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  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    May 2, 2013 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. V No. 31

    The Dove

    Y 2012-13


    ce President & PEhair - Health & Wellness

    ecretary & Chair - Youth Development

    easurer & Chair - Fund Generation


    otocol Officer

    hair - Club Administration & RI Associateembers Pilot Project

    ub Trainor & Chair - Membership Dev

    hair - Service Projects

    hair - The Rotary Foundation & RI Asso-ate Members Pilot Project

    hair - Public Relations

    hair - Networking and Community Dev

    hair - Sports



    sociate Members (RI Pilot Program)

    onorary Members


    O f f i c i a l N e w s e B u l l e t i n o f t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f H o l y S p i r i t

    Holy Spirit President Marcia exhorts technical school graduates to

    continue learning and strive for excellence in their vocation.

    The digital edition of this newsletter contains 8 pages. View online to access more pages of information about Rotary and our club.

    Oriental medical mission serves 57 indigent patients in Payatas

    PE Dr Eui Bong Jung and volunteers ofSion Oental Medical Mission Center (SOMMC)con-ducted another oriental medical relief missiofor residents of depressed Payatas communilast April 24, 2013 at the Masaya CDP Centeof Korean Food For the Hungry International.Bong and the volunteers provided free medicconsultations and medicines to relieve ailmeand vitamin syrup. The team cheered the completion of the tour of service by Ms Amy, andwelcomed the arrival of a new volunteer team

    member, Ms Scarlet Cha.

    At the 7th commencement exercises of Elite Business School of Science and Technogy on April 10, 2013, President Marcia Salvador spoke before the graduating sdents of Computer Programming and encouraged them to continue learning and proving their technical skills to give them competitive advantage. She exhorted thto live up to their graduations theme of quality technical education towards exclence.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

    Officers and committee chairs & their members for RY 2013-2014(For final validation)

    President Eui Bong JungVice President PE William P FabroaSecretary Fernando M Delgra JrTreasurer IPP Marcia C Salvador

    Auditor PP Pedrito M Condeno

    Protocol Officer CP Leonides S Respicio

    CommitteesClub Administration Ricardo P Salvador

    with Emmanuel P. Solidum, Sec JR, TreasMarcia

    Membership Development PN Marites L Nepomucenowith Marlene Martinez & PP Linda

    Community Service Projects PP Virginia Arden F Sy

    with Marlene Martinez, IPP Marcia, PPRogelio Belleza

    The Rotary Foundation Emmanuel P Solidumwith Ed Valbuena

    Public Relations Percival C Zabalawith PE Willy Fabroa & CP Nides Respicio

    Youth Service Fernando M Delgra Jrwith Babes Bacula, Angel Castro, PN

    Marites Nepomuceno

    Ad Hoc CommitteesFund Generation Ma Perpetual S Rivera

    with Jerry Sy and PN Marites Nepomuceno

    Health & Wellness Marlene Martinezwith PP Rogelio Belleza

    Networking & Community Development Jerry G Sywith PP Chin Chin Jurado and Joy Flores

    Livelihood Babes M Baculawith PE Willy Fabroa & PP Dodgie Osabel

    Sports In Il David Kimwith PP Ped Condeno & Babes Bacula

    RY 2011-12 to 2013-14:Club Trainer PP Emelinda C PalattaoRI Associate Members Pilot Project Ricardo P Salvador and

    PP Pedrito M Condeno

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    AGENDA for May 2, 2013 39th Meeting

    7:00 PM Assembly-Fellowship-Dinner

    Call to Order Pres Marcia Salvador

    Club business:


    DISTAS May 4

    District Awards Night May 25

    SETS June 8

    RCHS 8th Charter Anniversary June 28 Friday

    Service projects

    2013 Anti-rabies cat & dog vaccination May 25

    Team-building workshop for 120 teachers of DJ Elementary School May 28

    Brigada Eskwela traditionallylast week of May (District event)

    Rotary new year party for SPED children July 1 (District event)

    Club planning session:

    Review highlights of Days 1 & 2

    Unfinished matters

    Next steps . . .

