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Official Game Accessory

Rary the Traitor

Table of Contents

Introduction 4Chapter 1: Rary's Tale 6Chapter 2: The Bright Desert and Environs 13Chapter 3: People, Places, and Things 22Chapter 4: Special Places 34Desert Centaur 60Manscorpion 62Monarch Scorpion 63

ISBN 1-56076-497-X




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Official Game Accessory

Credits:Design: Anthony PryorEditing: Anne McCreadyInterior Art: Ken FrankCover Art: Valerie ValusekCartography: Steve BeckTypography: Gaye O'KeefeProduction: Sarah Feggestad

Copyright ® 1992 TSR. Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. AD&D. and GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned byTSR. Inc. The TSR logo and BATTLESYSTEM are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.Random House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade forEnglish language products of TSR. Inc. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd.This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproductionor other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the expresswritten permission of TSR. Inc.

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IntroductionThe final act of the immense drama of war

occurred on the Day of the Great Signing. Apact had been resolved and nearly all the na-tions had agreed to sign it. As this solemn cer-emony began, however, a tumultuous eventoccurred.

Even today a haze obscures the details. Ap-parently someone plotted to annihilate theentire diplomatic corps in attendance, but thescheme misfired. A blazing explosion de-stroyed a good part of the Grand Hall onlyminutes before the ambassadors assembledfor the day. A fierce magical battle immedi-ately ensued, spreading havoc through muchof the old city. When the fire and dust cleared,constables discovered smoldering robes be-longing to two powerful members of the mys-terious Circle of Eight, Otiluke and Tenser. Themurderer of these wizards, undeniably a pow-erful mage, was Rary, a third member of theCircle of Eight. Using secrets gained in confi-dence, Rary not only destroyed his two fel-lows, but also tracked down and destroyedevery clone the pair held in preparation.

The motive behind Rary's treachery remainsclouded. According to many who knew him,the wizard probably saw an opportunity toseize power and land in the confusion thatwould follow the assassinations. Others sug-gest Rary was a pawn of the Scarlet Brother-hood.

With the plot discovered, though, Rary andhis co-conspirator Lord Robilar fled the city.The two were unable to return to Robilar'scastle because it was immediately seized bythe troops of Greyhawk, so they escaped intothe Bright Desert. There they conquered thesavages and established a kingdom of theirown. Though small and mysterious, this grow-ing state could someday threaten the veryborders of Greyhawk.

From Greyhawk Wars

"This unspeakable crime was visited uponus by one whom we trusted implicitly, onewhom we all knew and respected, and onewhom we would never suspect of treachery.Rary the Mage he was known to us, but afterthe infamy of that day, he shall be known onlyas Rary the Traitor!"

Mordenkainen the Mage,in a speech to the surviving members of the


"While I find it hard to believe that my be-loved sibling is responsible for such evil deeds,the evidence against him is overwhelming. Tbhim I say, 'Your crimes are unforgivable. I joinwith those who call you traitor, and disavowany affection I may once have felt. Brother youmay have been, Rary, but brother you are nolonger. You are an outcast and a stranger tome'."

Arkalan Sammal,sage of Greyhawk and brother of Rary

"It has become clear that something evil isgrowing in the depths of the Bright Desert.They call him Rary the Traitor now, but indays to come they may call him far worsethings. Rary has stirred up something best leftalone, and I fear that all of the Flanaess maysuffer for it, as if the land has not sufferedenough already!"

Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel,high priestess of St. Cuthbert in Greyhawk

In the agonizing aftermath of the Greyhawkwars, when conflict touched virtually everycorner of the continent, few gained more infa-my than Rary of the Circle of Eight. Once con-sidered a quiet, peaceful man with fewambitions, the great mage instead was cor-rupted to the ways of evil, and in the processslew two of the wisest and most powerful wiz-ards of the Flanaess. Now, fleeing south withhis co-conspirator and their loyal troops, hehas carved out an empire in the wilderness,and threatens to inflict more harm and chaoson a world long grown weary of war and strife.

