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Page 1: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^<y r •—s-rr*ar«f _- ]


I MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as soit. day, sand,

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shafe. sarristone. eta Show

I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ^ IHSL ZZ !-seHfJe!I ~ Developed after January 1, 1963 I

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws. 196T, a* amended) Top of Ground ga-. - . i ^p !

I This form to be prepared by driller, and ihree copies to be filed FW» TO II by the owner wifr the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ( r *° <*—«> II which the well ts located, last copy to be retained by driller. _^ } _ _ - , „ _ , '. , .. ,71. II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _ 1I form may be returned. _^ ' I

^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n ~ f — — = =It Address Q£*!~x4-**\7^J>t^_ Rte .^-ZSSS • — • - —— j

• ~ SLte2Z£~3L2^j£2JL- H Z Z Z - . _-_ .——_— I

Date welt started j £ _ ! /?yli3 GW I ^UJ3S-^?.^JOL^ — — — — — — —— Jcompleted 9 >- * / ' %$ • _ _ ! • — - I

Type of well „ . £ * / _ & „ _ _ _ _ _ •• L • • • ,, , ; ' •' , - - • - • I(Do*, driven, bond or drilled) —————, __—_>.-——-_——-—--_—---—-———-—-—.——————— I

Equipment used —J^UkJU—^X——— •—• • ~ — I(Cbnra drill, cocqr or other) - ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M

f i l ter Use: Donestic JJ Munidpal Q Stock • Irrigation • — *— — — 1

Industrial _] Drainage Q Other __• Garden/Lawn [J — •——-f——• ~ — — I

•Describe ••, . '..,'. . I

USfe If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, -—-—— ——— ' Istate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block • 1- — — . — — I

and Addition). . __. '_. ,_. „_ , , „ . ,.,,,.,,, ; . ,_„, ,. I


S S M *miiEt | S M <M) rraroRATiONS I "" ~~" : IHate at Cubic _ . ———• ~ ^ — — •' — — • - • - — • — • — — — . . _ _ — - , •

: Ktad Fra- T« • > • • • ' • . ' II sh» (F«u tFwo : --——-_—-—-. I

i I '. I I I Static water level ft.'ii ' I*\ i Pumping water leveh ft.*! •

:„_! ! at gallons per minute,! i I'.•• . | measured.. minutes after r-^nfjing -_.._. ,_.,. ., - ^_^.^^. I; ; began. _, : I

W ~ i j B *Me«urod from ground level. __^ - ..•.L-._^-'--_ M' ; ; Well developed by ! ~ I

. 1 '• for hcurs. j . fl• ; Power. Pump HP| I; '; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,; -„—,] , ,-_. _ I

r ^ ~ ~ r ~ I ' ' " packers, type of slmroff) "" _____ ~~ I

14 __ yA Sec^. - ' — • ~ ~ "~ ~ ' ' . II T_^.J N B r7*,... E • - __'_ I



Driller's Signature '- | j I

Driller's Address .._„ ...: _. i • -3 1UCENSE NO - Show exact depth of bottom I

Page 2: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

H : ' " ;•.. •-.• :•••••,• ^ ^ ^ ^ " { h ^ •

Page 3: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

^^^^^p V- ' ^~ -SnEa« mdepcncSfttrt Record <_g W i !•._ _!_B.lj_iB


mt Declaralion of Vested Gronfldwaier Bights CT.TL- c __ | H^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) a I A i t ENGINEER ^ H

B TSchool S U t r l e t ito. 23 , <^t.aj£^_i_feng«. Slatoulf t H^ B (Name a£ Appropriator) (Address) (Town) H B^ H Ctrnnty "f MllBOUla frfr- n* Montana B H^^H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana lavs in effect prior to January l, 1962, as fol- H^H^^M lows: W^M

• H „ * 2. The beneficial ase on which the claim is based USUAL SCflQQL ^ H^ B | p i | i • j [ PTJHP0SS5 ; H^^B 1 j ; I j i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^^m^ H • , ', 1 S tmuous the use has been JI«lJl_!«L«_lliart_\i*ftd_ln ^ H^m — j—L_|— 1945 ana tb» a«» ilaof that del* 'aA« baan ^ B^ H :

: .1 ! 1 i . B. contliroottir^ .: ! ^ HH ' i : • \ ! : B E^^H —' j — : 1—' ~ • 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in nziner's inches or gallons • B B^ 1 ___ i_4 1- I 1 per minute) __lCL£aUgOBJje|_«3lS84$fi_ BH^ » 1 > • s i f s 1 5 if used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the AVB• • s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner ^ ^ BH thereof not applleable ^ BH J®y*I_«Sec__LT21_fR»« — •^^m Indicate point of appropriation j ^ H^ ^ | and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^^H^M Each small square lepresents 10 location of each well o- other means of withdrawal 3m%SZ-lA ^ B^ ^ 1 acres. drawn by a ptwp l o o ^ t e d i n t h * p | j tchftol ^ ^ |• • bttUdTag. : ^H

fl^K 7 The date of commencement jnd completion of the construction of the well, wells, ox other works for with- ^ H

• STwrf rf gSlntar ? ! W « H ! ^ ^ •H 8. The depth of water table m*°**S*&L-I0--Jfttl* _ : — B

H H 9 So far as it may be available, the t—pe, size and derth of each well or the general specifications of any ^ H«• * other works for the withdrawal of'groundwater Jg_tg.Jtf l^ljLJaB3ESacU-*ittfLy 9b t<tat ^ Hij^H u6«p« _ . ^^m

^^m 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year _AOClrQQQ.-ga,llons ^ ^ B

^ H xL The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available _.._?_*_*?*_-i.^-?L -— ^ H

^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrymg out the policy of this art, including • •Hi reference tP book andjaage of any county record_-_*->.t-J^MJg»a^M^%^3Aft.-tAa« th« ^ H^ B wcnrvar wapTVcSfi, j ; o ^ l f f g l_g^TiB&tioa about th« wall and v>t»r •Mplt ^ H^M 1_^l^__^gLl°LlJ^^-kQJ^lgXJiflaJ..th4^iialana». Montana. | H

H Sifnatnre of tt^atac/*/ gggg^,- ^&^m B^ B school I l i l H c t so. 2e | H^•H Pat** Seir— _n» 30 1*763 IIIIH^^B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which .he.- well is ..jjB^ H located. ^ H

^^H He_5S answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. HE

^H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ H^^H of Mines and Geology" and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. . ^Km

^m fan H

Page 4: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

!i —i .




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Page 5: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

^^^H^BH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^H^^^^Hflfc _. " J-% ' ' X__^__^_S^Bl

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Page 6: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

• : mn HIM a •liiiiiililli ii'Mlia" '"" .!L ±™°'% I• B | j County jf^rffc^,/; Twp. J//J Rge. /?£) || fl|

^ B j •''•! S e c - Name of Appropriate Type of Form F i l e^o . Remarks ] » flH

^ H r a 1 j . . . _ . I • • vffl ;.' • • ^ E ^ B M

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IC v Ap?r-<at Stock F«=»—S_* PuWiiJnag C o , Hticnu Monnna—3*M» « "* ¥

3i 2f 19 W / - -r P2e No , T 3 | yf TKt m j g ^T. /

DUPLICATE Coraitj'_e ia theat l



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights L.r'Gi T1 - - ?(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

r Highland Company, lac. f 509 First Avenue North Great Fnlla(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

Count- of C a s c a d e s t a t e nf Montana.have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1T1962, as foflows:

i* - -

* [ j j I | I j I 2. The beneficial use on. which the claim is b&ae* U s e ia-**38"*-*— i — ; — i i — I — ! — to domestic use , industrial xxee. irrigation and municl-

| : ! I ; I pal use. *See reverse .• ; ; : ; j 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-

—:—;—; ; — | — : — tn ,^ , t v m» >»» w * I P ^ appropriation made oa; i ; : j ! Joly 10, 1953; ase continuous since that date.

W ——• 't \ • j 1 f—— E '.

i i I ~ I I i "*• The junount o£ groundwater elaimecL (in mnxer's inches or gallonsI • ; I j f ! _ - per Tnfnnte) 6 5 g a l l o n s per m i a a t e a p p r o x i m a t e l y ,

i * i t i i

I I • •• * ' i i I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landss ' t o which water has been applied a n d name o f the owner thereof— \ Usages made of said water in the latnds described on

NWJS^j5W|^36 >F32NR 19 W ,^e_rj5Xfe®8_herggl. ______Indicate point of appropriation • ————-» ; ^and - place of use, if possible. _ . . . . . . , .Each onall square represents 10 6- ^ e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal .

Three wells, located as icuiicatad irt accompanyingdiagram.

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the welL wells, or other works for with-drawal of groondwiiTAr Construction of initial wel ls eompletedJa Jaly of 1953; improve-

P^lltj^^j^^gg-g---^-^^^-i^g''^^^^--^-.^ermitteat dates s i n c e that t i m e as necesaaryto achieve above water usage. ---

8. The depth of water t a b l e J - Q U m ^ i M ^ t h a n 4 0 f e g c t -

9. So far as it may be available, the type, s_e and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater-JDae_«elLappx«8amateJty^7 J.Qj9jtjH?JLdee.Pi with B.tnrh rasing Rgmainfng two wel l s corr-f?rete crib and fravel construct ion. Water fronwel l s to point of util isation by gravity flow.

10. Che estimated amount of gronndwater withdrawn each year 30 .to.. 40.. rrrilT.iQPLgaU-.Qaa.

11. lie log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if av»uabk..Nona ag—dlahUt. <

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful i_ carrying oat the policy of this set, includingreference to book and page of any county record J8/3L'_ifo*LwlBff^jdfaS CoPtlnuatlou wf

ftxlsting viator f ights , fllfid In Book 3S2 of MlscT -at'Pftgg t y l ^


ATTEST: * Highland Company, Inc.J. ' '>/ • -'-/D Y? Signature of Owner -«=rv.__ . — M X .„. JK :.- •

'A^tf,(t/Wi$A*tj By: R*^f>^i|M^5^-Bertha Aiken, -ecretary. lytvAJk^lA^sL^^Jc^tl^.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Records of tkeVbanty^in whKlrT—Sr'well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form wSl b e returned.

Original to the Coauty Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplinte to the Mon*an_ Boresaof —Ones and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. .

Page 8: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

|B ^\ " — ——.— ,t _

H H n ." ,:•"' C a s c a d e . . . | H

BB 7 4 ->RobeitT* BngUsh.. - - ^v s , . |> t flf ^ U ' ~* - • • ~ > r i " r' ^the Highland Company, flBgB "...».«., r . I VV,V.-". is is the President of / ' Inc., jHtBB , -' *->;-;>:.; -1 : ' • . -, .-- - - , •^ B ~ J' •' M"v' president of the appropriator, ^ H

Hn to the best of his knowledge and • •|Hn Information and that he has executed this instrument on beiialf of the said corporation, ^ H

B B • July 63 HI^^B Great Falls, Montana flip

BH 3* Utilization of this water has been incidental to mercantile establishments, service ^ BH H ; stations, houses and living accomodations and motel owned by declarant. There has ^ B^ ^ B \ been irrigation as is incidental and necessary to any and all of the foregoing. ^ H

| ^ B 5. FUthead County: ^ BBB Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range Eighteen (18) West ^ BH v Section Six (6) ^ HWBtk ' "• * West Half (w|) ' ^ B^HE '- Township Thirty-one (31) North. Range Nineteen (19) West ' VW^^H, ' Section One (1) • •

^ B AU Sj^^l Section Two (2) ^ ^ t^ H East Half (Ei) ^ BH H Township Thirty two (32) North, Range Nineteen (19) West * ^ B^ H Sectioa Thirty-five ( 35) ^ B| ^ H Southeast Quarter- (SEi) ^ H^ K Section Thirty-six (36) ^ B

