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    by Aaron Burr

    PROLOGUE Jacen Solo hangs in the white. This very thought surprises him for two reasons. One of which was that, some eons ago, he had hung in the Embrace of Pain and had first learned of the white. Torture, in other words. The other reason was that his last memory was of seeing his sister bearing down on him, a violet blade of light destroying his life. Thats when the memories start to flood in. Lumiya, a Lady of the Sith, his mentor, guiding him toward his ultimate victory of control of the galaxy. Except it didnt work out like he thought he would. So many had died. Even people close to him. Control was supposed to be for the betterment of all Galactic Alliance planets. But instead he had gotten lost in his determination, too involved with the end result and not focusing on the means with which he would get there. His memories travel backwards and he remembers Vergere, also a mentor. The only difference being that Vergere wanted to free him from his limitations, help him think beyond light and dark, Jedi and Sith. What had happened to him? He had forgotten so much of her wisdom in his search for power. Lumiya had even lied and said that Vergere was a Sith. These revelations come to him in an instant, or an eternity. Here, time doesnt exist. But where is he? Some planets formed religions that said one would enter into paradise after death. Some even suggested that you would be rewarded for the good you did in the world; or pay for the evil you inflicted. The Jedi often talked about becoming one with the Force after death. Jacen never really considered what that meant until now. He does not feel oneness, only awareness. A thought gradually floats toward him, merges with his mind, and finally becomes comprehensible. He has no idea how these thoughts are coming to him, or even how they are formed, yet they seem to be telling him something. They are saying, its time to go back. Back? Back where? to your life, jacen solo. Why? there is much to be done. PART I The Bond

  • CHAPTER 1 When he awoke, he found an unusual taste in his mouth. Familiar, but unusual. A few standard minutes later he realized he was lying on his stomach. A torrent of rain also pounded on his back and head. Then he recognized the taste. Blood. He immediately started coughing and spitting, getting the blood out of his mouth, but it wasn't working too well because he was face down in the mud. He had to move, he had to get up. His muscles ached worse than he could ever remember. They resisted his will to move. The pain, he found, was overwhelming. This seemed odd to him because he was conditioned by Vergere and the Embrace of Pain to withstand it. Pain was nothing to him. If anything, it made him stronger. And yet he felt paralyzed by it. Slowly, achingly, he forced his arms up above his head, put his palms down in the mud, and pushed with everything he had. He let out a yelp and a grunt as he put himself in a sitting position. That simple effort cost him his breath. He panted, exhausted. All the questions that came to him were so many that they muddled his mind. Out of instinct he reached out as he had so many times before, seeking the one thing that would help him. The Force. But he couldn't feel it. However, this wasn't like when Vergere took his Force abilities away. He could somehow sense it, but it was as if he forgot how to use it. As if, he were a beginner. Which seemed strange to him because he was born with gifts in use of the Force. Certainly he had had to train to hone those abilities, but his ability to touch the Force was second-nature. Not anymore, apparently. He slowly began to take in his surroundings, but first realizing that he was completely naked. It was raining, and it was dark. He couldn't make out shapes or forms, only that the higher his gaze went, the lighter his surroundings seemed. He rose his head as high as he could, and that's when he saw it. The gas giant. But not just any gas giant. It was Yavin. And by reasoning he must be on Yavin IV. He remembered hearing from his brother Anakin about what the Yuuzahn Vong had done to this small moon. It became little more than an industrial park for them, but most depressingly was the fact that they had completely leveled each and every ancient temple on the planet. The structures that formerly acted as the Rebel base and then Jedi Academy were gone, replaced by organic machines that churned out material needed for the Yuuzahn Vong war effort. Subtly he entertained the idea that he was not much different from this place. Part Jedi, part Vong. Somehow he managed to stand, though he stumbled a couple times trying to regain his balance. He glanced around him, looking for anything familiar, anything that would give him a direction to walk. He saw that the planet was not quite as dark as his eyes first told him. Bio-luminescent plants were everywhere he looked, obviously Vong-formed, as he remembered no such plants on this moon in the past. Not enough for him