Rary the Traitor is a supplement for theADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® 2ndEdition game, in the GREYHAWK® campaignsetting. It describes important current eventsand involves characters in adventures that willaffect the future of the entire region. This sup-plement is intended for adventurers of all dif-ferent levels. However, the major areasdescribed later in this book, especially Rary'sfortress in the Brass Hills, are intended forparties of 8th level or higher.




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Chapter 1: Rary's TaleRary the Mage did not initially seem the sort

of individual who would betray his friends andbecome one of the most reviled men on thecontinent. He was once described as "quiet,dignified... a skilled mediator and peacema-ker," and a man whose gentle nature prevent-ed him from leading the Circle of Eight, oreven challenging its other members, so Rary'sdescent into the realm of evil was indeed puz-zling.

The Dignified MageAlthough well into his seventies at the begin-ning of the Greyhawk conflict, Rary retained ayouthful outlook and energy, and his primarymotivation seemed to be learning, rather thanthe pursuit of power. Archmage of Ket, Rarywas well-known for his skill at resolving con-flicts in the complex atmosphere of the Ketishcourt. His friendship with the Paynim no-mads, while considered something of an ec-centricity within Ket, actually helped themage prevent Paynim raids into Ket, or atleast helped reduce their severity.

One of the most baffling aspects of Rary'streachery is that at the time the war broke out,he was largely retired from the Circle of Eight,content to dwell quietly in his tower at Lopol-la, pursuing his hobbies and avoiding confron-tation. Rary attended meetings only whenissues of special importance were discussed,and even then seemed reluctant to directlyconfront such volatile individuals as Mor-denkainen and especially Otiluke, who is saidto have harbored a special dislike for the Ke-tite.

In truth, Rary's retirement was more a resultof his frustration with the Circle of Eight andits contentious ways than a genuine desire forretirement. As time passed and Rary's gentleapproach worked less and less, he began tospend more time in his tower or wandering theplains mounted on his magical destrier. In thisguise, he was known to the Paynims as only"The Rider." As he traveled among them helearned many things from their shamans andchieftains, and his gentle nature began tochange.

Surely, Rary maintained his calm, reasonedexterior at those meetings which he did attend(further infuriating Otiluke in the process), andhis peacemaking efforts in Ket continued un-abated. But the process of Rary's conversionhad begun, fueled by the twin fires of his ownfrustration and the violent influence of thePaynims.

The change in Rary's nature was not a ma-levolent one. He could just as easily have con-tinued as a powerful advocate for balance andneutrality or even good, had he not begun tostudy the histories of the demi-god Iuz, theScarlet Brotherhood, and the Overkings ofAerdi. As more time passed, Rary's admirationof these evil forces grew. Here, he realized,were individuals who knew the value of force,who shunned the pointless squabbling of theCircle of Eight and other lesser powers. Ofcourse, Rary knew mistakes were sometimesmade. The Overkings were now hopelesslymad and mired in decadence, Iuz's violencehad little direction or purpose except his ownaggrandizement, and the Scarlet Brother-hood's obsession with secrecy did little to ad-vance its cause.

Still, Rary realized there were things to belearned from these individuals. If he couldcontrol the base urges and character flawsthat had led these others astray, perhaps hecould achieve greatness, and even surpass theexploits of those in the past. With the Fla-naess, or at least a large portion of it, under hiscontrol, he could bring change and overcomethe meaningless bickering of the Circle ofEight. This enormous change in Rary's tem-perament took place slowly. The great mage'soutward calm and good nature belied a stormgrowing in the depths of his soul.

War and TreacheryRary's admiration for Iuz and the Brotherhoodgrew during the war. As other members of theCircle worked frantically behind the scenes tohead off the conflict and preserve what civili-zation remained in Greyhawk, Rary's mindturned more and more to thoughts of evil. Heresearched long-forbidden spells, studied thehistories of ancient conquerors, and learnedmore from his Paynim friends as corruptionand wickedness slowly crept into his heart.




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