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Page 1: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!

“Bill Craig is one of my personal heroes! He is among today’s very finest defenders of Christianity. He offers a powerful mix of authentic faith, intellectual firepower, debating skill, and the gentleness and respect that the Bible requires”

Lee Strobel, Best-selling author of The Case for Christ and The Case for a Creator

“The third edition of William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith is simply a masterpiece. It combines clarity and applicability without sacrificing depth …”

Gregory E Ganssle, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy,

Yale University, Rivendell Institute

A Web Companion     www.reasonablefaithtools.com

Page 2: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

NEWS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Michele Bennett [email protected]


Wheaton, Illinois –William Lane Craig, a movement leader in evangelical philosophy, has made it his mission for over two decades to skillfully defend Christianity through his extensive writing, persuasive lecturing, and public debating on college and university campuses across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up in a “post-Christian” North America. Today, Crossway Books releases a third edition of Reasonable Faith, intended to encourage and equip a new flock of Christians to be thoughtful leaders in the church and culture. With updated content at the intersection of cutting-edge research and arguments, Craig wisely harnesses over twenty-five years of experience communicating why Christians have compelling reasons and evidence for what they believe. J.P. Moreland, a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and a colleague of Craig’s at Biola University, exclaims, Craig is “the finest Christian apologist of the last half

century and his academic work justifies ranking him among the top 1 percent of practicing philosophers in the Western world.” Moreland goes on to say, “I do not know of a single thinker who has done more to raise the bar of Christian scholarship in our generation than Craig.” Christian thought leaders like Lee Strobel, Ravi Zacharias, J.P. Moreland, Gary R. Habermas and others enthusiastically endorse Reasonable Faith and already expect that it will meet with widespread evangelical receptiveness among church and cultural influencers. Talbot School of Theology, where Craig is a research professor of philosophy in the graduate Philosophy of Religion and Ethics program, has been featured in Christianity Today for its influence in helping to bring about a renaissance in Anglo-American Christian philosophy of Religion. A contributing factor for Talbot’s influence has been the work and leadership of William Lane Craig. Moreover, the July 2008 issue of Christianity Today splashes a cover article by Craig, titled, “God is not Dead Yet,” which testifies to his leadership on the subject. For a new host of leaders engaging with arguments from “new atheists” and skeptics alike, the thought-provoking ideas of Reasonable Faith are both indispensible and urgent. In 2007, www.reasonablefaith.org was formed to help disseminate compelling reasons and evidence in support of the Christian faith. With thousands of interested users each month, the challenge and opportunity for greater apologetic equipping has never been greater. Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics, Crossway Books, June 2008. ISBN: 1433501155. Trade Paperback, $26.00.

Page 3: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

About the Book

Reasonable Faith is a perfect book for the classroom, yet resourceful for thoughtful Christian leaders, whether in the local church, the academy or other parachurch organizations. This updated edition builds a positive case for Christianity that reflects twenty-five years of debating, lecturing, and writing on important issues in Christian apologetics.

In five well-organized parts, Reasonable Faith presents cutting-edge research, evidence and comprehensive discussion to strengthen confidence in the Christian faith.

Each chapter systematically and carefully positions each main apologetic issue within its historical development and then interacts with formidable contemporary scholars on relevant topics. Each chapter ends with a closing reflection, intended to show the real-life applicability of what has been discussed. All chapters provide a resourceful list of cited and recommended sources for further study.

Given the immense diversity of topics, questions, and concerns in Christian apologetics, immaturity of leadership is not an option. It is paramount that a reliable guide, a wise influencer in the arena of apologetic ideas, and an experienced trainer, leads us. William Lane Craig is exactly that author to lead other hearts and minds. The arguments in Reasonable Faith have been tried, tested and found to work because they are sound; they have been honed in rigorous debate, peer-reviewed and critiqued in scholarly publications, and refined by the precision and calmness of a seasoned philosopher.

Craig’s approach of “positive apologetics” gives careful attention to crucial questions and concerns, including: the relationship of faith and reason, the existence of God, the problems of historical knowledge and miracles, the personal claims of Christ, and the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. Craig shows that there is good and convincing reason to believe Christianity is true.

