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  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    S.O.S e - Voice ForJustice- e-news weeklySpreadingthe lightof humanity & freedom

    Editor: Nagaraja.M.R.. Vol.08..Issue.48........30/11/2013

    Role of Vaiko !arunanidhi in Ra"i# assassination not pro$ed%

    he chief in#estigating officer of the Ra"i# 'andhi assassinationcase ! Ragothaman has alleged that the then ()! leader Vaiko asa prosecution witness turned hostile and escaped the charge forper"ury at the $ehest of the former S* chief ( R !arthikeyan.*n his $ook +onspiracy to kill Ra"i# 'andhi , from +* files%Ragothaman said that during the in#estigation more than // #ideocassettes were sei0ed including a cassette titled *n tigers ca#e%

    re#ealing Vaiko%s clandestine #isit to the 12 area in Jaffna.34e was speaking #ulgarly a$out Ra"i# 'andhi and spitting #enomon Ra"i#. *t is also found that he met 5ottu 6mman when he wasintroduced to him $y 5ra$hakaran. Vaiko was not 7uestioned onthis. 6lso he was made witness to speak a$out his con#ersationwith 5ra$hakaran while he was kept in the 6shoka 4otel prior tosigning of *ndo-Sri 1anka accord8 Ragothaman wrote.(uring the trial Vaiko refused to admit #oice on a #ideo clip of ameeting secured $y in#estigators in which he is heard saying thathe told 5ra$hakaran o#er the intercom in 6shoka 4otel that Ra"i#'andhi sta$$ed him in the $ack and the proposed accord was not

    the solution for achie#ing amil 2elam.% Soon after the meeting$etween 5ra$hakaran and Ra"i# 'andhi on the *ndo-Sri 1ankaaccord Vaiko had a talk with 5ra$hakaran on intercom.Ragothaman has also dragged ()! patriarch !arunanidhi whoa$ruptly cancelled his meeting at Sriperum$udur on )ay 9: :;;:to the centre of contro#ersy. Ragothaman wrote 3

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    #ehemently refuted the charges authored $y his own team mem$er.34e is flogging the dead horse. >o way can any$ody 7uestion theintegrity of an in#estigation and nothing remains to $e done. 6ll theaspects were e=plored $y the ?/-mem$er team 9/ years ago and S*had recei#ed words of appreciation from two "udicial commissions

    on record. he Supreme +ourt placed on record appreciation for myleadership8 !arthikeyan told 2=press.

    S(5* demands re-opening of pro$e into Ra"i# 'andhi%s assassinationcase

    hopal@ he Social (emocratic 5arty of *ndia AS(5*B has demandedthe re-opening of the pro$e into former 5rime )inister Ra"i#'andhi%s assassination case after 9: years following a sensationaldisclosure that a crucial #ideo of the assassination was suppressed$y the then * A*ntelligence ureauB +hief and now arayanan had $een 3allowed togo scot-free8 $y the S* chief (. R. !arthikeyan.Similarly the statement said that 6d#. S. (oraisamy who pleadedfor >alini one of those con#icted in the Ra"i# 'andhi assassination

    case has written a $ook claiming to unra#el the mysteries and nailthe $ungling $y the S* chief !arthikeyan. he soon-to-$e pu$lished$ook tentati#ely titled 3)ysteries and Secrets ehind the Ra"i#'andhi )urder8 alleges a larger conspiracy.S(5* chief wondered that a nation%s leader is assassinated and e#enthat has to $e suppressed. 3So much for freedom of speech ande=pression and national security. (ig deeper you will get to know$eyond 12 in Ra"i#%s assassination. here are too many loop

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    holes con#enient decisions taken in finishing Ra"i#%s case in orderto frame 12 and put a full stop. )any facts were not properlyin#estigated. )any issues were suppressed as the $ook says $y>arayanan and !arthikeyan. Ra"i# 'andhi was killed not only $y the1ankan amils $ut also allegedly $y some +ongressmen8 he added.

