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  • Radical At a Snails Pace Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream Questions and Answers from Mission Frontiers 2010s Interview with David Platt
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  • Radical Practical Perspectives Tune UP of Best Practices: Understanding: A Practice: F
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  • Kingdom Travel 101: An Open Book We come to Christ; then we go for Christ Matthew 11:28, Matthew 28:18-20
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  • 1. What is the basic message of Christianity, as understood in USA Christianity? 1.God loves me. 2.God loves me enough to send His Son, Jesus, to die for me. Me. My. Mine. Thus, when I look for a church, job, life direction, home, its about me and mine. Is that biblical or an American Dream?
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  • 2. What are there two types of missions? Let 9 children represent the world: 1 - Eats healthily 2 - Have food fights 3 - Wont eat 3 - Live on garbage without any knowledge of nutrition Regular Missions go to the 6: Disciple where there is a church Frontier Missions go to the 3: Penetrate where there is no light THESE MISSIONS ARE VERY DIFFERENT
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  • 3. In which is your church involved? 90% of missionaries are Regular: Working with 2/3 of the world Where there is light 10% of missionaries are Frontier: Working with 1/3 of the world Where there is light THESE MISSIONS ARE VERY DIFFERENT
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  • 4. How does the United Nations intersect with Christs global mission? Its Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change ones religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest ones religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. (One cannot rightfully sign this Declaration while insisting on the Sharia Laws death penalty for leaving Islam)
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  • 5. What supernatural experiences is God commonly using to draw people? Have you ever had a dream about a man in white? God is using dreams, visions, and miracles in 2012. There is no excluded middle in Gods theology; there is no gap between the spiritual above and the secular below.
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  • 6. How can good-hearted helping actually hurt? If we provide outside resources without calling attention to the need for giving back to God, we may be doing our giving. But those on the other end may become permanent receivers, rather than givers themselves.
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  • 7. After developing a Christ-like generosity, what is our call? As we become radical in our giving, let us also become radical in our wisdom, and ask: Will my giving turn those I seek to help into permanent receivers, or will it help them become (radical) givers and followers of Jesus?
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  • 8. Why is the phrase So That important in the book Radical? The message of biblical Christianity is God loves me so that I might make HimHis ways, His salvation, His glory, and His greatnessknown among all nations.
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  • 9. If our missionary calling is: To Make Disciples Who Can Make Disciples HOW IS THE AMERICAN DREAM DOING AT THAT? 50% of our youth walk away at college. Few in the pew are biblically sound. Fewer in the pew share their faith with others. Pray the prayer; Sit in the chair; Listen from there.
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  • Like the culture at large, our church culture in America is centered on entertainment, not on equipping people as effective disciple-makers. The pastor is the performer, and the people are the spectators.
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  • Most churches think they can grow if only they have a gifted speaker who can draw a crowd on Sunday morning. They spend much of their energy, time, and money on perfecting the Sunday morning show. Disciple-making [on the other hand] takes place through intentional relationships where spiritual life and maturity can be passed on from one person to another.
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  • 10. Am I a fool? I wonder at some points if Im being irresponsible or unwise. But then I realize there is never going to come a day when I stand before God and He looks at me and says, I wish you would have kept more for yourself. Im confident that God will take care of me. He Who Gives What He Cannot Keep To Keep What He Cannot Lose.
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  • 11. Are we using the Bible properly? The Bible is not a guidebook for a lot of things folks are going through. Its given to us for one purpose: To make us look more like Christ.
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  • 12. Do we love the rich enough to tell them what they need to know? If we have clothes to wear, and food to eat, and a house or apartment to live in, and a reasonably reliable means of transportation, then we are in the top 15 percent of the worlds wealthy. Whats wrong with having nice things?
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  • Inconceivable: USA American Christians are unable to conceive of wealth as a potential danger, or obstacle to Gods blessing in our lives. When we hoard and consume the resources God has entrusted to us for blessing and discipling the nations, and neglect the lost and the poor, we harm ourselves and hinder Gods purpose. The Rich Young Ruler (Mk. 10:1731): Jesus loves rich people enough to tell them the truth.
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  • Inconceivable: 2012 What if there really were billions of people on this planet who are headed to an eternal hell, and millions of them that havent even heard the name of Jesus? And what if there were unprecedented numbers of suffering people on this planet?
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  • Conceivable: God and Us And what if God decided to give His people on this side unprecedented wealth to make a difference among the lost and the poor? What if that is exactly what He has done?
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  • Inconceivable: Radical Believing that our syncretism enables us to store up riches on earth to our own harm while neglecting the lost and the poor, Platt invites us to RADICAL change: As we explore what it means to be radically abandoned to Christ, I invite you simply to let your heart be gripped, maybe for the first time, by the biblical prospect that God has designed a radically global purpose for your life.
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  • Inconceivable: Radical I invite you to throw aside gospel-less reasoning that might prevent you from accomplishing that purpose. I invite you to consider with me what it would mean for all of us to spend all of our lives for the sake of all of Gods glory in all of the world.
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  • 13. What was the missionarys question that birthed the book Radical? What will it take to reach the lost? It was not, What can we spare to reach the lost?
