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  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    After Fighting through count-

    less issues throughout her life

    to preserve and improve Essex

    and its surrounding communi-

    ties, Denise Woutila lost her

    exteremly difficult battle with

    advanced breast cancer. She

    succumbed on Saturday, April


    She kept an amazingly posi-

    tive attitude throughout the

    entire experience said RBIA/

    TPIA Secretary, Kevin

    Mcdonough. Denise had been

    an offiver of that organization

    for seven years, serving as its

    secretary and most recently as

    its treasurer.

    [The] Turkey Point and Back

    River [communities] lost a

    longtime resident and importantcommunity activist,

    McDonough added.

    Even with her extensive in-

    volvement in the community,

    Denise still found time for fam-

    ily. She maintained a marriage

    of 30 years to her beloved hus-

    band, bill, and raised two won-

    derful children son Jordan, a

    decorated paramedic and vol-

    unteer fireman, and daughter

    Tiffanie who is active in envi-

    ronmental preservation.

    Counted among Denises

    achievements are that she

    fought alongside Jackie Nickel

    on a number of developmental

    and zoning issues in the Essex

    and Middle River areas, as well

    as helped to save North Point

    State Park from development

    years ago.

    Denise was also instrumental in

    the creation and writing of the

    most recent Lower Back RiverNeck Community Action Plan.

    She had worked on the cam-

    paign to elect Sixth District

    councilwoman Cathy Bevins,

    she worked to expose knowledg

    of asbestos by officials at Sussex

    Elementary School in the 1990s

    and most recently was pushing

    for increased transparency and

    oversight of Baltimore County

    Volunteer Fire Companies.

    Denise was also a supporter of

    the SATO Project which helps

    find homes for stray dogs in

    Puerto Rico. She adopted her

    dog, Josie, when first diagnosed

    with cancer.

    She was an inspiration to the

    community and to neighbors,

    McDonough expressed. The

    Rockaway Beach/ Turkey Point

    community mourns her loss, and

    in memory of Denise had draped

    our community sign in pink in

    her memory and for Breast Can-cer Awareness.

    Article By: Devin Crum

    East County Times Newspaper

    May 9,2013 Edition

    Remembering Denise Woutila

    Community Newsletter

    R O C K A W A Y B E A C H I M P R O V E M E N T A S O C . I N C .T U R K E Y P O I N T I M P R O V E M E N T A S S O C .

    C / O : 2 0 2 3 N E W H A V E N D R I V EB A L T I M O R E , M D 2 1 2 2 1

    Summer 2013

    [email protected]


    Kim GoodwinMaigetter


    Bob Schweitzer

    Vice President

    Kevin McDonough

    Secretary / Web Administrator

    Chip MillerSergeant at Arms

    Connect with us!

    RockawayBeach TurkeyPoint


    DID YOU KNOW?The Rockaway BeachImprovement Assoc. was orig-inally incorporated in 1955.

    Denise Woutila, with her hus-band Bill, and son Jordan cele-

    brating Jordans receipt of many

    firefighting / paramedic awards

    Rockaway BeachCommunity Sign draped in

    Pink to Honor Denise

    Visit us online: WWW.TURKEYPOINT.ORG


    Prepared & Designed by: Kevin McDonough - Edited by: Kim Goodwin-Maigetter

    Denise and Daughter Tiffaniepose for a quick picture

  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    Its that time of year again! The

    RBIA/TPIA Annual Labor Day

    Raffle is getting ready to kick

    into full swing! As has been

    done in the past two years, do-nations were solicited from

    local businesses to use as prizes

    for our communitys raffle. We

    are very thankful to them for

    their donations, sincerely ap-

    preciate our partnership with

    each one of them and urge you

    to patronize them with your


    Each household in our commu-

    nity will be given one book of

    five raffle tickets to sell to ben-

    efit the community, Members

    are encouraged to sell a mini-

    mum of 10 tickets. Tickets are

    $1.00 each. If each household

    in our community sells just

    simply $5.00 worth of tickets,

    we could easily generate over

    $1,000 from this years raffle.

    Last year came extremely close

    with a total of about $840 .

