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Reality check Guidelines for the use of Internet sources and brain cells about five big questions of our time which emerge one out of the other:

① How to solve the conflict between the quest for truth, care for other beings, and spiritual growth on the one side and survival interests like job, health, money, family, and pleasure on the other side?

② Is there clearly a good side worth fighting for, and an evil side to be pushed back?

③ How can we perceive reality? (Once we anyhow have to think global)

④ Who runs the world? Are there identifiable structures, groups, persons? If there are such entities, what are their plans?

⑤ Can humanity avoid near-term extinction? Are the global problems and major threats collateral or intended damage?

This reality check will be done step by step by using categories like “left/right”, “above/below”, “the big picture/details”, significant/insignificant”, “truth/lie”. It is also a reader for the class “International Manners and Protocol II. Subtitle: Capitalism and Human Nature. Second subtitle: In seven-league boots to media competence and scientific thinking”. Whereas the class “IMP I” provides you a rather relativistic view on the cultures in times of globalization, about their customs and behaviors which leads to the insight that we all behave differently and yet are all humans, praise diversity, the “Atlas of Beauty”,1 IMP II dares a rather “absolutistic” view on our globalized culture beyond the surface. What are the real protocols in our minds? How have they been changing? In analogy to the project mentioned above this could be called “Atlas of Truth”.

Jochen Stappenbeck, [email protected], update June 2017 Contents

I. Correction of perception. Big is big, and small is small………..2 II. Purity and impurity of sources……………………….…..……..6 III. What if the powerful prefer to hide?...........................................10 IV. Capitalism and conspiracy………………………….…………..15 V. Is examining the power structures “left” or “right”?...................17 VI. The internal diversity of the so called alternative media………26 VII. One conspiracy at a time, one reality box at a time…….…...….32

1 https://www.facebook.com/MihaelaNorocPhoto/

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I. Correction of perception. Big is big, and small is small.

What do you see here? Which reality in this picture do you prefer? Who is closer to the “real”? We, the observers outside the box, or the man inside the box? What is wrong or right with these maps?

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4 Same inter-national world – different perception.

1) Gall-Peters map with correct area proportions. South up, North down. 2) Same with North up. Up = positive, down = negative 3) Distribution of wealth in the world in 2015 4) Mercator projection of the world. Eurocentrism.

Equal size of moon and sun. A miracle? Or trivial? Every child knows that one of them is much bigger and farer than the other. But why is it that for our eyes they have the exact same size?2 Is this significant or not? Shall we be surprised or not? Our common sense says: no. How can we correct distortions of our world view, of our thinking?

We want to see reality in objective proportions.

2 Every 18 years there is an exception. The ring-form eclipse of the sun. Most recent: First September 2016. Most famous example: 1818/5/5 = birth of Karl Marx.

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By questioning: what or who created this worldview for us? By which interests was he driven? The limitations and traps in our perception can be easily abused.

By re-translating nouns into verbs, states into deeds. This is a table = someone cut a tree, someone put together wood, someone sold it, someone bought it, someone put it into the room.

By re-contextualizing what we seem to know. By making visible invisible structures. This is the step from IMP I where we explore the relationships between nations and cultures by thinking in relativistic terms, by exploring the perception of one’s own culture and the other’s culture, to IMP II where we question the concept of a world made of nations and cultures. Is “international” the same as “global” or “globalized”? No. Individual – local – regional – national – international – global – universal. What comes before individual and after universal? Perhaps one and the same. In India there is the concept of Atman = Brahman. The soul/essence of a single being is identical with the essence of the whole. Our task is more modest: to explore our perception of the world in the context of globalization.3 Our method is similar to Sherlock Holmes’ method: simple questions about who did what?

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to go on a camping trip. After dinner and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night, and go to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend.

"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

Watson replied, "I see millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?"

Watson pondered for a minute.

"Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets." "Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo." "Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three." "Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant." "Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow." "What does it tell you, Holmes?"

3 In 1983 this term was made popular. By the way, in the same year the term “virtual reality” was coined.

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6 Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke: "Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!"

Good exercise:

1. Video East meets West 2. Charlie Chaplin “The great Dictator”.

II. Purity and impurity of sources

Media competence means how to work with the sources, how to be aware of them. Even if we deal with big questions, it is first of all about the sources – that what lies between the questions and the questioner. Sources are not raw material. Information and inspiration are raw material. Sources are complex things. They are highly sensitive to social influence and emotional judgment. Like in nature, we desire pure sources. Unlike in nature, the purity is not so easily measurable. If the environment is clean, then we assume that the water is clean, too. If the environment of a source seems to us politically and morally clean, then we can accept it, drink from its informational water. And vice versa. This is reasonable and helps us to spare time and energy. But this is in the same time a possibility of being manipulated what I call “the purity of the sources trap”. In the following I show how this possibility of manipulation is being applied to an extent which is hardly imaginable: in the media, in the educational and political systems. In order to break out of the manipulation, in the age of information and disinformation we need to add another habit of gathering information: a selective approach to any source, regardless of its link to a positive or negative connotation. We are free from fear that we could be associated with incorrect people or groups. Anyhow, the sources of the like-minded tend not to help to expand the view, as they confirm our own views and convictions. This selective approach requires awareness and special methods which are provided in this paper. A great help are the audio sources. When you listen to someone without being distracted by other impulses, ideally walking around in nature, you tend to get much deeper into the meaning of his words. A good source leads you to other sources with more primary information which serves as evidence for arguments and theses. Like with food, we should be very skeptical towards processed food4, processed sources which cause hidden side-effects in favor of their producers only, and look for simple, healthy, natural, unprocessed food: documents, articles, books, own experience and experiments, carried out by people whom you can identify clearly via audio and video.

4 A new disease was invented to stop us wanting healthy food: orthorexia nervosa.

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Read and write: Paste the source into a file and develop it, read the source while highlighting and commenting it, not forgetting to separate between your own thoughts and the author’s contribution.

New insights into the scientific method (of extended or holistic science, simple thinking) which is closely linked to that approach to sources can be accepted and acquired easier after this short practical introduction. Difficulties should not occur so much with the understanding, rather with the acceptance of that understanding.5 There are methods how to extract good information out of any source regardless of its origins and the labels put on it. In class we do it this way:

5 In my theory there are two types of thinking: the contextual thinking and the decontextual thinking. The first makes use of intuition and all possible facts out of the context, sometimes without the necessary verification. The latter wants to avoid unsafe conclusions. Example: Rumsfeld declared on September, 10, 2001 the loss of 2 trillion dollars. A few hours later something from the sky helped vaporize the correspondent documents in the Pentagon. Contextual thinking: evident link. “True enough” (ascribed to Wittgenstein). Decontextual thinking: no proof. “Not true enough”.

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8 The 3 steps method to work with every single source We take a word file, copy the source into it or at least the link, highlight key passages and then write:

1) Formal aspect a. Who is the author, what is the title, the medium, when, where b. How is it made? Note some specifics, unexpected, weird elements, contradictions just

by looking at the source (and store them for 3)) 2) Main message

a. Mini-summary, what does the author of the source mainly want to get into the audience’s mind? Put in your own words and then in his words:

b. Main quote(s) (of your choice) 3) Interpretation

a. Either different viewpoints, sometimes can be reduced to pro and contra b. Either free style interpretation in the light of 1) and 2)

Up to 2a) keep your ideas out of the source, strictly observe and protocol correctly, neutrally! From 2b) your ideas, intuition, thoughts are required, no neutrality, criterion> the truth and your understanding of good. Poison alert: 7 favorite biases and logical fallacies. Reject!

False dilemma (wrong choice of A or B!) Strawman argument (“A” instead of A) Ad hominem (attacking the person) Quoting out of context (Cutting quotes, cherry picking), anchoring (first impression rules) Relativism (playing on the difficulties with perception of proportions, omitting main facts) Traduttore – traditore (translation distorts!) Political correctness6 (labels, mind corruption, herd instinct, fear, Stockholm syndrome,

commitment bias, ridiculisation, discreditation of dissenting views, denialism, credo quia absurdum)

Another map, another complex source:

6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHH5Edf60GI

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Where have all the empires gone? Around 200 nation-states. Was it such a bad idea? Certainly not for the empires: You are the number one and can do what you want, you write the rules…for the others. Miles ahead of the other competitors. 2 historical options: conquest by force (easy to control but difficult to maintain, sooner or later other empires and forces will spoil the paradise) or by more intelligent means (trade, soft power, divide and rule etc.) Thesis: The concept of empire and imperialism has evolved towards the second option.

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III. What if the powerful prefer to hide? Deep politics in the age of information and disinformation

1. Win in a complex world of informational warfare

This title is inspired by the current US military doctrine, released on October 31, 2014: “Win in a Complex World. 2020-2040”7. It seems that knowledge and the access to it is growing exponentially in our times. So does ignorance. The main contributor to this impression is the Internet. Both the joy of a possible awakening to a new era and the horror of an eminent near-term extinction of the human race are perceived more and more intensively. The vast majority is getting farer from awareness and the small minority of informed people getting still closer to it. Perhaps it is the analogy to the near-death-experience (NDE) that we collectively experience, the dialectics of the darkness of the tunnel and the light at its end…which is hopefully not a train. As expressed in the course structure, the leading symbol is the Chinese character for male because there is a field parceled into four which requires strength and discipline when we want to harness the crop later on. The other three blocks are named: Culture of capitalism (main source: a book of Richard H. Robbins), Scientific thinking, New World Order. The two on the left side require left side brain activity (rationality, systematic approach), the two on the right side right side brain activity: imagination, empathy, courage.

There are so many sources and ways to express reality and thoughts that it would be nice to have a categorization which will help us to set preferences. There are new forms of media which are commonly called the alternative media. Thus there is a competition between what is called the mainstream media and the alternative media which has been permeating all spheres of human thought, from science to spirituality, from business to distraction, and a field of human thought which only very few people seem to like: politics.

2. Politics means the way how people organize their being together. Aristotle: Man is a zoon

politikon. It is not liked because we associate with this field much negativity: deception, criminality8, narcissism, corruption, abuse of power, wars, idiocy9. And when we put a “geo”

7 http://www.tradoc.army.mil/tpubs/pams/tp525-3-1.pdf The last doctrine for 2000-2020 has been fully implemented (Source: Wolfgang Effenberger). Another justification for the comparison: On the NATO summit in Warsaw, July 2016, the WWW has been declared the fifth operational military segment. 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5SAVUulYv0 The Clintons 9 Very funny “synchronicities”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6KHSNKpmdg

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in front of it: geopolitics, we get the impression of the law of the jungle everywhere.10 In the following I want to suggest how you can use the very unwillingness to study this field to get inspired by connecting it to the big questions, the Platonic triad of the true, the good and the beautiful.

