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  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera



  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    A sick industrial unit may be defined as one when it fails to

    generate surplus on a continuous basis and depends on frequent

    infusion of external funds for its survival.

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    Due to this indiscriminate sponsoring of small units, infant

    mortality among them is fairly high. The 1972 census estimated

    that 35 percent of all the small units were dead before they


  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    Internal Causes:

    (1) planning

    (A) technical feasibility

    (B) economic viability(2) implementation

    (3) production

    (A) production management

    (B) labour management(C) marketing management

    (D) financial management

    (E) administrative management

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    Infrastructure Bottlenecks

    Non-availability of irregular supply of raw materials or other inputs

    Power shortage

    Transport bottlenecks Financial bottlenecks

    Non-availability of finance

    Government control and policies

    Government price controls

    Abrupt change in government policies

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    Market constraints

    Market saturation

    Revolutionary technological advances making products obsolete

    Extraneous factors Natural calamities


    Sympathetic strikes

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    Revival plan helps to bring back the business on track.

    Revival plan should be time bound to be successful.

    Seven steps to be followed for revival of business are:

    1. Finalize the goals/objectives/targets for performance at all levels.2. Issue policy guidelines on major aspects that affect-

    Image of company

    Work culture of organization.

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    3. Hold discussion with department heads to assess the departmental


    4. Set up feedback/monitoring/audit systems to assess performance

    and make corrections.

    5. Implement use of modern management tools

    IT - MIS


    Inventory control

    6. Plug the loopholes to achieve optimal productions.

    7. Adopt BPR to do Right Things effectively.

    Closing Unprofitable units

    Planning expansion and diversification

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    The following seven steps will enable a proper diagnosis of the

    organizational sickness

    1. Interviewing the people across the organization to have a general feel of

    the problem that leads to the sickness.

    Workers Suppliers


    2. Hold fact finding sessions to list the known/possible factors contributing to

    the sickness.

    3. Hold discussions with department/divisional heads to assess the nature &

    depth of the department problems



    Conduct of business in various department/divisions

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    4. Setup feedback/monitoring/audit control systems to periodically assess

    the performance, deviations and the needed corrections.

    5. Implement the use of modern management tools, techniques, information

    technology to improve the bottom-line.

    JIT Cost control


    Budgetary control/inventory control

    6. Plug the loopholes and make the present deficiencies to achieve optimal

    production and improved efficiencies.

    7. Adopt Business Process Reengineering to do the right things and to

    achieve major breakthroughs in




  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    1. Establishment of a proper management information system for

    providing early warning signal from within.

    2. Financial institutions and banks should initiate

    necessary corrective action for sick or prone to be sick units based

    on diagnostic studies.

    3. Attempt should be made to restore sick

    units to financial health. If not it should be

    wound up.

    4. Excessive concern over unemployment

    resulting from the closure of sick unit is

    unwarranted. In such case setting up ofnational fund for the purpose and providing

    retraining for the workers.

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


    5. Setting up special institution The Broad for Financial and Industrial

    reconstruction a single window clearing agency.

    6. Responsible management for mismanagement of a firm must not be given

    any assistance from financial institutions even for new venture.

    7. In any scheme of reconstructing of sick units all the stock holders shouldbear sacrifice on equitable and just basis.

    8. Company taking over a sick unit must have the technology, capital and

    skill to save it.

    9. Debt-equity ratio ought to be realistic. Fiscal policy, too, requires


    10. Incentives should be provided to professional managers helping inreviving sick units.

    11. Treatment of capital-intensive units prone to sickness has to on a different

    footing than tackling of sickness in industry in general.

  • 7/28/2019 Reasons and Remedies for Sickness in Smes by Amritraj d Bangera


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