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W8-RECORDRA 5.330O .

vat, 9, No. 30 8OMJBS~Yj N, ’J., ~URDDAY, FEBRUARY ~, I~ dO Per Copy

chGS. Sica, Szabo Declare Candidacies 9,6]sAs Next Counsel Eligible to VoteFor Municipality {ForCouncil;6 Now in ~ School Election

Henri SprJtzer Is nchedinod to )By EDWA~ NA~The public goes to the pldin

he t h ¯ new ToWnship attorney There are now six announcedare Democrats, and as each an- ticket,Wednesday for the anneal Boarc~A so a ~mstble enB’y Is Ar@~

to succeed Senator WBHam Oz- candidates for f o u r at-large solaced his candldacy for aWeakest dr,, Who ia leaves the: of h]dueall°fi elecHon.tin’ee-year thrr~ oJI tile ~t~eJl eohOO[ boRrd {his mc~tdt Bfthr ! AoOO~dJ~ to the Cotlnly ~o~r~zard, who suhmilted his resigns- eeaia on the Townshlp" Council. he pointed out that he wouldserving three terms, Should he c4 Ethvlinns, #.here are 9 8t8tion last month after three sod

tton on Peh. 19. Loaders in both cast.

one-half years of service. TWO men ethsaL~isd two w~eks seek the endowment of t h e . voters eligible to cast Bal-de.de lo be a candishte, Mr. inUs ~ the eA ~]n~d batI~x at ~,~sd~,y’s ago as probables declared them- Democratic Party. TP, ia may ~e Westheat Is not expected to an- ~ht ach~ a~c’.Ior~

¯ ¢ agenda meeting of the governing selves this week, Eugene S~aba, a mere formality, since b 0 t hnotmce h’a candidacy until Itfler

district9, a gain of lg over lea8body practically assured his aa- a mernbe~ of the Sewerage Au- men were hesitant about their he leaves the Board oR Educs- year when only B89 ballets were

plans two weeks ago and therepothtment, He ia scheduisd to thorl~, and Roshrl Side.take 0f/lag al the CotmeJl’s reg- They join the ballot contest w e r e indications they w r e partiss have expressed interest Five maia are candidate1 forular meeting Tuesday ldght,

prevlotmly entered by the ~*onr avraitthg nods of approval tram in setting him on their ~am-three-year terms 0~ the ;line.

Regular DemocrltBc leaderH.’Mr. SprBzer won the support hlomshonls, Mayor Geor~ COn- ¯ painn team.of five of eight eounsilmen pres- savoy an~ ComYsiknen Wflilam EndO~semet~t Awaited

Sintemeilts prepared by sheeat when the informal pal) weeA, A l 1 e n, Michael ~ a n d Assuming that they receivedtaken, but only after efforts Gac~ga Radcliffe.

the "go" signal, end sthee tt is {Continued on Page ll)* formation are puhBsbud mtwere ~ede lo delay a decision. Both Mr. Shahs and M~, Sieamost likely lho ~eguthr D~mo-Dis~ussia~ of the appointment

was listed on the /llee~lng ached- static g r o u p will support ~r.uia distributed Tuesday by Man- ~Jlen’s reelectlof= bid, at least~ger William L~W, However, erie Dertt~r~t may go to poLia two budget prop~si4:hms ~ (o~Councilman Praneia Keary oh- withogt the endorsement from current expenses, 41.908,813; fat’

the contrell/ng Democratic fac- eapil~d outldy, ~2,Ud0.agendlt schedules s e n t th gay. t[on in the muincJpailty. Council- T~O. t~inl ~hool bmig~t £Serniag officials Saturday did not man List is ~ Democrat, aa iscarry It, Thomas 3. ~silly. Mr. Neilly $4%,0~,50 over teat year, Town.

stated late last month that he sh~p Manager William Law has"~ weldd be In the race, bul his o~. estimated that the lanai tax rate .

"f i’c [~ 1 announcement has not for /tchOOl purposes will ridebeen forthcoming. The ~agu]ar from $9,2"7 to $1O,~ per $I00 of

Topp~ Democrats are expected to an- reaBy vaRmBon,nounee their endorsements later

Planning Board the. moo,h, ,y a. bs,d on ths s~ ~...A n o t h e r Democrat, but a

day of February, but he,augdmember of the minorRy faeilon,the Pranklsi Democratic Club,than a year the (~ 0 u rs e J 1 wgl SISO may join the belial hattie.

have to fill a v. ¢ a n e y on the He Is Ri~0rd Beats, PDC vice- to 9 p.m,Planning Board cgused by restS- presidenh whh said two weeksnation, Nobel4 ate& ago that efforts are being made Eugene 8zaba With three seats to be filledThis unusual situailon ecm.,ren~s the go.rothg he. he ."t"-- ~--e d

oo the school hoa~ onl, on,Pari hBo dad Ha tits ho,rdmamburisSeekingrasiec.oao.e ~a~ ~oecha~r~ans un es m n reet a ng Ben ~,e~der H.~in d..e-Frank Topping leaves the plan-nia.,onp~ ........

Provide Little G ida.r~sf~oth. buarOl..~.r~teis~ e.,eer bet*nan l he Set by Bishop Ahr s u ace .os~oa, gr ~ M.. ~is.no~

Planning Board and the Council, . H~t~tc~sen, A former presidentof the beard, Mr. wesmeat isMr, Topping ia employed by "/~e offteial butmdanes of the Pracksh’s Council appears nocampier!as his nthth year of set’-’Western Eiactrlc th ]gaw Yov~’ St. Matt]alas Noman CotbeB .... rer a dee~ abuo, ~e f._ Board..oo..%--.ts~,. lo yranh,in s~oois...City and is bethg transierred to pariah, es~ablishe’d in Franldld lure 0I lower Namilton Street Hthrl4~sen ia ccrnpiattr~ acompany’s Ba]Brnore pur-

chasing dapart~nent, He is now last year, have hson annoLir]eedthan it was before Thur~Klay single Bites-year term.o~. ~at ove~.~ in ~e-

==’~- ----gezonin"ToAIIointhel,ontestwBhMr.~sruta

a buyer in. Western Eldetric’s ,’ Bishop Gaerge W. Abe of Grove Manor School the govern- W are Thon~as Dalton~ an tm~un-New York City oillee. - Trenlon. g .body eonduc4,ed a p u.b 1 i c cesstul candidate last year; Re.~r.dos~ o, ,urgers, ~,..s’~eordlag to the R.v. ~,dI~ hearind to get, ,, Me,or George Multiule Dwellln~ bert LaPian*, ~o was a bea~Of 19~/. Mr, Topping served on McKsnna, pastor, the buund- Consovoy stated. "guidance", __ [ ~ member in 19CO pad 1~1 toeom-the Civil Rights Commi&sisn be- aries are aa fOBOWS’, Beveral efforts In recent yearsfore ~eing appsinled to the p]an- Contendthg that houshng in plete the unexpired t ¯ r m of

ning ¯Board, A former New North: Raritan Rtesr begin- ’to rezone tracts at Hamgt°n

Brtmswiek resident, he and his sing at Cedar Grove Lane and S t r e e t and Bro~kliae AvenueFranklin "is tmhaianced w l t h Madison ",.Vsidnerl Dr Cscal~

wile moved to Franklin three extending westward to Mile Run from R-1O residential to cam- abot~ 90 percent of ~bu homesSistrtmk and Joseph H. Ltcht-

Inerethl were thlet.~cosMin, NOWbethg single family dwsiBrtgs." mann,

years ago. They reside at 1~3 Brook,before the Fish.the Board are lhe Zoniag Committee of lhe The booed edll reorgs~nize o~"

Runyen Avemte. Best : Mile Ran Brook soulh studies 1o ~l~zone the land fo~’ el- Plannh~ B o a r d b~ta re¢om- Feb, lg at 8 p.m, In Pine Grove

Mr. Topping assumed the from the Rattles River to Bciency-, g~trden- or medium-mended to the Cotmcil that zon- Manor. Scsho]. Kurt Nathan ldPlanning Board # eal vacated Franklin Boulevard, south o ~ rise apartt~ent hoaSes, ing laws he amended to permit currently the board presid~nL

last ~rth when George Red. FranMin Bo~evard to RL, 27, Approximately 17 acres a r ¯ construction of efflctency, medi- Fo]lowisg are the school ethc-

cliffs was appointed to replace and south on Rt. ~ to the Penn. involved, the Adrain, Toth and um rise and additional garden ties districts and polling places:Drandon Pussy o~ the Council, syl~’ante RatLre~d hA’ariel1. Be~sko properties, FoOd Pair, a apartff~snls. The report, d~ted NO. 1~ PhLlttl~ School; ]go. ~,

In dune, beard chairman An- South: Permsgivania Ral]road supermarket chain, has mad e ds~. 3, was filed with ths Court- E31sabeth Avenue ~tool; ~ra. 3,drew Truhsn resigned because branch from Rt, ~7 westward to several LmSUCeessild efforts lo eli at tis agenda meeting Tue~ MR)alone Valley Firehouse; No,

4, Pine Grove Manor School; ~o.of thereasiag activities af That- cedar Grove Lane. rezone the ll-aere Adrath site day night,mat Reeearch Inc., of which he West: Cedar Grove Lane from I for a shopping eenler, tha last It "is not necessarBy true," ~, HiilereM School; No. 8, ~{am-Js president, and Joseph D[mag. Pennsylvania Railroad branch try being made late last year, the r#port claimed, that aport- liras ~honl; No. % KIt~lston

/hue was named his eucee~uisr, north to point of begirmins. F.arly last month the mayor meat dwellings "create an in- SchOOl; No. 9, M i dd l e btt a hIn Nowmber, Rishard Lochoer, Church services are held 0ach asked the Council, ’~al shall er#~s~lL~urden on the school Schoolsere nB aa viee-~bairman at the Sunda~ in Frgck]ln FA~ SchoOl we do with It? Loavthg It as is, eybt~nt,~Many sttldiee show that x~ttma, resta~ed because of per- u n t 11 permanent quarters are we thee ravages.’! Be ,~ re~th It in~ number, of an#is generated COUNCIL TO INT~ODUCRserial ,,oblhlaUon~, at;d ~ aeqtdred by the perish, was decided to seek the pob[ldis from al~rtments te very low, NEW DUDOET TONIG)~ ’~

Mann was xppothted his su~ views. Two.bedroom aparlmente prY- The 1903 mtudeipal ho~e~wlR~ce~eor. Only ~d Present duee one pupil for every three be introdUCed tonight at n sp~ ~

Harold S, Golden, board chair- Be Wall InfcrmedlAntldipoling a large tur~0ul, apartmenln a n d one-bedrOOmvial meeilng of the Th~mship

m~l, in th 8omere~t ~ot~int ~- . Reed ’Uhe ~ew~-~tK CmmcLI. ~’~a meeting edR start

eup~rnl~g from a heart atteek, Onl.v ~3,60 a Yea~ , {~ntilttted on Papa 13) (~o=tthued ~ ~aSe X~ at 8 p,m,.,.ln Tow~sldp HldLir~1

Kovacs To Be Soloist with Symphony B I R T H $ Human Relations Workshop Series~WLII Open March 6 in Frank[Ln H.S. "At Hungarian-Ar~ erican Club Concert ~ so...~ .slt,~

¯ ’ Febz 3--A son, to Mr~ & Mrs.Joseph Kovaes, volinlsh will Iv~’ are Joseph’Arvay,, ]~l~. Wit- AnlhOny Z~kolski of 94 ct~tver’~olt’ ~’ ,MrS.Lane.John hasA¯ .MeRit,bean n a154mDe-o d

be sototsl a a eoneertt0, be llam Batiks. Miss H~len street¯ ~hMrmnn of the Civil Rightsgiven Feb. 16 by th¢ Subm’ben Crindle. Mrs¯ Peter J0hv.eonJ I11 t~thaMol| ~ssItM Commission’s Workshop on Ru.

finn. 29~A daughter, to Mr & man Relations to be held on fourgsriaaSymPh°nYAmerlcunOrChestraAthletlcin the RUn-Club Mrs. WJlllam Juksaz. Mis~ Mar- Mrs, Renrp 11. Otsen of Mosber Wednesday evenings hi ~archattditorium. New ~runswlck. garel Kinney. Dr. John l~pyer- Road, Gt’l~gslow~, in F~a~ktln H lg h School, SheThe concert is sponsored by nick. Mrs. William Molnar. Mrs. wgl 60 assisted by a cuisse’H~tAC and th’~ Volunteer Miohae[ Pulsar. Mrs. Johnc.~t.,ol Cow.hie, Sm,h ~nd Oe,a Sl~hsr~erRace Relations oo~.ee M u lanai ~sM..¯

The first of these workshopsCho~ .... to, the m~s,os~ To Be Reviewed on March g Wilt deal with theevent is Joseph Horvath of Met-"-"" .,l;k"ar"-- sPro’ress

,,~ s.t.rt of Frs~udl~ assliars Lane. ’ Race EelnUon’s Stmday wg] Discrimination." slid the sPeak-- ’Mr. Kovaes has b .......

