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  • 8/4/2019 Rationale Paper for AECT Standards


    Rationale Paper for AECT StandaThe rationale paper makes a case for each of theartifacts selected for the ePortfolio. Specifically, the paper should provide a clear

    rationale of (1) why each artifact was selected, (2) how each artifact demonstrates

    mastery of the standard(s) it has been mapped to, (3) your understanding of

    connections between theory and practice, and (4) a discussion of how your teaching or

    thoughts about teaching have been impacted. The recommended length is 20 to 30

    double-spaced pages. Cited references should be formatted in APA style.

    HTML Preferred: Please prepare your rationale paper in HTML format. Word and PDF

    documents are difficult to work with.

    Rationale Paper Outline


    Linking Theory to Practice and the Association for Educational Communications and


    Shanda Veatch

    6-8th Grade Theatre and Publications Teacher, Gaiser Middle School, Vancouver School


    Title or affiliation (e.g. 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Somewhere, Middle School)

  • 8/4/2019 Rationale Paper for AECT Standards




    Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

    Winston Churchill

    I have found this quote to be ever more relevant as I have slowly made my way

    through Boise State Universitys Masters of Education Technology program. While

    most of my peers in education have held Masters degrees, I was one of the few hold outs

    who, after 20 years in the field, had yet to unlock that potential. It was just over three

    years ago when I decided that it was time to not only conquer an advanced degree, but

    to expand my knowledge in an area of extreme interest to me, educational technology.

    As a single mother of two, a full time educator, and a passionate consumer of

    cheese, I had taught my way through multiple grades, content areas and pedagogy.

    Through it all, I had the great fortune to utilize my training in the Theatre to direct,

    instruct and inspire students in the Theatre Arts. Initially, I considered an advanced

    degree in Theatre, but sadly, I knew that my undergraduate work in the Conservatory of

    Acting at Cornish College of the Arts had provided me with such a strong base in

    Theatre, that it was going to be hard to find a program that rivaled, much less surpassed

    this training.

    In contrast, I always enjoyed working with technology, and in addition to my

    Drama courses, I was able to secure a position teaching publications at my current

    assignment, Gaiser Middle School. For the past five years, I have learned and integrated

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    technology into my teaching, gradually discovering that the opportunities available to

    me as a teacher of technology were only limited by my knowledge. It was time to learn


    It took me some time, but I found Boise State Universitys program and, after

    comparing it to some others, made my initial inquires into the program. The

    opportunity to work slowly and deliberately through the program appealed to me. I

    wanted to continue my full time work, continue being a parent to my children while

    getting this degree. But I wanted something I could use. I found this statement on the

    BSU Website, and my mind was made up.

    The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of practitioners who want

    to immediately apply in their work environments what they've learned in ours.

    It has been a daunting process at times, but a consistently rewarding one.

    Because I have been able to use much of the work I created during my time at BSU, my

    teaching has improved, contributions to my educational community have increased, and

    there has been a passion rekindled that I had not anticipated. I am extremely satisfied

    with my accomplishments in the program and my choice of Boise State as the vehicle for

    obtaining my Masters degree.

    This reflection paper was an opportunity for me to line up some of my best works

    for review and align them with the standards set forth by the Association for

    Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). This paper is organized by

    AECT strand and the standards set forth by the association. Artifacts which

    demonstrate mastery of the standard are included, and commentary is provided about

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    the impact the theory has had on my teaching practices. It is with great pride I present

    these artifacts of learning from the last three years at BSU, as I enthusiastically greet the

    future opportunities my training here will surely provide.

    AECT Standards

    Standard 1: Design

    Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions for

    learning by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design,

    instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.

    1.1 Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

    Instructional Systems Design (ISD) is an organized procedure that includes the steps

    ofanalyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating instruction (Seels

    &Richey, 1994, p. 31).

    While many of the projects that I undertook in the MET program at BSU were

    based on the design process, one of the most comprehensive courses I took throughout

    my time at BSU was Instructional Message Design, EdTech 503, and the Instructional

    Design Report I created in conjunction with a unit I designed as a Web Based

    Instructional project. In this course we were required to systematically analyze and

    design a course using the ADDIE process: analysis, design, development,

    implementation and evaluation. I chose to create a course for instructors in the use of

    Windows Movie Maker. The process was very slow going at first. I found that working

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    on each individual piece of the project rather than working on the entire project

    simultaneously to be frustrating, but discovered that, in the end, the restraint I needed

    to exercise during the development of the design plan paid off great dividends with a

    well organized final project. The artifacts I am presenting from for this standard are the

    actual design document, and the steps I undertook to complete this document.

    These steps, which followed the ADDIE process closely were, the instructional

    design project proposal, the front-end analysis plan, the front-end analysis report, the

    goal analysis document, the subskills analysis and entry behaviors flowchart, the learner

    and context analysis, the outline of instructional objectives, the learner assessment

    document, the instructional strategies packet and the instructional materials for

    learners document, the formative evaluation plan and the formative evaluation results.