    Other matters

    Presidents Time Pres Marcia

    Adjournment Pres Marcia

    Night Chair - Percy Zabala

    On Day 2 of the club planning session held last April 25th members refined the club organization and actioplan for RY 2013-14 and two years thereafter. Holy Spirit members shared inputs with incoming AssistanGovernor Nitoy Velasco, PP of RC Loyola Heights, the largest club in D3780. PND Marites Nepomucen

    again facilitated the session.

    Mr Alfonso S Nepomuceno, 83Our sincere condolences to the bereaved family of RCHS Auditor & PND Marites Nepomuceno as her fatheAlfonso, a long time dedicated community leader, joined his Creator last April 30, 2013. Lets pray for th

    eternal repose of his soul

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    This page ofThe Dove serves as home page of the virtual website of


    Rotary International District 3780

    Officers &Chairmen



    About theClub

    What isRotary?Galleryembers

    Rotary International www.rotary.orgwww.facebook.com/RCHS37C Holy Spirit

    Congratulations to May celebrants!Birthday Anniversary

    May 4 Kent & Toni

    May 6 David & Mi Kyung

    May 11 Doc Roger

    May 18 Marlene

    RC Holy Spirit PP Dodgie Osabel is lead nominee of# 106 ALAGAD Party-list

    Click or Tap view April 25th issue ofTHE DOV

    Mario Nery commented on your post in Rotary Philippines. 10:05pm Apr 27

    This issue of The Dove, e-newsletter of RC Holy Spirit D3780, presents a summary of continuing and completed service-aboveself projects of the club from July 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013 that have already touched the lives of over 5,000 less fortunate indviduals.Fellow Rotarians would also get updates on some important decisions of the Council on Legislation meeting in Chicago sinceMonday, April 22.

    I must congratulate your club for the excellent growth in numbers and quality of projectsover the years. It is nothing short of amazing. I remember some years ago when then DGDanny Fausto invited me to speak in your club. It was very memorable for me because al-though he warned me that the club had problems, particularly in membership, I was notprepared to see only one member left standing, the President then. There was a large audi-ence, but only one member! But that motivated me to try even harder to motivate thosearound, and if my effort added at least one more member, I would have been happy al-ready. Please continue your march to progress. Rotary certainly needs clubs such as yours.Be assured that you have at least one old Rotarian who will pray for your success.

    Mario R. NeryPDG D-3780, 1993-94

    Original post by Ric Salvador 4:12pm Apr 2

    RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB V No. 30 April 25, 2013 April 25, 2013 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780

    Gov Mario Nery congratulates Holy Spirit as the club nears its 8th charter anniversary

    Dear Gov Nery. Thank you very much for your

    continuing concern for the success of RC Holy

    Spirit. You inspired five people from that audi-

    ence several years ago to join the club and

    constitute, with CP Nides Respicio, the nucleus

    of the turnaround team. They include PP

    Dodgie Osabel, PP Linda Palattao who will be

    Lieutenant Governor in the team of IDG Francis

    Rivera, and incumbent President Marcia Salva-

    dor. IPP Ped Condeno came on board a few

    weeks after your talk. Holy Spirit has since

    been a fully functioning Rotary club as defined

    in the MOP. We now have 25 active members

    and 6 associate members under the 3-year

    project of Rotary International where RC Holy

    Spirit is one of 200 pilot clubs in the world. We

    also have vibrant Rotaract club, Interact club

    and Rotary Community Corps ofKaligtasan

    who work with us in touching the lives of at

    least 5,000 less fortunate individuals every

    year. And we have the line up of leaders to h

    assure continuing progress of the club: PE

    Bong, PN Willy and PND Marites. Again, we

    sincerely thank you, Gov Nery.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    Rotarys Council on Legislation approved US$1 per year in-

    crease in per capita dues, removed limits on e-clubs, permitted

    satellite clubs, changed new generations to Youth Service, al

    lowed participation in projects to count toward club attendanc

    Representatives from Rotarys 532 dis-tricts met in downtown Chicago 21-26April, approving a number of measuresdesigned to strengthen Rotary, increasemembership, and enhance the organiza-tions capacity to serve.