    4e pointed out that the alleged manipulation according toRagothaman was meant to erase #ideo e#idence of the kind ofpeople (hanu had interacted with at the #enue there$y sparingem$arrassment to the +ongress party in the middle of the :;;: 1okSa$ha elections. he author asked@ arayanan ha#e dared3to damage the goal of the +ongress party irrespecti#e of hispersonal affiliation to Ra"i# 'andhi%s familyC8 6s such >arayanan%sconnections are of dou$tful nature and can $e pro$ed into tounra#el the truth.4e said that 6d#. (oraisamy who reportedly in an inter#iewremarked@ 3* ha#e the e#idence to pro#e that Ra"i# 'andhi murder

    was an inside "o$. ut the S* headed $y then *nspector 'eneral of5olice !arthikeyan ne#er pushed the in#estigation in the rightdirection8 re7uires a serious attention and should not $e wishedaway.)r. 6$u$acker said that in #iew of the re#elations made in the two$ooks the unpleasant facts should not $e swept under the carpet$ut thoroughly in#estigated to unmask the real conspirators and theculprits so that the people at large know the faces who eliminatedthe former 5rime )inister for their #ested interests.Following the assassination of Ra"i# 'andhi mysterious forces like 5.V. >arsimha Rao took the top slot of *ndian administration. Since

    Rao%s era *ndia%s cooperation with *srael has increased manifolds atthe cost of struggling 5alestinian%s woes. he influence of theDnited States of 6merica also increased on the *ndianadministration he added.

    Ra"i# 6ssasination , Dnanswered 7uestions

    Ra"i# 'andhi assasination , lea#es many unanswered 7uestions ,Dnsol#ed pu00les. For whom did Ra"i# 'andhi got assisinated CSudhangan raised #arious 7uestions which didn%t get answers till

    9//;. 4ere are those 7uestions that are unanswered@:B On 9: -)ay-:;;: Ra"i# gandhi started from (elhi for electioncampaign and reached +hennai through the route Orissa and 6ndra5radesh. 4ow did he accepted that midnight meeting atSriperam$uthur which was not in the agenda of amil>adu +ongresscommitte. C9B *s there any plan made somewhere to $ring Ra"i# 'andhi toSriperam$athur some how C

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    EB he Security official )r O.5.Sagar was there with Ra"i# 'andhiwhen he campaigned at hu$aneshwar and Vishakapattinam. ut hedidnt come to chennai along with Ra"i#.

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    was not happy with Ra"i# for the a$o#e reason C:B 5alestinian >ational 6uthority president )r. asser 6rafatinformed to the indian prime minister during the time )r.+handrasekar that Ra"i# 'andhi%s life is under threat%. From wheredid 6rafat got this information C

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  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    1i$eration igers of amil 2elam from $eing called the conspirators$ehind Ra"i#%s killing. *n this inter#iew with rediff.com%s Vicky>an"appa Ragothaman speaks a$out the conspiracy and the hurdlesthat were faced in a pro$e in which many aspects were hushed up.4ow has your $ook $een recei#edC

    hat is too early to tell. *t is "ust out $ut is under de$ate. 1et uswait and watch.ou write that (ra#ida )unetra !a0hagam chief ) !arunanidhi%s *mages P scheduled pu$lic meeting in Sriperum$udur on )ay 9::;;: the day Ra"i# was killed was a$ruptly cancelled.!arunanidhi was to address a meeting at QO clock that e#ening twohours $efore Ra"i#%s meeting. he police had made allarrangements. hen there was a telegram from the 6nna 6ri#alyampostal office "urisdiction that the meeting was cancelled.* pro$ed the sender of that telegram. * was told to ask !arunanidhia$out the same. 4owe#er * could not in#estigate him directly.

    1ater * was told $y my superiors that the matter was $eing lookedinto and * should remain 7uiet.* was also told that it was a director general of police Rangaswamywho had ad#ised that the meeting $e cancelled. 4owe#er when *looked at the Rangaswamy affida#it it read that he had ordered asmuch police force as possi$le in #iew of this meeting.* also attended the Jain commission in7uiry in which !arunanidhiwas e=amined. 4e had said then that it was the then go#ernorhishma >arayan Singh who had told him to cancel the meeting.1ook at the contradictions.