    Each part of the ADDIE process plays a critical role in the development of an

    Instructional product, but in my opinion, the evaluative process may be the most critical

    to the development of a meaningful product. The act of developing the instructional

    material cannot be understated, and while it plays a key role in producing worthwhile

    instructional design, it is only part of the whole design process. If a design product is

    properly evaluated, then this too is critical to its successful development. In learning the

    process instructional designers undertake in order to create successful projects, I have

    gained an appreciation for the systems approach designing instruction. Prior to

    embarking upon this project, I viewed instructional design as essentially linear in its

    approach, but upon its conclusion, I have come to the realization that it is, in fact, quite

    non-linear. The systems aspect of instructional design requires extensive revision of

    each individual piece. As any segment of the process is impacted, so the entire product

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    is impacted. Each step in the process needs to be revised to embrace any changes made

    at every step, including the evaluative process.

    This process has had a lasting impact on the implementation of all instruction that

    takes place in my classroom. I tend to evaluate my instruction with a more systems

    approach. I have also revived many lessons that I have used in the past and taken time to

    do a summative evaluation on the content prior to putting them to rest for the year, and

    have reaped the benefits the following year when that instructional unit has been pulled

    out and brushed off with that evaluation in place.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand:

    I am also including the evaluation of a web quest I developed for EdTech 502

    entitledPropaganda Web Quest. The web quest was based on the model developed by

    Dodge and March. The lessons are designed to meet instructional standards in Social

    Studies, English, and Computers. Lessons are designed to tap into the higher cognitive

    levels of Blooms Taxonomy. The evaluation portion of this web quest demonstrates the

    final assessment which is available for students to refer to throughout the web quest.

    I was able to use this web quest for instruction in a middle school English

    classroom setting. It was a project that had a very high engagement rate, and the

    number of students who completed the entire assignment was far higher than other,

    similar, paper/book-based investigations I delivered while teaching that course.

    1.2 Message Design

    Message design involves planning for the manipulation of the physical form of the


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    (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 31).

    I selected my Instructional Message Design project from EdTech 506 entitledStage

    Directionsto demonstrate my attainment of this standard. I created this unit for

    students in my theatre classes in order to teach them the basics of blocking on a stage.

    One of the greatest challenges I faced when addressing my Theatre courses in the

    EdTech program was finding ways to bring a broader understanding of the theatre to my

    students using a digital approach. Stage directions seemed to be a logical place to start.

    Students in my Theatre course are placed there because they are essentially kinesthetic

    learners. As a result, integrating technology into this coursework was a challenge.

    In the process of creating a unit of instruction on scene blocking, many steps were

    taken before the final product was reached. Choices about course direction and graphic

    design were made, feedback was solicited, and adjustments continuous. The concept

    being addressed was Mental Models and Near Transfer

    I chose to work further with stage directions when creating this graphic. Reducing

    the cognitive load was the goal for this work. The mental model I was trying to work

    with was the stage itself. Showing the stage and linking to the animations from the same

    image I used in an earlier lesson allowed for lesson continuity as well as providing

    students to opportunity to access a mental model that will help them not only to retain

    the information from the previous page, but to the stage itself.

    The elements I worked with for this project were line, both horizontal and vertical,

    using the grid. I also used shape. I chose to crown the picture and placed some fullness

    in the figure. Movement was used by employing the animations, as well as balance and

    text, which help to guide the user to the proper points on the graphic.

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    1.3 Instructional Strategies

    Instructional strategies are specifications for selecting and sequencing events and

    activities within a lesson, (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 31).

    The controlled, systematic delivery of the content I developed for my Theatre

    Blocking Game,which I created in Ed Tech 506, exemplify the essential elements of this

    strand. Students are prompted to execute a series of movements through an interactive

    tutorial. As I have stated previously, bringing theatre to students through a digital

    medium can be a challenge, but this particular project was an opportunity for me to

    build a lesson, and an opportunity for practice, which regularly takes place in the


    Initially, students are guided through the process through a slide show which

    outlines the rules for the interactive game. The activity allows students to make

    blocking choices for some characters on a stage. If the blocking choice would work,

    taking into account audience sightlines, the student receives a positive smiley. If the

    blocking choice is incorrect, then the smiley does not look happy, and the student is

    prompted to redo the choice for mastery.

    This visual is meant as a self assessment of this unit prior to moving on to the

    final project of staging a short piece with a partner. I created this visual in order to

    provide an experiential opportunity for the users of this lesson. This graphic allows the

    user to make good as well as bad choices for blocking a simple scene. It pertains to sight

    lines. If the audience, as represented by the smiley faces, can see all the action, the

    audience's response is positive. If they can't see all the action, then they get "grumpy".

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    The user clicks through, making choices as to the route the actor should take from the

    doors to the couch.

    I made this graphic in two parts. The first is in the form of an animated slide show. I

    tried to time it so that everything can be read in a timely fashion. This can be read aloud

    by the instructor, or read silently by the students. I then created the interactive section,

    which is linked from the animation. The goal of using primary colors in this graphic was

    allow students to view this graphic from a distance, and to voice their choices to the

    teacher, while the teacher selects their choices. I wanted to make the buttons clear, so

    that routes to the different pages were easy to identify, and their purposes apparent.

    1.4 Learner Characteristics

    Learner characteristics are those facets of the learners experiential background that

    impact the effectiveness of a learning process, (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 32).

