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  • 1. Robb Jenson Graduate Program Coordinator Texas A&M University Nuclear Engineering *

2. * *Recruiting Process *Strategies for Recruitment 3. * *B.S. Kinesiology TAMU *M.S. Higher Education Administration TAMU *Recruited * National Merits * Under-represented students * Graduate Students *College Football Recruitnik for 13 years 4. * Prospects Targets - Applicants Offer - Admitted Soft Verbal Committed - Accepts Signed LOI - Enrollees 5. * 6. * *Attention *Recognized *Goals/Desires *Academic *Professional 7. * *Evaluation Camps - Student Conferences *Student presentations and poster sessions *Awards and Accomplishments *Career Fairs 8. * *Recruiting Network *High School Coaches - Faculty *Alma maters *Pipeline schools *Develop contacts *Program Materials *Visit *Rankings/Databases GRE Scores *Scour the landscape *Ideal Qualities and Characteristics 9. * *Written Correspondences *Social Media *Head Coaches *Department Head *Phone Calls *Timely Responses 10. * *Type of Visit *Unofficial *Official *Invite *Individual or Group 11. * *Current Students *Faculty/Department Head *Facilities *Labs *Red Carpet Treatment *Free Parking *Lunch *Travel Reimbursement or Stipend *Promotional Items/Giveaways *Follow-up 12. * *Delivery *Timing *Position *Financial Benefits 13. * *Hat Ceremonies *Network Coverage

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