Page 9: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

^ B File No T! '21 R B-- BB

•B ORIGINAL CnmtpT- fefiSjaJk* -~ -"jv] ^ B



BB Notice of Completion of Gioandwaier Approprialloa Without Well wM,

j ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ H P

^ B n u m w ^ J» Hlg,g2g?bi?AiMrPs)[ ?H?gs g3a<any Meat,' | H L

^ ^ H Contractor (if any) . ~ ' ' c ' : ' . . ^ ^ K

^ B Address of Contractor _J5S£*L j^H

MM SB•S Date Started .*VP1_A*-^L Date Completed-JJHE—Ijt^i^5-5 9g^HH K Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^ ^ B^ • M —_»____-_____-__——-_— sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to |^^Bj^^B i 1 ^—j—(— water when applicable — » i^^H^ ^ H • . . —I j : 1— -iji-'t- .;; i . y ^ y a ^ ^J;..cl,v ^^^g^ sv;,;; 2..g? ^ . , • |R^B

^ ^ B ! ~ ; i i "~j »*2 cyoa "JU^*^, r-3^^rvy.?kyft> ___„„ ^^B^

UK i I i Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- ^ ^ B| B H ' ' — od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- | ^ H |

^ ^ H " x Sec__? T.5r. R.__^ t e n t estiroate approximate lengths of periods cf use — .._ ^ ^ B^ B Indicate point of appropriation ^*tZ'^\^v.\ "'•*"•??' *<* ^ - > ' i ^--^ . ^^ ^ H^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. ' "*'* *' ^ ^ B

• ^ B ^^k?rjaa*< .^i^^J^ddi^CLJhakiii^^ ..... - ^ ^ B

^ H Signature of Owner_. . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ . ^ B

^ ^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ B

jj^H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in ^ ^ B^ ^ B which the works are located. ^ ^ B

^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ H

^ ^ B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ ^ B^ ^ B School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ B

Page 10: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

| ^ B . : „.• • . • • • • £znTt: o r Z V I C J ; . • ' • - ' . ^ ' • 5 3 . ^ ^ ^ ^ B^^M : . • • " . . " . • CC'JIiTT'OSr Tli l i—••->' : ^ H B

^ K ' • . : • • • : ' : ril^antsxe /far? ni..S2*dk~~....- S E BW ;:•• ! ;,'••: ' , " ; , ; • • • ^ "£.D.i9.f^at[^-oCIockftJi H P

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^^^^B ' : *" ^ B B B B B

• B B I B ' : ' ' • VBB^^Hft

Page 11: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

1 _ > : —§SB County 3-^<££?&^££k<d JBB^B STATS OF MONTANA BB^HH ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJITDWATE&. CODS fT^ i^ sra jg» *• ^ r _ wBt

^ ^ B OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER. I f l ^ ^^"[Pi l " H

jH DedaratJen el Vested Groundwater Rights l8M Bj^^B (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session La-ws, 19SI) STATE ENGINEER BB

BBB Tyf/?/.... ^V/ 's.<fejt-&4f »f T/g< ^ S^.^e^ /^JsS&s/- Hfl^BH * (Name of Appropriator) (Address) , / (Town) ^ ^ BH | County of Uj3L*^<^ . State nf . Ma A^ f-/fA/J? B KH^B have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior t o January-1, 1962. as follows: I B B

H • • ' fl^^^B ' : 1 ' ' i — Thz beneficial use on which the claim, is Tm«gT //# ~H S:£Ar6 **(/ wBBk

g g —;—•-—; •: 1— JEAU/. JZu^&GCgM^CjsLjgjjutt^ BB^^^^m • ; ; ; \ 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how' con.- JB^BJ ^ ^ B —! i i A—• 1 tinuons the use has been__i/|C-<2^VL^^L ^ ^ B .^ H w —|—i—i— : ' : * - -.-_^___--_- _ J V^ ^ ^ H '; ! \ : • t ; . . 4. The amount of ground^rater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons flj^H^^^B •-—i 1 -! !—\——•-— per minute) J*£- , . ™ f B

B ^ ^ B ! • '' '< '• - - ' ^ ^ H| ^ ^ B : • ' ' . 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands fl^BB ^ ^ H s to which, water has been applied and. name of the owrer thereof ^ ^ B• x JIUJL-JLISIJL. - wm^ B SM.Y4^CJ-^-^^ —321 — B^ ^ ^ B Indicate po-int of appropriation ~~ ~~~ • • , BRfli^B and place of usi»r if possible. _ _ . BBB ^ ^ B oaeb small sqvtare represents 10 °- me means Oi RTtsars^ iiig «t»n w*ater from the ground and the B^H^ ^ ^ B acres. location o.* ea>4 *fell or- other mea»s of 'ritMnj'"?"' f^&M is ^ ^ S

B S < S "| |^^^B 7. The date of commencemetrUnud completion of the construction o£ Cue well, wells, ur uther ycrk» for with.- EBB^ H drawal of &wxAvrtK-JE..^fej£jL./-..^0^A-&l^ - WDM

^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table-- ^..C..../^£.£.£'.. - _ ~_ H |

^ ^ ^ B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of -iny other ^ ^ Bfl^^B works for the withdrawal of groundwater . fl^S

^ ^ ^ B 1". The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year—•f^^^(e.^..t^jQ^J^it^?LjiCjrf^°/^.Jk " PRB

^ ^ ^ B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available 'y-y.&JtSX-JE-ML ^ ^ B

^B|B "* ^uca other information, of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the pvtlzcy of this act, including ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B reference to book and page of any county record /l CAt. ^ . ^^B

^^B^^^IB * f — i^ s . . ' ^^^H^B

B H | Signature of O^nier.^^^^^^^ijSfe^^Ei^l^ SB

^ B Date5^5:A'_^1~. /£jC^ H_ ^ . _ _ . .„. „ _

^ ^ ^ 1 Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Gerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is | ^ H

^ ^ ^ B located ^ ^ B

^ ^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise thve form will be returned, ^ ^ 1

^ ^ ^ B Oriinnal to the Connty Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate *o the Montana Bureau ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ B of Mines and Geoloir . and QuadruDlicate for the Appropriates. ^^m

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^ ^ B : • •'-:'••!"•'••• " ' " : " • • • . : • ' • •• • c o u j b j ' c V - • - M s s - y . ^

| B I K r •• S E - S - ^ '.•' '•' ; ' " • • •" •_ : • •• • • . . • Defray

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lniff y». T P / R / 7 ^ ^ H' '• : if y ^-+ ' o ! I N

ORIGINAL \ County-Z.-jiliiZ.XiL^-^T.- ^ H |STATE OF MONTANA 0 ) £.<wl& 51 V J£»l ft I B B


— STATE ENGINEER •Hoiice of Complelion oi Grouudwacor Approprialioa Wit^oul WeU JJ

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961} ^ ^ B

Date of Appropriation of Groundvrater—aXLi.j^-£-~—Ll_5L._L ^ ^ H

I Contractor (if any) ~Mjk. bL ^___ ^ HHiAddress of Contractor __- ' B^BwDate Started— Date Completed '..- H U M

w Describe mezjis of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^^^B, sub-irrigation and other natural processes'*. Include depth to ^ ^ B -* \f j $ \^ \ 1 water when applicabIe~k.-lL.£-£ S-^RjL.^ ft • ^_~_ HR

r • j 'I - ! E K ! '

w j [ '! - " ~ : ~" " /• ^Mr i • •{ j ; . „ ; ^ B

I i ; I } Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- fl^B'•• ——~— ~ J ' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- ^ ^ R

^V5Ly4/£^iiSec_3... T3 .1 R J A . t e n t estimate approximate lengths of periods of use -jf—^JuJ2, ^ ^ H

indicate point of appropriation „•_•_ ._ „ . ' • ^ ^ B .and place of use, if possible. * ~ ~ ' ^HB

I Signature of Owner^^L^^^CgScg^g^li^^^fe- . ^^H

• This form to be prepared by contractor (If any), otherwise by the owner. ^^^1

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in a^H

• which the works are located. ^ ^ H

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the term will be returned. ^ ^ H

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ ^ B• School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. ^ ^ H

Page 14: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

H • • . . ' • • • • • • • . ' . ' " - . . - . • •": ' . • ' • ' ' ; . . • • ' 7 ^ ' ^ - ^ - ^ i - ' ^ ^ ' : • • : ^ m

Page 15: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

fl| File No . T—ij2ZjL_ ^£1 ^ B

^ H ORIGINAL yj C o u n t y — ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ H |

^ H —:jf STATE OF MONTANA r r \ 'Et <p jp IT » ^ BH | <<D1M1NISTKATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE !p< **- iC 1 V i&j fjj • •


jH Notice of Completion of Gronndwaler Appropriation Wufiom # 6 t f IN££R jH

^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ ^ H

H • : ' ! . .- : ~~ .: • _ . • ! • -; •' H

^ ^ K Date of Appropriation o* Groundwater -AjAHLfL. /./LlL. j^B

^M Owner^^/Jfi^/^^ddress-^^L^^^^ ID

^ ^ 1 Contractor (if any) --&G.JVLJZ- ___ ^ ^ B

^ ^ H Address of Contractor ^ ^ H

^ H Date Started Date Completed _. • ! •

^ H N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by H ^ K^ H | sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to ^ ^ B

H ^ c K j :*' >b_ ; water when appUcable__^/_./£^_'^S-^L^JUXila^. WM

^^M \ < I I Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- ^ ^ H ;j^^B I—• • ! '• ——:—' cd used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- ^ ^ H

^H * 6 jf ^H:

^H[ SjS£_yt/£££secJ2 - TA/L "EiJJ?. t e n t estimate approximate lengths of periods of use _X_-^*L^ ^ ^ B^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation ^ _ ^ ^ H .^^M and place of use, if possible. "~ ~~~ H ^ K

^m - —-pr.——zr,——— IHj ^ H Signature of Q^&-£:Ldfe~.£z£{C:&**i&^^ ^ H

• D*ALic^a . •^ ^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. H H

^^K Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in • •^ B which the works are located. ^ ^ H

^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ H

^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ H

Page 16: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^
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^ H File No T ^- j R '/ f HH



H __ STATE ENGINEER •^ B Notice of Completion of Gronndwaier Appropriation WiiHoui Well j ^ V^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) I B B

^ ^ B Date of Appropriation of Groundwater JLILJIJ^— LJu>.J~[ H ^ B

^ H Contractor (if any) Ho Af f H »

^ ^ H Address of Contractor . 1MB

^ H Date Started __. Date Completed Hi

^ B N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by l ^ B^ ^ H __^, ( i . » i i sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to ^ ^ K

WM *5J~5 & | _ water when appUrable_J^LX£_._Sj^5il/O&_ . ' j[

^ ^ H j ! j Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- ^ ^ B| ^ B ~~———L—J od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- ^ ^ B

^ ^ B ^ytYitfF/SK.H 1*3/ R / 7 t e n t estimate approximate lengths o£ periods of use JL.^LU.At. ^ ^ R

^ ^ B Indicate point of appropriation ^ ^ H^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. ~~* ]^K

^ H Signature of Qwner_^^fe^iCSS<^^i^^U^^ ^^B

^^B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ B

^ H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in ^ ^ B

^ ^ B which the works are located. ^ ^ B

j^^B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ B

^^B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder: duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ H B

Page 18: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

i^Hft ' • ' • • • ' .. ' *V«—•».-Jfc-Tie. Xt-__,._...__- _._ :1 I ^ ^ ^ B

Page 19: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

^ H File No . T_jL/ R__Z..Z. MB^m ! -) ' — - ' H I^ ^ B ORIGINAL County-^^>^J^^-=fe*w_-zr- M lj^B "/• STATE OF MONTANA L<j j jj j HIHB ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUND" -*nj£T^ SEP 2 5 1963 L - ' 9R

• " " " QF STATE , _ ^ ^ g , ^ •

^ H Notice of Completion of Groundwaier Appropriation Without Well IB

^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) mSL

^ ^ B Date of Appropriation of Groandwater\J^M-M. >.. -J^J...Q.~~l IHB

^ H Contractor (if anv) MjL&£. JBm

^^m . . . . - - . . Address of Contractor -~ :— HB

^H - Date Started Date Compieted . ^ B

^^m N Describe means of obtaining groandwater without a well "as by H B^^M , sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Iratucie depth to H .