3. The easiest and most reliable tool to dig up the most valuable sources is the negative way:

detecting lies and evil deeds. Look at how angry children get when they sense injustice done to them. Best is to explore really bad things like wars, exploitation, destruction which cannot allow moral relativism.11 And the easiest way to detect lies is to accumulate knowledge and combine it with own experience and then see which parts of the whole picture are hidden from

you by the author of a source. Example: Here are 18 stars. So is it a lie to tell “I see 18 stars”? No. The sentence is true. But it is also not true because I should have mentioned the moon12. Or shouldn’t I have even mentioned that it is not the moon? (Because of one star on the invisible side of the moon!) Generally the lie is presented by correct facts…with just some facts left out. Therefore the “hidden truth proportion” is a good criterion for the internet sources. The better the deceiver the vaster the flourishing garden of truthful facts…except some other facts.

4. Of course, positive thoughts are better, truth is sometimes bitter. “Energy flows, where

attention goes.”13 The famous law of attraction. But the more we become adults, the more we take care of those who are less mature and need protection, regardless of whether we like negative things or not. Ok, a compromise: Here is the second easiest and reliable way which is a positive one: the trustworthiness of a source via the very person producing it. It is someone whom you trust because of all his words and deeds recorded and reflected by others. This is the huge advantage of the youtube sources.). The strength of the second way is the feeling that you are not alone; you are connected to like-minded and potential like-minded.

10 Halford Mackinder, The World Island theory: A follower of Mackinder is Brzezinski (1998): https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Chessboard-American-Geostrategic-Imperatives/dp/0465027261?ie=UTF8&reader=1 11 Moral relativism: Any evil can be seen as good for someone, so any good for one person can be bad for someone else. Good and evil are identical. There are no absolute values. A popular adolescent mindset. 12 Look at this picture: The author of it gives the message: The right one is attacking the left one. Such obvious frauds are rare. The author had to be really sure that his fraud would never be detected. http://www.hermes-press.com/reality_terrorism.htm 13 http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/816367-where-attention-goes-energy-flows-where-intention-goes-energy-flows

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5. Back to the easiest way: The ancient Greeks had a concept of truth which is helpful in our times of information flooding. It is the notion of aletheia.14, Greek for the un-hidden. (The alfa privativum is also seen in Sanskrit, example asat meaning non-spirit. A word for matter used in the Bhagavad Gita.15) The ancient Greeks offer a pragmatic concept of truth which fits well with the journalistic and scientific standards. Non-truth is not just deception and lie (which often is so obvious that it is almost no non-truth) but rather the information which should be given and understood but is withhold and not perceived. In a society defined as democracy there is a high expectation of delivery of truth because the people replace the kings and tyrants as the powerful. The sovereign must know, whether he likes it or not, everything from the use of depleted uranium in wars (vs. Yugoslavia, Iraq) to secret treaties which override the constitution (Germany)16.

6. In search for the big answers we are not interested in party politics but in deep politics.

“Wikispooks is an encyclopaedia of deep politics, a collective effort to try to see beyond deceptive official narratives issued by authorities in the thrall of deep state actors, and to uncover and witness to the truth. All readers are encouraged to reject the learned helplessness and lack of insight which is the main lesson of the commercially-controlled media in general and of television in particular, and strive instead to reach personal conclusions about the world around them, by weighing up all narratives, 'official' and otherwise on the basis of available evidence.17 But is it necessarily in a deceptive intention to have something “beyond the … official narratives”? Most of the people want to trust the governors. Like children trust their parents. Therefore I would name the mental constitution of our globalist societies “the anti-conspirological society”. Bear this in mind, later we will analyze it. For warming up three short videos about “the Father of Public Relations”, Edward Bernays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druOAHVKHCQ

14 Wikipedia> In the early to mid 20th-century, Martin Heidegger brought renewed attention to the concept of aletheia, by relating it to the notion of disclosure, or the way in which things appear as entities in the world. While he initially referred to aletheia as "truth", specifically a form that is pre-Socratic in origin, Heidegger eventually corrected this interpretation, writing: To raise the question of aletheia, of disclosure as such, is not the same as raising the question of truth. For this reason, it was inadequate and misleading to call aletheia, in the sense of opening, truth."[2] Heidegger gave an etymological analysis of aletheia and drew out an understanding of the term as 'unconcealedness'.[3] 15 http://www.hermes-press.com/gita_manual0.htm 16 It is not always necessary to look for secret deals. What about private rules over public rules? This is the essence of capitalism. Look at TTIP. Single persons (corporations) force states (the public) to accept their will for profit. 17 https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Deep_politics.

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It's easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled... - Mark Twain 7. Politics is about power. We would like to know who are the really powerful entities18 behind

the events which shape our world and make history; and who define reality for us, lead our perception into reality boxes. At least, we should like to know it if we had preserved our childlike wish not to be betrayed all the time. With currently around seven billion people on earth it seems not so outlandish to assume two things: a) that the most powerful entities don’t necessarily expose themselves – for security reasons. Sooner or later every ruler can be overthrown by someone else. This is not nice for him. So best is to found a group, a sort of dynasty or club, and be in the shadow behind a given installed ruler and at the same time behind the potential new ruler.19 This is very useful in democratic societies because the people love to maintain the illusion that they exercise the control of the governors. And we behave differently towards those in power. The powerful: The strongest individuals or small groups / networks, beginning with the animal kingdom, ending with the plutocrats and hidden forces. b) It is much more efficient and reliable from the position of the powerful (controllers) not to control the bodies but the minds. In short: If I belonged to the most powerful, then I would hide and control the mind (consciousness) of the people so that they would voluntarily serve me.20

8. An argument against the shadow argument above could be: the sadistic lust to feel the masses

trembling and blindly following you or screaming in agony is a common treat of the powerful. So why hide if it is such a pleasure? Examples: the official “outside job” version 9/11, the geoengineering project, the WMD pretext to invade Iraq in 2003. This is not necessarily an argument against the shadow thesis if we assume that the rulers for this reason of showing off their power give sings of their plans through symbols and rituals. Michael Tsarion calls for overcoming symbol illiteracy, calling our time the Age of Manipulation21.

18 The notion of entity: maybe a person, maybe a group, maybe something non-personal. 19 Sometimes the information is hacked like in the case of Soros and the Ukraine. http://quer-denken.tv/geleaktes-dokument-belegt-george-soros-uebernahme-der-ukraine-fuer-die-usa/ 20 David Icke, Are You Consciousness Or A Software Program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_x5hti7CIU 21 http://www.michaeltsarion.com/symbolic-literacy.html

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At the end of David Icke’s book “The truth shall set you free”, there is a passage which seems quite prophetical, since it is written in 1994, and leads to the notions of false flag events23, of staged terror and the geopolitical core rule of “Divide and rule”:

The underlying theme of all you have read is the manipulation of the human mind. You cannot control billions of people with tanks in the streets and soldiers at the door. You can only do it by divide and rule - and by programming the mass consciousness (public opinion) into believing that what you want to do is a good idea or the only option. This is crucial to both understanding how the manipulation works and to thinking on a more streetwise vibration which will make it far more difficult for us to be misled. For example, say that you want to introduce cameras in the streets, an armed and more authoritarian police force, and the erosion of personal freedoms. You don't want the public to oppose these policies, indeed you want them to demand that you introduce them. What do you need for this to happen? More high profile, violent crime, which creates enormous fear in the community. Achieve that and people will be knocking on your door demanding that you put cameras in their streets and give more guns and power to the police. Problem-reaction-solution. And what better way to induce more crime than to create a society of 'haves' and 'have nots' dependent on welfare payments and then start dismantling the welfare state? You give people a choice of going without basic needs or of taking someone else's money and property. And when they do the latter, the victims of the crime and the mass of people who see the reports of the crime demand that "something must be done". All aspects of society are being used to promote this mental coup d'etat. The 'education' system is not there to inform children and young people, it is there to indoctrinate them; the same with the media and advertising. (P.361)

22 http://vigilantcitizen.com/about/ 23 The latest event could be the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey which was described as example of False Flag Strategy of Tension by the author of this article (in German)> http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/geostrategie/peter-orzechowski/erdo-an-und-gladio-die-moegliche-version-des-putsches.html;jsessionid=D023045DB3E5515FD613925AC84064FC

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IV. Thesis: Capitalism as “conspiracism” When we say capitalism, what do we mean? What is the relation between capitalism and manipulation?

Attempts to define capitalism are similar to attempts to define God, Life, good and evil, the

Universe and things alike. How can that be? Isn’t it just one of infinite “-isms” created in human history? It surely has to do with something which people call its chameleonic nature. And with many unique treats which are responsible not only for its current status of the number one system in the world, the world system, but also for the impression that it is unstoppable except by its self-destruction which most probably will mean the annihilation of our species and many more species included.

I want to shed light on some aspects which lead to a thesis which backs the necessity to explore the media and the knowledge management which is being developed in this paper.

1) Capitalism is something exponentially growing and penetrating the whole globe. The

Industrial Revolution is a key phenomenon but did not start it. If you call North Korea a non-capitalist country or the Amazon indios non-capitalist you should say “not yet capitalist”.

2) It is something extremely new in the history of homo sapiens. Some few hundred years

in comparison to 200,000 years. 3) And it did certainly not grow organically. Its core institutions and much of what seems

totally normal to the new generation had been constructed. As R. Robbins shows: the triangle of capitalist, laborer and consumer and these roles themselves. The modern childhood. The nation-state, the national languages. The personhood of corporations. The creation of money out of nothing. The readiness of the state to give the power over money to private banks. The myths of the free trade and money exchange on a market.

4) The first three aspects put together lead to two questions: HOW could this happen in

such a short time with such a deep impact? And WHO did it, WHO is running the system? “Run” refers to the analogy with a software program. It is not important how many people could be theoretically identified as such upper class of capitalism. Given this enormous short time and the giant impact, it is sure that they are an extremely small number. As to the HOW: we can study great works of scientists. One is more microscopic, the other is more telescopic, one is more critical, the other affirmative. And if you have enough time and passion you might finally understand and accept the fact THAT and HOW the system is running (and/or running out of control). By doing so something strange occurs: you forgot about the WHO question!

5) Capitalism is a system which somehow manages to distract you from the WHO question.

It “doesn’t like” to tell you its authors and main beneficiaries. Why not? Since it is the number one and seems so attractive that billions of people are feeling a huge attraction towards it and the promises of well-being that it would be logical that those who run that program must be glad to be exposed as the main benefactors of mankind. Suspicious.

Have a look into the Wikipedia entry about globalization. Very impressing. If you read this you will know: it is a “process”, it is similar to life itself. But nowhere in this entry you will find reference to interested groups who want to hide their identity and therefore underline the processual character of this “highly complex” phenomenon.

Let us make an experiment: I take your 10,000 Won and call it motivational appropriation or more poetically class compensation. These “-ations” serve to make you feel: that’s life, these are the laws of nature.