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    Vaiko sought to meet him $ut he was not allowed to do so. 4econ#ersed with 5ra$hakaran on the intercom during which thelatter told him 36nna this Ra"i# has $etrayed me. * feel likecommitting suicide as he is sealing my fate. ut * cannot kill myselfas * need to fight for my people.8

    Vaiko wrote a $ook later in which he mentions that 5ra$akaran hadthought of committing suicide.ell us more sir

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    source. !ittu incidentally was 5ra$hakaran%s right hand man. 6n12 man could ne#er ha#e $een a R6< mole and e#en (r Swamyhad termed this as a$surd.arayananC6 #ideo taken at the meeting on that ill-fated day in which there

    were images of (hanu was ne#er made a#aila$le to the +*. heassassination team was waiting for nearly two hours in a sterilearea. he original #ideo reached >arayanan.he go#ernment had decided to conduct an in#estigation in thisregard and this case was registered with the Special *n#estigatingeam and the +*. 4owe#er it was $uried. )y 7uestion is why noaction has $een taken for suppressing e#idence.*t was $eing said that (hanu had $arged into the meeting $ut this#ideo clearly shows that they were waiting for a long time. (4* 6S6SS*>6*O> +6S2.where-in only the tools of the conspirator%s were punished where asthe conspirators are roaming free. i ha#e raised this topic ofine7uity tra#esty of "ustice and sought a fair proper en7uiry& trial at #arious forums. $ut to no a#ail.the conspirators were distur$ed $y this and tried to silence me $y

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    threatening me physically assaulting me and e#en made attemptsto murder me. they pre#ented me from appearing $efore the J6*>+O))*SS*O> OF 2>D*R. they e#en manipulated the recruitmentsystems to deny me the appointments in R..*.+DRR2>+ >O25R2SS )SOR2 5.2.S. +O112'2 OF 2>'*>22R*>' )6>(6 >.*.2

    )SOR2 (istrict +ourt )ysore & *llegally snatched away my "o$ inR5' +a$les 1td )ysore . they e#en tried to silence me $y forci$lyclosing down my newspaper pu$lications 42 2SD(O & VO*+2 OF+RDS6(2R.my appeals for "ustice resulted only in police en7uiries. the centralintelligence $ureauA*..B state intelligence & state police personnelen7uired me e=hausti#ely num$er of times $ut they ne#er diden7uire the powers that $e. any way these people don%t ha#epractical powers to en7uire such people. the highest constitutionalfunctionaries who can order a proper en7uiry trial are keeping muminspite of repeated appeals. pro$a$ly they are acting under the

    directions of conspirators. there$y they are not only co#ering up thecrime they are acti#ely sponsoring terrorism $ut are also #iolatingmy fundamentalLhuman rights & o$structing me from performing myfundamental duties as a citi0en of india.

    +ontinue reading at >ow5u$lic.com@ Ra"i# 6ssasination -Dnanswered 7uestions K >ow5u$lic >ews+o#[email protected]$lic.comLworldLra"i#-assasination-unanswered-7uestionsMi=0096yg;V*G?

    5eople at the helm are protecting Ra"i# murder accusedT

    Former +entral ureau of *n#estigationTs former chief in#estigatingofficer ! Ragothaman has claimed in a recently pu$lished $ook

    -- Conspira! to "ill Raji#: $ro% C&I 'iles, that a lot of factspertaining to the former prime ministerTs assassination were eithersuppressed or were studiously ignored.

    Ragothamam writes that there were attempts made to protect the1i$eration igers of amil 2elam from $eing called the conspirators

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    $ehind Ra"i#Ts killing. *n this inter#iew with redi''.o%(s Vicky>an"appa Ragothaman speaks a$out the conspiracy and the hurdlesthat were faced in a pro$e in which many aspects were hushed up.

    4ow has your $ook $een recei#edC

    hat is too early to tell. *t is "ust out $ut is under de$ate. 1et uswait and watch.

    ou write that (ra#ida )unetra !a0hagam chief ) !arunanidhiTs *magesP scheduled pu$lic meeting in Sriperum$udur on )ay 9::;;: the day Ra"i# was killed was a$ruptly cancelled.

    !arunanidhi was to address a meeting at TO clock that e#eningtwo hours $efore Ra"i#Ts meeting. he police had made allarrangements. hen there was a telegram from the 6nna 6ri#alyam

    postal office "urisdiction that the meeting was cancelled.

    * pro$ed the sender of that telegram. * was told to ask !arunanidhia$out the same. 4owe#er * could not in#estigate him directly.1ater * was told $y my superiors that the matter was $eing lookedinto and * should remain 7uiet.

