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  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    ead Better,

    Write Better

    Novel Study Workbook

    for Aspiring Novelists

    Written by Suzannah Windsor Freeman

    1.1 Write It Sideways 2010

  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    Why This Workbook

    Most people believe they have at least one good story in them, but only a small

    fration have the ability and determination to atually sit down and write that


    !ne of the "rst steps in learning how to write a novel is to e#erise awareness.

    $ntil you %now how suessful boo%s are written, it&s virtually impossible to write

    one yourself.

    'y helping you evaluate novels as you read, this wor%boo% will improve your

    understanding of what ma%es them bestsellers(or mediore shelf)"llers.

    *here are many rules of good writing, but the best way to "nd them is

    to be a good reader. Stephen +mbrose

    !o" To #se This Workbook

    hoose a novel similar in genre, style, or theme to the one you&d li%e to write,

    then print o- a opy of the ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study *emplate.

    +s you read the novel, "ll out the template by using the interative glossary,

    resoures, and e#amples in the appendies to guide you you may need to read

    the novel twie to omplete the entire wor%boo%. in%s on words throughout the

    pages will ta%e you diretly to the relevant term in the glossary.

    epeat the proess with at least three di-erent novels to help you fully

    understand the basi elements of "tion before you write or ontinue to write

    your own novel.

    If you don&t have the time to read, you don&t have the time or the toolsto write. 3Stephen 4ing,!n Writing

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    About $e

    I was born and raised in the old anadian /orth, but now see the world from the

    fresh perspetive of sunny +ustralia.

    I write. + lot. 'ut that wasn5t always the ase.

    When I was 6 years old, I had to write a story for shool.

    *he other girls in my lass wrote about ponies,

    prinesses, and rainbows7 I wrote a story alled, 8My

    Soul 9as 'een Murdered.: I didn5t %now what a soul was,

    or what it meant to be murdered, but gosh, it sounded

    gripping(muh more interesting than ponies.

    I wrote more stories. I told myself I was a writer.

    When I grew up, I thought writers were supposed to get

    degrees in reative writing. It too% me e#atly one year to disover that a degree

    in reative writing wouldn5t ma%e me a writer, and I ended up with degrees in

    ;nglish literature and eduation, instead.

    So, I beame a teaher. When I started teahing %ids how to write, I stopped

    writing for myself, beause it all beame too hard.

    I stopped telling myself I was a writer. I forgot my dream.

    'ut one day a few years ago, I got an idea for a story.

    I pi%ed up a piee of paper and stared at it for a while. It taunted me with its

    blan%ness until I got annoyed and started writing on it. *he words ame easily.

    When I reahed 100 pages, I loo%ed at it and said, 8*his su%s. It5s really, really

    terrible. 'ut there are a few good parts.: So, I forgot about the su%y bits and

    started wor%ing on the good parts.

    I %ept writing. Soon, people started telling me I was a writer. Writersstarted telling

    me I was a writer. I started believing them. *oday, I tell myself the same things< I

    am a writer. I am a storyteller.

    *o your writing suess,

    Suzannah Windsor Freeman

    =ou an onnet with me online atwriteitsideways.om, on *witter attwitter.om>writeitsidewaysor ?aeboo% at faeboo%.om>writeitsideways.

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    Table of %ontents

    +bout *his Wor%boo%........................................................................................... 2

    9ow *o $se *his Wor%boo%.................................................................................. 2

    +bout Me..............................................................................................................@

    /ovel Study Wor%boo% *emplate..........................................................................A

    ?urther eading +tivities................................................................................... 1B

    +ppendi# +< /ovel Study Wor%boo% ;#ample......................................................16

    +ppendi# '< Interative Clossary.........................................................................2D

  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    Novel Study Workbook Template

    Erint the template pages A)1B of the wor%boo% and "ll it out as you read your

    novel. =ou an also print the glossary in +ppendi# ' if you wish to %eep a opy

    handy while reading.

    Novel Summary










    First &mpressions

    'ased on the novel&s over alone art, graphis, font, author testimonials, et.,

    what are your "rst impressions of this boo%H What, in partiular, made you hoose

    this novelH

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% A of @0

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    What is the premiseof the story, based on the blurbH

    First %hapter

    Is there a prologueH If so, do you feel it&s neessary to the storyH Foes the storybegin in the most e-etive plae it ouldH


    9ow is the novel organied by hapters, setionsH 9ow long is the average

    sene, and hapterH

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% B of @0

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    ist topis the author might have researhed to write this novel.