~ ’62 Compaaredbe observed Sunday at II a.m..r wilt be Dr, Harold A, Left of

her el the Douglass Col. in Sand Hills Chursh wlth two the National Conference of1 e g e faculty and the Westmin- Adult volurlteers of MadeHnebrief mesas’gee by ~ymen end" Christians & Jews.star Choir College in Princeton. E. Lazar.Memorial Library met eke by the pastor. Oh March~ 13. Dr. ~r~errth ~B~He is also concertmaster of The

with lthrariart Dorothy B. Smith Dr. Leo Kruger and Daniel [nin of the Eutgers GraduatePrinCMon Symphony.

a~ an annual luncheon and bust- Wacker ~’SI pr~scnl the /lndMgs School of Education will beadA native of Budapest .Mr. hess meetiltg in Colonlal-l~ar1’nsof a vohmteer study group on the discussion on "The .EIteets

K°va~s began sDAdYing the violi~ Saturday¯ . . " race 9rejudics and conflict. The of Segregation on the Child".before he was six years old. his

The bL~lness concerned fl- pastor. Dr. JsrvisS. Morris, will On M e r n h g0. Dr. Erwtn Mrs. Johq A¯ Ma~rerfather being his first teacher¯

nancial and progress reports on speak On the principle enunelat- gobeenw~ldt of the WestEetdLa~thr he studied ~t the Royal service to t h e community in ed hy the Apollo P~ul in Colo~. Area Cor~f~lltlee for H u m a it Upton. Mrs. R. E. Sauers. Mr.

Fr’anz Liszt S~hOOI of ~USlC kt1965 as compared to operations slsns gill-- "Here there cannot E~hts will speak o~ "Facl~ atld & Mrs. Stanley Ko~en. M r s. .

Julius ~ryant, M~. Kurt Ha-Eudapest. w h e r e he WOn the

in previous years¯ Open to aS be Gr~k and Jew.... but Christ raSactes A b o u t Inlegratedthan, Mrs¯ E, E, Far,lure. Mr.Jena Hubay Memotdal Contest

re,ideals el the Township ~n- is aB~ ~md In sit" Eouslng’.The final mooting in the serleh & Mm. J~ Ltehtmsnn.nn~d subsequently was sent on s day through Friday from 2 to 5 With the recenl election and Will fealul~ George $. Plata. ~. Mr. & MrS. Randolph Eram-

European tour by the Hungarian p.m. and Tuesday and Thurs. installatian of seven elders, who rector of the Division on Civil well. Miss Betty Simile, Mrs.Ronaid Trer,~-, Elmer ’I".Minlatry el Culture. Alter World day# evenL~gs from 7 to g, the als0 serve as tnmt~s, the sea- R{ghts of the Stale Department O[ynn, Mrs. Samuei Wiltlem-¯ . Whr II he ’~’os s soloist and con- library was toledO6 tt~ March sion af the church has beert el~

Education. Hh Will dlscuss oon and Mrs. JaCk ~8tma~, alleertmaster in Oern~any. 1958. gglll~ed around II ¢ornrntsslons "Steps Toward Railer Hot.an of Franklin Tow~shIs, and Er.P e t e r Sozid conducts t h e Women who served the library to’do S~eelfle tasks t~ the church Relations,"

Suburban Symphony, Organist as volunteers in 1002 and are sad cordmtmlty, ~ At each meeting discussion Erie Chandler of ~q~w tBru~and choir director of the Wyc-continuing ss aides are Mrs. RO-J The listing of thes~ with their Stoups will be held alter hal wick.

r~g A v ~ ~ ~ e Presbyterian bert ,Eeraius~ Mrs. Charles .MOt-] eider ohairr~on is u foSows: ,~ddresses are given. Questtor.s .Metllbers of the CivS R~gh~sChurch in MSFourn. be is also ae- roe. Mrs¯ Nicholas Krauzer. buildLngs & grounds -- Martin arising out of the discussion Commission are ~rd Spen-sislant professor of music at

Mrs¯ C h a r I s s Chatlield, Mrs¯ Deeker~ Christian educalion -- groups wUl be presented to the car, thafrman; I~’. Rhod~ Gold-Jersey City State College.

Harold Blattor. Mrs¯ Irwin Vernon D. Gray; evangelism -- speakers IollowJng e eollee stein, Kmerson James. vaoServmg as Mr. Horvath’s as- Must. the Misses Olynn Hag- Kenneth Leonard; [~tra-ehursh break. SaUsone, Arthur S. Westneat

sist~nt C-O n c e r t ~hatrman is mann and Evelyn Dankanlcs, relations ~ Mrs, Everett Hefts- A ~msIl fee wlll be chargedand Mr. Ragas.

Michael Eagedus, St~pervising Mrs, Oeorse ConsovoF, Mrs. er; ~.r.bershi~Mrs. Mitsuo lot each sesalo~ to Setp c o v e rtioke~ sates are Miss Irene Gyar- A I b e r t Frederick. Mrs. J, A, MSLSUO; musts & WOrShip ~ ~xpenses. and tickets for the an-marl sad Mrs. Michael negedus, Euszk[ewlcz, Mrs. T. P¯ De. De a n Sethel; pastoral services

ti~e series may be obla{nnd at a~’~~~’v~ r

Treasurer is Wllilam Kukor, and Angelis, Mrs. ~arold Sbeinaus," ~Herb~rt Chin; public re]stlons reduced price. William R~ganMI~. Jc, hn Evans Is servlnp as Mrs. W, E. Marhotd Jr,, Mrs, ~Larry Leonard; ~giritual llfe at the Civit Rights Commissions e e r e t e r y. Mrs. E. Eagene Henry D~vls. Mrs. Vlvian .Maur- --Donald Doffy; stew~rdshJp--

~lll be in charge of t I e k e t s,O~ss is pablielW ohalrmo~, erl Mrs. Juliu~ Bryant and MYs. Carter Fox. ond world missiou--- which may be obtained f r o mOthers on the con~0rt commit- June G.erksr. MrS¯ Spencer Kennard, met~lbers of the eit[ze~lg serum[t-

tee and the Civil Rights CommI~.slon~ or at the g0or.

Mrs, Ma~rer has boon a me~:n-b~r of the ~ommission for threeyears. She alSO is serv~g on theMayor’s Comralttee to oSSls~ theHousing ’Authority sel~’t ~les

ShortMonth for,.ur.t.r.ntO..gs b, advert,. , ..er ,.r .i.¯ ¯ ¯

Wat)ace Laboratories In N e w¯ CA~SBrunswick,

Long HoursAssisting Mrs, Maurer or, the "CUT.OUTSCitizens’ Committee are the

Rev, C h a r I e s a, Brtdgman,@ PARTY NEEDS

He,ilk Officer Joh~ CaHa~o,Mrs. C, E. Popper, Ezra U.

~ PARTY GAMESHedyer. Mrs. John Eeid, Mrs.Arthur Westneah Mrs. Morgan


Februsry may be tbe sbortest motzth o~ fhe vear but there ME~’I"S ~m MOEN[NG ANE CO,are 60 EXTRA HOURS for banking at County Bank and Toe Somerset County E o m e MAiN & HAMILTON STS.Trust. its fact, any moRth of tbc veer, ally day of t~le weeks

Economics gxteksion AdvisOry ROUND BROOK¯ - C0uncB will hold a meeting to-yOU can bank at COUllt~ Batik alld Trust until 5:30 P.,~I. day a110 a,m, in the third floor Open Thurs. ’IS 9

(Th~v8 UnlJ~ B P.M*) conference room of the Cotmty Dgll~ ’fS g p.m.¯

.~hninist l’a t ion Building. , ....


DRIVE-IN WINDOW Men., Tue., Wed. -- Complete ~.~.~_8130 A.M. to 5:30 P.M,

Tham- 8 ;30 J~M. to 8 P.M. _ . Co{or Darkroom

Fri. - 8~.80 A.M~ to 2;30 P.M. andC, olor Smd~o

.t~et ~eP.at otms~r ,n~J~*.c~ co~eoa~Ion WE W.(LL PBESERVE EVERY MEMC kBLE




L~ g ’/~$Sltt~ AV*r, .¯ 233 I. MAIN ST, NAMSfON ST. S ~IR AVL "We Do E~’~mpf Eroo~sslns" . "

- .- .~,8DAI~’, YamRl(]’AIB,¥ T~ IG43 ]L’BB .nRA.%’)U,~ K&’WS-I~t~BD ?&UE

Offt A..orh,d



APPLESAUCE 6 ’~0" qoo


FOODTOWN"MAZUR’S ¯ ,::" ::)’ "*’~ ’ ~’14k SOUTH MAIN ST.’ MANYIL[~. ~ "~ .,t-~:~:,~


host to BHddewater-Raritan, afl minutes ~n~ 40 seconds of the However, fhe I~.lngs hold Only

Franklin 1~ -$om~’offle!,....h,0h .., ~0=., s=.. ~h..w~i~ ,,d~,~, Io h,,-.,~,, edd. ovo, ~o..pWhat ot a r|Va[. Jr, a tHplehoad. HobettS sga~ pinned his man. Organizers In the Sen or League.

:rt, 7~, fo~8~ W/~

av 1.34. in the W=’mh~, loss ]The Kln,s a_, -t~ ¢’v^.. or, T]te fresh open the nig,t , ’ . ’. = are--*t tar Orgnniz.A~d a’pto @be also turned In by era 1Serge ~.omanyshyfi at l~h ~ h r e t, .’ a bird plSee with 2-4

~)~lstons w~ won by esn rttnrFranklin High; headed for a IdUarter and was" Joined by L,e--1]~t £1’ ’ s o n e, Ed TuleJa at 1N and .~rej..~ And Imperial Kniehlswinning seasoh with an ¢$-4 re. Comtd. Who had fou~ rgm’kerK ~- : "o0,.d, h0o.,eddo..,,0g.o,.t M,sef*k .....ed,t~,’.Sh.FHS .resuers Sampson at 158, ShfrJng ti¢gt pl a e e in the

haskethall vthtoHes. The War- morlthg passlhg effort in t h e Men’s League are Township &,,or. oallooed hl~,, ,eeo.ed aa,,, ,ore,. d.i,s’ S~ i" 2 M R yal Ki"gs Le ¢I ~i,~0r P he re,0, ~o0 ~.so=..,,. H,gh ,.d, .Gee.. ~oo. ~, ,we to,, gs.. of eels, o a , h*~.. ~, .oth h.~o. m.,~.uflez’naon on the home court, were bLanle~ for ]Pradklhl’s [5oar In third posltthn Is 55 C"th, 3,2,Tho Pi .....rs o.me ,.to,o,o ,ho.ths ap.,n,t g~"g. On Show 4:4 Records i L pA|on =°° e=e A,’, Gr.,,.,,,Franklin wilh a 10-3 ovdr-~l re. Wednesday he fresh eub used, en or GO e Franktth Eagles, g-4~ and Frank-

’c~rd and .~n 8-1 nlark ns load0P the. court for a game, and otosJ J IJh Pathons, ]-3.of Thu w s

yt’anklin Hlgh’s wrestlers spl|tof the Son’Lerset County Leuguf~. rsd~y a aken ttp by

J f ILn1~oyal Kings thl~ w~eh ~ood ~ncedod for the top spot In the

Bnt ~’BS joLr.ed County Leagt~e "~he ff r s v h the r ex ra-cur, a pa r o Pi~eets du ’ g the week as the only undisputed ,lender of Beginners ~ague are Apachesricular program Io hold n Win-loss "record of 4~. h~skelball leagues 8ponsol’0d hy and VJkth~, boU] .~.9. Warrthr9school Msnvilth in lurn[ng theHost 1to Hrfd~@~,*~et In the next Iwo rant outhlg&trick against the front-runriers, the T o w 11 s h i p ReerdaJiOll hold third place, ~.4, and Bomb*

the Warriors pth die Warrinr~ weng their way 0 Biireao, et’s are on the bottom, l-g.T~le Wth bnr~ted ]Pr~nkLin~8 ]~t’- Tomorrow. ....Y! North Burlington High tomorrowcord to 8-4. The Warrlnrs ~re 5,2 ""

. ] ~ ~P~(f~l ~l.et~ ’ [~c rid°re Wednesday a ernoonIn one other ~mo d~rmg the } ¯ i " ’ "

/L&N ~/week, PHS fell to South Plain -’At Dog ChlJ) ExeP(!Ise~ CoaCh Garland HurL’is’ first-

~thld, 64-44 after thadlag in Mrs. Edv-’ard Tugya af 1341Ycar varsi{y lost to WatehungAll Loadtog Brands of FIXTURES, I~mbth.