    All proceeds from the Raffle

    are used to cover the general

    operating expense of the Im-

    provement Association, as out-

    lined in our budget and to un-

    dertake small scale community

    projects from time to time

    such as tour most recent land-

    scaping and renovation of the

    Rockaway Beach Communityentrance Sign.

    Raffle Drawing will be held on

    the grounds of Eastern Yacht

    club at 7:00pm on Labor Day.

    Residents of the community are

    welcome to come and watchthe drawing and have a drink at

    the Tiki-Bar!

    Middleriverfireworks.comOr mail donations to:

    Attn: Middle River Fireworks2330 Seneca RoadEssex, MD 21221

    Road and there is currently no

    plans by the private owners to

    sell or develop that we are

    aware of.

    While large development on the

    peninsula is always a concern,

    we have been focusing morelately on smaller scale develop-

    ment, as that is what is more

    appealing to builders and inves-

    tors during these current eco-

    nomic times. A Proposal was

    submitted last year to Baltimore

    County to subdivide the parcel

    of property at the corner of

    Beck Avenue and Turkey Point

    Road. That application was

    denied by the county. After

    reviewing the plans that were

    submittedit appears that the

    owner wishes to divide the

    current .75 acre parcel into two

    lots for residential use. The

    Improvement Association has

    been in talks with the County

    regarding this proposed minor

    subdivision and will work to

    the best of our efforts to make

    sure whatever is decided is

    truly in the best interest of the


    There are also two commercial

    properties within our communi-

    ty that are currently for sale thatwe continue to watch closely

    and stay updated on. Kristis

    Kitchen (Glories Place) is cur-

    rently a foreclosure property

    and no longer has a liquor li-

    cense associated with it. A few

    offers have been made on the

    property but none of which

    have been approved by the

    bank processing the foreclo-

    sure. The other property is Bob-

    by Bs Placewhich has been

    on the market for a number of

    years now. Regardless of

    whether the property sells or

    remains in the hands of its cur-

    rent owner, we will continue to

    keep a watchful eye on that

    property and make sure it is up

    to County building, Health, and

    Liquor Board Codes.

    The largest concern that we as

    an organization have is the

    threat of large scale dense de-

    velopment that could threaten

    the integrity of our rural com-

    munity and precious environ-

    ment. At present time howev-er, all undeveloped properties

    within our jurisdiction remain

    dormant with many of them

    currently listed for sale. The

    Mantz Property, Edgar Grove

    Property, and Schweitzer Prop-

    erty are all currently listed and

    to the best of our knowledge no

    offers have been made to pur-

    chase those and no changes to

    previously presented and ap-

    proved/ agreed upon develop-

    ment plans submitted.

    Along with that, there are sev-

    eral other wooded parcels of

    land within our community that

    have the potential to one day be

    sold and developed which the

    Improvement Assoc. continues

    to keep a close eye on. Those

    particular parcels of land are

    mainly along Turkey Point

    Development Round-up

    Annual Labor Day Raffle

    Community Newsletter [email protected]

    Page 2


    We are always looking to

    compile an archive of old

    photographs from around

    the peninsula. Submit yours


    Drop us an e-mail or give us

    a call. All photos are re-

    turned once copies are made.

    EYC Event Calendar

    **Tickets available!

    July 6th

    Middle River Fireworks

    August 17th

    Blues & Wine Festival **

    Sept 2nd

    Family Day Picnic

    October 13th

    Gulls Crab Feast


    Brent Dunkle and the Captain

    posing alongside of the newly reno-vated sign to showcase their car-

    pentry skills. Thanks to Artist JoAnn

  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    monetary support to help sus-

    tain what has become a land-

    mark in the Essex Middle River


    To find out more about the

    Skypark, visit their website:


    community to serve as a visual

    deterrent for potential crimi-

    nals. A neighborhood watch

    was also formed by the Sue

    Creek Landing Community to

    help address the issue of crime

    in that particular development.

