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Red-Light-Running Camera

Dr. Huaguo Zhou

Fatemeh Baratian

Isaac Wasilefsky

Auburn University, Department of Civil Engineering


• RLR crash, the most common/most severe type of crash

• More than 165,000 injuries in 2008

• RLC supplement Law enforcement efforts

• No study evaluates the effectiveness of RLCs in AL

• National Survey

• Opponents: a tool to gather revenue

• Sufficient researches

• Safety benefits


Evaluate the effectiveness of RLC systems in Opelika

1. Safety Impact

2. Operational Impact

Quantify the economic performance

Methodology Literature review

Find Required data

Data collection

Analyze data

EB method

Study driver’s behavior

Calculate capacity reduction

Suggestion based on the results

Where to install

How much fine

Literature Review

1. Evaluation of camera’s safety effects (16)

2. RLCs Site Selection (6)

3. RLR Behaviors (4)

1- Past findings of safety effects

• Reduced violation rate by about 40% during the first year

• Reduced right-angle crashes (injury and fatal) 19% - 32%

• Increased rear-end crashes (PDO) up to 40%

• The costs were offset by benefits

2- Studies of RLCs Site Selection

Effective factors:•AADT, high ratio of RA to RE crashes, shorter inter-green periods and cycle length

•Collision severity, commercial vehicles, net economic cost, feasibility of site installation

•High number of collisions, dispersion of intersections

•Larger number of lanes of the primary-street, fully actuated traffic signals

3- Studies of RLR Behaviors

• Increase in average traffic speed, and heavy vehicles, reduces RLR in low AADT

• Violators under 30, not speeding

• 94% within 2 s, between 2 PM and 3 PM

• Shorter green-to-cycle time, increase in time to cross, and following another vehicle suggests a lower likelihood

Two studies in Alabama

1. A pilot study of feasibility for using RLC (2003)

2. A general guideline developed to assist site selection and implementation of RLC program in Alabama (2014)

RLC in Alabama

8 communities in Alabama:•Birmingham•Center Point•Foley•Midfield•Montgomery•Opelika•Phoenix City•Tuscaloosa

RLC in Opelika, AL• April 1, 2013

• The overall safety effect is not clear.

Required InformationThe exact location of RLCsTraffic volume for each approach per hourIntersection geometric featuresSigning and publicitySpeed limit

? Program start and end date

? Citation

? Crash and violation frequency (Min 2 weeks for #/h and 3 years before and after for #/year)

? Signal timing and control type

Crash frequency

• Right-angle plus rear-end crashes

• Not clearly defined in crash reports

• Make an estimate

Red-Light-Running-Related Crash Filter

Next Steps

1. Safety impact: CARE, EB method

2. Operational Impact: Field data collection, Lost time

3. Economic performance: CARE, Crash reduction benefit,

Cost of the camera


• Starting from January1st, 2014

• Literature Review (April 1st, 2014)

• Identify Required Information (May 1st, 2014)

• Field Observation (June 15th , 2014)

• Data Collection (September 15th , 2014)

• Data Analysis (March 1st , 2015)

• Interpretation of Results & Recommendation (August 1st , 2015)

• Report (December 31st , 2015)

Thank You!

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