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    I VIPIRT posts welcome new faces, but; nwnbers down / I 5

    ols om th state b d i n g

    Page 8

    C A L "ITY 0 CHRONICLE Sandusky man killed in weekend accident A Siinilnc C k u n t y man W M

    killed a n c l ii Cass City m;in sullcrccl minor injuries in ;I Ii-iiftjc uccidcnt carly Satur- day niorning i n Marlcttc. Marlcttc I'olicc C.'hicl'Stcvc

    Sc1i:iirb idcnti t'icd ttic victim :is Corcy Witliani Suhult/,, 2 1 , 0 1 ' Sandusky.

    ?'tic accidcnt occurred at about 4:30 x i n . o n M-53 in [tic city of Marlcttc. Schaub s ;i i d S c ti i i I t z was d I i v i n g southbound i n ;I 2000 Foi-d F250 pickup truck when tic crossed thc ccntcrlanc and c ( ) I I i ilccl w i t ti it ti or t h bc u n d tractor trailer clrivcn by Mark S. Kawccki, 35, Cass City.

    Schult/. WAS pinned i n his vcliiclc and was cxtriciitcd with the Jaws 0 1 ' Lili..

    Schiiub, who iilso scrvcs ;IS ;I spec-ial riicdical cxaliiincr.

    tlic sccnc. H e said t t i i i1 Scl1ult/., who was not wc;ll-- ing ;I scatbclt, sul'lircd scvcrc t icad i 1i.j u t i cs.

    Knwccki wiis wcaring ii scatbclt. Hc was trciitcd for i i i i n ( ) r i 1i.j u r i cs at M ai - I c t t c C . ' o m ti1 11 n i I y H o s 1' i t 11 I a n c l tlicn rclcascd. Ilis vchiclc, which was Ic:iscd to Bet/. 'I 'ruc k i 11 g. K ( mi u I u s , cii ti g h I l'i re ;in cl was dc st 1-0 y ctl .

    Marlcttc policc wcrc ;is- sistcd ;it tl-ic sccnc by the Sa- niliic C'ounty Shcri1'l''s De- pari I 11 c n t , Marl c t I c 1 :i re De -

    M i ch i pi n S t i i lc Pr ) I ic*c M ot )r C'iir r ic r 1) i v i si on.

    p rol l () 11 I1 ccd s c ti u I t L clc ad ;it

    l>iiIAtlilc11t. Miirlcttc t iMS iiiiLl

    I1"S HOT outside, but that docsn't stop these kids from play- ing. Above on the teeter-totter are 5 year-old Mariah Skinner (right) and an unidentified child. Below, getting a quick drink, is 7 year-old Josh Jensen.

    Deadline extended to Sept. 30

    Business as usual

    TI Automotive officials, Smiths approve demerger

    Aftcr months of' ncgotia- tions. TI Automotive ofticinls have complcted a dcal that will enable TI exccutivcs to manage thc company. which i n c I ud e s Wa I brr ) o pc r;i t i ( ) n s in Cass City and Caro.

    Of'licials said the dcal will n o t al'fcct the coiiipany's Thumb operations. Currently ranked among the

    world's top SO largest auto suppliers. TI Autoinotivc is i i $2.4 billion supplier to the a u t o industry and is the lead- ing provider of' lluid transfer, sloragc a n d dclivcry systems with ;I global inarket share o f

    Thc coiiipmy, which L'JII- ployccs inore than 20,000 pcople, provides fucl sys- tems, brake and fuel bundles, and powcrtrain and air con- di t ioning systems t o thc world 's leading vchiclc manufacturers. In addition, TI .4utomotivc provides complete fuel carrying sys- terns capability for the world- wide rcfrigcration industry (Bundy Refrigcration) and c n g i ne n i ;i n ag c me n t sq s t c i n s to the small cnginc ~iiarkcr (Wal bro Enginc hlanagc- men t ) . 'TI Automotivc had been

    part ol'TI Group, ;I UK-based conglomerate acquired by Smiths Group last year. Thc new company includes wcll- known autoniotivc supplier husi nesscs , including Walbro, Bundy and Vari- Form, with 150 facilities i n

    20 pcrccnl.

    Pool project still breathing 'rhc Cass City Indoor Pool

    1'ro.ject has takcn o n new Iil'c. As 01. July I I the plcdgcs f o r

    thc projcct toppcd ri; I million. which prompted the coniiiiit- ICC f o r the pro.jcct to dividc the projcct into 2 phxscs. 'I'hc coniinitlcc will 1.ociis on riiis- ing plcdgcs I'or the building ot'thc pool lirst iind will coii- sidcr building the atlilctic roo111 addition iit'tcr the pool i.; coniplctcd. This will bring

    to $ I .2 inillion. "'I 'ti i s 1 ( ) w c rccl c*ost, c*oup Icd

    \v i t ti ; i n c xtc ndcd t'u nd 1 - i s i n y deadline ol' Scpt. 30. ~i iakcs the scopc ot'ihc pro.jcc*t iiiucli ~i iorc realist ic," Coniiiiittcc ('hairinan Ed f'ox said.

    'I'hc SLIC'ccst; 0 1 ' the Indoor P o 0 I Pr0.j e e l de pc lid s on pledges from thc coriiriiunity. S o I'ar the iii:i.iority 0 1 ' the l'u n d s p I c d g c cl ti ;i vc c* o I I i c

    1hc cost of. 1hc pro.;cc1 d O ~ Y I 1

    I'roril ;in ;Ill on y 111 011 s don 01 . . 'J'hc d o n o r I i i i S p1cdguIi $500 ,000 to he dispct.scci over 5 years.

    'I'hc Pinncy Foundation I i x

    clispcrscd ovci- 5 ycii1-5. 'I'hc r-ciiiaindcr 0 1 . thc pledges 1i;ivc C O I W froiii loc;il busi- ne xsc s. c I u b s , 1 ; i m i I IC's ;inti a l i r r i i i i i 01' C'LISS City High scllool.

    While tlic Plcdgc C'oiiimit- tcc 1I)rttic pro-jcct is still scch- i n g don ;it i ( s t'ro iil ( ) i i I s i d c soiii-~~cs. i I w i I I (le pc n c l I i w ~ c 1 y

    111 ir n i I y . 'Ilic decision to di\,idc 11ic

    I n d o o r Pool 1'ro.icct i n t o 2

    drive rcachcd thc SI inilliori niar-k. 'I'hc pool will cos^ $ 1 .2 mi I I ion to bu i Id, w ti i IC tlic iitlilctic r o o i i i ;iddition will c ( )SI $3 O( ) ,( 1.

    By making the building ot- tho I.;icility ;i 2-pli;rx pro,jcct. the initial c o s t is I O W C I ~ ~ C I f - r o i i i .X 1 .7 million to !b I . 2 rii i I1 i on. ?'ti i s I owe rc d cost rnakcs the s u c c c s s 0 1 ' t he pr 0-j cc t 111 ore ac ti i ova t> I c w i I ti only $200,000 to 1-aisc by

    ills0 plcdgcd !$2s0,000 to he

    11pon sllpporl t 'ro l l i the c0111-

    ph~iscs c;iliic M'tlc l l thc plcdp-

    close IO our 2o:iI. We just

    us ~licrc." F o x said.

    Pool Pro,jcct is t o hi-ing twii- cl'irs to tlic coriiri\iiniiy. A c.oiiiriiunity indooi- pool pi-o- vidcs ;I place t'ot- y o u t h ;IL.- rivity. I t crciitcs ;in altcrna- tivc cxcrcisc optioii yc;ir

    nccd th~lt uxtl.a push to gct

    'I'lic pLlrposc Of rhc Indool-

    I - ( )11 I1 II , pn 1111 or cs t tic hca I 1 I1

    and wcllness ol'thc coiiiiiiu- nity, and makes i t posxihlc to ot'lcr classcs such ;is IllC- guard training, scuh;i diving. water acrohics ; i n d \wini- 1 1 1 ing classcs. A coiii1i1uii i t > indoor pool also riiiscs pi-017- crty v:ilucs.

    The pool is guarantccd to be open to the ctmiiiiunity at

    Please turn to hack page.

    29 countries around the wol-ld. Wnlhro was x-cliriixd by TI

    Group in Junc 1999. When Smiths Group x-

    quir-ed TI Group. company officials planned all along to scll thc automotive portion of the congloineratc. However. several months latcr, thc company still hnd n o t rc- ceivcci what i t considered to bc ;I reasonable ofl'cr, accord- ing to Laura Olivcto o f A ut o C' o I I 1 Ass ( ) c i at i on s , TI A ut o 111 o I i vc ' s p u b I i c re I a - tions l'irm.

    "At that point, thcy hung onto the autoniotivc division, but Ict i t bc known that they want out," Olivcto said. "Thcrc was no way ttic man-

    agement at TI was going to I c t (the corn pan y ) 1 ang u i sh ," she added. "Basically what they did was what would otli- erwisc bc callcd a buyout - they ' rc cal l ing i t ;I 'dc- nicrgcr'. The riiaxrycincnt tcmi has basically bought i t and what they'rc going t o do i x inanage the conipany."

    'T'hc ncw coiiipariy. 'I'I Au- to i i iot ivc Liriiitcd. is ;I pub- licly held firm owned by the Smiths Group ( 19.9 pcrccnt), fornicr T I Group sh;irchold- u s ( 5 s . I percent) and '1'1 Au- t om o t i ve rn anagcrric n t (25 percent).

    "This is happening way. way. wny at the top, and it's sornethrng really good I'or the shop floor - thc plant cmploy- ecs," Olivcto said. "Tho folks w h o now own TI arc thc puople who care the most about TI. This is nothing but gcmd for everyone involvcd."

