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Page 1: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


WELCOME VISITORS   We have printed out our worship service to make it easier for all of us to follow.  Hymns are found in the hymn section of the Lutheran Service Book or in Worship & Praise, the purple supplement. The service is also projected on the screen.  Please visit our “Welcome Center” in the Narthex for additional information about Redeemer.  SERVICE OF PRAYER FOR HEALING will be in all services this weekend.  If you would like to have the pastor and elder lay hands upon you and offer a special prayer (for yourself or a loved one), please fill out the blue insert in your bulletin and bring it forward with you as you come to commune.  There is also opportunity to make use of the ancient practice of anointing with oil (James 5:14) for those who so desire.  OUR THEME FOR TODAY is “SOLA: What Matters Most.” As Christians there are some things that should be at the top of our minds and deep in our hearts. Our heritage of the Reformation reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ Alone revealed in Scripture Alone. This week we look at “Scripture Alone”. Isn’t it good to know that even after Reformation 500, it’s Still All About Jesus! Sola Christus!


We Come Into God’s Presence

Redeemer Lutheran Church


Saturday,  October  28,  2017  –  5:30  pm

Sunday,  October  29,  2017  –  8:00  and  10:40  am

 Our  Mission  Statement:  “As  Christians  based  on  the  solid  foundation  of  God’s  Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit we strive to live out, lift up, and share our faith in Jesus Christ – welcoming all into our Family of Believers.”  Values:  Truth, Community Engagement, Family of Believers, Teaching, Healing/Caring, Joy, Prayer 

Grow In Christ Share His Love Encourage

Page 2: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(*) Those who are able are asked to stand during these parts of the service  GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS   (We welcome our fellow worshipers.)  (*) OPENING PRAYER  (*) PROCESSIONAL HYMN     “The Church’s One Foundation” ............................................. LSB 644  (*) INVOCATION, CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION  (Please stand.) P:  In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. C:  Amen. P:  Beloved in the Lord! Let us draw near with a true heart and confess our sins unto God 

our Father, beseeching Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us forgiveness.   P:  Our help is in the name of the Lord, C:  who made heaven and earth. P:  I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, C:  and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.  

Silence for reflection on God's Word and for self‐examination.  P:  Let us then confess our sins to God our Father. C:  Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have 

sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve Your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your holy name. Amen. 

 P:  In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for His sake God 

forgives us all our sins. To those who believe in Jesus Christ He gives the power to become the children of God and bestows on them the Holy Spirit. May the Lord, who has begun this good work in us, bring it to completion in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

C:  Amen.  (*) HYMN OF PRAISE  (LSB 948, st. 5) 

  You only are the Holy One and over all are Lord alone.   O Jesus Christ, we glorify You and the Spirit, Lord Most High;   With Him You evermore shall be One in the Father’s majesty.  (Please be seated.)  

Page 3: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


  SCRIPTURE READINGS L:  The First Reading for Reformation Day is from Revelation the fourteenth chapter.    6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth —to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7 He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."  Revelation 14:6‐7  NIV  L:  This is the Word of the Lord. C:  Thanks be to God.  L:  The Epistle is from 1 Corinthians chapter fifteen.      1 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.   3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. 1 Corinthians 15:1‐8 NIV  L:  This is the Word of the Lord. C:  Thanks be to God.  (Please stand to sing.)  (*) RESPONSE 


God Speaks to Us

Page 4: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(*) HOLY GOSPEL   P:  The Holy Gospel according to St. John, the eighth chapter. C:  Glory to You, O Lord.    31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."   33 They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"   34 Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.   John 8:31‐36  NIV  P:  This is the Gospel of the Lord. C:  Praise to You, O Christ.  (Please be seated.)  (10:40 am) ANTHEM  “By Grace” (Ephesians 2:8) – Cherub Choir  CHILDREN'S MESSAGE   (Parents, please feel free to come forward with smaller children.)  (Saturday) HYMN OF THE DAY  “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” .......................................... LSB 656 

(The congregation will stand during the instrumental interlude.)  (Sunday) HYMN OF THE DAY  “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” ............................................. LSB 656     Stanzas 1 & 2: All         Stanza 3: Choir  Instrumental Interlude       Stanza 4: All 