    Who is the story&s narratorH Is it the main harater, another harater, someone

    loo%ing in from the outside, or an un%nown narratorH Is there more than onenarratorH If so, how is the narration struture alternating hapters, setions, or

    senesH Is the story told in "rst person, seond person, or third person point of

    viewH Is it told in past or present tenseH

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 6 of @0

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    Fesribe the physial, mental, and emotional traits of the haraters. Fesribe

    their roles protagonist, antagonist, foil, et and their motivations.

    Character Name Notes

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% J of @0

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    %hara)ters *)ontinued+

    Character Name Notes

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% K of @0

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    Fesribe the e#at loations and times in whih the story ta%es plae. 9ow

    does the settingontribute to the story&s moodH


    Event and/or Page Number(s) What later event does this foreshadow?

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 10 of @0

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    uestions -ou Ask -ourself While eading

    ist any Luestions you have as you&re reading the novel.

    Story Strengths

    What do you love about this storyH What does the author do partiularly wellH Whywould you reommend the novel to another readerH

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 11 of @0

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    Story Weaknesses

    +re there things that ta%e away from the story&s e-etivenessH What do you wish

    the author had done di-erentlyH

    &nteresting 'assages

    Short Summary Eage s

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 12 of @0

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    &nteresting 'assages *)ontinued+

    Short Summary Eage s

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1@ of @0

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    ist all the maNor story events from beginning to end. Inlude the main plotand


    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1D of @0

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    %hara)ter Ar)

    9ow does the main harater hange from the beginning of the novel to the endH

    9ow is she physially, mentally, and emotionally di-erentH What events bring

    about these di-erenesH

    Story .nding

    9ow does the novel endH Is there an epilogueH Fo you thin% this is the best

    possible ending the novel ould haveH +re all loose ends tied upH

    /0 Word Summary

    Write a summaryof the story in about 2A words.

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1A of @0

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    Further eading A)tivities

    *he following are additional ideas to help you analye and evaluate a novel.

    hoose the ones that are most appropriate to your own needs.

    reate a detailed hapter)by)hapter summaryof the novel as you read.

    Fetermine the novel&s story struture. 'estselling author arry 'roo%s& 8Story

    Struture Femysti"ed,: is one of the best eboo%s out there for "tion

    writers. =ou an also print o- arry&s free resoure, *he Single Most

    Eowerful Writing *ool =ou&ll ;ver See that ?its on !ne Eage.

    hoose a short e#erpt from the novel, and analye its struture and use of

    language. oo% for sentene struture, rhythm, voabulary, "gurative

    language, et..

    9ow would the story hange if the novel used a di-erent narratorH

    Suggest some alternate endings for the novel, and onsider the impliations

    of eah on the rest of the story.

    ead "ve professional boo% reviews of the novel, and note what the

    reviewers li%ed>didn&t li%e about the boo%. Fo you agree with themH

    oate the novel on +maon.om, and loo% through reader reviews(

    espeially poor reviews. What did readers disli%e about the novel, and how

    ould the author have avoided those pitfallsH

    +nalye a passage of dialoguefrom the novel. 9ow does the author use

    dialogue tagsH Foes it sound realistiH

    What do the haraters& names tell you about the haraters themselves, or

    about the story as a whole for e#ample, do the names help indiate the

    time period in whih the story ta%es plaeH

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1B of @0

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    Appendi1 A2 Novel Study Workbook .1ample

    *he following are a few snippets of the handwritten notes I too% while reading the

    novel 8row a%e,: by Mary awson.

    Warningif you lan to read !Crow "a#e$% there are soilers in these notes&

    Novel Summary

    *itle row a%e

    +uthor Mary awson

    Eublisher>Fate Seal 'oo%s, anada, 2002

    Cenre iterary "tion

    +udiene +dults, women

    Goie Smooth, lyrial

    *one eOetive, sombre

    Mood !minous, mysterious

    *hemes Feath7 home7 eduation7 fate7 isolation7 family7 memory

    First &mpressions

    'ased on the novel&s over alone art, graphis, font, author testimonials, et.,

    what are your "rst impressions of this boo%H What, in partiular, made you hoose

    this novelH

    over art(loo%s ominous

    ?ont(modern lassi style7 loo%s serious

    +uthor testimonials on over )):Feep, lear, teeming with life: and 8+ new

    anadian lassi:

    I hose this boo% beause it&s anadian and set in n. !ntario where I grew up.