    Bill Laulc, 1'1 Autoriiotivc's recently appointed CEO, said thc company plans to cstab- lish its global hcadquartcrs i n thc Detroit area latcr this ycar.

    "Detroit is thc honic f'or inany of our OEM and Tier One automotive customers." he said. "It continues to be ttiu focal point for o u r global p r ( )d u c t - and bu s i n c s s - d e vc I - opiiicnt initiatives." L;iulc was namcd CEO of'TI

    A u toi i i o t i vc 1'0 I I ow i n g t he c om pan y 's s p i n - o 1'1' f r o m Smiths in carly July. WcII-

    known within the industry, tic had hccn CEO ot' T I Group and has held senior positions in Detroit with Rockwcll I n - tcrnational and Bundy.

    "Our sonior- ~iian:ige~~icn t tcain has more than 200 years o 1' uoi i i b i ned a u t onio t i ve e x - pcricncc," Laulc said. "We havc ;I clear business focus, ;I f i r in commitnicnt to cus- tomer service and quality, a n d apgrcssivc plans io strengthen our rnarkct-lead- in:: position in valuc-addecl I'ucl, brake and air condition- ing systeiris."

    1,aule announced the fol- I ( ) w i ti g sen i or nian age men t a p pc )i n t m c n 1s :

    .Jim Davis - prcsidcnt, North A nic r i ca 0 pc ra t ion s . Davis joined the TI Group in 1997. He previously had scrvcd ;is presidcnt of Gla- c i c I-= Vandci-vc I I , a cl i v is i on of' TKrN plc, and ;ilso tins lie I d sc n i o r m ii n age i i i c n I posit ions w i I h Fcdcr;il -M o-

    *Walter Serer - prcsidcnt. Lat in A iiic r i c ;i n 0 p'c rii t i I )n s. Surer joined Bundy i n I993


    a x \'ice prcsiclcnt ot' l'inancc- Bundy Latin Aiiierica, and bccanic prcsidcnt of I3undy I a t i n Am c I i c ii- A u t o ni o t i vc i n 1998.

    *Tony Martin - I>r-csiiclcnt. Asia Pac i t'ic Ope riit i ons. Martin had been with the TI Group since 1984. Iiolding sc vc ral sc n i or I'i n an c i ii I iin cl international opcratioris po-

    si .H~waJd t ions. 1)uxhtil-y ~ 1ii;i1i- ;ig i n g d i rcc t 01- o f EU ropc;iii Opera t i on s. h i o r to j o i n i iig the T I Group Aiitoniotii,c S y s t e m s i n IO90. lie wiis president of' f


    Holbrook Area News Mrs. Thelma Jackson

    Phone 658-2347

    homecoming s ch ed u I ed

    bv Melva E. Guinther

    Summer 7 . reading Wmdic Galvan and

    Bill Profit I1 b * picnic set

    De e ring , Ma u re r exchange vows

    Vu c n t io 11 Bible sclzool plans set

    Queen 1 .

    Aug. 6 The 2001 H u r o n County

    Bean Queen Contest is un- derway. Candidates ;ire hc- ing sought tv compctc t'or thc titlc "2001 Huron County Bean Queen."

    I!' you are singlc. hctwccn thc ages o f I 7 and 25 (as of' Scpt. I , 2001 ), and arc thc daughter of. a Huron County bean grower, who has grown d r y hcans within the last 5 ycars, you arc cligihlc f o r this contcst. This contest is suppot-tcd hy

    thc Huron County R c a n Grow c rs ' As soc i at i on ;in d Huron County clcvators. All eligible woiiit'n are urgcd to partic iparc. Judging wi 11 take place Monday, July 30 , at IJhly Heights Country Club and the crowning will fakt7 place Monday. Aug. 6, at the H 11 r(! n C om 11 I u n i t y Fa i I .

    The Huron County Bean Quccn will compctc at thc sta le contcst hcld i n Fairpi-ovc o n Labor Day. I n - lorrnation on tlic State Rcan Quccn Contcst will be avail-

    sion. Application f o m s lor thc

    Huron County Bean Quccn Contcst can hc picked up at M S U Ex t e n si o n - H u r o 11 County, 104 County Build- ing, Bad Axe. I f y o u would likc l'urther information o n

    Lthlc t h rough MSU Extcn-

    the conlcst, stop hy the of'- ficc 01' ciill 989-269-9940.

    It? a boy J

    Don't Light That Fire Without A

    Permit! IT' 9 You must have a burning ptrmit for any open burning

    Permits can he obtained from DNlZ arid US Forest Service Of- fices in Northern Michigan arid the Uppcii* Pcwinsuala, and from your local Fire Department in South- ern Michigan.

    Rum permit regula- tions vary from lo- cation to location. Contact your local burn permit-issuing agency for the regulations in your area.

    Burn permits will be only bc issued for OIW day a t a time, as the fire danger conditions permit-days with cool temperatures and calm winds. MICHIGAN

    ;@; Sponsored by the Michigan Interagency Wildland f ire Protection Association

    ?, I

    "'/9t, I ,,, \ !'*' ,+

    h v i d Mason Swain we've got all the bases covered. Free Checking Fu//-Service Checking Interest Checking

    Quick and easy access to your money is what the checking accounts at Thumb National Bank are all about. Choose from a variety of options to find the plan that works best for you. Whether you're look- ing for a free checking account with no balance requirement or a way to do more with your money, you'll find it here.

    maintenance fee by maintaining an aver- age monthly balance of $500. Free ser- vices include money orders, traveler's cheques, copy service, U.S. wire transfers, FAX service, and notary service.

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    Mature drivers and home owners fit into our group. - - a - e m CASS THEATRE CASS CITY 872-2252 With a Free Checking Account, you can use your money as you need to, with no

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    Phone (51 7 ) 872-51 14 or 1-800-835-9870 I ~ . SOON: EDDIE MURPHY "DR. DOLITTLE 2" ,

  • ('ASS CI'I'Y ('HKONIC'I,€I - WEDNESDAY, JULY 25. 200 I f 'A C i 1 < 'I'H R E f i

    Incident in Gapetown -

    Ublv man faces charges by John Haire (And anyone else he can

    get to help.)


    I should havc known when I saw the sign statins, "under ncw Inanagciiicnt - - truckers we I c o tiic ." T tic prc \! i 011s o ~ ~ n c r ~iiust have gonc brokc o r was run out 01' town. iincl the truckers d idn ' t 1C.c I wcl- conic lor s01nc rc;1s011.

    A sign likc that is a dead g i ve a w a y . Eve r y h ()d y k n ( w s truckers don't c;irc i t ' t h y 're

    t l ic l'ood is good. (Did voir cvcr scc a sign s a y i n g . "Tr uc kc rs not we I c o I i ic " '.) )

    But I wnlkcd by the sign without cvcn thinking and sat down a t the end 01' the counter. I was i n ;i hurry and orcicred apple pic and col' lcc. What could bc iiiorc Aincri-

    can than apple pic and col'- fkc? Well, I'll tell you straight away this wasn't an Aincri- can applc pie. This was about t h e m o s t foreign piccc o l

    This pic was floating around the saucer in soiiic sort ol'liq- uid I assuinc dripped t'roin the rc l.ri sc rat i (1 n u n i I . 'I'hc c r 11 s I

    soggy. I t was likc pic i i l i i nioat *

    R u t I was in ;I hurry and hc- Fan to cat as hcsr I could. l 'hcn I heard ;I woii inn's voicc in tlic kitchen. "I hopc M'C iriakc soiiic ~ n o n c y at lunch time, 'ci iusc I got to buy sonic Pine Sol and scc i l ' I can gct rid ol'tl iat sriicll."

    I hcgiin to think, " I ' i n hav- ing enough trouhlc trying to get this pie down without hearing iihout a n y s i i i c l l s i n the ki tchcn."

    The wolnan cot~ics out ol' the kitchen and stiinds ;ir the end ol' the counter m d says.

    wclcornc o r not - ~ :is ion^ ;is

    cookcry I havc cvcr sccn.

    was soggy, 'I'hc 1ippIcs were

    "f3oy, that 's the awl'ulcst

    ever srncllcd II skunk "1' closc sllicll I C V C ~ SccIi. Hii\,c Y O U

    likc thnt? You k n o w whcn you so by onc on lhc ro~icl yc)u -just git ;I n,tiilT, but up closc they s i i ie l l just awl'ul!" The othcr custoriicr w a s Iin-

    ished eating, and I suppose he w;is listening, hut I couldn't look up. Solnctimcs it's ticst to niind your own husincss.

    "My dog pot i n t o i r ~ v i t h ;I skunk this morniiig. and boy did he get nailed!" s11c coli- tinucd. "My boy 1'1-icnd head the awl~ulcsl riickct out i n the yard anti r;in out to hrc:ik i t up I - and that skunk sqiiir-tcd the dog right i n the t.;icc just

    iuniiing hack i n t o the I ~ O L I S C with the dog right tichind hitii and bcf'orc 1 c-oulcl s lat~i (tic c l o o r , hc r a n i n i i n d

    ;is he got 1hcrc. Frank c;III1c

    ex ;iiii i nat io n was sc tied u I cd 1.01 Aug. I at 9 a.m.

    I n othcr recent f'elony ar- rai g n 111 c n ts :

    *l'crry A. Edwards, 3h. C~iro, was charged with tap- ping/cuttinF phonc lines and doiiicstic violence Ju ly X in A I I 11 c I' 'li )w n sli i p .

    Boncl was set at $3,000 and ;i prc I i 111 i nary c x a111 w ;i s slated I'or Aug. I at I O a.tii.

    *Angela C. Yost. 18. North B r a ti c h . was ar rai g n c d o ti charges of Inalicious dc- structing of' property valucd ;it $ 1 .OOO to $20,000 and third dcgrcc home invasion May I 1 - 15 i n Dayton Town- ship.