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6) The suspicion is that capitalism is the worst possible mafia system. The more power and wealth, the more criminal it gets. Now we should avoid this terminology and keep our thoughts strictly scientific, not moralizing. Recently I came across a researcher who has laid out a theory of “conspire-structures”. The good news for you: it is in an article which is written in Russian. Its author is Andrey Fursov. So you don’t need to read it. The main message:

7) Capitalism is “conspiracism”. There is another triangle which constitutes the system:

capital and nation-state are two elements. They are on the same basement level. They are like the Hegelian thesis and antithesis. Although the nation-state is a recent construction in favor of the development of capitalism, the author holds that it counteracts the will of the capital to flow freely, to transcend all borders and break all national laws which are not in favor of maximalization of profit. In order to overcome this inherent contradiction, the system of capitalism inevitably, necessarily establishes a third element, the Hegelian synthesis, which is situated above the capital and the state: closed supranational structures of global management and agreement which are by definition supra-state institutions and hidden groups or just persons, entities which use capital and states for their purposes. From the point of view of the system they are good! They serve the system of capitalism, they allow it to run. If you happen to believe in the system of capitalism, then it is not difficult to say: don’t bother them, they are just doing their jobs for the benefit of all, don’t call them criminals, better: the global elites.

8) Hence the giant “information management” of capitalism, its propaganda machinery, the

determination to infiltrate the way of our thinking and behaving in order that we voluntarily do what we are supposed to do: to serve the interests of the world’s “elite”. It serves to distract the people from the criminal and clandestine permanent conspiration of the main agents. So the main thesis of Fursov is that capitalism does not have just elements of not totally transparent action, avoiding democratic control. The very essence of capitalism is the permanent conspiracy against the interests of the people, against laws of states, species and nature.

9) The extent of crime and evil is so enormous that this factor alone “helps” the people not

to be interested in unveiling the essence of the system. They prefer to hope that this cannot be true. “The bigger the lie, the easier it is believed.” And the more democratic a society officially is, the more “conspiracism” and manipulation is needed. This is the price of the “free” world.

10) Excerpts of the article: Title: Conspirology / cryptopoliteconomy of capitalism as the foundation of the study

of Western elites. 2016, July. Andrey Fursov.24 …At the end of his life, Marx said that if he had to re-write “The Capital”, he would start

with the state and the international system of states. Today I would say it this way: if we were to re-write “The Capital” (which is very necessary), then I would begin with the world behind the scenes, with the closed supranational structures of agreement and management. They solve by its sheer existence one of the core contradictions of capitalism.

…The conspiracy is the other side of the medal, the dark, shadowy side of democracy. …Conspirology is the analysis of one of the most important, if not the most important dark

side of modernity, the compensation of what science of modernity is not occupied with.

24 He writes “Western elites” perhaps out of 2 reasons: They are in fact the core players ever since. The author stresses the importance of the study of the relationship between medieval Venice and the British Empire, the bloodlines in the banking system. And he wants to continue his work which would be impossible if he turned his unveiling view upon the true lords of his own country.

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Example: The modern monetary system with the rejection of the gold standard was initiated by the

British Empire in the late 19th century and completed by the breach of the Bretton-Woods-contract in 1971. Pacta sunt servanda25. “In God we trust”? No, in trust we trust. Private banks create money and borrow it to the state.

V. Is examining the power structures “left” or “right”?

There is a battle between the “mainstream left” and the “alternative left”.

9. There are three universal behavioral patterns towards the powerful. These patters play a

crucial role in the deception of perception which will be explained later. First the question about> who runs the world? There are four answer patterns offered in the spectrum of the mainstream and alternative media which are subdivided into two personal and two impersonal forces. 1) People make history, be it the kings or the masses, great personalities. 2) Structures, systems shape reality and thus run the world. Currently, it is the culture of capitalism. 3) More or less hidden entities, super-rich and super-influential, conspire against the rest of humankind and carry out secret agendas. 4) The Universe, Energy, Cycles etc run the show plus 2). The personal forces imply intentionality, the impersonal forces imply blind laws of probability 2) or forces beyond our full understanding 4).

personal impersonal Media: 1) Kings, the people, masses, Gandhi, Karl Marx, Bill Gates, Stanislav Petrov26

2) Systems, structures, capitalism, money, selective biology

Mainstream, established

25 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacta_sunt_servanda 26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9RrTzcDcw0 From the documentary series "Strange Rituals" -- The story of how nuclear apocalypse was narrowly avoided in 1983 by the actions of one man - Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov.

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3) Conspiring super-rich, super-powerful, super-criminal, globalist cabal, world bankers, sects

4) The Universe, God, cycles, the Sun, the Spirit, the Demiurge, AI, Life, other dimensions27 etc.

Alternative, not commonly recognized, although it is just an extension of 1) and 2)

1) 2)

3) 2)

2) and 1) (man-made diversity)

27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeqb6WP-UrA Sim Theory

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2) & 3) 3)28

4) 2

2 2 22 10. About which version do you want to know more? 2) definitively sounds boring and academical.

(It seems that especially Germans like this box: Marx, Luhmann, Hegel, etc.) What about 3) and 4)? Yes and no? Like with politics, you feel some embarrassment…and these versions are covered by the alternative media. What if the reason why you won’t study these versions voluntarily lies in the manipulation made by the mainstream media and mainstream education? They don’t want you to study these fields and enjoy the empowering effect by the revelatory force of insights.

11. They? Yes, you have noticed that my assumption implies the validity of 3). I should have

written: According to 3), “they” don’t want… 12. The two patterns of personal and impersonal causation explanation show the fundamental

debate: Are the global problems collateral damage or intended by some evil, or as some even say, satanic entities? The answer is not so important, but the question is.

28 https://thesilentwaronourchildren.wordpress.com/2015/10/28/the-psychopaths-that-really-run-the-world-whos-who/

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13. The three patters of behavior towards the powerful: compliance, protest, hyper-identification. More about them in and after the tables below.

14. There are two ways how the rulers through the system and the mainstream try to defeat their

enemies (those who tell the public about their evil and untruthful behavior): hijacking their ideas and/or discrediting them.

a. Examples of hijacking: i. the protest movement against capitalism in the name of communism and

marxism29> now embedded in the social welfare state.

ii. The ecological movement which claimed there is the only choice left> ecology or economy. Today, the Greens are an established political power. What I call in the tables the second reality box is the previous “alternative media”, now embedded into the system, posing no more threat to the powerful. (Greenpeace is since 2003 not allowed to accuse the USA nor speak about chemtrails, according to its former activist W. Altnickel)

b. Examples of discrediting> happened to all protest movements at first. Currently about the 9/11 question. Those who question the official lie are labeled conspiracy theorists. Nobody likes conspiracies and thus people who spend too much time in exploring them. More examples are given in the tables.

15. The main manipulation is the discrediting via linking of the universal behavior patterns to

the versions of reality explanation.

29 Andrey Fursov about Marx> He said at the end of his life that he would have started the “Capital” with the state. Today he would have said> It should start with “the hidden transnational organizations of agreement and coercion”. They are the necessary link between capital and nation-state. Thus, globalization is inherent to capitalism. (What is described in the Communist Manifesto)

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16. The crucial group are those who prefer the second box, the left> Because by design of the hidden manipulators they fight for them the proxy fight against the new left, the alternative explanation. Since the crucial group of this question are the well educated people30 who often tend to think freely and sometimes even critically, it is interesting to explore why those people in their majority don’t embrace the new model and instead are its most passionate adversaries. Because of the manipulative linking of our universal behavior patterns in relation to the powerful with the preferred offered reality model in our globalized world. This includes the battle around the question who are the most powerful people or entities. There is a schism between adherents of those who see (highly complex!) systems and structures at work and those who see individuals. This battle is being used to enforce the manipulation and the maintenance of three reality boxes.

17. There are two reasons. Given after the tables:

Relationship to the powerful. There are three universal choices:

Given labels Connected and offered reality model (the box of your choice)

Extent of truth hiding

1) Adaptation, conformism, compliance Avoid troubles, enjoy life, be nice to those who run the world for you and share some of their wealth, serve them, make a career, consume Morally flexible, psychologically stable and healthy

No label or “centrist”, “conservative” or “I am not interested in politics” “the majority”

Mainstream media, science and education, the official narrative, backed by the secret services and the global corporations. We live in a highly complex world, invisible hand of the market, evolution, open end, open play. Normality – globalization, diversity, problems, progress helps, climate change. Science: Materialism, Cartesian dualism. Politically this is for the non-political mass. Those who just want to live their lives without getting into troubles. Highly approved by the majority and the powerful people. Examples: 9/11? I don’t like to talk about this, too much negativity around this Arabic terror attack. Moon landing was real. How could it be otherwise?! Giza Pyramids> a world wonder, great stuff. Smartphones> useful innovation This table: Made of wood, costs 50 Euro, bought in 2009 etc. Honest list of details. Free trade! No boundaries. Connect people. Meat – I didn’t kill the animal.

95% In the box, in the hoax

2) Non-conformism, protest, reformism

“left” Marxian to

Mainstream media, science and education. Plus criticism of capitalism and the establishment



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22 Detect power abuse, corruption, press for changes, justice, protect minorities. Risk, disadvantages possible, restrict consumerism Morally inflexible

non-Marxian Ecologists, social activists

(institutionalized religions), “the system”. Critical thinking, reason. Opposition. Partially alternative media. Mistrust against the official version but common sense. Chaos and the capitalists rule the world. Mostly against religion, but tolerant at the same time. Lennon> Imagine.. Culture of capitalism as our dominating system, the world is very complicated. Problems are inherent to this system. The world without it would have better survival chances. Criticism of globalization, of the language of power and wealth. Examples: 9/11 as an Arabic terror attack or inside job or “no proof”! or no word about it, moon landing was real…but who knows? The Giza Pyramids> almost impossible to make them, so we have to work out better theories, but please stay away with aliens and conspiracy nonsense! Would be great stories if true…Smartphones> useful innovation, but distract from natural necessities, social life This table: Made of wood…from the rainforest in Brazil! Fair trade! Resilience model Meat – animals should be treated kindly before getting consumed. (God gave his placet) Critical thinking, activism31

Out of the box, inside the hoax

3) Hyper-adaptation, identification, extremism. Field of mental illness, paranoia, NPD, personality disorder. The ill logic: I serve the leaders with all my soul, I am the leader, I am entitled by God to fulfill my mission which includes dirty work which normal people are too coward to do. Morally infallible, blame the others, other groups

“right”, “extremist”, “neo-nazi” “anti-Semite”, “islamophob”, “xenophob”, “fascist”, Softer: “esoterics”, “conspiracy theorists..” (In contrast to the “left”, these labels are not used by the persons put in these categories.

