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  • t h e r a w h a h

    s h a b a n - r a m a d a n 1434j u l y - a u g u s t 2013

  • 3t h e r a w h a h

    The centre-piece of the Dawrah is the Rawah. The word rawah linguistically is

    applied to an excursion at any time from midday until nightfall, as in the hadith narrated

    by al-Bukhr and Muslim: An excursion in the morning (ghadwah) or an excursion

    in the latter part of the day (rawah) in the path of Allah is better than this world and

    everything it contains. The word also has a connection to the r, the spirit. The

    scholars of aramawt traditionally used the name rawah for the lessons they would

    give after Ar in which they would focus upon teaching the sciences of the heart and

    reading the books of the Imams of Taawwuf. Imm al-addd says in his Adb Sulk

    al-Murd (translated as Good Manners): The time following the Ar prayer, if kept

    alive, has a powerful affect in attracting provision for the heart.

    In this years Dawrah, abb Umar bin af (may Allah preserve him and benefit us

    by him) continues the commentary which he began four years ago on Qt al-Qulb,

    Imm Ab lib al-Makks foundational work in the science of Taawwuf. He will

    also comment on a poem by Imm Ab Bakr al-Adan. Using the book and the poem,

    Habib Umar lays out the foundations which every seeker needs on the path to Allah.

    He emphasises the importance of sincerity in seeking spiritual process during these

    lessons and often repeats that by reading the words of these great scholars we are in

    fact sitting in their presence.

    The gathering is usually rounded off with the recitation of some of the poetry of the

    great Imams of the Path, and then with the poetic supplication mentioned in these

    pages. Those attending the session then shake hands with the Shaykh and with each

    other, physically reinforcing the bonds that have been established during the gathering.

    What follows is a brief biography of Imm al-Adan, followed by a rough translation of

    his poem, along with the Arabic text.

  • 5i m a m a l - a d a n i

    Imm Ab Bakr al-Adan is a descendant of some of the great B Alaw Imms, from his

    father, Imm Abdullh al-Aydars, to his great-grandfather, Shaykh Abd al-Ramn

    al-Saqqf, to the Shaykh of the B Alaw Path, al-Faqh al-Muqaddam. His lineage then

    goes back to al-Imm al-Muhjir il-Allh Amad bin s, to Imm al-usayn, the son

    of Imm Al and Fimah al-Zahr, the daughter of our Master Muammad, the Seal

    of the Prophets r.

    He was born in Tarm in 851 (1447). His father, Imm al-Aydars, took care of his

    upbringing and spiritual progress, along with his uncle, Shaykh Al bin Ab Bakr al-

    Sakrn and Shaykh Sad bin Al Madaj. He memorised the Qurn and mastered the

    Islamic sciences while still in his youth, which led his father to appoint him as a shaykh

    of the inward and outward sciences at the age of 14. From then on his life was spent

    teaching and calling to Allah.

    In 889, he took up residence in the port of Aden, built a mosque and began to teach.

    Students from far and wide came to learn from him and the religious life of Aden

    flourished. He had great concern for the common people, especially those not on the

    straight path. He said: If I see a believer who Allah has given the ability to perform

    that which is incumbent upon him and to avoid enormities then I am content. What

    troubles me is when I see a believer who has fallen into disobedience of Allah and into

    the traps of the Devil, so I expend my efforts to save him.

    He was famous for his noble character and immense generosity, which led him to

    accumulate great debts in order to help the needy. One of his companions rebuked him

    for accumulating these debts, to which he retorted: Do not come between me and my

    Lord, for I have only spent this money seeking His pleasure, and He has promised me

    that He will pay back these debts before I leave this life. Every year he set aside money

    for students of knowledge and visitors and contributed to many charitable projects,

    such as the repair of the mosques of Tarm and the construction of drainage channels

    to prevent flooding in Aden and several areas of aramawt.

  • 6His Dwn of poetry and the letters are filled with wisdom and guidance. To this day, his

    poems are often recited in gatherings of knowledge and remembrance. He counselled

    people to have a good opinion of Allah, which he called the greatest treasure and

    Allahs greatest name, and to have a good opinion of Allahs slaves. He said: The

    one who has a good opinion of someone will not lose out even if his opinion proves

    to be wrong; the one who has a bad opinion of someone will not benefit even if his

    opinion proves to be correct.