  • to be able to see where he was going, but it was better than no light at all. The gas giant provided only a minimal orange glow to the surface of the moon. Jacen realized, hopelessly, that he was alone. Alone on a planet that no human he knew would ever return to to find him. He didn't have the Force, not even the strength he gained under Vergere's guidance. Thinking of Vergere brought back a memory, one so faint that it seemed less than a dream. He recalled another instance, waking up on a strange world. Except that that time it was Coruscant, or rather Yuuzhan'tar, the planet that the Yuuzhan Vong had made out of what remained of Coruscant. The first time he saw it, he was sickened. Not by the planet itself, but what it represented: everything changes; the only permanence is death. Or perhaps not, he thought wryly. I mean, I'm here. I'm alive. Death must not be as permanent as I thought. There was a third option to his potential escape from Yavin 4, however, and this one gave him pause. Of all people, his twin sister Jaina would be aware of hisreturn? However, this was when he realized that their twin bond was not even active. Carefully, reluctantly, he pushed with his mind into the center of his chest. Only a single thought needed to be conveyed, and was certain to get her attention: I am alive. Jaina let out an involuntary yelp. She almost felt as if she had been stabbed through the center of her chest, before she realized what it was. They had been enjoying a quiet evening. Jagged Fel, her husband, sat across from her at the dining room table in their new apartment. The nerf steak they were eating was delicious. Jaina had reached across the table to grab Jag's hand in a loving manner, as they had so few private moments together, and that's when it happened. Whatwhat did I do?, Jag said, alarmed and worried he had somehow inadvertently hurt her when he grabbed her hand. Jaina just started shaking her head and grasping at her chest as if there were some sort of creature attempting to crawl out of it. She took an unnaturally deep breath. Jaina, you're scaring me!, Jag's voice was elevated now. Can't, was all Jaina could get out. What? Can't what? You can't breathe?, Jag replied. It can't be. What? Ja, she managed only to let that two letters pass through her lips. Jag thought worryingly that she was trying to say his name. Hey, honey, come on, what's wrong?. His voice was calmer now, hoping that he could project his own composure onto her. Jaina suddenly exhaled the air she had been holding in. She stopped holding her chest, looking at her hands which were now trembling. When she looked up, her eyes were haunted. A sharp chill went up Jag's spine. He's alive. Who?, Jag asked. Jacen, she replied slowly. What? What are you talking about? I'm saying he's alive. I don't know how orhow? How can that be?

  • Jag sat back in his chair, partly wondering if Jaina had lost her mind, and partly concerned that she was telling the truth. He was aware of the twin bond that she shared with her brother, and that there were many things about the Force that he did not understand. He looked her in the eyes and said, It's going to be okay, alright?, though he honestly wasn't sure if it would be, reaching out to grab her hand again. Jaina pulled her hand away and didn't reply. She simply got up from the table, moved down the hall and went out the door. She did this so quickly that Jag struggled to keep up. Jaina! Where are you going? To see Uncle Luke, she replied tersely, now sprinting down the hall of their apartment building. Jacen closed off the twin-bond. He wasn't ready to see Jaina. He merely wanted her to know he was back. That brief contact would not divulge his location, only his existence. He stood in the mud. Thinking. Trying to comprehend what had happened and what was going to happen. The understanding did not hit him like a blast bug, but rather like a slow tide coming in from the ocean's of Ithor. This was not about him at all. Being resurrected was not a gift for him, but rather for those he knew. The Jedioh, the Jedi would be fascinatedor terrified. Never before in history had anyone in the Order been brought back to life after having been dead forwell, he didn't know how long he had been dead (he wasn't sure that constructs such as time were relevant in his case). He had heard all the stories about Ben Kenobi, how he had guided Uncle Luke even after his death, coming in the form of a blue-glowing specter. He was also aware of the legend of Exar Kun, the Lord of the Sith, as well as Emperor Palpatine himself, both of whom were able to cling to their spirit form and take another's body as a host to continue their existence. Jacen's situation surpassed that by light-years. Jacen had not wanted this, had not even imagined it. He had been brought back for a purpose. He just didn't know what that purpose was specifically. Redemption from the darkness was something that Jacen had heard of and experienced in his former life. Darth Vader turned against the emperor in his last moments of life. When Jaina had thrust her violet lightsaber through Jacen's chest, he had merely moments to realize all that he had done wrong. For his own sister to kill himit probably damaged her more than it did him. One thing was for sure, he figured: people would hate him. He had caused unthinkable chaos in the galaxy, as his alter ego Darth Caedus, in what he thought was the service of peace. He would have to be held accountable for that. Which, as he understood, he had to avoid, because somehow he had important work to do. He couldn't do that while imprisoned. He wasn't sure where on Yavin 4 he was, but considering what the Vong had done to the planet, he knew that even if he did know, he probably wouldn't recognize it. He wasn't discouraged, however, because while there may not be any republic space