    Bond was set at $4,000 and ;I prc I i m i nary c x a l i i w ;is scheduled lor Aug. I at IO

    . Jcret i~y L. Sha rp , 19. Vass;ir. was charged with 1 ~ - c*cny in a building May 9 i n 1 nd i i in fi c I J s Town sh i p.

    Bond was set at $3,000 and ii prcli~ii iniiry exatii was sliitccl for Friday at 9 a.m.

    *Wilcy 11. Byrd 1 1 , 22. Vnssar. l'accs il ch;lIyc ol' filsc ireport ot il lclony April 26 i n Viis s;i I' li )w 11 ship .

    h t i d W ~ I S set at $400 and ;I prclitiiinary cxatii was schcci- ~ i l c c l 1'orAug. I a t 9 i i . i i i .


    C'OUII with r h i d dcgrcc homc iriviision, rcsisring and ob- structing ;I police ofliccr, and 2 counts 01. ;issault o r assuult ;ind hnttcry June 2 in Gag- CtON'Ii.

    Bond i n thc c;isc was set at $2 , .5( 10 and ;I pix I i til i nary

    "I d o n ' t know how I ' r i i gonna git rid ol' that srncll." shc wcnt on.

    "And how iihout l:ranb'!" I thouylit l o 1nyscll'.

    7'hc bill 1'01. t h apple pic l . lOill i l l id ;I Iousy cup 01. c0l'- l'cc \viis s; I .go. I t was wortli i t . thougli. I did get ;I colu~iin out of' i r .

    Kcgulx rcaclci-s of this Irivia will rcciill that n i a n y calls 1'01. the C ' h x i i i o n t Motel ;ire rcccivcd at our housc.

    Lisii tr l ; i , Inanagcr. says that i t w;is probably hccausc thc iiiotcl's K O 0 nuiiihcr- wiis the s~iiiic a s thc Hairc housc nuin- be r. Suncliiy wc rcccivcd mother call and tcslcd the systcrii. The

    c;iIIci. agrccd to use the 8 0 0 nurnhcr, hut, alas, she got our housc agiiin. Shc stt-cssucl thal shc dcl'initcly dialcd 800 hc- l.orc the rest ol' the nuiiihcrs. S o l'or al l tuturc calls, I ' l l pass on thc right nuriihcr, 872-2270, NO'I' 872-3270, and not cvcn think about trying to find o u t how an K O 0 nunibcr wound up ringing the phonc at our housc.

    Summer blood drive Julv 30 The Weather

    J scliools NC not in session this tiiiic ot' ycar.

    You can hclp hospitnl pi- riciits by donat ing blood Monday, July 30, at ;I spcciul suliiiiicr blood drive being held at S t . Piincratius

    iwccri tlic hours ol' I :00 and CL'hul.cll, 4292 S C C ~ C I - St., be-

    0:35 I'."'. I I' you ;ire at lcast I7 years

    iigc. M . ' C I F I I at I C ~ I S I I IO p o u n d s iind arc i n good hcdth, iiiid haven't donated i n thc l us t 511 days. p l c a s ~ take the tinic t o help sonic- oi ic iri nccd With y o u r help rlic blood sl1p1>ly W I I I be i d - cquatc rhl-oughout the su1n- iiici'. As :I special incentive. ;ill who coiiic i t i to donatc will i-cr-civc ;I T-shirt.

    High Low Prec i p.

    Sunday .................................. 92 ............ 69 .......... .02" M () n d a y ................................. 9 3 71 .............. 0

    (Kecorded at Ciiss City w;Lslcw;iIcr treatmcnt plant.)


    Looking over ;i couplc ol' itciiis i n thc kiruhcn cupboards, 1 l'ound prciiiiuin oratisc juice ~ i c l prciniurn raisin bran. I 'm surc thnt I could I'ind scores ol'othcr itciiis that ;ire said t o hc "prctiiiurii". Tlic only product tl iut 1 can t h i n k ol' whcrc prcniium rcally

    tiiciins sotiicthing is l o r gas. whcrc i t dcpicts thc octanc rut- ing ol'thc product. Otlicr tlian that i t iiic;ins little, cxccpt pos- sibly ;I higher pi-ice.

    R u t :it Iciisl it's slightly tnorc subtle thiin sotiic ot'thc i i i o s t c t'l'cctivc slogins in thc past. Many ciin rcmcmhcr when Ivory soap, "98 percent purc, I t lloiits!" catapultcd thc brand into niitioniil pi.olnincncc. 0. tlic classic for condcnscd milk, "l'rotn contcntccl cows".

    N o one seemingly iiskcd O X percent pure what'! O r stopped to I'igurc out how the disposition of' thc cow would changc 1 1 1 i I k i n I ( ) soiiict hi ng c I sc ,

    Bnnn88n&8nn&&n&~&&~&&&~.~&U~~&~ JY a n Band Instruments & Repair $ Ali brands available, all types, including new, rental return, a

    n a n d used. Hundreds of instruments in stock. We call on 4 schools in your area each week. Call us for the best value a 3 in products, service and price. Special rates on summer 3

    a instrument cleaning and repairs-beat the fall rush! Ja KOHN MUSIC STORE n n a 54 S. Elk Street, Sandusky, MI 48471 810-648-2095

    A Subscription to the Cass City Chronicle makes a Wonderful Wedding Gift **********

    'I'hc Frcc kntcrprisc Iiistitutc hi is issucd ;I booklet " I O 0 rnost p o p u l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I ~ I I ~ givc:iwily prograliis" that's available by writiny I O 0 Govcrnmcnt C'rivciiways, Dcpt. I 00(~G-0620q P.0. B o x 0007 I, Wiishington, 11.C. 20090-Oh7 1 . It's avail- able l.or $5 f o r shipping and h~indling.

    1 I h iis s( ) inc at t c I I I I ( ti - gc t t i n g I i st i tips i nc I ud i n g $2( ),OO( 1 t ( ) writc ;I novcl (wlici-c do I sign?). Others t l i i i t pciik rhc intcrcst include: *I>oans for- cntrcprc-

    ticurs with no i i ioncy. *'$2.500 l'or collcgc studunts for s u n - iiici- ti-iivcl. *Seniors t u r n hotiics i n t o cash Inachincb. *I:rcc I i i cd i c ;it i ( )n 5 c l i rcc I 1 'n) m d 1-11 g c o i i i pa t i i c s . * Frcc tic 1 p gc t t i n g tlic hcst deal on ;I new car. *Find ;I l'cdci*al job with ;I phonc call.

    I t doesn't scciii likcly that tlic i.csults will hc as great a s the titles inclicatc, hut with thc govet-ntwtit, who knows'!

    More in l'oriii:ition is iivailablc by c:illing 202-747-740 1 or v i s i I i ti p I he org ;i n i z a t i on ' s s i tc : w w w. Frcc En tc rpr i sc 111 st i t ut c , org

    w c h

    to your toughest IRA questions?

    Weight Loss Roth ... traditional ... rollover ... the world of individual retirement accounts, or IRAs, can be complex and confusing. I'd like to help you understand the different types of IRAs, t he ins and outs of each, and help you pick t h e one that's right for you.

    Puzzles Doctors It's l i kc ly that thc cancli- cliilcs tliiit survivc and arc SC- lcctccl l'or inrcrvicws tor thc lob 01. Cass City Village M a r i a ~ c r w i l l h a v c solid hac.k~i.ouncls and cxpcricnce.

    'I'hc j o b will pay soinc- w h c r c i n t h e $ 5 S , O O O txickct. about avcragc for '1.11 uin h c( ) I ) 1 in11 n i t i cs.

    '1'0 hc f'air, thc s;iiiic list of quc'sIions will bc asked each c.; incl idi i tc: At the special i i icct ing suttin2 t l ic agenda (.' I i 1 I-(2 I1 c c "Bud" Scklinccbci-gcr iiskccl i I' the ~ciicriil public would he al- Iowcd to ask questions. Whilc ~l ic intcrvicw will he

    tioris, 1)on Ball, trustcc. said that input I'rotii husincsscs would hc w c l ~ ~ ~ i i c d .

    We'd dl likc to know. Ball s ;I i t I . w Ii at ti u s I n c s s pc op I c c l c ~ i t ~ iii ;I iiiaiiagcr.

    11's nicc t o know that thc c.oiincil wclcoriics o u r views a n c l will try to includc qucs- tions iiclclrcssing these COII-

    E3 ut wliai possihlc question ~ * o i i I d t l ic tiusincss coniniu- i i i ty ask that would deter- mine i t ' t l ic new arrival fills t l ic bill'? For instance i I' thc candidate

    is iiskcd about the new pro- posccl alignincnt for the vil- I ~ g c cr~iploycos. what answcr could he possihly give other thiin diligently studying the issuu bcl'orc rcaching a dcci- sit ) n '?

    In ciiiploytncnt all that glit- t e rs is not gold. It's bccn so

    ~ i i u , hiit oncc the council lis- tci iccl to ii visiting cxpcr t ;bout ;I pliasc 01' running the villiiyc. He l i d thc council s o l d only to l'inci later that his ujiiv W A S I I IOIY cxpcnsivc hy li ir t l i i in wiis ~iv~iilahlc clsc- M'I1CI.C.

    'l'hc wiiincr I'rom among the iiltci-vicwcd i ~ a y hc dctcr- iiiinccl by his or hcr ahility to

    About tlic only clucslion that I would likc to scc iiskcd is

    c~onducIccl on prc-set qucs-

    cc 1'11s.

    long ago Illat thc deal escapes

    t;ilk ;I gooci giilllc.

    wlictticr. lihc Cutnphcll, shc or hc is dcdicatcd to kccp incctings open to the press nnd public so that you can see how your governrnent is proceeding .

