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  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose








  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Prepared By : Mazad! Ha"a# "$e"$%r 

    ID: &'('''')''''*

    (+,$ Ba,-$ "e""%/# &''01&'(+2

    Depar,3e#, : 4e, Pr/-e""%#5 Te-$#/!/5y

    E3a%!: 3azad!$a"a#6ya$//.-/3

    B!/5 : 777. Te8,%!e!a9.9!/5"p/,.-/3 %"%,2

    Southeast UniversityDepartment Of Textile Engineering

    I/A 251252 Te!gaon Dha"a #angla$esh

    %repare$ #y &


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    CONTENTS• Introduction

    • Raw Materials• Importance of The Survey 

    • Reason of using Reactive dyes in major

    textile industry in Bangladesh• Methods of Dyeing & rinting !otton

    "oods with Reactive Dyes

    • Technical De#ciency of Reactive Dyes$!auses and Remedies of TechnicalDe#ciency 


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    'hapter 1A("no)le$gement

    Project Work is an academic function of the Pabna Textile Engineering College. Our teacher *$+ A,$ul*annan Princi!al Pabna Textile Engineering College ga"e us an o!!ortunit# to choose !referablemills for Project Work. $ chose #engal -urri(ane Dyeing . printing pvt+0 t$+ jo#full# %ith thesu!er"ision of *ithun #is)as &sst. 'anager(!roduction).

    *uring the Project %ith #engal -urri(ane Dyeing . printing pvt+0 t$+  $ %orked in all thede!artments related %ith *#es and Chemicals. +eside these $ learned about *#e ,ualit# Control andStorage S#stem!rinting -arments Store $n"entor# /nishing s!eciall# d#eing.

    Our dee!est a!!reciation goes to *ithun #is)as &sst. 'anager(!roduction)*#eing #engal -urri(aneDyeing . printing pvt+0 t$. to gi"e us the o!!ortunit# to ha"e !roject %ork at #E3A-U44I'A 34OU%.


    $ %ould like to thank Engr. 'd. $1bal 'ahamud (2ead of the 3actor#) -' *#eing #engal -urri(aneDyeing . printing pvt+0 t$. for hel!ing to kno% about the all as!ects of  #E3A -U44I'A34OU%.


    $ %ould also like to thank Tare Ahme$(*e!ut# 'anager)*$+An)arulIslam(*e!ut# 'anager) 'd. &rif 4abbani Talukdar(*e!ut# 'anager)*#eing #engal -urri(ane Dyeing

    . printing pvt+0 t$. for hel!ing to kno% about the all as!ects of  #E3A -U44I'A 34OU%. 

    Our gratitude also goes to all the em!lo#ees of #E3A -U44I'A 34OU%  for their sincere co5o!eration su!!ort and "aluable ad"ice %hich the# ha"e !ro"ided us during the t%o months oftraining.


    6astl# $ ex!ress m# gratitude to our su!er"ising teacher the name that should be mentioned /rst Shi,Shan"ar 'ha"ra,orty 2ead of the *e!t. Wet Processing Technolog# for his "aluable direction su!er"ision.

    2o%e"er $ ha"e !re!ared m# $ndustrial &ttachment o"ercoming all the di7culties also the shortage oftime. 2ere $ %ould like to !resent the re!ort.


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    &!!lication of reacti"e d#es inmajor textile industries in


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


     major textile industries in



  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Cha!ter8:Project &bstract


     The use of reacti"e for *#ed !roducts has dramaticall# increased o"er the last ;

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    'hapter 7 IT4ODU'TIO

    • With the e"aluation of the %et !rocessing industries the use of the reacti"e d#esin the most of the industries increases da# b# da#. &s a result to com!lete the!roject it is has become a !art to discus about the e"aluation or gro%th of the%et !rocessing industries in +angladesh. No% the number of the %et !rocessingindustries and /nishing industries in +angladesh is 189 %hich are totall# ex!ortoriented according to the sur"e# of the BTMA %hich has been !ro"ided intotheir %e address.