(The congregation will stand during the instrumental interlude.)  SERMON  “Reformation 500: It’s Still All About Jesus” – 1 Corinthians 15:1‐8   

  GATHERING OF THE OFFERING   (The pastor will collect any special prayer request cards during this time.)  MUSICAL OFFERING  (8:00 am)  “One Faith, One Hope, One Lord” – Sounds of Praise       (10:40 am)  “Amazing Grace – My Chains Are Gone” – Alleluia Singers           (Ephesians 2:4‐9; Romans 3:22‐24; Psalm 107:13‐15)  

We Respond To God’s Word

Page 5: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


FRIENDSHIP REGISTRATION   (Please pass the booklets in your row, if you have not already done so.)   (As the offerings are brought forward, please stand to sing, . .)  (*) OFFERTORY    (LSB 555, st. 6) 

  Since Christ has full atonement made   And brought to us salvation,   Each Christian therefore may be glad   And build on this foundation.   Your grace alone, dear Lord, I plead,   Your death is now my life indeed,   For You have paid my ransom.    (*) THE APOSTLES' CREED 

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.  

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell.  The third day he rose again from the dead.   He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From thence he will come to judge the living and the dead. 

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the  forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.  Amen.   

  (*) PRAYERS   (*) LORD’S PRAYER C:  Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be 

done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our  trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. 


Page 6: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(*) SANCTUS   









ALL Women 

ALL Men 


Page 7: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904






   (*) THE WORDS OF OUR LORD  (*) PAX DOMINI P:  The peace of the Lord be with you always. C:  Amen.  (*) AGNUS DEI 

God Serves Us His Holy Meal

ALL Women 

Page 8: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE 

Rochester, MN  55904


(Please be seated.)  (Distribution is continuous.  When directed by the usher, proceed to the rail.  When you have 

communed and had time for prayer, return by the far left side.)  

(Special prayers may be requested by clearly holding the blue prayer request form in front of you as you come to the rail.) 

 DISTRIBUTION HYMNS   HYMN  “Lord Keep Us Steadfast” – as on the screen   HYMN  “Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice” ....................................................... LSB 556   HYMN  “Built On The Rock” ..................................................................................... LSB 645   HYMN  “By Grace I’m Saved”................................................................................... LSB 566  

  (*) COMMON DISMISSAL – spoken by the pastor  (*) BENEDICAMUS AND BENEDICTION P:  Let us bless the Lord. C:  Thanks be to God. P:  The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious 

to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. C:  Amen.  (*) HYMN  “Thy Strong Word” ............................................................... LSB 578, stanzas 4,5,6  POSTLUDE  Toccata from “Thy Strong Word”  B. Culli  Acknowledgments Divine Service, Setting Five from Lutheran Service Book. Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. 

God Sends Us Forth to Serve and Proclaim

Page 9: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

Week of 10-29-2017

Redeemer Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements and Highlights

Week of October 29, 2017

Special Prayer Opportuni es: Health Concerns: Bernie Nesler, Marlin Haack, Orvis Dahl,

Holden Meaike, Bill Kraus, Lyle Voight, Darlene Wentworth, Joan Geerts, EiLeen Miller, Dick Miller, Ted Saxman, Stan Czaplewski, Lynn Hebig, Mike Hanley

Receiving Hospice care: Rita Priebe, Bob Salley, Judy Mueller, John Randall

Thanksgiving: For custodian, Randy Kautz, and his 10 years

of faithful service. PRAYER CHAINS – If you have a prayer request, call Gail Sim (289-2087), the church office (289-5147), or send an email to Lori Hameister at [email protected]. PRAYER CARDS - Take a look in your pew rack and you’ll see our prayer request cards! These cards will be collected by one of the pastors during the offering time.

ROSE ON THE ALTAR Is in honor of Marge Jobe’s 85th birthday on October 31.

ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY Join us for worship next weekend, November 4/5, as we remember and honor those Redeemer family members who have joined their heavenly father.

SPECIAL VOTERS’ MEETING Please plan to attend a special Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, November 5, at 3:30 pm, in the Sanctuary. All members will be or have received a letter in the mail outlining the plans for this Voters’ Meeting. Extra copies are available at the Welcome Center.