    I conducted a Learner Analysis for myEdTech 503 Instructional Design Project

    on Windows Movie Maker for the classroom. This was a guided investigation into the

    population to whom the Movie Maker lessons would be delivered and included entry

    behaviors/knowledge, prior knowledge, attitude, motivation, education, learning styles

    and group characteristics. Each of these areas were divided the sub topics of

    characteristics, implications and data sources. This was a comprehensive view of the

    target audience and allowed me to maintain that focus as I was creating the project. My

    target audience was middle school teachers. My instructional objective was to introduce

    teachers at my school to Windows Movie Maker as a tool for classroom instruction.

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    Movie Maker has been preinstalled on all computers in our district, and was simple to

    place on the desktops of our computer lab.

    According to the rationale on the IDP proposal, There are many uses for media

    in the classroom. Supplementing instruction with media can streamline the

    instructional process. Teachers regularly seek new approaches to content delivery. By

    introducing them to the use of Movie Maker, which is a free and commonly installed

    program in the Windows platform, teachers will gain the knowledge necessary to edit

    pre-selected digital video clips in order to enhance their classroom instruction.

    I used my brother, Joel Veatch, as my subject matter expert, as he has spent his

    life as a professional video producer and creator. It was an opportunity to work with

    him on a project for this program, and he proved to be an excellent resource.

    I sent out a survey to my colleagues at Gaiser Middle School to get an idea of

    what the interest in learning Movie Maker might be, and was interested to find that

    there were many interested parties. My angle was to propose to them how they could

    create a video to play for their students which include basic, beginning of the year rules

    and classroom expectations. Teachers expressed an interest in getting professional

    development in this area. Sadly, our professional development funds have been put on

    hold, so the possibility of going on with this teacher in-service is currently on hold.

    Standard 2: DEVELOPMENT

    Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional

    materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated


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    2.1 Print Technologies

    Print technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials, such as books and static

    visual materials, primarily through mechanical or photographic printing processes

    (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 37).

    Myonline course design project for EdTech 512gave me many opportunities to

    include print technologies in my course design. The project was entitled Introduction to

    Middle School Journalism. I took the opportunity to design an online course placed the

    content that I had been delivering for the past several years in to one place. I used

    Moodle to create this course. Included in each of the units were multiple documents for

    download by students for submission for grading. This web-based instructional unit has

    made it possible for me to allow students to work at their own pace in Journalism.

    Being a middle school elective, students move in and out of that class throughout the

    year due to mobility, intervention courses and AP course requirements. This results in a

    history of having to reteach the basics of journalism to each new incoming student. The

    WBI allowed me to have the opportunity to continue working with students on creating

    a newspaper while keeping the new students engaged in learning simultaneously.

    This project has turned into one of the most useful projects I had the pleasure to

    create during my EdTech career. I have used this WBI every year in the classroom since

    I developed it, and I have since passed it along to the new Journalism instructor. All the

    curriculum is mapped out in a systematic approach to the learning goals and the print

    technology allows the instructor to do regular formative assessments to ensure that

    students are gaining an understanding of the material before moving on to the next unit.

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    The end result of this project is to create a printed newspaper for publication, so this is

    the use of print technology at its best.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    I also used printed material in the development of my units onstage directions

    for EdTech 506.Among the printed material I developed for this course were a series of

    lesson plans to help guide the teacher.This artifact from lesson 1, demonstrates how

    these plans are to be used in the classroom. This is a hands-on experience for the

    students and the teacher, and does not allow the teacher to be standing near a desk and

    referring to digital copies of the information while instructing, so it is imperative that

    the teacher be able to move about the room with a hard copy of the lessons.

    In addition to the lesson plans, there are also handouts that accompany the

    lessons which serve the same purpose for the students. Students are to move about the

    room, work in small groupings while referring to scripts, outlining blocking. These

    artifacts are examples ofassessmentsfor blocking,open scenes (or scripts)for practice

    and assessment, and blocking lessons to assist students in plotting their blocking for

    theirfinal project.

    2.2 Audiovisual Technologies

    Audiovisual technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials by using mechanical

    devices or electronic machines to present auditory and visual messages (Seels & Richey,

    1994, p. 38). Audiovisual technologies are generally linear in nature, represent real and

    abstract ideas, and allow for learner interactivity dependent on teacher application.

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    I am quite proud of the artifacts that I produced for my Journalism course.

    Among these artifacts is the Journalismformatting lesson I created in EdTech 521, for

    students to begin the process of formatting their articles in preparation for uploading

    into InDesign, the program used at our school for publishing our school newspaper.

    This was the first time I created a voice over for a lesson, and, as with the material I

    created for my Introduction to Journalism Moodle course in EdTech 512. I have used

    this camtasia presentation every year since I created the lesson. It has allowed me to

    deliver information to each and every incoming student in my class while being able to

    continue the work of bringing the publication to completion without interruption. All of

    the expectations are outlined in this presentation, and it is available for review by

    students if they forget some of the main points presented in this presentation

    throughout the year. It is the little things, the details that get lost in the process of

    developing a publication for print in a middle school, and these details are contained in

    this presentation so there can be no confusion.