Truth movement (“truther”), alternative media, rejection of the mainstream, holistic model, red and blue pills in the Matrix, conspiracy theme, NWO, Sherlock Holmes-like researching and questioning, so called alternative medicine, spirituality vs. religion, extended science, mind over matter, animal communication, art vs. culture, astrology, AI can mean anything from artificial to alien intelligence. Warning of the danger of transhumanism, species narcissism, new fascism (One people, one country, one leader). Rulers are named> the powers that should not be, networks with hidden (and partially competing) agendas, sects, the parasites, the psychopaths, the globalists, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, banksters etc. 95% of the main suspects appear in any of the many variations. So it is not the problem to identify them, except if there are entities assumed behind the whole matrix (Demiurge, creator of

5% Outside the box, outside the hoax? But not outside the risk of relapse

31 Positives Beispiel Rüdiger Nehburg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPTfxcpuDP0

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They are purely negative denominations

the Simulation etc.) Entanglement experiment, Remote Viewing, spiritual healing. Examples: 9/11 as an inside job, mega psy op and occult ritual, moon landing was a hoax. Just watch the press conference. The Giza Pyramids> impossible to make them in our understanding of technology, encoded spiritual messages. Smartphones> one of the most destructive inventions, weapon of massive destruction of mind and health. This table: Made of wood…from the rainforest in Brazil! Fair trade? We need a totally new system. Rainforest – lungs of Mother Earth. What does its destruction mean? What does a table symbolize? It is man made matter. The essence of matter is void and information. Meat – industrialized mass murdering is not compatible with awareness of our nature. The world is not so complicated as they make us believe. The more you know…the clearer it becomes. Therefore parallels to religious thought. Awakening meme. It is about putting mosaic pieces together. It takes some time and effort. Although “they” are invisible, they leave so many footprints that it is enough to understand. This third model can be seen as the actual mainstream of nature because of its high density of aletheia. So there are parallels to 1) the feeling of normality, evidence and to 2) the right cause against misuse of power.

18. The main manipulative operation is the connection between the behavior choice number three with the third reality model. It is given the “right” and other negative labels so that nobody in his right mind should show any curiosity toward that model. You don’t want to be in a company with ill extremists, won’t you? Even regional food has been linked to the extremist label.32 Studies are conducted to show this link: One who is interested in “conspiracy theory” is likely to be mentally ill. (The term was coined by the CIA in 1967 to discourage the people to question the JFK case. In reality it is the opposite> somebody who wants to show to the public the evil deeds behind the scenes is a conspiracy opponent. An x-theorist is perceived as someone with affinity to the object of his studying like evolution theorists). So far I have noticed only one case where somebody admitted to be a “conspiracy theorist”: From an interview>http://www.berlin911.com/

32 http://www.compact-online.de/oesterreichs-tv-regionalfood-ist-nazifood/

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24 Mr. Eggert, looking at the list of your publications, one might be inclined to think that you are what is known as a 'conspiracy theorist'. How do you answer this criticism? Wolfgang Eggert: My main area of research is the activity of organized crime, lobby-groups, intelligence services, political lodges, military undercover operations, apocalyptic sects, geopolitical networks. All of these frequently interwoven groups work deliberately in a concealed and conspiratorial manner. Whether it be deception or murder, the bribing of journalists and politicians or the undermining of their reputation and career, the organizing of putsches, pogroms, terror attacks and wars: conspiracy is a part of their day-to-day business. Investigative researchers into this subject have to be conspiracy theorists, otherwise they are no more than court chroniclers. MM: The media are of a different opinion. W.E.: To understand the facts one needs to be aware of the influence exercised on the so-called free press. At the end of the 1940's the CIA launched a real programme, "Operation Mockingbird", for the infiltration and manipulation of the media scene. The special budgets for the influencing of public opinion have, since then, amounted to billions of dollars annually in the CIA. The leading whistleblower about the impact on the German press is Udo Ulfkotte. Hermann Ploppa wrote a book “Transatlantische Netzwerke, Denkfabriken und Eliteclubs“.33 19. The underhanded propaganda has to be rejected. The third reality model should be regarded as the new “left”. But this is not easy for two reasons: Firstly, to a certain extent the CIA led mainstream press is right, there is some extremism in this model: This reality model can be compared to the lower basement. It is quite deep under the surface there. Most of the people there had some special event in their life, a trauma, a health issue, a social marginalization that pushed them there.34 Mostly this trigger was rather negative, as the Greeks said> pathei maton. (Learnt by suffering), but sometimes also positive, intuitively, by traveling and living in different countries. Example are the ancient Greeks themselves. And there are black sheep in this group, the very hyper-identifying extremists on the one side and intellectually lazy or freaky on the other side of the spectrum. And of course, people who mix up the truther themes with fraud for commercial purposes.35 Often adherents of the alternative spectrum become useful idiots when they blindly support the other side which is discredited by the official propaganda (Putin, Islam). It is a sort of extremism to be blind on one eye for the sake of the higher truth. But in reality, this is the inferior reason because it is often used as an excuse and leads to: Secondly, the “left” and educated people have invested so much effort into the very opposite direction of what those in the lower basement are so inspired by> into reason, scientific method, anti-Platonic philosophy, realism vs. idealism, the struggle of the “Enlightenment” vs. the Dark Ages and their abuse of the human potential (Luther, Kant, Marx, Freud etc.). All this a false track? No! So they will do their best to detect the slightest impurities in order to reject that pseudo science approach entirely. Telepathy? Scientifically not proven and if proven> this is not serious! The old myths to be

33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RpdS5XwRus 34 My way> certain traumas in school, passion for languages, humanities, later the attempt to debunk astrology by studying it. It did not work to reject it. Many years later the shocking “truth” on Wikipedia: Astrology does not work! Like> you have been learning Chinese for ten years and then somebody very important says> there is no Chinese language. And then like for many others> 9/11. Again, it started with the desire to reject those stupid conspiracy theories. It did not work. I did not use common sense, but books and as many sources as possible. Recently> the discovery of telepathy, Remote Viewing. Which works. Again Wiki says it does not work. Some of us is lying. And it is not me. And only recently, 2014, the connection of literature, spirituality, history with economics and politics. 35 Two out of many examples: David Wilcock. Great info about ley lines, seemingly courageous attacker of the “global cabal”, but unlimited baloney about ET. And he is a bestseller. Second example: Harald Kautz-Vella. Great ideas about the conspiracy against nature, but many ideas are so crazy that they cannot but keep people out of the third reality box. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88BcgzzcTc On conscious nano particles etc.

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25 taken literally? We are academicians, not in the elementary school! Stop that childish conspiracy stuff. It would be lovely to have hidden rulers and players behind the scene, but it is not so primitive, the world is made of systems, it is not like a big plot in literature, but sober reality! Would be nice to have the good old good/evil scheme, this desire is dangerous! Thus, the “left”, knowingly or rather unknowingly, from the point of the third reality box, serve the system and the occult masters of the world, while partially playing the role of analysts, protesters and reformers. They become gatekeepers. 20. This leads to the necessity of re-studying the whole context of the two world wars, including the question which forces helped create and supported these two evil regimes. Main suspects: forces in Great Britain, the “Zionists”36, in the USA. And there are many facts about Israel which are not told in the first two reality models.37 Good approach: the history of the failed assassination attempts against Hitler. Eggert> Der verratene Widerstand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLt6WJgurpc According to that approach, a powerful discrediting effort of the third reality box could have been done by the installation of the Nazi regime. Hitler was a vegetarian, his program included the struggle against the “enslavement by financial capitalism”. And he was a mass murderer. So think twice before you get into that! Same effect with the Soviet regime: it did a perfect job for discrediting the communist ideal and thus distracting people from the wish to implement it. A hot topic on this behalf: the Fabian society agenda, expressed by Orwell and Huxley. This leads to a question: how do we work with sources which contain forecasts of the future or similar visions in art? Like in ‘1984’ and Brave New World? The answer: there are two types: one are the real seers38, the others are insiders of those who fabricate the plans for the future and use the occult symbols to seemingly predict them. This assumption requires the acceptance of reality box number three. VI. Dynamics inside the alternative media. Progress in the past 25 years. 21. Let us ask Wikipedia (mainstream!) how it defines the alternative media (anti-mainstream!). If the three realities boxes thesis is correct we must expect a more or less subtle manipulation to turn people away from this form of information: In French: Les médias alternatifs sont des médias qui véhiculent des informations alternatives aux médias de masse commerciaux ou étatiques. Souvent gratuits ou sans publicité, ils se présentent comme des médias citoyens différents des grands groupes de presse, à la ligne éditoriale différente, s'opposant de cette façon aux médias de masse. Ils offrent des informations qui se veulent à contre-courant des tendances dominantes. Ils se situent généralement à la marge du spectre politique classique, dans le monde de l'économie sociale et solidaire, de l'extrême droite, de l'extrême gauche, etc. In English:

36 A notion varying from “Jews” to “nothing to do with Judaism”, therefore easy to abuse. 37 Sources for this topic are mostly “impure”, infested with ideology. So you need much filtering. Usually, it starts with questioning the finances, then the oil supply in war times. https://libcom.org/library/allied-multinationals-supply-nazi-germany-world-war-2 An interview with Daniele Ganser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxjzfkw3coI 38 (There is a book about the European prophecy which is systematized scientifically according to recurring predictions. Stephan Berndt. In German. Especially Alois Irlmaier is used.)

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26 Alternative media are media that differ from established or dominant types of media in terms of their content, how they are produced or how they are distributed.[1] Alternative media take many forms including print, audio, video, Internet and street art. Some examples include the counter-culture zines of the 1960s, ethnic and indigenous media such as the First People's television network in Canada (later rebranded Aboriginal Peoples Television Network), and more recently online open publishing journalism sites such as Indymedia.

While mainstream mass media on the whole represent government and corporate interests,[2] alternative media tend to be non-commercial projects that advocate the interests of those excluded from the mainstream, for example, the poor, political and ethnic minorities, labor groups, feminists, and GLBTQ identities.[3] These media broadcast ignored or overlooked viewpoints, such as those heard in the progressive news program Democracy Now!, and create communities of identity, as seen for example in the It Gets Better Project that was created on YouTube in response to a rise in gay teen suicides at the time it was created. So the altmedia are put into the second box. The unprepared reader must understand it in this way> We have a main stream, the main river. And if there is an obstacle, then we can try to take a bypass. But it is less comfortable. These alternative media marginalize themselves (French version), serve the interests of minorities. Nice job in a democracy, thanks. But I am rather normal and don’t want to have to do with poor and freaky people so I would like to stay tuned to the normal media. In the French version: the altmedia are for the extreme left and the extreme right…no, thanks! In reality it should be: they advocate the interests of the whole society and mankind or life on earth. Their claim is not to lie and not to hide important truths. Therefore the names “mainstream” and “alternative” are neither really correct. The true information is normal, the journalistic and scientific standards are normal. The lie is an alternative to the truth, often much more appealing and utterly necessary if you want to accumulate much wealth and power. So it would be better so say corporate and governmental media vs. independent media or non-corporate media. Rhetoric trick: half-honesty. The entry begins with an honest confession: “While mainstream mass media on the whole represent government and corporate interests”, so that the reader might believe the rest of the sentence, too.

How can the alternative media avoid acquiring bad mainstream qualities? By vigilance of its users. 22. The alternative media has been making a huge progress in the recent years. So it is only a

question of time that the mainstream will try to hijack parts of 3), for example by adopting the demolition theory about 9/11 (which is not true enough neither).39 Progress has been achieved on two levels: on the level of the content about reality, and on the level of self-criticism. There are many sources which detect the potential of abuse of the alternative media, pointing out one-

39 A nice try is this TED talk: Who controls the world? The authors takes evidences from 4) for hiding 3) in order to get the listeners to 2). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgbqXsA62Qs

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sidedness of various authors and services.40 Below I show the most popular reasons of polemics> Putin, Islam, Israel.