    The Council on Legislation meets everythree years to consider changes to the

    policies that govern Rotary Internationaland its member clubs.

    This years Council accepted an increase of US$1 per yearin per capita dues, removed limits on e-clubs, permitted sat-ellite clubs, and changed the name of the fifth Avenue ofService to Youth Service.

    The dues increase means Rotary clubs will pay Rotary Inter-national annual per capita dues of $54 in 2014-15, $55 in2015-16, and $56 in 2016-17. Dues for 2013-14 had al-ready been set to $53.

    Representatives approved several measures that increaseflexibility, including one that allows an unlimited number ofe-clubs.

    The Council also approved satellite clubs, whose membersmeet at a different time and location from their parent clubbut are still considered members of the parent club. Themeasure is intended to make it easier for members to de-velop the core for a new club.

    And in support of experimentation, the representatives in-creased the number of clubs that can take part in pilot pro-jects from 200 to 1,000. The RI Board uses these pilots,which last for up to six years, to test new ideas, methods,and organizational frameworks for clubs. Pilot clubs thatparticipate in these experiments are fully functioning Rotaryclubs but are exempt from some requirements of the Stan-dard Rotary Club Constitution.

    Among other actions during the week, representatives: Approved changing the name of Rotarys FifthAvenue of

    Service, currently called New Generations Service, toYouth Service. The 2010 Council approved this Ave-nue of Service for youth, which joined the already estab-

    lished Club Service, Vocational Service, Community vice, and International Service.

    Approved a measure allowing participation in club jects to count toward club attendance requiremeThe measure amends the Standard Rotary Club Cotution to require that a member attend or make upleast 50 percent of regular club meetings or engagclub projects for at least 12 hours in each half of year, or a combination of both.

    Approved a measure allowing Rotarians outside United States and Canada to receive an electronic tion of their official regional Rotary magazine, if onavailable. Rotarians within the United States and Cada were given the option of receiving a digital verofThe Rotarianby the 2010 Council.

    Approved a measure creating the office of vice goverwho would act as a substitute if the governor becaunable to serve. The vice governor would be selectethe districts nominating committee from among districts past governors.

    Rejected several resolutions that would have askedRI Board of Directors to grant official recognito programs that serve a range of different age groincluding EarlyAct, KidAct, and ElderAct.

    With the Council adjourned, an official report of actionbe compiled, sent to clubs, and posted online. Clubs han opportunity to record opposition to any action. If at le5 percent of the clubs entitled to vote oppose an action,legislation is suspended and the general secretary condua ballot-by-mail. A majority vote would cause the proposabe rejected. All Council actions otherwise go into effecJuly.

    By Arnold R. Grahl Rotary News30 April 2013

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    ArgentinaDistrict 4855 launched a high-profile public relations effortto spread the word about polio eradication. The campaign,which was covered in a national newspaper, featured two ofArgentinas first-division soccer teams: River Plate and Rac-ing Club. At matches late last year, players from both teamsdisplayed banners reading Goodbye Polio. In December,Rotarians presented the Racing Club team with the dis-trictsPeace Through Service Award.

    CanadaTo celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21 Septem-ber, the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ont., with helpfrom District 6380 (parts of Ontario and Michigan, USA),hosted a 5-kilometer twilight walk along the Detroit River. Atthe finish line, a barbecue and outdoor concert awaited themore than 400 participants from both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border. As part of its efforts to promote peace, theclub also rewards local schools that demonstrate anunwavering commitment to the process of peace with apole inscribed with the message May Peace Prevail onEarth.

    HaitiThe Rotary clubs of Saint Marc, Haiti, and Sanibel-Captiva,Fla., USA, worked together to provide sanitation facilities forMary Austin School in Saint Marc. The school, which serves750 children, had no indoor bathrooms. A new building withrunning water houses toilets, sinks, and auxiliary water stor-age. Funding for the three-year project came from the Sani-bel-Captiva club, District 6960 (Florida), and The RotaryFoundation. A local architect and contractor contributed de-signs and plans.