. H.,.g ~’~ I

the f J r s t quarlez’, 17-12, and Ambrose .q I r e e t and her lay i Hills’ "A ’ Lea,]] F’rid.~y nieht at Im~tch Of the ~,~eogd ~et[ed. p~m:ith, "Din~,," fe~l sh~)rt gy ~ home. 28-1g. BUl tl~ey came back |

The junior Oar~ily lost. M-34 ..... 1~. points af attaining n .o b ...... the jnyv~o~ of S ....m ~’-~in SPJV ae Jim Hilt eotmted 12 perfect score of 200 in winning I villa High. 28-lG, Monday after, m ¯¯ APd~ttoumEtoefrl°aI P~Rttcfs¯ Hardtmre

points ned Cht~pths Nemeth IS, top honors in novthe compOtiLion noon. II tCut & Threaded ’~ iand 6fl-~ to Somerville as Ne, at grad atton exorcises of the ¯ In lhe vietn y. Bill Sensone ¯

Pipe ~onrmeth had i4, Somerset Cnunty Dog Obedience i took fi’~e points by forfeit in lhe to MeasureBaker High georei" Club. ’ 9B-p0un~ class; Gnry S t r a U h,

Frank Baker, high w i t h 20 "Dina" also collected I o p i John Sampson, George Sheehy, ~ Fit~iHg$Galvanized -- Comer SPECIAL |

HrassaRathst 8PHS, ratr~med lse goal honors in the last suhm o vi.c e !Calvin LEon., Jerry Homany-I $29.50 nwith 28 points to pace lhe big graduation exercises with a [ shn and Zd Sorensen turned in | ¯

conquest of Somerville. Frank score of 154 out of a possible ! eonsecntive decisions, and Jo.s- 716 W. (]ttmplaht Rd.Phone RA 5-~49 Manvine

Hours: 8 a,tn. to 6:30 p.m. daily -. Friday ’til 9 p.m.I~ph Boh~,.,~ pinned h ..... L mm mm mm mm mm .m i ~ ~ "" u m~"it on eight of 15 field tries, 1~ 155.of 17 free tosges and eo]lecteg~0 ’rebouads. Mike Mikatujak

nne for 20 points. Mike Le

.,~da elghl of 14 goal .’ies and NOW at BOLMER MOTOR CAR CO ....four of eishf f~m the free throw ,THE BEAUTIFUL ’63 VALIANT!Tnking advantage of its o~zn

slandout defense, the Warrior8ripped the Pioneer zone apart l0 - -take a ]6-ll first-quarler lead,They kepl on the pressure with This [s th~-c~r that has the whole town talk; Velfant. Cam0 into our showroom now andstandout passing d e s pit e the

Jag ~he compact bu t to doovoryth ngwelll’ see what we mean, Take a test drive andPioneer switch to man-to-mattdefense, and outceunted SHS, 18- ’~OW compacts have undergone such a big discOVer why Valiant rs the best all.around11, in 1he second period, a~d :~[stvlingchgnge".n° other Iow.pricecompact 9ompdct anybody has cuing up with ydt I25-24 in the finale. SHg had the

has all of the 33 va ue features offered by ,@UALIPt’.EN01NS£eED BY eheYsLSn 00RPORATIOBadvantage I8-16 th the: third ¯ . ,session.

g m,re,,,d gy wd, See and drive the New Valhmt at: BOLMER MOTOR CAR CO.Le Co m t e and George Haef-

ltet’, who with B a g e r playedmost of the faurih quartet’ withf~ur D e r s o r, ~ ~ fr*%t~s ~hSlthem. finally fouthd out w i t]theh’ fifth fouls b~e the gum,ended.

The Warriors threw a scar,into Soulh Plainfield by Leading,17-22, after the opening stanza, VALIANT SIGNET200 CONVERTIBLEand maylng close into the thirdsession be/ore surrendering toygood,

Baker toss~ th six et hisgame total of 20 in the first

VALIANT V-200 2-DOOR ..¢EDANSpecial ~.~


Offer.ak~y TYPEWH~’E~ PAL/ANT V-200 d~OR ~EDAN


NEW ~llg~ON

,r VALIANT StreET200 ,~.Z~’R NARDFOp

.~:’GO. = ~ ’:.", .~,... ,.~ "~".~ - ,~ ael’e°~n Ug£D CARS with I-year ’~G W" Comrantee

¯ "[ 499 Mm~lton~gteeet ........ .’m’ram, zmil~v ~0~

¯ .so.,..e, .. ’. " ;:;~:~ =.i:;~ MOTOR CAR CO, -,

:’)",i ¯~ ~,~-’t-’---- .. eas~m’~: ":~" : : " ~ ~ ~mTs.so~ RSOOK

". .~ :~ ,. :. ; : ¯ ,,.,;xcoM~t,l~aou~saoP~vt~ .. . . . :

,- THURSPAY, FEBBU~d~Y 7, Im ~E F~IN NEW8-B~OnD "PAG$S~eiely, he is chaismBn of Chil- whom ettsnd Irranklto ~hc~Is,

" Candidates OHer Thdr Yieu ¯ Mauvtlth, ’ Parenfg League for Fai~catloltrd

Dr, & Mrs~ Ststrm~ are tbv Advancement, Th’ey retidv st

In rester to ~tn ineltatlon ts express their views) the five esily points up the need, the parentS of .three shild~en, two of lh2 Haler AvenU~

foSewhtg Mttsments to Tbe News-~e~ord:lngs, el oai edaeatio~ml courses,

-- In a c0mmtm[fy auch as ours,

Thomas F. Dalton Thw~ship Js recognized as a pro* the cost of education and its [m-

Mmxy times durklg the ¢ottrse greselve mtmlelpelity,pllnationd cannot he fgnor~d ortaken Udhtly. The b~st Possible

o! an eleofion campaign toe can- MI* LaPinnte sad bls wife re- edunaUon at toe best po~sthle

flondofateSaref°raskedtoe aoard,,What ofwouldEd~s’be side st t5 Da,Yton Avenue, They cosl is a deflate) must¯, e t haVee! "THE BUDGET ,SJ, P’tNG MANET"o have been TOw.shlp :residents,had, afldshallcentlnu lobby , 550 HAMILTON ST.the first, tolng you would trF t for mght" yesrL" ¯ I~a s apDroach ~s a Prime re.,~o~pb~ after b el a g el.o*. .~mo~ J NEW BRUNSWICKed?" and "How would yotl hope A 8ales representative for Rut- q

to advance education in ,’rank- gers C h .... l e L be attend- M.y experiences aa a board i

(FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP)]in Township without spending ed North BrunswJek elementary member Ihese pa~tt three years

great sur~s of money?" schools, New Erunswi@k H ~ g h ~ve been tremendot~, Ae a re, -- ., . ,

ECHO0] and took evening courses suet [ feel I am better quaUfJed I ]fRESH PLUMP~The are*oa.g ........de aiR.let, in r.h.e,.* ,h, ,o. --e th.n .t .O* i

CHiCKEN IIC,pending on the celldidate’s par- g pu g, sales,time recto y

a . marke ing and commere a aw p tl~ . ~-EADYf]cul r profession, interest ~nd ~ll IS4abilR A dsabed vee m of Word ,My allltudes on educ ~ ~re

__ . _1 want 1o offer one thought

Guard He is a member of toe have ~vo~ked hard to establish 8wIFT’S "pREMI~M"which will b e n e f i t ]FranhlJrt ’ " and roelde sound ~nd neededLivtSgsten Avenue Reformed PTo sh It Ins to or.*o "° ’ o [Ne nam gE/ . .. Church New Brunswick Elks, ~eat~a~ progr~tns d sell


]b*~ linterest In the s~ntlftc a II d ’ ¯" inue tV e t e r a n s of Foreign Wars, ]ties. This I shall ¢~tt o doeuttsral fields. It will provide . ¯ I

r . I, r a n k l m High Warriorsand improve upon. I have notI

,ARMOUR g ~ 8y’rl~’3/or pttolis ¢0opo a~ton. It wx Boosters Ciub~ and se~’ ..... i g n o r e d or taken lq~htLy the

STEAK om=r ..~, ~" ~I ~~ot mcrs~tse expen&lures ! o r bu ]¯ . ’~asurer of the Fan~ n L ona C°sts of educator, ~ SO ~ijDe, La~iL.~ ....... ¯ , 17... ¯~e,el equipment, hOOks, e{e.

C[db b ..... t ignored or rejected SALE PORTERHOUSE.... 89e lb, IThe basic plan, now used in necessary program~ because Of ¯Eew York City, was advocated their ¢.oels. I feel proud of ourm~ ’ "by RCA’S David ~trnoH and the Jos~p~ H, LJc~tmsJiu position In this ar~a ; ~he be~t,~ IMPORTED f~LI~ED I

"" *°’h’°’rd °f "°’*i’°"Th’ beard baa doa" ° g°ed ha" °°n"s’ent" obtained the I BOILED HAMI have expended La scope to Iri- . ¯ best possible dollar value fo rlade cult Job so far, but 1 believe It cane urel subjects. , , every education dollar spent,

, es abbsh a be er rapport w hTheElaoo...for,eoa, md..-,he. ....,,,, .UR’I u)! :L12

S I ~ L

trLes and the school beard to It is toc duty of the .board to Mr. E~ruta is a manpower and - ~work together in science eductt- represen~ the educational in. training consultant with the ~Ucn. tereels of the community, for its Deportment of I~abor. He and ! 11~i~

ShOrt) ask n,arhy Jndnst[y ft~ct~on is policy making, but it his wife and their two daugh~rsI ~l ~ C ~/~J[~ I I

for Lecturers to talk on various also should be creative, tt should reside on Amwell Road. A life- I| ’ " "- ’"selenti~ic subjects in the hLgh be anulyticaL It should study long resident of the County, heit I#ADY TABOUr

S t ~ Ise. l. Mo *ofa y.*0eo,ewtlfeincr,ch la.*o. and ....i’vedinH’",boreugh ofore ovI Pad #!za" "be borne hy the partlcJpat]ng Up with new ide ..... d orient Ing to Eranklln. I F~ e S~ Csnscompany, them toward improving our A member of the Mil]sinne E ~--~- -- ---’--


This program need not be school system¯ ¯ Valley Fire Company and the l ~- " Ilimited to hJEh school or to Jv~t We s h o u i d strengthen our East Millstone Dutch= Reformed WISB~E ~

~ ~~t ~ iand grade schoOl students ema extra.curricular field but in the bombardier with the Air F0~ce[irl~a~ n

appreciate cultural subjects ruguUtr progams. In World War II and held the ~8 ~’][S~h as ~usic, ballet and art, ~ We should make heR, or use o~ rank of captain widen he ¯left II

" " - Ia£ddion to science courses, our shop facilities to better pre- service. F#kl~

Progress in ’du’ation benelRs pare students wh° want t° put"