23. So do I advocate model 3)? I like the unveiling quality of it. We should reject any model for

our thinking. But it looks like that there is a discrediting conspiracy behind the suppression of it, after all it is the day-to-day business of those who want to stay in power, as Eggert had it. But I like the second model, too. My best friends from the times of school and university are in it and they don’t approve my affinity to 3). Number 4) of the causation patterns seems the wisest one because it reunites the spiritual matters with the political matters. More and more I even like box number 1) because the extent of deception is so vast that it is not even necessary to use the alternative media. Just assume that the opposite of the statements should be close to truth. Wikipedia, Google41 (ICT4D42) etc. TED talk about 43 “What FACEBOOK And GOOGLE Are Hiding From The World.” Possibilities of animation.44 Funny clip>45

24. Before explaining how the disputes about Putin, Islam and the Jews stir up the media activists

of 3), let me give you an example of the progress of the alternative media and of the consciousness of the consumers. The recent decades brought forward huge changes in the reality boxes dynamics.

Three short interviews in the BBC with David Icke, one of the pioneers of the alternative views.

1) 1991. The crowd laughs in ecstasy (1991 – fall of communism, end of History, victory of the West) at a crazy New Age prophet who claims to be son of God.46 (Actually, he said only “yes” to the question> is it right that the media claims that you claim to be the son of God?). Lucifer is seen by him as the hidden ruler of the world. But he spoiled his message by crazy predictions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NapHiWsoFXI

2) 2006. Icke has learnt his lessons. Now he is prepared and sees Lucifer embodied in a network

of bloodline spread all over the ruling classes of the world. And it is the era after 9/11. He starts to explain the inside job by citing the PNAC document but gets interrupted by the interviewer who prefers to be laughed at this time just for sake of not letting him express hidden truths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMZtP2d2XGA

3) 2016. Now Icke doesn’t need to talk much, his opponents do his job by contradicting

themselves. He sees behind 9/11 and the Iraq wars an agenda run by a network of people. Blames journalists of supporting muss murderers and liars. A new tactic from the interviewer:

40 For example> Das Schwarzbuch der alternativen Lügenpresse. (Tilman Knechtel. His main message: The NWO agenda implies a fake clash of systems, West vs East, it is not against elites even, only against ordinary people everywhere. This is the ongoing WWWIII. The altmedia are all controlled opposition. So beware of Putin! Good idea with too much polemical blaming everybody.) 41 http://www.zengardner.com/google-become-internets-censor/ 42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_and_communication_technologies_for_development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os0qHI9LQIQ 43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAMP1Wu_M2U 44 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-generated_imagery 45 http://www.zengardner.com/62038-2/ 46 A true Indian would answer> of course, I am. What is the problem? Atman is Brahman. The pope recently spoke about “We are all children of God”. Sons and daughters? Maybe, but not the Son. In the New Testament, there is no God! It is “the god” – ho theos. One of the translators into the Germanic languages must have said> let us drop the article, so it becomes a name, a person. Who resides by the way not in Heaven, but in the heavens. It is another mistranslation. Before you are a Christian or a Muslim you have to be Jew to understand what you have stolen from Judaism.

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let him speak but we show no reaction. That is the way freaks speak. The interviewer preaches the 2) box credo: “The world is chaotic.” “Everything we know has been investigated.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmx7jQT-TIU

David Icke is contested in the scene of the alternative media.47 (He expresses radical theses and at the same time earns his living by selling his books. Did Jesus sell books?48 Others accuse him to spread fear.) His case illustrates that the shown model is just a model. In reality one person can be in various dimensions. Unfortunately, everyone opposing the powerful and surviving this endeavor can be suspected in serving them, at least indirectly by absorbing protesters. Fortunately, with the paradigm of extended science which simply includes all possible ways to the truth, this can be over-compensated by the unstoppable desire to research, think, feel and serve the Truth and the Good. In this field, as in any other, it is about personal trust. To what extent are you ready to trust someone as a source? Does he have a product line he wants to sell? Does he provide proofs? There are always a few people around whom you trust like yourself. The extended science concept combines experiment with experience. 25. The most common sources of clashes inside the third box: Key positions:

1) Putin (his system) as opponent of the NWO49 vs. as Rothschild steered player (usual oligarchy as everywhere) or with own imperial agenda.50 At the moment it seems logical that Russia is reacting to the NATO expansion, aggression and propaganda, defending herself from Monsanto. It sells the resources to the West. And the West would like to have good conditions. The best condition is a weak Russia. And Russia not only has gas and oil but soil and water! Many predict future wars over water. On the other hand, you never know. Exactly because of her strong geopolitical and resource rich condition Russia can still have imperial ambitions – given the strong inner problems from which military adventures use to distract. And there are the European prophecies about a sudden Russian invasion. In comparison to Russia, the European states have practically no army. So Europe can be easily turned into a slaughterhouse with extra-European forces deciding when and how to intervene. Or: The much talked about relapse into the Cold War could also mean a return to the fake Cold War when the two superpowers supported each other by their confrontation.51

2) Soviet Union as opponent of the Western banking empire vs. created by them52 3) Islam as opponent of the NWO, abused by other forces like Zionism vs. NWO tool or evil

system with own agenda, the not so hidden plan to conquer the world. (By “biological imperialism”).

4) The Jews or Zionists or Israel as evil players vs. as victims of anti-Semitism. How to split them into good and bad Jews or pseudo-Jews? Surely, the bad ones use the good ones as a shield via the state of Israel and the notion of anti-Semitism. Many researchers see the current migration events and false flag attacks as directed by Israel for punishment over the Iranian deal in 2015. After all, Israel with 6 million people can be wiped out in a few hours, whenever

47 This is a poor phrase because we know that any positive or negative comment about a source in the internet and especially in youtube could be done by paid agents. A good criterion: When you feel good about a source and read many ad personam attacks about the author, then it is a sign that the source is rather a good one. Compare the Rules of noble debate. 48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUrwzdQujzg 49

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqD8lIdIMRo Putin's Warning: Full Speech 2016 50 http://new.euro-med.dk/20140318-warning-against-putin-his-roll-and-environment-are-much-more-dangerous-than-those-of-scheming-obama.php 52 Karl Radek is an important source for this question. (Trial in 1937)

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the surrounding 400 million Muslims get the allowance to pull the trigger. Therefore there is the Samson option: In case of an existential threat of Israel the whole world has to perish.53 Judaism as the primary Abrahamic religion deserves special attention. Islam and Christianity as offsprings of Judaism. The Jews and the Internet. Google, Facebook etc.54 The Matrix movie: Decoding the NWO system vs. Zionist project Makia Freeman: “The worldwide conspiracy is very complicated, with many different agendas converging. Although the influence of Rothschild-created Zionism is huge, as well as a certain select group of international Jewish bankers, it’s simply too much of a gross generalization to blame the entire New World Order on “the Jews”. There are many groups behind the scenes in addition to rich Jews.”

5) NWO before or instead of Armageddon vs. apocalyptical sects pushing for Armageddon (Eggert)55

6) Germany: different consequences of the lacking sovereignty. Victim of Anglosaxonian and Zionist agenda for 100 years56 vs. incomparably dark past and now dominator in the EU and accomplice of the Empire (third weapon exporter worldwide, Ramstein)

7) Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc. vs. the monetary system, finance capitalism 8) Publicly recognizable secret societies (Bilderberger, Freemasonry, Jesuits, etc.) vs. really

occult groups or entities (book about the “super-lodges”57) 9) USA as the power number one, the empire number one via NATO, CIA, NSA, petrodollar vs.

run by the capital, Israel, corporations, NWO agenda, used as nothing more than their vehicle etc.58

10) China. Similarly to Russia. NWO player or own path? Would it naturally take over the role of Empire number one? If so, then the US Empire’s only hope is war.

11) Capitalism as the world system vs. many variations of capitalism (second box) 12) 9/11 as conventional false flag inside job (controlled demolition) vs. DEW operation59,

occultist60, satanic psy-op61 13) No transcendental force, aliens, AI vs. aliens, ETs, reptiles, bloodline, Demiurge etc. 14) Spirituality and occult symbolism> stay away with that stuff in deep politics, geopolitics vs.

all is one, be a “de-occultist”, unveil hidden truth62. “Black magicians rule the world, not politicians, bankers or military heads. Black magic harnessed through Satanic ritual is the dark force behind the NWO conspiracy.”63

15) Truth must be shown regardless whether it scares the hell out of the reader or devastates him (versions of 9/11, geoengineering) vs. real truther media must have always un uplifting message otherwise it smells like controlled opposition. Fear and depression will help only the global cabal.

53 http://henrymakow.com/historian_demands_action_on_do.html 54 https://www.radioislam.org/islam/english/jewishp/internet/jews_behind_internet.htm 55 In German: Just to show that a good talk takes some time> 3h 55min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kiy1uY7VNfk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDJ3Dg2merQ Main message of this talk: The often blamed "Zionists" are the relatively good ones in comparison to the apocalyptical sects which use Israel for their destructive agenda. 56 http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/what-is-a-holocaust-denier/ 57 In Italian: http://www.chiarelettere.it/libro/principio-attivo/massoni-9788861901599.php 58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMRNTUMprOA 59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadSaWyiozg Judy Wood 60 https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14utv0/911_was_an_occult_megaritual_the_numbers_of_the_4/ 61

https://www.amazon.com/Most-Dangerous-Book-World-Ritual-ebook/product-reviews/B009K92GCM/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_paging_btm_prev_4?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1&sortBy=recent&pageNumber=4 (135 comments) 62 https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLWXG3Vxq2VgQtkY8FQbp5S5FPAteUkbpV&v=zxVqepcz0lE 63 http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/satanic-black-magic-rules-the-world/

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This leads to another paper of mine, the True axis of evil thesis: 5 evil systems model: JCICC. The correspondent file is less than 10 pages thick! The thesis is: Judaism-Christianity-Islam-Capitalism-Communism is one “family” of psychopathic core positions and responsible for our current world system. They have to be explored chronologically and in their common structure. The weak side of this thesis is the huge impact of ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, India and whatever was before and beyond.

Often you notice misspelling in alternative media. A strong reason for educated people to dismiss the whole message. 26. There are many more ways of the manipulation which seems to work in favor of the NWO. Controlled opposition is one strong method. Mark Passio depicts some of them here:

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The expression to “call someone names” is useful in this context. If you want to distract from the argument you try to label your opponent and give him names and group attributions. You are a ….This is called ad personam tactics. Another popular rhetoric weapon is the false dilemma. The noble debate: You said…..This is a bad argument because….Or: you did…..This was wrong because… About the false dilemma left/right and the temptations inside the altmedia read this good article by Makia Freeman> http://www.zengardner.com/parts-independent-media-losing-compass/ It starts this way: The Independent Media in general

has done a great job of counterbalancing the corrupt and mendacious MSM (Mainstream Media). However, it’s disappointing to see how certain leading alternative media researchers, journalists and websites have gotten caught in the trap of duality, anger, judgment, the fraudulent left-right paradigm, blaming false enemies, failing to deeply question MSM narratives and failing to grasp the bigger picture of the worldwide conspiracy. Election season in the US tends to bring out the worst in people, and this has certainly been no exception inside the Independent Media. For a long time, I have greatly admired people like Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux and others who have done such a great job exposing the conspiracy, but all of them have in one way or another got caught in a “limited hangout” and have taken paths that lead to nowhere. Don’t get me wrong – I still respect them for what they’ve done in the past. However, the topic of Donald Trump and the theme of Islamic terrorism have apparently confused even some of the most seasoned researchers and leaders in the Alternative Media, making me wonder: have parts of the Independent Media lost their compass?

