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Reading!Oh what fun!

Take a look at what the staff at SHC recommend to you to


Page 2: Reading! Oh what fun!

Mrs Smith – likes to escape into chick lit

“I have many favourite books - but I'm happy to go for a chick lit author and admit I love Sophie Kinsella - either the Shopaholic series or the book, The Undomestic Goddess. So funny and a great light hearted read when you need a pick-me up!”

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Mrs Davies loves to read!“I would like to recommend

some of my childhood reading. They are all set in the past and so describe

experiences just as strange in their own way as Harry


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Mrs McCahon wants you to read…The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

“Chapter One starts with the heading Black-Eye-of-the month Award, then ‘I was born with water on the brain… thick and muddy and disgusting.. my brain was a giant French fry.’ I was almost hooked by this guy’s humorous way of describing his troubles. Then he said ‘our white dentist believed that Indians only felt half as much pain as white people did, so he gave us half the Novocain’ and I was totally hooked. Then there are the illustrations – Alexie draws cartoons that make me splutter with laughter. So, this book is a wonderful mixture of humour, pain, self-belief and truth – it really is his life. I hugely admire this man.”

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“Nothing much happens. A 16 year old boy drops out of school and walks around New York for 48 hours. Famous for being the book that (for some reason) inspired the shooting of John Lennon. I have read it at least 20 times!”

The Catcher in the Rye

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“ ‘I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will’ – Jane EyreChild neglect, near death, the power of love, mystery and madness… This is a story that has the potential to tug at your heart strings from start to finish.I first read Jane Eyre at school and later studied it at University and loved it both times. Once you get the chance to read it, come and find me and let me know what you think!

There are also plenty of film adaptations to watch once you’ve finished the book, and a prequel by Jean Rhys called The Wide Sargasso Seato keep you going for that little bit longer.”

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Mrs Evans, the HoD of English, knows good books

I read voraciously when I was younger - anything I could get my hands on - but especially historical novels. One book which really touched me was The Diary of Anne Frank which I read first when I was about 11, not understanding all of the vocabulary. Anne seemed like such a wonderful writer and I wanted to be able to use words as she did. In Year 10, to my delight, my class studied the text. I used to imagine what it would be like shut up in a couple of rooms for almost two years with annoying people like parents, hiding from the Germans, not able to make a single sound during the day. I used to wonder what Anne and Peter really got up to in the attic of the Secret Annex .... Years later, I ended up living in Holland, close to Amsterdam, and visited Anne's hiding place, heard the church bells she describes in her diary, and even learnt the language her diary was written in, Dutch. Anne's story is an inspirational one, which still resonates with me today!

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The Score by Adrienne Jansen

“Set in a block of flats, this book explores the dilemmas that immigrants face when arriving in New Zealand, either legally (supposedly) or illegally.It starts in a shocking way…a grand piano being craned up to an upper storey in the flats, for restoration by an immigrant piano restorer, is blown about by the wind and ultimately dropped…How will the restorer ever get his money back?”

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Mrs Munro!

“I am really enjoying the Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. The first book, Divergent, is better than Hunger Games. It is a dystopian future where the world has been reduced to factions and when you become a teenager, you have to choose which one you will live with and, potentially leave your family. The main character, Tris, moves to the most violent faction - the ones who fight to keep their world safe but her family were in the faction that believed in not judging people and living in peace and harmony was how to survive; her brother was in the faction that believed that knowledge and learning was the key to survival. However, she struggles to settle - she can see the good and bad in each faction - there is no one 'right way’. The second book, Insurgent, is equally exciting and has a big twist in the plot that I didn't see coming. The world of factions is falling apart (as we come to expect in this type of novel!) so the race is on to find the new order of society. I am so looking forward to how this will pan out in the last book, Allegiant which has just been published and is on its way to my mailbox!”

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And Mr Screech really likes…

The Lord of the Rings “I read this book first when I

was a teenager and was completely drawn in by the intensely dark history Gandalf gives of Sauron’s ring in chapter Two. From then on the book is filled with some of the most interesting characters I’ve ever encountered in fiction, as well as a multitude of stories happening at any one time. The Hobbit’s a nice book, but the Lord of the Rings is epic in comparison.”

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“It's December in New York and Lily is feeling lonely and in need of a soulmate so she instigates the hunt by leaving a red notebook full of challenges on her favourite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York?”

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Mr Glover loves to read…

“A book series I love that is

a bit like a grown up Harry Potter called the Night

Watch Quadrilogy by Sergei

Lukyanenko. It’s a Russian take on the super natural – high level thoughts about philosophy, ethics and morals. A step up for girls into Harry Potter, Twilight, City of Angels.”

The Night Watch Quadrilogy!

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Mrs Moloney“I have always enjoyed

reading and have a great

love of a number of books

but one of my favourites is

still The Outsiders by S E

Hinton. I first read it in Yr 10

many years ago…

It is a coming-of-age novel

that tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and

wrong in a society in which

he believes that he is an outsider.

It is the first book I cried in.

Don’t let that put you off, it is amazing!”

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