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  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    Executive Coaching: What is it?One on one working engagement

    between a company executive and an

    executive coach

    Requires substantial commitment andenergy from both parties

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    What is the purpose?

    To improve executives performance

    To further develop the talent bank ofthe organization

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    Is there only one model?No, there are many models

    Most have similar protocols

    This discussion will summarize modelsmost familiar to the speaker

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    Who gets Executive Coaching?Many Fortune 500 companies readily

    use it for their top executives and


    Example: One of top five internationalpharmacy company has individualcoaches for its top 40 executives

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    What does it cost?Sample model

    $32,500 per executive for one year

    $40,000 per CEO for one year

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    Who pays for it?

    In 80-90% of the time, the companypays for it

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    Can an individual buy it?

    Yes, many individuals consider it sovalue added that they self pay it

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    Can an individual negotiatethe price?

    Yes, individually , everything isnegotiable

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    How are coaches selected?Large Fortune 500 companies have avery stringent vetting process

    Executives can then pick 3 coaches

    from the vetted pool, and interviewthem, and select the one best for them

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    What is profile of a coach?Many are very seasoned/successful

    retired executives who feel an

    obligation to help the next generationof leaders

    Many are psychologists who areexperienced in working with senior


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    Who do executives prefer?Executives in staff roles may like the

    approach of a psychologist

    Executives in line roles almost always

    prefer a highly seasoned executivecoach who has been there and iscombat tested

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    Male or female coaches?Some executive coaching companies

    think only women can coach women,

    and only men can coach men

    This speaker recommends getting thebest coach regardless of gender

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    How long does coaching last?

    A typical model is a 10-12 montharrangement

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    Are there are quick fixes?No.

    It is very difficult to significantlychange behavior in a very short period

    of time

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    How often do coaches meet?Typical model

    Twice a month for 90 minutes

    On call by phone, as needed

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What are success rates?

    Typically, executing coaching issuccessful 85% or higher

    Sometimes failures do occur

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    Is coaching sometimes for

    executives in trouble?

    Yes, it happens in a minority of cases

    The executive coaching may be a last

    attempt to save an executive introuble

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    What is success?The executive receives great value from

    the relationship

    The executives future in the companyis enhanced

    The executive is being prepared forhigher assignments

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What is failure?A troubled executive may be fired

    The executive and coach may find theyare not compatible, and stop.

    The executive may leave the company,

    sometimes for a higher position inanother company, or competitor

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What happens in 12 months?There are typically 3 major phases

    Phase 1: Assessment (the most time

    intensive)Phase 2: Positioning for

    Leadership/Leadership Development Plan

    Phase 3: Implementation/practicing/finetuning/review

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What happens in Assessment?

    Career history interview

    Extensive testing

    360 degree interviews

    Gathering of key information includingresume, organizational charts

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    Does paying company get all

    the information?No, the coach views the executive as the

    client, not the companyThere is a cone of silence over the coach and

    the executive.

    There maybe periodic high level reports tothe company, but only with the consent ofthe executive on the content

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    Can executive bare his/her soul

    to the coach?

    Yes, trust is an essential component ofthe relationship

    The engagement is sacred, almost like aphysician-patient relationship

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    What are tests used in Phase 1?Sample Tests are:

    Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


    Life Styles Inventory (LSI)

    Leadership Effectiveness &Adaptability Description (LEAD)

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    Myers Briggs OverviewProfiles basic traits about a person not

    likely to change

    There are no good or bad profiles

    Helps understand basic psychological

    preferences or stylesHelps understand the styles of others

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    Myer Briggs traits examined









  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What does NEO-P-R look at?5 dimensional model of personality





  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What does LSI look at?

    Looks at individuals self image

    Looks at thinking styles

    Reflects on individuals current state

    Snapshot of how you are dealing withchallenges

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    What does L.E.A.D. look at? Provides insight into your perception of leadership


    Major styles are:





  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    How did 360 interviews work?

    Done confidentially

    Interview 3 executives at a higher level

    Interview 3 executives on the same

    levelInterview 3 subordinates

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What are sample 360 fixed

    questions? On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being terrible, and 10 being

    outstanding) how do you rate the executive on thefollowing traits (without comment):

    A) Listening skills, b) General Business skills, c)Leadership skills, d) Loyalty, e) Integrity, f) Delegation

    skills, g) Respect for coworkers, h)Timeliness, i)Stewardship, j) Decision making skills, k) Creativity,

    l) Team player, m) Public speaking skills, o) Hardworker

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What are samples of open

    ended 360 questions? How long have you known (client) and in

    what capacity?What do you see (clients) major strengths

    and skills. Please give examples.

    Everyone has areas where they can improve.How could (client) improve?

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    Sample questions, continuedPlease comment on (clients)

    communications skills in groups and in one

    on one.Are there some specific things that (client)

    could do to be more effective in his/her role?

    If you could give (client) some career, orprofessional advice, what would it be?

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    Sample questions, continued

    What else do I need to know about

    (client) or about how issues areimpacting his/her future?

    Anything else?

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    What precautions taken during

    360 interviews? Emphasis on the fact that the interview is


    Told that interview will be summarized generically

    Ask person being interviewed to avoid anycommon phrases that client would instantlyrecognize. (example: you need to work smarterand harder)

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    How candid are the answers?

    Once confidentiality is assured, thequestions receive very candid answers

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    Positive examples of answers? he has a commanding presence

    he is good boss.no sitting on the fence.he goesfor solutions

    she has strength in leadership, without beingdominating

    she has CEO potential

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  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    How long does Phase 1 last ?It can last 6-10 weeks

    You never rush it because of the valueof information being assembled

    A good Phase I also has a very positive

    impact on the Leadership developmentplan

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    What happens in Phase 2?Phase 2 is positioning for the future

    A Leadership Development Plan isprepared which addresses the leaders

    strengths and weaknesses

    The client must sign off on the plan

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    How long is Phase 2?

    It usually lasts about 6-8 weeks

    It represents the blueprint for the


  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What happens in Phase 3?

    Phase 3 is the implementation phase ofthe Leadership Development Plan

    The coach is constantly pushing theexecutive to excel, to fix or improve

    weaknesses, and to focus on the future

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    Personal case studies in

    Phase 3?Many actual scenarios, as presented by the

    executive , are reviewed are the coach

    What could the executive have done better?

    What behavior does the executive need tomodify?

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    Is leadership plan evermodified?

    Yes, absolutely.

    Any executive may improve substantially in any onegiven area and then has to take his/her executive skills

    to the next highest level?

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    When is it over?It is over when the executive and coach

    feel their job is accomplished, or at

    about 10-12 months

    Sometimes, the engagement may beextended by mutual consent of the executiveand the coach

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    What happens at end of

    initial contract?

    Usually, the engagement ends and a

    summary leadership plan is prepared

    On occasion, the client may want toextend the contract under specificterms and conditions

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What is satisfaction level?For completed engagements, the

    satisfaction level is usually very high;

    example greater than 85%Clients recommend others consider

    the investment in leadership

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What is Ed Golin story?Ed was my coach

    How it started

    Our big differences

    What happened

    How it endedHis final recommendations to me

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    What happened 7 yearsafter Ed died?Special phone call to Eds wife

  • 7/28/2019 Reading Lecture 11 Executive Coaching


    SummaryIf you ever have the opportunity to have

    an executive coach.

    Make sure you pick the right coachfor your needs

    Then, jump at the opportunity to investin your leadership potential and future

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