    • +ut the interesting matter is that %ith the gro%th of the textile %et !rocessingmills the number of the em!lo#ee is not increasing. This is because of to reducethe cost and increase the 1ualit# the moderni>ation of the machine is alsoincreasing %hich reduce the number of %orker in %et !rocessing industries. +ut%hat is the actual number of the %orker in %et !rocessing industries has notbeen found due to the lack of !ro!er sur"e# in this sector.

    • Our pro!e(t )or" )as estimate$ as&• A%%I'ATIO O: 4EA'TI;E DTIE I #A3ADES- .

    DE:I'IE'< O: 4EA'TI;E D

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    The o,!e(ts of pro!e(t are&

    Knowing the source of textile raw materials of wet

     processing and cost.

    To mention the reasons of using reactive dyes in major

    textile industry.

    To study on the application of reactive dyes

    To learn about the technical deficiency of reactive dyeing.

    To study the causes and remedy of deficiency of reactive


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    'hapter 5

    4A? *ATE4IAS

    • 4a% material is auni1ue substance in

    an# !roduction orientedtextile industr#. $t notonl# !la#s a "ital rolein case of continuous!roduction for high

    1ualit# fabric but also itis related to the !ro/tof the industr#.

    Types of ra) material

    •  The basic ra%materials used in %et

    !rocessing industriesare8

    • 3abric

    • *#estu=s

    • Chemicals



  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    ames . sour(e 

    3abric8*i=erent t#!es of fabric treated in #engal -urri(ane 3roup pvt

    t$. d#eing section are namel#

    $yeing se(tion• Single ?erse#

    • Single jerse# %ith 6#craattachment

    • Single ?erse# %ith slub

    • *ouble ?erse#

    • Polo !i1ue

    • +ack !i1ue

    • 4ib 3abric

    • 3lat back 4ib

    •   $nterlock

    $yeing se(tion• $nterlock %ith 6#cra

    • Pi1ue

    • 6acost

    • 6acost 6#cra

    • 3leece

    •  Ter# 3leece

    • Wa@e

    •   'elange

    3ib d d

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    3ibres d#ed8 

    By reactive dyes thefollowing fibres can bedyed successfully:

    1)otton! rayon! flax andother cellulosic fibres.")#olyamide and wool


    $)%il& and acetate fibres

    't covers a wide range ofcolor spectrum andincludes shades varying

    from bright to heavydar& li&e!a. (iolet

     b. Bluec. reen

    d. *ede. Blac& f. +ellow


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


     Trade namesSome trade names of this d#e are mentioned8

    Trade name -anufacturer ountry

    #rocion '..' .K  

    iba cron iba %wit/erland

    *ema/ol 0oechst ermany

    evafix Bayer ermany

    *eactone eigy %wit/erland

    #rima/in B2%3 ermany

    4rimarine %ando/ %wit/erland

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Po!ularit# of reacti"e d#e8

    *eactive are mostly used for dyeing cellulosic fibres. 2t past cellulosic fibreswere dyed with direct and vat dyes! but after the introduction of reactivedyes there utility has become limited. *eactive dyes are superior to directdye in the following aspects:

    i) 2bility to procedure bright shades of wide range.

    ii) 0igh leveling 5uality.iii) ood washing fastness.iv) ood light fastness.

    2nd it is superior to vat dyes in the following aspects:i) %imple dyeing method therefore one stage dyeing.ii) ow temperature dyeing 6below 1777)

    iii) ower cost! i.e. cheaper.

    2gain its dyeing process is fast and gives brighter shades than metalli/ed a/odyes. 3or the above reasons reactive dyes are more popular.