Islamic Terrorism = Zio-Islamic Terrorism

…. It ends this way:

…We need to empower ourselves and stop looking outside for something or someone to save us. We Don’t Need a New President; We Need a New Consciousness and a New System.

Conclusion: Keep Your Compass, Principles and Vision of the Bigger Picture

My message here is this: do your research. Think critically, no matter whether you are reading the MSM or the Independent Media. Step out of old paradigms and limiting ways of looking at the world. If you want the truth, you’re going to give up limiting notions like Islamic terrorism, Trump kool-aid, migrant invasions, white supremacy, clash of civilizations and other mental junk. Months ago I wrote the article 44 Reasons to NOT Elect Hillary Clinton and yet I still get questions and comments from people assuming I am pro-Trump. Later I wrote articles exposing Trump and people naturally assume I am pro-Hillary. When are people going to get out of the left-right paradigm and wake up? C’mon! What are you waiting for?

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The point of this article is not to criticize Independent Media analysts like Rense, Jones, Molyneux, Hodges, Watson, Adams or anyone else (because they have all done great work exposing the New World Order and are better than clueless or lying MSM reporters reading from a script) as much as to encourage you, the reader, to go beyond dead-end roads and seek a deeper truth. Look for the inherent bias of each researcher and website. I myself am not immune from this; I am working on eliminating my own mental junk as I go. Our quest here is to go as deep as possible into knowing who runs the world, how they are doing it, how we are being deceived, manipulated and controlled, what is true and what is false, and how we can attain freedom. I welcome questions and comments below.

VII. Summing up the main ideas and practical issues. One conspiracy at a time. The great transformation? 27. The one box at a time thesis aims at explaining why the proposal of a radical shift from the

official version of reality propagated by the powerful towards a holistic model of reality which should be regarded as the new critical, the new left thinking, falls on deaf ears although it must be exciting as nothing was before in the history of public knowledge sharing because this shift reunites the public with the spiritual and scientific matters as well as with matters of art, religion and so on. It does not only bring forward the true and the good but is also beautiful, a pleasure to practice.

The global problems of capitalism, the new wave of globalization. Are they collateral damage of the system (greed, egoism, indifference) or plan (of agents behind the scenes)? Both models are strong especially at denying each other. 2) says to 3): Look, the worst thing is: nobody is in control!! (Terrence McKenna) It is even dangerous to look for evil people in grey suits. Same as waiting for the savior, only the negative variation. Have to study the system! Otherwise we get trapped in simple populism. Blaming groups and stirring up clashes. 9/11…come on. It does not matter who did it but in which system it occurred. 3) answers: Haha, and thereby confirming the system, when you stop investigating reality at that point. Because nobody will be able to replace it following your analysis. They are throwing sand in our eyes. It is their plan. We have to replace them, and of course, the system, too. But the leverage is much higher than occupy Wallstreet or doing the Yes Men. Why are you so afraid to write about the main suspects of 9/11? Another example: Biological sex being replaced by new genders in the EU. 58 genders currently discovered. Sexual identity is becoming a free choice. It is a good! What is free can be traded. Its roots are in the third reality! World = word! Language, reality can be hacked. (T. McKenna). We create our biology. Then somehow hijacked it by the N W O. The truther / anti-conspiracy and anti-NWO box is designed for the “rightist” group: (Meaning: if you agree or flirt with these ideas then you are in the camp of the mentally ill persons.) There are entities which create and maintain a matrix, a program for their purpose. They are so small in number and so powerful that it can be only speculated who they are in detail because they dominate our education, media, they influence how we think. Mostly they are suspected in the groups which benefit most from the dominant systems – the owners of the big banks, the top 30 corporations. The current being capitalism or however you want to call it. 62 individuals own as much as the half of the world population. The financial system needs wars. From time to time they make a reset via expropriation of the people by currency reforms in or after the wars. Who is against them is labeled enemy. The system works best after wars when everything is in ruins. Truth vs. fake reality. The good aspect: The world is not so complicated as they make us believe.

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33 How can this be labeled “right wing”, “right extremism”? It is the choice of opposing the powerful out of moral criteria, so left. But historically, the left are based on rational thinking, on anti-spiritual thinking, non-holistic patterns, so they are much closer to the powerful and wealthy than they think. Karl Marx criticized capitalism and was at the same time a capitalist, a materialist. And they criticize the nation-state….so why not build a One-World?

28. My top list alternative media, both authors and mediators. 3 criteria: trustworthiness, learning effect experienced, recommendable, objective quantity of contribution English: 1) David Icke64 2) Rupert Sheldrake65 3) Terrence McKenna66 4) Makia Freeman67 5) David Livingstone 6) Ole Dammegard68 7) Mark Passio69 8) Bill Donahue70 9) Michael Tsarion 10) Jeffrey Mishlove71 11) The Gnostic writers of Nag Hammadi72 (the first altmedia?) 12) Johan Oldenkamp (pateo.nl) 13) Anna Breytenbach73 14) James Corbett (Rockefeller report)74 15) Douglas Adams75 16) Dick Allgire (leading remote viewer)76

64 The latest of 21 books about the thesis that Life has been hacked by a virus. (Similarity to TMK and Pavel Globa, the leading Russian astrologer). http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/david-ickes-phantom-self-book-review/ 65 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TerTgDEgUE Banned TED talk. Sheldrake and McKenna are my favorite sources for the introduction into the extended science. For beginners a telepathy experiment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tQe7NXIcnw About Remote Viewing, a starting point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0yB_yUPiOc and the BBC docu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c67dw3sDD8E 66 IMHO the most brilliant mind of the 20th century. In this lecture: the clash of operating systems in our minds (min 30) and the attractor theory of the universe. The quote> “If reality is information, then it can be hacked.” He has learnt a lot from McLuhan, the pioneer in media theory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KboPUQ0xCDs 2h.06 min. Synchronicity> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFmOcZ2-xs 67 http://www.zengardner.com/author/makia/ http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/us-china-tension-maneuvering-ww3/ 68 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueVMZMh-pqw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDitGFAfvis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQPDT1WgiIs 69 Good introductory interview with Jordan Maxwell. About “awakening in the prison”, evolution vs. intervention (Genesis)> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxVqepcz0lE 70 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uovcc6sDAdU 71 A great talk on reality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q61Sj_h3so 72 http://gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl_thomas.htm 73 Animal communication> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2vhV63lx2k 74 http://www.zengardner.com/how-big-oil-conquered-the-world/ 75 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZG8HBuDjgc

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17) Kevin Barret77 18) Manfred Zimmel (amanita forecasting) 19) Jordan Maxwell78 20) George Friedman79 (not altmedia but very revelatory source) German: 1. Wolfgang Eggert80 2. Oliver Janich 3. Michael Vogt (Querdenken tv) 4. Michael Grawe (Kulturstudio) 81 5. Frank Stoner (Engelmayer)82 6. Frank Höfer83 7. Monika Donner 8. Rainer Mausfeld 9. Armin Risi 10. Helmut Roewer 11. Wolfgang Effenberger84 12. Daniele Ganser 13. Harald Kautz-Vella 14. Jo Conrad 15. Werner Altnickel85 16. Jürgen Elsässer (http://www.compact-online.de) 17. Robert Stein 18. Jan Essig 19. Andreas Popp 20. Anton Gebhard86 21. Ken Jebsen (kenfm.de)87 Russian: 1. Andrey Fursov88 2. Konstantin Petrov89 Polish: Wojciech Olszanski (Alexander Jablonowski)

76 This you can accept only if you exactly know that remote viewing works. A session about the Giza Pyramids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJz0mm8cSt4 77 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVxaf6mhagM 78 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxVqepcz0lE 79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeLu_yyz3tc&t=3042 Especially from min 52. 80 26.7.2016> http://www.compact-online.de/o-zapft-is-ein-interview-zum-muenchner-massaker/ 81 24.7.2016: schnelle erste Recherche zu München 22.7.2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3aKbLVBo1A 82 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_xYJ6YVCDw 83 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omNcCfvmPXQ Geist über Materie. Über seine Filme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGUJ69FXCyM 84 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkX2aaDIvfM 3h lang> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRXCOE9sOvk 85 He attacks Harald Kautz-Vella. 86 Vorbildliches Projekt und deswegen ideale Einstiegsquelle. Alles sehr diplomatisch und dennoch radikal formuliert. Zeigt auch, wie man in kleinen Gemeinden verschiedene Gruppen über Vertrauensverhältnisse respektvoll zusammen agieren lässt, vor allem die Presse : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ0pRwtwTbA Die Stammtisch-Seite mit vielen Webseiten: http://stammtisch-nandlstadt.de/stammtisch-nandlstadt/ 87 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwRNpeWj5Cs Rainer Mausfeld 88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bboYNS1Drw 89 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoQDiZULogQ&t=0s

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35 29. The Buddha’s opinion: Out of the 8 noble truths>

“Wait for the right time”> Is this 1) or 4)?

30. Indirect evidences The impotence of identifying all those who run and ruin the world should not discourage the seeker from inquiring. It is enough to see their impact. It is easier to see their footprints on the soil, on our soul and body. And we are their equivalent in the extent of allowing them to ruin the world. Their power reflects our collective level of consciousness. So we all run and ruin the world. The sources of the third reality box suggest that the ongoing zombification and robotisation seems to make it more and more unlikely that it is only a collateral damage, an unintended byproduct of infinite greed and the system. The collateral damage theory feeds us with hope that all lies in proportions and thus our difficulty to perceive the objective proportions. We love to exaggerate and to paint horror scenarios for the sake of educational effect. Often with children: You don’t want to brush your teeth? Terrible microbes will destroy them. So our reason helps us to construct relativity and thus deafens the voice of the intuition. We don’t like people who tend to turn every fly to an elephant, to turn every single relative problem to an absolute clash of life and death. An argument against the collateral theory: There are absolute values in terms of surviving of an individual as well as of a species. A species cannot be that insane to produce byproducts of their production which will destroy the whole species. The debate about NTHE is not popular but it should be. Douglas Adams had a great speech about the Kakapo and compared it to us.90 There must be another program running.