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 16 of @0

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    What is the premiseof the story, based on the blurbH

    ?our hildren living in northern !ntario struggle to stay together after their

    parents die in an auto aident,: 3Eublisher&s Wee%ly review

    First %hapter

    Is there a prologueH If so, do you feel it&s neessary to the storyH Foes the story

    begin in the most e-etive plae it ouldH

    )Erologue that neessarily shows the history of the narrator>protagonist&s family


    9ow is the novel organied by hapters, setionsH 9ow long is the average

    sene, and hapterH

    )organied in hapters of about 1A pages eah, omposed of shorter senes andvery short blurbs

    )boo% is bro%en into A parts


    ist topis the author might have researhed to write this novel.


    )rural, farming ommunities

    )history of n.!ntario

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1J of @0

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    Who is the story&s narratorH Is it the main harater, another harater, someone

    loo%ing in from the outside, or an un%nown narratorH Is there more than one

    narratorH If so, how is the narration struture alternating hapters, setions, or

    senesH Is the story told in "rst person, seond person, or third person point ofviewH Is it told in past or present tenseH

    )4ate Morrison, protagonist

    )told in "rst person, mi#ture of past and present tense


    Fesribe the physial, mental, and emotional traits of the haraters. Fesribe

    their roles protagonist, antagonist, foil, et and their motivations.

    Character Name Notes

    4ate Morrison )protagonist7 about 26 years old7 oologist7 lives in

    *oronto7 grew up in row a%e7 parents died when she was


    )dating Faniel, a o)wor%er7 unsure about how she feels

    about him7 has diPulty showing her feelings

    )idolies her older brother, Matt

    Matt Morrison )4ate&s older brother7 nearly 10 years older than 4ate7

    e#tremely smart7 teahes 4ate everything she %nows about

    biology7 parents die when he&s about 1B

    )straight mouth, steady grey eyes, tall, lan%y

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 1K of @0

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    Fesribe the e#at loations and the times in whih the story ta%es plae. 9ow

    does the settingontribute to the story&s moodH

    )row a%e, northern !ntario7 remote farming ommunity

    )a doen farms, a general store, a few houses by the la%e, hurh, shool(not

    muh going on there

    )time period not spei"ed, but names li%e Sally, Marie, alvin, aurie male,

    uth, et. and harater desriptions ma%e it seem li%e it ta%es plae around the


    )adult 4ate lives in *oronto7 time period not spei"ed(ould be late B0s or early


    )isolation of setting ontributes to dar% mood of the story


    Event and/or Page Number(s) What later event does this foreshadow?

    )Crandmother spinning on the

    sabbath(bad omen prologue

    )parents die in a ar aident

    ) 8+s for Marie... I see now he QMattR

    may have found omfort in those

    brief meetings...: pg. 111

    )Matt and Marie getting together

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 20 of @0

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    uestions -ou Ask -ourself While eading

    ist any Luestions you have as you&re reading the novel.

    )What ta%es plae between Matt and 4ate that auses their la% of

    ommuniation later in lifeH

    )What do the Eyes have to do with the MorrisonsH

    )What will happen to 4ate and 'o after their parents dieH Who will ta%e are of


    Story Strengths

    What do you love about this storyH What does the author do partiularly wellH Why

    would you reommend the novel to another readerH

    )Fesriptions of haraters and setting

    )inner thoughts of narrator

    )humanness of haraters

    Story Weaknesses

    +re there things that ta%e away from the story&s e-etivenessH What do you wish

    the author had done di-erentlyH

    )dialogue doesn&t always seem realisti

    )sometimes the sta%es don&t seem big enough

    )does 4ate have any friendsH

    )the lima# isn&t so sho%ing(guessable

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 21 of @0

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    &nteresting 'assages

    'hort 'ummary Page s

    8...whirligigs spinning hysterially over the surfae of the water: A

    8...the seed heads shoo% their ontents over you as you passed and

    the burrs lung to your lothes:


    8Some days thousands of mil%weed pods would burst open together,

    triggered by the heat of the sun:


    8...spindle)thin, pale and weedy, trodden on every time she raised

    her head:


    89is voie was gentle, but there was an underlying gravity that even I

    ould hear:



    ist all the maNor story events from beginning to end. Inlude the main plotand


    )Creat grandmother spins on the sabbath, whih 4ate sees as a bad omen

    )u%e is aepted into teaher&s ollege, though Matt is the smart one

    )4ate, Matt, u%e and 'o are orphaned when their parents are %illed in a ar


    )+unt +nnie omes to loo% after the Morrison hildren while they deide who will

    ta%e are of them all

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 22 of @0

  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    %hara)ter Ar)

    9ow does the main harater hange from the beginning of the novel to the endH

    9ow is she physially, mentally, and emotionally di-erentH What events bring

    about these di-erenesH

    )in the beginning, 4ate is unable to show her feelings for Faniel7 by the end, she

    has invited him to ome home to row a%e with her and realied how muh she

    loves him

    )she spends the whole novel thin%ing what happened to Matt is a tragedy, but

    later she understands most of the tragedy is what she&s reated in her own mind

    Story .nding

    9ow does the novel endH Is there an epilogueH Fo you thin% this is the best

    possible ending the novel ould haveH +re all loose ends tied upH

    )the story ends in row a%e, whih seems the most appropriate

    )there is no epilogue

    )loose ends are tied up, but we aren&t fed everything on a platter7 things are

    hinted at, but we&re left to deide a few things for ourselves

    /0 Word Summary

    Write a summaryof the story in about 2A words.

    + biologist returns to her hometown(a remote farming ommunity in northern

    !ntario(to fae the hildhood tragedy that has haunted her and her three

    siblings for 20 years.

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2@ of @0

  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    Appendi1 B2 &ntera)tive 3lossary

    *he following list de"nes %ey terms from the novel study wor%boo%, and suggests

    online resoures for further study. +ll lin%s were on"rmed at the time of



    8+ harater, group of haraters, or an institution, that represents the opposition

    against whih the protagonistmust ontend.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Erotagonist +ntagonist, Framatiapedia

    Creat +ntagonists of hildren&s iterature, Tourney Woman


    *he group to whih your writing is direted. ?or e#ample, young, professional

    women are the general audiene for hi% lit novels.

    (nline esour)es

    Writing Cuide< +udiene, olorado State $niversity

    hoosing and Writing for an +udiene, Fr. Stephen 9ale


    8+ blurb is a short summary or some words of praise aompanying a reative

    wor%, usually referring to the words on the ba% of the boo%Na%et.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    /ovel 'lurb Cenerator

    Writing the Eerfet 'lurb, Feborah . annon

    %hara)ter Ar)

    U+ character arcis the status of the harater as it unfolds throughout the story,

    the storyline or series of episodes. haraters begin the story with a ertain

    viewpoint and, through events in the story, that viewpoint hanges.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    *he *hree Fimensions of harater, arry 'roo%s

    A Steps to 'uilding a 'elievable harater +r, Elot

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2D of @0

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    %hara)ter $otivations

    *he mental, emotional, and physial fators or situations that determine how a

    harater behaves.

    (nline esour)es

    *he *hree Fimensions of harater, arry 'roo%s

    9ow to Fisover =our haraters& Motivations, Write It Sideways


    8+ written or spo%en onversational e#hange between two or more people.:


    (nline esour)es

    Euntuating Fialogue, Writing) World.om

    'asis< Fialogue, ?ition ?ator

    4ialogue Tags

    *erms that identify who is spea%ing in written dialogue he said, she says, Tan

    said, said obert, +my yelled, et.

    (nline esour)es

    *he $se and +buse of Fialogue *ags, Writing)World.om

    Fialogue *ags< + Study in ommon ;rrors


    8+ piee of writing at the end of a wor% of literature or drama, usually used to

    bring losure to the wor%.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Erologue or ;pilogueH =ou 'e the Tudge, Story"#

    When Foes a /ovel /eed a Erologue or ;pilogueH, Suite 101

    Figurative 5anguage

    8?igurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that e#aggerate or

    alter the usual meanings of the omponent words.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    ?igurative anguage, =ourFitionary.om

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2A of @0

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    8+ harater who ontrasts with another harater usually the protagonist in

    order to highlight various features of that other harater&s personality, throwing

    these harateristis into sharper fous.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    ?oil, World ingo