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    NH (bridging part)


         C C




    N-N N-

    - NH

    Hetreocyclic ring

      The general structure of reactive dye is: D-B--! "


    Che#ical structure of reactive dyes



    D% dye part or chro#ogen (color producing part)

      Dyes #ay be direct$ acid$ disperse$ pre#etallised dye etc"

      B % bridging part"

      Bridging part #ay be &NH- group or &N'- group"

      % reactive group bearing part"

      !% reactive group"

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Classi/cation of reacti"e d#es8

    *eactive dyes may be classified in various ways as below:

    1) 8n the basis of reactive group:a) 0alogen 6commonly chlorine) derivatives of nitrogen containing

    heterocycle! li&e $ types9• Tria/ine group• #yridimine group•

    uinoxaline dyes  ,xample:Tria/ine derivatives: procion! cibacron.

      #yridimine derivatives: reactoneuinoxaline derivatives: levafix.

     b)2ctivated vinyl compound:• (inyl sulphone• (inyl acrylamide• (inyl sulphonamide.

      ,xample:  (inyl sulphone: rema/ol  (inyl acrylamide: prima/ine

    (inyl sulphonamide: levafix.

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Classi/cation of reacti"e d#es8") 8n the basis of reactivity:

    a) ower reactive dye:

      0ere ph is maintained 1"91".; by using

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    The rea(tive rate of some (ompoun$s arementione$ ,elo)&

    C*+ND ,T'+CT+' '.CT/0 '.T

    1ater H-H 2"3

    /so-propanol CH4-CHH-CH4 3"5thanol CH


    6-H 5"7

    ethanol H-CH6-H 26"4

    lucose C8H


    8  9"9


    ,o fro# the above table it is obvious that secondary hydroyl group is the beast reactive ;hile

    pri#ary one is the #ost reactive"

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    4yeing mechanism of reactive dye:

     The dyeing mechanism of material with reactive dye ta&es place in $ stages:91.,xhaustion of dye in presence of electrolyte or dye absorption.".3ixation under the influence of al&ali.$.wash9off the unfixed dye from material surface.• 

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose



    4yeing mechanism of reactive dye:

    ". 3ixation:

      3ixation of dye means the reaction of reactive group ofdye with terminal 80 or9

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose




  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    2pplication method of reactive dyes varies significantly with type of dyes! shade

    re5uired! and available e5uipments in the mill. These are $ application procedures


    1. 4iscontinuous method99onventional method9,xhaust or constant temperature method90igh temperature method

    90ot critical method.  ". otinuous method9  9#ad9steam method

    9#ad dry method  9 #ad thermofix method

      $. %emi continuous method9

    9 #ad roll method9 #ad jig method9 #ad batch method.


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Stripping of reactive dye:

    2"*artial stripping:

    *artial stripping is obtained by treating the dyed fabric ;ith dilute acetic

    acid or for#ic acid" Here te#perature is raised to 53-233>C and treat#ent

    is continued until shade is re#oved by desired a#ount" .fter that a

    through ;ashing is necessary to re#ove the product of hydrolysis" The

    a#ount of acid used is as belo;: -lacial acetic acid : 9-23 parts

    1ith ;ater :2333 parts

    ?or#ic acid :6"9 to 23 parts

    1ith ;ater :2333 partsTe#perature : 53 - 233>C

    Ti#e : until desired shade is obtained"

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    2+ :ull stripping& 3or com!lete stri!!ing the goods are /rst treated %ith

    sodium h#drosul!hite (h#drose) at boil then %ashed o=and bleached %ith AB sodium h#!ochlorite (NaOCl) atroom tem!erature. This is carried out for :< min.

    The recipe is as belo;: -

      Na-hypochlorite : 2@ at roo#


    Na-hydrosulpite: at boil"

    Ti#e : 43 #in  D-'-Cl = H-H D-'-H

    = H-Cl•Hydrolysis of activated vinyl co#pound containing dye$



    4H = H-H D-?- CH


    6-H = H



    ?or preventing hydrolysis the follo;ing precautions are ta

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    'mportant factors for dyeing cellulosic fibre with

    cold brand reactive dye in batching process: The im!ortant factors are as follo%s8A) !2 of the d#e bath8

     The o!timum !2 for /xing cold brand reacti"e d#es on cotton and "iscose ra#onde!ends on indi"idual d#es the tem!erature and time of d#eing. !2 decreases %ithincreasing tem!erature and time of d#eing. 3or most of the d#es the o!timum !2 isA