I ]Tm~oel~ I fl ~’~d~’* ’~" Ithe children, the community and sue vocational careers. This DE, O~car Sist~Mnk fT.the ~o=.~. would he~p reduce d~o~-0u~s.I ¯ V cans "~I

f believe in trying to k e ¯ p I feel thai we must completelyeinsa sizes as smaLl as possible, reappraise the qaaIity, elms mtd Is

Mr, Dalton is technical dh-ec- revainathlg a~d ttpgradisg our ob settees of 0ur edticetisnelBU/TONI "RIG~t~ETTI"

t0r of the marine *slid power [e:gt book s, atrengthenin~ our ~yslem, es well as the policesPlant division of Ms/nun Cber~, exlra~rrieu]ar activities in Of our bottrd and how t h e s e

-- I

..,..,......0,.,,.....,o._. 6: .89oIwhel~e he won a BS ~n bacterial- I w~utd be in aver of adding Coming y~ars. II ~~ogy, he received hLs master s ~orelg~ lang~ge~ an~ co~r~e~ i~ AEbov~h we must be extreme- ]]~ 4g B~ANS gN E’%qS~y ~UP ~ Idegree n is~ ne~ admlnzstra ~ wlt Lain COSts I.... " reason ng a b y o be cur-E coo~’~d" h ~ ¯ g , II ~"~ a e’~a~ ¯ =, "III~IJOn from Satan Hall College He los outs~e a d --’ rcuum n he eares grades ncreased *xes e IIIMI4M-AI~I~ I~ 11I iiS ~ jude Instructor for the NeWpOSe ble. nnd mor~ pupils neceseltatin] lI II JLIIJq~AII~I ~I~ jar I~F I~rtmswlck YMCA,

Tbls is only part of what ] addJlfonal ~nslruefSon, I feel Jtll ~ -- M[Mr & Mrs Dal¯an reside. 8t would li~e to see. l also ~a lmporalive that we. do not g~l~lrNE M]{EP~X¯

lh Thos~%~s R~ad w~to their five realiz~ the limitations of the del- Inge sight of the quality of the ~ ~ ~I~ ~I~i~i~ ~II~I~~,~Ichildren; two at whom attend lars available and the m a n y education we are making avail- A~IE~I ~I~~IL’y&~ 16 O~, ~II ~IR}iz,~beth A~en.e Eebc~L place# ~e~ mus~ be sPenL f’ aele to OI,, CbJ~ .... I ,~lr~0

P~*~.J Jd~

we can spend our money wisely, On the elementary level, we ~ v "~ i~ ~i~ iI

:Robert Ls Plante w~ may get betler use of ot~r must provide for complete de- EK-"~A~T’8 Nil’W-!

Beb~g a board member for the -- @ash and every pupil, fn our new Cyc,rs I000-1961, l hno ...... y o’ Mr. & Mr,¯ Liobt ..... ,d high sI"’olwe mu,’ rnahe ear"

C4~)~d~r~ ~.#~the problems which need atten- heir daugb er and son res de at thin that the quality of studentslion In the interest of the public. 19 Buffa Drive. They have keen entering and gradustiug is ’in-I F&tq[~H ..... ~

- iIreelf~e as a pas~ h~e~rg me)w. residents of toe Township for creased to the highest po~sJb]e pl~ESW~r teat you ..... t be biased

five years’

Invel. The .hrrieulum may Well

EGGS 4~ iin one area but muaL tit to he Mr. Lichim~nn, a 3iCe utlder- need reel~l~n. The entire leash-ALL.WII~PE

effective Jn all area~, wrEer for the Equitable Life As- Jag staff ntust be inspired to per- M~d~JM ~F

~gy one pe~lonal In~erest foc ~ranee Cor~qpeny, is a fo1~mer forrz3 ~0 the rnaxIJ~Itlm of J~s --~ , ~, ,,, . .~ .. , ,u , _ -¯the peopLe of this Township ts president of the Middlebush abilily, in order to prodUCe the S &B "FROWN" ~ d~ II,th, eldineduc.*isn’.mto.,,*..dform..,a*ro.nofbe.*ond.e.,,.b’’’’ug

A LES. ’°..°’,,problems ~hc~tmtered by t h e from Highinnd Park H, S. and ~ept the eha/~enge o! ~ood e~J-

se~ioel syelem. "*vhosh ~ate aid attended Ruigers University. zenshiP .... . ....

is canstanti~’ decreasing¯ I am man at ~MIddlehush Scboel, and ’~]~r.~’,Sidtrunk’.]~ ~ ~lqei,of ,. ,:

now in tilt, process of applying bat]] ure uctive in Boy geoul ~nd I@r~nk~n. A f t e r r~ce!~g~ ,9~¶ ’ C

for addliionnl S~ate aid to edu- Girl Scout activities, mentary education in Middis-cafli0m Stephen Reid. our tax bush Sch~I he graduate~ fromaIBe~oPi Ur. Sampgon gmith, New Brun~wink High School He I

our seboel superin(elofent, ai~d Al~xalld~r N~I~III~ JP rteelved d~rees from Llf~bq ~ELI~’G~ED M~INE "- " "

"kIIe]( h’ve applied t e the stale I " a °andthnte beeau’e ~"

Uelversity and H°w’rd Un[vhr" IPotI~S 10 Ib~ .39*:~Op a p e r 8 ofi a ] corderence, ~ geneln~ and sincere Interest in say) snd no~ practises dentls~r~hope to.ha’~e some word "for the education and our eommtmJ~, in M~v,~LI~tpeople of (he Thw,slblp’l~ the I am ~’one~rned:~l~ my Vhg- Ee is p’[/e~0nt b’~ t~;e’J~"

’~ry l~ear future portalrdng to dren and the other children In vl[]e ~elar Chamber of Cam- ~i "/aur gS~fa~etlce h~ ~Te/~ton, OUr Township. ~ an1 con~i~e~ lherea told a dirt*cinr af toe ~GWI TAS~ ~omzos.

: valkd for every dollar spent ~q~ ~nd contribute to the gutsY, ~ h~s served the ~lt~F,~Id aft@~’~." : ’ed~edtLItl In Franklin TownshlE, occup~ti,n to the field o~ man- Heart Fund campolglas, A metn-¯ :., .. ~n,~d~t~.r~z~esenl all Be that aur power end work forces emphatl- bet of the pint,field Ds.ntil- I ~ I


R~ FA’q® Real ENtSte . , ~ t;,t~

THESE ARE ALL Air Park Realty, Inc. LOOKING FOR A HOME~. GOODBUYSP . ’ : ’."’ " :’

’~ ’ ~ Facing Our Specialty gt0p In see our large selection of homes, dbplay.2~aere Lot Hll]sborough Twp.

Good 2-a~re ,building site ba h~h an~ dry gmtmd. Closeeverything, Macadam react fronthge, Only ~,8~, Be the Bret to

pRIVACY & ~CLUSION -- 8- 8d hi oar Gtf~l~ window atroom ~othnlal house ~vP, hsee N. bustard heat, I hath, el.to JOHN KRIPSAK AGENCY

New 6.Room Cape Cod root. SiRing In the center ofgs ~or~s wl~ . sprte~-f~ REALTORNow under c0nstructton, Only. $14,~00. Complete, Pick your b0~; ]g a,~8 Wl~d &

colors, etc., now. A small deposit will buy it. ~ locnll0n, several outbulddthgs. Prl~e phone -- RAndolph f~681

High School Area Cape~s,sch.

Six ro~ns. F~]I basement fixed for recreation use. Rot Water NEAR FLEMINGTON ~ 31- ~ S* MRIM St. MRMvill~ N. J.

heat. TLin bath, Attractive gmuods. Garage. N. gth Ave.. Man- acre farm. good 6-roomellis, ASking $17,4Q0. ho~se, bath, heat, garage "Hillsberougil. West Camplath Rd: 9.rc~m

and outhtdldings. Tractor BhLevel on an acre lot Just outside ofMRnv0]~ CanteP and other equipment inelud- Manville; 3 large bedrooms, eat-In kll-New d.room ranch, Close to everything. See it now, Last one. od. Some woods and brook, ehen, fuU dining r0~rn, living room.

Only $14,900. Price $18,500, recreation l~om, office or den, latmdry


pLANNING TO E-RTIRR?-- your own patnth~g ~ ]andscap~g.See this 4-room ranch on ½- $1g,900.

J. R, CHARNESKI AGENCY," INC. ~re of ~+~ety hie tr~e~ andbeautiful shrchbery. Ther~ Manville: New ~-room Cape Cod wlth slop-

ing rear yard" to brook and parkland,Realtors End IngurREee are ~ bedrooms, an ennthse~ Bright kitchen and ceramic tile bath, base-breezeway and 2-car garage

42 S. Main St. RA 2-0070 Manville, N. J, F~]] basement with oil heat,meat exit to rear yard. Low down pay-

many extras, price $18,300, ment’ low taxes. $1~,990.

Flnderne; Nqw 8-room Cape Cod righton the bug line. Featuring 4 bodrc~ms~

MANVILLE, NORTH SIDE _am pARK REALTY, INC. complete kitchen, tile bath, tuE basement,Six-r~. 2-story hr~ch home. Oil heat, 1~ baths, full bose- ~A.LTORS city sewers and water, Builder anxious to

meat, storm w~n~ws, blinds, 1½-car garage. ~ell. WID arrange financeS. $1d,8[~0,

Asking $16,900 J, s. ~, R, D. S~orKer~q~e ~. J. JOSEI~E WILROUSKY, dR.. IRC,, REALTOR

MANVILLE, NORTH SIDE RAndolph f~llg 200 SOUTH MAIN ST., MANVILLE, N. J.Modern 2-famgy home, 4 rocks av~ beth each a0ertment.

~epara~e gas heat. Basement. Garage. tTate ~28~4 KVe. STate 2~M Sou~ Somerset Cotmty MUltiple Llstthg Service

$2]:,900 RA 5-16603 ROLLING ACRES -- Attrac- Full time professional salesmen onlyMANVILLE, NORTH SIDE . Rye rahab, S room., s bod-

Four-ro~m bu~g~Jow and ~mth. Oil heat, aJumintm~ s~orm win- rooms, Ceramic Gle bath.clews, expanEv~ ae~e. Improved street. Basement. Range. Fireplace in living room, A. Giombettl [ " Small Estate

~. ~12~500 dining "L", kitchen with Real Estate Agency Three.bedroom Coinnixl home,g~ bathe, center hs]l~ ]ivhlg~built-ins and ample hireh-

wood cabinets, porch. Dry Manville- $12,900 i room w i th flrepixee, diningMANVILLE, SOUTH SIDE be~menl with stal~ shower Two-story, 3 roo~s, ix~ fl0or, room, modern kitd3eu. HotFive-room bungalow, oil heal, open and closed porch, storm ’Seth, O.H.W.R. baseboard Four rc~ms 2n~ floor. 80 x 10~ water heat, central ~ir condJ-windows, close to Main St. radiation 2-ear garage. Ms- lot, Buy now, tinning. Property in weE-kept "-

~8~0~0 eodam driveway, aluminum Manville - $14,900 c~iuon. Five-room bungalow"screens and sl°rm whldows New S-roOm ranch home, full for income. Barn, 9 lovelyand d~ors. Schecd btm’ at acres, partly w~od, Asking

F.H,A. & G.L Mortgag~ Arranged door, $2~fi00. b~eemei~ low dawn payment,$~,~.¯ Bay new.

JOSEPH BIELANSKINORT~ OF U,S. ~ -- New s~tit Manville - $18,600

Income Propertylevel with cathedral ceiling Six-roam, 2-story home, 75xi00Masonry home with 3~room

R~R~ E~t~ Aff~l~ living voem and brick fire- lot, Perfect set-t~ for qualifiedapar~ne~ anti. g-room apart-place, Generous diniz~g area,

G. I. Oil hot water heat’ new ment. Rental will pay for home.2]L2 S. Main St., Manvme RA 5-1995 kitchen with beRt-in oven

root¯ Bay nOW Large roome~ eeramJo tfle.bsths,¯ and range an~ cherry CaLl- ¯Open St~day 1:.?0 to ~ nets. 3 bedroon~s, 2~ ~ths, Manville - ~16,900 equipped kitchen~, basement

recreation rooms, "2-ear garageEv~aing~eaR RA 5-~.890 0k FLg-8500. large family room. hi]warm Clean, &room Cape Cod, gar- a~ shop. Asking $28.750.

