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  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal



    Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    Terms of Use : Following the General Conference Approval during its 35th session (35C/ Resolution

    46) of the programme Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a

    reconciled universal, which objectives are to mobilize the intellectual and moral

    solidarity of humanity based on the works of Tagore, Neruda and Csaire and to bring

    alltogether countries and generations, creative workers and intellectuals, around

    values of diversity, tolerance, intercultural dialogue and peace; the Rabindrnth

    Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo is primarily

    intended to promote awareness and activities pertaining to the programme and to

    identify a renewed reflection and action.

    The use of the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled

    universal Logo (hereinafter the Logo) is subject to the following Terms:

    I. Design

    The Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal

    Logo depicts:

    - a set of single stars representing a constellation, which symbolizes Universalists

    from the Past, the Present and the Future.

    - the title of the programme in three official United Nations languages (French,

    English and Spanish), under the short mention Tagore, Neruda, Csaire, the

    reconciled universal,

  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    - the UNESCO Logo* to designate UNESCO as the leading agency.

    NB : * The use of the name, acronym, Logo of UNESCO, the privacy policy and

    permissions regarding translation and reproduction rights shall be subject to General

    Terms of Use, available on UNESCO Website (www.unesco.org).

    II. Uses of the Logo

    The Logo is primarily intended for three kinds of promotional use: information,

    fundraising and partners mobilization, as outlined below:

    a) Information uses of the Logo

    The Logo is intended to be used on:

    - any internal or external communication support (publications, posters, flyers and

    any type of similar support)

    - the Web portal hosted by www.unesco.org

    - Social Media web pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and blogs

    - any digital support

    - any kind of Media involved in the programme.

    The Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal

    Logo may not be used in providing a hyperlink unless specifically authorized by mutual


    Any links to external websites from UNESCO should not be construed as an

    endorsement by UNESCO of the content or views linked ressources.

    Information uses of the Logo are:


  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    - Primarily illustrative

    - Not intended to raise funds; and

    - Not carried out by a commercial entity

    All entities interested in using the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim

    Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo for information purposes should apply for

    approval to the UNESCO Culture Sector. Permission to use the Logo for international

    informational purposes is given by the UNESCO Culture Sector.

    When requesting approval, the entities should fill out the attached Request Form and sign a Waiver of Liability in accordance with section III below. These compulsory documents are available on the programme dedicated website:


    b) Fund-raising uses of the Logo

    Fund-raising uses of the Logo are those intended to raise resources to cover costs of

    activities for the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a

    reconciled universal programme. Fund-raising uses of the Logo may be undertaken

    only by non-commercial entities.

    All entities interested in using the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim

    Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo for fund-raising purposes should apply for

    approval to the UNESCO Culture Sector When requesting permission to use the Logo

    for fund-raising purposes, the entities should provide, as indicated in the attached

    Logo Request Form:

    - A short statement of identity (membership, objectives, etc.);

    - An explanation of how and where the Logo will be used;

    - An explanation of how the fund-raising will take place;

    - A summary budget; and

    - An explanation of how the proceeds would be allocated to cover costs of activities


  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    for the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled

    universal programme.

    When requesting approval, the entities should fill out the attached Request Form and sign a Waiver of Liability in accordance with section III below. These compulsory documents are available on the programme dedicated website:


    III. Liability

    All entities authorized to use the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim

    Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo for the purposes specified herein must agree

    to the following provisions on waiver of liability:

    - The entity is responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out in

    accordance with the applicable law and for ensuring that the appropriate insurance

    is maintained to cover the risks arising out of such activities;

    - UNESCO does not assume any responsibility for the activities of the undersigned;


    - The entity shall hold harmless and defend UNESCO and its officials against any

    action that may be brought against UNESCO or its officials as a result of the use of

    the Logo.

    When the Logo is used for information (cf. section II a) and fund-raising purposes (cf.

    section II b), the Request Form and the Waiver of Liability must be filled out and signed by the entity. All duly signed waiver-of-liability forms, request forms and

    contracts must be received by the Secretariat of the UNESCO Culture Sector before

    the proposed activities are carried out.


  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    IV. Inquiries

    Please send your completed form to:

    Shama Chokkam Sunderraj

    Culture Sector


    1, rue Miollis

    75015 Paris

    Tel:+33 (1) 45 68 42 71

    E-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    This form must be filled out and sent to: Shama Chokkam Sunderraj, Culture Sector, UNESCO, 1, rue Miollis, 75015 Paris, Tl. : +33 (1) 45 68 42 71 - E-mail: [email protected]

    The entities interested in using the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo should fill out this request form and sign a waiver of liability attached below.