PLEDGE TIME If you have not yet filled out and submitted your pledge form, please do so! They can be returned to the houses in the Narthex, placed in the offering plate, or returned to the church office.

THANK YOU RANDY A special note of thanks to our Custodian, Randy Kautz, who tirelessly keeps our facility clean, safe, and set for our activities. October 2017 marked Randy’s 10th year as Redeemer’s custodian. Take a moment to extend him your verbal or written thanks! Thank you Randy!

THANKSGIVING WORSHIP Please join us for worship and communion on: Wednesday, November 22, at 6:30 pm Thursday, November 23, at 9:00 am

In thankfulness for our blessings, please bring a donation of non-perishable items for Channel One.

REFORMATION The Reformation isn’t about Luther or German Heritage, it is about Jesus Christ. Let us celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation by making Jesus the most important part of our church, our homes, our schedule, our lives!

Page 10: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

2 Week of 10-29-2017


THE FORMULA OF CONCORD: Did you know that a church tends to argue about things that matter? Things that solidify its identity, focus its message, and impact its practices. Looking at the bold statements from the Reformation will help answer issues that you struggle with today. Facilitated by Pastor Koglin in the Choir Room. THE THEOLOGY OF THE MEDIA : What does the media and our culture say about God? Is it helpful? Is it harmful? Join us as we look at how the secular world uses and abuses God and how we as Christians can respond. Class participation will be welcomed during this class as you will be encouraged to bring in examples of theology in the media! Facilitated by Michael Harvey in the South Fellowship Hall. THE THREE BIG KINGS OF ISRAEL: Saul, David, and Solomon were the only kings to rule over the united kingdom of Israel and Judea. While all were chosen by God, they were very different. Pastor Jim Heining and class members will look at the good and bad of each--perhaps even making some comparisons to contemporary leaders. Join him in the North Fellowship Hall.

FAITH LEGACY: FAITH CHEST Parents of Infants, please join us for the Faith Step “Faith Chest” as we learn about the importance of Baptism and ways to begin our children on their journey of faith. The classes meet for three weeks (10/22, 10/29, 11/5) and concludes with the Blessing Event on Nov. 12. This class meets in the Upper Room.

Smart Money Presented by Dave Ramsey

via Live Stream

Tuesday, November 7 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Redeemer Lutheran Church

North Fellowship Hall

Dessert provided

A one-night event that walks you through the steps you need to take to get your finances in order!

Questions, contact Kate Brown (515-339-9804)

THERE IS STILL ROOM ON THE BUS! To the Reformation Festival Worship at Concordia University St. Paul this Sunday, October 29. We will gather at 1:15 pm and leave by 1:30 pm. THE COST IS $10 PER PERSON. You may br ing along a sack dinner if you think you may be hungry on the way home. Coolers will be provided. The estimated time of return is between 7:30-8:00 pm. LC-MS President, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, will give the sermon and festival music will be led and provided by adult and children’s choirs. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center or speak with April Beckman, DPM.

Page 11: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

3 Week of 10-29-2017

Tuesday, October 31 Redeemer Parking Lot

Set-up begins at 4:30 pm Event runs from 5:30-7:00 pm Would your group/team/family be interested in decorating a car for this event? Or helping out by donating time or candy? Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are interested in participating. Any questions, please contact Larry Stoen at 507-251-7139.

PRAYER FROM THE CALL TEAM: We thank God for the blessing of meeting Pastor Loos and Christine this past week! We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our family here at Redeemer to be of one mind and purpose as we consider extending the call to him at our Voters Meeting . . . . . thy will be done!

CALL TEAM MEMBERS Team Lead: Sue Walch (273-4025) Staff Rep: Pastor Adam Koglin (289-5147) Council Reps: - Kathy Zarling (398-7036) - Mandie Anderson (414-303-2501) Elder Reps: - Mark Radtke (612-270-9827) - Darin Grewe (271-2251) Call Team Members:

Jay Kurtz (250-1464) Terri Galanits (285-5259) David Dubbels (259-6728) Cara Wilson (285-0615) Bryce Beckman (651-592-6016) Jodi Hellickson (271-6988) Janet Hoffmann (288-6834)

BAKELESS BAKE SALE Envelopes are available at the Welcome

Center and on the counter by the Mite box.