90 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZG8HBuDjgc

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36 The encouraging aspect of the personal forces idea of who runs the world is that there are “identifiable forces” behind the destruction of life. Said in a TED talk at min 18.50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8zWH3T5RCA Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual And it seems logical: the deeper into deep politics, the darker = more criminal it becomes. That justifies the claim of the de-occultists to investigate those areas especially thoroughly, not look away because it is not decent to talk about politics and religion with decent people. http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/satanic-black-magic-rules-the-world/

…a defining aspect of Satanism: the inversion of everything. Black is white, bad is good, wrong is right. This is why the inverted pentagram is such a popular Satanic symbol. George Orwell touched on this in 1984 when he wrote of the ruling class’ propaganda: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

It ends this way> Although it’s important to focus on and expose all aspects of dysfunction in our society – including political corruption, mainstream media consolidation and deception, smart meters, GMOs, toxic vaccines, geoengineering, the militarization of police, fake terrorism, false flag ops, UN Agenda 21, transhumanism and the human microchipping agenda – in order to transform and heal them, it’s crucial to realize that, at a fundamental level, they are all connected. All these issues and more are manifestations of a more primordial evil or unconsciousness in our midst – Satanic black magic. The secretive rituals conducted at Bohemian Grove and elite mansions tell us more about who rules the world than political think tanks or banking cartels, although of course there is an overlap.

If humanity is to rise up and overcome the conspiracy, we must focus our attention on the root of evil (not the branches), and use “white magic” in greater force – the harnessing and funneling of our creative powers to make a world of peace, freedom and love. We must continue to expose the deepest aspects of the conspiracy. At the same time, we have to ensure we are not letting the elite siphon off our precious thoughts, emotions and powers to create their nightmarish world, but rather, using those energies within us to create the world we want with positive intention, focus and conscious manifestation.

91 31. Instead of one reality box at time we could write: One conspiracy theory at a time. Unfortunately, one theory after another turns out to be true, a “conspiracy practice”.92 There is always the hope that the conspirators insert many pseudo-conspiracies to discredit the truther movement. An example is the flat earth theory. (Hopefully!). And until recently I had hoped that for the chemtrails and geo-engineering conspiracy it would be the same: much noise about nothing else than some strange experiments. But it is not so:93

91 http://omnibusintelligence.blogspot.kr/2013/06/new-world-order_16.html 92 http://list25.com/25-conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true/1/ 93 CIA Director John Brennan Proposes SAI Geoengineering (Chemtrails) During CFR Address> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRJw3Gy3FQY GEOENGINEERING EXPOSED !!! Investigation Demanded by Shasta County Residents On July 15th, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnkWR-MaoCk

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37 The question of the danger of nuclear power: relativistic minds say: the 442 nuclear power plants are under control. Except one, currently, but this does not spoil the whole picture. “Absolutistic” minds say: Thousands of generations must provide specialists who will maintain them and care about the waste. We cannot guarantee it. The transhuman project.94 Another conspiracy. Young people might find an access to that topic via the recent game: http://www.zengardner.com/oliver-stone-pokemon-go/

Oliver Stone claims that Pokemon Go is yet another step towards “surveillance capitalism”.95

Hijacked green agenda: Alternative energy, climate change, transition project.96 Hijacked spirituality: http://www.zengardner.com/prophets-profits-corporate-takeover-spirituality/ The new communication technology.97 Article: Smart Technology, WiFi, Agenda 21 Energy Field Wars on Humanity The legendary speech of JFK about secret societies:98 The official interpretation is that he talked about the Soviet Union. But many details like the mentioning of high efficiency shed doubt on this version. A source worth listening to in the original length: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdMbmdFOvTs

Makia Freeman on the Soros hacks in August 2016:


96 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8meWY0W40OA 97 http://www.zengardner.com/63200-2/ 98 One of many illustrious footnotes to this video, seeing in accordance to the third box the Rothschilds behind everything: SkylineToTheSeaAndMevor 3 Monaten Kennedy was never joking in this speech, even thought these people thought he was. Karl Marx, was related to Rothschild, -a nephew I believe, and was paid by Rothschild to come up with a political system and ideology, that would hasten the arrival of the New World Order. This system was Communism. Communism and fascism are one in the same. Kennedy knew all these things. His father Joseph trained his sons well, but they were smart enough not to go around espousing "knowledge of conspiracies". He in his political and business circles had been exposed to it well, maybe even victimized by it. he saw the threat it posed to the United States. That is why Robert Kennedy also knew exactly what was going on, and was also killed. The Rothschilds could not have any Kennedy, threatening their centuries old plans. They could not have executive order 11110 passed into law; and they could not have any IAEA inspections of the Dimona Secret Nuclear Facility (illegal), as JFK wanted. People need to do their research or we are doomed as a nation and doomed as a planet. Even JFK Jr. mysteriously died years later. What were the chances of that? ....Of all generations of Kennedy male lineage in political circles (with the exception of Ted) dying or being killed?

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38 The Soros hack completely vindicates the prescient words of JFK, who made a famous speech where he mentioned that: “… we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections …”99 Freeman refers to the document “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”100:

“Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning. It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction (explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general.” “The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.” “When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its presence and learns to tolerate its encroachment on their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up. Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental, and emotional strengths and weaknesses.”

Makow: “Dated May 1979, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" (Technical Manual SW7905.1) was found in 1986 in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. It is the product of a discipline called "Operations Research" developed during WWII to attack enemy populations using tools of social engineering and psychological warfare. According to the document, the "international elite" decided in 1954 to wage a "quiet war" against the American people with the goal of shifting wealth from "the irresponsible many" into the hands of the "responsible and worthy few."” A movie which contains the most important questions about our system and our future: http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie And all what we do to the animals. Their daily holocaust and torture. Anna Breytenbach expresses what the animals tell about us. Each single issue raises the question: Can this civilization last? One who wants that the world lasts as it is, does not want that it last. Erich Fried.

What shall we do? Alternative of an active revolution a) Wake up and take down our abusers before it is too late – by boycotting their products, giving up consumerism, healing the wounds and restoring global health101 or a passive revolution b) which is rather a transformation out of the awakening. Somehow the vibrational prison will be broken. This is the preferred version of David Icke: The other stream of thinking is represented by those entities and consciousness

99 http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/soros-hack-top-10-machinations/

100 http://henrymakow.com/000504.html “The truth is at once simpler and more incredible than anyone could conceive.” The original source: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_cooper2a.htm It is regarded as a “classic text in conspiracy subculture”. http://disinfo.com/2013/10/conspiracy-classic-silent-weapons-quiet-wars/ Perhaps it is completely fake. The only problem is its high degree of accordance to the reality of the past decades. Its first publication was in 1991 by William Cooper: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/2013/01/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars-excerpt-and-introduction/

101 Song of Mother Earth> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34vvp7SLlTc

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streams which wish to break through the limitations and disconnections imposed on humanity and the Earth, and to restore freedom of thought and potential. I will call this stream of consciousness the 'Light' or 'Love' vibration.

The internet sources for the first task deal with bitter truth, the sources for the second task show the sweetness of spiritual and non-allopathical healing. Much of it I have collected in my file “Best of internet sources” from February 2016 (109 pages). Perhaps the only politician who had a leading position speaking out “box 3” truths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehWPZhN30wc CoffeeLovervor 4 Monaten Wow!!!!! Say that. Clean Energy and dissolution of the World Banking System. Paul Hellyer for President!!!. ... Sometimes activists against the world system do not deny the label of being on the political right wing but claim to be the “new right”. So does the European youth movement “Generation identitaire”. Interesting to see the contrast between the revolutionary French branch and the more theoretical German and Austrian branch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqybsUqkOWs And sometimes the awakening theme does also imply the urge for an active struggle like in this manifesto: http://www.zengardner.com/manifesto-of-the-awakened/ 32. The “NWO” and its opponents When you type NWO, Microsoft automatically corrects it into NOW. Perhaps this is the shortest answer to the question> what is it? It is what is now. In Wikipedia there are two entries under the same name.102 In one of them (with brackets “conspiracy theory”) you are expected to laugh at those who try to criticize it. In the other (without brackets) you are expected to appreciate the good intentions of its promoters. The underlying notions of NWO differ a lot. For detailed definition you should gather sources out of the alternative media. For a quick orientation it is helpful to see who has been opposing it and for what reasons. Its opponents have in common the vision of a super mafia entity, a monster that serves the interests of a tiny group alone, using both the state and economy, ruining the planet. And it is very evil, ruthless, reflecting the psychopathy of its beneficiaries.

There are six major opposing groups I have detected so far: 1. Supporters of a “fair, good capitalism”. This started in the 1950s. They see in the NWO the threat of communism. IMF, World Bank, UN – all signs of the tendency to abandon the free market. Surely, if

102 At the end of this paper please read the beginning of the entry about conspiracy theory.

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40 people knew it, they would be all adherents of this idea: we can keep our smartphones and all the luxury but dry out those bad guys who overdid it. Many books in America like “How capitalism can be saved”. 2. Christian fundamentalist groups have been opposing it. They interpret the Bible and detect the NWO as the antichrist. Apocalyptic theme. (Practically, very close to the first group, not against business.). What cheeses are for the mice, is Jesus to us. Power food.

3. In the sixties we have the hippies with their rejection of state violence, of media deception, of consumerism. Peace instead of war. Against the industrial military complex. Only nowadays it is getting public that this movement was undermined by the CIA which tried to spoil its reputation by 103inserting the drug consumption. 4. 9/11 gave birth to new generations of followers of alternative views, the alternative media, the third reality model described above. 5. Followers of Islam have been including the anti NWO impetus into their agenda since 9/11. Not so much through the analysis of NWO but as part of the general critical attitude towards (the illusion) of democracy, the West, NATO, US hegemony and the state of Israel. Example: Sheikh Imran Hosein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilorc_FgsqE 6. Regional opposition on the planet in regard to interest conflicts. The BRICS, Africa104, Latin America, parts of the Empire (European secessionists). To some extent in the enemy-countries (definition by the UN Charta) Japan, Germany, Italy. The least opposing country in the world is without doubt South Korea. The BRICS are most probably manufactured as a pseudo-opposition to the NWO and US hegemony. Brazil and the rest of South America have been recently reconquered by the US105. (Only recently I have noticed the US = us! A very strong factor to identify with this country.) The media landscape of Russia and China differs from that of the Western countries because the mainstream has many treats of what we have seen as third box reality. Obviously in the interest of the powerful: the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Generally this has to be seen as a hijacking of good ideas. But who knows? Russia theoretically still has the chance to prove to the world that she can resist to GMO106, chemtrails, transhumanism, the FED petrodollar system. The NWO opponents of the first

103 https://www.facebook.com/groups/899274963439035/ Eurasian BRIC vs. NATO

104 http://www.zengardner.com/61529-2/ 105 http://www.zengardner.com/63850-2/ 106 http://monsantomafia.com/2015-10-14-gmo-crops-totally-banned-in-russia-powerful-nation-blocks-monsantos-agricultural-imperialism-and-mass-poisoning-of-the-population.html

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41 group suspect a tradition of Soviet and Russian policies in favor of the NWO. And there are a rest of small openly anti-NWO countries which are being destroyed at the moment like Lybia, Syria.107 Can Nazi-Germany and the Soviet Union and other communist states be seen as the first opponents of the NWO? No: one reason in favor, two reasons against> their ideology had strong anti-NWO elements, but you shall judge not by words but by deeds. Totalitarian regimes are predecessors of the NWO. In comparison to liberal regimes they don’t waste so much time on the consent-engineering. And many facts speak for the Trojan horse strategy> that they were installed regimes in favor of interests of forces which we see today as beneficiaries of the NWO.