  • ships at his disposal, there would be coral skippers, the fighter ships used by the Yuuzhan Vong. For any other Jedior non-Force sensitive beingthis would be a problem. For Jacen, it was a simple matter of reaching into the spectrum of the Force that encompassed the Vong. He had first accomplished this on the worldship over Coruscant. His gift in the Force had always been communication with other living species, animals and the like. Eventually, he had discovered how to tap into that ability with Vong-formed creatures. Each and every device made by the Vong was biological, and therefore perceptible to Jacen's mind. Flying a coral skipper would be child's play. He reached inside his chest cavity with his mind, seeking out the connection he had had as a result of a slave seed having been implanted there by none other than Vergere herself. However, all he felt was his own flesh and blood. No slave-seed web. No cavity where one had been. In fact, there was no trace of a slave seed having ever been inserted there. He looked down at his chest, expecting to find the scar that was left from its removal. Nothing. Just plain, pale skin. Something was obviously wrong about his assumptions. Perhaps, having been resurrected this was not the same body, or maybe he had been healed. He had no idea, could never really know what had happened. He could only remember the white. And the voice. It was somehow familiar, in a way he could not describe even to himself. He wondered if, perhaps, Vergere had been speaking to him from the beyond. It would figure. She seemed to be everywhere he went, in one form or another. But he was certain it wasn't Vergere. He was aware at that moment that the voice had not been alien, it had been human. Also, female. He wondered why it seemed so important to figure out who was speaking to him, but that thought suddenly triggered a flare of emotion in his chest. Allana. His daughter. How he could have gone all this time without thinking of his daughter! Though he knew that, just like Jaina and Uncle Luke would undoubtedly meet him with hostility, when he finally returned to Coruscantassuming he would return to CoruscantAllana would not greet him with open arms. He still wasn't sure what the date was, how long he had been gone, but he ached to know where she was and who she was with. Because of the secrecy surrounding his daughter's identity, Allana had been going by the name Amelia and cared for by his own parents, under the assumption that she was their adopted daughter. The logic behind all the mystery was that Allana was the offspring of Tenel Ka, the Hapan Queen Mother and Jedi Knight. Allan's identity put her in danger, as the Hapan hierarchy was murky. Assassinations were commonplace. Even Tenel Ka had to watch her own back, but there was little danger there, as there are very few ways to surprise a Jedi. However, there was an unspoken fear regarding Allana's future. She was heir to the Hapan throne, yes, but there was something else. Something that Jacen had not

  • told anyone about. It was no longer secret, though, as Luke Skywalker himself had seen what Jacen had seen. The future. After the Yuuzahn Vong war, and Vergere's training, he had spent 5 years sojourning the galaxy, learning from non-Jedi Force users, alien species who used and thought of the Force in ways that would seem strange to a Jedi. The Aing-Ti, the Fallanassi, The Sorcerers of Tundthese were among the groups that he had studied with. His understanding of the Force and his abilities to use it had been greatly enhanced, or rather they had been expanded. However, it was during his exploration of the Force that he had encountered ahe didn't even know how to describe it, so he never did. What he saw was not to be taken lightly. At least, not at the time. He had told no one about it, but then Uncle Lukefollowing the trail that Jacen had left during his travels, while he tried to understand what experience Jacen had had that would drive him toward the dark side and ultimately become Darth Caedushad stumbled onto it as well. He knew Luke found it, because he had spoken to him. After his death. Jacen's mind reeled for a moment as another memory flooded his mind. He had had a conversation with Luke. How this was possible he did not know, but it was starting to come back. He remembered somehow being submerged in a lake. A lake full of other dead people. He was bitter then. Angry. Luke wanted to know why Jacen had become a Sith. The answer was simple. He saw no other alternative. Not because he was power hungry, but because he needed the strength to fend off the monster he had seen in a vision. Abeloth. And she was a threat to his daughter Allana, according to his vision. Death, it seemed, had washed away his veniality. He could never take back his actions, but he could answer for them in a way that would heal the wounds of his victims. Or as Vergere had once told him, he could be an answer. His thoughts returned to Allana. What would he saywhat could he say to her so she would know that he wasn't going to hurt people anymore? This distressed him the most. Not only because she was his daughter, but because of the secret. The thing that Uncle Luke had also learned of. The Pool of Knowledge. It was a nexus of the dark sideJacen knew better though. It was not darkness that coalesced there, it was simply the raw unrestrained power of the Force. Jacen had no fear of this power. Vergere had instructed him to let go of his mental and spiritual restraints. And he had. That's how he found the Pool. In it he found a profound truth. He remembered the image that formed in the Pool, at first confusing, then somewhat frightening. He had learned that his own reign would not last. Why? Because a new ruler would have control of the galaxy. His daughter Allana.