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 4: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Reasonable Faith: Unique Benefits 1. New and updated topics for a comprehensive introduction to Christian


Response to “new atheist” objections

Updated scientific findings for cosmological arguments for the existence of God

Expanded defense of the teleological argument based on fine-tuning research

Revised discussion of the moral and ontological arguments for the existence of God in light of contemporary philosophical discussion

Critique of historical relativism and its implications for historical knowledge when doing Christian apologetics

Application of probability theory to David Hume’s argument against miracles

Defense of Jesus’ claims’ to be Messiah, Son of God, and Son of Man

Interaction with prominent, contemporary New Testament scholars about the historicity of the gospels, the identity of Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus

2. Illustrative diagrams to help the reader visualize important ideas and concepts.

3. End-of-chapter reflection points to each chapter’s main idea and its application for discipleship, ministry formation, evangelism, and engagement with the ideas of our culture.

4. Expanded list of sources for further reading and research.

5. Revised and expanded book index that is useful for digging deeper, cross-referencing, and searching.

6. www.ReasonableFaithTools.com: This attractive web companion to Reasonable Faith offers free resources to enhance the learning of both teacher and student. William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith organization (www.reasonablefaith.org) offers even further resources.

7. Reasonable Faith distills over twenty-five years of William Lane Craig’s work in apologetics from arenas of debate in North America and Europe, teaching undergraduate and graduate students, and publishing dozens of articles and books in Christian apologetics and philosophy of religion.

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 5: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Beneficial Textbook Usage William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith has been used as a textbook or endorsed by professors at major colleges, universities, and seminaries in North America. Here is a representative sample of these institutions: Acadia Divinity College

Bethel College

Biola University

Central Bible College

Cincinnati Christian University

Covenant Theological Seminary

Dallas Seminary

Denver Seminary

Fuller Theological Seminary

Great Lakes Christian College

Heritage Christian University

La Trobe University

Liberty University

Louisville Bible College

Loyola Marymont University

Luther Rice University

Magnolia Bible College

Multnomah Bible College

Oklahoma Christian University

Palm Beach Atlantic University

Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando)

Salem Bible College

Talbot School of Theology

Trinity Divinity School (Illinois)

Trinity International University (Illinois)

University of Alberta

Westminster Theological Seminary

Yale University

For an examination copy, contact Crossway Sales [email protected]; www.crossway.org/page/academic.exam.copies

Page 6: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Biography: William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig is research professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. He has earned doctorates from the University of Birmingham (England) (Ph.D. 1977), and the University of Munich (Germany) (D.Theol. 1984) and has taught at Trinity Evangelical Seminary and Wheaton College, along with pursuing research at the University of Louvain (Belgium). He has authored or edited over thirty books, including noteworthy Crossway titles like The Two

Tasks of the Christian Scholar (co-edited) (2007), Hard Questions, Real Answers (2003) and Time and Eternity (2001). Dr. Craig is an international lecturer and debater. He has spoken at numerous universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Moscow, and Peking. Moreover, he has spoken at numerous conferences and churches, including Willow Creek Community Church (Chicago), All Soul's (London), and McLean Bible Church (Washington, D.C.). Given his extensive experience, he is known for his skillful communication to both scholar and student alike.

Behind Reasonable Faith

Reasonable Faith has become William Lane Craig’s signature book--and for good reason! For in this volume, twenty-five years of invested ideas, arguments, reasons, evidences, and perspective have been deposited. Reasonable Faith was birthed in the classroom; its content was originally cultivated from Craig’s class in apologetics during the 1980s at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Over the years, the fruitful work of Reasonable Faith has enjoyed widespread exposure in college, university, and seminary classrooms throughout North America and Europe. In 2007, ReasonableFaith.org was formed as a unique web ministry designed “to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.”

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 7: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

International Communicator: William Lane Craig Author of Reasonable Faith William Lane Craig has communicated as a university debater, conference speaker, lecturer, published author, documentary consultant, and a radio and TV guest. Below are highlights of some of his more notable debates and interviews.