    * was also told that it was a director general of police Rangaswamywho had ad#ised that the meeting $e cancelled. 4owe#er when *looked at the Rangaswamy affida#it it read that he had ordered asmuch police force as possi$le in #iew of this meeting.

    * also attended the Jain commission in7uiry in which !arunanidhiwas e=amined. 4e had said then that it was the then go#ernorhishma >arayan Singh who had told him to cancel the meeting.1ook at the contradictions.

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    (oes this mean e#en !arunanidhi was part of the plotC

    >o that is not what * meant. !arunanidhi is not a killer. 4e wanteda democratic solution to the pro$lem and this was ne#er liked $yslain 12 *magesP chief 5ra$hakaran.

    ou accuse Vaiko of ha#ing a hand in this entire issue.

    Vaiko was the one who spoke #ehemently against the *ndo-Jaffnaaccord. Vaiko said at that time he was first an 12 then a amilianand then an *ndian. 6t the time of the accord 5ra$hakaran was$rought down to >ew (elhi *magesP and was put up at the 4otel6shoka.

    Vaiko sought to meet him $ut he was not allowed to do so. 4econ#ersed with 5ra$hakaran on the intercom during which the

    latter told him U)nna this Ra"i# has $etrayed me. * feel likecommitting suicide as he is sealing my fate. ut * cannot kill myselfas * need to fight for my people.U

    Vaiko wrote a $ook later in which he mentions that 5ra$akaran hadthought of committing suicide.

    ell us more sir

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    (uring the trial he denied speaking all of which was on #ideo with5ra$hakaran. he #ideo was played out. 4e claimed that it was himin the #ideo $ut the #oice was not his. *t was sent for e=aminationand the #oice too was confirmed $ut till date there is no per"urycase against him.

    ou ha#e alleged that e#en the *ntelligence ureau and theResearch and 6nalysis arayanan and R6< $oss 'S a"paiwere also present.

    Swamy said that it was o$#ious that the 12 was responsi$le.

    a"pai retorted that it was not the 12. he meeting wasad"ourned. )eanwhile the +* director had gone to +olom$o for thein#estigation.

    hey were called $ack and rushed to (elhi for the meeting. (uringthe meeting it was again asked why a trip was made to +olom$oand did that mean it was preconcei#ed that it was the 12 whichwas $ehind the assassination.

    a"pai once again opposed this. 4e e#en 7uoted one !ittu to $e hissource. !ittu incidentally was 5ra$hakaranTs right hand man. 6n

    12 man could ne#er ha#e $een a R6< mole and e#en (r Swamyhad termed this as a$surd.


    6 #ideo taken at the meeting on that ill-fated day in which therewere images of (hanu was ne#er made a#aila$le to the +*. heassassination team was waiting for nearly two hours in a sterilearea. he original #ideo reached >arayanan.

    he go#ernment had decided to conduct an in#estigation in this

    regard and this case was registered with the Special *n#estigatingeam and the +*. 4owe#er it was $uried. )y 7uestion is why noaction has $een taken for suppressing e#idence.

    *t was $eing said that (hanu had $arged into the meeting $ut this#ideo clearly shows that they were waiting for a long time.

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    (o you think the loopholes will $e rectified nowC

    1et us see.

    +o#ering up 1ate 5) Ra"i# 'andhi 6ssassination conspiracy

    The GOI & investigating authorities have failed to punish the real masterminds behind the Late Prime minister Shri . Rajiv Gandhi assassination case .

    hen a responsible Indian citi!en volunteered to appear before the supremecourt of india as an amicus curie " to give certain information before thecourt relating to this assassination " he #as not at all permitted. Instead he

    #as threatened " attempts made to murder him " his ne#s paper #as closed "his jobs #ere illegall$ snatched a#a$ " police & investigating agenciesrepeatedl$ grilled him " T% P'RPOS IS TO SIL() T%*T PRSO( . ThePolice failed to act upon his complaints. The Supreme )ourt of India +ailed toadmit his PIL Petitions. *LL TO )O,R 'P T% PORS T%*T - .