, " ." . air heat, large basement, age, ahtmth~m combin~Uons,¯ . Attached garage. Extras hot water gas heat, Buy now,

and a view¯ ALL THIS FOB E, ]~AY~, Bt~o~CONFUSED?

ONLY ~o,~o. " M~vll]e -- $15,9~0 BLAW~NaUR~, E. J.New Cape COd home, 50xl7d HO 8.0891~3-ACRE F2~M -- Large front- lot, on~lde eelixr enlr&P, ne,TIRED OF LOOKING? age on macadaro road. Gew curbs, and gutters, immediate AD]~LE DEXTER,

fly rolth~ ]sag. 10-room oveupan~¥. Etty !now. ~SWO~N

_..WE INVITE Y~U "TO VL~IT OUR ERIENDLY OFFICE AND farmhouse with some Ira- ~{anville -- ~17,900 ~NE g~-ua~

I~3OK OVER OU~ SELECTED EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. SAVES provements, outsoUd~r~YOU TIME AND :EFFORT. WHETHER YOU DESIRE A HOME, Gced foe horses and sheep. ShEen-ream Cape Cod, breeze-

DUPLEX APT., DR EDSINESS, WE MAY HELP YOU F~HD Irwes~.ment POssibilities,heat,raY~ att~cbodaleminumbmWge,comblnaConsbe4 ~ RE~TEL]DWHAT YOU WANT AT A PRICE THAT FITS YOUR POCKET- Near school and CRR~J100x]00 tot. Bur now. offers ~ual~od~A)OK. commuting. $37,50~, ea~$’

tertm~ to qualifying buyer. Findetme -- $15,900 lets, ao down payment,~NCB- MANVILLE- $16,900

New s-room Cape Cc~ tul:

V.~LL~E W~’H COb~FORT m ’~’~IS II-YNAR~)LD RANCH; WATERS & STMJBERba~mont, g0xi00 lot, city uthl- $69 me. approx,tles. ]Buy now.



f~LE -- ~O CALL NOW. WHITgEOUR~ STA’£tON~ N., d.1~0 S. Main St. Manville, N. d. On always ~aylng mouthly rent,

RA 2-9639Anythne DO net ~t this od:bt mid d~WM yo~r treed# with ~Ho~: 0~4-glg~ .But, If ~u a~e tired M’payteg

mchthhv rdnt to ya~ llmdlord,- RV~R: ~24A4 orthen ~bE ~.hedr~em, 2-story c~i-

~fHE’~IgRIU~CE AGENCY ~x~t.t 7-~I~-R-:I Foothill Road Area o.~al ho~e l~ ,inst tot yo~. C~LUMRMBER Three-bedromn ranch, flr~ COLLECT ’JN)D~Y,

place, screened-in porch, black.RA 5-05~,0 H~rrE~OW COUNTg Non-vet~ ~ sown~o SOUTH MAIN ST. "~ MANVILLE, N. J. MULa’IP~R LISTI~IG SERVICE mp drive, shrubs aml trait trees, ~ PE[P~ $~ .’ swlmm!ng peel, Best of mxier.

FOR SALE ia~ .sod o~ th~s o.~ So~.One 4-acre l~l~ing tot ot~ Owner vegnlg, move right in! ~OMR8 FROM ~900 to F’*&,~EAmwel] Rd.,"-&etween H~ll~l~re Fnur-r~m bedroom split, off Large 4-room, g-bodroo~ 92,000~esool and ~arlie½Farm, ~a~l Ea~to~Ave., Franklin Township. ho.’ue. Low’maintenance, Hotowner, ~0 g-l~t~ dally, or ~6~ Lot llO~I~0, ,.back yard privacy, Water heat. ~Id.eal for re|ired Donold J. ,Calm, life. S~b~eet to VA, rl~, g~gmvpX

new earpet~ng~ sir ebodillo~m’, coJgple, " REALTOR REbUiLD. " "-~e~7 Sunday.~,

"-~0 se~R]e Cathie, be broke ~ p~tl0, ~’dngs, storms, screens Plaice $t5,9g0 -MV.~. ~IP~ ~s?m~ ,, ,RF~ALrI~ (]OMPAIW~fathB~ ~o~$g~ Da~t~ ~.-,I ~sldewalk*L~H :~:paved att~ets,. /~w INSURKN~" ~ ~ ~rA~ Pko~ 9~.~600 +i~. ~4 r~ rand ~: O~ , . 8HANLY REALTY so Maple Street’ Sorn~pllle ~z Nm~.h Ave, D~ell~,-N~-L

; ~]e garng~.-’A~ls~ ~l~,O~, Call ~thdor~e " RA ~’l~J~ " Ol~Sttha~zyS " -

NEW 4-REDHOOM RAECH, ~ ~e~ivllle. EA ~.~IVS,. OUAR&N~tg~, l~fit~t.T’ ’ + ..... 1962 Choveolet hnpala ....... ;. $’23"~, l~mf*~alo~,~aths full basement, 3,ear gar- Pour rooms and hath, Inqulr~ ~.. ¯ .

v~e, ~,f~o, $9 N, .llih AU~,. ~Iar~idt~. ~-door sedumd Au~ Wtmb~

LOTS "--~o~n 4 re*’-~s~ 3.s ROOr, I96i Fo~ Gala#Se ................ "$1@1 ~’+’~"~# ~’ ~’$3,000 -- 1-acre. good r~sd. 800 sq. ft. of livin~ space. $100. Fully ~ulpp~ Two dollars I~.~) It

l~ear new homes. ~enl SlehMes "~eal, nl~oy sx, ~a’~Al~trgs. One.year lease, l child aa- ~961~ Cori,~’r .......... : .......... ,~12@$ .Formerly T. R. Fu~ot% "Zno,~3.~0 -- 1~.~ ~eres. espied. Manville. Call RA ~-1~93. 2 to pick front

~mo~, *~s per momh. S~ Mr. 1960 Plymouth ................... $119~ "F~o~,.4.ut~gi~.~"F, R, WYCKOFF Mike MszUr at 13 South Stt*el 4-Door Sedsn ~xtgklalre & ’rdl0vt~

Realtor & Insurer Manville. ~1~ I~dd ~lwl¢.eop~. Fo~ omee Som~rvSle

Po.~ r~, ¯ Ma~idd~ o~ea, 1957 Chevrole~ ...................$~)5 Fh~ ~A 0-7100

EA 5-7209 Evenings EL ~8475 ~-D0or HardtopMember Multiple Listing large attic, m~ple parking area~

i~eat and wateP furntsh0d. Call 1959FOrtl ,,. " $][09~ ~ ~O/WIr, sS c~Business Opportunity after 5. RA ~-0345. 4~Door Se~Lan |~ ~ &vS.

Neighborhood delicatessen --1~tee 4-room sunny a--p~’Itnet~t 1 ~w ~sWic~, ~N, J.store, Groom aparlment, 3-room and, bath, :ind floor, private en MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. ~msgintk Boinelar[~lapsr~vnt, extra lOt. Owller will trance. $fl5. heat inntude~.

,~’~OLInt~g C0U;’~Lb~y .and Wl~ti Clamslake baok large martgase. Brooks Blvd., Manville. Call LEE CHEVROLET, Inc. ~aon.: ~ ~-o~real motley maker. IpO 9-4397.

Claudia Condo Pascal ~!~-room apartmenl, north 476 W. Union Rvv., Bovtfld Brook~rr0u~ht IronRealtor side Manville. Heat .,d hot

EL 6~24~0W~ter fur~ishad. Ca]i RA 3- ¯ R~ng~6B ~qot4~n Brldgo S~reet ~g31.Saturday to 5 p,m. Open Evenlreg~ Until 9 p.m. BuiR to y’our SpecificationsS~marville. N.J.

"--Four rcoms~" ]st floor, ca[d -*. Free EstirnateRA 2-1032 w~t~ epartmelti, hoI wa~era~nah]~. ,~i*. ~I~ Vabt~ Ave, Vahte.R,ted Used Csrs Help, Wanted _ PORTABLE

For Rent Weston Heism~, Ma,vme. c,~tI WIfLDINF, SERVICE- EL, 6-7707. . 198D Oldsmobiid "BS" ... $1~95

l~BS..~tV(~]~ J ’.......... 4~Oor sedan, h)-dromaltc,’ CIISTOMER! l ~ 6-9527Three l~ont~, ~qa/valeot to 4,

F,/S, P/B, grey & whi~e

tlhrary-°n Main SuitahleStreet overfor Mtmvilteeouple. Wantedrhdsh, w/~ ,h’e~ R & H. Yo. save need AVON Co~-I " 469-0818

Heat and hot water provided. Three-room apartment iD ]060 Ford ’ . $[195 manes. You kr~ow their qunlityCaS EA ~-8774. Manville, for Oiderly woman.

Ranch wa~;ou, 4-door, 6 sn’d gL~arunfo~. There is a ~g"

-- About April or May. Cull IRA ’~L cylinder, stand, trans, domanS for ,AVON serviceI’~P~ROS

12 & H. ~mong families near your home, 1~ ~t1~Six.room apartlxaent, in HU]~" g]55 after 5 p.m.’ l~ml~+ CaIJ RA 5-]~, 1958 C~dilloe "~" Special $1OOlIf you need nl~ney. C~I[I J~[O g- ~L~

, .... ~4-dvor hal’Stop, full ~wer RIB7, or write Rex 5(W, Plain .Mflnvl]Ie, North ]0Lh Av~. F~tr-

~POP Salew/w tires. E & }L field. I ~1~ S. "/ti~lla St. ~"e~,~.

mlshed 3-room apartmenL Ten- . . . 19NI Chevrolet $I09~ " ’- 7. " " ,ant stipp/le6 gas and eleetridiOa Black AngUS ~teer beef. Half n[ a u con "e " I e. It’-~ fff°ttst’wffe" I’t’Dre~eD[ 49"Ye;Jr’l ~ ft"ul~d

)0wer )ide P/S II & H old CtUldy ~..¢Inlp;llll, sol’ling can-{, ......Heat and hot water supplied h~ or whole Al~ small eats

~ldsm~obite’ ,,0S.)) ~4~t dy by the c0so 1o ell,Is clubs,]andlmxi. Call EA 5-~81. IInteher hogs, half o@ whole l[13S . ~ --’~ ~-,--

Double roomat twin I~ds,~auaage meet. George Heflich. 2d0or hard , hydro’aa e mhtu~ls church groaps fur them] ~ALT PI~J~

2 ton0 R U t° l’aaeli to r; lS~ n OnOy ~rtlrk ltmnn~g Water, t(Se~hone In all

I~eRe Mead. D]Ul 359-592,. " ’ ~¢ " ’tour own hours mostly at hom,!.l ~l~e BREAD 29©rooms, ht~s ~ ~or all plRn~ One baby strollel, baby’s Ill.y ~qO 1Rr-e S~ ~C[~Ol’l ~

½’au purchase mllhin-. Shipment . . ¯all~] bd] goes direct {o idul~af da:~r. Wt~l~y r~in ~18.00. Jtls~ ~n, 3-piece pel’lor ~et. Call be- o~rhel. cliPS to (~hoo~e Cutup ale in~ll’t triune" I~xeellent S$~l~T X~REE DII~ ¯

$~,00 per persor, per week. lween l0 and 4, RA 2-8~56.Hoinl Sonter~, ~ St., ~inm. fl’OI ~t commi~lsions, Fm informmion] ~__ ~.~." ,~--e4"Mlle, N.J. Fifteen gallon aquarium with without obl~g.,~o~, w,-~to ~ho,t rnn~s m.te ~aop

motor, fitter ood other acc~s- fw,un’selr hl Did Domlrdon Pea-[ ~ S-’~Furrdshed rooms for gentle, series. Very reasnnablc, Call H{NRICHS Iilul (’¢n’porafion, Norfolk 17, VO, |g ~ I~ ~t., MIm.~lRe

men; with eooktnE privileges, gM RA 5-3441, After 4 p.m.OLDSMOBILE CO.e~, 7th Ave.. Manville. nA ~.522S. I l~]~fle~g ~11~

pux’~lsh(~l rooms ~or gentle- Used CllI~ 355 NORTH OASTON AVE. ~P~ ¯ ~ 9-0~11men. l"nqidre 21g S. Main St., SOMERVILLE. N.J. CRUSHED STONE fffl W. MId~ at.. F~.V~leN~nvtlle. Call RA ~-1905. Se]ecI llA ~300 Driveways, parking lotl.

re~g.Used Ear~ ............... SAVZt A~I 5ttl~lleESOMERVILLE

JBrookdde CardeHs195t. Chevrolet . $295 MIDTOWN MOTORS eOCE’,VATCH~,.~!n.nim~.OUA~EY~, ~. IUC

4-d~or sedan, auto. Authorized Ramblar l~aler EL ~-16[1 ARTAPAE’em~TS 195~ Chevrolet . $275 u~ Houng m’ook ~d,, MiSdl~ex


l2~/c~r sedan, st~md,

OE SANITARY DISPOSAL Arl Sets ........... 4Oc & u~- ~ aoomv-¢~¢, tm 1 1954 DeSoto . . . 8275 AL~ MODELS

Heat ~’ffot Water 4-door sedan, auto. SAVE L~ TO {)perating in Hdhhorough over 1; Child I~aseis ................ gE.d9 as.