    But again it's hard to think that anyone would say that Incctings will not be opcn to the taxpaycr whcthcr they prove 10 be o r not. Instcad ol'a qucstion licrc's

    a suggcstion for o u r council. Take il trip to the place where the intt 'rvicw survivor worked and talk to people not o n his rel'crcncc list; a busincsxman. thc guy dig- ging up the sewer or tlic lo- cal newspaper. It's still a crapshoot, hut you

    havc to have ;1 better chancc to hit thcjackpot with somc- onc who fits our corninunity i f ' you do.

    ATLANTA, GA -- Doctors were surprised when two sepa- rate studies found that a natural dietary supplement could help cause significant weight loss.

    Although not conclusive, both studies found that pa- tients receiving the formula called Bio-Rex 3 0 0 0 ~ ~ lost more than twice as much weight as those in a control group on the same fat reduced diet. Neither group was instructed to de- crease the amount of food they ate or to increase their exercise levels. An article published in the American Journal of Clinicul Nutrition says that you don't have to decrease the amount of food you eat to lose weight, provided that you limit the fat.

    According to a spokesper- son for Phillips Gulf Corpora- tion, the exclusive North American distributor of Bio- Rex 3000, the company is con- sidering additional studies in order to get federal approval to make pharmaceutical claims. Currently, weight loss claims for the Bio-Rex 3000 supple- ment are limited. However, with the requisite approval, the com- pany could say that Bio-Rex 3000 decreases sugar cravings, increases metabolism and in- terferes with the body's ability to produce excess fat. Bio-Rex 3000 iscurrentlyavail-

    able as a dietary supplement and plan in pharmacies and nu- trition stores or by calling l - 800-729-8446. A four week sup- ply is just $19.99. Q Bio-Rex 3000 is available at:

    W C

    COACH LIGHT PHARMACY M80 Main St. 9 872-3613

    4uthor's Note: This staterntnt has not been evaluated by the FDA. Bio-Rex 3000 11 not intended to diagnose, treat. cure, or prevent any dlwasc.

    Please call for a free, no-obligation appointment and get the answers you need.

    Harris & Company Newell Harris & Dave Weiler

    P.O. Box 38 Cass City, MI 48726

    51 7-m-2688

    Vaccine in short supply The Centers for Discasc

    Control and Prcvcniion (CDC) and Michigan I k - par tment o f Communi ty Health (MDCH) havc an- nounccd that thcrc is a na- tionwide shortage of. tetanus vaccine.

    Duc to the shortage. the l'uscola County Hcalth 110- partnicnt has bccn for-ccd to review its policy and procc- durcs ;IS they relitto t o the de 1 i very o 1' t e t a n u \ vac c i n a - tion. In thc event that ;i pet-- son sustains a wound, they iirc instructed to see their pri- v3te doctor or cmcrgcncy

    r o o i n and secure an orclcr t'oi- t c t an u s/d i p h t her i a ( Td ) .

    All routine Td hoostcrs for adolescents and adults will be dclnyed until 2002.

    The MDCH has asked the M i c h i g an De part 111 c n t o 1' Education to suspend the rc- quired booster dose of'Td foi- al l new students bctwl.cn thc ages of 7 and I 8 entcring school f o r t tic 2 0 0 1 -02 school ycar. The ba\ic rc- quircnicn t for a coriipletcd scrics o f 3 doses t'or all new students cntcring schoo l rc- mains in place for this age g I-() u 1'.

    ... I .,;::-- .....A FORTIS ;?*

    Fortls Flnanclal Group Fortis Advisers. Inc (fund rnanagemenl since 1949) Fortis Investors. Inc (principal underwriler. member NASD. SIPC) Fortis Benefits Insurance Company 8, Fortis Insurance Company (issuers of FFG's insurance products) P 0 Box 64284 St Paul, MN 55164-0284 (BOO) 800-2000 hltp //w ffg us forlis com

    The Forlis bgo aW F o ~ I i s ' ~ are servicemarks of Fortis AMEV and F O ~ K AG - 1

    - S What


    Port Sanilac Summer Festival

    Saturday & Sunday July 28th & 29th

    9am to 5pm both days Sixty exhibitors on the grounds of the

    the next Sanilac County Historical Museum

    On M25 south end of Port Sanilac Lots of fun all over town all weekend.

    step ? Family Support Services helps families care for and maintain individuals who are coping with a Developinental Disability while living at home. This prograin ensures that the most appropriate available service is provided for each individual, in order to maximize opportiinities for development and achieve the most independent level of functioning possible. The principles of Person-Centered Planning are embraced here, as Parent Support Consultation and Education, Advocacy, and Respite Care are made available. If you or someone you love need these services, please call us



    6550 Main Street Second-class postage paid at

    Cass City, Michigan 48726; POSTMASTER: Send address

    changes to CASS CITY CHRONICLE, P.O. BOX

    115, CASS CITY, MI 48726 John Haire, publisher National Advertising Representative,

    Michigan Weekly Newspapers, Inc., 257 Michigan Avenue. East Lansing, Michigan. Subscription Prices: To post offices in

    Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac counties - $18.00 a year or 2 years for $30.00, 3 years for Sl2.00, $12.00 for 6 months. and 3 months for $9.00. In Michigan - $20.00 a year, 2 years

    for $36.00, 3 years for $48.00. In other parts of the United States -

    $23.00 a year, 2 years for $40.00, 3 years for $52.00. Payable in advance. For information regarding newpaper

    advertising and commercial and job printing, telephone 872-2010.

    USPS 092-703 Owner: Harry Messing Friday, July 27,2001

    Commencing at I l t 3 O A.M. Having comrnissioned Oscnloshi Auction k r v i r e IO sell at public auctiori

    thr. l o l l o ~ ~ i i g i l r n l s JI the plncc Inrated from Van Dyke & 26 Mile Rd , I O Milts East o n 26 Milr . I14 Yorth lo 57751 f ' l x t - Rtl or from Gratiot. 2 Miles West. 1:4 north I O addtfs5

    a t today.


    CUl CItJ (888) 872-4377


  • -.


    Dr. Gary Baughman I "YOUR FAMILY FOOT

    CARE CENTER" 4672 Hill St., Cass City

    072-4327 or 3592 Center, Essexville

    895-8594 ---I--- I

    Bring it on! Cass City cheerleaders, new coach ready for first shot at competition

    ye;"' for the past 3 ycars arid sc \~crd squads so thcrc. s o y o u don't get pcrsonal attcn- I i ( )II ,'* W r i g ti t s ;I i (1,

    Ziiiicrski said Wright w;is horn to clieer and she'll bc i n x t 1-11 t ii c n t ;I I ci u r i t i g c o 111 pc - titioris. "Shc' l l he in her clc- nicnt on^^ wc get into coiii- pctition." she said. Wright

    hing thur ni;ikcs tiic this 1 ;1 p p y . E\.cii i f tlic girls don't win

    I singlc coiiipctitioii o u t ol' tic h tlicy iiiust coiiipctc in , lie!' will know they workcd ~ a r d and we~*c the l.irst coiii- )ctitorx f r o m C'ass City. '.Illst being thc first team ' i o ~ i i Cass City High School

    to g o is cnougli-it doesn't ~iiiittcr i l ' we win," said A i m W;ll.ac k . t7asc 5 t u I1 I ch e e l - Icadcl-.

    But just hccause this is thc 2irIs' I'irst s h o t at coriipctition c l o c h n ' t i i w i t n t1icy"t-c n o t cn- I c 1.1 ;i I n i ng t lie t houg ti t o 1. w i ti - ning. "I think we've got the dedication and ;is long ;IS we I la\ ,c the who le tcanl to- gether. and work a s ;I t e m , wc could win.'' Wright said.

    Zniici-ski s i d they plan on c horcogra ph i n g t tic i r own iiiovcs, but slic wants t o hitc C~hcc~l- Michigan to clcan u p their act. B u t i t al l takcs tiioticy. She said a lot of' l'undraising is goins on t o try and pay cxpcnscs.

    addcd. "I've nc\'cr hac1 any-

    by Starr Golenibiewski Staff Writer

    BRING IT ON! The Cass City varsity cheerleaders want to be the first competitive cheer team in the village. Thanks to Elite they'll be ready. Doing a split pyramid from the left: Aime Warack, Liz Hoyt, Tiaja Lowrey, and (top) Amanda Wright. Far Right: Elite Cheerleading instructor Michelle Rorofka.

    New additions at librarv U C3HEERLEADING ISN'T EASY-it requires money and hard work. The varsity cheerleading squad will have a carwash Aug. 4 at Pat Curtis Chrysler from 9 a.m. to noon. In front is Amanda Wright

    'I'herc h a w hccn 2 exciting additions to Rawson Mcriio- rial 1,ibrary i n thc last few wccks - lntcrnet ;iccess to thc I i brary 's catalog ol' matcrials and a ncw color copy ma- chine.

    I f you have Intcrnct ;icccss. y o u arc now ahlc to l o o k at Kawson Mcrnorial I,i htary's

    u ;i t ;I I ()g l'ro t i 1 t he c'( 11 i i 1 ( t ( ) I your own honic. G o to the 1ibr;iry's home p a p c w w w. rii w s ( ) t i . I i t i . ti1 I . 11 c, , iintl click on "1,ihriii-y Ciiti~log." then click o n sciii-cli. 'I'hc scrccn allows you to uxircti by key word, sub-jcct, titlc or :iulhor. You can check to scc' il'thc Iibl-xy owns ;I book iind

    i l ' i t is on the slicl l 'orchcckctl Out.