  • At first he thought he was seeing Tenel Ka, Allana's mother. The long, flowing red hair was immediately recognizable. But there was something different about her face. More worryingly, the look in her eyes... She was strong, but sad. The image had struck his heart and caused him to stumble away from the Pool. Now, all he could think about was Allana. How old was she? Had the Pool been correct, had she truly become ruler of the galaxy? And in what form? Jacen wondered sadly if her control had come by way of the dark side, that perhaps his actions had pushed her toward evil. He stopped thinking for a moment. None of this worry was going to get him off this moon. He would find out the truth soon enough. First he had to get out of the rain, recalling abashedly that he was still nude. The rain seemed to be letting up and the gas giant was shedding more light on the moon. Scanning the horizon, or tree line, depending on which direction he looked, he sought out anything familiar, be it human or Vong. Nothing stood out. Until he looked east, where there were the fewest rain clouds. It only looked like a hump, but it was tall. Taller than the Massassi Temples had been that once existed here for thousands of years. He knew instinctively that it wasn't man-made, and it also didn't fit in with the flora of Yavin 4. Which meant it was Vong. He imagined there might be a robeskin there that he could steal. Robeskins were a Vong-formed living clothing. They looked similar to Jedi robes but the fabric was actually a living creature that soaked up body fluids to survive. If torn, it would automatically mend or grow back. Jacen had worn one the entire time he was on Coruscant/Yuuzhan'tar during the Vong occupation. It was better than any fabric made in the Republic. He figured it was worth a look, seeing as how there weren't any other places on the entire moon that he could find clothing. Barefoot, naked, exposed... he made his way east. One of Jacen's unique skills still came in handy. The wildlife on Yavin 4 had been less than hospitable: crystal snakes, klikniks, mamiens. All seemingly holding a grudge against him, and he wondered if these creatures had some sort of extrasensory perception, some way of knowing he had been the galaxy's enemy for a time. Fortunately, though he may not have the Force, or his link to Vong lifeforms, he still had his connection to animals. Just as he had done so many times, such as to coax an insect into a small transparisteel cage, he connected with the animals that came close. The crystal snakes, being essentially invisible, especially in the dark, only got to within several meters of him before he sent calming, non-violent thoughts to them. The mamiens were the easiest, being ape-like in appearance and probably the most intelligent of the creatures on Yavin 4. He remembered grimly that the last time he had had to call on this ability was on the seedship over Coruscant. He had lured amphistaffs, the Yuuzahn Vong equivalent to a lightsaberin that they resisted a Jedi's bladeto form up around him and

  • ultimately act as both shield and sword as he fought his way through the Yuuzahn Vong troops aboard the ship. His feet began to hurt halfway to the dome. Walking through a jungle without boots was one of the less intelligent things he had done, but he really didn't see another option. Having spent his childhood on this very moon, training to be a Jedi, he was well aware of the greenery that existed here. As beautiful as this moon was, it was one of the more dangerous planets on which he had lived. As a child, exploring and adventuring here always seemed so harmless, especially since all his friends were Jedi Knights in training. It wasn't until he was an adult that he really appreciated how lucky he and his friends had been not to be bitten, poisoned, or stung in a variety of ways. This, of course, was no comparison to the evil lurking in certain temples once residing here. But the Yuuzahn Vong had taken care of that. Their path of destruction had not ended with the Jedi Academy. Exar Kun, an ancient Sith spirit that had resided in one of those temples but had been long since defeated, would have been enraged to find that his temple had also been demolished. Truthfully, Jacen was relieved. Despite the loss of the Jedi Academy, it was worth it if the dark-tainted locations were equally leveled. Jacen chuckled, and he didnt know why at first. Then it hit him. He hadnt thought in terms of light and dark in a very long time. Vergere had liberated him from such dichotomies. So he found it odd that his thought process had changed so drastically While I was dead. He was watching the ground in front of him, still walking cautiously, when he finally found himself at the dome. "I'm telling you Dad, it's him!", Jaina exhaustedly shouted at her father, Han Solo. They were in the lounge of the Millenium Falcon. "I'm hearing you, kid", Han said, trying to console his daughter, while at the same time considering her sanity. Jacen had been dead for a decade. Jaina was now rubbing her forehead, as if trying to massage away a migrain. "Look", she started slowly as she lowered her hand and blinked a few times. "I know how crazy this sounds, but think about it. Jacen was a Sith. Exar Kun came back to life. The Emperor came back to life. It's far from impossible for these people to reincarnate. I don't know how, but they can do it. The only thing is", she paused, and stared silently for a moment. "What?", her father asked. "What?" Jaina let out a big sigh, shaking her head and lowering her gaze to the floor. "He didn't feelI mean he wasn'tI couldn'tUgh!", she stammered, obviously frustrated. Han sat there patiently, waiting for her to put her thoughts in order. She looked up again. "I didn't feel the dark side in him". Han stared at her, waiting for her to say more, but she didn't. "So?" "'So?' Dad, he tried to take control of the galaxy, he murdered millions! You don't do things like that with the Force and leave no trace of darkness in you."

