costs.- A Good Place to Start: Rural Cooperatives.- Production: Supplier Cooperative – Aalsmeer Flower Auction.-  Ser-vice: Customer Cooperative – CUMA.- Service: Customer Cooperative –MIGROS.- Financing: Customer Cooperative – Rabobank.- The Second Example: Housing Cooperatives in Sweden.- The Third Example: Mondragon - Employee Coope-ratives.- The Fourth Example: Various Non-Profit Organizations (No Owner).- The Fifth Example: Another Type of Charity Organization – Social Business.- Business Tradition in Shanxi – A Trade-off between Market Transactions and Ownership Transfer.- Business Model vs. Structurally Compe-titive Advantages.- 4 Business Model Positioning and Strategic Positioning.- Strategic Positioning and Marketing Positioning.- Business Model Positioning: Ways to Satisfy Stakeholder Needs.- Business Mode Positioning Analysis I: Property Transferring Rights. [...]

Fields of interestsBusiness/Management Science, general; Econo-mics general

Target groupsResearch

Discount groupProfessional Non-Medical


2012. X, 115 p. 35 illus., 16 in color. (SpringerBriefs in Business) Softcover7 $49.95ISBN 978-3-642-31022-5


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