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    'mportant factors for dyeing cellulosic fibre with

    cold brand reactive dye in batching process:

    ) Electrol#te concentration8Since reacti"e d#es ha"e lo% a7nit# for cellulose exhausting the d#e bath b#adding common salt or -lauberFs salt !rior to /xation can increase the/xation. The amount of salt re1uired !roducing ade1uate exhaustiondecreases %ith decreasing li1uor ratio. Thus for !ale shade on cotton and"iscose ra#on A; and A< gGl of common salt used. The 1uantities ma# beincreased to :< and 9< to :< gGl for medium and dee! shades on these/bres.


    ;) Time of d#eing8-enerall# the d#e ma# be added in t%o !ortions. The salt ma# also be addedin t%o lots. The exhaustion takes !lace in 9< to :< min. There is generall# noad"antage in extending the !eriod be#ond :< min. The alkali is then addedand the d#eing continued for :< to H< min. The de!th of shade and reacti"it#

    of the d#e decide the time of d#eing. 3or dee!er shades larger times arere1uired. D) 6i1uor ratio8

    With decreased li1uor ratio both exhaustion and /xation take !lace toincreased exert. 2o%e"er the rate of /xation of most of the d#es is notsigni/cantl# a=ected. &s the li1uor ratio is decreased the e=ecti"eness of

    increasing salt addition also decreases. 2ence lo%er amount of salt aresu7cient to get o!timum exhaustion.

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Why low affinity reactive dyes are preferred for dyeing?

    • 'f the reactivity of the dye is increased considerably! the rate of reaction with the fibreincreases. There fore! the dyeing can be carried out in a short time. 0owever in this case the

    rate of dye also increases! leading to deactivation of a part of the dye. This results inwastage of the dye. 'f on the other hand the reactivity of the dye is decreased! the extent ofhydrolysis can be reduced considerably. 0owever this results in the slower rate of reactionwith the fibre also. The ultimate object of dyeing is to react as much of the dye ass possiblewith the fibre and minimi/e the hydrolysis of the dye. This is achieved in practice in twostages. The dyeing is first started from the a5ueous medium under neutral conditions whenthe dye does not react either with the fibre or with water. Then gluber salt or common salt isadded to exhaust the dye onto the fibre as much as possible. 'n this respect! this stage ofdyeing 6exhaustion) resembles the dyeing of direct dyes on cotton. Then the second step 6thatof fixation or reaction with the fibre) is carried out by adding the al&ali 6usually used sodaash). %ince the exhausted dye is already on the fibre! it is more li&ely that the exhausted dyereacts with the fibre in preference to water. 0owever the dye present in the dye bath 6whichcontains a substantial amount of the reactive dye) can now react with water since it is underal&aline condition. 't is already stated that the hydroly/ed dye cannot further react with thefibre but dye to the affinity forcesC it is absorbed by the fibre and is retained in it. 4uring the

    subse5uent washing or soaping the substantivity held hydroly/ed dye gets stripped into thetreatment of the dyeing with boiling soap or detergent solution removes almost all hydroly/eddye. 0owever if the affinity is very low! exhaustion of the dye bath prior to fixation cannot beachieved substantially. This results in a larger amount of the reactive dye remaining in thedye bath and getting hydroly/ed when al&ali is added subse5uently. 'f the dye has highaffinity for cellulose li&e a direct dye! it becomes difficult to remove the hydroly/ed dye fromthe dyeing since it is also absorbed by and retained in the fibre by fairly strong affinity

    forces! through not as strong ass the covalent bond formed between the dye and the fibre.0ence in actual practice low affinity dyes are selected for converting in to reactive dyes.


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Dye Brand name Origin/source



    Be/active Be/ema ! %wit/erland

    iba iba ! %wit/erland

    4ychufix 0ubei 0walle dyestuff 'nd.co.

