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Page 1: Reading preferences of young people

Reading preferences of young people

Page 2: Reading preferences of young people

Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person's character, from his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It's a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The process of instilling the love of reading should begin since early childhood. All fifteen respondents said that they parents read them, when they were kids, but nine of respondents - read mother, four - father and mother and two - just dad.

MotherFatherMother and father

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The next question of our questionnaire was: “What kind of books your parents read you in early childhood?”The answer fourteen respondents was Ukrainian folk tales and one man said:”Detective stories”

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The next question of our questionnaire was: “Have you read books outside of class?”Ten respondents said: “No” and five said: “Yes”


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Ukrainian authors (6)Foreing authors (8)Don't prefer aint Ukrainian aint foreign authors (1)

The major part of respondents prefer Ukrainian authors, and the most popular authors are: Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky, Panas Mirny and Ivan Bahrianyi. From the most popular foreign authors was: Jack London, Paulo Coelho and Mikhail Bulgakov.

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The next question of our questionnaire was: “Do you read books now ?”. Twelve respondents said: “Yes”, one said: “No” and two persons say “Sometimes”


Fourteen respondents prefer fiction literature and one respondent prefers the scientific literature.

Fiction litera-ture Scientific literature

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One of the questions of our questionnaire was what type of books (electronic or printed) do you prefer. Four persons from fifteen prefer electronic media is causing their capacity, small size and interactivity.Nine people prefer printed carriers because they are less harmful to health and more comfortable for reading. And one person said that it does not matter from which carrier electronic or printed he needed to read.

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According to a survey of six of the fifteen respondents do not read periodical literature, and the rest of respondents mostly read the so-called "yellow" press, that such publications as “Vysokiy zamok" and "Express".

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Conclusion :Contemporary life is impossible without reading. The influence of literature on people's mind is great. Regular reading enriches your knowledge of the world and helps to form your entire personality. If a book appeals to you, it arouses lots of feelings and emotions in your heart. If you take to reading, the world of other people's ideas and problems becomes familiar to you. The process of reading demands much thinking on the part of the reader that’s why French philosopher Denis Diderot said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading”.

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