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2. APOLOGIESI made a mistake naming this presentation.#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 3. PROREAL TIME^REACTIVE SOCIAL - STRATEGIES TOACTION IN 45 MINUTES#SMWsyd SPONSORED BY: #SMWstrategy 4. THE WINS#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 5. THE WINS#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 6. THE WINS#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 7. THE LOSSES#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 8. THE LOSSES#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 9. SO HOW DO WE WIN?#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 10. WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS REQUIRED?Strategy ContentOutcomes/Measurement#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 11. STRATEGY The intersectionof your purposeand theaudiencesproblem The things yourbrand/productloves andstands up for inpublic Your place insociety You need this,real bad How you aregoing to turnthat all intocommunicationsSocialPurposePromiseVoice Values#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 12. PURPOSE#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 13. PURPOSEUTILITY | VALUE#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 14. PURPOSEUENTTERILTAIINTMEYNT | RVEPRAESLENUTAETIONProvide entertainment that represents the diverse needs of Americas fringes.#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 15. PURPOSEHow to use the purpose in real time?Picking the right situationsSetting your approachCreating the frameworks for your creative#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 16. PROMISEA 'no' does not hide anything, but a 'yes' veryeasily becomes a deception. Sren Kierkegaard#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 17. PROMISEPURPOSEUSER NEED/PROBLEMPROMISE#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 18. EXAMPLEPURPOSE:Provide entertainmentthat represents thediverse needs ofAmericansUSER NEED/PROBLEM:Lack of intelligent adulttelevision programmingPROMISE:HBO will provide allsorts of Americans withengaging uniquetelevision programs#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 19. PROMISEHow to use the promise in real time?Deciding the role of your contentFormat of your replyBuilding relevance for the audience.#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 20. VALUESSOCIALIZING YOUR BRAND VALUESInvestigate how your brand values give benefits to theaudienceBreak down brand values and make them actionable inconversationIdentify actions that personify those values, emulate thoseactions.#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 21. VALUESHow to use the values in real time?Context for action, channel choiceOur attitude toward eventEmotional parts of creative decisions#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 22. VOICEBE SPECIFIC#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 23. VOICEHow to use the voice in real time?Dictates creativeCreates the resonance with audience#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 24. CONTENT &DELIVERY#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 25. LISTENING#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 26. EXHAUSTIVE LISTSScenariosCelebritiesCreativeInfluencersTeamPartnersEverything..Anything that could be an opportunity#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 27. NRL EXAMPLEPRE PLANNED RESPONDING TO USERSPRE DURING POST PRE DURING POSTfacebook.com/nswblues-Badge Pictures- Player Cards- Locker Room- Quotes- Memes- Team Walkout- Anthem team photo- Injury Updates- Controversial Calls (Bias)- Try (Player)- Major Plays- Score Update- Injuries- Mascots- Hot Player stats- Score- Coach Comment- Man of the Match- Statistics- Next Game Talk- Buy Tickets- Match Report- Team Highlight- Links to show your support images- Links to Blues win by # points- Gee Up posts responding to Go Blues- Agree/disagree- Unique Image with Jersey- Unique image with Newspaper- Incorperate comment into image- Incorperate player mentioned into imageFav comment of the night, best comment (Likes)facebook.com/queenslandmaroons-Badge Pictures- Player Cards- Locker Room- Quotes- Memes- Team Walkout- Anthem team photo- Injury Updates- Controversial Calls (Bias)- Try (Player)- Major Plays- Score Update- Injuries- Mascots- Hot Player stats- Score- Coach Comment- Man of the Match- Statistics- Next Game Talk- Buy Tickets- Match Report- Team Highlight- Links to show your support images- Links Maroons win by # points- Gee Up posts responding to Go Maroons- Agree/disagree- Unique Image with Jersey- Unique image with Newspaper- Incorperate comment into image- Incorperate player mentioned into imageFav comment of the night, best comment (Likes)facebook.com/nationalrugbyleague- Facts- History- Face Offs- Announcement of activity- #tag CTA- Falcon and Bobcat in the Dressing Room- Major Calls- Video Ref- Statistics- Substitutions- Score Updates- Half Time player Stats- Player on report post- Score- Game Changing Moments- Questions to Fans- Statistics- Next Game Talk- Buy Tickets- Infographs- Match Report- Game Highlight- Injury Updates- responding to questions- text resposes- Agree/disagree- Unique Image with Jersey- Unique image with Newspaper- Incorperate comment into image- Incorperate player mentioned into imageFav comment of the night, best comment (Likes)#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 28. CONTENT FRAMEWORKCreate an excel that listsout ALL creative assetsGroup by form (e.g.background, type, logo etc)Arrange creative assets infolders accordinglyITERATE ITERATEITERATE#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 29. FRAMEWORK IN ACTION#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 30. RESOURCE AND TIME MANAGEMENTRESPONSETEAM@footyfan404:GoMaroons!Wellclaim8inarowtonight!#originCATCHERPosi veFeedbackandOpportuni esInfluence:High Influence:lowDESIGNER APPROVERCOMMUNITYMANAGERPLAYBYPAYTEAMDESIGNERCREATIVEPOOLImageCOMMUNITYMANAGERPOSTPOST#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 31. MEASUREMENTSetObjectivesCreateBenchmarksMeasureKPIIN THIS ORDER#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 32. OBJECTIVES AND SENSITIVITIESStrategy ContentOutcomes/Measurement#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 33. TOP 5 DONTS1. Do random stuff2. Try to go viral.3. Suddenly become funny4. Go in un-prepared and expect results5. Invest resource you dont have#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 34. TOP 5 DOS1. Have a solid Social Purpose2. Understand what you want to give theaudience.3. Have a clear voice that represents you4. List everything!!!5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy 35. THANKSwww.evilcorporateadvertising.com#SMWsyd #SMWstrategy

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