    I t ' Kawson Mcniorial I , i - hrxry docsn't o w n what you :ire looking t.or. cl ick on "Interloan Books" t'totii tlic 1 I tmry home pagc. -1ti;il I i nk

    01' thc hooks ownctl by thc \Yhitc Pine Liht;iry C'oopci.;i- tivc. 'I'hc library can interloan thosc books I'roni other Iibriir- ics. [;or iiitcrloiinccl itcnis tlicrc is ;I X.50 cliargc Ii 11' c x - pcn SL'S.

    t i l k C S Y O U t 0 ;I CiltiklOg Of' 2\11

    13. I t will iiiakc both black :incl wtiitc uopius and cxccl- Icnr color copics. Thc I I I L I - uhinc c;in a l s o i.ootii in on portions of ' i in original or cii- Iiirgc ;I photo o r picturc. I t hiis many l'unctions that wcrc unavailable o n the prcvious tiiaohinc and hccausc i t is ;I d i g i tit I in iic ti i tic, ;I I I c o p ic s will hc niuch cIcatcr and crispel-. Iii ahout 2 wccks pi i - trotis will he ahlc to send pic*- tures :itid tcxt to ttw ncw copy tiiauhinc 11i1wtIy I'rotii [tic I i - b1-ilI.y c( )I11 putc 1-s.

    'I'tic ncw rnachinc will hc a x user t't-icndly ;is the previous tiiodcl. Cost ol' black and

    "We've leurned u lot. This is hard work."

    I Professional and Business I DI R ECTO RY 'I'hc h o n i u page of I l l0 Ir-

    b r ;1 I' y ( w ww.r;iwson. I i h. 111 i . u s ) is a l s o iiri iicccsx point for good Internet sources. Cticck Lt out atid c:ill il'you tiwc any clucs- I I on 5 .

    A ncw copy iii:ichinc W;IS installcd at thc l i t m r y July

    wtiitc copies W I I I I-criiiiiri tlic s~ t i i c , C'olor copies ;~IY ti; I cacti. Spcciiil photo piipct- will hc availahlc f o r salt whcn rcclucstcd.

    Office Hours:

    Thurs. - Closed

    Cerrihed Pubhc Accounfants Gary Anderson, CPA (Caro)

    Jerry Bernhardt, CPA (Caro) Robert Tuckey. CPA (Cass City) a.m. Io p.m.

    Valerie Jamiesori. CPA (Cass City) 6232 Hospital Drive Cass City

    Office 872-4733

    715 E Frank S t , Caro, MI I Phone673-3137 ' 11 ' 1 6261 Church S t , Cass City, MI Phone 872-3730 Res. 872-4257 --------

    COUNSELING HEALTH CARE _---------I-----


    HEALTH CARE $50 fee

    Including physician's fee and clinic room

    No appointment necessary Open 6 a.m. + 10 p.m. HILLS & DALES

    GENERAL HOSPITAL 872-2 1 2 1

    Physician on site 24 hr./day for emeraencv care.





    M EETl NGS

    AFTER WORKING on chews for 8-hours every day last week these girls need a break. Bottom Left: Liz Hoyt, Tiffany Francis, Jessica Kozan, and Jenna Gould. Top Left: Melissa Woodward, Amanda Wright, Aime Warack, Tiaja Lowrey, Samantha Cummings (Schmidt), and Jennifer Montgomery. 1 -8W267-5692 Every Friday Evening - 8:OO p.m.

    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Cass City

    fine colltxtion ot

    INSURANCE ----I---

    Thumb Insurance (;roue RICHARDA.

    HALL, D.O. 4674 Hill Street

    Cass City, MI 48726 Ph011e : 8 7 2 -4 7 2 S

    Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs.,

    & Fri. 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Wed. 9 a.m.-noon

    6520 MAIN STREEl HOURS Mon -Sat 9 a m -9 p m

    Sunday 10 a rn -6 p rn

    Guardian Angels Home Health Services, Inc.

    H o t ~ i o Hrwltlt I ' c i ~ I -------- (989) 872- 1,544 ( I i l l r l i lv 24 l i t I it t,.\ ( h i i l l - PODIATRISTS --------



    Board Certified in Surgery Specialist in Stomach and Bo we/ Problems

    9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily Saturday - 9 to 12 noon

    Closed Thursday 6230 Hospital Drive Cass City, MI 48726

    872-3490 Phone 872-461 1


    U Ll Orono

    Drain Opener



    Felt Squares Dr. Jeffrey Crowley

    Chiropractor 4452 Doerr Rd

    (across from Shell Gas Station) Phone 872-4241

    S 29 3 5/97 e- i

    Maruchon Chicken Flmw

    lnstan t 1 und Reo& n S mnu)srl 1 1 5 01

    Paper Plates 100 n -

  • VFW memberships e U From the files of'ttie Chronicle 1

    by Starr Golernbiewski Staff W ritor

    5 YEARS AGO Co unci I broke with t rad i t i on and went on record l.avorii1g school crossing guards. Blcsscd wit11 blue skics and

    w;im sunshinc fijr its cntirc 3-day run. C a s s City's biucti- IC n t i i a I c c I c brat i on cl re w

    bevy of' iictiviiics h i i t hcgan Friday atid c.oncludcd i n ;i c o 1 or I'u I l'i re w o I- k s d i s 1' I a y S u nd a y t i i g ti t . An cs t i iii ;I tact 5 ,O( 1 pc rson s at t e ndcd s u I1 - day n i g ti I 's b i c c n IC n t i i a1 uhoi I- prcscn t at ion ol' I tic c;i t i - [ala. "Frccdoiii Song 1776". under thc direction ( i f Mrs. Collccn Staftord.

    Ki1t.I '1'. C'riitcndcn. 24. of' C'iit I ,akc Road, C'xo, lost his l i t ? last ?'hut-sday when hc lcll f'i-otii :I tractor and was r u n over by ;I cultivator ahout 5 and ;i half' rnilcs south ol' car().

    C a s s City Polic.c continued their itivcstigation this wcck i n t o the tlicl'r of 'ovcr $800 i n citiLcns hand 1-adios. spcak- c1-h i i n d clcctronics cquip- mcnt from thc 'Thumb Appli- 2111cc Center in Cass City, s at u rd " y .

    d i st r i c t sc o rcd i i m ai.; or v i e*- tory w tic n I n g hain C'ou n t y Circuit Court Judgc Jaiiics T. Kalliiian land transfer rulccl t o a the % I Cass .4 inillion City

    School district invalid. Ttic translkr placcs Imd known ;is ilic "Goslin I"arcel" hack i n Owcn-Gage.

    tholls~lnds of'spcctators f'or ;I

    Thc O W ~ I I - G ~ I ~ C Sch(l()l

    Wedding I nvi t a t i o r ( Tradition81 45 6tylish

    :ass City Chrmick 872-2010

    --- -

    Our goal is to exceed your expectations.

    35 YEARS AGO

    Michigan State Police atid Saginaw County ShcrtlT's officials iirc looking for v;in- did5 who shot up a t o l l cable a n d nearly cliiiiinntcd long distance scrvicc f'or Cass City l'or 22 hours.

    Kcnncth M ~ h a r g , S O . of' Cass City, narrowly csuapcd death Thursday when the back wheels of his coinhitic 1 oc kcd, throwing h in) and his machitic into a IO-!.oot dccp ditch. When the niachinc l ~ ~ k d i n tlic ditch i t pinncd Maharg uncicr i t in about a f'oot ol' watcr. He was I'rccd when the coinhitic gavc ;I l'i- n ;i I I it rc h. ;i I Io w i n g c n oug h r o o m l'or h in i to crawl tci saf'cty.

    C n s s City tcachcrs ha\,c agrccd t o tcrms !.or the 1966- 67 school year. The agrcc- nicnt calls f'or an incrciisc in start ing sii lary of' $400 ycarly .... f'rom $S,OOO t o $5,401) and an incrcasc i n incrcriicnt pay o1.S IS yc;~~-ly. Tcacticrs with ;I niastct"s dc- grcc will rcceivc $200 addi- tional.


    CASS CITY, MICHIGAN 48726 (989) 872-4860 TI^^^ I I o111 'rllscOiii c'oul1ty

    l < ' i i i t . \ i s i l l hc h u l d Jilly 2K to ,4119. 3 : i t id will t'catur-c ;I ' j x i y ()tic 17 r. i cc *' ad iii is s i ()ti .

    i II c 1 i t d c s it ti 1 i iii i t cd I+ i d c s , grands t a n d cvcn t ad 111 i ss i on and parking f'ccs. Fair board prcsidcnt Walt J a c k s o n tiopcs the new payinent pricc will incrcasc at tendancc wliilc ol'lcrin? people a hcr- tcs dcal.

    Mindy Nash. 22, ;I rcccnt M i c h i g a n S I at c Uti i ve r s i t y grad u a t c , w i I I rep I ace 1 o t i g - tiiiic dircctor Gcorgc Bushong iis hand director lor Cass City Schools.

    1: i g 11 t - y c :IF o Id Ch al-1 c s 'I'risch rcmaincd in crilical c (1 nd i t i on Tu c sd ay m o r n i n g at St. Mary's Mcciical Cun- tcr. Saginaw, f'ollowing ;I ncii t~-dro\~ntng in the village

    C'ass City rcsidcnt Suoit Shaw is trying to I'orni a riiodcl aviation club in ttw arc ;I . An organ i at i o n ;I 1 riiccting is schcdulcd f'or We d n c' s d a y . A rad i ( ) - con - ti-ollcd glider hobbyist for ;I dccadc, Shaw said no flight cxpcricncc is necessary t o attend thc riiccting.

    'l 'lic $3 17"' person per clay

    ( 11' C'ar() p' )Ol I ;Is t Wcd ncsd ay .