    Residents throughout the com-

    munity are urged to remain

    observant of their surround-

    ingswrite down and report

    tag numbers and vehicle de-

    scriptions of suspicious vehi-

    cles as well as descriptions of

    persons who look like they are

    out of place and appear up to

    no good. An open line of com-

    munication between residents

    and the police is imperative to

    keeping our community safe.

    Please kepe in mind that while

    our community does see very

    little crime usuallywe are not

    immune to bad things happen-

    ing simply because we live in a

    good place. Even with the

    uptick in crime recentlycrime

    rates in our community remain

    much lower than in other areas


    It was discussed at our October

    2012 General Membership

    meeting that the Marie Trades

    Assoc., the group who had or-

    ganized the Middle River Fire-works for the past 16 years

    would be withdrawing from the

    event, and passing the torch on

    to Eastern Yacht Club. Eastern

    Yacht Club, in turn looked to

    the community for help to plan

    and make the event successful

    by utilizing volunteers to staff


    The Improvement Assoc. was

    tasked with staffing a subcom-

    mittee responsible for fundrais-

    ing for the event a feat which

    requires soliciting about

    $30,000 in private donations.

    Solicitations for that money are

    made in the name of The Fire-

    works Committee.

    We would like to take a mo-

    ment to encourage all residents

    to donate to the Middle River

    Fireworksthis truly is a one

    of a kind event, that makes our

    community unique, and in or-

    der to keep it going, simply put

    we need money! Donations of

    any amount are extremely help-

    ful to making sure the event is

    paid for and can continue for

    years to come. Even donations

    as little as $25 can help to con-

    tribute to the cost of the event.The address to which dona-

    tions can be sent to can be

    found on page two of this


    We would also like to extend

    sincere thanks to the following

    community members who havehelped to make the fireworks a

    success by serving on our fund-

    raising Sub-Committee:

    Carin Smith, Kevin

    McDonough, Darlene Baugher,

    Fred Puhl, JoAnn Weiland,

    Rebecca Machin, Mike

    Machin, Jack Weiland, Barb

    Norris, Pete Beyrodt, Gary

    Blankenship, Chip Miller, Re-

    gina Horst, Martha Spangler

    and Joe Eiben.

    property associated with the

    Skypark. With that, the Sky-

    park is here to stay as an inte-

    gral part of our communitys

    history for the next 99 years!

    The Skypark hosts numerous

    events throughout the yearair

    shows, pancake breakfasts, etc.

    to showcase the park to the

    community and to drum up

    With the help of our Council-

    woman, Cathy Bevins and the

    Administration of County Exec.

    Kevin Kamenetzthe efforts

    from the Essex Skypark Assn.

    to secure the airports future

    have proven successful!

    The Essex Skypark has raised

    enough funds to secure and

    commit to a 99 year lease of the

    This past winter, our communi-

    ty saw an uptick in crime in the

    form of home burglaries. Pri-

    marily homes on Tickwood

    Road, and Sue Creek Drive

    were the ones who fell victim

    to criminals, but burglaries

    were also scattered throughout

    other areas of the peninsula.

    To help combat this the Im-

    provement Association has

    worked closely with the Police

    Department to increase police

    patrols and presence in our

    Essex Skypark Secures Its Future

    Crime in the Community

    Middle River Fireworks Donations Needed!

    Community Newsletter [email protected]

    Page 3

    It is against the law to ride ATVsand Dirt bikes on public roads, on

    private property without the writ-ten and signed consent of theowner, and to operate them within300ft of a residence.

    All residents are urged to callPOLICE IMMEDIATELY uponseeing ATVs or Dirt Bikes in thecommunity. It is not just a publicsafety issue, but they are damag-

    ing environmentally sensitive

    ATVs & Dirt Bikes

    Sunset over Sue Creek

    Submitted by: JoAnn Weiland


    We are always looking for volun-

    teers to help us out with every-

    thing from handling community

    issues to distributing flyers and

    newsletters. Even a half hour of

    your time is appreciated!


    Dumpster Day & Movie Night

    SatSept 14thAt the Baltimore Boating Center

    Sponsored by:

  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    rentals daily for anyone inter-

    ested in venturing out on their

    own to get a great workout and

    explore Sue Creek!

