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Reaction-Diffusion Models of theFormation of Animal Pigmentation Patterns

AASU Mathematics and Computer Science ColloquiumSeptember 17, 2003

Eastern Box Turtle

Ruffed Lemur

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CorroboreeTree Frog

Leopard Frog

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And then there are the less exotic …

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Eastern Box Turtle

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Mojo(Felinus Maximus)

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Alan Turing

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Turing, 1952e Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis

(Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London)

Diffusion-driven instability

Under appropriate conditions, a spatially homogeneous equilibrium of a chemical reaction can be stable in the absence of diffusion and unstable in the presence of diffusion.

Such a reaction is capable of exhibiting spatiallyinhomogeneous equilibria, i.e., patterns.

Diffusion-driven instability might explain some of the complex dynamics of nature.

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One dimensional model [ u = uo(t,ox) ]

%†¨ = d %≈«€ ¨o™ for 0 < x < 1 %≈¨ = 0 at x = 0 and x = 1 uo(0,ox) = uºo(x) for 0 ? x ? 1

diffusion equation:

boundary condition:

initial data:

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Two dimensional model [ u = uo(t,ox,oy) ]

%†¨ = dooãou for (x,oy) l G = (0,1)o!o(0,1) %ñ¨ = 0 for (x,oy) l $G uo(0,ox,oy) = uºo(x,oy) for (x,oy) l Gouo$G

Notation: ãou = %≈«€ ¨o™ + %¥«€ ¨o™ (Laplacian of u) %ñ¨ = Ùuo…on (normal derivative on $G)

Every solution approaches a constant steady state u*as toáo"; namely, u*= avgí uºoo.

In fact, the spatial average is independent of t, and …

all spatial variation is smoothed out over time.

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So it seems that, since diffusion is a smoothing process, it should also be a stabilizing process …


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Reaction RatesA + 2oB + 3oC á product(s)

&† [A] = ™⁄oø &† [B] = £⁄oø &† [C]

Law of Mass Actione rate of an elementary reaction is proportional to the product of the reactant concentrations.

A + B → C

&†Å = &†ı = -kooaob, &†Ç = okooaob

2A + B ⇆ C

™⁄oø &†Å = &†ı = -kƒoa €ob + k®oc &†Ç = koƒoa €ob - k®oc

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Reaction and Diffusion(Two components)

%†¨ = d¡ ãou + fo(u,v) %†◊ = d™ ãov + go(u,v)

where f and go come from the chemical kinetics.

Diffusion-driven Instability:It is possible for both of the following to be true:

(1) If d¡ =ood™oo = 0o, then (u,v) always approaches a constant equilibrium as toáo".

(2) ere exist diffusion coefficients d¡ `ood™oo such that (u,v) approaches a nonconstant equilibrium as toáo".

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An Activator-Inhibitor Reaction(Gierer-Meinhardt)

A → 0B → 0

2A + D → 2A + B2A + C → 3A + C

B + C ⇆ E

Assume that [D] and [E ] remain constant.

&†´ = kƒoboc - k®oe = 0 ì coo„oobo —o ⁄

&†Å = k¡oa €obo —o ⁄ - k™oa &†ı = k£oa €o - k¢ob o.

Equilibrium at (1,1) if k¡ = k™o and k£ = k¢o.

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0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





k¡oo=ook™ =o1k£oo=ook¢ >o1

k¡oo=ook™ =o1k£oo=ook¢ =o1

k¡oo=ook™ <oo1k£oo=ook¢ = 1

e dynamics without diffusion

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Activator-Inhibitor Reaction-Diffusion System


%†Å = d¡ooãa + k¡oa €o/b - k™oa

%†ı = d™ooãb + k£oa € - k¢ob (plus boundary conditions and initial data)

%†Å = d¡ooãa + k¡oa €o/((1o+ok∞oa €o)o(k§o+ob)) - k™oa

%†ı = d™ooãb + k£oa € - k¢ob (plus boundary conditions and initial data)

d¡ < d™o is necessary for pattern formation to occur.

(e inhibitor must diffuse faster than the activator.)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Simulations created withMathematica

Periodic boundary conditions (think torus)Initial distributions with random variations

1–10 : Activator-inhibitor model 11–13 : Activator-substrate model1–3 : Initial distribution over the entire domain4–7 : Initial distribution confined to a “spinal strip”8–9 : Initial distribution confined to a diagonal band (barber pole)10 : Initial distribution confined to a spot11–13 : Initial distribution confined to a “spinal strip”

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Shameless plug for my own work(in a previous life) :

Q1: If diffusion can cause instability, can it also cause finite-time blow-up?

Q2: Does conservation of mass in a reaction-diffusion system imply (pointwise) boundedness?

Under certain conditions satisfied by most “ordinary” systems, NO and YES. (Hollis, Martin, & Pierre; Morgan; Hollis & Morgan)

In general, YES and NO. (Pierre, et al.)

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1988 Scientific American article by Murray: “How the Leopard Gets its Spots”

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