Please consider a donation to fund the work of the Redeemer Lutheran

Church Women.

A Reformation 500 Hymn Festival

Sunday, November 12

3:30 pm Trinity Lutheran Church

(222 6th Avenue SW, Rochester) Refreshments will be served both before and after the service. We hope you can join us!

Page 12: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

4 Week of 10-29-2017

Elderberries Luncheon

(age 50 and older) When: Tuesday, November 14 Where: South Fellowship Hall Time:11:30 am Menu: Apple cinnamon pork chops,

garlic mashed potatoes, coleslaw, buttered roll and dessert.

Cost: $8.50 per person Our presenter will be Doug McGill. Doug will talk about how his mom Jean, “The Leaf Artist,” copes with Alzheimer’s in a way that makes life as good as it can be. (This is a great program!) Come and listen to Doug and enjoy the Christian fellowship.

Signup sheets will be at the Welcome Center, or call/email Darlene Thompson if you plan to attend: 507-289-7043 or [email protected].

Please sign-up by Sunday, November 12. Please remember, if you can’t attend and you haven’t cancelled by Sunday evening November 12, Elderberries will be charged for your meal.

If you would be willing to bring a dessert, please indicate that on the separate dessert sign-up sheet, and Darlene will contact you if she needs you to bring something. If you are selected to bring a dessert, your meal will be free.

Any questions, call Darlene Thompson at 289-7043.

Movie Night

Friday, November 3, 2017 6:00 pm

South Fellowship Hall It’s time to relax, kick back, and join us for some great fellowship, pizza, and snacks at Movie Night! Comfy chairs, blankets, slippers, and friends are welcome! “FOLLOW ME BOYS” – 1966 After one year too many on the road with a ramshackle jazz band, Lem Siddons (Fred MacMurray) decides to put down roots. He marries sweetheart Vida Downey (Vera Miles) and embarks on a lifelong rollercoaster ride as a scoutmaster to a steady stream of high-spirited youngsters. Set against lovingly recreated scenes of 1930s America, this family classic shines with all the warmth and humor of Disney entertainment at its nostalgic best. Surprise movie to follow.

2018 OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Your 2018 weekly offering envelopes are now available on tables in the Education Hallway. If you are unable to locate your envelopes, please leave your name and contact information on the sheet provided and the office will get in touch with you. Envelope numbers will change every year, so please be sure you do not use your 2018 envelopes before January 1, 2018.

Page 13: Redeemer Lutheran · PDF fileRedeemer Lutheran Church ... reminds us that we are saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Christ ... We have not loved You with our whole heart;

5 Week of 10-29-2017

IGNITE: On October 29th from 6-8pm we are having IGNITE at Redeemer for all youth grades 6-12. There will be food, music and games and a topic on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.

IGNITE: On November 5th from 6-8pm we have IGNITE! Food! Games! Music! Topic: Suicide.

YOUTH GREETERS: On November 5th we need youth to help us at all services to hand out Texas Roadhouse Fundraising Pages. These pages are needed to help people get the 10% of their meal given to Redeemer Youth Ministry. If you are a youth, please hang out around services to hand these out!

FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN: Please check out the email Josh sent to you about the Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack on Friday, November 10, from 8-10pm. This is a great way to serve! Please sign up by November 2nd!!! If you have questions, please talk to Josh!

YOUTH T-SHIRTS – If you are a part of the Redeemer Youth group (Grades 6-12), you should know that there is a youth group t-shirt! We encourage all youth to get one. For certain events we ask the youth to wear them! Talk to Lynora or Josh!

If you have questions about any of these events, contact:

Josh Heirigs, DCE (923-6288) [email protected]

Youth Highlights!

LIFE QUOTES “You might think you’ve made mistakes that can’t be forgiven, you’ve been broken beyond repair, you’ve been lost in the eyes of the world. But God has loved you so deeply that He created you, He redeemed you, and He called you to new life through that same Holy One of Israel. Live this new life of faith to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, today and forever, Amen.” Rev. Paul J. Frank, Hosanna Lutheran Church and School, Mesa, Arizona – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org

DINE TO DONATE! On November 7, starting at 4 pm and going until they close, Texas Roadhouse is hosting a Dine to Donate night for our youth ministry at Redeemer! We would love to see you there for a great family meal (early bird meals are significantly reduced in price 4-6pm) and some great fellowship! Youth and adults from Redeemer will welcome you in! Mark your calendar and watch for 10% proceeds to Redeemer inserts handed out the weekend November 4/5. Please remember your insert to give to your waiter or waitress to get the 10% to Redeemer Youth. Thanks all y’all!!