    Fore details regarding rental

    prices, policies, info on guided

    excursions, lessons, etc. pleasecontact the Baltimore Boating


    via telephone at: 410-687-2000


    otherwise have to be taken to

    the landfill.

    This years event is sponsored

    by the Baltimore Boating Cen-

    ter, and will be held on their

    grounds. Volunteers will en-

    gage in community clean-

    upactivities and help unload resi-

    dents cars. BBC will be provid-

    ing refreshments for all of our


    A Community Movie night will

    be held that evening at the

    Boating Center also! Bring the

    family out and have a GREATtime! Details to be released in

    A dedicated group of volun-

    teers is working to revive what

    was once a longstanding com-

    munity tradition many years

    agoA Summer Kick-

    OffBlock Party on the RBIA Ball-

    Field along Rockaway Beach


    On Saturday, June 29th, at

    3:00pm, all RBIA Members ad

    their families are invited to join

    us for the first of what is hoped

    to be an Annual Block Party,

    and the start to our summer

    season! Those coming are

    asked to RSVP to Kevin or the

    RBIA e-mail,

    [email protected] with a

    head count.

    We are also asking each house-

    hold attending to bring a food

    item, drink, or dessert to share

    and to include what that will be

    in with your RSVP. This helps

    us defray the cost of the event

    and really make sit a unique

    Community style event.

    The Association will be provid-

    ing hamburgers and hot-dogs as

    well as a DJ playing music for

    the event. Those wishing to

    may being their own alcohol to

    the event to enjoy and share if

    they so choose.

    The field provides for plenty of

    ample parking, which will be

    within just feet of the festivi-

    ties . Tables, chairs and cano-

    pies will be on site as well!

    We look forward to seeing eve-

    ryone at this event, as it is a

    fantastic opportunity to gather

    as a community, meet and min-

    gle with neighbors and foster

    the strong and vibrant commu-

    nity spirit that we are so very

    lucky to have as part of the

    Rockaway Beach and Turkey

    Point Community!

    for the residents of our area.

    The Baltimore Boating Center

    is now the proud home of Mid-

    dle River Stand-Up Paddle


    Very similar to Kayaking,

    (except that you are standingwhile rowing) Stand Up Paddle

    Boarding is very simple and

    provides a Great workout and a

    unique way to explore our

    neighborhoods gorgeous wa-


    MRSUP will be hosting once

    weekly guided excursions in

    Sue Creek, as well as providing

    The Baltimore Boating Center,

    located along Turkey Point

    Road, just below Old Turkey

    Point Road is a small family

    owned and operated marina

    nestled on about 4 acres along

    Beautiful Sue Creek withlongstanding ties to our com-


    While the boating Center is

    making amazing strides in go-

    ing green as a recycling drop

    off site for used oil, zinc, shrink

    wrap, aluminum cans, plastic

    bottles, and paint it also making

    some impressive strides in be-

    coming a recreational hotspot

    Once again this year, our com-

    munity is scheduled to take part

    in Baltimore Countys Annual

    Community Clean-Up Pro-

    gram, by providing Dumpsters

    for the use of ALL residents on

    the peninsula to get rid of gen-

    eral household items that would

    Balto. Boating Ctr. Offers Paddleboard Rentals

    Dumpster Day & Community Movie Night

    RBIA Summer Kick-Off Party

    Community Newsletter [email protected]

    Page 4

    The Following Roads are to berepaved in the coming months perinformation from Balto. Co. High-ways:

    -Old Turkey Point Road

    -Seneca Road

    -Greyhound Road

    -Bauernschmidt Drive

    -All Roads in Bauernschmidt

    Manor Community.

    2013 Road Repaving

    Middle River Stand-Up Paddle

    Board Rentals

    Baltimore Boating Center

    Encourage yourneighbors to become

    RBIA members!!!!!

    $20 per householdyearly dues


    RBIA / TPIA General

    Membership Meeting

    ThursJune 27th

    At Eastern Yacht Club

    7:30pm.Check-in beginning

    at 7:00 pm in the main


  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    It is through the hard work and dedication of these individuals that we are able to do all of the great things we do for our communi-

    ty. We would like to sincerely thank.