    A Drckcr nim, i n prison l0r 2 s I ay i n g s c o n ti cct cd w i I h activities of' the old black Ic- gion, hccarnc cligi hlc lor i i n ti1 e d i ate paro I c cons i d c I'- ation Wcdticsday by act of' thc governor. Gov. Georgc Romney co~i imutcd thu 2 c ( n c i I rrc n t I i f e sc n IC nc cs ( 1' t h c inmate at Southcrn M i c ti igan Prison i n Jau kson , The 'Teen Ccntcr, an cxpcri-

    tncnt in ;I y o u t h ccntcr l'or

    vated and slightly enlargcci and a new schcdulc arranged, according to the Rev. Rich-

    c ass , , City? has bccri reno-

    I 1 I Refrigerator I I I

    From s249°0 s399°0 I DISHING MONKY out at their weekly bingo is just one of the things the VFW does. However, VFW inembers said that the conmiunity doesn't have a good grasp on what their orga- nization is all about. They don't just sit around and share war stories. The VFW's main goal is to help every veteran. I A I : VFW nieniber Casimir Bartnik and .Jackie Hunt.



    History was riiadc Tucsday nigh1 ;is C'ass City Village ard Eycr c_c-+--


    Tri-County Tusc.ola (.'ounty Sheriff's Office will be conducting the annual prc-cmploynicnt tcsting on Wednesday, Washer I i August 8, 2001, to establish an employment list for 2001 & 2002. Farm Bureau

    meet slated I . . .. \. - .- - KITCHENAID




    I 1-7- 18-2co

  • ~ ' . . , . , . . . . . - - - - - .

    Hawk runners shine

    1st Flight Mary Riih i dc iiii Ncllc Maliarg Hut ty Kocpf' Fran Bcllcw J ();I t i M () n t g () 111 c i- suc I'lluri Grccnlcc l)cu Pickctt

    7 1 .o 70.5 70.0 h X . 5 65 .0 (72.5 hO.5

    C'oiicti Kus3 C';iriiiicliacl is unclccidcd on which c1ist~inc.c Hoyt wi l l I - u t i i n thc ( ' r i m . Shc is looking rei11 good to iiicd;il in thc x k .

    All the Iiidics will t i i n i n Hell, Mic1iig;in on Aiig. I I . 'I 'atiton will compotc iii the I O iiiilc, Hoyl and Suhrilidr will t i i n tlic 4.X i i i i lu uoiii-sc.

    $5 0 4 1 d i 4 HLit\t Lind,i H c . 1 ~ 1 2 5 5 0 NO ONE will drown this year with these lifeguards on duty.

    Bottom Left: Noah Gould, Grant Gould, Holli Cooper, Johanna Hoelzle, Josh Dillon and Aaron Diegel. Top Left: Kara Mellendorf, Katie Hacker, Kayla Wentworth, A h a Pasant, Rose Hoelzle, Leah Shagene, Stefmie Humpert, Katie Wood and Jiil Wright. Missing: Susan O'Hara, Emily I,orenz,

    3rd Flight Elc,inot J Kccs

    Not ccn Kt us M ~ i r y l,OU M t l U t C t

    h9 7-1 5 5 (,(, (1

    '' .-. r Jomn Mxt tn

    KAKLY 1)IVlSlON I Arlcnc Kcgontinc 4.5.? -- Mar im H ::tin 17.5 and Nathan Haag.

    Hc ti tilt'c tc trs Wal I:icc/Apley M ;i ha t-g/kis icc zn y R I i ss/R ;i kc r H ii1.i.i s/Hogiiti K I - i t /,ii I ;i ti/ €3 i t r 11 s I le 1- I-( ) n/'I'u u kc y W i I I i ;I 1 I 1 s( ) ti/K i c I 11 ;I 11 St i u k I c / 1 w ;i t i k ( )v i t sc h SI r i c k I ;I nd/G I aspic Burn s/H u tch i n son %cl I-( )j c w s k i / B I y a n t W. I) i 1 I ()ii/Rc t tic r I'otd 13 c rw i c k/G rec n Icc

    138 I30 120 I23 I20 I I X 113 I l l I I O 1 Oh 98 91 72 60

    Swin-a-Thon set at Cass - -- Wedding Announcements

    City pool to benefit MDA The Cass City Po01

    will be hosting an an- n u ;i I "S w i in - a-T h o n " Friday, July 27 - Satu1'- day, uly 28, to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Swimmers will be col-

    lecting pledges froin their family and friends and using their healthy muscles to swim for those who can't.

    The money raised from this event will stay in the M id- Eas tern M ic h i g an area to help children and adults with one of the 43 forms of neuromuscular d i so rdc r s .

    Program services in- clude an MDA Clinic at Genesys Regional Medical Center, support

    , extensive re- programs at the

    1J n i ve r s i t y of M i c h i g an, Mi c h i gan State IJ n i ve I*- sity and Wayne State University, a week for kids ages 6-2 1 at Camp Cavell in Lexington, and funding towards the pur- chase and repairs of wheelchairs and/or braces. All services are provided at absolutely no cost to the patient or t hei 1' farti i 1 y .

    Catalogs loaned overnight.

    Free subscription with each order.

    Cass City Chronicle

    Phone 872-201 0

    I25 I 2 3 I I9 I Ih I13 I12 I o x I Oh I04 I04 9 9 91 90 88

    Cass City Pool proudly presents its Annual


    I RedDog 7 4 p I IceHouse

    30 pack Cross Cruise set for August 4


    to benefit the

    I $ 1 1 9 9 + tax I dmp. 2 liters Assorted Flavors 89! RED & WHITE


    Oscar Mayer 69:. Friday, July 27fh - Saturday, July 2Wh

    8:OO p.m. - 8:OO aem. . .

    Call your friends, grab your sleeping bag, bring your tent and join US f o r a night o f food, fun, games and SWIMMING!

    16 oz. BOLOGNA Twisted Ring Pops

    $169 ea. 35%. Any Swimmer raising in excess of $50 wil l receive an MDA T-shirt!

    The top fundraiser raising in excess of $250 wil l receive 4 tickets t o Cedar Point P ic*k i i 1' I i r Sp OI 1 s o r Kit t ocicrl!

    *Must be under 17 years old and be in Level 4 and/or be able to swim the length of the pool! *

    For further information, please contact: Cass City Pool (989) 872-2473



    Thumb National Bank Hendrian's Floor Covering Schneebergers Boo kmart Chemical Bank Kelly & Co. Special Scents McConkey Jewelry Golden Pheasant Gifts Northwood Modular Homes S.H. Raythatha, M.D. Villlage Wallpaper and Paint

    Charmont Motel Osentoski Realty Blonde's Hair Care Parkway Charmont Little Caesar's Quaker Maid Erla's Food Center McDonald's Sutters' Bakery Cass City Tire Rolling Hills Golf Course

    Professional eye

    Prescriptions filled Large selection of

    All types of contact: No-line bifocals Glasses repaired € 3 1 ~ 1 ~ Cross & VSP




    For an appaintmen I 10 1 1 S. Van Dyke, Suite A DAVID C.

    BATZER I I , O.D. Professional Eye Care 4672 Hill St., Cass Cit)

    Bad Axe 269-7263 872-3404

    4675 Hill SI. Cas

    Pebbles Plus

  • Obituaries Wanda Crane

    Henry Doerr

    Nancy Vent

    Sheila Fox

    Deola Gilmore

    1)cola Ella Ciiliiiorc, 84, of Kingsion, dicd Fridiiy, J u l y 20, 200 I, i n H u r o n County Mcdical Care Facility, Bad Axe.

    She war5 h o r n April 20 , I C ) 17, ;it home i n 'I'uscola C'ounry to Ross I). and Ida M. (Caulkins) Wiit-nci. Shc

    Immigration reform bill would benefit farmers

    Manager search on in Cass City

    'I'hc Cass City Villagc Council hcgiiri ;I lengthy pro- cess that wil l ciilminatc in tlic hiring of' ;I n e w village miin-

    first wcck in Novcinhcr-. On hand l.or ttic spcciiil

    iiiccting of'thc council, 'I'ucs- d a y . J u l y 9 * was Frarik Gel-stcncukcr f 'rot i i rtic M ich i gan M un ic i p i 1 I .caguc. He outlitled steps ncccssary to selecting ;I successor t o 17 IC sc 11 t 111 iiti i i g ~ I J :itit 1 tng.

    Each Council mcmhct- was given ;I list io detcrminc which iihilitics thcy s;iw ;is rcq u i t.cd or- dcs i rii h I c . The trustccs agreed that the

    position r-cquircs ;I collcgc dcgrcc with at least 2 to S years 01' cxpcricncc i n rhc l'iuld. An iiclclcd honus would hc cxpcricnci: in govcrnmcnt

    gel', hopc1'lllly as so011 ;is tlic

    w 11 I

    Olive Kelley

    C 1y 11 t hi a S c 11 wart z

    C'I I h1;iIloj o1'C;ipiicIiiti Soup K i I C tic 11. I.)ct t -o i l . t Iic Rev. Richard C'yr 01' St . Mathias Cai hol i c C t i ~1rc ti, Dciroi t , iirid ttic Rev. Stcvc Fillion 01' S I . P i i n c i - a l i us C'a t h o I i c (.'I 111 rc ti ()f'f'ic i at i tig . Intcniicnt was in St. Agatha

    C'ciiictcr-y. Gagclown. Memorials m a y bc iiiade t o

    [tic charity o f thc donor 's choice. Arrangciiicnts wcrc madc

    by K r a n / Funcral Hoinc, C a s h City.

    Margaret Strace

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Dodge r

    mDurantzo U

    See The Friendly Dodge Dealer Near You 800-4-A-DODGE

  • a z 3.