    He remained in Aden until his death in 914 (1508), and thus became known as al-

    Adan. He was buried next to the mosque which he established. The sultan of the time

    erected a great dome over his grave and built a school next to the mosque, Rib al-

    Aydars. The Rib continues to flourish to this day, under the directorship of abb

    Ab Bakr al-Adan bin Al al-Mashhr (may Allah preserve him), who has also greatly

    revived the annual visit in Rab al-Thn.

  • 7t h e p o e m

    1. Whoever does not restrain himself from his lowly caprice will taste abasement

    2. If someone lowers himself, his aspiration will be low, even if he is as lofty as

    the full moon

    3. Every wound can be treated except, my son, wounds caused by the tongue

    4. Be gentle in all your affairs, for gentleness makes all things beautiful

    5. It is only two things which cause the foolish person all suffering:

  • 8

    6. Greed and entering that which does not concern him, so beware, O man!

    7. Be patient and steadfast in all your affairs, for the patient one receives assistance

    in the end

    8. Do not go against your time for it will overcome you, but rather walk with it and

    time will walk with you

    9. Do not be attached to your homeland; wherever your honour is this is your


    10. True wealth can all be found in taqw everything other than taqw will perish

  • 9

    11. Through taqw, my son, you will attain safety in this life and the next

    12. Let not you sins cause you to despair and maintain a good opinion of your Lord

    at all times

    13. Always follow up a bad deed with a good deed and seek His assistance, for He

    is the source of assistance

    14. Do not desire from Allah something which is unobtainable asking Him for

    infallibility is madness

    15. As long as you live you are destined to struggle, so let your certainty be stronga

    and your heart firm

  • 10

    16. If your certainty in Him is correct then He will protect you, and whatever He

    wishes will be

    17. If you are someone of certainty the foundation of your taawwuf will be firm

    and manifest

    18. The secrets of the unseen will become clear in your heart and mere information

    will become visible

    19. It is inappropriate to say any more after this this is a good place to hold onto the reins

    20. May Allah bestow the most complete and perfect prayers and peace upon the Prophet.

  • 11

    h a h w a r e h t f o d n e e h t t a r e y a r pt y a m u s n i b r a m u n i b d a m h a b i b a h y b

  • 12

    O Lord, benefit us by that which You have taught us

    O Lord. teach us that which benefits us

    O Lord, give us, our families and our relatives

    And the people of the region male and female

    Understanding in our religion

    O Lord give us and them the enabling grace to do and say

    What pleases You out of Your generosity

    And give all of us lawful provision always

    And give us God-fearing knowledgeable companions

    Grace us with goodness and protect us from all evil

    Our Lord, rectify all our affairs

    And grant us the joy of Your pleasure

    And settle all our debts

    Before the Angel of Death and his helpers come to us

    And forgive and conceal our faults, O Most Generous of Concealers!

    And may the blessings of Allah cover the Chosen One

    The one who called us to the truth and good faith

    With a Book in which there is healing for people

    And may His blessings cover his honoured and noble family

    And the Companions, the shining torches

    O Allah grant us Your guidance

    And make us amongst those who hasten to seek Your pleasure

    And do not entrust us to a guardian other than You

    And do not make us amongst those who disobey Your commands.

    Peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad and upon his Family and

    Companions. All praise is due to Allah Lord of the Worlds.

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    h a h w a r e h t f o d n e e h t t a r e y a r pr i h a t n i b n y a s u h n i b h a l l u d b a b i b a h y b

  • 14

    O Lord, we admit that we have committed sins

    And that we have exceeded the bounds

    (Such that) we are on the brink of a blazing fire

    So turn to us with a repentance

    That washes away every wrongdoing

    And conceal our faults

    And calm our fears

    And forgive our parents and our children

    And our family, our brothers and all our friends

    And all those we love and our neighbours and companions

    And all the Muslims

    mn! O Lord, hear our petition!

    Out of Your grace, Your generosity and Your favour

    Not because of our own actions

    Through the Messenger, the Chosen One

    Bless us with all we ask for

    My Lord, bestow peace and blessings upon him

    To the number of every grain

    And upon his Family and Companions

    As much as rain falls from the clouds

    And all thanks and praise be to Allah

    In the beginning and the end.

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