    #ho are coveringup late p.m. rajiv gandhi assassination case/ #ho are thoseconspirators/ #ho are tr$ing to silence me/

    0$ sufferings began hand in hand #ith m$ crusade. I have raised variousissues of social concern from time to time at the appropriate levels" one ofthose is L*T P.0. R*1I, G*(2%I *S*SSI(*TIO( )*S. #herein onl$ thetools of the conspirator3s #ere punished #here as the conspirators areroaming free. i have raised this topic of ine4uit$ " travest$ of justice andsought a fair" proper en4uir$& trial " at various forums. but to no avail.the conspirators #ere disturbed b$ this and tried to silence me b$threatening me" ph$sicall$ assaulting me and even made attempts tomurder me. the$ prevented me from appearing before the 1*I( )O00ISSIO(O+ (5'IR6. the$ even manipulated the recruitment s$stems to den$ me

    the appointments in R.-.I.)'RR()6 (OT PRSS 06SOR" P..S. )OLLGO+ (GI(RI(G 0*(26*" (.I. 06SOR " 2istrict )ourt 0$sore & Illegall$snatched a#a$ m$ job in RPG )ables Ltd " 0$sore . the$ even tried tosilence me b$ forcibl$ closing do#n m$ ne#spaper publications T%TST'2O & ,OI) O+ )R'S*2R.m$ appeals for justice resulted onl$ in police en4uiries. the centralintelligence bureau7I.-.8 state intelligence & state police personnel en4uiredme e9haustivel$ number of times" but the$ never did en4uire the po#ers

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    that be. an$ #a$ these people don3t have practical po#ers to en4uire suchpeople. the highest constitutional functionaries #ho can order a properen4uir$" trial are :eeping mum inspite of repeated appeals. probabl$ the$are acting under the directions of conspirators. thereb$ the$ are not onl$covering up the crime" the$ are activel$ sponsoring terrorism " but are also

    violating m$ fundamental;human rights & obstructing me from performingm$ fundamental duties as a citi!en of india.

    hereb$ " i do re4uest $ou to protect m$ fundamental & human rights and tofacilitate me to perform m$ +'(2*0(T*L 2'TIS as a citi!en of india.also" ido re4uest $ou to give me information about follo#ing cases "it3s finalreports& it3s action ta:en report. $ouths murdered in Puttaparthi sat$a sai baba ashram inputtaparthi.

    =.the scam of gem cutting & polishing units in m$sore setup under ,IS%*selfemplo$ment scheme.?.the murder of undertrial"T*2* detenue mr.arjunan7forest brigandveerappan3s brother8.>.the murder of journalist mr.sat$anara$an near [email protected] murder of e9minister mr.nagappa near m$sore.A.the amount of ransom paid b$ state governments of :arnata:a"tamilnadu& the union govrnment and the general public to forest brigand veerappanduring all :idnap episodes 7including movie star raj:umar3s8.the role pla$edb$ facilitators.the contents of all cassettes sent b$ veerappan togovernments & vice versa.

    B.the final report of justice a.j. sadashivas3s committee #hich en4uired intoatrocities & human rights violations committed b$ police"special tas:force7S.T.+.8 on the innocent tribal people of 0.0.%ILLS.C.the report of past district magistrate of m$sore mr.T.0.vija$abhas:ar aboutthe land scam in & around m$sore.D.even in developed countrise li:e '.S.*. & '.E. malhandling of radioactivematerials ta:es place no# & then" #hich in itself constitute nuclear disasterson small scale.refer the 2))*( %R*L2 7

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    cost of compensation/ho# the 4uantum of compensation is calculated/giveme information about the safet$ measures ta:en b$ 0;S. R""0.P.m$sore &the compensation pa$ sructure and the safet$ measures being follo#ed b$all agencies dealing #ith radioactive materials.