    9 0 0 r

    Y) IA a . m


    - X-4-8-tl'


    LOST -Unusual cat. Anibcr eyes, tan fur with black spots. Call 5 17-269-8306.

    (General) Merchandise

    25 yrs. experience

    Interior/Exterior FREE ESTIMATES

    ) C Services Notices Notices For Rent Automotive ) Transit (nonbusiness) rates, 10 words or less, $3.50 each insertion; additional words 10 cents each. Three weeks for the price of 2-cash rate. Save money by enclosing cash with mail orders. Rates for display want ads on application.

    1956 KEUNION. Do you k n o w the whereabouts of thc\c CCHS students? Co1- Iccn ( M c N m i x a ) MoBride, Gordon Drout I lard, Gerald S i i i 1 t 11, J ud y (Coy Kc nd all ) Hiuc . C'all Connie Scliwildclci* i\t (989) 872- 23 15. 5-7- 18-2

    NEW LOCATION,No Smoking Bingo - Every Sun- day at new Knights of Co- lumbus Hal l , 6106 Beechwood Dr., Cass City. Doors open 5:OO p.m.. games start at 5:30. Phone 872- 8892. Knights of Columbus Council No. 8892.



    -_ .~

    Novesta Church o€ Christ

    2896 N. Cemetery Rd., Cass City, Michigan

    Bible School - 9:30 a.m. Worship Service -

    10:45 a.m.

    Visit our website at: novestachu rch .org

    5-1 0-25-tl ~

    PERSONAL or BUSINESS Thumb - State or

    IJSA Plans Let Dan bring the

    potl)el- of

    CELLULA RON€' to your doorstep Call 670-20 19

    or 673- 1666 to set up an appointment

    5-5-3 0-t f

    Interior & Exterior Painting

    FOR SALE - 1997 Ford Ex- plorer. 2 door, low milcagc. .X I.3.000. Cirll 872-4006 days or X72-4445 cvcnings.


    ONE-BEDROOM apartment for single person, non- smoker. Stove, refrigerator and new carpet. Call 872- 4587. 4 - 6- h- t f

    FOR S A l I -Wooclcii sm,iny set, slide, 2 swings. riiigx. ;inti ropc. $75 o r best ol'l'cr. 872- 4236. 2-7- I 1-3

    FOR SA1 ,E - Ilog cages and

    -~ ., ,. . .

    tI02 I ~ o u x \ . C'iiII 872-4522. 2-7- 18-3

    . -. . - _- f'OII SAI,E - 1998 H i 1 l . l ~ ~ I ) a v i cl so n S poi t st c I' S port, 2,500 actual iiiilcs. IOi+wiiid controls, sissy h;ir atid ot1ic.r o x t r a s . $8,500 I ' i r i i i . 872- 392X cvcnings. 2-7- I 1-3

    KI:,NMORtl HIGH cll'i- cjc1iL.y air conditionc,r. Fits windows 27" t o 40" widc. 8 0 0 0 B'I'U. Good cotidilion.

    -. .. , ,

    $ 5 0 . 989-X72-3270. 2-7-25- 111

    -. .. ~. ,

    t 4 ) K SA1,t: - Twin hccl, $ 2 5 ; 2 3 - ~ 1 w c c l 20" hikes , $ 2 5 cac.h: I O " ~ i r l s hikc, $25; riiulri-lcvcl p1;itii stand. $ I O ; 2 t,cd l'l.illiics. $5 cach. C'all 872-4000 I I ~ I Y S o r X72-4445 C\YII i n ys . 2-7-25-3

    EHRLICH'S FLAG BUSINESS For all yoirr+flag n~e(ls

    US - State - Military - POW

    -Aluminum Poles- Sectional or One Piece

    Bill Ehrlich, Sr. 665-2568 Bill Ehrlich, Jr. 665-2503


    2-9- 13-tf

    GARAGE SAIdE - 9-5 p.ili., Friday a n d Saturdiiy. As- sorted clothing, criifts and ti o u s c ti o I d 111 i sc c I I an c o u s itcrns. 4070 Kcscuc Rd. , 0 w c ndalc . 14-7-25- I ( Automotive > FOR SALE - 1990 Buick

    Sport Rcgal. V-6, sccn at Gagctown, $ I.000 or hcst ofl'cr. (989) 868-3227.


    FOR RENT - Retail space, 6435 Main St. 872-4532.

    4-6-6- tf I, A KC; E 4 -FA M I LY g aragc

    Boy's sizes IO- 12, tcon girl's, guns, t oo l s , toys and lots of' t1iisccll;incous. 2 i i i i lcs north of' M-53/M-8 I intcrscction, 1/4 on Sccgcr Rd. cast.

    salt J u l y 26-27-28, 9-S p.11).

    14-7-25 I

    Ross Kraft C'ass City. Mich.

    (989) 872-3601

    FOR S A L E - Ford 300, straight six motor, 4-sped, runs good, $200. John Dccre B tractor, $1,200. 670-9625.

    1-7-1 1-3 VFW HALL availahlc 101- rcntal occasions. Call Mar- t i n Twork at 872-4SS4.

    4- 10-4-tf PAUL'S PUMP REPAIR - Water pump and water tank sales. 1 n - homc serv ice . Credit cards acccpted. Call 673-4850 or 800-745-485 I a n y t i me. 8-9-25 - t f

    1999 2 W D C H E V Y Silverado, cxtcndcd cab, third door, light pcwter color, I c ;i t hc r i n t cr i o r , I oaded , 05,000 miles, $ t 7,900. (989) X72- 1x43. 1-7- 18-3

    FOR RENT - K o f C Hi~ll, 6 106 Beechwood Drive. Parties , d i n n c 1's , meet i n g . Call Rick Kerkau, 872-4877.

    4-6- 13-tf

    FOR SALE - Custoni built storage barns, all si/.cs, horsc barns , doy houscs , oral't itciris. Will deliver. Call 872-2608. 3rd housc o n Hurds Corner Rd., north 01' M-8 I . Harold Dccring. c':iII a n y t i iiic. 2- 1 I - 17-11.

    Cass City Missionary Church 4393 Koepfgen Road

    Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

    Worship Service 11 :00 a.m.

    Evening Service 6:30 p.m.


    (Pustor: ;L>avidEdiids 5-9-27-tf

    199s BUICK 1,cSabrc L-irn- itcd, loaded, cxccllcnt condi- t i o n . $6,200 obo. 989-872- 3786 d tc r 2 p.m. 1-7- 18-3



    AVA I 1, A ATELY - I hcdrootn apart- 111 c I1 t . ;al-tingc iiicludcd, Call 872- 45.72.

    1, E 1 M M E D 1 -

    Wa t e r . s c w il? c i\ 11 d

    4 -6- 2 7 - t 1' .. ~ -...- ~

    R E N T - 3-hcdl-oot11 trailer, Cass City country, $4 5 O/ni o n t t i p I u s de po s i t . Appliunccs. rcfcrences and working. t'agcr 20 1-6860.

    4-7- 18-3

    19x7 WINNEBAGO motorhomc, cxccllcnt condi- t i on, sc I f-con taincd with s tand-up shower. Asking

    1-7- 18-3 $7,200. Call 872-2926.

    PAIK OF BLUE Indian pca- cocks, hcti, laying. $300 oho; onc male rcd goldcn pheas- ant; onc inalc yellow golden pheasant. $2.5 each oho. (9x9) 673-4 I IO. 2-7- 18-3 s-7-18-3 Call: 5 17-872-4654 < Wanted to Buv > U 8- 12-6-tf FOR SALE - 1974 Chevy

    I m pa I a , g rc a t c ond i t i o n , $4,000 or best offer. 872- 9884. 1-7- 18-3

    I 2 '~33'7'KAII,fiK, OIIC heel- rootii, ncw carpet and pancl- ins. $2,000 oho. Must scl l . ( 9 X O ) 753-K35 I . 3-7-2.5-2

    NOTICE Good Shepherd

    Lutheran Church 6820 E. Main St.

    872-2770 Worship Service 9:30 a.m.

    Bible Class & Sunday School 10:45 a.m.

    Pastor: Gemld Meyer 5-7- 1 -tf

    FOR SALE - I O 0 acrcs of clean wliciit straw in thc wind row, round haled or square ba ld . 872-4076. 2-7- 18-3

    KOOM I:OR R E N T with housc privi lcgcs . $280 riionthl> i o n t . $30 sccurity dcposi I. i ncl licks uti 1 i t ics and

    4-7- 18-3 Cahlc TV. 673-4 1 IO.

    Cass City Tire

    .We now do auto air conditioning

    .We convert to the new R134A

    Licensed & Certified

    6392 Main Street 51 7-872-5303


    FOR SALE - 1990 Chevy pickup, needs lifters, $1,000 or best offer. 872-9884.

    1-7- 1 8-3

    K A 1, K AS KA CI'O 1J N T Y : 4.0 he ;iu t i I'u I I y w ooclccf ac rc s c l o s c to Fif'c Lakc, Statc Liind, Mmistcc River. ldcal gotaway location. DItvc m d c I c arccl si IC ;i I rcad y i n s t al I ccl , E I C C 11.1 1'. $ 2 s ,900, $ S O 0 down. $320/1nonth. I 1 % I ,itnd C011trii~t. N o ~ t h ~ i . ~ i I m d C'onipany. 1 -800-968- 3 1 I X 0 r www.notlicrnlaridco.cotii lor p h o l o ~ and survey 0 1 ' s]Jrucc 1,~lnc.. 3-7-25-2

    - - ..

    < ToGive Away ) BLUEBERRIES arc rcady to pick at Turner's Bluchcrry Farm. U-pick. Open 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. daily. (989) 673-6447, Caro. 2-7- 18-S

    FREE PUPPIES - Springcr- L a b mix, 6643 Shabbona Rd., Dclord. 872-3443.