    Before submitting your request, please carefully review the Terms of Use governing the use of the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo and the UNESCO Logo. In submitting this application for usage, you agree to these Terms of Use, available on the following web link: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/culture/themes/dialogue/tagore-neruda-and-cesaire/

    Use or reproduction of the Logo or related wordmarks is prohibited without the approval of the UNESCO Culture Sector.

    Once your request is approved, you will receive by email, a single .zip file containing the requested versions of the Logo.


    All fields marked with * are required.

    Name:*:.... Requestor department, organization, or company*:

    Office Use Only

    Date Received:.Approved by:.Denied by:.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.unesco.org/new/fr/culture/themes/dialogue/tagore-neruda-and-cesaire/

  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal


    Type of Identity (media, outlet/publication, university, school, library, association, charitable organization, NGO etc.)*: . . . Mailing address*:.... . . . . City/ State/ Zip*: . .... . . Requestor phone*:................Fax*:.......................................... E-mail*:.Skype:....... Web Site: http://.......................................................................................................................... Contact name*:. . .



    Not intended to raise funds

    Not carried out by a commercial entity

    Fund-raising* (please fill out the dedicated Fund-Raising Kit Request Form)

    Please describe in detail why the use of the logo/s is being requested:

    Please indicate on what publicity and promotional materials the requested Logo will be used.

    (for example: invitation letters, printed programmes, banners, websites, etc.)


  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal



    Date needed Logo Usage Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Logo Usage End Date (mm/dd/yyyy):



    Large format for posters, displays, outdoor media

    For the web

    Graphics standards Vector (EPS: scalable) TIFF JPG GIF PNG

    Colour format:

    Black & White Full Colour

    Languages Versions

    Monolingual version: Multilingual version

    English English - French

    French English Spanish

    Spanish French - Spanish English French - Spanish

  • Rabindranath Tagore, Pablo Neruda and Aim Csaire for a Reconciled Universal




    The undersigned acknowledges that, in using the Rabindrnth Tagore, Pablo Neruda and

    Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo as explained in its submission dated

    __________ to the UNESCO Culture Sector:

    - the undersigned is responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out in accordance

    with the applicable law and for ensuring that the appropriate insurance is maintained to cover

    the risks arising out of such activities;

    - UNESCO does not assume any responsibility for the activities of the undersigned; and

    - the undersigned shall hold harmless and defend UNESCO and its officials against any action

    that may be brought against the Organization or its officials as a result of the use of the Logo.

    Signed _____________________________



    This form must be filled out and sent to: Shama Chokkam Sunderraj, Culture Sector, UNESCO, 1, rue Miollis, 75015 Paris, Tl. : +33 (1) 45 68 42 71 - E-mail: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]


    Imprimer1: Office Use Only: Date Received: Approved by: All fields marked with * are required: Name [1]: Name [2]: Requestor department, organization, or: company [1]: company [2]: charitable organization, NGO etc [1]: charitable organization, NGO etc [2]: charitable organization, NGO etc [3]: charitable organization, NGO etc [4]: Mailing address [1]: Mailing address [2]: Mailing address [3]: Mailing address [4]: Mailing address [5]: City/ State/ Zip [1]: City/ State/ Zip [2]: City/ State/ Zip [3]: City/ State/ Zip [4]: Requestor phone: Fax: E-mail: Skype: Contact name [1]: Contact name [2]: Contact name [3]: Case__cocher1: 0Case__cocher2: 0Case__cocher3: 0Case__cocher4: 0Champ_de_texte2: Case__cocher5: 0Case__cocher6: 0Case__cocher7: 0Case__cocher8: 0Case__cocher9: 0Case__cocher10: 0Case__cocher11: 0Case__cocher12: 0Case__cocher13: 0Case__cocher14: 0Case__cocher15: 0Case__cocher16: 0Case__cocher17: 0Case__cocher18: 0Case__cocher19: 0Case__cocher20: 0Case__cocher21: 0Champ_de_texte1: RECONCILED UNIVERSAL LOGO: Aim Csaire for a reconciled universal Logo as explained in its submission dated: that may be brought against the Organization or its officials as a result of the use of the Logo: Signed: Name:

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