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Adrián Fuentes CasadoAdrián Fuentes Casado

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Page 3: Rap


The type of anglerfish Sprechgesang or rhythmic The type of anglerfish Sprechgesang or rhythmic

recitation of rhymes, puns and poetry emerged in the recitation of rhymes, puns and poetry emerged in the mid-twentieth century between the black community in mid-twentieth century between the black community in the United States. It is one of the four pillars of hip hop the United States. It is one of the four pillars of hip hop culture, and hence often also call it metonymically (and culture, and hence often also call it metonymically (and inaccurately) hip hop. Although it can be interpreted a inaccurately) hip hop. Although it can be interpreted a capella, rap is usually accompanied by a rhythmic capella, rap is usually accompanied by a rhythmic background music known as the English voice beat. Rap background music known as the English voice beat. Rap performers are the MC, abbreviation for "master of performers are the MC, abbreviation for "master of ceremonies."ceremonies."

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Polysemous word "rap" appears in British English during Polysemous word "rap" appears in British English during the sixteenth century from the eighteenth and used as a the sixteenth century from the eighteenth and used as a synonym of the verb "say." A mid-twentieth century synonym of the verb "say." A mid-twentieth century began to be used as equivalent to "talk" in the dialect of began to be used as equivalent to "talk" in the dialect of English spoken by American blacks and then proceeds to English spoken by American blacks and then proceeds to be used to describe the musical style. [Sometimes be used to describe the musical style. [Sometimes etymology is also proposed as alternative to uacrónimo etymology is also proposed as alternative to uacrónimo word is Rhythm and Poetry ("rhythm and poetry") or word is Rhythm and Poetry ("rhythm and poetry") or even a shortened form of rapid ("fast").even a shortened form of rapid ("fast").

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The beat of rap is usually four by four. At its core The beat of rap is usually four by four. At its core rhythm, rap lyrics, instead of a bar of 4 / 4 (as in other rhythm, rap lyrics, instead of a bar of 4 / 4 (as in other musical styles, where the song keeps the beat), is based musical styles, where the song keeps the beat), is based on a count of 3, similar to a "swing" found in jazz hits. on a count of 3, similar to a "swing" found in jazz hits. However, rap is taking this concept one step further. However, rap is taking this concept one step further. While the rhythm of jazz involves three eighths notes (a While the rhythm of jazz involves three eighths notes (a trio) for blow, rap is double: 6 / 16 (a "double trio") per trio) for blow, rap is double: 6 / 16 (a "double trio") per hit. As the emphasis is more often played (or up) in a hit. As the emphasis is more often played (or up) in a relaxed way.relaxed way.

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NachNach Violadores del VersoVioladores del Verso EminemEminem 50 cent50 cent Arma BlancaArma Blanca ZPUZPU Tote KingTote King SFDKSFDK

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Violadores del VersoVioladores del Verso

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50 cent50 cent

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Arma BlancaArma Blanca

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Tote KingTote King

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