^M ^ F j ^ !X 1~ water when appu«^bIfc- i --iL-..V^£.-. ?I 8.1. K . ^ l - MB

^ ^ B I i j i Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- ^ ^ B^ H ' ' • •——•—' od ussd to measure or estimate such amount If use is intermit- ^ ^ B^ H * z' I^H^ B ?LJety4.tfS£/Sec-3 _ T^i-RJLjL t e n t estimate approximate lengths of periods of use Jo.~jfjz.iQ' ^ H^ ^ K Indicate point of appropriation ^^ m _ _ _ _ ^ . ^^K^ H and place of use, if possible. "" flB

^ B Signature of Owner_/i^^^C^<^^^<«^^a^ ^ H

• D.«^fefc^i^_Z^f •^ H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. H

| H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in • •

H which the works are located. ^ H

^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ H

H | Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ H^ H School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropnator. ^^M

Page 20: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

H | •'• j ' " . • ' • • " . . hi':>::t r.n tk- j£ MIJ o/~ A ^ Z f y L s , •- ^ ^ T

• : : : ; ; • , / . • ' . •••• • •• ,'. , • Aaj^^l^Mi ' , •

^ ^ B • • •• • : . • • •, ' : : : • ' • - ft Gxinzy Citri <xna "Ricdnkt ' ^ H

Page 21: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

• • ORIGINAL CountyJLX3i»asa^n^-^—j--~- -—-, ^ ^ HH i£js-w*iT •t^\r,\ B O1 1 STATE OF MONTANA [j] I "I ^ ^ B


jH OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER STATi" £N(aIYh 7 ! ? B U B^ ^ ^ H • • ' : . ^ B ^ ^ ^ B

•I Nolice of Completion of Groandwaier Appropriation Witbooi V e i l ^ H^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) | H

^ B Date of Appropriation of Groundwater 4tsttil_X5«X9.40 fl^B^P Jo tin L.""l«nkonship *> 5OX205, H

^ B Contractor (if any) J*°5?. ^ ^ B

^ H Address of Contractor _J*2S2_ — j^H

• DateStgEeffl ^ l ? j g Date Completed ^ H^ B K Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^ ^ ^ BH B ' sub-irrigation and other natural processes'*. Include depth to ^ ^ ^ H^ H —I—i C r 1 - «rater when applicable ^^^M

^B • ' • I ^^H^B j i L_— pp.<3»^__a;?___g.f>rfo?.?..T?1^ ^ ^ H "

^ B i i ' i ! I Quantity of water developed and used with, explanation of meth- , ^ ^ ^ BH | *_*. - ,

i J—L, d—: '——'•—'•—' od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermit- i ^B^ H IOCS 4 S!n> t> g I^^^BH aw.jF' Sec_®_ T—^^R. - tent estimate approximate lengths of periods o£ use _ j ^ ^ BH Indicate point of appropriation _.<au£rxeJLaits.t ~,*+.<*r ^ " ^ ^»-«»1 ^«»* ***& ^ ^ KH and place of use, if possible. rorcT*>uad« i r r l f r a t i o n . ^ B

I 7 ~~~77 ~ J" ^m^ B _ !L*£yzz2jJL£fA. i :-J&&.$g±tp-L ^ ^ B

^ B Signature of Owner_jE£fe^t__^Cr™/-5^^i-w_B^ ^ ^ B

• Date^={j»-_XB^igS3 ^ B

^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. •••V'

B ^•H^ B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in ^ ^ BWm which the works are located. ^ ^ ^ KH ^H^ 1 Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^^M^m Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the BjiflB School of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriated ^ ^ B

• ,^t>? | B


Page 22: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^
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9 File No T-JSi _R Vj Hj

H County—-——- — HB


H . STAIh tiYuiIHE£R HK Notice of Completion of Ground water Appropriation (•• Without Well IB^ K " (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws. 1961) ^ B

^ H Date of Appropriation o£ Groundwater—^^^LJkji^W^?^ _ ^^Bi

^ B fast Glacier Mercantile. West Glacier, Mcnt. ^ H

^ ^ h Owner _.— Address ^ H

^ B Contractor (if any) . „ .— _ ^ M B

^ H Address o£ Contractor ^ ^ K^ H Date Started !„ Date Completed . HS

^B . . ^ : : : :

MBKP^B M Describe mean:- of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^ ^ Ht^m I . " -,—-: 1 r 1 ; • i sub4rrigation. and other natural processesrr. Include depth to H H^ B L L__| ! ; j water when applicable IW.fe5ai...SPli?!g : HB

a' i 1 _• ^ ; Quantity ot water developed and used with explanation of method HR

**"; j " i ; ; u.sed to measure or estimate such amonut. If use is tulermhtent | 9 J fHI 9 estimate approiimate lenfftJis of periods of xise.— SB

• v* Secft... T.31M R..19W not jtfwentls ia «3e._ _ .„.„„__„__„„„_ H^ K Indicate point of appropriation 9BH and place of use, if possible. _ HI

^B ~ ~* '~'~'^^'^'^y^''4^'^~^p^c'*t'-^W^l' Wm

^ B Sismature of Owner—j Sy* tiz*u*^-£p*^.yp'. .J/u^.. — l^B

B Date.™.DttC»3D,..1963 JH

^M This form to be prepared by contractor (if any', otherwise by the owner. H^B

^ H Three copies o£ this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the ^ H J

H £ works are located. .^^V

^ K Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^HB

^K Oritrinai to the County Clerk and Recorder, duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana ^ HHi Bureau of llines and Geoloiry and Quadra/plicate for the Appropriator. ^^M

Page 24: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

\ ' : . ' : • • ; ; ••• . ' • • • • ' : {OkC 5

j ' : • : • • • • I , • ' ' ' ' ; • ' ' , ' : '

i ' l : . : . ; ' ' , . ' • ' . . • • • ' •• : • ' • ' : ' _ ^ : : : . . • , : : : ' „ - . : ; : ; . 7 v ; _ ^ S 3 ;

• 7 " • " • , ' • . • " ' • • ' ' ' • • •• ' • . • • • • ' ' ' ' • ' • '---•'^z^^.^-r-.l.^^^- :

•••"••,•. '• ' •'.'•• ' , ' • ' •.. ' • V \ . ' " • ,' ' •' ' ' : . ' ' ^Dtr&^gMaChck^ M '

; J - ' . 7 ; . : . • : . . " ':• • • •' : . - a & £ ™ l :; ; . ."•<>, •• . • ' " . . : • • . . • •• • . . • • • ' : 7 • 7 , 7 . • • J i o e p * v • • •

11 • • • • • . • : • • • I


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I ' • File N'o.._ - aw* T ' ' \ ' ft V ^ : ' ^ B


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights | HI {Q_ e • ^ ^ ^ ~2*L«*, <U a d e r C^Pter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ B

I i^jL^J^M^^±^2 vt-fTA ^a<u ,»& 'tZ&<^y HI C^me orAppropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ B [I County Qt^dd^Ldtdccc^J State oL^?^Z^<**^-—-~-—- -_— ^ B1 have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1. 1962, as follows: ^^MI __2 ^ BI ' ; : : jjL The beneficial use on which. the claim K b&sed^/&!U^£^tiz4u^/k4^ ^^Mm : [~ '• ; ^^'<-2*^<~iJ]Zxr*i^^^^ U K

I ; : : : : 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon.- ^ ^ B |• , . tinpoas the use has been—t..ff^d -<Vrc^.-<^L_at^**-«!^*t«.c ^ ^ B

I A. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ H 1

I ; ~ ' :— pe^n i inn te ;_£^^KZa^^^^> > a^__ j2uaa^ ^ HI ' ; ' <M-&JU*£*LX.IU&&/.-.J£X*JL ^ ^ 1

I !i I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ BI s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ H

I ',,. . . . ..J^*d^^-__IZZ_ri IT "•• ^ B• lnaic»t;?r point of appropriation -y •' " ~' ^^B^ 'I iU'l place of use, it possible ^ ^ H 'I Each small sqnare represents 10 *>- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ ^ BI acres. location of each weU or other means of withdrawal^-^*«rf.,arf*-i- I^^B ~

I 7. The tlate of commencement and completion of the /c&nstnictiaa^of the we l, wellayor other yorks for with-. / ^^^BI ^arawsi.of m*^&vty*TSz£te^££&M&dj&<&^.& ^ H

I ccJ/ii4JtiA'.T&>tJ An/i J*>**, ^<:faf/**f j£^J^sJ»//<f /£ d+^ttfss-yxc^ Zl. ....... ^ H

I 8. Tn« depth of waier table..^ y^ae^T... . . . , .: _^ : _ _.„.„. ^ H

I 9. to' far as it may be available, the type, size^and depth nfi-aeh well or the general specification^ of anyothet A ^ ^ BI wQJ s fo/the srithdrawal of i^oundw^terA^|<^w^^»^_^. /v_Xa>!5s«i^ai^ ^^m

I 10. The estimated amount of jrrotindwater withdrawn each vear q^£T<3 _.££t&--.G&j£j£&£te*d ^ ^ BI ' ' ' 7*^™-™^ - • H1 11. TheJog of formation*? encountered in tije driiUnc of each well i? nvyTahl» /fy^-SZy > <f>jf*'if ~^sf ^ ^ BI cj££-y ^<&tt£# jd&t£&4^^Ur M^ . ^ B

12. Such other infonsuttum of a simflar*datttre as may be>m|lefTil in carrytnfr^>ut the policy of this act, in/lading ^ ^ Breference t^book aad oz^e of any coanty record y^*^*-^ Jt*'^4X--~-^ \ l ^ B

^&^L>ZaX£'£*£^<^ ^ B

Signature of Q^ra^tA^'l^^.^.^/J^-±^/.j^Ljf^.*:^ ^^H

Date._Z ..- 1^.-O—- HThree copies to be fileu by the <*wner with the County Clerk and Kii<*or.'.er of tfe« county in which the well is SB

located. fl^H

Pl«a~c ansrrer all questions, if cot applicable, so statf. otherwise the form -.rill be -etumed. ^ ^ H

• Tiirinai to th^ rOunt>- Clerk and Recorder: duplicate to the tate Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ H•>f \Tin«> aitrf G o!fvc-v. and Ouadruolicate for the Approoriator. ^ ^ H

Page 26: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

r : # ; S ; . ; . 1 ; : ' 7 - : • . • • : ^ . . • • . • • • . • • • ' •" ' • • • " • • • • . . ' • • • • : • • • • • • " ' . : > . ^ • :" ' ' H

i • ^ i ^ : i K ; ; ' : ; : . v ' . ' : '•••. ' ' • - v ••' - •••• ' : : •• • . . ' : •- - Z ^ S i ! z ^ T & ^ H

? ; % ^ i ; S ^ ; . r ; - • • • . . ; • ' , - . . . : • . . . • • • • • . ' , - . , ' • •• •, - : : . •• - ^JL±^L:^- - H

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I File No- - T__li B L_L — ^ B




Notice of Completion of Ground water Appropriation ^mWithout Well •

(.Under Chapter 257 .Montana Session. Lawsr 1961't ^ ^ H

Date of Appropu&uon oT£^j»v|j^ter.i^«(C^^.__Z_J7.-.y_rs~-_-_. ^ ^ H

Contractor (IF any) ~ ^ ^ H

Address of Contractor —I - - .. ^ ^ H

Date Started.. . Date Completed . .._ ^ ^ H

N Describe means of obtaining- ground-water without a well "as by ^ ^ Br : 1 1 1——; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to B ^ H^ L 1 i 1. i . regr-r whAn npp]i<.at>li> £* J ^ ^ g ^ ^ - ^ ^ flU ~f>&£- ^f). fyj Sy fi^L j^H

—i~j—'>— r-~r- ^i^ B

:'""""; :" : \ ", / • • • ' . ' SBj : ; j :_ . _. f (Quantity of water developed and used with explatpation of method JJBB; ',' " ; ; ; : us»-ij to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent MSB' - ' ' ' ' ' /? /! ^9HV

* estimar^ approximate lengths of periods of ose.-jl^idiCi-rf^^t-C^' l ^ B

"*?-« S«J - * «• R P J*S. t^JvULJ.. A ' «£ZH*ZJh~U2Sffi2. •Indicate point of appropriation / —-~. .^ ^ ,^ - ^ I ^ ^ Hand place of use. if p^mibte. ^{a&Z^t^ . ^Z^^^ ^ B