    ++ ,**E-onia lin"

    http;;indiavie#.#ordpress.com;=FFC;F>;?F;lttesonialin:; "


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  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    hat transpired at her private meeting #ith the President #as revealed notb$ Sonia" but b$ 0ohini Giri 7the former chairperson of the (ational omenJs)ommission8 and on that basis (aliniJs death sentence #as commuted tolife. 7+rontline (ov @" there #ere reports" editoriall$ commented b$ theIsland ne#spaper in )olombo on +eb =F" =FF>" that duardo +aleiro" heremissar$" had a secret meeting #ith the LTT chief Prabha:aran at Eillinochi.Island had also referred to reports that SoniaJs mother 0s Paula 0aino hadmet *nton -alasingham" LTTJs point man in London" in connection #ith theelectoral alliance bet#een the 20E and the )ongress. hile duardo +aleiroat least made a feeble attempt to den$ the meeting" Paulo 0aino #ould noteven den$ that.Third" the Paulo 0aino meeting preceded" and the +aleiromeeting succeeded" the unbelievable 'turn of Sonia Gandhi to forgealliance #ith the 20E #hich #as accused b$ her o#n part$ in " Sonia met the 20E chief and concretised the alliance.

    The coming together of one of the alleged conspirators and the victim of theconspirac$ made a moc:er$ of an$ further investigation into Rajiv Gandhimurder.

    +or the last four $ears there is not a single #ord spo:en b$ Sonia on pursuingthe Rajiv Gandhi murderers and on unearthing the conspirac$ or for thee9tradition of Prabha:aran or Pottu *mman.

    This is despite the fact that" #hen" on *pril

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    Since =FF>" she has not uttered a single #ord as:ing #hat the 020* isdoing.

    *nd finall$ no# in 0arch =FFC" Pri$an:a ,adra" SoniaJs daughter ma:es asecret visit to ,ellore jail and meets the first accused in the murder of Rajiv"

    for over an hour.

    0edia reports sa$ that the$ sat b$ each otherJs side" cried and professedgood#ill to#ards each other (o one :no#s #hat transpired bet#een them.The meeting clearl$ illegal" loo:s almost a conspirac$" #ould have remaineda secret had the media not e9posed it.

    Pri$an:a said that neither Sonia nor Rahul or Pri$an:a believe in hate oranger" and that the visit #as her #a$ of coming to terms #ith the RajivGandhi murder.

    0oral high ground seems to be a cover for undisclosed political strategies.-ut #here #as this high moral ground #hen Sonia angril$ pulled do#n the '+government on the ground that 20E" a suspected coconspirator #ith LTT"#as part of the alliance/

    Is Rajiv GandhiJs assassination a personal affair bet#een the Sonia Gandhifamil$ and the LTT for the former to punish or pardon the latter/

    LTT has neither confessed nor regretted its action for the Gandhis topardon. The LTT is even toda$ unrepenting.

    The prosecution case is that the LTT supremo decided to avenge RajivGandhi for sending IPE+ to Sri Lan:a and betra$ing the LTT. -ut that #as nopersonal decision of Rajiv Gandhi. The assassination #as an act against thestate of India.

    This is ho# it should be seen and pursued. (either Sonia nor Pri$an:a northe )ongress has the right to pardon the criminals #ho have challenged thesovereignt$ of India.

    52 Sonia Gandhi famil$ and the LTT connection is m$sterious. Is themaveric: 2r Subramanian S#am$ right after all in his theor$ that LTT and

    the 0aino famil$ have had lin:s before/http;;###.ne#indpress.com;(e#sItems.asp/I2HI0=FFCF>=C=?C&TitleH0ain*rticle&rLin:HF


  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    2o $ou :no# Sonia Subramanian S#am$ M http;;###.saveindiaforum.com; d$namic;

    Sonia )ongJs blit!:rieg evangelisation thru R-I ,. Sundaram Mhttp;;###.ne#stoda$net.com;=FFBsud;ma$FB;[email protected]

    She became lo$al bit late b$ Gurumurth$Mhttp;;indiavie#.#ordpress.com;=FFB;FA;;shebecamelo$altoindiaatriflelate;

    2emonarch$ of IndiaM http;;indiavie#.#ordpress.com;=FFB;FC;F=C=?C&TitleH0ain*rticle&rLin:HF