    IndiaA beach on the Bay of Bengal in Chennai was the site of afood festival in October that raised money to promote cleanwater, sanitation, health, education, and vocational trainingin the region. District 3230 organized the three-day event,called EAT: Enjoy Arusuvai Thiruvizha (or Festival of the SixTastes in Tamil), which featured more than 100 dishesshowcasing a variety of Indian cuisines. Proceeds benefitedthe districts Happy Village, Happy India project.

    LebanonSea Castle in Saida was illuminated with the End Polio Nowlogo on a starry evening in November. The castle a fortressand important archaeological site that dates back to the

    early 13th century is situated on a small island in the

    Mediterranean and connected to the mainland by a caway. The Rotary Club of Saida organized the lighting cmony and a reception that attracted 200 people, incluthe U.S. ambassador to Lebanon, a representative of ministry of health, and several government deputies.

    PhilippinesAt the Southern Philippines Medical Center in Davao impoverished children with cancer often stop receiving tment when their families cannot afford to stay neaHouse of Hope, the signature project of the Rotary CluWaling-Waling (Davao), provides accommodations for u

    25 pediatric cancer patients and two caregivers each. program, housed on the medical centers campus, served more than 1,800 patients since 2007.

    South AfricaRotary clubs in Belgium, Germany, and South Africa teaup to supply Born in Africa an organization that focuseeducational development for South Africas underprivileyouth with a Toyota van, valued at about US$36,000.van is the second that Rotary clubs have donated togroup, and will help transport children to camps, outiand outdoor activities. Contributors included the Ro

    clubs of Dsseldorf-Schlossturm, Germany; AntwerAmerloo, Asse, and Tervuren, Belgium; and Plettenberg South Africa.

    USAInspired by The Rotarians comic-book-style Amazing ries of Polio, students from Thompson Middle School in baster, Ala., drew pictures to help inform the commuabout the disease. Each drawing told part of the story ofvaccines development and the fight against polio. Thetary Club of Alabaster-Pelham displayed the artwork invember at its Christmas bazaar fundraiser; since then, lbusinesses and the school have showcased it.

    Rotary news in brief from around the globeThe Rotarian -- April 2013

    Rotary clubs around the globe have many thingsin common, including a commitment to service.All year long, clubs are taking action to make adifference in their communities. Heres a

    roundup of recent club activities.

    District 4855 (Argentina) launched a high-profile public relatioeffort to spread the word about polio eradication featuring two Argentinas first-division soccer teams.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    The Object of RotaryFirst formulated in 1910, the Object of Rotary is to encourage andfoster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par-

    ticular, to encourage and foster:

    FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for ser-vice;

    SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, therecognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the digni-

    fying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

    THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's per-sonal, business, and community life;

    FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill,and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional

    persons united in the ideal of service.

    5 Avenues of ServiceBased on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotarysphilosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity isbased:

    Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring theeffective functioning of the club.

    Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through theirvocations and to practice high ethical standards.

    Community Service covers the projects and activities the club under-takes to improve life in its community.

    International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotaryshumanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world under-

    standing & peace.

    Youth Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youthand young adults through leadership development activities, service

    projects, and exchange programs.

    The Four-Way TestOf the things we think, say or do

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and BETTERFRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned

    ROTARIANS PLEDGEI am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold the TRUTH.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always strive to be FAIR

    in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always endeavor to build


    in my community,

    among my countrymen

    and people of all nations.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always seek to promote

    the greatest good

    for the greatest number of people

    in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold

    the Rotary International Motto,


    Principles that Guide Rotary

    As a Rotarian, I will

    1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities

    2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary

    3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to othe

    4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings

    5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society

    6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the q

    ity of life in my community

    7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rota


    8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

    Rotary Code of Conduct(FormerlyDeclaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions)

    Watch songwriter Jerry Mills singCome Join Us online by clicking on this link.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit E-Bulletin WB v No. 31 May 2, 2013


    This District training seminar is necessary for Secretaries-Elect of Rotary clubs. Assis-

    tant club secretaries, club treasurers and club trainers shall also benefit.

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