    I created this project by going creating a list of all of the formatting issues my

    editors face when receiving an article from their journalism peers. I culled past articles

    for examples and non examples, and created screen shots of each and loaded these into

    Fireworks. Fireworks allowed me to manipulate the images, blur out names, and draw

    arrows to highlight issues in each of the articles. I then created a powerpoint of the

    images and recorded a voice over for narration.

    The students are able to plug in their headsets and listen to the instruction while

    viewing the slide show. At the conclusion, they are tested with aninteractive quizfor

    mastery of the concepts delivered in this lesson.

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    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    In EdTech 513, I created a slide show for my Online Multimedia course. This

    lesson was created to help students to understand the essential principles in conducting

    aneffective interview for the school newspaper. This is a middle school Journalism

    lesson designed using multimedia and contiguity principles in order to teach students

    how to conduct a formal interview for the school newspaper. Text is used sparingly, and

    proximity of text to graphic support the speaker notes which accompany each slide.

    The concepts being addressed were the application of the multimedia and

    contiguity principles to instruction. According to Clark and Mayer, 2008, the

    multimedia principle is based upon the fact that, "People learn more deeply from words

    and graphics than from words alone." This lesson was a careful combination of this and

    the contiguity principle, according to Clark and Mayer, used the proximity principle

    between words and graphics demonstrating contiguity. "In multimedia presentations,

    printed words should be placed near the correlating graphic(s) in order to create a

    connection to the learner," (Clark and Mayer, 2008).

    2.3 Computer-Based Technologies

    Computer-based technologies are ways to produce or deliver materials using

    microprocessor-based resources (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 39).

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    Edtech 513 was a revelation of for creative output for me. Multimedia instruction

    was one of the key goals I wanted to explore upon entering the EdTech program at BSU.

    It was here that I was able to explore several computer based instructional strategies

    that I had not fully explored prior to taking this course. The first artifact that I present

    in support of this strand was theDigital Storytelling Project. As a teacher, I spend many

    hours working with students on becoming confident speakers. Students are regularly

    required to tell improvised theme-based autobiographical stories to the class. This

    project was an example of this.

    I had recently come across a box of photographs from my childhood. Not only

    did this project provide me with the opportunity to cull through many pictures from my

    childhood, but forced me to scan a portion of them for use in this project. I uploaded

    the pictures to Fireworks for editing and created a WMV of a story from my childhood.

    The images are timed to my narrative for a comprehensive delivery of the computer-

    based instructional model.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    The other piece of computer-based technology instruction is a podcast I created for

    EdTech 513 entitledTheatre for Educators. This particular podcast remains among

    my proudest products of my entire BSU career. Podcasting has been a passion of mine

    for many years, and I have been an avid consumer of this medium. Online Multimedia

    Instruction gave me the opportunity to create a podcast from beginning to end, and

    upload it to itunes. What happened during the creation of this podcast is somewhat of a

    performance mystery. My goal was to use the fundamental elements of theatre and

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    applying them to the teaching profession. This worked very well. I was able to

    seamlessly incorporate my philosophy as an educator into a model of instruction, the

    core of which I would like to spend more time investigating. Approaching teaching as

    an actor would his or her part is often an overlooked view of the profession, and yet, it is

    vital that we view ourselves as not only people who deliver instruction, and assist

    students in gaining the instructional goals, but we are cheerleaders, performers,

    responsible for making students think that they are important in not only our lives, but

    integral to the success of the class as a whole.

    I was inspired and excited about my final project for the podcasting portion of

    this course, and was able to share it with many colleagues. It has been a seminal work

    for me, and a guide for my goals as an educator.

    2.4 Integrated Technologies

    Integrated technologies are ways to produce and deliver materials which encompass

    several forms of media under the control of a computer (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 40).

    For this AECT strand, I would like to present my Moodle hosted EdTech 512

    Introduction to Middle School Journalism course. As I have mentioned before, this

    course has become one of the most utilized online Journalism courses in our school.

    For many years, teachers of this course have not had a complete curriculum to provide

    to students. My objective for this course was to bring all the materials that I have used

    to deliver instruction into one place. Students in this class work at varied ability levels

    and tend to work more independently, due to the publications schedule. This online

    course allows for this to occur. I have been able to leave this online course as a legacy to

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    future teachers of our middle school Journalism course in order to provide them with a

    comprehensive integrated WBI.

    Learners have control of their learning through this web-based instructional

    course. There are many opportunities for interactivity with the program through the use

    of printed material. There are links to virtual tours, online instruction through youtube

    and interactive lessons and quizzes. Students are led, through asynchronous learning

    environments, how to use our districts host server files, how to create powerpoint

    slides, how to utilize our InDesign program and how to prepare, brainstorm, interview

    and write an article for publication.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    The second artifact which I would like to present for this standard is myInstructional

    Design course for EdTech 506. This course utilizes many forms of integrated technology

    in order to achieve the learning goal of teaching students the essential elements of

    staging and blocking for a beginning Theatre course. Included in the visual design

    portion of this course are images which allow students to learn about different types of

    stages. This allows students to view various configurations of performance venues while

    learning the applicable vocabulary. I also created anadvanced organizerwhich provides

    students with a visual to help them to understand what the learning goals are for this

    course. Mystage directions advanced organizerhelps students to test themselves in

    viewing the stage as a place where directions can be communicated in written form.