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    and discuss #ith Rajiv Gandhi" to understand his attitude to#ards the L.T.T..*fter these meetings the L.T.T.. )hief #as not convinced that Rajiv #ouldbe soft on the L.T.T.. In fact Prabha:aran e9pected Rajiv to be hostile to theL.T.T..In the Lo: Sabha0Ps. Rajiv loo:ed li:e being Prime 0inister forever.%o#ever" Rajiv got in to aserious )redibilit$ Problem #hen the %2 Submarine 2eal -ro:e. Rajivthre# out the then 2efence 0inister ,.P.Singh from the Part$. RajivJs )oteriemade a lo$al ,.P.Singh an enem$ of Rajiv.Thereafter the -ofors Gun 2ealScam tumbled out of the S#edish )loset. Rajiv handled the -ofors Scamhorribl$. RajivJs former aides manipulated to destro$ Rajiv and RajivJsPolitics. Rajiv lost complete credibilit$. RajivJs )ongress #on

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    his fond candidate 'ma Gajapati Raju. Rajiv #as enjo$ing the campaigning.Rajiv #as in no mood to leave ,isha:apatnam" on that evening.* Trio of)ongress -us$bodies including P.,.(arasimha Rao made frantic Phone )allsfrom (e# 2elhi urging Rajiv to leave ,isha:apatnam and fl$ to )hennai.Rajiv :een on spending the night at ,isha:apatnam" tried avoiding to go to

    )hennai. Rajiv made an e9cuse that his aircraft #as not in perfect order. The)ongress -us$bodies of 2elhi got the *ircraft speedil$ chec:ed" repaired andtold Rajiv that it #as read$. The )ongress -us$bodies forced a reluctanttoleave,isha:apatnam Rajiv" to fl$ from ,isha:apatnam to )hennai enroute toSriperumbudur in Tamilnadu.Rajiv fle# to )hennai and #ent b$ road toSriperumbudur. *s soon as the cavalcade of cars of Rajiv and the TamilnaduState leaders accompan$ing Rajiv reached Sriperumbudur" Rajiv got out ofthe car and #al:ed through the cro#d to the 2ias.hen an$ national leadervisits an$ part of the countr$ then the moment the leader gets do#n fromthe *ircraft" the entire State Leadership of his Part$ surrounds him. The StateLeaders stic: to him through out the ,isit until he gets bac: in to the *irport.

    If a Photograph is ta:en at an$ given minute of the visit" the Photo #illcontain the (ational Leader and the Top State Leaders. hether it is,ajpa$ee" *dvani" Rajnath Singh" Sonia or an$ national leader the scenario isthe same. ver$ Photo +rame #ill consist of the (ational leader beingsurrounded b$ State Leaders.hen Rajiv alighted at Sriperumbudur all thestate Leaders #ere there. %o#ever" each of the Tamilnadu State Leaderssuddenl$ decided to :eep a#a$ from Rajiv. +rom the car" Rajiv #al:edthrough the cro#d unaccompanied b$ an$ State Leader.So" #hen the %uman-omb 9ploded" Rajiv #as -lo#n to pieces" but not a single Tamilnadu StateLeader 2ied #ith him. G.E.0oopanar" P.)hidambaram" 0aragatham)handrashe:ar and several Other Tamilnadu state Leaders did not #al: #ith

    Rajiv. Strange and Impossible. -ut the Tamilnadu State leaders allo#ed Rajivto #al: the 2eathal: *lone.In the +inal Photo +rame of Rajiv Gandhi" noTamilnadu State leader #as present #ith Rajiv. ere all these State Leadersa#are that Rajiv #ould be :illed and hence :ept a#a$ from Rajiv to savetheir lives/The Investigation in to the Rajiv *ssassination has notinterrogated or put on the Lie 2etector Test and the (arco*nal$sis Test the)ongress -ig#igs #ho insisted that Rajiv must leave ,isha:apatnam and goto Tamilnadu" that *ssassination night. h$/Similarl$ the Investgation didnot interrogate and subject to a Lie 2etector and a (arco *nal$sis Test theTamilnadu )ongress State Leaders #ho deserted Rajiv immediatel$ after hegot out of the car at Sriperumbudur. h$/Intelligence *gencies Sources sa$

    that the International *rms 2ealer *dnan Eashogi provided the -omb -elt#orn b$ the L.T.T..Js suicide %uman -omb to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi.IndiaJs Investigation never pursued this lead. h$/Later P.,.(arasimha RaoJsson Prabha:ar Rao and *dnan EashogiJs Son #ere involved in a 'R* S)*0.The Government of India in 2ollars issued