    Kemafix Daychem!'ndia

    evafix 4ystar ! ermany#rocion 4ystar! ermany

    Dac&a/ol 'ndia

    Kema/ol Daychem!'ndia

    *ema/ol 4yestar ! ermany

    %ola/ol %olarfine ! Taiwan

    %olacion %olarfine ! Taiwan



  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Brand name Type %ource 

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    • 4emar" • The list is for the time of our industrial

    attachment. $t "aries according to the

    a"ailabilit# of the material their !rice.• The !rice has not been su!!lied to us due to

    their secrec# act.

    • The annual re1uirement %as not a"ailable

    is a record of the !rocurement de!artment. 

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    C!apter "


      The main goal of our !roject is to !ro"ide information about the reasonof using reacti"e d#estu= in major textile industr# in +angladeshdi=erent methods using in our industr# for cotton d#eing %ithreacti"e d#es technical de/cienc# of reacti"e d#es during d#eing causes and remedies of de/cienc# of reacti"e d#es.

     &s these to!ics are "er# sensiti"e for d#eing industries it is "er# much

    im!ortant to make a sur"e#. $t %ill be "er# hel!ful not onl# for ourstud#ing !eriod but also for our future career.

      This sur"e# also has these im!ortances8

     A. To mention the reason of using reacti"e d#es in major textile industr#.9. To stud# on the a!!lication of reacti"e d#es.:. To learn about the technical de/cienc# of reacti"e d#eing.. To stud# the causes and remed# of de/cienc# of reacti"e d#eing.

    C!apter )

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    C!apter )Reason of using Reactive Dyes in #a*or Te+ti,e Industries in Bang,ades!

    'aximum textile industries in +angladesh are based on cotton knit fabric and reacti"e d#es are easil# a!!licable

    to cellulose /bres.

    Other asso(iate$ reason as follo)s&

     A. 4eacti"e d#es are soluble in %ater.

    9. The# ha"e "er# good light fastness %ith rating about D. 

    :. The d#es ha"e "er# stable electron arrangement and can !rotect the degrading e=ect of ultra5"iolet ra#. . Textile materials d#ed %ith reacti"e d#es ha"e "er# good %ash fastness %ith rating about 5; due to strongco"alent bonds formed bet%een /bre !ol#mer and reacti"e grou! of d#e.

     ;. 4eacti"e d#es gi"e brighter shades and ha"e moderate rubbing fastness. D. *#eing method of reacti"e d#e is eas#. $t re1uires less time and lo% tem!erature for d#eing.

     I. 4eacti"e d#es are com!arati"el# chea!. . 3ixation occurs in alkaline condition.

     H. 4eacti"e d#es ha"e good !ers!iration fastness %ith rating 5;. A

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


     C!apter -

    #et!ods of Dyeing Cotton .oods it! Reactive Dyes


    1. 2nionic in nature.". %oluble in water.

    $. 3orm strong covalent bond

    E. Better wet G light fastness.

    ;. 0ave better substantivity.

    =. 4yeing is carried out at al&aline condition.

    Inf,uencing factors:1. #0

    ". Temperature.

    $. onc. of electrolyte.

    E. Time.

    ;. i5uor ratio.


    'eactive dye react ;ith the fibres #ainly react ;ith cellulose fibres e"g" cotton$ ute$ bast fibres$

    viscose$ fla" /t can be applied to protein fibres e"g" ;ool sil

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose



    83#in at 83C$

    23#in at 73-93C$

    Dye%#5:  .nticreasing .gent ("9 gFl)

      Geveling .gent (2 gFl)

      ." .cid ( "6 gFl)

      Dyes (.ccording to ,hade @)

      " ,alt (.ccording to ,hade @)  ,oda .sh (.ccording to ,hade @)

    Ne,ra!%za,%/# Dye%#52:


     ." .cid (2 gFl)


      ,oaping .gent ("9 gFl)

    Dye%#5 -re:  ,euestering .gent Color Dosing 833C 93#in

    Geveling .gent Ginear (43#in) 933C 23#in

    Bath drain

    493C 63#in 43#in 23#in 23#in 49 3C Cold*H =Hardness Chec< ,alt (29#in) 2 gFl ,oda 'est ,oda ;as