<£Vx> ^a^Ls~«r^.p4\S.Ma*<A?*- ^ B^ r> t f H I

&«' ^u^*^^-- HI Sisnature of Offner.^. ^ . V ' s ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ H

T*x*..x}^..3.°.-.J9JA ... HThis form to be prepared oy contractor if any . otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ H

IThree copies of tLcs aotioe are to be filed ivith the County Cierk and Reconier of the coanty in which the ^ ^ V

works &n? !o<»ate>i. ^ ^ H

Hease answer all questions. If not applicable, so stat.-. otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ B

Original to the County Clfrk and Recorder: "iuplicat- to the State Ensriirwr: Triplicate to the Montana ^ ^ HBureau of Mines and 'G-olo-rv sad Quadni^I-i'at^ for rh- Appropriatnr. ^ ^ B

Page 28: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

Ir; ••.::."• ••' • • " • • • • • . • ' : • • . • • ^ ' ' • S h ^ ~: : ' " ' H

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- F2e NO .. • m p * U •) TJ>*~A/ * f<?~ t*) ^m

y UUFEB 181964 ^ ^^CkUmA— •'V gi'A'np'fyp ftlPTTftW*. A^B

y \ I r j \ OVJPloii kj? STATE EHGIKESR ^ f i S

V Decl^ffiibnW Vested Ground water Rights^1 3 19S4 •

STATFtWgffiggfr*o n t a n a S e g i < m*"* 1961> STAIt hWbiNhER ' H

cQcnv^Sl^ B(>&niB^^propr^8or) ^ > (Addres) JL (Town) ^ H

County oL-ZiJCl^ULQjjL ft*** of ^yfr-yf LQyyun. ^ j ^ Bhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws iVeffect prior to Janoarj-1,1962, as follows; AwSB

! | • t l ! 2 . T h e beneficial u se on. vchich. the ^Taim is Ti««*flTjr~r»^yT>yi,^i/^i/[yf f »^ HHt —-*—i~—i i—1—i— j ^ i ^ c l r , n.rfoK) , ^;>3v i fygixl (Vf-y ^^H

• • ~| \~ ; > 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ F1 ', !—- -—: ',——I t inuous the use has been ^ ^ ^ H

» ; . : \—l-4r-« — __^^_^^ __ ^m

• f i r ! '' 4. The amount of groandwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ H•• 1 ! i 1 1—- per minute) _f^._. A. Q. . W^m

J_J ; ; ; | „ 7g77 ^^f^St^n^ HB> ' : • '» ' I 5. If ased for irrigation, give the acreage-ind description of the lands ^ ^ H

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ B

fcj.E.y^t^secd^_T.^LR.iaw ~a£n&^Zc%t>^^ IBr ' . . . ,. .vfc>toxcO(oi t&jQc&njJUJ U ^ EIndicate point of appropriation -t->. l ^ Band place of use, if possible. , ^- '-_ . , •, A. HEach small square represents 10 6- T t i e means of witbdrrwmg snch water from the groirad. and the | | ^ 9acres. location of each well or otter ntt&nir of withdrawal p.... t, | ^ ^ H

O "^ ^ j ^^m

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ ^ Hdrawal of groundwater „ /-C2~A". -^v—_ .. — — — ^ H f

. ./..Z7...jhJU. HB8. The depth of water table t...O.—dL%r~+ _ ^ ^ B

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general speei&ations of toy other H ^ Bworks for the withdrawal of gronndwater. .—. . „_.._ i ^^B

10.. The estimated amonnt of groundwater withdrawn each year—dULi-Ll.^iJJLi ^.i ^ ^ B

11. The log cf formations encountered in the drilling of each well if avaUablcJ^i^CgJS^L.. C L / v J ^ - y . ^ ^ B

12. Such other information of a similar nature as -nay be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^^^Kreference tr, book and page of any county record. ..-—f*f ...—^ — B ^ H

! ' & Signature of (y^€^irttam^^0£O7:i^^^.~ ^ H

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which tie well is ^ ^ Blocated. ^ ^ BPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ B

Original to the Ccsnty Oerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Sta'e Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Buretu of flBllincs and Geolopy and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ftwAV

Page 30: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

• ^ Ml

I . i L D ^ ^ „.-.- ~--•-' ; : 9 |

B . . : . : B ? . — J 3 & £ ~ ~ — — ' £ £ t t ~ , • • '• . i , • ' • ... , ! ' • , '•• •", •• • ". ' ' , ' ; ;•;' \ ' ^ H

H H ' . • ' • • ; i • : • ^ ^ 9 ^ B

I^B " ' : ' : ' . . . , • , ^^^^^fl

^^B • : E^^^^^^H

•B' ' • " ^I^^^B

I v B

B ^ ^ B

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. • </' mmmM _.M ,„ j : i& •T...K. - • : * • L rai»W4.^ o ^ ^ a ^ E U ^ - HDUPLICATE / » / l STiBfofiJ^M^rG^^SwiUm CODE •_ _ . _ _ _ . _ ' X K , — > _ _ m n „ „ „ r—OFFICE-OF STATE ENiGttNEER ^ H

p I Top ,£ Ground [Fft P S P ^ I f Oil ™<IA»3 J964 H(Elev. above s*a IeveL3 , ^ ( O^ ^ " » i W W CompkfWIl Of SwiUldwaier •

- UL1 FEB 9 4is^pjfttprialioa by KeaiBi«'WefllNbli^t£R •

(Under Chapter 23T, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ HSTATE ENGINEER ra ^ a V 6 , ' •

0wner^s*fi^*^i6^:lS^^ M

"~ i ' DrfflerJifcS^&jfiLw^-- ..^ddress^C^/^fdu^OJ^Xj^ ^ B

__ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater^fcjjkii- < ^ Q.y.A3-!p ^ ^ ^ |

— Date well started.Oo&H I-3-6*.3l_ Date Completed.vJLjiX.A-l-?l-feu'S~ HK

Type of welL.. JCSJOJ&^ ... Equipment UsedL_i2S^C<W?o^ ^M— (dug, driven, bored ^J^* (Chum, drill, rotary or ^^m

drilled) other) ^^H

_ Water Use: Domestic S Municipal Q Stock ^ irrigation H ^ HIndustrial Q Drainage Q Other Q ^ H

_ ""5tl Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different ^ Hstrata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, ^ H

— etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of ^^m_ water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the welL ^ H

— . Sin Six* xnd 1 rrom ! To ' ~ : : ^^Mor Wdiht of (rew) (Feet) PtKrOEATIoyS ^^m

— Drtled CUB* « ,„! ,„„, Ta ^ H

_ x Static Water Level for nan-flowing WelL-.-'X.. ^ X . . ^ _:ieet ^ H

— ; | '! L [•..!.,,. Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well irf.&.GU&pJu^^ | H

••""";.'"—! ; ! ~\ 'r~~ Pumping Water LevcL_oi „. .feet aX./.LC.Q. gal. per minute. ^ ^ B

I' '• ' 1 ! Discharge in gaU per min. of flowing well/ZQXCXp^3JL(*i^CWvrsSL H

— J „ ; L—J>. How Tested-JvWJ^rtVJD^^Q .._ Length of Test..^.O^-rwi^wi^..*.... ^ H

.;* : ; i Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ^ H— __ '_ U-——-' tion of place of use of groundwater if not at welL and any ^ H

1 : other similar psrtinent information, including number of ^ H— s acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) ..-.- - ^ ^ B__ Indicate location of well and •">- W > ^ \ ^ - - . \ L ^ ^ B~~ place of use. if possible. Each ^ ^ B— small square represents 10 acres. - ^ ^ B

Qi^k] Show exact depth of bottom. <\St (~0 ^\ ^J« C rvH^yr* B^ l

Driller's Licer«e^Number ^^H

Driller's SigiMta^ ^^B.

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re- ^ H

corder in the county in which the well is located. B^B

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ H

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines fHand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ff SH

Page 32: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^


. . , . . . . - . . - , . . . - : • • : • • • . • • . .. . : . . , .. _ • ,,.;;.,,,.,.,-:-^":*:'"i?i§g«»^

: _ . '/i://4' • "• ' ' : ''• " : 'V,. ;;• ,'•' I

^-•J^LZL. - . •' • • ! r • 8 B

;., ' — ' • . _ ! _ • - •• , • ' • , ' : ' , ! . ' • • '. ^ ^ ^ H

i " -'• ' ' : : . . : ' , ." „ • ' • ' • : ^ ^ B

I ' ' ' . . .' ; ; , : : ' ' ' . . ; ' ; ' B

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Piiu N o «*»* T -3 . p ' >



Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rjj^fE ENGINEER(Tinder Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ (Name_qrjw^ropnator> (Address) , (Town)County of ^ZoO^&Jk State of. J k 7 ^ ? 3 a £ k K ^ .have appropriated ground-water according to t h e Montana l a m In effect prior to January 1,1962, as followi:

> ; i • I ; 2. The beneficial use*on.,whleh t h e dam. is baaed,

—"j—i—I :—i 1— J&^&jjLt&ZZiJl^Jzl^^; • ~\ ; ; 1 3. Date or approximate date q£-earliestbeneficial nsvt and how con-

-J-—I 1 —i—I- !— tinuo-os the'nse has b e e n - L l ^ f c f c l ^

i ! i I i i I , —^*J*SUL-l$$^ 7 ~ \

~\S; ! i ; : • 4. The amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons^~^{—j j j 1 j — per minute)-^&^(lgjlr-JllU^(<l&>-, ...

• ' * I ' * ' I 5. I£ nsed. for irrigation, give t h e acreage and description of the lands1 to which, water h a s been applied and name of the owner thereof

.x -nil wV-J -£^^4^£L,g4M~6*^^__„%__ SecJ^TilrK^a. JF^gp&-^j£=rf34,v%W^^, „ . . . . . . t. TJ[2J2J~~£J~J-L.. JL . /LA°\ 1 i//^€*i •*Indiccte point of appropriation JS^/)/\LSS\ ^ L » I U ^ / / \ ^ ' " '*-^~and plice of use, 2 possible. A^UAHA/ ^ t L ' v t ^ V -Each, small square represents 10 6. The zneans of withdrawing: such, water from the ground and the iacre«v. location of each we l j or othgy means of »tforti-«Tg«l X\jynt..'*J.isA'iA \

7. T i e date o f commencement and completion of t h e construction of the 'well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater—_Q_ -X~X~-« -n- i~A—j4^^\

•*»* - i • _ IL -mi - • • • • ii • H . , . P I • •...« -11^11 iii f • • •^rtTTT*—«•• ' • • • * • ' • #• »••-. 11 • • I I - I I I - 3 * ' • 1. - • • i t - — • - in-- 111111111--111-1 • • . . , ^ H I . . « • • • [ - - 1 • 1 -1 1 • •

8. The depth of water table^ %z-£g&Ub£U-~d. £j£i£l. r j

9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general spedficatioss of any Qther•workffor the tthdraK&I of groandwater^vr^^r^^-^^^l^^^^gA*^^

10. The estimated amount of grotmdwater withdrawn each y e a r j 3 p L ^ . _ ^ ^ £ L < d k f e f e ^ ^

CM^ -w^O^JLMjuOyA Vxtf^fei^t -^irfypc-tAM fit~^^4o ^W^^J(jJU\\,ikM %UaiZ~~11. The log o f formations encountered in the drilling of eachn well if avja i labba^f^fet -yp^^yg^ ^ ^ ^ * 9 ? ^

12. Such other- information o { a similar nature u m a y be useful in carrying' out the policy of this act, includingreference t o bjwik and page AC any county recgrd_/L y. ^ -u—T .-• a-JjM~Jl3^l{J^^J«Q~^^

Signature of QvneiSj^Al^lM^i,../\ ^{£$^2Z&i4z&V--4>L~

Three copies t o be filed by the owner -with the County Clerk a n d Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer a l l questions. I f not applicable, so state, otherwise the form m i l be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ~M/wifin8 Bureauof Manei and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

— _ — __ ,

Page 34: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

\ •:':'• "• : •:•• :^M : * I

FITsd on th*.'f'tTnynf Jk^r ^ H1

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9___H <^fM * Approved Stoct Farm—Sole Publishers Ca_ Kelenx. Mcnaana—11921 e^^g*>3 \ H ^ H


H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights | H^ B (Fnder ( ^ p t e r 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^iAft Fi-:r'Yr-r~n ^ HH • t - | « U i i i L C K ^ B

^ B l_.____JLiCCa_iLICIi_5QZLQ : , of 17l7_HaneU_-S£rv—JSsseala. - • •• • (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ ^ B^ B Ornnty-^ Hlssoola, I-Iontan?. : stnte "f Hontana flR ;^H have appropriated grottndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January l r 1962, as follows: ^ f l j^ f l Days Bay Tract 11 W\\\\\\\\WH Sec 10 T31H w R 1 9 g •^ ^ L ; '. j , J ; ; 2. The beneficial use on which, the claim, is based , . B B I^ ^ T i •. : _hs,-j- I Household and I r r iga t ion . • • &

H H | "; '• """T~~ i ii'i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how conthra- • •• I i :. : f ; N SM- on* t p. n^ hn« TIPPTI Cn f i l e and of record in the office | B _^ H i | i ! ; '^fr* of the Clerk and Recorder of ilarhetd qocntyy Hont. l H l ^

H B '." "•"" :"\"fl,> '/t/i&f' / • i. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ B

• J..J...iJ^_.['ir._Jl_j.... per minute) ™.9J&s. H •

^ H I : ? : '{ '. > 5. I f nsed fcr irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^fli' ?