    Denise Woutilafor her many years of service to RBIA/TPIA as secretary and then as treasurer. Your love for this community and for this

    organization did not go unnoticed. You are part of why we are where we are today.

    Scott Huffinesfor donating his time and talents as our go-to guy for anything tech oriented and for providing us with such an amazing


    Janice Misey, Bob Schweitzer, Jack Weiland, Woody & Unvi Proveaux, and Brian and Diane Robertsonfor their help keeping Turkey

    Point Road and Bauernschmidt Drive clean and litter free!

    Chip & Sharon Millerfor their landscaping efforts on the community beach and for keeping it clean and free of debris!

    Darlene Baugher and Fred Puhlfor the work on keeping the Rockaway sign well landscaped and beautiful!

    Terry Gerardfor conducting an audit of our books as a volunteer effort using his knowledge as a retired accountant.

    Kim Goodwinfor all of her work as our President. She has helped to bring us into the 21st century and lead us into some of the most suc-

    cessful years in our history.

    Brent Dunkle, and JoAnn Weilandfor their generous donation of their time and talents to complete the restoration of the Rockaway

    Beach Sign.

    Kevin McDonoughfor all that he does to address complaints, concerns, issues, and keep things running smoothly.

    Rebecca Machin, Bob Schweitzer & Kevin McDonoughfor planning our Summer Kick-Off Party on the Field.

    Barb Norris, Rebecca Machin, Debbie & John Hoehn, and Terry & Mary Gerardfor assembly and distribution of newsletters, flyers and

    publications throughout the year.

    Councilwoman Cathy Bevins Office, and County Exec. Kevin Kamenetzs Office for assisting us with complaints and issues throughout

    the community.

    Jim High, Brenda Wilmoth and the Baltimore Boating Centerfor agreeing to host this years Dumpster Day and Movie Night at the

    Boating Center! (Looking forward to it!!!)

    Eastern Yacht Clubfor allowing use of their clubhouse for all of our meetings.

    Our members and residents you all truly make this community the fantastic place that it is! Thank you for always volunteering and being

    actively engaged in your community. It is truly a privilege to be able to work with such great people!

    Thank Yous-

    Turkey Point TriviaHow well do you know your neighborhood history? Try your hand at answering some of the questions below! (answers upside down)

    1.) In what year was the BauernschmidtManor House constructed?____________

    2.)Name the island on which the Balti-

    more Yacht Club sits. ________________

    3.) To whom is the Rockaway Beach com-

    munity sign dedicated? ________________

    4.) What neighborhood gathering placeused to occupy this building?


    5.) TRUE or FALSEThe Back RiverSchoolhouse used to sit where present dayChesapeake High School is.

    6.) The Turkey Point community is refer-

    enced in what 1990s John Waters film?________________________________

    7.) What was the name of the hunting clubthat owned the land comprised of presentday Bauernschmidt Manor in the late

    1800s? __________________________

    8.) What crop was the farm which sat onthe Bills Property (directly across fromBalto. Boating Ctr) known for growing?


    9.) What was the name of the originalrealty company that sold lots in theRockaway Beach subdivision in early1900s? __________________________

    10.) How many years has the MiddleRiver Fireworks Extravaganza been held

    at Eastern Yacht Club? ____________







  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter





    The following businesses are supporters of our community

    Please patronize them with your business! They all have our highest recommendations

    Crumbs Galore


    7931 Pulaski Hwy.

    Balto. MD, 21237




    749 SUE GROVE ROAD - Baltimore, MD 21221



    113 Back River Neck Road



    WingPics Aerial Photography

    Ron BergmanOwner & Photographer



  • 7/28/2019 RBIA-TPIA 2013 Newsletter


    2015 Turkey Point Road



    Maryland BurglarAlarm Co.

    629 Eastern Blvd

    Essex, MD 21221


    Jiffy Lube #100

    213 Eastern Boulevard

    Essex, MD 21221


    Chip & Sharon Miller


    The following businesses are supporters of our community

    Please patronize them with your business! They all have our highest recommendations

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