      (43#in) (83#in)

    Pr/-e"" ",ep":

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


     2OT +4&N* 4E&CT$JE *KE$N-8*KE$N- &T H9oC8

    83#in at I3C$ *H % .boveI


    23#in at 73-


    63#in at 53-


    29#in at


    63#in at


    Pr/-e"" ",ep":

    Dye%#5:  .nticreasing .gent ("9 gFl)

      Geveling .gent (2 gFl)

      ." .cid ( "6 gFl)

      Dyes (.ccording to ,hade @)

      " ,alt (.ccording to ,hade @)

      ,oda .sh (.ccording to ,hade @)

    Ne,ra!%za,%/# Dye%#52:

      ." .cid (2 gFl)


      ,oaping .gent ("9 gFl)

    F%8%#5 ; S/

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Dyeing curve:,euestering .gent Color Dosing 83 3C 93#in

    Geveling .gent Ginear (43#in) 933C 23#in

    Bath Drain


    493C 63#in 43#in 23#in 23#in 49 3C Cold ;ash

    *H =Hardness Chec< ,alt (29#in) 2 gFl ,oda 'est ,oda

    (43#in) (83#in)

    N.B: T$e ,e3pera,re %#-rea"e a, ,$e 5rade ('C=3%# 9e-a"e

    %,>" a# %3p/r,a#, 3a,,er ,/ a/%d ,$e "$ade ar%a,%/# %# dye%#5

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    DA4@ 'OO4 D

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    4yeing procedure for dar& shade

    3elosan NO3GWetting agent L on 2;:NEGStabili>er (29O9) L

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    4yeing #rocedure for Ahite

      Q3elosan NO3G%etting agent on 2;:NE GStabili>er

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    4yeing procedure for ightI-edium %hade


    NOTE& During #lea(hing )e maintain gra$ian to risetemperature from FBo  1B5o' as 1+5o/min an$ (ooling

    3elosan NO3GWetting agent on 2;:NE GStabili>er (29O9)

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    4yeing procedure for %ID ight I -edium olor 

     Q3elosan NO3G Wetting agent L on 2;:NE G29O9 Stabili>er L

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    g y g p ! g

     3elosan NO3G%etting agent on 2;:NE Gstabili>er (29O9)

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Samp,e 1Dyeing2


    CO3OR  RECI$E SA#$3E

    B2K  %2T28 +,8A $*%L1.=E@M

    %2T28 *,4 $B% L8.@1"M %2T28 B2K

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Samp,e 1Dyeing2


    2%%' B, %2T28 +,8A $*%L7.71$M%2T28 *,4 $B% L8.7==M%2T28 B, %,T* L7.="M

    84 *%T %2T28 +,8A $*%L$.1EM%2T28 B, BB L8.77EM%2T28 B, BB L7.E7M

    ('89,T %2T28 *,4 $*% L7.=;M%2T28 *,4 $B% L8.EFMB. B, (A L1.E7M

    T*'%0 ,IB B, *%# L".1M*I- T. B, L7.=M

    '0T +,8A %,T2. +,8A $B%L7.7EFM

    *-. +,8A $ L7.7?=M


  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    #rinting of cotton fabric with reactive dyes 6bloc& and screen

     printing method)! combination shade.

    'ntroduction:+# the term textile !rinting %e mean the locali>ed a!!lication of d#es or

    !igment and chemical b# an# method %hich can !roduce !articulare=ect of color on the fabric according to the design. $n this !ractical%e !rint cotton fabric %ith cold brand reacti"e d#es in block andscreen5!rinting methods in combination method.

      & d#e %hich is ca!able of reacting chemicall# %ith a substrate to

    form a co"alent d#e substrate linkage is kno%n as reacti"e d#e. Thed#e contains a reacti"e grou! and this reacti"e grou! makes co"alentbond %ith the /bre !ol#mer and act as an integral !art of /bre.4eacti"e d#es forms co"alent bond %ith /bre !ol#mer and thus attachitself %ith /bre. $t is no% a da# mostl# used for d#eing and !rinting ofcotton #arn and fabric. $t is a cationic d#e. Cold brand reacti"e d#esha"e higher reacti"it#.