^H s to which water hasbeen applied and sssie of the owner thereof ^ fi^H Lot Qua ( i ) of Days 3ay Tract. HB• __%r_8«_T B^.- ggS ind jag^^ _____ M >^H T* ^H.^ H I n d i c a t e p o i n t of a p p r o p r i a t i o n ^ H B| H a n d p l a c e of use , if p o s s i b l e . E a c h __ . , , . , • . . , . , ^ ^ 2• • small square represents 10 sexes. 3- The means of withdrawmg such water from the groana and the Ioca- HB^B tion of each well or other means of withdrawal__ ^ ^ 9 -

U 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- U j g r

• • drawal of groundwater... On £ ^ e ^^t v-^ ff"-..r;r:, '~. "•"-•.; rt1r?<a nr r.r* IV)I-T»<- -inn ftBrpTViPr ^ ^ KH K oi fxa-sneacl oounoT. r.onxana, JRs

^B 8. The depth of water table. _Ji°t_&iO5Eti „___ HHH

^ E 9. So far ast it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ^ H^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater. . . „ ^ ^ B| H ... !>. ..-- — ? v r - - " -**~IL p3Lu&iLji.wu_suJ-SL^gu.u^«^._^uiii^>..... | | B .

^ B 10. The estimated amotmt of groundwater withdrawn each year ?.y^y_§S^r?. I H B

^M 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well it available. m.»»« ^-/^ . .^....rt. ^ ^ ^ ^

^m _ . ^BB

^ B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including Mt^HH reference to book and page of any county re<»rA.._.ite?J?IS5<LiaJlS5lc_Jr3iL^LS2£ds_j3LndJai_ia£^E0^ M M• aLAae_3egor-'j Q.C W?.^._^a^z-^..nat^ae^t-jaxfe:^u. ^ H

I Slgnsturs of '0wner..._:....^A^=^^^(—- -- • •

I Date :s_ 5^41-.:.._...... B^m Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Eeeorder of the county in which the well is located. B . H

_H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form wQI be returned. ^ ^ HI •H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau, of ^ ^ BH Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. *i £* * ^ ^ B

Page 36: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

• • : / / M i " "

' . - . . . . • • ; •' • •• ' ' • • . ' ' • : : ' - — . c r •:--.:-.:i-.\_- s 3 • . . ; •

' • • • . • • • • • • ' • . • • " D i r * 7 ^irCf^^r- cJ, j£-i^yry^'L

• • •.. . ;•: •. • . L - I : fce^._.u.• • .. ._.. • - - ^ i • • • , " ' . • . . . • r"o!iaj-» Ciiri'ass r.^r:;iter

? ? " • . ' '• •• ° - ; ; •'•" ' • • : • • ; : • • ' . ^ • ! M J ^ .^.... . • •••i ' I• - . ; • ; . : " • • " • • . : : • • : ~ ' ' ft.?ut? '} •

> • • . . . • • ' ' •.. ! . ••• , • : ' • . • • ' , • • • • . . I •

1 . • f

• ' ' - • • • • • • I

. . . . |

: * (

'• : ' ' ' . ' ' , I






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I File No TJSM K19W MU


I ~ (Eiev. above sea leveLliopj^) Notice of Completion of Groundwater HI ~ Appropriation by Means of Well HI - Formations Logi DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY % 1962 | HI — 0 — 5 Brown (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^^BI - d i r ty g r a v e l . Quintin H. Richter fc/or ^ BI 5 - 1 4 Fair ly c l e a n o^erJCLaik«riaft_Hi6ht«r_ Address-SeAt filnciwr, Mint, BI — brown gravel . JBBI - 14 - 3& Fine gravel DrfflerXlhAgty Pri l l ing Co. Address Hi.iwnnin, Montana B BI ' , ^ ' and u a d i . ' : p^BI ; ' So»e t a n clay« Date o£ Notice of appropriation of groundwater Mona f i l ed . - B^BrI _ S i l t y water . BK.I 38 - 5O Clean coarse Date well started 7/3/68 Date completed 7/6/68 •»E ~~ g r a v e l * W a t e r * : ' ' . . > , . ' . . ' . ' ' •»I _ 5 O - 5 3 Tan c l a y and Type of well D r i l l e d Eqmpment toed C a M e T o o l « ^ R "I g r a v e l Odjced* (DUK, drmn, bored or drilled) (Chnrn driQ, rotary or other) ^^MI ~~ Water use: Domestic 3 Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation IS ^ BI — Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q ^ HI Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata ^ HI met with in drilling, snch as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Shor r ^ Ha — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing ^^M,I strata and height to which the water rises in the welL ^ ^ B

I - S « .Sf 5r~ <£o 1 *ow*miw H

I - 6- 6 5/8" HI 00 x K* +2 55 Will* ^ 1I ~ Knife ho 50 ^MI - Water rises in the well WMI _ 14 feet tnm svrfaee* V^»

I — ?t' Static Water Level for non-flowing well B ^ Ef ! 1 j I 14 feet. H

J ! ^ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelLRoa-X I ^ B_ j • Pumping Water Level ...%k- — feet ^ ^ K^_ w ; '• K at 150 • gaL per minute. ^ H ^

• • • * Discharge in gaL per min. of flowing well ^ B. • • ,,»_.i« _ _»«J ' y o n ^ f l owimr BBB_

' ; How Tested_^j.r—Li-^t—Pvusp- B^Br~ 1 : 1 '• Length of Test-Jgwo . howr&- E^B:

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- ^^B

T - TCI/VIUW 10TSliO»l<lw era>typeo£shnto£f)^Al3r..wuter e n t e r - ^Mu ^^ftcifnTof^S *^^±^^ m

plac. of use, if possible. Etch Per fora t ion . i n ~ H x T 5 c k B H— small square represents 40 -c««ijtgif—Wells- ±xtr~ftt±» area BB

acres. ft^T* H*t dT**W*f#<^ trp« Ti t n p»*c>^ ^BBI~ iuc'j clear sand Tree water year after year as long BV_ «g~<hey--«icre"~no ~tHregpumpadt i i » r r t h e y aheold be BBK

purrped at ratas not in excess ofa.JSJJejLoX, tba. tested BBS_ . gapaettygf-tlie—aquifer* CCo«Moe <m rw«se aae^ pw

k r '• " USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state ^^B— ' r: '". number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- ^ ^ B

t5on). ^BB

^ a ^ J Show exact depth of bottoin. ^^BBottonF of hole 53« Pfl

q*» BBaThis form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed br the owner with the 7 T ^ T^V! B B BCounty Clerk and Hecorder iE the coonty in winch tha wfe" is located, tissue copy w be Drillers License Number BHretained by drSIeE. v A v « ^P* P ^ V B HPlease inswer *n qaestions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be \^J \ j jAfc&A*- j3 lL_^^^y3Bkvk fl^BTctnmed. Drillers Signature. ^^H

^ *-( e»^" V B

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I ^ — - • ••. ;. . . . •• - •/}!•£' . • •. I

^ m •".•••••.•: • ••••• : t " l . •• •• .. • ' • —-~~~cZtt&*^**Z* • • . ^ H

• • • % • . ' • •• ,.' " ; • . ' . ,• * * — - — ^ ^ = r ;. : . . •

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B H FOa No — =» * T 3< » /? ' ftB

flH County : V ^ Bm STATE OF M0HTAK4 " - - ^ ? v •BH ADHIBISXRAXOB Or QBOUBDWAXSE CODE <- & V £ , n J • •

^ B OFFI0E OF STATE ENCBHEER " --' J^jj « * ^ , . IJJ B ^ S

^m Declaration of Vested GroundwaterRig^tSy^^cf-Q ^mB ^ B y-) _ ^ , e (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ~" ^ ^ H

• U£ T&^d&^j •^M . \ML* -, j-;$rf&Jk™^&-~u^ of__Zl__/<g£^_^t, U'<#L Jt^€-'«A<z&L flHBaB " y (Name ofApnpopriator) (Address) ^ (Townf B ^ B^ H * Comity «f *y ^ A ^ ^ g ^ L State of^^7£tf___Zfe^!f, , . ^ H^BM hvra ippropriated grwuidwater according to the Montana IawB in effect prior to January 1,1962; as follows: ^ ^ Hfl » H^^^L • ! i i ( i 2. The beneficial use on which the "Infm is h»<^ -Csffr* -&,* -tt-G^Jr ^^^H

^ • P ,_„!—j—:__;—I—j—i— D^AJL^JZ+^^A^-^ — ^ B^ ^ H > j '; j • | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon- ^ ^ ^ F^ ^ H \ 1™i : 1-—1 tinnons the use has beenJ fir»a^*. .<«. »«crf,<y— .^c^esKjLJ&^g^*^ ^^^mH w ; ; i I • ; ; B p^~c,&-~JZ££- _______ H

^ ^ B i ! T3r "T ! I 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (xn. .tuner's inches or gallons ^ ^ H^ ^ | ! 1 1 1—I 1 per minnto) fi~Lt0 JZez^t-fl/ej] <L^/%— ^ <tjft ^ v t f / n , J ^ ^ ^ B

^ • J ; \ \ x \ \ \ / ' jr _Z_* • •^ ^ H •' ' : I : ; ' I 5. If us«l Zin. Irrigation, gire the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ HH B B JJ-*? ^ to which water has been applied and name of the owner thtrtof • • •

^M ^L%53lt|58eei L. T_ _ RJ£- S^fa? A ^ C_ BBB^Bj Indicate point of appropriation ^ 9tB^^H and place of use if possible. I ^B kB ^ B Each small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing snch water from the grcond and the ^ ^ B^ ^ B H acres. loeatiop of each well ur other means of withdrawaL^suS^^Lci^-. B^BJBJB J&yslnjt^Z^*.-. i>.sA~x?yf2 B^B>

B l __/ C „ B V^^^H 7. The date of eommencement and completion of the, construction of the .well, wells, or other works for with- B^Br^ ^ B Q drawal o£ gro^dwater^^^«2^^iK?^C^^w —/.^^-^^w^^&jfet^^.Zfcc^rat-^ B f l B

B ^ B ' 8. <ae dflptk of water table—^Y<^z/^..- ..— .- — . — • — ^ ^ H

^B^B ' B^BTB^H 9. So far tt it WULJ be available, the type, size and depth of each welLar the general tptttfhwtiom of any other BfllV ^ H worlM fwr U» withdrawal of xmfaiXKX-J&Gry^sii***^^-^^^ ^>-^<»^fc'^|-»i»j^</r ^ ^ HB^B 4&farJ>&&2&6Li^^ •- •X-^«--«/^^^^u^Zfc^---^^ ^ ^ B

^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year__fr>_^^^j_3S_rK«_-fea__^— B ^ H

^^^K U. The log of formation encountered in the drilling of each welL, if available^L^gL^at ^t ttr^k.^j^:. B ^ HB^H ^y\j£Ui*^^£&&>^-4/*^^^ B^B• • ^..ik^. ./_ _.. „ /7 Z !. ZZLIZJL/Zl. ^mB B t / ^BB