    Using Fireworks and Dreamweaver, I was able to create this project as an interactive

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    web hosted unit complete with instructor lesson plans and printed materials for

    students to use while completing the tasks.

    Standard 3: UTILIZATION

    Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and

    resources for learning by applying principles and theories of media utilization, diffusion,

    implementation, and policy-making.

    3.1 Media Utilization

    Media utilization is the systematic use of resources for learning (Seels & Richey, 1994,

    p. 46).

    TheInstructional Design Project powerpoint I created for EdTech 503is an

    example of media utilization in a two-fold approach. First, the goal of this project was to

    teach instructors how to use Windows Movie Maker as an instructional tool in the

    classroom. The use of Movie Maker is an innovative yet rarely employed educational

    tool. Many educators shy away from such forms of advanced technology, but with this

    lesson plan, teachers can use and review the steps necessary to bring this application to

    their instruction. I employed the ADDIE process in creating this lesson as a visual aid

    in delivering this instruction.

    The systematic process I used to bring this lesson to my colleagues provided them

    with a clear model for practice and every day use. I have used this program as an

    instructional aide to my peers, and have had the opportunity to use it for my students in

    my Yearbook course. Students were required to create commercial advertisements for

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    yearbook sales. They were able to use this lesson to help them to upload their videos to

    Movie Maker in the classroom, which were edited in class and submitted to

    administration for approval for school wide dissemination. The commercials were

    played continuously on the school channel and assisted in yearbook sales for the spring

    of 2011. The project was so successful; I plan to repeat this lesson each year to help with

    yearbook sales.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    In addition to the IDP powerpoint for EdTech 503, I created a final project which

    demonstrates the fusion of all the elements delivered in the previous lesson. This

    project is a Movie Maker video entitled The Most Talented Men. I created this video

    by downloading creative commons video clips and music. It employs the use of many of

    the tools presented in the lesson including editing, fade, synching sound to video and

    transition. It was an opportunity for me to explore Movie Maker as a tool. Before I

    undertook this project, I had no experience with Movie Maker. I undertook this project

    as an opportunity to learn about a tool which I had much interest in, but had yet to have


    3.2 Diffusion of Innovations

    Diffusion of innovations is the process of communicating through planned strategies

    for the purpose of gaining adoption (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 46).

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    As part of my first course at BSU, EdTech 501, I created a blog which was

    designed to bring together my ideas about integrating technology into the classroom. As

    a part of this course, I was required to write aletter to the school boardregarding the

    use of technology in the classrooms of our district, and in particular Gaiser Middle

    School. I addressed several issues facing our population, not the least of which was the

    digital divide. Our population has a diverse range of students from many socio

    economic backgrounds, and while we are requiring students to become more familiar

    with technology in our classrooms, many have limited or no access to technology outside

    of the school environment. There are many factors that have led to this situation

    including school district mapping, which forces half of our population to be bussed long

    distances to and from the school.

    The state requirement that students have access to computer technology before

    or after school for at least five hours per week is an issue when it comes to the

    transportation situation our highest poverty population faces. Making the computers

    available is not enough when students are required to board their busses immediately

    after the bell rings, or arrive just minutes before the start of the school day. Many of

    these students do not have any other forms of transportation, due to economic difficulty

    and gas prices, so there needs to be an effort put into place which would bring

    technology to them, perhaps in a more satellite based approach, with computers made

    available to students regardless of their district location.

    3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization

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    Implementation is using instructional materials or strategies in real (not simulated)

    settings. Institutionalization is the continuing, routine use of the instructional

    innovation in the structure and culture of an organization (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 47).

    The Technology Use PlanI created for myTuttytech Blog in EdTech 501was an

    example of working toward a greater vision of technology use within the Vancouver

    school district. The goal was to bring awareness to the viewer of the timeline we are

    facing in our district and around the state for integrating technology into the classroom.

    I have found that, while there is a mandate state wide, that technology be integrated into

    all learning environments within the next year, there seems to be little movement in the

    regular classroom in that direction.

    Our district is spending money on bringing into the classroom, programs which

    support reading, math and writing, but there needs to be dissemination of the urgency

    with which each teacher must meet this goal. Imposing technology onto individual

    teachers without providing them with the rationale or the tools to comply is a disruption

    to teaching which is already being delivered effectively within the classroom.

    There is a need to help teachers to pull more of their instruction together via the

    web, rather than having a baby with the bathwater mentality. As I have experienced

    through this EdTech program, much of my instruction has benefitted from bringing

    material onto the web for use and adaptation to different curriculum with which I have

    been entrusted. Heightening awareness among educators who do not have a broader

    vision of the mandates that are moving their direction, might help to inspire them to

    utilize technology on a more regular basis within their classrooms without having to

    bring in entire programs designed to just meet the state mandates.