  • "Okay", he paused. "What if he still is Sith and you just can't sense it?", he said, surprising himself with this leap of logic having to do with the Force, something that had always been a mystery to him. Jaina shook her head. "No. No way. Our twin bond is...", she was going to say "perfect" but that didn't sound right. How perfect could it actually be? She had killed him herself, had felt his life drain away from his body. And she had wept. If Jacen was powerful enough to reincarnate, he could be powerful enough to fool her senses. And then Luke Skywalker walked in. "Hello you two", he greeted them underneath his cloak hood. "Master Luke", Jaina bowed shortly. "Thank you for coming." "Hey Luke, how you doing?" Luke pulled his hood back and looked at Han, "Not bad. But by the sound of Jaina's message and what I'm sensing from her in the Force means that it is indeed bad." "Jacen's alive", Jaina blurted out. Luke's eyebrow went up, but he didn't look surprised. Han and Jaina waited as it seemed Luke was processing the information. "I know", he finally replied. "You know?", Jaina and Han said at the same time. Luke nodded matter-of-factly. "Yes. Actually, I sensed something powerful while I was meditating, some kind of strange ripple that only lasted a moment. But I didn't know what it was exactly until you contacted me." Jaina let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Okay... what do we do?" Again, Luke paused, this time much longer. Han and Jaina exchanged glances as they waited. Luke Skywalker seemed to be getting more eccentric these days. He always seemed preoccupied with other things, or as if he was listening to something that no one else could hear. He took a deep breath before speaking. "We could search for him, but I wouldn't know where to start looking. If he's still into his old ways, finding him could be dangerous. Not that we couldn't handle him" "Right", Jaina agreed. but it seems, he continued, that if he truly is alive, he doesn't want to be found. Of course not, Han said. He would have to answer for what he did. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to want to kill himor worse. He was raising his voice as he spoke. Jaina put a hand on her father's shoulder. They were all angry, rightfully. If he is still as powerful as he was, he'll find us before we find him, Luke went on. But if his... situation has left him vulnerable, we might have another option. That's when he looked at Jaina with a knowing gaze. Her eyes darted between Han and Luke, obviously confused. What? The dome was not all that disimilar than the facilities on Myrkyr, Jacen reflected. That was, he noted, the last planet he had been on before his transformation under the tutelage of Vergere. Like every planet the Vong invaded, they changed Myrkyr to fit their needs, including a facility for breeding what they called VoxynsForce-sensitive,