^^^B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including B^Bft^^^B reference to book and page of any county record. — , B ^ H

H — — - zg^-^c^'t^s^--^ BV—VJ Signature of Owner^_^.^_L._V___-^__^_n_r^ ^ H

^ H Date.«i2^_^«__<^_J?./v.../^'*'j' BJB

B ^ B Three copies to be tiled by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is B ^ B

^Bfl located. • •

^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ B

^Bfl Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ ^ HB^Bj of Wrap* nnA GPOIOITT. and Ouadrrrplieate for the Appropriator. H^Bi

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• ; • • : . .•:•:•.• • • •••••• : s : ; : £ $ r : . ^ ® * * ^ - , • , . •

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afl A / , * sal• H • . # * - . ~ ? / hi i a U- B B I_ • _ • . r i l e X o _ _ _.._.. J." w t T .W B y/ I ^ B


^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights | B^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237.. Montana Session Laws, 1961} ^ 7 ., < ^ Y. • U - lr - ;~- Bfll

• xdL^^-J%L~ _._ ot^o^ig^jfLiM^. •HH (Namwof Appropriator) (Address^ (Town.) ^ B B^ H County *i-Jf^Co£*Be>JL* State of—A^^^^t-iMO^ * •^ ^ H have appropriated groundwattr according to the Montana laws in «ffeet prior to January 1,1962, as follows: AVB

B B ' N ' ' ' '' ^ Hfl^BJ • • • : ' -. The beneficial use on iwfiici/the claim is baspfj \JC£~St'*-&& *r4f*\*r AVB

BY^I ; • : ; • : i ! 3- Date or approximate orte of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ rW^Hfl • P*""* —i*«t— tinuons the nse has been L^.JjQ _ ^B^H9 ^ | :• :. : ;|V*w>T ___• „ ^ H ;•^ • j w —[ :—: 1 f \ * - « . _ I T ' _ JT- „ "I "_ ""__ ~L~"r B•^•J l ; ; : ' : : 4. The amount of groundveater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •V^B•••Mj ; :-—;— ; ; : per imnute}_0..v.4fc«ft-Jr<«<5-___— , • • • •

BW^B : • . ; , . : ; ; ( 5 If ^ised for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ H• • • J . s _ to which,, water has been applied and name^of the owner thereof * • • •

•HHJ . . . . . .^^d^A^.;rretJ~^ C l T^AiEc.'VrW'.- BHB•••J Indicate point of appropriation BBW• • • J a n » 3 p l a c e o f u s e , i f p o s s i b l e . . , • , - « , , , • • • •^Hj Each small square represents 10 fi- The means of withdrawing such water from ths ground and Uw • • • >ftS^B acres. location a£ each well or oth«- ineans of, withd^rayaly^h:^.j^?J_^>t">' B ^ Hf B H ..r:^a-i..t...! .t>s_ n..L—.__!: ii/..rii . _ HB^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement ant! iioraplefion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- | ^ H• B H drnwal of groundwater. ...fjtf^f.O, _ - _ —- ^ B MBBBJ „_ __„.„ . I^H

^ B V "zxi # f- "• • / • &/" /tff- t £/ B B B^ B 8. The depth of water t a b l e ^ ^ ^ . « ^ £ X / . - A A M ^^ ,. ^_.- .tj ^#a^e*' M«M^m . i ^ o ^ ^ . ^ . t M J t M : L^- J**4JL,.d>ffL'«^*~ t"**^-***•***-"**• ' . • •§^ ^ H 9. %o far as it may be available, the vype. sue asd depth »F mizh well or the general .specifications oi any other BlS^^^B works for the withdrawal of (frcoiidwa^er. /tJwtA«t;.M-^V^^^AS^^LIISL.._/^C^.M^aw^.rftflKS?'^^Cll._ B B V| ^ ^ B . . 1 ^ .^ZJSZ... QLxA^tu-' ...^fAO--. ^—til -f-C- (£l£4**a*JL*r-.--.p. ..y...l£j. .^— f # ^^H

BBBI ^ >. ^ B B BBBBI v 4t o o c o 6 BBHBBBJ 10. The estimated amount of crrouc-ivt-ater withdrawn each y e a r — . } . * . . 2 . . . y . B B f lBBBI ' y- r /P H••^1 11. The log of formations enteuatered in th»» driiUiii: of each well if available..r^*^?^. ..! r..>'... Li._C« r.:.-(?rrr"... B^H^^M 4 , Z , . _ ^ H

B^BJ 12. Such other information of a *i»ni!e- rraiure as may he nsefi'I in carrying out the policy of this act. including BBVBB^I reference to book anil pa?e of my ctitmry record...- B^H

• *£/ V' Jj •^ ^ H Signature of rjwner. •**SjT*^?*^_.tyt^4lr?C9.•&*+>'' ^ ^ R

B^BJ Three «:opies :G be filed by the owner with tac County Oerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is • V JB^H located. BJB

• • ^ B PIea?<? answer all qaestions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. B^Bj

^ ^ ^ B Oritrinal to the County C!t?rk and Recorder; duplicate to the " tate Enzineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ B BB^BJ of Min*«i and Geolosri*. ar>d Otiadruolieate for the AporoDriator. B B s

Page 42: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

| ^ H :«»'*;: : ' : •• . " . " . rTnTE OF KOH7ASA ' ,-„ ^ H^ ^ B a>-:-..\ • ' • - • : ' " • • . • ' . • • - ! • . . • ' • ' ' . ' \ C O J T i T ? O F F l A ' i H n A C ' * " •• ' ^ D

^ H . •,••: : . • • " • ' , ' : ' : Filedcn the.J..datoL§Ulu ' . ' ^ 1^ m • • -? ;.•,,••: / •• • ' • . . '•• ! : • A.D.lGtz at J^oClick &.M , •

• .-.•• , . , • :;- •• : • . .. . • : •• .__.Ai*»~ • . ' . , . • _ . • , : . . • •

• By ^AJLXL. , H


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^ B GW3 - ^ ^ H

H FUe No T i_~ B * _ , ^ B

• ORIGINAL County__f^^^||/4ieL.^ ^M



I Notice of Completion of Groandwaier Approprialion Wilhonl Well B

^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ ^ H

^^^ Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ^^^H

^ H Owner..— Address _ ^ ^ V

^ H Contractor (if any) — ^ ^ H

^ H Address of Contractor . ^ ^ B

^m Date Started Date Completed-- ^ ^ 1

^ B N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^ ^ H| H _ ^ sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to ^ ^ Hn I • j i ^H"H B j 4l 1— water when applicable ^ ^ H

^ 1 *9-i i—: : '—^ 1 0(j used t o measure or estimate such amount. If vise is intermit- ^ ^ B

^ B £j& £Itt V* Sec_/*?T T_^/. TLJ1..? tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use ._ ^ ^ B

• Indicate point of appropriation jLsduAdJL^^^^ ^ K^ 1 and place of use, if possible. ' * J J, ^ A ^^H

• ^ &[4Cgc£fcfc* f~ S, ^ K• Signature oi^™Jjt^}^jtl^ty& Hi

B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. J B H

H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in ^ H

B -*-hich the works are located. ^ H |

S Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ H

B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^^M

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HH" • •• -• • • • • • . • . • , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . • • : E^H^ ^ • : ..:; ' •• ; ' " ' " :

: crass, OF M c j c a a . __ •• •• m^M^ ^ H COUNTY OF FLATHZSD\ S S ^ ^ H

^ ^ H , ' fiSed oa't&a^t day of _&*/<• ^ ^ H^ H ^^&^at^5sroCtocJhj? lM | ^ B^ • ; • " , • ' . • . •":'•, •', ' •' ." ' • , - " • • • • . . ' ; , • • f6*f > _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' • ^ H^ ^ ^ B ': ' . ••"••• ^ . ' , . CoontrCbz^and Becardiz~ . . ' ' ^ ^ ^ |

^ H • ' • • • • • . • • • ' • • ' : . ' / . : •• • • • ' ; • • • * * - $ ' — — - ^ — • ^ H

^ ^ ^ B ' , .' ,,.; : ' • . . ' , ,. . ' ' : : ' , . U , • Deputy . ' ' ^ ^ ^ K

^ ^ ^ B , " ' • ' • " , ' ' ^ ' ' , " ' ' ^ ^ ^ B

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^ ^ H IHe No- ="* * T ' "g ' ' V A H

^ ^ H County VA•*^ H STATS OF MONTANA B B^^M ADMTHI8TBATOS. OF GBOUHDWATER CODE |~g} E C IE I V E fT) • • •W^^M OFFICE O F STATE ENGTNEEB ! f) 1 i l l ^ ^ HH JAM 6 1364 H^ B Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights , ^ HHH (Under Chapter 23T, Montana Session Laws, 1961) o ; n i u £ ft UIN t E R ^ ^ B

^ H \j2£CuLLJ^^Al^t£x£rLr-^ ; . o£_£^: ••- (v^^^~ ±^c-f£ e ^ B^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ ^ H^ ^ H County of /9x— .~=> J ^ State of /')G*>-r~,/~AJ,-r • • • •^^^H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January-1,1962, as follows: ^^ftf

H ' • "• _ _ • • ' •• . • ,. . ! H^ | H i l l ' i ! 2- The beneficial use on which, the ft»'Tn is based jrr'~ &*-,„, fl^H

S A V M ; :_ i ___!>_ | -; i ^ ^ ^ P^ ^ H H • • ~> I > '; 3. Dace or approximate date of earliest beneficial nse; and ho-w eon- ^ ^ ^ V•^H ;- ;——; : ! ! tinuous the use has been—-.'!£Li—i: ' - ,'/ f:^.^-^ T^Z. ^ ^ ^ H

HI » —\—j—\—|—M— K ------- -—• — • & .^ ^ ^ B ; ! ! \ ! ! 4- T^e amount of ground'rater claimed (in miner 's inches or gallons ^ ^ ^ Bj ^ ^ H •' i ', • i i per minute) 2".<2ja_-6J£L/£_ ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ H ! ' ' : » • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ R^ ^ ^ H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof J^^H^

^ ^ H /J£ WWu Sec<SL_T _Z R.J7. .^>iM^.£.kL....C^^.f./L..,...^^ JLL£^?^'^ ^ //**?»/ ^ ^ B^^m ~~~7* ~ _ _._ _ i ^^m^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. _ . » - , , - , , - , •• ^ .L ^ H H^ H Bach smaO sqnare represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ ^ BH ^ H acres. location of each well cr other means of withdrawal V ^ ^ B

^ • H ^^A.J£.~Z£J ..4-__ ^H-tf/^ KVH'

H ^ H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for 'with- ^ ^ ^ B '^ ^ H drawal of gronndwater JiZ/rt j£SJ..H. £r._...£.Lut\.£U-..£.T*.£. £/:.£jLL.^.I^SL^LL ^ H

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water table—. 1.1.—.~.~.-d.^r: —„. . . ^ H H L

RaVfl 9. So f a r as it mar be available, t h e type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of gxoundwater—r*r7.v._'.'. ••-• •'--^^ *.df£.£.'J-..J. Z.?^..£iZZ—&£.££?— ^ ^ H

^B i zzzizzzizizi~iiz "in "'.mm iizzizi-'r"" * ^H

BMva 10. The estimated amount of grotmdwater withdrawn each year Z = » ? . ^ . « ^ J 5 srjS-^z KV_B

^ ^ H 11 The log- of formations encoantered in the drilling of each well if available ™ _—-_ • • • •^ H ._^2LteXL-±~-£.i<:^LL£~. _ ^ ^ ^ . — - £:.<<U!£3....J£—=J£*JI>^JL ~ H^K

^ H 12. Such other iaformation of a similar nature a s mar be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ V^ ^ H reference to book a n d page of a n y county record ..-.-.£:. «T....t:...^l BMBB

^ ^ H Signature of Owner.--;:—-—.ii~i-~.— ^___.'.t'__^=:.:^.^.r_ • • ^ B

^ ^ H Date '•? 7?..-- <?. 3 ^ ^ ^ B

^ ^ H Three copies to be filed oy the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ ^ H• A H located. ^ ^ H^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. • * * •