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    defree!ed. (arasimha Rao deserved to be in jail for corruption but0anmohan calls him a Saint.IndiaJs Investigation in to the Rajiv *ssassinationhas not investigated P.,.(arasimha Rao and *dnan EashoggiJs +amil$ toascertain the facts and complicit$" if an$" in the *ssassination of RajivGandhi. h$/Ottavio 5uattrocchi #as the 0astermind in the )onspirac$ to

    *ssassinate Rajiv Gandhi. -ut 5uattrocchi #as never investigated. h$/TheIntelligence *gencies of +rance" Israel and the 'nited States of *merica have%ighl$ )lassified Secret 2ata pertaining to all the details of the Rajiv Gandhi*ssassination.Israel" +rance and 'S are all 2emocracies. *ll three nations areclosel$ involved #ith India in the International #ar against terrorism. It istheir responsibilit$ to provide India #ith ever$ bit of evidence andinformation that the$ and their Intelligence agencies possess about the*ssassination of R ajiv Gandhi.So far these (ations have not given India an$information because the government of India has not re4uested them. Themoment India re4uests these countries then the$ #ill give to India" all theinformation the$ have.Politicspart$.com Re4uests the Parliament of India to

    ensure that the Government of India obtains all the information pertaining tothe *ssassination of Rajiv Gandhi available #ith the Intelligence *gencies of+rance" Israel and the 'S and discloses all the information to IndiaJsParliament.politicspart$.com Re4uests the Parliament of India to ensure thatan investigation is ordered in to the Role of Ottavio 5uattrocchi in the*ssassination of Rajiv Gandhi.5uattrocchi must be arrested" brought to Indiaput on a Lie 2etector Test and a (arco*nal$sis Test and 5uestioned abouthis Role in the )onspirac$ to *ssassinate Rajiv Gandhi.politicspart$.come9pects IndiaJs Parliament to do justice to one of its *ssassinated 0ember ofParliament Rajiv Gandhi.President of India Ealam is no# in +rance. TheGovernment of India must re4uest President Ealam to re4uest the +rench

    President to ma:e available to India the Tapes of the Secret 0eeting in theParis %otel and all other information involving the *ssassination of RajivGandhi.The People of India must :no# the truth about the *ssassination ofRajiv and the )onspirators must be arrested" prosecuted and given the2eath Sentence.Sorse of the stor$ hear -$ http;;blogs.ibibo.com;,ie#)omments.asp9/blogidH?cC>Dc>?BBD?>>@@C?

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    0unnetra Ea!hagam" 20ELeader

    IndiaJs 2ravida 0unnetra Ea!hagam part$720E8 and its leader Earunanidhi #ho is thechief minister of Tamil (adu came in forstrong criticism in the interim report of aretired judge #ho probed the circumstancesleading to the :illing in

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    The )ommission3s report said the then Prime 0inister" Rajiv Gandhi" #as:een that Qsome satisfactor$ solution be arrived at #ith the LTT so that theIndoSri Lan:an *ccord could be implemented in letter and spirit. %ediscussed this concern #ith 0r. Earunanidhi and sought his assistance.33 *fter0r. ,. P. Singh became the Prime 0inister on 2ecember ="

  • 8/13/2019 Rajiv Gandhi Assassination Coverup


    The charges" put together as long 4uotations from the report" include thatthe 20E provided a safe sanctuar$ for the LTT cadres and activists" it gaveadvice" active assistance" finance and securit$ cover to LTT operations" andthat the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi #ould not have been possible the #a$it happened #ithout the ne9us bet#een the LTT and the 20E" a ne9us

    #hich started a chain of events #hich led to the survival and gro#th of theLTT in Tamil (adu long after the Government of India3s attitude hadchanged to#ards the LTT and hostilities had bro:en out bet#een the IndianPeace Eeeping +orce and the LTT in Sri Lan:a" and finall$ that the 20Eleader and Tamil (adu )hief 0inister" 0r. 0. Earunanidhi" had Qhimself beeninstrumental in ensuring that things #ent smoothl$ for LTT33 and that thecadres of the LTT had little fear of the securit$ agencies in India Qthan:s tothe patronage of the 20E Government33.

    Editedprinted pulisedoned !N))R)5).M.R. 67,I-2 /91;>?)*ER?=R@ ,)AMI@)N*)N))R E&&),MB=RE-001IN

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