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  • Radicals Challenges to American Assumptions: 1. The affluence which sometimes accompanies faith is for our enjoyment rather than our stewardship, (to be spent according to needs, rather than according to our means) 2. God isnt serious about judging sinners, especially rich Christians who close their hearts to the poor
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  • Radicals Challenges to American Assumptions: 3. Jesus wants us living safe, comfortable lives rather than following Him in serving the lost and the poor in ways that may be costly and risky from the worlds perspective
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  • Radicals Challenges to American Assumptions: 4. Saving faith can be present without the evidence of growing maturity and obedience 5. We can embrace Gods promises while excusing ourselves from His commands
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  • Radicals Challenges to American Assumptions: 6. Producing a Sunday morning show to draw crowds and building facilities is equivalent to making disciples 7. We can simultaneously live for both present blessings and future treasure
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  • LIVING WITH DIFFERENT ASSUMPTIONS Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream A Radical Way of Living
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  • Seven Claims To Be Tested 1.Joy is found in Generosity, not in materialism. 2. Meaning is found in Community, not in individualism. 3. The purpose of our lives transcends the Country and culture in which we live.
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  • 4. Ultimate Satisfaction is found not in making much of ourselves, but in making much of God. 5. Ultimately, Jesus is a Reward worth risking everything to know, experience, and enjoy. 6. Truth is found in Christ, not in Universalism.
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  • 7. Real Success is found in radical Sacrifice. It IS better to give than to receive. Acts 20:25
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  • Goals Of the Challenge 1.Come alive 2.Know the thrill of knowing what God is up to: 1.Locally 2.Around the world Shed the unworthy parts of the American Dream.
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  • Five Components of the One Year Radical Challenge 1.Pray for the entire world. 2.Read through the entire Word. 3.Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose. 4.Spend your time cross culturally. 5.Commit your life to a multiplying community.
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  • I. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton 1. Quarry Gods word using diligently the hammer of prayer. 2. Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence. 3. God has chosen to spin this globe on the axis of prayer.
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  • 1. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton 4. Things happen when we pray that dont happen when we dont pray. 5. To an active mind, work is far easier than prayer. 6. For Christ, prayer was the battleground. Ministry was the taking of the spoils.
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  • No Easy Road Dick Eastman 9. The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing, but is the chief thing. The great people of the earth today are the people who pray.
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  • No Easy Road Dick Eastman I do not mean those who talk about prayer; nor those who say they believe in prayer; but I mean those people who take time to pray.
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  • 1. Best Practices: Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton Cell phoning P2P 12,633 Using Operation Worlds daily e-Prayer Finding accountability partners Journaling Setting up weekly variation: MTWRFS
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  • 1. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton Praying Scripture (Face to Face) Getting on our knees Hearing prayerful testimonies Streaming in the living room vs. kneeling at the throne
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  • 1. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton Using sticky pad reminders; prayer maps Praying ABCs of Gods persons, names, attributes Knowing that talking to is easier than listening for God Praying 31 days of childrens character traits
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  • 1. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton Praying meditative prayer on scripture to prepare the mind Filtering out our own voice Mixing it up Taking prayer walks Starting Good morning, God! Thank You for the upcoming day.
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  • 1. Prayer: Lets not be Trafficking in unfelt truth --Chesterton Writing one radical prayer/month in my journal Writing down prayers to keep my mind from wondering: I hear Gods voice best as my pen moves across the paper Change the environment: If the beds right there and Im right here, thats bad Setting up cell phone song lists
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  • II. Reading His words Why to Memorize? The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send, will remind you of everything that I have told you: How to Memorize? Navigator Cards Music
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  • I Have Decided: Psalm 23:1-3. Katie Reilly G The Lords my Shepherd, I shall not be in want, C G The Lords my Shepherd, He makes me lie down, Lie in green pastures, the Lord He leads me, D G i. Beside quiet watersHe leads. ii. He restores my soul. iii. [Psalm 23:1-3.]
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  • Studying Daily: Strategically Jesus, David, Solomon, Paul Yearly Bible plans With preaching schedule Inductively Expectantly: TRaCT (2 Tim 3:16) Varying translations and languages
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  • Making His words our Manna Plan for the day ahead, put the Bible on top of tomorrows books Write out main points Take a verse to use for the day Scatter through Psalms or Proverb till a song comes along Journal while reading Mix it up: Psalms, Proverbs, Paul, Jesus
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  • Making His words our Manna Use questions: Command, Promise, Sin Use the main point during the day Pray, journal, and share over what stood out Make songs Read a whole book as a unit, getting the bigger theme and thread Listen to whole audio book (e.g., of John)
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  • Making His words our Manna Read at breakfast instead of vegging Highlight colors for themes: promises, characteristics, commands, principles Look up weird stuff: your computer is right there! Read the Bible in a year; reading plan Read the prophets in the morning; memorize in the evening
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  • III. Sacrificial Giving Talk to Randy Alcorn: Gods Money, Our Affluenza Money, Affluence, and Eternity
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  • Best Practices 1. Set up three-part banking: 1 st to God, 2 nd to self, 3 rd to your daily budget 2. Begin with setting up a budget with a designated % to give (to Excel!) e.g., Eric, Ron Blue, David Ramsey 3. Organize categories for your philanthropy: Bible, trafficking, family discipleship, disaster relief, evangelism
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  • Best Practices 4. Consider giving to EFCA-approved organizations (or do your own homework!) 5. Give first to your trusted local church as a tithe, then add other giving 6. Remember that you really cant out give God, and that God brings even more joy a joyful giver.
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  • What are the warning signs of materialism? 1. Worry about having enough 2. Lukewarmness about things of God.
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  • Resources Radical: prelude to Perspectives Brookhills.org/media (Podcast free DVD sermons) Secret Church 6 hour Bible Studies RealLifeMinistires.com/association_immersion (23 min audio Overview of Discipleship) Perspectives Global Mission Handbook (A Guide for Cross-cultural Service): f/u to Perspectives Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live Like Jesus (McClung): f/u to Apostolic Passion The Great Omission (like medicine, too much among the poor can be more harmful than too little)

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