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    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    I would like to present myIntroduction to Middle School Journalismas an

    example of this strand of the AECT standards. This has been the most successful

    contribution I have made to our middle school curriculum and is currently being utilized

    by third party presenters to ensure successful delivery of this program. I am proud of

    this product and pleased with the positive results it has delivered to both students and

    instructors at our school.

    3.4 Policies and Regulations

    Policies and regulations are the rules and actions of society (or its surrogates) that

    affect the diffusion and use of Instructional Technology (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 47).

    For my final course in the MET program at BSU, I took Blogging in the

    Classroom, EdTech 597. In this course, I had to address multiple policies and

    regulations in order to justify the use of a blog as a classroom tool. I investigated the

    regulations which are restricting access to blogging and publications in order to draft a

    blog proposalto the administration of our school.

    There are many technology regulations in place in the Vancouver school district

    which are meant to prevent misuse of technology by students. These regulations have

    led to a filter which is often preventing access by students to learning tools which could

    benefit learning. TheCARB blog proposaloutlines the regulations, and addresses the

    ways in which the Community Arts Resource Blog could be not only an effective

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    instructional tool for my students, but a resource for families to access free and

    inexpensive arts opportunities in our community.

    Student privacy is an important factor when creating an online web resource.

    The goal was to give students access to post on this blog. A teacher managed blog, with

    pseudonyms created for each user, was designed to maintain student privacy while

    allowing them the opportunity to participate in the blog. Parent signed photo release

    permission slips would be required for any images uploaded to the blog that included

    images of individual students. Access to the blog would be outside of the school day,

    and students would be required to submit electronic copies of their posts to be uploaded

    to the blog by the instructor outside of the work day.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    EdTech 521 provided me with the opportunity to create a Camtasia power point

    ofclass expectations for online communication. This was a guide for students in online

    netiquette. This is an audio and visual narrative providing students with the outline for

    standards when posting, responding and reviewing online content. Creating a

    supportive climate for a virtual classroom is essential to the success of a group. One of

    the keys to this is to have a common set of rules which we must all follow when

    communicating and collaborating with each other.

    Standard 4: MANAGEMENT

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    Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to plan, organize,

    coordinate, and supervise instructional technology by applying principles of project,

    resource, delivery system, and information management.

    4.1 Project Management

    Project management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling instructional

    design and development projects (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 50).

    The analysis that went into the creation of my EdTech 512 Introduction to Online

    Journalism represents this strand. There were multiple steps that went into creating my

    web-based instructional proposal. I had the task of creating adesign documentthat

    represented the steps for the planning, monitoring, and controlling instructional

    design. The design document began with a problem analysis of the WBI. While

    researching the state Journalism standards, I discovered a lack of an aligned curriculum

    for middle school Journalism students.

    The document then explores the target audience for curriculum delivery. My

    curriculum is geared toward middle school, grades 7-8. The analysis revealed a 55%

    poverty rate at Gaiser, where the course is currently being taught, with a 71% Caucasian

    population. An evaluation of the course which explored the effectiveness, appeal and

    efficiency of the goals, content, technology and message design of the program was

    conducted and published in the document. Reviews of the timelines for

    implementation, formative and summative evaluations were explored in this design

    document as well.

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    I found this aspect of the development of my WBI to be very challenging.

    Researching, assessing, and conducting a systematic analysis of this project was, at first,

    a daunting task, but the end result of the WBI has proven to be by far my best work in

    this program, and I lay much of its success not only at the feet of my instructor, but

    because of the extensive analysis that went into the creation of this document.

    4.2 Resource Management

    Resource management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling resource

    support systems and services (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 51).

    In Edtech 512, as I created my Introduction to Middle School Journalism WBI, I

    created aformative and summative evaluationplan which explored the timeline for

    implementation and review of the WBI. The goal for this document was to outline a

    short and a long term vision for the implementation and evaluation of this program.

    Since the creation of this WBI, the course has been field tested and assessment data has

    been gathered for formative evaluation purposes. This data has been shared with

    administration, and the program has continued. It is now being reviewed for a second

    year, and reviewed throughout this year, with a summative evaluation to be delivered to

    me by the current instructor for continued review.

    The actual timeline for review has been moved up, as staffing issues at our school

    demanded that the curriculum be delivered on to another instructor a year prior to the

    plans timeline. This does not affect the quality of the review process,and will, in fact,

    allow for an earlier and more realistic formative assessment this year, rather than next.

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    4.3 Delivery System Management

    Delivery system management involves planning, monitoring and controlling the

    method by which distribution of instructional materials is organized . . . [It is] a

    combination of medium and method of usage that is employed to present instructional

    information to a learner (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 51).

    In addition to the formative and summative evaluation plan presented above, I

    would also like to present theLearning Task MapI created in EdTech 512. This graphic

    is an organized look at the flow of each of the WBI goals for Introduction to Journalism.