YOUTH CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE! The sign-up sheet for the Youth Christmas Eve Service is on the youth bulletin board! The service is at 11:00 pm on Christmas Eve and practices are on Sunday afternoons in December. This has been a powerful tradition at Redeemer. This is a true candlelight service with communion and the youth share a drama. The youth put their hearts into this every year and each year hearts are touched. Sign up if you would like to help (need actors, lights, sound, props, ushers, musicians etc...) Mark your calendars!!!

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6 Week of 10-29-2017

Most, if not all, organizations have something symbolic of their organization. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is no exception. We have the Mite Box! Based on the Biblical account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4), the Mite Box is

intended for regular contributions to “mites” — offerings above and beyond the support an individual might give to their congregation. Mite Box contributions go hand-in-hand with the LWML’s major emphasis of supporting mission and ministry efforts throughout the world. These Mite Box offerings have funded over 100 million dollars in mission grants since the LWML was organized in 1942. Pick up a mite box from the display in the narthex - children too! When full, empty them in the large Mite Box on the counter in the Narthex, or in the LWML slot in the library.

On Saturday, November 11, from 9:00 to 11:00 am, at Rochester Central Lutheran School, we will gather as a Family of Believers and help package meals for needy children! We have a group limit of 30 people. Anyone age 5 and older can par cipate as long as you are there with a

parent or other adult. Let’s make this a family event! There is a sign‐up sheet at the Welcome Center, too! Please remember EACH person/family member that will be present to help needs to be signed up. If you have any ques ons, please reach out to Sarah Finley (951‐2656).

Youth Fundraisers The last day to order Christmas greenery is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. There are order forms in the Narthex and one downstairs by the kitchen or you may e-mail Lynora at [email protected]. These will be delivered the week of Thanksgiving.

The youth are also selling cutlery by Rada. Check out the catalog on the table by the nursery or see Lynora. Rada has individual knives, gift sets, etc. Also, available are recipe books, candles, and more. We will be selling these until the first of December. Orders must be prepaid.

The youth are also selling cookbooks. There are over 250 delicious recipes in this edition from various members of our congregation. They make great Christmas gifts. The cost is only $10.00 each. They will be available in the Narthex or see one of the youth.

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7 Week of 10-29-2017

Americans Impacted by Hearing Loss Hits Record

Numbers! October is National Audiology Awareness month. A recent study by the Lancet commission on dementia, cited 9 risk factors for causing dementia and hearing loss was listed as one of the causes. Hearing impacts the brain and cognitive thinking. Hear are tips to protect hearing: 1) Use ear protectors—everyone should carry

a set of ear plugs with them—no matter how silly you may feel.

2) Turn down the volume—Don’t turn your MP3 player to drown out back ground noise when you’re wearing ear buds or head phones. Turn music and television down to the lowest volume possible where you can still hear it and enjoy it.

3) Take ear breaks—If you use ear buds or noise cancelling headphones to listen to music, take regular breaks and be sure not to use them for hours on end. The ear buds should not be worn more than 60 minutes without taking a break.

4) Always use the manufacturer’s recommended ear protection—lawn care equipment, construction equipment and various types of machinery, as well as some sporting equipment come with manufacture’s recommendations to use protection.

5) Take ear protection when attending special events—sports stadium noise can be loud and damaging.

6) If you think you have hearing loss, see an audiologist. Audiologists are professionals with the ability to perform diagnostic testing and make

recommendations. Be sure to check their credentials carefully.

7) Signs of hearing loss include: Ringing, buzzing or hissing noises in the

ear after the fireworks noise goes off. Muffled hearing after fireworks. Suddenly having to turn up the volume of

the television, radio or stereos and having family members complain that the volume is too loud.

Difficulty understanding people speaking to you.

Ringing in the ears. Ear pain.


