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Book 3-Unit 8

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What do you think might cause misun-derstanding in communication?

What factors are considered important in successful communication?

Discuss the following questions.

Book 3-Unit 8

Cultural note: Hindu Gods

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Factors in Successful Communication

1. Knowledge of each other’s background information (e.g., who are they? Where are they from?)

2. Willingness on both parties to negotiate a result from the conversation (e.g., asking for clarification, offering additional information, or making efforts in various means such as body language of gestures, or facial expressions, etc., to make one’s message easier to understand)

3. Being responsive to each other (contributing the required information relevant to the concerns of the other party, not more, not less in quantity)

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Chandler: Where is the book you are reading?

Monica: It’s in the living room where there is also light and no one will kick you in the shin.

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Joey: Ross, let me ask a question, she got the furniture, the stereo, the good TV. What did you get?

Ross: You guys.Chandler: Oh, god.Joey: Oh, my god.

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Hindu Gods: Lord VishnuIn the basic Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu god Vishnu is the preserver and protector of creation. Vishnu is the embodiment of mercy and goodness, the self-existent, all-pervading power that preserves the universe and maintains the cosmic order Dharma. 毗湿奴 又称遍入天,印度教的另一位主神,被认为是宇宙的维护者,也是同恶魔作战的尖兵,他“有四手,分握轮宝,法螺,弓箭,莲花和仙杖。骑着大鹏金翅鸟(伽楼罗),肚脐上生一莲花,上坐梵天。”传说他有一千个称号,十个化身,分别为:鱼,龟,野猪,人狮,倭人,持斧罗摩,罗摩,黑天,佛陀,迦尔基。其中迦尔基为持宝剑,骑白马的救世主,肩付着与湿婆相同的任务即毁灭旧世界,建立新世界。而著名的鳊史诗《罗摩衍那》则是以毗湿奴的化身罗摩为主面,也可以看成是一曲毗湿奴的颂歌。

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An Overview of the 9 Principal Avatars of Vishnu

First incarnation of Vishnu: Matsya the FishSecond incarnation of Vishnu: Kurma the TurtleThird incarnation of Vishnu: Varaha the BoarFourth incarnation of Vishnu: Narasingha the LionFifth incarnation of Vishnu: Vamana the Dwarf

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Sixth incarnation of Vishnu: ParasuramaSeventh incarnation of Vishnu: RamEighth incarnation of Vishnu: KrishnaNinth incarnation of Vishnu: Buddha

Tenth Incarnation of Vishnu: Kalki the horse still to come to the earth at the end of the Kaliyuga or the present age of decline.

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Text Summary

Text Organization

Question for Discussion

Difficult Sentences


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Text Summary

Listen to the text and fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the text.

The story is about an _________ between __________________ and _________________ in India, neither of whom _______________ _______________. As a result, the American’s intention of ____________________________ is misunderstood by the Indian as an offer to ________________.

encounteran old Indian villager an American tourist

understand theother's language

buying the statue of a horse

buy his two goats

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Types of Writing (Genre)

Narration Description Exposition Argumentation

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Key factors of a narration

Time Place Characters Cause Process Result

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Text Organization

First half of the story

Second half of the story

From the beginning to Then, he turned to go. (Para. 11)

From The other seized his shoulder… (Para. 12) to the end

The American tried to strike a conversation about the statue of the horse he admired, but the old man mistook him for a police officer investigating a recent murder in the neighbourhood.

Both parties tried to employ different means of communicationto work out the other’s intention. But the misunderstandingcontinued and got worse, finally leading to a hilarious endingwhen the American was left alone waiting with two thin goats.

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1. Where did the event take place?

1) A mountain village in India, at the village entrance2) The local language: Tamil, not English as readers

may assume

1) Dowsing, not doing much, or just watching two goats graze in the pasture

2) Slow life, boring, but a pastoral style3) Not rich, poor village

Question for Discussion

2. What was the old man doing at the beginning of the story?

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1) A police officer2) Dressed in Khaki jacket, like a policeman in uniform3) A murder not long ago in his neighborhood

1) Explaining everything at length, uttering each syllable carefully, pausing from time to time

2) Smiling politely, trying to be friendly3) Causing more misunderstanding than successful


4. How did the American try to make the old man understand him and what was the result?

3. What did the old man take the American tourist for at the beginning? And why did he think so?

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1) The horse: a sacred image—a future reincarnation as the tenth avatar

2) Avatar——the Guardian, the Redeemer, to save the villagers, and punish the wicked or evils at the end of the world

3) The horse: hope of future bliss and eternal happiness for the villagers

5. What was special about the horse according to the old man?

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1) The American flourished the 100-rupee note, his eyes, his patting the goats on the backs, etc.