    It allows for the instructor to view the course as a whole, and gives him or her the

    chance to review the process at each learning point, and move in an organized and

    reflective, or systematic pace through the WBI. The current instructor has a copy of this

    LTM and has forwarded it on to administration for his scope and sequence for the


    I created this LTM on Fireworks. IT was another opportunity to use this program

    in consort with Dreamweaver. I have found, with each use of Fireworks, that the uses

    for this program are giving me more fluency in publishing my work, and as a result,

    becoming an even more constant and key component when creating graphics to be used


    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    TheWBI Strategy WorksheetI created in EdTech 512, also was an attempt to

    plan, monitor and control the method by which distribution of instructional materials is

    organized. This document had several parts, including orientation to learning,

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    instruction on the content , measurement of learning and motivational strategies with

    detailed instructional strategies for each unit of instruction presented. Within each of

    these units, there were sub-domains including which forced an examination of the

    objectives and analysis of the learning clusters from a different angle each time the WBI

    was examined. For example, the orientation to learning analysis included an overview

    of the instruction, objectives and desired performance outcomes, relevance, recall

    activities and lesson openers and navigation. Each of the units was examined and

    analyzed for effectiveness and delivery management in multiple ways.

    In the same EdTech course, EdTech 512, I was able to explore this strand while

    creating mymessage and visual design document for Introduction to Middle School

    Journalism. In this document, the course is laid out by instructional content delivery

    dates. Design elements such as text, graphical, media, balance and harmony were

    explored through application ideas within the lessons.

    4.4 Information Management

    Information management involves planning, monitoring, and controlling the storage,

    transfer, or processing of information in order to provide resources for learning (Seels

    & Richey, 1994, p. 51). Information is available in many formats and candidates must be

    able to access and utilize a variety of information sources for their professional benefit

    and the benefit of their future learners.

    In creating my Tuttytech Blog for EdTech 501, I was able to explore some of the

    trends in online education through theNational Educational Technology Trends Study

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    State Strategies Report, Us Department of Education, Vol. 1, 2005. In this report, I

    explored some of the requirements that are being put into place for both student 8th

    grade technology proficiency as well as proficiency standards for educators. I explained

    some of the universal technology that has been put in place through the use of our

    online data management system, Skyward, which allows access by students, educators

    and parents to relevant student data such as grades, standardized test scores and

    attendance. I included several relevant links includingLearning.com,Washington State

    Tiers of 8th Grade Technology Literacy IndicatorsandTechnology Integration on the

    OSPI website.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    For EdTech 505, I created anInternet Websites Projectwherein I was able to locate and

    review twelve websites for use by educators in meeting technology standards. The

    document I created was intended as a resource for educators to locate evaluative

    resources in beginning program evaluations. Evaluating learning programs is an

    exhaustive and systematic process, and providing professionals with the resources

    necessary to begin conducting a review is essential.

    Standard 5: EVALUATION

    Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to evaluate the adequacy of

    instruction and learning by applying principles of problem analysis, criterion-referenced

    measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and long-range planning.

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    5.1 Problem Analysis

    Problem analysis involves determining the nature and parameters of the problem by

    using information-gathering and decision-making strategies (Seels & Richey, 1994, p.


    In creating my design document for EdTech 512, I undertook aproblem analysis

    for Introduction to Middle School Journalism. The essential problem that faces

    teachers of middle school Journalism is that there are no state standards for middle

    school in Journalism. This has resulted in a lack of aligned resources for middle school

    educators faced with the problem of teaching this content. Standards for Washington

    State are for grades 9 and 10.

    The document was created to explain the situation facing these educators, and

    then place the particular WBI in context, (ie: middle school students, Vancouver

    schools). I also explored the audience to whom the WBI would be introduced by

    researching the current student population, the course requirements and the standards

    that students must have attained in order to participate in the course.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    EdTech 505 required that I do a program analysis and create anExecutive

    Summaryof that analysis. Theatre educators from the Vancouver School District

    formed a district sponsored Professional Learning Community (PLC) in order to review

    and make recommendations to the district regarding the Washington State Theatre

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    Learning Standards and the Classroom Based Performance assessment data from the

    2008-2009 school year. The goals for this project were designed to provide educators

    with district level curricular alignment in the Theatre Arts and to begin a process of

    identifying Power Standards through which educators could assure that these essential

    goals were being met within each of the classrooms during the academic year. After

    viewing the data, the group drafted consensus recommendations regarding 2010

    assessment tools.

    This evaluation was conducted to monitor the progress of the formation of the

    PLC and the effectiveness of the collaboration in meeting the goals set forth by the

    district as stated above. The program was designed to assess the process of evaluating

    the data given to the attendees and the conclusions the PLC drew as a result of these


    The process of this evaluation occurred in three phases. The initial evaluation

    took place during a break out session in September of 2009, prior to the beginning of

    the school year. The attendees consisted of the newly defined Theatre PLC, which had

    been previously known as the Theatre Cadre. During this session, members were asked

    their opinions about the current draft of the Theatre Standards and their confidence in

    being able to meet all the Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) outlined

    in the document.

    After the break out session in which teachers defined Power Standards for the

    Theatre EALRs for Vancouver School District, a confidence assessment was made

    regarding the document and its adaptability to the classroom through the

    implementation of the Power Standards approach to curricular alignment.

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    The final assessment was conducted in December of 2009, at a second Theatre

    PLC meeting. The Power Standards for EALR 1 that had been defined at the September

    meeting were compiled into a single document for review by the PLC team.

