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Page 1: RACHEL & LEAH - Daughters of Eve | TV Series › ... › 2016 › 06 › DOE-Curriculum-Rach… · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG Growing in the Midst of Disappointment
Page 2: RACHEL & LEAH - Daughters of Eve | TV Series › ... › 2016 › 06 › DOE-Curriculum-Rach… · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG Growing in the Midst of Disappointment



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.



Rachel & LeahGrowing in the Midst of Disappointment



The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide re-sources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.

Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.

In his article “Life is Like a Set of Railroad Tracks”, Rick Warren writes, “Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it’s kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life. No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can be thankful for.”

Through the Biblical characters of Leah and Rachel, we do not just see two sisters competing for the love of one man. We do not just see two hearts jealous of what the other possesses. We see God and his glorious redemption at work in their individual lives and in the lives of the nation of Israel who would come from them despite (and even because of) their pain and imperfections.

In both of their lives, we see the rail of disappointment beside the rail of blessing, and God’s will being accomplished along the way.



Page 3: RACHEL & LEAH - Daughters of Eve | TV Series › ... › 2016 › 06 › DOE-Curriculum-Rach… · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG Growing in the Midst of Disappointment



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.



Bible Reference: Genesis 29, 30:1-24, Genesis 31:1-35, Genesis 35:16-20

We don’t know anything about the relationship between Rachel and Leah until their cousin Jacob shows up on the scene. Jacob immediately falls in love with Rachel and asks her father Laban for her hand in marriage. Laban complies - as long as Jacob agrees to work for seven years for her. However Laban has a trick up his sleeve. He pulls a “wife swap” at the wedding and gives his older daughter Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel. Jacob has been deceived, and he of course is outraged! But Laban demands an additional seven years in order to marry Rachel the following week. Rachel has seen the way Jacob loves her and has worked for so long to marry her. She has most likely grown to love him too. However, through her father’s trickery, her older sister gets to be with HER husband first. Rachel comes in as Wife #2.

Rachel knows she has Jacob’s heart. She knows she is loved. But she also knows that in their world, producing babies is all that make a woman valuable, and she can’t seem to be able to conceive. She watches helplessly as her sister delivers son after son after son after son for Jacob. Year after year, with every monthly period, she is reminded of the pain of her infertility. One day, feeling helpless and angry, she lashes out at Jacob in what would become a prophetic cry: “Give me children or I’ll die!” But her usually loving husband responds harshly: “Am I God who has kept you from having children?” (Gen 30:1,2). Both sisters have unmet desires. Both sisters are disappointed. But they both also have the opportunity for abundant blessings.

Biblical Theme

Leah knows she is unloved. She knows that though she is Wife #1, her husband pines for Wife #2. Yet through his compassion for her, God opens her womb and she receives the blessing of bearing her husband many children. With each birth, she gives her sons’ names that express her hopes and prayers to God.

Leah is a woman who yearns for Jacob to see her, to hear her and to be attached to her. Yet through the pain of continuing to be unloved by her earthly husband, she stays connected to God. Even in the disappointments, she recognizes God as the giver of all good gifts in her life (Gen 30:20). So after she gives birth to Judah, she chooses to PRAISE God even though her outward circumstances of being the “unloved wife” have not changed.

Rachel’s story is different but also filled with much disappointment. Though Jacob loves her, she is barren for twenty-six years (Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers). Hopelessness and jealousy overcome her as she watches Leah give their husband children. But finally, there is blessing for her when God finally opens up her womb (Gen 30:22). She gives birth to Joseph, which means, “he will add”. In receiving the blessing of her first son, she expresses a profound faith that God will continue to show mercy to her (30:24).

Leah knows she is unloved. She knows that though she is Wife #1, her husband pines for Wife #2. Yet through his compassion for her, God opens her womb and she receives the blessing of bearing her husband many children. With each birth, she gives her sons’ names that express her hopes and prayers to God.