Craig-Ehrman Debate: Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

March 2006, Holy Cross College (Massachusetts)

Craig-Kurtz Debate: Goodness Without God is Good Enough

October 2001, Franklin and Marshall College (Pennsylvania)

Craig-Flew Debate: Does God Exist?

February 1998, University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin)

Craig-Atkins Debate: Evidence For/Against the Existence of God

April 1998, Carter Convention Center (Georgia)

Craig-Lüdemann Debate: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? September 1997, Boston College (Massachusetts)

Craig-Crossan Debate: Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?

October 1994, Moody Memorial Church (Illinois)

Craig-Taylor Debate: Is the Basis of Morality Natural or Supernatural?

October 1993, Union College (New York)

INFLUENTIAL INTERVIEWS Interviewed for John Humphry’s article, “The Return of God?” Telegraph

(March 3, 2007).

Interview for “Today” BBC News (March 2007). Interview with Elizabeth Vargas, “Special Report: Resurrection,” ABC News

20/20, (May 20, 2005).

Interview on “Talk Back Live” for exchange with John Dominic Crossan, CNN (April 14, 1995).

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 8: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Topical Interview Questions & Blog/Story Ideas Post-modern Culture, Post-modern Times? Nearly every Christian thinker these days claims or presumes that we live in a post-modern cultural situation. But Craig does not think so.

Why is the idea that we live in a post-modern culture a myth? (18-19) Why is this misdiagnosis of our current cultural situation potentially so

disastrous? (18) Reasonable Faith: Reasons serving faith and the Spirit: Apologetics has the tendency to devolve into purely a rationalistic enterprise, devoid of the Holy Spirit’s power and presence, and used as power-ploy over other persons. But Craig thinks that this should not be so. He paints a clear vision for the role of the Spirit in helping people to know and to show that Christianity is true. You make a distinction between knowing and showing Christianity to be true (43ff). Please explain what this distinction means and why it is important.

What does it mean for a faith to be reasonable? What is the role of argument and evidence in our knowing Christianity to

be true? (47-48) What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our showing Christianity to be true?

(56-57) Influential Arguments for the Existence of God: Years of developing and clarifying arguments for God’s existence have positioned William Lane Craig to be a seasoned observer of and contributor to cutting-edge research, reasons, and evidence in this body of knowledge.

What is the Design Hypothesis and why is it important to detecting evidence for the existence of God? (170-172)

How and why does a cosmological argument for the existence of God capitalize on contemporary, cutting-edge research in big bang cosmology?

In what sense can God be the ground of morality? (172-181) Does atheism have any good going for it? William Lane Craig has spent years debating some of the most articulate and ardent defenders of atheism. He understands their philosophical reasoning and has cultivated wisdom over the years to empower him to see through atheistic pretensions.

How and why is atheism impossible, practically speaking? (78-84) How and why does Richard Dawkins’ argument for atheism in The God

Delusion fail? (170-174)

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 9: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Renaissance of Evangelical Intelligentsia: Recent articles from The Chronicle of Higher Education have either highlighted or assumed a resurgence of evangelical influence in academic culture. William Lane Craig has been on the forefront of this evangelical renewal among American philosophers of religion.

How have Christian organizations like the Evangelical Philosophical Society and the Society for Christian Philosophers helped to advance a renaissance in Christian philosophy of religion?

How have arguments for/against the existence of God progressed since the 1960s? (93-95)

The July 2008 issue of Christianity Today features your cover story on arguments for the existence of God. How have these arguments been received by evangelicals?

Jesus’ Unique Authority: William Lane Craig has been a consultant for, and interviewed on, prime-time network television concerning the claims of the Jesus Seminar and other unreliable perspectives concerning the historical Jesus and the historicity of the resurrection. He can skillfully detect trends in the literature, passé movements, and mere idle speculation.