O~s Range Refrigerator I ~ yaar~). ’.omptete with color aIId brush,

b, . - ~11954 De,~oto . . . ~245 ON ’6~ I,~PTOVERS ~Prl~ndly and Dependable ~rYle, lOffice ~ 1~l~ Mercer SL

3-door sedan, au[o.Call 8d~ ~SM~ ~* ~ ~ CO.

t~A ~-2~.,~ RK film 1954 F~ord ..... $275

ld W. Ma~a St.S~merv~Ue, N, ~’, 9~-3687 SA ~-51~o K/~0£m~ Somervt~e

--: .... l s-(~r sedan, sta~d. All Service O11 PF~H~ CESSFOOLR El0 E, X¢~ Si,T:~reo ~c~n/ apartment. ~Ieat ! ................... sad Botmtl Erook

and hot water. Available Feb. 1959 Ram}tier . $1095 15~ Mercury, 4-door hardtop. ~I~P’I’IC TA’RI~11; 13~ ~. ~llt Ave.) MelWflta. RA 4.do~r serialL slued A-I conc~tion. $395. Coil RA 2- CLEANED

t,o.~ Inrg~ ~oo~, A. l~p~o~e-COLONIAL MOTORS ’ : .... ;resets. I~uire ~17 N. 7iS Ave.Y~anville) or ~xail RA ~40. AUTHORIZED EX’~L~R

.,,Hel~ Wanted ’RUSSELL REID CO.~ C. SO]~{.O20 Yeartl Expvcion¢~

¯ tanvEte, g reords, 1st floor, .DEALEE ¢I 4-2~34 ¯ ’ ~ ~ 1~ce/ ~t1"dv/ag & 8~1~

Bath. hot water. ~umidh own Route 2~ -pRINCETOR L0i~g d~tsr.~e movL~g

beat. $0E Near stores and bus ’ North Branch "" EMPLOYMEN*g AOX~¢CY [~’~*)ne Your CJass~ed~ Wheaten Van~olp. ~ 6-0~7,

P~ 2.2700IMMEDIATE bPENING8 l{Andolvh 5-~30~ Manville RA STT~

’ " Mid ~nd Fem;,inb~’~, Sot wa~er and he~+ Couple BUICKendF. I~..~t0 E. Prceh Ave,, ~k~"me"~mm"" "BN , ZZmNO igJ#)MmnvLIle. ~les & Service ~lXl~O~I~ -- SAI~$ le~OOF ~0~ "~O~I~"B

m~i meinde~ ~’minm~ t~- I~NNESSEY BUICK P’ ")’ w~m’Om~ t Co. ~2-.m: ~ TO mffi~¯ dt~ed .kRchoa snd livLqg ~oo~’~,., .. ¯ ¯ .. ~il~ ~ Nassau Street ~O OtO/t t’In~ q.~l[~ d~’,~OSBII ~11~),+dth TV. ~ ,~+ ~ A~., Mma; ’ WA 4~35 ’ "

, . .., : m+m sz . ,ex ....

~, ..... ~fUI~AY, ME~ARy ], IIM ~I lq~kNgUl~ NBWB41y~* P&Ol 11.pubRc services and determbmd payment, and John J, Amarino P~’a. Uodor w.o r k e d In theSica, Szabo Aimounce Candidacies effo. top .LdohaL.o d,., t. h. be"l="gag’ "ed" hies f~.ough the tndustrinl~a.{ p~raoted to the pos~Hon of a~-(men s ~r Amar no has beentie° now possible os a reauR of [ mlnlstratlve assistant, [ whb the bank s nee March l~For Council; 6 Now in Ballot Batth EL*, ,h.t.L dytabs° with respect to se we r, .-~._

¯ " County FLremen’s ,l~ocinflon. water aed the Ind~trJa) arv~s~tContsnued From Fags l)Empinyed ~y Ford Motor C~, road.

in Mottlehen for 14 years, "Aa I p~Inted ottt previntm]y,has not yet revealed hie inten- the eandJdute hag beer an ex- election to the office ot so.neLl.tion~, e~utlve v/ Local 9BO UAW-C]Omen in not ~ reward for dv~eTO data, only two Republicans I for four years He aerved for aervJce, nor ahould Jt be the re-are in the fray. Mayor Co°savoy, three years with 7gth DIvL~inn c~ suit of a PcpularLty contest, butand Councilmen Radcliffe.

I the Army Reserves and was aa-ideteed deaerves careful study

Second Campatp five in ~ea~t fund ~nd Dunham.of each candidate who, after at].Tb~ WL]J he Mr. SLca’u s~und Le bed Memorial Fued cam- w41~ be representing the Town-

. |ry for the CourclJ. He los1 Pidgns, I~e in a member of the sidp for :{cur yeaI~,"a rtln-oR election for the Eh Usher and Holy Name socintin~

Wardcinebey,Seat In lOel to Charles Me. of St, M~tthiaa Church. " Area Farmers Repay¯ On/y Ihe tour s~ in,go Council .

I~]¢ his Bt~torftent 18sued thisl " ..... at stoke in the May 14 $123,714 m FHA Loanswe x, Mr b ca declared he will election The next re’*bring out lsaaes that I am nl i al " guiar mu- Farm families in the sevenc p election after that wilt Cotm~y area .covered by the .... , ,either for or against, and those be held id lO~

l ]

¯ Mading to a definite platform ’ . Frf~nkiid Township office of theemphasizing economy in govern- Rg~C life’s 8~tement ~ Fazmera Home AdmthL~tration FPee Credit for 30 Daysrnein and ~e’fuL spending," The Neap.Record on Jan 24 repaid $t23.714 during last year

SMALL SERVICE CHARGEHe attended Eenesselae~ Pal re~orted that Councilman Rod n prine pal and Lntereat on Leansy-laoha~ Zt~atllufe. F~rdhanl Unl-gillie would seek einctlo~ to a from the U. S. Del~r~me~l el


veraity and Newark College of fu~ four-year term. He g~ned AgricuSnre .... ,,~agineeriag. He holdk a the seat inet year ~y appoint- The annotJncemeut from Gag e,~4----...__,__bachelor of science degree, ment to succeed Broaden Pussy, F. Whltson. supervinor of t h e

A veter~ of overseas d a t y having lost a osmpaJgJ~ for ¯ e~ efCee on Hat’nflton SlrVet, alsorevealed thai the amount waswith the Army Signal Corps, he tion in 2901.

’ Ia marrthd to the former Misa In a stathment isaued this three percent lhss than repaid

TIRE SERVICEM a 1 k e n Gulmann of Co~en- week, ~Lr. Radcliffe reviewed in l~l. However, the 1962 pay-hagen, and they realde at 5 hll 1961 campaign, m~,~ts enabled inSid famLlies toBarker Raad, . "In run°In8 for office In 1061." liquidate their FHS debts.

MX. Side la an officer and plant he said. "the only promise I Mr. Whitaon said emergency 420 NO* MAiN ST. MANV[LL~c h e m i s t tar New Brugswlck made then wad that I w o u L d loans are still aYaLlab]e to Colt°-~,~ ~"~7~4Plalidg Co., a member of the pursue a sound fiscal program, ty farmers under a drought

Fr~nidid ZJone, the American f helices f have demonstrated de.tara*ion la~ y~r whlch ts ~ ~ H ~l*~v~ ~tam~Electroploters 8celery and the my dedication to ibis principle, in effect tlntil June go. Mr. WbS-American Chnmleat Society, as will be ohserved by the ~ro~ sot~ can be contacted at 18e0 _Acfivt Fireman po~ed .bedgetY Hamilton Street, g~*melae% CH ..... ’ [

teeman from the lath Election "In addltinn to souud fiscalDintrlet, Mr. Szabo v~d hin wife ~licies, I am eer~ain thai each COUNTY BANK & TgtERTand lbree children reside at 18 taxpayer war~ts to feel coMldent ANNOUNUE$ PROMOTION8Marvin Avenue. He has lived that the comtcilmen they elect The promotid~ of two County ~t~ ~ ~in Franklin all c~ .his 38 years are wllling to assume the re- BaRk & ~ r U S t ~mpauy a~- A~r E01~la0~,~and Je a eharte~* member ~.f the sponsthility for the decininna plcyaee waa announced t h LS

¯ served with the East FrankLin "hodget, zoning and legislation, eeuHve vlee-p~esld~nt.~ire Company for 17 years and As purehainag manager for a :Mrs. A~tc~e~te ~od~r of Mid-is a member of the Somerset mtgti-mi]t[on doLlar p ..... d]eeex has been named manager

LADIESmeat operation, Ihavebeen ac. of the bo4)keepidg & tranint de., TO TI~Eeu,tomed to bearlag the reapon-

CLAS,~IFIEE ADSSecond Concert ,~bltLe for t~e a~cls~..a th~¢ ~, SIMPLY BY ATTENDING YOURhave had to make. The agility to HA 5-3300

----Shy mabeound0eoininne,be,edCort Theatrean the background, character SOMERVILLE O F~;~/E -IbHungarian American and education of each prospec-

Athletic Club tiv~ munlei!~l official."Ln 19~1 f ran for oEice 1o ~aythr1~1~.y Every Monday andIn Ceeperathm with the provide the citizens of Franklin

Cultural Volunteer Committee Township with a c~oiee of can- ttJUM~"didaten. There would not have ~arl~4f DOlls l~y

70.Piece ~uburball been thin chineeiflhadnn"CAIRO"]PIes Tuesday EveningSymphony Orchestra elected ~o run. Therefore, in the

campaign I welcome qualifiedConducted b P~ter Sozle eandidales seeking to represent IPJ~Ay M~F M M~Soloist: JOS~VpH KOVA~8 their township on our g~verning ~q~m -~

bod~’. I eornest]y urge each tax.Saturday, p a y e r t~ examine the hack- =doodthe= ,v.o,o.oh

ORzFebruary 16, 1963 candidate for his desire to serve

8:30 P,~.an elective office¯

"i weald like to cc, ntiaue tocontribute to ~ranklin Township

H.A.A.S. AHdi[orlulH all the time and ability that 1have to J~rovlde Franklin wiih198 Somerset Street

;good administralinn, effieien NOW ti~roagh ’I"UeS,INeW BrunsWick, N, J* Fag. Ig

Tleke~; $2.00 & ~2,30

a,asaMo at the A. BESSENYEI & SONBlro& Kesa Travel Agencies ~JEL 017~g -- KEROSSNSJeteink & gzabe Meat Market

Luke’s Unlverelt Shop oil Bur~ra¯ Foreign Book ~hep ggg HamH(oll Rt,

PHONE CH 9-9S~ ~L ]Kl~mze~ MNew S~k "Eternal ]~rheat"



GLASS . F.h,.INSTALLED --- With 22k gold trim, ..~ervtee tOP 6 or 8

SOD0 MONDAY~0 8MBSET ST, _=~¯ E~w ~Ewswm FEBRUARY 25 - 26

.,~,~,~,~ A~ EVERY M~a¥ ,F~, q~OAY ~gagAPZ~B

©s~ AWO- svxae~at a~H ~ ~ o~ ~m~,v ~ X~onnv. . i i g I i = x. ’ ............ . i Ii ~ .- ¯

~" Warehouse Fur~ Ontbt +++AheYeGI~Ys Ave. ¯

|_ A/Roll OPEN" DAILY 9;30~A,~,9~,, P,]t~TO+~SO"P’~+; ,p+ . ~’mDAY



-ItiOWNorth Delsea Drive

Vineland, N’ J.