Leah is a woman who yearns for Jacob to see her, to hear her and to be attached to her. Yet through the pain of continuing to be unloved by her earthly husband, she stays connected to God. Even in the disappointments, she recognizes God as the giver of all good gifts in her life (Gen 30:20). So after she gives birth to Judah, she chooses to PRAISE God even though her outward circumstances of being the “unloved wife” have not changed.



Page 4: RACHEL & LEAH - Daughters of Eve | TV Series › ... › 2016 › 06 › DOE-Curriculum-Rach… · RACHEL & LEAH SA P STDY IDE SA P STDY IDE PAG Growing in the Midst of Disappointment



Growing in the Midst of Disappointment


The journey you are about to begin will take you on an in-depth look at some of the most fascinating women of the Bible. Provided are study guide resources for you to use that provide background and thoughtful questions for small group setting. The discussion questions are for people of all ages and stages of their spiritual journey.


Thank you for facilitating a group discussion! As a small group leader, your main focus is to create a welcoming, environment where those attending feel comfortable and ready to participate in the group discussion. After viewing the selected Daughters of Eve episode, you will then move the discussion along at a smooth, unhurried pace. It is recommended that you encourage your participants to bring a Bible and notepad, as many of the discussion questions involve Scripture references. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible; you only need to be open to discussing its truth and willing to help others along their journey.


Take time to thank and praise God for all the ways He has shown himself faithful and redeemed your sufferings. For the women in your group who are going through disappointments and pain without seeing how it will be redeemed yet, pray for each other using the verses in question above. You can use lines and phrases like, “We pray that our sister _______ would not lose heart. We pray that though outwardly, she can’t see how you’re working in this situation, inwardly you would be renewing her day by day. Help her to fix her eyes on what is unseen. Give her strength and joy in the days to come… We trust your Word that says that these ‘light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.’ In the meantime, bring your comfort and peace like only You can.”

Share stories that come to mind of pain or discomfort you’ve gone through in the past that God has redeemed for your good. How did God receive glory? Also as you are comfortable, take time to share the stories of the suffering that in your present season, seem meaningless…. the stories where you can’t yet see God’s hand at work.

God, first of all, we thank you for all the ways you have shown us that you are working on our behalf and involved in the details of our lives. There are so many stories of your faithfulness in the midst of our suffering and your redemption at work despite our sin. For that, we praise you and thank you. For whatever situations we find ourselves in now that we can’t see your “bigger picture”, help us to trust you. You have a way of speaking loudly in the midst of our pain; give us ears to listen closely. We pray like the sick boy’s father prayed to Jesus, “I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) and help us to praise you like Leah did in the meantime. All glory and honour and power are yours, now and forever. Amen.




Rachel’s story is different but also filled with much disappointment. Though Jacob loves her, she is barren for twenty-six years (Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers). Hopelessness and jealousy overcome her as she watches Leah give their husband children. But finally, there is blessing for her when God finally opens up her womb (Gen 30:22). She gives birth to Joseph, which means, “he will add”. In receiving the blessing of her first son, she expresses a profound faith that God will continue to show mercy to her (30:24).

DiscussSmall group QueStionS

1. Leah longs for the love of her husband and Rachel longs for children; these are both issues some women can be come jealous of in each other. In what other areas do we sometimes compare and/or compete with each other? Does this change as women become older? How? Why? What is at the root of this kind of behavior?

2. Like Rachel, have you ever had a “Give me children or I’ll die” moment of desperation? What was fuelling it? Or what do you believe was at its root? How did you come to terms with it

3. Does Rick Warren’s analogy of the two rails on the railroad track of life resonate? Discuss.

4. In some circumstances, pain is inflicted upon us. In other areas, we self-inflict. Whether through attitudes or choices, where do you see Rachel and Leah adding to their already existing painful situations?

5. Read Genesis 30:1-8, 22-24. During Rachel’s 26 barren years, she first looks to her husband (Gen 30:1) and then to her maid Bilhah (Gen 30:3) to fulfill her desire for children. Compare the naming of Dan and Naphtali with the naming of Joseph. What does it tell us about the changes happening in Rachel’s heart during those 26 years?

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