     #lo(" printing metho$ is the ol$est printing metho$+ It is use$mostly in sarees han$"er(hiefs et(+ in this printing metho$)e use ,lo("s of $ierent $esigns.

    $n screen !rinting a "er# little screen made b# glass /bre is used. There are man# t#!es of screen5!rinting but %e ha"e done in ourex!eriment %as hand screen5!rinting. 2and screen5!rinting is mostl#

    used for sarees to A5AD colors in on !attern can be !roduced at atime.

    Style of printing&

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Style of printing&  *irect st#le.


    *etho$ of printing&  +lock and screen5!rinting method.


      One !iece of s1uare si>e bleached scoured cotton fabric (small) and One!iece of s1uare si>e bleached scoured cotton fabric(bigger)


    Combination color8

     Total *#es L A.gm

    +lue L

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Pre!aration of thickener8

    1)1= gm of starch and "77cc water are ta&en in bowl.

    ")0eat is applied and solution is stirred

    continuously until a thic& viscose solution isobtained.

    $)By continuous stirring and boiling a specificviscosity is obtained.

    E)The heat application is stopped otherwiseviscosity falls down. %o temperature ismaintained strictly.

    P ti f i ti t

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Pre!aration of !rinting !aste8

    1) 2t first we ta&e re5uired amount of dyestuffs in a bath.") Then little amount of water is added into the bath for

    mixing these dyes. 2nd start stirring for mixing thethree types of dye.

    $) Then re5uired amount of urea is added into the dye bath.E) 2fter then re5uired amount of thic&ener is added;) Then continuous stirring is done for few minutes for

    mixing all the ingredients of print paste.

    =) 2fter mixing finally re5uired amount of al&ali is addedto the dye bath and mix them with the help of stirring.•  

    P i ti

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Printing !rocess8

    • Block printing method:1)The fabric! which will be printed! is placed on the

     printing table.

    ")The printing paste is put on the tray box.$)The bloc& is selected and it is touched with print paste.

    E)Then bloc& is pressed upon the sample fabric.;)2fter pressing the bloc& on the sample fabric the

     bloc& is put off from the fabric.=)3inally we get the printed fabric of re5uired dyes.•  

    S i ti th d

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    Screen%printing method

    1) The fabric is placed on the printing table of flat screen9 printing machine. The table is made of soft by layingon it.

    ") Then the screen is placed on the sample fabric.

    $) The printing paste is ta&en on the screen perforation.E) Thus we can find the printed fabric with a smoothwooden stri&e the paste is spread over the screen withslight pressure.

    ;) %o that the dye particles can penetrate through the

    screen perforation.=) Thus we get printed fabric.•  

    &ft t t t

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    &fter treatment8

    • The printed fabric is steamed for ;917 minutes

    in a cottages steamer at 17;791177 and

    washed with cold water for removing unfixed

    dye and exhausted thic&ener and then dried.

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose



      #rinting of cotton fabric with reactive dyes hasexcellent build up property and maximumfixation. %hade is also bright. By this

    experiment we have ac5uire &nowledge about process of printing cotton fibres with cold brand reactive dyes in combination shade. Theshade of printed fabric is moderately good! as

    we re5uired. %pecial than&s to our teacher andhis assistants for grate cooperation.