^ ^ H Orifrinal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of j ^ ^ HB ^ H Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ H

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• * v " ^ 1• - y~# >u • j •• •;,»,. i.v^_ T. 2iL.ji_..\^. ._..___• •



H °"' tCE OFSIATE BHGmEEK STATE ENGINEER I^ B Notice of Completion of Gronndwaier Appropriation Without Well H^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) BB

B • • ' : : ~~ ' ? • : ;i • B^ ^ H Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ^K±jut<iJZ^.J!..4 T-J*'}£-2— W^M_ _ __S ' / ' ^ ^ B1'

Hfl Contnnctor (if any) . ^ H H

^|^H Address of Contractor .._ . : ^^H-

^9H Date Started .. Date Completed j ^ B

|HB N Describe means of obtaining groundwa^er without a well "as by ^ K :^ ^ H ______________________ sub-irrigation and other natural prccssscs". Include depth to ^__T

^^m —| j 1 —j:—j—|— water when applicable ^^-^j_-^jfa^-<. •».* *£—-*^Jk£xkie-~~f fiH

• r4-j-i—t—H- -.^d^^^^^^JL^^LL. /: • H

• ' j ! • | | i ' " "" • • "" .". I

^ ^ H i t ; I i 9 Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- _B_I^ ^ H '—!——! ' od used to measure or estimate such amount If use is intermit- HH

^^B i5i%JS_rSec-/.7- T.^5?/ R_/~9 t e n t e s t i m a t e approximate lengths of periods of use _ — H B

H Indicate point of appropriation ^jf^^Z^^^O^^^L^^^^ ^L *<*=*££, H• ^ B and place of use, if possible. JT ^ B

^^^B <% C—y"*?' tri /tY.^ /G;.,-.*. ^C, ,ltJ.». «,. •»•' <**,'*•'• ,jfi -t. b-n/_-,-^* ^ ^ B '

_HIH - i' ^ / /" __H

_ _H /T1/ ^ 'W ^_B^ ^ 1 Signature of Owner-yxr£j^__-._<isv^<j-»&^xSeI-£i33a^gfe^g'r<-*c ^ B

^ B Date--<i^-=:-2..^(..rV~.?_--^- H

^ ^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. E_»

_H fla^ ^ H Three copies of this notice -re to be filed *vith the County CUrrk and Recorder of the courty in _ B^ ^ H which the works are located. j ^ Bj ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ H

I_H flB^ • B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State )2ngineer; Triplicate to the ^ H

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i • • • ' _ ™ , .

^ H _ Catm*y Clerk aytSeankr

S ^ :•._• S y - - ^ ^



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Ffle No aw* T ^ / tt If ^ Hi • f^ HI C<nmty__£JLalhfiAd Hfl

/ STATS OF MONTANA ^ B/ ADMDilST&AZOR OF OSOUKDWAZSR CfOBE [ j > j ! ? ' r t ' P r ^ « r ^ ^ J

OFFICE OF STATE EHG1HEE& 1/ j i I ^ H, uuJAN-6 1964 i •

I Declaration of Vested Groundwatar Rights rAf H(Under Chapter 237, Montana. Session Laws, 1961) ' ^ **"**»•» h ^ i ' ^ H

1 Henry Rabe ___ ^ of \1mmt C l a e U r ^ |(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town.) ^ H

Cdiinij- of F r a t h e ad _state of Montana ^ Hbar* appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follow*: ^ H

« i ; I ; 2. The beneficial use on which the clski is based .. ^ ^ H—|—g—i—— —I—j—S— •__ Jg^eMAc^ndJU-jrigajJLQn ^ 1

I ^~1 ; ~ • 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon- ^ ^ |

i-—{ ! —I: ! tinuons the use has.been 1 ^ 9

' ' '• '• since 1942, and continuous thereafter ^ Hw ; I ; —J—'r— « .— — - ^ ^ _

I ! ~I \ I '' 4- .To* amount of groundwater cl:limed (in miner's inches, or gallons ^^M-—j 1 ;—- -—; ; j - — per minute)- t50 q«i«» Ptf wfnutg ^M

\ ' '» I : » ' 5. If used for irrigation,, give the acreage and description of the lands fl^HB to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ H |

j __ .OfUr_lC£tL -QEXtA*— ^ Hj SExjAJUL $**u$c i3uy*.i3y« — — - — — • , — — H« Indicate point of appropriation ~~" ' _ _ _ _ _ _ . • ^ • Mj and place of use, if possible. . . ^ HI Bach small square represents 10 6- T 1* means of withdrawing s"ch water from the ground and the ^ Hi aeren. location of each well or otl'«r means of withdrawal. ^ ^ H• hand-pump.. :,,,, •„,,.,. ^ ^ |

7. Tie date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other wor!cs for with- | S |draval of groundwater; X5&.?— — —- _—— — ^ | H

1 8. Ihe depth of water table— _._J».?.»t.._teel. _ „ __ — ^ H

9. So far as it may !>e available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ^ ^ Hworks for the withdrawal of gronndwater— ~ . —_ LOB

.J__?ln9^_?JL_fJlCiiett. - _..____ • •

10. The estimated amount of proundwater withdrawn each year. __ i ^ |

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available- . . . — __. ^ ^ H.a^_J_.y_.hjtr__ J5?_Ljl.y.*J-]J_>l.? ^ H

12. Such other information c. A similar nature as may h« usefrJ in carrying out the policy of this act, including fl^Hreference to book »nd page of any count* record _ . ^ ^ H

Signature nf t>« «er. H ~^ i.rrr^L-JjZ&zAl* ^ ^ |

Date-._^i«-.«jrL.SI»_J.56jL._ H

Thre^ ^ ?pi« to be filed by the owner with the Countv Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is fl^|locate. ^ HPlease ^iiswer all quea^ons. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ |

Original to the County Clerk nm IU«order; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to th<* Montana Bureau of flHMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ 9

JL2 *</ 1- | H |

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H : • • . ' . • ' . . . • ' . . : • ; • / * > , * * - * - ' • • •

^ H • • , . . " ' ' ! " • : ' ' . • ' , • • ! . "i.'ecf on ihe27dav gj&U-^

• v , ' • •" : • . . •••: • • ., . : • • : , • . - : " . - ^ d Z J j p r ,,,__ _ • : - .^ ^ ^ B ':''••• . . , : ' . . ' . "' GpaariCUck, and! Bacardir

• ; * _J£*__^_\ .••

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B FfoJR _ * L , ' =w* • T f B 3S? / &* ^ l



^ B ~ JAN ft KKM "J• Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ]m

JJ (Uader Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961} »HATfc tlMtji iD

MM , i£-:-CZ*'**9e.~J. £/",%/}.PZ^.-^JC W.^'kf-v^f^t G.JMJ^t.. *Js<&U&<*tc/WM . (Xa^ ofAppropruitor) (^T (Address). (Town)WB County oU&t£4*Zt<<**~0. State of-J5£-«2S£E*-<L_- !

• • J have appropriated groundwater accordiner to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows:

H | ,_„.. . . j ^ ~*d7A2^r...%.4i2£44s^jC44e=t3^ ,

^ ^ H ; ; ; " : ; ; 3. Bate or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how ccn- I^ H ',-—. \: ; \"'~['— tinuous the nse has been_/^^SJL. ISa^ttS^^OJi^,^ H I ; • • • ! • ' : • -~*C^*<~*C«^....J^U**L*%,(~A^ *r f . :


^ ^ B ; • : ; ; | 4. The anount of gromtdrniter claimed .»n miner's inches or gallons j^ H : ;.- ;—-i i : ; wx minute) ?Z&.£.-Zp?..4!rdL... -i:' ' L .' .... ... ,. . J^ H : ' . ;•• j • ; i ', # " _ : ...„ {/.. „_„ •, , . , ; . ; ' i

^HK '* ' ' I •>. II usod for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands jHJH s to which crater haf been applied and name of the owner thereof

^^m Indicate pwint of appropriation "• • and plaee of ase, if possible. . . . .^ • f Each small square n-presents 10 . h- T^\.- means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the^ H B acres. location of tach well or other means of withdrawal™ .

BH ..j.... _.'... -^, __.• r^1- j- - - -H^H 7. Tb<* date of eonimcnce;neut and completion >f the construction of the well, wtells, or other works for with-AVJ drawal of groundwa'er.. / ?7--3•£• — — —•

^ H " •"" "•;"" '".'"" '" i

^ H 8, The depth of vater table *T.-j&t^* „.... _„. ,

HHi 9. So far as it may be available, the typev size .mil depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherHHJ works for tlte withdrawal of groundwat-r.... .

•R ' ...... ..s.. .._ _„ :„..._...:::::::OHM 10. Tb«- >stimat«>''I amount of :rroun«Iwater withdmwTi each yt-ar .tL^g^^r. . :j_*:t%£-£i,~.. tKr:A>c *^f^*.^it:h4c.G^'

^ H B l j . The log ot fonuatioos er>«otmt<?rfvl in tho drill:!- • ut* <-<it?h weit if available „ _.^^^^H . £.__ ,., . . . . . , . .. _ ^

•^B f\ i _ / ' "

B •••; _...••;; ..LZ?.7.. ,T'.!'..Z"-.'.....'_.L.. ..'.. . J ' .- . . .7' ' irrr7T7™irT7T~IBHJ 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may i^jiseful in earrymir -v\.z the policy of this act, includingHH^ reference to book and pa^; of any i:ounty record r ^ . . .. . . _.. „.

. ^ ^ H •M^riaT.ur? nf Own-- ^-i«.Jt..lL./L- •;.^...j.^.,:^Z..__^i-^.:.>T3f-^"

B BMJ^L^.A.Z-6.2.^ <P

] ^ H Thre* eopifs to !>*» filed bv th^ ownt-f with the CounT !"i-:-rk. ir;.l Rei-oHer of the county in which the wpU is

J B i !n,-at'-i.

• ^ H '!•••--' ans^ri- - all questions. I f n o t appl icable . -') - ta te . -t"-•• revise ta-1 f»rm will be r e t u r n e d .

flI^H t.»rvrt-:il :••' :U« !'<--iuty < "•--it a n c Recorder- cupiit-a.rr' r,-. ..:• ^ - ; M fc.r»?ineer:: Triplicate to the Montana BureauM ^ H ..-• \r-T;.'* i - d 'i^.l.-.-xv. urA V iadn iDlk i t e for the A: pn.;.: ^iwi.

Page 52: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

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: : ' • : :

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' ~ ' ' , '' • • • • ' • • • '

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B s ' •* m

I I___•• GW2 4 > »mtns ~ Y ti. LtLjEL—j'SLiel— H^ B F.. No_ County^J^^X^rdt _ _H^M TRIPLICATE STATE OF MONTANA B_ _ _ • u u r u w i u i ADMINISTRATOR OF GBOUNBWATER CODE ___•^ H _ _ • . _ , OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER | M_ ^ H ^ ^ ^ Top of Ground ^__ |H | - juev. above sea ievei. ) Notice of Completion of Groiusdwaler H_ U ~ n Approprialion by Means of Well ^MBB ~ _? U> 5 o £ * . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) _ H

H I < #aU < l & z ^ ^ i ^ _._ •• I I " tfli 10 fa Draier^^V^^^4^ Address/J *&< 4&.ktoX H^ ^ B \ \ C L-, . '/ <-rx?ate o£ Notice of Appropriation of Ground water .*!X«C?~:ri-<..'.. /f-4-^*r:Jt~ • •

_ H - i|iu£- jKfecon ^ ^ ^"^^ (\ c\ ^ „ H^ V - U (/ Dat. .veUstarted..U!Ui1t£_./^-^ Date Completedxjb^-ia-r.-..^.. ^ B_^_ | ~ < ? 0 ^ ' ? ^ _T ' Tyve f welL>;4x£fieX .. Equipment Used—£dt4d^^L, _ H^ ^ H — at r r /i(viug, driveriTbored or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^^M_ ^ H _ (] (I / j V / Water Use: Domestic jO Municipal Q' Stock Q IrrigatioE Q ^ BH H Qjtfj^-fUUVL- , isJTCK Industriarn Drainage Q Other • • •^ H H _^ , ,Tyn "^I Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different _ ^ H^ ^ H It,' tM-t/t--' • strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, _______^_| — etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of ^ _ H•___• water-bearing strata and ' ht to which the water rises in the welL ___H