33. Transcending transhumanism

Huxley, a member of the Fabian society, was probably an insider.

The last interview from box number 3) I want to share here is with a German fellow whom a few pages ago I indicated as a deterrent example of black sheep. In the worst case he is a programmed example of mind control he is warning us of. There is no video on youtube of this living “black goo” and he wants to sell products.108 The association with Goo-gle and Sci-fi makes it even more suspicious. But in

107 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP3mXVRd89Y Syrian girl about NWO. 108 http://www.biopure.eu/sonstiges-und-neues/kautz-vella/8291/black-goo-1-3g

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42 accordance to the selective approach praised in the beginning I declare now: it is worth to take the risk and hypothetically declare it a precious source. At least listen to the last 20 minutes. Here is the description: Harald Kautz-Vella is an independent scientific researcher based in Germany. His revealing work is founded

on a combination of bio-photon research and scalar physics. Most people are utterly shocked when they first hear about all the mind-blowing subjects that he has woven together into a logical, fact-based, and comprehensive story. However, this story that starts with hard-core chemistry and physics leads us, via exposing the hidden agenda of the anti-natural assimilation of all natural life forms on this planet, at the end towards spiritual transcendence. In this episode of Pateo TV, Harald and host Johan Oldenkamp, PhD, the founder of Wholly Science, talked about the bigger picture of what is really happening since time immemorial on the surface of this planet. In a coherent way, the relations between for instance Black Goo, Morgellons fibers, piezo-electric nano-crystals, bio-photon communication, remote control of the nervous system, smart dust, quantum computing, and co-opted bugs are all discussed.


Similarly to Icke, it can be all a PR-trick to sell the product-line, but what they offer us to make us buy their products is a very precious and elaborated insight into reality which does not really fit with the commercial suspicion. So they in addition must be crazy? But again, with this intensity and accuracy of observing the deep politics, I am not sure how crazy freaks can do it in such a coherent way. This coherence leads to the main motivation: the feeling to be on the track of a unified field theory. In other sources Kautz-Vella refers to NASA-documents which were allegedly leaked.109 Such theories at least can shed light on what the establishment openly is promoting.110 Some comments of the users:111 Antonio Alexandervor 10 Monaten woah dude. brilliant show.you gotta love those Germans huh..a race of radical thinkers as history has proved both good and bad but this was mabey as deep as it gets.left one with a lot to ponder thanx greg you did it again. FourLeaf Clovervor 8 Monaten all these people keep telling us that our world is run by evil entities/reptilians/demons whatever they are and that these evil beings need to create a world of pain and fear to feed off of. Yet that is EXACTLY what all of these kinds of videos do. Create fear, hopelessness and anxiety. Then we're told we need to "raise our frequency" after telling us that we've all been poisoned, that there's basically nothing safe to eat or ingest, that we're ingesting nanobots, that our entire world is a lie, that all governments are in on it, that cattle and human mutilations are happening everywhere, aliens are overtaking our souls, human sacrifices and satanism is rampant and children and babies are being sacrificed and eaten. Sorry. But I'm having a hard time "raising my frequency" or "connecting to my higher self" after hearing all of that. Sometimes I wonder if the true purpose of these videos is to spread terror and misery. In other words, you're all a part of it. Very good reasoning about his “cosmology” is here:112 He sounds like someone giving a belief system… These people are false prophets Brian. We want de-programming, not another set of beliefs…. So Brian, I’d say Harald is very ungrounded, extremely. He lives in his head. This could actually be a government psy-op, like the Flat Earth nonsense. Anyone can borrow a telescope, look at Saturn or Mars and see a round planet. I don’t know what black goo is or if it ever existed. I don’t know if Morgellons is new or old. I would like a study of these things without his cosmology. Many things he says are simply silly. Trying to sink Japan? In speaking about “sinking of Spanish islands”, he says, “I am not sure this is true or not.” Then why did he even say it? So he has a need to give answers, to be the answer man. An honest person could say, “I don’t know.” He says in 3-5 years everything will be different. Wrong. The shifting of consciousness will take centuries and it is simply a shift in the reverse direction of the industrial revolution because of resource depletion. There is no ascension or rapture going to happen folks. Everyone will need to purify their own karma and lifestyle and touch the Earth again and grow and weave, and that won’t be easy for the self-entitled.

109 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88BcgzzcTc 110 https://www.ted.com/talks/sean_follmer_shape_shifting_tech_will_change_work_as_we_know_it?language=en#t-157393 111 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcWoFz3s3n0 112 https://lipstick-and-war-crimes.org/thoughts-on-harald-kautz-vella-black-goo-cosmology/

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43 Because so much of his story telling is just false, I have to doubt much of the rest. Oh, and Artificial intelligence needs fuel and spare parts. It will rust. It is not sustainable. So, we don’t have to worry about it. Insights into dirty = deep politics help to stay grounded. They are weird enough to make you continue pondering about the real rulers of the world: https://deusnexus.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/90000-classified-cia-docs/ Related to the New Manhattan Project: http://www.zengardner.com/weaponized-cell-towers-directly-related-chemtrail-spray/ 34. Rumi for a positive ending:

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44 Mark Passio on “Natural Law”:

36. Simplified version:

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The bad side, the darkness, the wrong program The good side, the light, freedom

Imagine it like the Yin and Yang circle> mutual interference> The bad side has not only bad things, tries to hijack good things from the good side,

The good side has bad things, too> overdoing it, internal discord, controlled opposition Mainstream manipulation, corrupt scientism

Independent media, spiritual science

Capitalism and its inherent global problems, Leading to NTHE or the N W O

Awakening via holistic understanding of the human condition, curing Nature and Mind

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46 37. Lonely island version:

If I was going to live on a desert island and could only take one single internet source, then I would download Terence McKenna ~ Dreaming Awake at the End of Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KboPUQ0xCDs It contains many of the themes touched in the previous paragraphs and the most beautiful rejection of the world conspiracy theory (in the partial transcripts below). I wish he was true. Terence is the apotheosis of the pre-9/11 thinking. Only his soul knows how he would have interpreted the first 16 years of the 21 century. Probably not so far away from another source often cited in this paper: David Icke. His latest book113 resonates with many metaphors used in this talk like the cultural operating systems, the non-randomness of life and the hacking of reality. If they are metaphors... Min 11: The balkanization of epistemology…Conspiracy theory is a kind of epistemological cartoon of reality…There may be entities that seek control. …It’s like controlling a dream. Min 24: The world is made of language Cultures are like operating systems

What culture provides is a bunch of rules, so you don't have to think and a bunch of myths, so you don't have to think again. Culture has all the answers. Want to know where people came from? Well when the sky god got out of his canoe at first waterfall and took a leak then we the true people appeared like ants and we have been living here ever since...

Now technology throws a curve. And the curve is that we live so long, that we figure out what a scam this is. We figure out what we were supposed to work for isn't worth having, we figure out that our politicians are buffoons, we figure out that professional scientist are reputation building grab tailing weasels. We discover that all organizations are corrupted by ambition. You get the picture, "we figure it out". Well, then as intellectuals and anyone who figures it out is an intellectual believe me because they are slinging the programming to push you the other way. So then intellectuals defined as people who figured it out, discover that you are alienated. That's what figuring it out means. It means you understand that the BMW, the Harvard degree and whatever, that this is all baloney and manipulated and hyped and that most are clueless people figuring out which fork they should use... By dissolving boundaries they are exposing the cultural operating system for what it is. Which is just a bunch of hacked together rules that evolved over time. They weren't sent from god or from Mt. Sinai, it’s just a bunch of hacked together rules.

113 Makia Freeman: http://freedom-articles.toolsforfreedom.com/david-ickes-phantom-self-book-review/

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47 Science for all its flaws is the only tool for understanding the nature of reality that has any sort of track record whatsoever. The others just have a story to tell. The Buddha story, the Jesus story, fine stories but that's all they have is a rap...

Science is the only the only explanatory system where you get points for proving you are wrong. You form a hypothesis, you publish a paper, then you do further experiments. You discover your conclusions in Paper A were completely wrong. You retract Paper A and issue Paper B and your fellow scientists say: this guy does very good work. These are careful thinkers, you can bank on these people. They are not flaky.

What religion operates like that? Could you imagine coming out of the Ashram and having the Guru say to his students: Well, we managed to reduce that hypothesis to rubble in the morning wake meditation, didn't we?


114 https://www.facebook.com/GIGadgets.Fans/videos/931174830295140/

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48 Footnote from 30. Wiki-poetry.

New World Order (conspiracy theory) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the use of the term New World Order in conspiracy theory. For other uses, see New World Order.

The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to "New Order of the Ages"[1] and alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation-state; conspiracy theorists claim this is an allusion to the "New World Order".[2]

Comment: How can there be two entries on one subject in an encyclopedia? Divide and rule! As if you want to know about the speed of light, you find: This article is about the use of the term Speed of light in the understanding of some people. For other uses, see Speed of light. Of course, you are interested in the real thing, not in a distorted and biased understanding of some folks, so better click on the right button. As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.[3][4][5][6][7]

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's progress. Many influential historical and present figures have been purported to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial occurrences as well as significant world events as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.[3][4][5][6][7]

A neutral author would have written: Many people suspect the global problems and most of the destructive global processes as a result of more or less hidden agendas (not only one globalist agenda of one elite etc.) in favor of more or less hidden actors/ beneficiaries and claim them to be unveiled in accordance to the democratic values. As to the speculations whom to identify as these hidden actors and how they are interacting, many of such democratic activists hold that since it is impossible to identify them it should be enough to have an approximate understanding of the main suspects (wealth and power as main criteria) and to concentrate more on what can be done. (If it were so easy to fully identify them, it would not be a threat to humankind.) Otherwise these hidden forces would use this weak side of the protest against

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49 undemocratic power abuse by picking out the most outlandish speculations and label them conspiracy theories and the whole movement “conspiracism”.

Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people were actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists were concerned that mass hysteria could have what they judged to be devastating effects on American political life, ranging from the hegemony of right-wing populism in politics to escalating lone-wolf terrorism.[4][6][9]


The accusers become the accused. In one paragraph. Brilliant rhetoric. You just need to generalize words and actions of people and give them a label. In Wiki, we have usually two “well-known” skeptics. Example: If you are against hamburgers, you become a hamburgerist. These scientists are concerned that your hamburgerism could lead to mass hysteria and terrorism.

Who would think that you as a hamburgerist are not promoting the consumption of hamburgers but the opposite? Still interested in the questions around the JFK case? Get ready to be a paleoconservative Kennedy-assassinologist. This is NWO poetry. Let us become NWO poetologists.


115 „Man kann einen Teil des Volkes die ganze Zeit täuschen und das ganze Volk einen Teil der Zeit. Aber man kann nicht das gesamte Volk die ganze Zeit täuschen.“ (Abraham Lincoln, zitiert in Milwaukee Daily Journal, 29. Oktober 1886)

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