FRESH FROM SHOP.RITEI .... ~fore Meat For Le


SWISS CHEESEswEE,.,0* SIRL@~JANJOU PEARS ... ~ ..... lb. ] 9e

"°’" 59t ,,°0~s~,i~sRVAC. P£¢.i~ APPLES ......... 3 ]b. eel]o 29c



pkgs. ~CAL rR~.CELERY ........ large stalk ] ~c


1½.1b.roll $1 09

os,:~R ~,~R Applesauce ~..,6 ’~:" *1LITTLE LINKS Ma. ~.

SAUSAGEInstant Coffee,~, ~:.*1’9

35’ Coffee ~"’~"~"~,~ -’ 59’S-OZ. 8tokeiy ~ Yac. PEek -- 12 c~., Cre’~m Corn -- 17 oz.. Whole

KERN~.L CORN ........... 617.oz. cam 79cGOURMET s~s~*~ ~. #:U" $I[, Gree~ Olmnt ~ Nlblet,Tomatoes ..... Y/holb Kermel ~a R~tn~ o~GLAZED BALL ~.1 imp’rid Itdlan

DONUTS Tomatoes .\ , 4 ,’,.? *’11 o,.,,. ¢.rn

pkg. ql~c kl~gn~ku, na *---’-¯ , ~-- ,~. , 17-oz.$of 6 /3 ChunkTuna .3,9 ~ t

, to~i,s.~,rWd .. ¯ ~. V cads il[.’ ~ Gelatins ’_’ ~ ~’aty- ,


xT _ _~__- T~PeuadU. i That White HOuse Rumbi’nn :: :.- "

published Every Thursda~

" ’ Nash Newspapers Inc.

attica’ ~kiL~o=d Equate, Middlebua~ Somersat. ~, J. , ¯ :. ,

Edward Nash, EdS~¢ and PU~ltSherAnl~ony J. Fr~zza, Assistant Edltor

Charles N. Noumanu. Advertising ManagerHobart J, tree. circulation Manager

~’nthrad as ~eeond CthOn Mutter on Januaz~ d, 19~B, under the ,e~lof March a, 18"/9, at tha Peat Office at Mlddinbush, N. J;,

Be-~mtered ou ~.~ar g, lg0L at the Post O~lee at ~erset. ~L J.~1 hews sthrths end letBa*S od comment sube~tted tel; pubtl©&tkm

re.st bear tb~ nares end addte~ of t~e writer.Single copies 5¢; l.yaar subsoriptlon $~1,60i ~ years $d,5S

Tethl~honoa: Vlhh~z 4-7000. ~dP]ph ~t~0

SOMERSEt, N; J,, T~UP~D&Y, F~UARY ~ 1963

The Gov~no#s Tqrnpike PimmG~V. Richard Hug~ has o~. ~arn~ce to ahevtate th~ risins

fared a ,bevrilderh~g propo~l i~ ~osts ot ~oo1 operations, andan Mfort lo avoid ~ sales tax. this only ¢o~ounds t~e Dr0P¢~i-

Taking notice that the New tion. Sthco the great cr~ f orJersey ’£urnpike [8 a p~pfltable years has been the rising cost ofJnsdlutto~, the G0v.~rnor recom. ~ooIs mm~aed agath~t the I

~mer=ds that in lgTIZ its rE, venues prol~rey uwner, W~ b01Jeve it~e divarted to th~ State Trea&.[ foolhardy that an estimated $20ury Io pay off a ma881ve ~r~d- =Tdilid~ a year is not drawn fram ~=~.. /~ing program that wo~id provide ~t~nplke ~urplu8 immediately

¯ great sums until 1989 for high- and lh succeeding years and aP-ways, institutions a~d a~encies, plied to scbeo[ aid th one forts orc0 ~l n t y. co]l~=ges~ cotw.ty and annther. A dissentbzS zne~T~berk>cki road~, local scahoid sift lot the G0vert~or’s T*~X ~ o ] i c y ,~ ~ -;current expenses and conslru0- o.mmission ~onte~ds this -- ,.= ~~ " " m~

"t i 0 n, and higber edueatidnat Sou d be a su tclent amq~n tO ,,z~.,~,--’~___~~"facilities, relieve the tax pain, b~t prob.

The ~vernor proposes that ~. m.bty heesuge it /s a simpth ap-three - qtmrter billion dollar ,roach it is lost under the sthg-’bond issue be ~oatod for ~his ,,erhlg n~’~ners of a breath-thk-program, the T~rnpihe profits to ng bend program. " O~ Book8pay off Ibe debt out of profits Why must college aid be in- ’starting in lgTg ..... ~d~osoOn,bySgSmlllionas ~ P~y, l~ndom 3o~ ....

with apprehbnsbe ’ ’ yea~s ago’the voters approbed~avurki items mgst 4~ soled the G~vernor proposes? Tgze~

~r~ ~r~r~ Things

¯ The ~ree~Ea~. c~ ~P [ a ~ mJtfion ’ben’d program tardollar fun~. would" ’o~ "~[~a~l ] State college constructlon -- and ’/~e newspaper strike was at- do w~s sculpt Unlike’ his con- ePa~pt to Btand~or ~pen comp]ee]y by. l~g.I, already a~loiher hugeamouat ia most tun for a while. It w~snicetemporaries, Raphael and Leo. awe-struck before,it, Ot Cc~drsg

2. The interest on these .bonds jdeemed necessary, to be an ostrich sod pretend hardy da Vinci, he had no In- it co~t a great deal ~co makewoe d amo~t to $50~000,~0 --. Why must ~tlg m on be In. that avarththg in the world wh,. terest .in scinnee or social life. "David", but not nearly ~o mucha ratio of’$2 in Lnterest agaln~t [ eluded th ’~e H~ghes ptari for just htm~y dory, A~ a matLe~ of tact, be was re- as it costs to send a man isle$3 in prineipid, l institutions and agencies? Less

3. Although the bends would ~:han two ~ears ago New Jar-But now the whole thing has garded as a crusty old curmud- space. One can only hope that

be sold over the five-year period i ~ey’s voters put up $40 rail]ice1galls too tar to ’he a joke. The goes, by Dxost ot those who knew the rr~cket sbJ~fl vtgl pro¥~ Eta

until 1969, the thxpgyers of New:tor this area of governmenthints on the radio, and the some-kit’s, because of kis sthglemind- permanently enrlehL~g to the

Jersey~r rather the progeny’ What also must ~e,noted iswhat’sketchy ~eeatmenl ~tt the edness, soul as "David" bSs, M the~

of earrent laxpayers -- would he (hal Gov¯ Hughes ~0rogram car-papers we do see ot DeGau]le’s But he was not allowed to tu]- don’t, then surely a idvibeatioz}tvetoing Britain’s antry into Lbe f i I t his desires with ease. He which has wasted its substancr~

paying off thls moz~gage untlD rles no guarantee that a saleshe year 20~1. [lax will not be needed alter the Common Market a~d the politi-

struggled with p a p a t Patrons I°n them Is doomed.

There seems liters doubt t~ati$7~0 million In bond revenuescal storm in Canada and the who had other notions of what[ ¯ 0.

~his is deILcJt financing of an] are ¢omplelely spent by 1969. death of Robert Fre~t and th~ he s h o u l d be doing, He fouRht

order to make certain Washing- The Hughes propo~.al sound~ Latest Broadway opening -- ~ust with a l,~ther who tel thai a We ~eceived a post card from,[Hawaii the other day It pietur-sculptor was no better thmn a

t e n baresueraLs applaud heart- very dangeroas to the State’s don’t suffice¯ We long for The ¯ [ ed a luxury hotel on a gotde~tNew York Times, c o m m o n aldman, lie becameac "de a ] con ct theJty.

It’ mus~’ be tmderstood thatfutUreany delayeC°n°mlCthe Legislaturehealth’ WithoUtshould’ We did hear one thing Wilinrd

embroiled, against his will in ; be ’h be.st , =g

t deePesCLm.egmable ~[ue SudGaY¯ Hughes is not seeking th ah. the proposition completely Wirtz said. He cotnnlelRed {ilal whP° chCashapedand rewba g ausha wasquarreandSdetl[y we could feel the sun’ on"

use exis(Lng surDlus from the to[" ad to understand, if labor and man~gement can’twas no era teed o do out becks’ we cou~ taste l~

lentil to avoid ]0rig, cripplingHo~ev~ he tired a ca" los salt of the sea in o~tr mottthoir~ gstrikes, lhe publi~ will demandtime and ’though each piece of we could feel the ~aad betleathShopping Around. By Rolfe compulsory arb~tradon. Here’s

one segment of the public which sculpture took years, he left be- our feet. Then we looked out ourwindow at the cold, eheel’less,

is already demanding. Labor bind a body o~ work unegusltcd Lee-]a~.en world In w h I ch Wdhas its say in thes~ quaff’ida ia quality hy any other preset-

dweS and wonde~e~ what force,and ’so ,dOe~ ma*~egement,’ But tinner u[ ilia difficult and wearwho represses us? Where’s the inn a~, "David," "The.. Ple~," what power stronger than n 11

vbice of the public? It becomes’~Mosos", "Dawn", "Dusk", good sense, make~ Us live in

clearer every day that we, too, "Night," "Day," "Loreazo de New 5ersey.

are a party to the dispute. M~ei’--these are "jast a few --Barbof. hJs towering m a ~b] e area-

~or~erIrving Stone’s "The Agc~ny and frescoes of the Creation and the

the EestacY" is not a book poe- Lust Judgement on the ceilingsassing any stylistic distir~ction, ~nd behind the altar of the Sis-but it reads quickly and is worth line Chapel -- works which her4ad~og as an thB’oddction Io a c]!d aggJ:t~/ his wgl b e e a u s eman~ gn age and an arl ~vkich "¯painting was nat his art," butI

the ordinoPy r~ader ot popula7 which one ran only thank thenovels migb~; not have much oc- popes for forcing out of him.casion to meet ot~erwine. From And finally there is w h a t inwhal we have b’een abia to many ways Is bid’ gt’e~iestgather, the book Js a not thae- triumph, 1be dome ot St. ~eler’0curate plthure ~ the l tfe of which he designe4and engineer.Michaidanga4o, Though tintlo~ [ed~ proof of his beti~ that arch-allzed--fllled.out with con~eraa- [ ] t e e t u r e and sculpture bethties and. thoughth, the a0"tttail~ thrusting into spdee, nr~ lh e [a whLch .o one bag ~n~’~w=~;Y~ 4:~,’knowing -- tt adheres ~.~ ~ "-~ij~ c’qit~ at ltd height (itevents of’the sctflptof’s ]i~a m~dI it Is at its h~lgbt) sends rocket

lie tha cberaelsrs M himself an~ [Ships into space, Florenca at tt~"H~i’*’~ ~ "fi[d~ ’~0O~ Of¯ pUZZleS hnd ~B.meg ’For ’~e | his n.soeJaths inset ..... tha¥ I height gave ~blrth to "David"

tolevls on fan. It’s oalled ’What to Bb Until ths] ~ e k o [ a~

~, r~ w~,, m umat~l to the humg~

,l~trshb&Y, I~nRUAItY %’1~ tl~’~ NBWS-Szcono x~ami T&u peKed~ qxcept that the p~nto

didn’t d@ ouLNo, It y~ott h~¥~ *my w a I n u t //

sawdust or ohlps that you want

, r O use fat Fnulch, hop a t, HoW-

. , :" This Weekev.. ~P~dC,"e" .~y ~X I~’aa goodt a to ~ut some extra

By Your Rutj~ere Garden Rpporterahrogen 6h a p t o Y,t rfitJIchedwJdi sawdust, This helps to