    COMPLETEI>Y REMOD- ELED ground floor apart- riictit, S minutes from Cass City. One small pet o . k . All utilities. Country setting, per- I.ect for retirees or snow birds. 872-4532. 4-7- 18-ti'

    FOR SALE - 1989 Grand Prix, 2.8 V6, front end dam- age, parts or could be fixed. 872-2 173. $600 obo.

    1-7- 18- I --.

    I992 GEO STORM CSI, I .8 4-cylindci-, 5-spccd. (989) 872-2827? Icnvc mcssage.


    POLEGA'S PRODUCE will hc opcning J u l y 26 for its sc ;I s( )n ;i I h u s i nc ss . ACC c pt in g projcct I'rcsh coupons. A largc select ion o f hotnc g r( ) w n vcgc t a blc s . Monday -

    Sunclay, 12-5 p.m. 0480 Bay C'i ty- Forcsl c! I I IC at I ntc'rscc- t i o n of' M-fi3. (989) 872-

    Saturday, IO a.n1.-5 p.111.;

    3348. 2-7-25- I

    Services SEASONED FIREWOOD - Mixed hardwood, ash, cherry, maple and elm. $45 face cord, split. You pick up. 872-35 I5 or 872- 1 IO I .

    2-5- 30- t f


    First Presbyterian Church

    Worship Scrvicc

    MUDDERS DRYWALL Hanging, Finishing,

    Repairs, Spray Texture New or Old Construction

    Experienced Crew Quality Work Guaranteed



    or Jason (8 IO) 710-7401 (989) 665-2306


    SALT FREE iron condition- e r s and water softeners, 24,000 grain, $750. In-home service on all brands. Credit

    1 cards accepted. Call Paul's 1 Pump Repair, 673-4850 or 1 800-745-485 1 for free analy- 1 sis. 8-9-25-tf

    R 0 0 h 4 FOR RENT with h o u se h o Id pr i v i I eg c s . C a1 I Jan at 872-238 I . 4-7- 18-3

    N O R T H W O O D LAKE Cond 0111 i n i ums. Give your- self the gift of time. No lawn to mow, n o snow to ,ihnvel. It's taken care of for y o u . Call Holly at Kelly & Co. Rcalty. 5 17-872-2248 o r S 17-3752386. 3-2-7-tf

    10:45 a.m. Notices Nursery Available

    Pastor: Djvid Blackburn 650s Church St.,

    Cass City (989) 872-5400

    NO SMOKING BINGO - E v c r y Wed n c sd ay n i g t i I . Open G:OO - carly bird 6:30 - regular bingo 7:OO. Post 3644 VFW, Veterans Dr.

    5 - 2 - 2 6- I 1'

    t U R SAI.ii - Walnut dining rooni t;iblc with 4 chairs iind 2 1c;ivcs. very good concli-

    Gci~alcl Stilson, 6375 Third tioii> $ 125. C'illl 872-407h.

    SI. 2-7-2.5-3 .. . . . - -. _ . _ . ..- . .

    I;OK S A L € - I O X I Hondii

    q c k . 10,942 t i i i lcs, 4 cylin- clcr. ru11s. Needs ii littlc TI,C'.

    Iic;itcr-. Stiitc Indusrrics - 40 g~lllon. $30. (9K9) $5 1-8576 or (C,89) X73-33 IO.

    C ' B 750 F Supursport I l lotor-

    $350. AISO ~ i i i t ~ r i ~ l W U ~ C ~

    2-7-25-2 .. . " .~

    John's Small Engine Repair ALL MAKES & MODELS

    6426 Cass City Rd. Cass City, Mich.

    Across from stockyard Crankshaft straightening

    available Reasonable Rates Mon.-Fri. 4-9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m,-5 p.m,

    872-3866 8-574


    Cass City Church of the Nazarene 6538 Third St.

    Sunday School 1O:OO a.m.

    Worship Service 1 1 :00 a.m.

    Sunday Evening Service 6:OO p.m.

    Pastor: Win. Bider.

    872-2604/872- 520 1

    (- For Rent Trip to Greek Town Monday, August 13

    Btls leaves from St. Pancratius parking lot

    at 8:30 a.m.

    Call Nina at 872-2925 or Ginny at 872-4793

    $28 for trip 5-7-25-2

    Backhoe Dozer


    Cokpetitive'package deals for new construction!

    Modulars Owblewides -Trailers -Driveways *Site Development

    -Basements Crawlspace *Ponds -Septic Systems *Footings

    *Waterlines .Ditches Same day delivety on: Sand,

    Stone, Gravel, Topsoil SIMPSON ROCKS

    & STONES Stones at Rock Bottom Prices

    We process our own stones for:

    =Landscaping -Driveways 7 -Septic Systems *More 2 51 7-8724502

    level apart nient. Electric. storage, near

    grocery stores and doctors offices .

    Please call 872-4654 *. 4-6-h-tf# 4 Don't Waste Yard Wastes!

    Certified Master Mechanic Computer Alignments

    Computer Balance & Rotation

    Front End parts Shocks & Struts

    Brakes Tune-ups

    Free Estimates

    Caro Farmers' Market FOR RENT - Cas City Mini

    Storage. Call 872-3917. 4-3- 13-tf

    -~-. -._ I--

    2 - BED ROOM down stairs apartment at hcautiful Hill- side Apartments. Fully car- peted, refrigerator, range, watcr softener, air condi- tioncr, s toragc units and laundromat. Near grocery store, beauty shop, hospital, doctors. Call 872-33 IS.


    Protect our natural resources - recycle yard wastes, instead of burning them. Recycling yard wastes through composting and mulching helps re- tain soil moisture, keeps weeds down, and enriches the soil. It also eliminates the health haz- M1CHl-N ards of smoke, and the risk of wildfire, s Sponsored by the Michigan interagency Wildland 1 fire Protection Association

    Gas & Oil Furnaces All Gas Appliances

    and HEATING


    Paul L. Brown

    Owner State Licensed

    24 Hour Emergency Service

    CALL 51 7-072-2734 8 - 3 * 30- t

    ELECTRIC MOTOR and power tool repair, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. John Blair, 1/8 mile west of M-53 on Sebewaing Road. Phone

    8- 12- 13-tf 269-7909.

    GLENN EASTHAM Ijstatc Sale - 522 Lincoln St., c'iiro,

    J u l y 28, 9-2 p n i . Saturday, iterns are I /2 oil'. Nutnhcrs givcn out at 8 r i . in . Anliqucs, l'ii r n i I u rc' , g I ;is x w iirc , u o I - Icctihlus and much i i io rc .

    J u l y 2h, 27. 9 i1.11i.-S p.111-

    W.W. Sale. 14-7-25- I

    Alljlnirr tiw nedyfi-orn ti4 eelhwro M?S'

    to tmctoi-s See 11s tocic1y

    Cass City Tire Phone 872-5303

    5 - 12- 18-tf

    A Make it a per fec t WIVE GAKAGE SAI.,F, - ? ' h ~ r ~ d i i y , Friday, V-S, J u l y 2&27, k i t -

    nwwcr, papcr hacks - Wcst- crns, Stcplicn King, R o - iiiiincc. candles, toys, dcsk. rocking horsc, old s;iws, 101s o t' ti1 i scc 1 I ancou s i tu i n s , 6.594

    U I . C ~ ~ \ Y , 9- 12, J u l y 28. Liwti

    Pi nc. 14-7-25 I - .

    Y A R D S A L E - hh20 Houghton St . , Aug. 2 - 3 . Papiism chair, tiihlcs. rock- ing chairs. hunk hctl, clccp 1.1-cc~c. shop V K , iiiicrow;ivc, Easy- Bake ovcn, tiiany inis- ccllancous itcnis. 14-7-25- I

    Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

    Don Dohn

    Cass C'11y 4394 Maple #3

    Phbne 872-347 I 8-7- I O-ti'

    FOR KENT- Upstairs 2 bed- room apartment, no pets. Mus t haw re ferc nccs. $3 SO per month plus sccurity dc- posit. (989) 872-SO62.




    Commercial/Residential lnsured


    Earn $30,000 to $55,000 a year! 400,000 truck driver

    openings nationally!



  • A GA!NEY DRIVER MAKES More $$S. Weekly bonus. Tuition reimbursement. 6 months experience required. Trainers needed. Complete Benefits Package. Call Dwayne 1-800-326-8889.

    Services Services Services ~

    Smith Refrigeration


    Appliance Repair

    Thomas Roofing YOURTOTAL

    ROOFING CONTRACTOR Servirtg the ureu for 3 0 j ~ a r s


    (989) 872-2970 C'ass Ctty


    M C T/W OOD T RU C KI N G Offers Tuition free Training. We also accept experienced drivers, solo, team, graduates. Liberal Get-home policy. Excellent Pay Package. MedicalidentalAision. 401 K. Late model conventionals. Large Company benefits with small company atmosphere. Call 1-800-621-4878.

    L,ht : L , L l t \ * I t , < ' # l C.:I1,h t C.'t:.,,,,,,,, Dry Extraction Carpet Cleaning

    Deep Clcariiny With No Dryiriy Tirrio Dry Cleaning Is A Simple Way To C h i i Carpets Indoor Allurycris Arid F'rolwt

    Indoor Air Ociaiity . Dust Miles 78% - Oust Mile Allergens 15Oh . Ca' Allergens 85% * Mold Spores 85'b

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    DRIVERS - NORTH AMERI- CAN Van Lines has openings in Specialized Truckload, Relocation and Flatbed fleet. Minimum 6 months oltlr expe- rience. Tractor purchase avail- able. 1-800-348-2147, Dept. MIS.

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