    8+ literary tehniLueused by many di-erent authors to provide lues for the

    reader to be able to predit what might our later onin the story.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Short Stories for *eahing ?oreshadowing in iterature, 'right 9ub

    ?oreshadowing and Suspense, Writing)World.om


    8+ ategory of literature suh as romane, horror, suspense, fantasy, western, et.:


    (nline esour)es

    Cenre ist, Suite 101

    Shelf +wareness in /ovel Cenres and Women&s ?ition, Vuery*ra%er.net



    8*he feeling that a wor% of literature evo%es:3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    9ow +lie Munro ;stablishes Mood... , Sribd


    8*he person who tells the story to theaudiene.8 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    9enry Sutton&s *op 10 $nreliable /arrators

    Fi%ens& /arrative *ehniLues, Ian Ma%ean

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2B of @0

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    8+ll the events in a story partiularly rendered toward the ahievement of some

    partiular artisti or emotional e-et or general theme.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Story Struture Femysti"ed, arry 'roo%s

    *he 8'asi: Elots in iterature, Ipl2

    'oint of 6ie"

    *he perspetive from whih the story is pereived. paraphrase 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    /arrative Mode, Wi%ipedia

    Eoint of Giew< ?irst Eerson vs. *hird Eerson


    8*he fundamental onept that drives the plot.:3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    9ow to Write a /ovel< rafting your Eremise, ;ine +rtiles

    Eower $p on Eremise, /ovel Tourney


    8+n opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives ba%ground details,

    often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other misellaneous

    information.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Erologue or ;pilogueH =ou 'e the Tudge, Story"#

    When Foes a /ovel /eed a Erologue or ;pilogueH, Suite 101


    *he main harateraround whom the events of the narrative&s plotrevolve and

    with whom the audieneis intended to share the most empathy.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    *he $nsympatheti Erotagonist, Fystel Coderih iterary Management

    *he Main harater Foes /ot 9ave to 'e the Erotagonist, Framatiapedia

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 26 of @0

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    8*he arrangement of words alternating stressed and unstressed elements.:


    (nline esour)es

    Eratie Eaing the hythm, Cro%dotom

    *hree *ips to Improve =our Writing hythm, eroMillion.om


    8*he time, loation, and everything in whih a storyta%es plae, and initiates the

    main ba%dropand moodfor a story.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    ?itional Settings vs. eal Settings, /ovel)Writing)9elp.om

    It&s =our World< Setting =our /ovel, Suite 101


    8*he manner in whih the author tells the story.:3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    What Is Writing Style and 9ow do =ou Fevelop ItH, *eah)nology.om

    Style, 9andouts and in%s, $niversity of /orth arolina


    8+ seondary plotstrand that is a supporting side story for any story or the main

    plot.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    *he +'s of Subplots, Why Stories Wor%

    Subplots, Framatia


    + simpli"ation of an original te#t, whih highlights the maNor points.

    (nline esour)es

    Summary vs. Synopsis, FS Eublisher

    2A Words or ess, $pstart row iterary

    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2J of @0

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    8+ hange in the verb to reOet a hange in time ) past, present, future:3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    $se of East and Eresent *ense When *elling a Story, Storyteller.net *he Fanger of Eresent *ense in Writing, ;ine +rtiles


    8+ broad idea, moral, or message, of an essay, paragraph, movie, or a


    (nline esour)es

    Selling =our Story< *he *hing +bout *heme, Story"#

    ommon *hemes in Writing, oveto4now.om


    8*he attitudes toward the subNet and toward the audiene implied in a literary

    wor%. *one may be formal, informal, intimate, solemn, somber, playful, serious,

    ironi, ondesending, or many other possible attitudes.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    *one ;#amples, =ourFitionary.om


    8*he individual writing style of an author...generally onsidered to be a

    ombination of a writer&s use of synta#, dition, puntuation, harater

    development, dialogue, et.: 3Soure

    (nline esour)es

    Goie< +n +gent&s Eerspetive, Writer $nbo#ed

    A *ips for Feveloping =our Writer&s Goie, Vuips and *ips for Suessful


    ead 'etter, Write 'etter /ovel Study Wor%boo% 2K of @0

  • 8/11/2019 ReadBetterWriteBetter v1.1 Final


    *his page intentionally left blan%

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