    Each assessment established a consensus of dissatisfaction with the existing

    Theatre Standards. The formation of the PLC team was initially met with skepticism

    among the cadre members, but has, with district support, become an acceptable and

    appreciated format for establishing curricular alignment. Ongoing district sponsored

    PLC planning time has increased the satisfaction levels of its members since the original

    meeting in September of 2009. While the lack of confidence in the state Theatre

    Standards has remained consistent though the entire evaluation period, the Power

    Standards approach has provided most of the educators with a satisfactory work

    around to working with a flawed document.

    5.2 Criterion-Referenced Measurement

    Criterion-referenced measurement involves techniques for determining learner

    mastery of pre-specified content (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 56).

    While I have multiple artifacts to demonstrate achievement of this standard, the

    artifacts I would like to present for this portfolio are both from EdTech 506. The first

    artifact is a project from my unit on Staging for the Theatre calledLights Up. This was

    a project that I created in order to help students to test themselves in stage directions.

    Using an image of a stage, I utilized the masking feature in Fireworks to reveal different

    sections of the stage as the user manipulates a simulated dimmer switch on the bottom

    of the page.

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    This was a complicated integration of fireworks applications into my lesson and

    utilized many features which had been presented during the coursework. It allows for

    students to explore and gain a better understanding of the correspondence between the

    stage, the audience and the technical lighting aspects of theatrical work. Once the

    students have mastered this content, they are ready to move on to create their final

    blocking project for the unit.

    I have successfully used this graphic several times in the classroom. This allows

    me to bring more practical elements of theatre design into the classroom without having

    the tools to demonstrate, such as a lighting board, lights, stage etc.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

    I also created a project entitledHow do I move around the stage?for EdTech

    506. This was also designed to allow an interactive, criterion based exercise to assist

    students in gaining an understanding of the corresponding written language of blocking

    for the theatre. Students are to click on an abbreviated stage direction, designed for

    script notation, and they view the corresponding graphic which executes the given


    I also created this as an animated project using Fireworks. The character was a

    simple shape generated stick figure which moved from center stage to the area of the

    stage indicated. When he arrives at his destination, he makes a little celebratory move.

    Students in my Theatre classes have enjoyed this exercise, and it has given them a

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    simple, interactive game which has greatly assisted them in understanding the parts of

    the stage.

    5.3 Formative and Summative Evaluation

    Formative evaluation involves gathering information on adequacy and using this

    information as a basis for further development. Summative evaluation involves

    gathering information on adequacy and using this information to make decisions about

    utilization (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 57).

    The portion of the design document that I created for EdTech 512 that I would

    like to present as an artifact for this strand is calledThe Evaluation of Introduction to

    Middle School Journalism. This portion of the document is an assessment and a

    timeline for assessment of the WBI. It delves into the evaluative criteria to be used, the

    stakeholders and the essential questions that must be asked as the information

    gathering process is taking place. This document also outlines the Methods and the

    tools to be used during this process.

    I have submitted this design document to our administration for approval, and it

    is currently being evaluated by the subject matter experts and the primary stakeholders

    named in the document.

    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

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    Again, I present myExecutive Summary for the Vancouver School Districts

    Theatre Arts Professional Learning Communityas an artifact for the formative and

    summative evaluation strand. In this document, the ongoing analysis, and the tools

    used to gather them were presented along with the summative analysis of the Arts PLC.

    This document was submitted to the district and the findings have assisted with the

    ongoing PLC objectives for VSD.

    5.4 Long-Range Planning

    Long-range planning that focuses on the organization as a whole is strategic

    planning....Long-range is usually defined as a future period of about three to five years

    or longer. During strategic planning, managers are trying to decide in the present what

    must be done to ensure organizational success in the future. (Certo et al., 1990, p. 168).

    One of the artifacts that demonstrate some long range planning was myblog

    proposalfor EdTech 597. This proposal was written to address a need for more access

    to the arts in our community. I created this blog as an attempt to create a resource for

    students and their families to access free and inexpensive arts activities in the

    Vancouver area. The proposal outlines the timelines for implementation in the

    classroom as well as the various uses to the arts educators in our school. It is a practical

    look at the uses for the blog as a classroom tool and a community resource for the


    Additional Artifacts which Support this Strand

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    TheTech Use PlanI developed for EdTech 501 outlined the long term

    implementation plan for VSD to comply with the state mandated technology integration

    timeline. I developed this slide show as a visual to be presented to staff in order to

    understand the timelines that are required for this implementation and the technology

    integration standards to which our district is being held.

    I also created anEvaluation of Determining Instructional Purposes Proposalin

    the course of creating my evaluation report for the VSD Theatre Arts Cadre. Although

    this was a hypothetical proposal, it allowed me to visualize the process by which a

    professional review process would be proposed, and the methods by which the

    implementation of this assessment would be created. I was also required to a budget for

    each of the members of the team, and a timeline for the information to be gathered and

    the tools to be used in such a situation.

    Write a brief conclusion. You might discuss some important things you have learned

    that are reflected in the selected artifacts. You could even discuss plans for the future.

    How has this made you a better teacher/trainer/educator?


    Include at least three or four references in APA format. Cite each reference in your paper

    so that there is agreement between citations and references.rds


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