How and why is C.S. Lewis’ “Liar, Lunatic, or Lord” an obsolete approach? (328-329)

What is the Jesus Seminar and what is their main claim against Jesus? (299ff)

What three great, independently established facts exist that support the bodily resurrection of Jesus? (361-395)

William Lane Craig’s Formation, Training, and Influence: Craig has become an international debater, lecturer, and author in Christian apologetics and philosophy. His life as a gentleman and scholar is worth noting.

As a seasoned apologist and philosopher, how has your experience formed the content of this book?

Who has helped to influence and form your work as a Christian apologist, philosopher and theologian?

If Jesus and the early church had an apologetic approach, how would you characterize it? How does this motivate your approach to apologetics? (57-58)

How can Christians be non-defensive about their defense of what they believe and why? Can you share how this has been relevant to when you debate?

How and why is Reasonable Faith a model of a “positive apologetics” (24)?

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 10: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

Enthusiastic Endorsements

“It is hard to overstate the impact that William Lane Craig has had for the cause of Christ. He is simply the finest Christian apologist of the last half century and his academic work justifies ranking him among the top 1 percent of practicing philosophers in the Western world. Besides that, he is a winsome ambassador for Christ, an exceptional debater, and a man with the heart of an evangelist. I know him well and can say that he lives a life of integrity and lives out what he believes. I do not know of a single thinker who has done more to raise the bar of Christian scholarship in our generation than Craig. He is one of a kind and I thank God for his life and work.”

J. P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology and author of Kingdom Triangle

(www.kingdomtriangle.com) “Bill Craig is one of my personal heroes! He is among today’s very finest defenders of Christianity. He offers a powerful mix of authentic faith, intellectual firepower, debating skill, and the gentleness and respect that the Bible requires”

Lee Strobel, Best-selling author of The Case for Christ

and The Case for a Creator (www.leestrobel.com) “Especially regarding his breadth of scholarship, no contemporary Christian apologist surpasses Bill Craig. Some of Bill's wide range of interests are evident in this third edition of Reasonable Faith. To be introduced to crucial topics such as God's existence, creation, Scripture, and the historicity of Jesus, including his deity and resurrection, all under one cover, is an enormous treat. Not a single student of apologetics should miss this volume by a major scholar. Crossway Books deserves much credit for continuing its strong tradition of Christian textbooks.” Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair, Department

of Philosophy and Theology, Liberty University (www.garyhabermas.com)

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 11: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

“Whenever I pick up a book by William Lane Craig, I know I will be treated not just to a feast of rational insight, but also to a tutorial on how good thinking is done. I can always count on a thorough, charitable, even-handed, and intellectually elegant analysis. Reasonable Faith is a classic example of these virtues.”

Gregory Koukl, founder and president of Stand to Reason (www.str.org), author of Tactics—A Game Plan for Discussing your Christian

Convictions, and co-author of Relativism— Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air

“A much-needed book for our times. It overflows with cogent and compelling argument presented in accessible and irenic language. University and seminary students will find this book especially helpful in exposing the fallacies and lack of evidence in the many and various challenges that have been leveled against historic Christian claims. I highly recommend this book.”

Craig A. Evans, Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament,

Acadia Divinity College; author, Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels

(www.craigaevans.com) “As a former student and now collaborator with him in writing and in ministry, I am one of the numerous beneficiaries indebted to William Craig and his stellar work in the philosophy of religion and Christian apologetics. He has been a model, a mentor, and an inspiration through his scholarship and his commitment to God’s kingdom. His newly-updated Reasonable Faith continues to be the gold standard for apologetics texts: vital historical discussion of issues and arguments; rigorous reasoning and state-of-the art scholarship; and highly relevant, personal application—all permeated with an evident passion for the cause of Christ.”

Paul Copan, Professor and Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University and President, Evangelical Philosophical Society

(www.paulcopan.com) “William Lane Craig is both an absolutely topnotch, world-class scholar and a man with a warm heart for apologetics and evangelism. This astute book combines both passions. It gives rigorous and well-documented argument which are aimed at producing a rational faith that can be commended and defended before the watching and waiting world. Bravo (for the third time)!”