’ ’ make up for the nitrogen that theGardener Discovers ,

’Wabmt Tree Mystery’Almost ~very year al least one Plant Detective ’

gardener di|covers the The walnut treeprobicm’~ed"Mystery of the Wainul Tree." been a ~tlcky one for years until

The tomatoeB of leans he a certain horticultural Sherlock~lanted nea~ a wathui or butter- Holmes s e t t ] o d th After cos.~ut tree d~,ooped and dicd. Or siderv,hic study, he peblished hismaybe the victim was a ~laek-

results in a scicniitic Journal. itrs wise never to ttshberry bush or one of the plants He ~r0ved that a livbtg wainot ~urniture kcross c~rpe~g.of the erJq/teeo!ls trlbe -- rhrdo- butiernul tree gives off the Pushing heavy bJeeee acrossdendroa, azalea, laurel, an- harmful substance ~hrough its the eoveHng may dama Odr~meda o~ blueberry, roots, Tomato and bean plarzts fl~er8 ~d dcc~’ease the

q~ls death of ~rla~ pia~ died whenever their rosls made 02 yOlff O~pO~mostly the ones mentioned, canbe a real mystery, too, unlessyou know that waJnut~ a;]d but- fallow the dLreeticn of the tree fact, it ~s "~ne of the ~baaf towt e r n u t s don’t get along with r0~4s by noting the ~bevegroundshrubs.some of their neighbors. =Not TOO Wet

The question came up anew a ~egvy ~o~]ff $k0t~d riot be ~ u r t h e r work in the l~o- race of ’flgW~ring shrU~ot, mostthw days age st an i~on~ wOrked when they are too rat0ry identified the harmlUl ~bem~ rliit~ve to China. Abelin-meeting of men who have bed wet, A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A~tI~ DI~b~’ 0£ US st~stance aa jug]one, an alka-¯ ex’Perlence with the ~la,ck wal- want to got an early etatl,nu~problem. Someone warded to W0~k~g wet spi~ c,~tlS~ la~

often ealisd, Is ’thehardiestparticles ~o p~ ~s~Iti~g there’s enough mystory of the lot, .know it walnut sa,,vdust could beL~ Clods* A wet ~ is one left to challenge any plant de- "This plaKt bears very hand°treed aa a tnuleh. L~t Wl~ ~ot cl~Jm~ OgS~ t~ive. Why, for example, do~s some glossy floicge and h holds(Word has fatten around, you ~ff~er it h8~ "~I~ gltlee~ this Borgia of the garden poison its thllage quite late. ~bere issee, that there’ssomethtng 1neon baH, a blackberry hush ~ut ~ot leo likely to be Injury to the topsabe~t the walnut that ,h ¯ a r s clo~e cousin, lhe ra~ptmrey? during severe "wthters, but newwatching:) they were gro~r~ In POts of hladk The very first shrub mention- shoots writ sprout up and bloomwalnut sawdust and mLxthres et ed in your catalogue, ~. b e I i a

p r o f u a s I y before ~’aU. Thethe a ~ s w e r wss yes, black walnut sawdust and soft, gra~di/lora, th ~s rear eper~. [lowers are produ~d in gxaceful

wahtut sawdust is the same as This resea~eber even soaked blooming as any other h a r d y ~orsr, chlng c l u s I e r s aed theysay other sawdust, According to walnut sawdust in water a n d shrub. "l~ia is a semi-evergreenopen as tubular :belle in ph~k andore a~thorBy, g~ane az~d Ca. used the xe#tgtMg 1~uld tO It- plant c I o s o ] y z-eMted to the white and continue for a surpris.rnst0es actually thrived w he n ripete his plants. Nsththg hap- ~eneysucktos, but tl is f r e e r ingly long time.

andPto~r~ and&~ man ge ~w~,d In/zand. Wl~o~t~e effo~ of ~omu A. F.d~an, ~e .

d Wor~s ptoErees couldflgve ~loWod to.g ~lckle nwr ~be tt~ of the century. B~tEd/son~ genius for produc/ngi~me~’~!fhr~aUons thtou~ eteculcl~ma~ tt po~sJbic/or us to ¢urse fotw~’dlnto an e~ which has seen morn sdedilflc advancement then ~ldudng the engm tiros of hlaoW I~,.,It b OMy fl~ng tMt each Fear NationalNecth~ W~ le ~ ot ~ t?ate af ~dl~off s ~lr~, ~eJ~ua~11.f3n science YouthDW, part at N~Jonal ~ecUt~t We~ P~bllc ~tVlOe Ele~J~g and C~ Com~v willopen~hadoetsoflisge.lergUr~amtlor~th~udent~andtescher~.A~da~weoo~we LtT~[t dff~k of fh~c mary 77~orae~ ~ Editon, Rmrd~ to/~1~ you ~;~ be~er e~:~¢al/y.

#~at ~ ~ ~ m4¢ _ t~ T~ike Action Now

If you are pinmU~g to set outbarry plurals or b31shes, o~ dwarf

’~:tP YO~i~fruit trees this Spring, the timefor u~lon is at hand, WfTH

Orders for /rtdt p~nt~ abeuld~e take..~, w.is~ = ,ate flNIkNCIALis an ittvithtion th disappoint.,.~t, MATTERS~,.ts ~ ~i~ la ~e do, IN 1963mant slope, which they are In

a~ this ’dine of year. They’ll be- Theh,*s no time like the pro/.gin to soften as the days get ent to dl~uss mongy mofle~lwarmer in ~$arch, ASril or i~ter We s~etl d~em it a pleasurew~er= they mw not be ~le to to offer any fican¢lal odvlmBtshd too rttuoh rott~h haltdling, or qt$lttrlflce postih[o ~o make

The gi~tll~ 1~llay not be reKc~ 19dh ~ heHsr~ morl proJ~tf.to rt~elve Bm new pl~ when eel yvar for youl "the ~ or e:¢pee~aman de.liVers theiXt but that’s nO prob-torn.



,Phys Ed Was Okay, Gal Grads Agree WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLEi.The ~llege toed who atinnds

gym elasa eimd in a bulk~ blueBym-s~[t, ~u~eakePs add an air ofresigna1[on prolmbly won’t boolfeve If. Bur SI 8 few year8 sbe’~going to decide ~hysicai eduea-

~tlon waa worthwhile. 4~,~6 Male chlthAI feast that Is whal a aurvoy

released this xveek by the Dougoinss ColLege Phyethsi Education ~enr

9 CoLor I 1 C~++£eJDepartment leem8 th Lndicate. |OFrcz "r~Ln l$~lllufle=l= 34Chemte~laalt motmtaJlmS~o~, 17 F~th godd~ 3 O +i’hlnk 4E O+olporat/o,aMore than 90 p e r c e n t o! the |tBer endl 2BDr¥ $7Co11~ lek,92 PJural n41Dottg~ass gr&dua~os ~o re-

~3ReoI++a~b.)26C+in’r~e 41Love~ 48Pspaeded said they approved of v~ 2?TradLag plaee43ABe04 Pete . 17 Retainrequired physical education |?Bulk 2eAfte+h 43Hebcew deity 62Month (eh2+ courses. 30 Sun Ecd ~Y ~mp #4 HI~ 54 Nohl of sc~

The survey was mad~ by two ~0 I I~ |ttleul~y member+++ ~sien Me~*seka and h~r~. Alvi~ Neshmhn,

l ’lboth assistant professors at in~ I~w°rden’$ c ° ] I e 8 e’ They SaP4

~ I I

~" questionnaires to 10 percent of ¯each class from 1022 to 10~3, ~ ~/.

The survey was designed ~5 ~ ~ |~ainiy to ~ee what "carry.over"

~ .eiYects college physlca~ educa-tion had oi~ the inte~ life of siu- Gy~’a~as~¢9 on ~ppP.~i~S bein~ d~monstraind by ~t~Rtl Laydondents and to apply t~e r0sults to of Eawtho~ne, Is one of thfl ~r~ Rntivltles Dotlfl~ss Uol]effe BUIm- ~ "- --the current cLlrrlcuinm. E was 3~lte kink oD with di~avo3~:~ ~drvey I~lade by Mrs. Alvtf+ Na~.~lan, BI patlLele~

I Idistrtb.~+d ~o o~ ,+omeo, .od ~ P I @ +,¯ ++ ~rc’~n+ at’~v~red, was ~ll]t th 1el9 of p a O k J n 8 ~eJ]son campus Wee1 Jnth use. dldn+t+rY ~ ¢

One finding was ~,t OS per- crates previously used for air- However, until completion ot the 00vormme P + J | " "cent of all the respondents said craft engines. The ,bu~ldj+g was second-singe, mmey for which

eOSprlakler I+ I + I I ""they take part in rome active moved in 1925. lo provide space fa requested ~n 1he turre~f uni- WmT~a~ 01

I i6port, with swlmmin8 being[ the fop the Vaorhees Chal~.L versity asking budget, the old lClemned , [ +

the new Dou+less gymnasium on have to remain in use.+’Waken I+ I . Jmo~l popul~i J~em ~m the pby- Last month, the first stage of "packinil-box" gymnasium will ~U~e~p~fM ’

tidied both aa the most avaUt+;ble ------ ..... - --It+oat poptdar, Swimmin~ was l[/stod both as the most available

ed+in sp~r~s activity. T~e second "~-~" ~- ~ _ , .- JnID~t popu]ar item o’n lhe phy-sical edt~celiori curricuinr~ waslenft~r. +

Amon~ Other sports activities r~ ~~

[which r~spo~denta felt had a ~

~+~h.+o~y."+.r~-e+or"bo.~lo., va].e~o.+ w er+.l~m~ Friendly Colonial Style SOFA-BED OUTFITandskiing. Amongthe actbdties For A Beautiful Living Room... Plus A Quick.in which over 20 percenl ~ the

¯~e,poode.+. caw u, u+ or no Change Extra Sleeping Room.carry+over value were track andfLeid acllvitles, apparatus,speedb~ll+ field hocRey, moderndance and gymnastics.

The survey also showed that17 percent of the alumnae hadmainlained the same w e J g h tsince their college days, 25 per-cent were ininner and 50 per-]cent ++’ere heavf~r. Bt+l they ++re !mill fighlSng the "battle o! thebulqe ~ 4q percent report thatthey participate in calisthenic.

The g~nerally favorRble re-.methm Im physical education heldtrlle amoag all categories of theainnmae, whatever their current oi n c 0 I~1 [’, mayi~l ~tatus, VO-catLolt, year of graduatJoR Oi+

college major+As a r~sUR Cd the study+ Ihe

aulhors reeomr~end ~ continua-tion el the Douglass reqlJlre+meats that every student take atleast two years at physical etlu.sallow, and that swimluing be areqllired part of her programo+,,++ ....d .....,reload

In Charn.ngI i e i e n C y bufore taking theeOUl’se.,Fttlure ~o+hers’ Class+other +,** ......,,,rig Provmdal Print orfrom the eludy wes dent therebe developed a games and ree-re+onalae+1,ese,,ssde,,,, T.,twcunist"p’o"ery+, .....p +.,.+.d __/...f U t ~ r e mothers. A speet~ttorSpoltS clinic and an exoroiee ).

++’ .....+° ++ + +’°" +’++ ++ /++’itThe study uls. co)Y ained a his- ae-s&g r 8prbls, oo~ct~n h~trdwo0d

lorp O~ tke physicsj ethlg.tjco1frame+. ~leet pZ+stle mp tables +n match-

pl+gram at.the women’s college. ) l~g ma~le f~dsh. ColO~ai lamps,

In 1918, when the colLege wan T~BMB TO SUIT yOUE BUDGET+founded, phyaic+[ eduesliolx was I Iheld outdoors, The old Douglass .... -


’. PilEB PAIIKII~ IN RIll RODINSONS i¯ ~ O-agO0 + : " ~+m4~Jl+J~ll’zl’lli?’m--~l~141+~l+Iml~ll ’

¯ ] : +i- ~ ¯ ~, . ,+ ..... : ......

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