2) His long-time dream to exchange goats for money for his projects

For the old man: taking the goats away in that vehicleFor the American: taking the horse statue away in that wagon

7. What did the old man mean by pointing at the wagon and what did the American mean by saying Yes, of course?

6. What made the old man believe that the American wanted to buy his two goats?

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1) No common language (Language barrier)2) Lack of shared information between them (The

American tourist had no knowledge about the horse statue; he took it as a commodity; but the idea of selling the horse statue was last thing that the old man would think of.)

3) Body language is a useful means of communication in expressing emotions such as anger, happiness, satisfied, or complacency, but very limited in its informative power such as expressing the concept of murder, neighbourhood, avatar, a god citizen, punishing the evil, or getting help for you, etc.

8. Analyze the reasons for the failure of communication between the old man and the American tourist.

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Difficult Sentences

在印度一个叫基瑞坦的小村庄的村口 , 屹立着一座魁伟的守护神。这座神像是一匹腾空跃起的骏马,它高昂着头,前蹄凌空,尾巴挥舞成圈。

1. At the entrance of the small Indian village of Kiritan, there stood a massive guardian in the shape of a prancing horse, with his head held high proudly, his forelegs in the air and his tail looped up with a flourish.

having the shape of a horse springing up from its hind legs.

The horse’s tail curled up spiritedly. A flourish is a decorative display intended to make people notice it.

The horse was worshipped by the villagers as a protector of the village. Massive indicates that the horse statue is not only large in size, but also heavy in weight. Here is one more example: The new stadium is a massive building.

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If you describe someone or their behavior as ingratiating, you mean that they try to make people like them. (TEM-8)

He said this with an ingratiating smile.

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Have a clean record

Apparently, I have a clean record in all 50 states.

很明显,我在美国所有 50 个州中没有不良记录。

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Relate A to B The police are trying to relate the girl’s

disappearance to an attack which took place last week.

Relate sth. to sb.: tell a story He related to us the events which led

to his escape.

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Relate to sth. 和某事有关;产生共鸣,认同

secret documents relating to war crimes

I can not relate to those kind of religious beliefs.

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Relate to sb. 和某人和睦相处,理解某人 She does not relate very much to other


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the like of sb/sth = sb’s/ sth’s like 相等同的人或物,相似的人或物 There will be a show, the like of which

has never been seen before. The man was a genius. We shall not

see his like again.

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Look n. v.a. An act of looking at sth. 看b. An expression on the face 表情 I knew she didn’t like it by the look on

her face.c. Looks 外表Good looks are not everything.

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touch off

引起,触发 The war touched off scare buying. touch off a debate 勾勒 The artist had only time to touch off

the mountain.

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They continued to talk at cross purposes. mystification: n. when someone or something confuses you by being impossible to understand:e.g. - And then, to the audience's mystification, the band suddenly stopped playing.

2. A conversation leading to mutual mystification followed, with the Indian chattering away about various avatars of God Vishnu and the American trying to drive a bargain for the purchase of the statue.

try to get a cheaper price for

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3. The old man now realized that some financial element was entering their talk. He peered closely at the note, the like of which he had never seen in his life.

A fairly formal usage, meaning here “notes of this kind/ notes of such a large amount of money”. This sentence indicates the poverty of the old man in the story. The expression can have another form … the likes of …

The old man now realized that they were talking about money.

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Task 1 Work with your partner to

act out the dialogue between the old man and the American tourist. Suppose both of them can speak English and then you will see how comical their conversation is, using the clues on page 121.

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Task 2 The American and the old Indian man talked at

cross-purposes, i.e. they misunderstood and talked irrelevantly to each other. Suppose you were the son or daughter of the old man and understood English. Now, help your dad to complete the dialogue on page 122 so that the talk makes sense.

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A: How do you do?B: A: Do you smoke? … I’m from New York, … have you heard

of America?B:A: I am sure you must know when this horse was made.B:A: Please try to understand me. I arrived three weeks ago

and have travelled five thousand miles since, seeing your wonderful country.

B:A: Is this statue yours? Will you sell it to me?B:A: Will you take this hundred rupee note for this horse?B:A: If that’s not enough, I guess I can go a little higher.

A: American tourist B: the old Indian

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Body Language

In Other Words

Work with Sentences

A Joke

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Understanding & Misinterpretation

The old man and the American both depended a lot on body language for communication. However, they frequently misinterpreted each other. Guess the intended message and the misinterpretation of the following sentences. (page 122)

Body Language

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1. He cried, pacing slowly around the statue … he wore a khaki-coloured shirt, speaking politely to the old man.

Correct understanding:

The Indian’s interpretation:

The American tourist showed an interest in the statue and was overwhelmed by its beauty and craftsmanship.