Douglas Groothuis, Professor of Philosophy, Denver Seminary (www.theconstructivecurmudgeon.blogspot.com)

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 12: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

“William Lane Craig is not only a world-class philosopher—widely recognized as such in the philosophical community—but he has been a leading defender of the Christian faith for over a quarter of a century. Reasonable Faith includes, in concise and accessible form, some of the best of the best of his thinking on vital areas of apologetics. Powerful, persuasive, and relevant, Craig demonstrates that central Christian beliefs, such as the existence of a personal, intelligent, and exceedingly powerful God, miracles, and Jesus’ Messianic claims and resurrection, are reasonable to believe and based on solid evidence. You won’t find a better book in support of the Christian faith.”

Chad Meister, Director of Philosophy, Bethel College, and author of Building Belief (www.chadmeister.com)

“For years I’ve recommended Reasonable Faith to my students as the best single-volume apologetic. And now it is even better! Craig’s analysis of the latest scientific arguments and his response to the “new atheists” makes it a must-have for those interested in thoroughly defending the cause of Christ.”

Clay Jones, Assistant Professor of Christian Apologetics, Christian Apologetics Program,

Biola University

“William Lane Craig is arguably one of the finest Christian philosophers of our time. His knowledge and skill have placed him on platforms on every continent, engaging the most notable skeptics in dialogue and debate. Reasonable Faith will provide only increased opportunity and impact as he makes his mark on our time with a timeless message.”

Ravi Zacharias, Founder and Chairman, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (www.rzim.org)

“In admirably clear prose, Professor Craig presents important philosophical and historical issues relevant to Christian beliefs. With extraordinary erudition, he sketches the arguments of major thinkers of both past centuries and recent times, and he presents his own reasons for concluding that traditional Christian doctrines about God and Jesus are credible. His replies to those skeptical of the existence of God, of historical knowledge, of the occurrence of miracles, and in particular of the resurrection of Jesus, take debates over those difficult topics an important stage further. Here is an admirable defense of basic Christian faith.”

C. Behan McCullagh, Philosophy Program, La Trobe University

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 13: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up

“The third edition of William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith is simply a masterpiece. It combines clarity and applicability without sacrificing depth. Each chapter has three major parts. First, the topic is introduced with an extensive discussion of the historical development of the arguments and objections to the arguments. Second, Bill leads the reader into the depths of the most contemporary discussion. He treats the leading versions of the arguments for Christianity as well as the best of the objections. He has taken great care to achieve a thoroughness that is rarely found in apologetics texts. Third, he explains, through many personal examples, how the arguments in the chapter can be appropriated in personal evangelism. Combining these three elements is enough to make this text unique. The depth and quality with which each step is accomplished makes it indispensible.”

Gregory E Ganssle, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Yale University, Rivendell Institute

“Although my philosophical predilections often differ from Dr. Craig’s (as they do from those of everyone else I know), I have found that he is very knowledgeable about science and current cosmological ideas. He provides interesting insights into their implications for our shared Christian beliefs.”

Don Nelson Page, Professor of Physics, University of Alberta

For an interview with William Lane Craig, contact Michele Bennett at 630.868.6043 or [email protected]

Page 14: Reasonable Faith, Resourcing Leaders for Fruitful Equipping!...Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics has become Craig’s signature work for thousands that have grown up


Reasonable Faith was written to equip believers in the fruitful proclamation of Christian truth claims. Now you may download additional study guides, materials, and learning opportunities at www.ReasonableFaithTools.com.

Intentionally constructed to enhance the reader’s experi-ence, the site extends the book’s topics by offering a wealth of free resources:

Additional Online Resources to Enrich Your Study ofReasonable Faith

• Audio and video lectures and debates by Dr. Craig that compliment the book’s main topics• Reasonable Faith book samples• PowerPoints for class or small group presentations • Interactive message board to discuss Reasonable Faith updates• Study group questions for each chapter• Recommended print resources for further study and research• Syllabi for course study• Dr. Craig’s upcoming speaking schedule• Materials to help tell others about Reasonable Faith• Even more free resources at www.reasonablefaith.org

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