^^^m •— Size Sbc »nd ! rtom ; To Bfl

• ^ H - this «-7 rtavnf Y/ivytisif-f C\ •* S? £./^~ ^'l^6~m>^l.^e ^ H• • _ A.D.19 7/1 .ah _? .^ - /? . - X ^ ^ ! ~ ^ WM

• _ o'ctccK^e^: ; , •• j , ; I - ; H

^ ^ K _ » • Static Water Level for non-flov. ing WelL™. ^t.0. ,... ...ieet. JjH

MM - i___I_^_._i L— Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well .^Dt^^?-j^Uf>JUA^. „ __[_|

^ ^ H —.— 7~ '— Pumping Water LeveL. */_» £*et at~..j3.: gal. per minute. ^HU^^^H > • i " ' ' ' ' ^IHl___|_9 — i ; , _ J if >' ^ ^ ^ l l

^ ^ H • Discharge in gai, per min. of flowing well . 3i-{F?J :..4r&it<K'**^£f ^ H l^ H - 4 - - - - L - _ _ How Tested...tJ.CLt&l« Length of Test.„_,_£....T£.-__«L__ ... HJ

____• '* -•" ^ r Remarks; (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ^ H l___H — - : -- , tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any ^Ka

___•_• other similar pertinent information, including number of ^ 9 1

____• — lj -v' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) . . . . . ^HI^ H _ 5/l.V4=7S SecJ7.£. T^/ R. J.7 II•___• Indicate location of weU »nd _ • •_ _H ~ place of \^xT if possible E^-ch Bfl__H — small square repn^ents 10 acres. • U

_ ^ H ' * Shot? exact depth of bottom. *L£ S -? IH

•___• . Driller's License Number __[fl___|

• nn^1 ; . ^ v ? v > - VI^ B ' • D. Jleri% Sign-turn^ ! •___B •i_____|B H This forrrr tD &:€ prepared by di Her, and .hree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re- f j ^ l____• cordcr in :he couniy in which :he well is iiicated. fl^H^ ^ M Please -^-c~ ail auctions. It :-t applicable, so state, otherwise the frr-n will ':~- returned. l______|__• _•^ ^ H Orgmal -..• *he "vnstv Clerk sr.d Recorder; duplicate: the 5ts;e r. or; Triplicate u> 'Jie School of ?.T-.nes f^BI

Page 54: (r ^^^g4^fs^L,u,. I n~f——==mediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/flathead/T31N_R20W... · I oJ^^to 3 GW 1 Rtrard 19«9 CotjTlty_S^L-^^^

^ ^ B - ' :J '• • " . , ' • ' \ . • , - . ....... , / ' z * * 1 ' , ^ ^ M

^^B^HI j!" ,-"•;' ••. •• r ?*' ' • • * ' , ' "• - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ K ' • • ' •• • ' * C - " ' • ' i i .. , c . . • •• - " • ' - - " ' " . . • : • . , . . ' . . ! : • ^ ^ |

^ ^ H : ; . . . , , ;-, • " • * : : • ' " • ! : . • • ! s T « r c p * . M C N T A W A . . , , . _ ^ ^ |

^ ^ B ,"'„, , : i " . ^. .. , : COU:*Tf OF HOTHEAD -.. ~ ^ - •. ^ ^ 1

^ H [ i- : : ;:' V : ' ' - . ' • • ^ "... . . . F i l e d o n f i i e ^ . d a y - i ^ < ^ ^ ' ^ 1

w ^ ^ B ' '-•" • : • • ' ! : : "' " : " ^ ^ B

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k * • • -

,; r.^~ 3>"~ 'ttu-l *J&= ^ . j G W l » ™ « d l « 9 • - ••* ,:. 5 • ; ^ Cmtnty f~ L / f t f) I '}_(L


: NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER Q1**1 ' shate- sandstone, « t ShowAPPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL J 6 ^ a t w?_? watBr * found *",?

i _ height to which water rises in welt.Developed after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Motrtan. Session taws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (BCT. M ,CTcO

This form to be prepared by driller, and three ex pies to be filed F*_« TOby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ***** <Ft*° _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _which the weii is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _j_L_. _____ 1 ^r^t _r/M<y/» I r S/AUPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the /? ?d os/tiff-JL /form may be retumeaV - Q 3 9 /3>T/wrr

Owner JlA^J^Jli^U^—^ Administrator's Use"] 1 ^-1-I^^UZfZ.

f Address ... U/fi T GlnCUt^ Kt. /V, S73

Date well started ^L/J.TJJJ^L— GW 1 .

completed ^§jho/ZS__ ... , L_ ~

Type of well CLLXIASA • —. (Dog. &&H&, bottd or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '

Equipment used =S_sS!R___J<_j3UbiiiJL__Xi£i3_^r___ —————— - ' • - . ••-.• — — — - - . — - . - . —xChnrn drill, racuy or oihtr) ______ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Water Use: Domestic L S ^ Municipal • Stock Q irrigation • — — ; — —

tedustrial Q Drainage Q Other 0 * GardenAawn ' Q

•Describe , , —__——.—— .—,— —__————_———-,——-

USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, 'state number o< acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block | r 1=

and Addition). „ . . „_;

ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ': .„____. u ,,.,,,„_.,_.SlnaT Sh. _*d ! V n _ To ! = = = - + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DrilM WctaAl ! iFM) CtmO rCRFORATTOKSH-te • ( Cadnc , u. - — — - • — » — • — •• — — — — - — - — _ — — — . - — -

t •* f " T ! S"-f »-«- rraa Tov fo / J • _ ^ _ » . ir«t) (F«o — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i - / 35- *_- — - H - ^_ " ' •

I • • •

i _____________________________________• j . L—I [—_. ;.,—•

it ' — — j ; j

I j i [ Static water level ..n>M~~ ft.*[I * Pumping water level _._C?./ ft.*!-| ! at _„»•£_? gallons per minute,][ ; measured _C_2..mi'nutes after punipingi^^^^ |

w I i began. |; ; 'Measured from ground level. t ^i * j Well developed by &*/*.£/* i! > for .™..-X hours. I ^[ ; Power Pump Ki*;; j Remarks: (Gravel packiny, cementing.) ^

s packers, type of shutaff) j [_

.Mbu4£.ivsec^o_. ;;:::i::::::zzzi:::.;:iZi—1 1 — ~T___LU_. N B T™/JP ._ _ __„ !__ I • ; I


Driller's Signature _. ._ i^l^J^.^__^_I^2r.^rr: j ! i^ I ! \

Driller's Address .. X!-?_-<y%»r- :i.....A^^''<-.::•& . . . . . . . . '•• ' • -

^ (.^L*T?S X / ^ v ^ r ^ ^ ^ g L'CENSE NQ. / ^ - P / *•• Show exact depth of bottom

-&.{ V/f

B ^

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_ _ ^ . m t m m _ — — — — — ~ * ° — — — ^ s '

• • ' ~ . ^ U X ' $ y . . • . . ; ;; ; . ; . • • . • . . , . • ' • • • • & • <

^ ^ H STATE OF MCTCaHS > ,-- -^ .

• ^gl> • • - . • : ' ! •••• ^ ^ . ^ : - : • • • • • . . • : • : • : ; . : • < - : ^ - € > -

^ ^ H • • ny \^2~uj-*^-s • '. . • • • • ' , : • . ' : . , . . . • • ' • . . • • : •."•• '••,- I . J : , " ' . • • • / '


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H " (Eter.afcoveSTte^ZZlZIZ) Rotice of Completion ofGroundwaterH "" / / . /• Appropriation by Means of Wei!B£ O~0*'f*y fa 4/5£gJn /t .*-*? /tUC_ (Under Chapter 237, Montana. Session Laws, 1961)B V — / A 4 f J'J'*' ^ /S*yt^—- :

• K _ JJ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groandwa»feE?& yfc«^Cr/-

fl - £1*t7lf*' Date wen ^artedl^^.lfe^--Date CvtfJ&X. ''~ * 7--^M ~ , U<J hu/^<K r Type of y*d!f&C&&£*A- Eqxiipment Used £~4«&k*2yL•^B — S f / / { . (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

B _ 6hfiM£ a^* rldM'*^ drine<1> other)

IB I f/n*-£ #/«-* 77^ Water TTse: Domes« /n ITunicipal D Other Q Lrrigatiott D•H " /U/lL\ M~XA64~* * IndustrtaTn Drainage Q Stock Q• • J *^J Indicate on the diagram the character and thicknftsa of the differentB9 ~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, day, shale, gravely rock or sandj etc.^HJ — Show depth at which ^ater is encountered, thickness and character of water-Bfl bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL

^ H — start a»«i i*—• i * nsrosATiora~

BJ - »*#/ C*** ' S * Aw T«

B — 'J f£

^B -**•£' Static "Water Level for non-flowing WelL ajUfL.. ^ -ieet.

B _ I J....:. i | L_ Shm-in Pressure for Flowing ^fs2jJO2J^^^^d^*±^L. —Bfl • '• • i i : : / / ~fB S —".- 1-~j ; \ ;— Pumping Water Level_yCX_ .-feet at._/_— -~gaL per minnte.

B M ~ ; : • :"" ;*""; : Discharge in gaL per mm. of flowing \czW^.ik^7./f...:...^r£t3ff' tt^if-

| K ~ w : ; ;. I ; : ; g S7 . > _ / 7 /^ B _ • i ' i • • : How Tested^.<??r^r.«;<_.™ Length of 1u>X-JL ^±f.—,.

B j j i ; ': : : ; Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, lota-^ B _ • ! '. : I ! tion of place of use of gronndwater if not at well, and anyB H \ ; : . ; :__ : other similar pertinent information, including number of

_^B> — '• '• '• :—•—•—'• ' acres irrigated, if used f o r irrigation) ... -wm f


• • — 4Mj*A**?f%**&£- T/JL. R ^ _..„ „ .^ B _ Indicate location of wel l and^ ^ 1 place of use, if possible. Each _ _ _ _ ^^^B sma.Il square represents 10 acres.

B M m^mmm Show exact depth, of bottom. ^ t ^~ 5 i

^ B . ,,- Driller's Lfcec^e Numbed

BJ pt, ^ i^^;:.c:>rb,. •£}• t^JU^...Bj ' f / Driller s Si^iture ^

^ H This form t o be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with *.ae County Clerk and Recotder

^ H in tit? county in which the well is located.

^ B Please answer all questions. If cot applicable, so state, otherwise the form will Jy<» returned.

^ B Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of|PH| Mines md Geology and Qnadraplicattf for the .Appropriates-. ]

B 4 rS^


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j ^ H TUti on the 2daf ol^c^L. H |9H ^&ddgL> H• • CdeurrCMk<BH(«Kenio ^ B

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I —•B F2e No __ T 5 \ R- _C_\ .

^ B DUPLICATE County b \ g ^ :±\* #__-» "

^ K STATE OF MONTANA / q Y ^^il^•--vr ^ r ~ y



• - — — — SlAlttH,inFcPrj ^ H Notice of Completion of Gronndwaler Appropriation Wilhoui Well^^m (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ ^ H Date of ApproDriatfon of Groundwater JZ£ZZZ~~- ,**'.. 7?*-

^ ^ H • *" Contractor {if any), . .n a a* __

H ^ B Address of Contractor -BODft .—_

| B Date Started J ° a y t 9 f i L Date Completed 5?3E**i5fiL_

I H N De5cribe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by^ ^ H : ' • • sub-irrigation and ether natural processes". Include depth, to^ ^ H 1. — water when applicable. J!E^¥IO?!*fei^tejB3^J09XL^—_

| H I 1—1—- ' I I I *prqgda»t«ly 30* l a d—ptlu _

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I B Signature of Owmer._^^'5tLtf|li^p^»fi.^S.l<i?S • • f r ^ b B i y - ^ ^ ^ ^ ' "

| ^ H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

_B_E_F ' ' : ' ' ' ' 'I B Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk raid Recorder of the county in^ ^ H which * ie works are located._____f' ' ; ' :

^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.___________ * ?

fl^B Original to the County Qerk and Recorc;.ir; duplicate to the State Engirefir; Triplirate to the_

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