The man in the khaki shirt behaved strangely, pacing around the statue, he seemed to be thinking hard about something. He must be a police officer, coming to investigate a recent murderin the neighbourhood.

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2. The red-faced man glanced at the goats, took out a cigarette, and asked …

Intended message:The American happened to look in the direction of the goats. He was going to offer a cigarette to old man to start a friendlyconversation.

The policeman understood that those two goats were my property, not stolen animals. Look, he’s going to smoke. It seems he’s not in a hurry to leave and he’s going to question me about the murder.

Book 3-Unit 8

The Indian’s interpretation:

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3. “I’m sure you must know when this horse was made,” said the American tourist, and smiled ingratiatingly.

The American tourist was trying to be nice and friendly to the old man because he wanted to get more information out of him.

The policeman probably had no more doubts about me concerning the murder.

Intended message:

Book 3-Unit 8

The Indian’s interpretation:

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4. He drew from his wallet a hundred rupee note.

The American tourist was making the Indian an offer for thestatue.

The police man wanted to change a large note.

Intended message:

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The Indian’s interpretation:

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5. He peered closely at the note … With a grin, he told the man to go …

The American’s interpretation:

The old man thought it funny that people should expect a poorman like him to be able to change a large note.

The old man thought one hundred rupees was not enough. He was trying to get a better bargain.

Intended message:

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6. The old man said, with his eyes travelling to his goats.

He might looked at his goats by chance, or he might do it when he remembered just then how much the village headman disliked him and his animals.

The old man seemed to love his pets. Perhaps it would be goodpolicy to show an interest in the old man’s goats.

Intended message:

The American’s interpretation:

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7. He went up to them casually and stroked their backs.

The Indian’s interpretation:

He wanted to show the old man that he also loved his goats.

The foreigner showed an interest in my goats. Oh, yes. He wanted to buy them.

Intended message:

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8. The old man pointed at the station wagon ...

The Indian wanted to know if the American was going to ship the goats home in that vehicle.

The old man was asking if I was going to ship the statue homein the vehicle.

Intended message:

The American’s interpretation:

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9. So saying, he brought his palms together in salute, turned round, and was soon out of sight.

The old man was grateful for this foreigner who helped him tomake his dream come true. He went away quickly because he was afraid the goats might follow him. If that happened, hewould not get the money he needed.

The old man was grateful for the money and had gone to get some help to move the heavy statue into my vehicle.

Intended message:

The American’s interpretation:

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In Other WordsPut the following expressions from the text in the blanks. (page 123: B)

1. The old castle was surrounded by ___________ walls.2. I’m sorry to ________ you, but could you tell me how this

machine works?3. The girl wept and ________ until her mother agreed to do as

she wished. 4. Cows are ________ to many Indian people.5. The retired editor needed a lot of _______ to start up a new

newspaper. 6. The millionaire ________ to his grandchildren the story of his

success.7. The middle-aged employee always spoke to his boss in an

__________ manner and was looked down on by his colleagues.

8. One should be ________ when talking about other people’s religious beliefs.







sacred ingratiating

Click the word

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Work with SentencesRewrite the following sentences using the expressions below (page 124: C)Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions below (page 124: C)

get out of sight react to refer to dawn on pace (v.) at the thought of make one an offer for sound policy to do ...

1. The father suddenly realized that his son was lying to him.

2. The foreigner offered to buy the old jar and the old woman found herself unable to refuse.

3. The boy responded to his teacher’s criticism by turning his back on the teacher.

4. The prisoner felt very regretful when he thought of his past.

It suddenly dawned on the father that his son was lying to him.

The foreigner made the old woman an offer for the old jar, and she found herself unable to refuse.

The boy reacted to his teacher’s criticism by turning his back on the teacher.

The prisoner felt very regretful at the thought of his past.

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5. He stood at the street corner, following his mother with his eyes until he could no longer see her.

6. I don’t know which companies she was talking about when she spoke of some competing firms.

7. Mother walked back and forth in the corridor while her daughter was having an operation inside the operation theatre ( 手术室 ).

8. I think that it is a wise decision to ban smoking in all public places.

I don’t know which companies she was referring to when she spoke of some competing firms.

I think that it is sound policy to ban smoking in all public places.

Mother paced up and down the corridor while her daughter was having an operation inside the operation theatre.

He stood at the street corner, following his mother with his eyes until she got out of sight.

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A JokeRead and explain the joke in small groups. Point out the fallacy for the Read and explain the joke in small groups. Point out the fallacy for the humor. (page 124: D)humor. (page 124: D)

A Horse with an Infinite Number of Legs

Book 3-Unit 8

Check Your Answer

The joke is based on the play on the words of fore-legs, and odd number. Fore-legs means front legs, but it sounds like four legs. An odd number means a strange number, but it can also mean a number that cannot be divided into two whole number.

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