    C!apter 4

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    C!apter 4Tec!nica, Deficiency of Reactive Dyes5 CA(SES A%D T'EIR



    • 0ydrolysis is the main problem in dyeing with

    *eactive dyes. 8nly =7 to ?7 percent dyes are

    absorbed in *eactive dyeing. There are also

    many causes of technical deficiency of

    reactive dye. Those are described below:

    'ydro,ysis of reactive dyes:

    + d l< li diti ti d t ith th t i l h d l f

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    +nder al

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    &actors !ic! affect t!e !ydro,ysis of t!e reactive dye:

     67 Sa,t concentration:

      Ahen the cellulosic textile material is sin& into water it convert into negetive charge or anionic

    charge. But the reactive dye is also convert into anionic charge. %o the surface of the cellulosic material repel

    the dye molecules. To overcome the problem we use electrolite material li&e salt. 't hepls to netrali/e the

    negetive ion over the textile material and helps the reactive dye ion to fix on the surface of the materail. 2s a

    result 'f we increase the concentration of the salt hydrolysis of the reactive dye will decrease.


      if the p0 of the medium increase hydrolysis of the reactive dye also increase. This is for! reactive dye

    ionised more in al&aline medium and as a result it react with hydroxyl group of the water. 97Temperature:

      Aith the increase of temperature hydrolysis of the reactive dye increases.


      Aith the increase of the substantivity hydrolysis of the reactive dye increase.

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    &actors !ic! affect t!e !ydro,ysis of t!e reactive dye:

    -y$rolysis of )ater&

      2#drol#sis of the %ater is also a causeof the technical de/cienc# of the reacti"e d#e.


    4emi$ies of the hy$rolysis of the rea(tive $yes&  The highest absor!tion of the reacti"e

    d#e is about Ie the more lose of thereacti"e d#e %e should maintain !ro!er li1uor ratio!ro!er time and tem!erature. E"en the !2 of the

    emdium is also an im!ortant factor to a"oid themore %astage of the reacti"e d#e

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    &au,ts and t!eir remedies for t!e tec!nica, deficiency of reactive dyes:

    •  There creates man# !roblems and defects in d#ed fabrics %hen d#eing %ith 4eacti"ed#es due to technical de/cienc#. Some defects ma# be remedied b# some !rocess.

     Those are described belo%8•  • Defe(t& 'olors are not fast to )ashing A,rasionG Staining in the fa,ri( )hen

    transporting from pla(e to the other )ater mar"s on the fa,ri( 

    4eme$y 8 Wash the fabric %ith soa! and soda ash at right tem!erature. &ddingse1uestering agent %ill #ield good results. Treating %ith &mmonia %ill also gi"e goodresults.

    Defe(ts in the fa,ri( $ue to %rinting ee$ to ta"e out full (olor

    4eme$y& Treat the d#ed fabric %ith Sodium 2#drosul!hite %ith ;5A< gm Sodium2#drosul!hite at I; deg C for :

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


    :aults an$ their reme$ies for the te(hni(al$eH(ien(y of rea(tive $yes&

    • Defe(t& #lee$ing in (olors $uring )ashing a,rasion

    4eme$y& +oil the fabric %ith caustic Treat the fabric %ith 2#drogen Peroxide ( ;5A< g!l D

  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


     C!apter 60

    Conc,usion Ob"iousl# the !roject %ork %e ha"e discussed has man# other arguments

    but as far as %e belie"e the !resented "ie% to a large extent is onethat has a !redominant role in our textile sector es!eciall# inREACTIVE DYEING  thus has the abilit# to inuence our thoughts.


    REACTIVE DYEING is trul# an im!ortant d#eing !henomenon forcellulose materials ranks as the major contribution to the!rogression of an# textile d#eing industr#. *#eing !arameters ha"e agreat inuence on reacti"e d#eing %hich ha"e described in m# re!ort.$t %as reall# an im!ortant subject also inno"ati"e one. $ ha"e triedm# best to ex!ress the to!ics !ro!erl#.

      The !roject %ork has gi"en us a s!ecial interest has been arranged as a!resentation of the a!!lication reacti"e d#es in cotton d#eing. $ thinkan#one can research in future about this to!ic %hich %ill enrich ourtextile kno%ledge.


    &n# absolute conclusion is im!ossible but %aiting the !ros cons $Fmcertain that m# !osition is a tenable one.

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  • 8/18/2019 Reaction Mechanism of Reactive Dyes in Bengal Hurricane Group on Cellulose


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