Redeemer Lutheran & Bethel Lutheran

Friendly Blood Challenge Month of November 2017

Donation centers: Hilton Building, First floor Monday - Friday: 6 am to 4:30 pm Second Tuesday of the Month until 7 pm Free parking and child care 507-284-4475 Saint Mary’s Campus Joseph building, Main Floor, Room M-86 Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am to 3:45 pm Friday: 6:30 am to 3:30 pm 507 255-4359 During the challenge, Redeemer members must simply check in at one of our donation locations with Redeemer’s name; this ensures their donation is counted for Redeemer during the competition. Once the challenge has ended, the group with the highest percent participation wins.

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8 Week of 10-29-2017

OPEN HOUSE AT RCLS Thinking ahead to the 2018-19 school year? Check out Rochester Central Lutheran School at 2619 9th Avenue NW at a fall Open House on Tuesday, November 14 from 5:30-7:00 pm. A safe, thr iving PS-8 school of 300 students, RCLS offers a Christ-centered community and education. Our mission statement--Grounded in Grace, Formed in Faith, Committed to Learning for Life-- offers the guiding principles that shape our students, and a committed faculty counts it a privilege to participate in shaping students in such a way. Tour our campus, meet our teachers, talk with current parents, and find out why parents say, “RCLS is more than just a school!” For more information about the school, find us on the web: www.rcls.net.

"COMING HOME" A music concert benefiting Family Promise Rochester (FPR) will be on Friday, November 17th at 7:30 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church. There is no admission fee; a free will offering will be taken. Please plan to attend! A popular event is the silent auction, starting at 6 pm with bidding complete at 7:25 pm. Would you, a group in your church or a business you know of, be able to donate an item or basket for the auction? All proceeds are used to fund the programs that Family Promise Rochester provides to help homeless and low income families in our community. Donations can be dropped off at Bethel's main office before November 10. Questions? Contact Erin Sinnwell at 507-990-6079 or via email at [email protected].

Blessed to Serve Today Message ................................... Pastor Adam Koglin Organist ................................. April Beckman, DPM Children’s Message ........................ Josh Heirigs, DCE Acolytes 8:00 am ......Andrew Sonnabend / Seamus Olive 10:40 am .......... Jordan Timbeross / Dylan Greer

Altar Guild Chair: Renee Brandt Members: .............. Connie Harnack, Linda Krueger,

Sherry Haugen Blood Pressures ................................... Julie Probach Elders 5:30 pm ........................ Jeff Ihrke / Lynn Meier 8:00 am ............... Jeff Schoppers / Mark Radtke 10:40 am .................. Frank Kmett / Aaron Peter Greeters 5:30 pm ........................ Grant and Cara Wilson 8:00 am ........................ Royce and Marlie Ernst 10:40 am ......................... Aaron and Sara Lassila

Lectors 5:30 pm ................................. Bob Vehrenkamp 8:00 am ....................................... Lindsey Smith 10:40 am ................................. Jane Quaintance

Nursery 9:20 am ............................. Kate and Eric Brown 10:40 am ................... Becky Decker / Kylie Geib Technology Helper 5:30 pm .......................................... Chris Senne 8:00 am ....................................... Stephen Smith 10:40 am ...................................... Ethan Daniels Usher Coordinator ............................. Roger Toomey Welcome Center 5:30 pm .......................... Diana and Larry Stoen 8:00 am .......................... Bernie and Ellie Nesler 10:40 am ....................................... Beth Hanson Ushers 5:30 pm ........... Dale Hass, Bob Sim, Donna Mundell 8:00 am ..... Dave Zarling, Alan Krueger, Greg Utesch,

Tony Fick, Tom Rud, Taylor Fick 10:40 am ......... Marv Reinecke, Mark Fister, Gordon

Hinsch, Ellen Hinsch, Davis Schulz, Jesina Reimers Worship Recording ................................ Greg Utesch

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9 Week of 10-29-2017

The Week at a Glance SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28



REFORMATION PRAYER/HEALING SERVICE HOLY COMMUNION—8 and 10:40 am Blood Pressures—9 am Sunday School/Adult Bible Classes—9:20 am IGNITE—6 pm Financial Peace—NFH—6 pm


Quilters—NFH—8 am Story Time—Narthex—10:15 am


Ladies’ Bible Study—NFH—9 am Men’s Bible Study—Rm 102—9 am FFF Exercise Group—Rm L-3—10:15 am


Staff Meeting—Rm 102—9 am POBLO Sewing—FH—10 am Family Ministry Team—Rm 102—1 pm Youth Chimes—Sanctuary—5:45 pm Men’s Bible Study—Upper Rm—6 pm Alleluia Singers—Rm L-2—6 pm Cherub Choir—Rm 101—6:05 pm 7/8th Gr. Confirmation—Rm L-3—6:10 pm 9th Gr. Confirmation—Rm 102—6:10 pm Angelic Chimes—Sanctuary—6:30 pm Sounds of Praise—7 pm Celebration Practice—Sanctuary—8:15 pm


FFF Exercise Group—Rm L-3—10:15 am Faithful Followers CC—Rm 102—1 pm Eagles’ Wings CC—3 pm Stephen Ministry—Upper Rm—4:30 pm Chancel Chimes—Sanctuary—7 pm Lutherans For Life—Rm 102—7 pm


Movie Night—6 pm


Reformation Brass Practice—9 am HOLY COMMUNION—5:30 pm RSE Planning Meeting—6:30 pm


ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY HOLY COMMUNION—8 and 10:40 am Blood Pressures—9 am Sunday School/Adult Bible Classes—9:20 am Instruments of Praise—4:30 pm IHN at Redeemer—5 pm IGNITE—6 pm Financial Peace—NFH—6 pm


WEEKEND WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: 637 (265+159+213) Guests: 103


206 (93+113)

NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS Ezekiel 34:11-16,20-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;

and Matthew 5:1-12

Theme: “Grieve With Hope”

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Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE -- Rochester MN 55904

Phone - (507) 289-5147 Fax - (507) 289-7887 E-mail: [email protected]

Web site: http://www.redeemer-rochester.com

WELCOME VISITORS Whether looking for a church home or just here for the day, we are glad to have you as our guests. Please sign the red Friendship Registration pad in your pew and pick up a visitor packet in the Narthex. Remember that you are our guests; the offering is for our members who support the work of the church through their voluntary gifts.

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8 and 10:40 am HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated in each service the weekends of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the

month. We invite those who acknowledge their sinfulness, recognize that Christ’s body and blood are truly present for our forgiveness, and are willing to give witness to the unity of their faith with this community, to join with us in receiving the sacrament. For those who for health or conscience reasons are not able to receive wine, please note that there is a cup of white grape juice in the middle of each tray. Gluten-free wafers are available in the middle of the bread tray for those with that allergy.

CHILDREN are always welcome at Redeemer. Parents should note that according to your needs and preferences, 1) children’s bulletins and “color bags” are available in the narthex; 2) our nursery is staffed each Sunday morning during the 9:20 am Education Hour and the 10:40 am service. The Nursery is located just off the Narthex -- look for our sign!

WORSHIP TAPES are available in the rack by the elevator. Listen and bring it back or contribute one dollar if you wish to keep the tape.

TRANSPORTATION is available each Sunday morning. Please call the church office (289-5147) by Noon on Thursday.

SPECIAL NEEDS Large print bulletins and personal hearing devices are available in the Narthex from an Usher or at the Welcome Center.

OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm

STAFF Pastor, Adam B. Koglin [email protected]

(office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 507-316-8181

Associate Pastor, Vacant 

Director of Faith Formation, Michael J. Harvey

[email protected] (office) 507-289-5147

(residence) 507-529-5463

Director of Youth & Education Joshua Heirigs

[email protected]

(cell) 507-923-6288

Director of Parish Music, April Beckman

[email protected] (office) 507-289-5147

(cell) 651-338-0354

Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas

[email protected] (office) 507-289-5147

(residence) 507-634-7094

Custodian, Randy Kautz custodian@redeemer-

rochester.com (office) 507-289-5147

(residence) 507-843-3144

Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke [email protected]

(residence) 507-288-6405

Parish Nurse, Iva Kietzmann [email protected] (residence) 507-273-3809

Nursery Coordinator,

Anna Koglin [email protected] (cell) 507-316-8177


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