  • quadrupedal Jedi hunters. More importantly was the Voxyn queen, the creature by which the voxyns themselves were created by Vong shapers. Jacen, Jaina, and their younger brother Anakin, along with a team of young Jedi they had grown up with, had had one goal: kill the queen. It was during that mission that some good friends were lost, including his own brother. Anakin. The name held much weight. Jacen had been tortured with the loss of his brother. Secretly he had hoped to see him if he were to die, which had crossed his mind in his last moments. Apparently that never took place. After the mission, Jacen had followed Vergere to what she claimed was escape, which led his captuer, to the Embrace of Pain, the Garden, Yuuzhan'tar... It was too much to think about right now. Right now he was standing at the entrance of the dome. Of course, the word entrance did not quite describe what he was looking at. It was not unfamiliar, however. It reminded him of what he saw on the worldship, in the room of the Embrace of Pain, but about five times the size. He looked to each side of the entrance, searching for what would qualify as an interface that would open the door. Jacen only hoped that it would respond to a human's touch. He found it on the right side of the door. He was about to touch it with his hand when it recoiled, producing a high-pitched sucking noise, and to Jacen's amazement, the door opened slowly like a tired eyelid. There was another sticky, sucking noise. Jacen stood in the opening. That was easy, he said to himself, and then quashed that thought. As his father would say, As soon as you start thinking something's too easy is when the trap springs. Jacen slowly, cautiously crossed the seam where the eyelid had been, stepping with one foot into the foggy darkness, a typical environment for the Vong. He had no idea how he was going to see where he was walking, let alone find a robeskin. As if activated by his thoughts, several glowing spheres ignited with a crackle of energy. Jacen had to block the light with his arm until he got used to it, since he had been in nearly complete darkness until now. The lights themselves were familiar. They had used something similar on the seedship, but that was far more powerful, and furthermore, was meant to replicate the star around which Coruscant rotated. These lights were smaller, dimmer, and cast a colder glow. He gradually lowered his arm to finally take in the view, which was, as usual, extremely alien. This portion of the dome alone could easily fit the Jade Shadow, Mara Jade's shuttle, inside it. Thinking of his Aunt Mara, Luke Skywalker's wife, brought on a wave of sadness. He had murdered her himself. There were so many mistakes to make up for. I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, Uncle Luke said, grimacing. Uncomfortable? Not at all, Jaina lied. Luke was pressing his palm to the center of her chest, right where she had always sensed her connection to her brother. The plan was simple but brilliant on Uncle Luke's part. He would use his advanced Force knowledge to access the twin bond between Jaina and Jacen, thereby locating Jacen.

  • I have a bad feeling about this. That was Han. He was pacing the lounge of the Millenium Falcon, passing by Luke and Jaina who were standing in the middle of the room. Dad, will you please relax? Jaina insisted. Han stopped pacing. Relax? Relax? We're talking about finding Jacen. You know, the guy who had Admiral Pellaeon murdered? Blasted Kashyyyk from orbit with a star destroyer? He paused and looked significantly at Luke. Murdered Mara Jade. Luke turned very slightly to address him. I know, Han. I'm aware of the risk. But if he finds his way to Coruscant before we find him, things could be much worse. Locating him should be our priority. If he's a threat. 'If', Han snorted. Luke shook his head, then looked in Jaina's eyes. Are you ready? Ready as I'll ever be, Jaina replied. Then Luke closed his eyes and sent a pulse of the Force into her chest. Jaina was caught off guard by the strength Luke had in the Force. She had always known how powerful he was, but feeling it first-hand was something else entirely. Luke began to focus his touch with the Force toward what felt like a hub. He had never felt anything quite like it. It wasn't an organ. It wasn't exactly a concentration of anything physical, but rather of the Force. He could see in his mind's eye a seemingly unbreakable thread that originated in Jaina's chest that shot off into space and disappeared in the distance. What Luke hadn't considered was that tapping into the twin bond would give him access to thoughts that Jacen and Jaina shared, from the womb, all the way to Jaina killing her brother, and weaping over his lifeless body. Luke saw flashes of memories of their growing up; exploring the lower levels of Coruscant with Zekk, training at the Academy on Yavin 4, the one and only public ceremony held when they became Jedi Knights, fighting the Yuuzahn Vong, their consequential brushes with the dark side, their experience with the Killiks... All of this came to him in flashes, and only over the space of several seconds. Then Luke began to focus. The link that Jacen and Jaina shared was, to Luke, comparable to a wormhole in space. No matter how far apart they were, their bond connected them as if they were at the same location. He found that he could sense Jacen within Jaina. He also realized that Jacen didn't want to be found. Luke could feel his resistance, yet he noticed that Jacen didn't have the strength to fight back, to push Luke out of his mind. He found this curious and decided to set that aside in his mind to mention it later. A burst of light blasted Luke's mind. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was strong. He saw swirled colors, red and orange flowing and mixing, spinning eternally. What sort of vision was this? The shades and highlights of pigments flooding his view through the Force, he tried to pull away from the image. That's when he saw it. A sphere. But not just any sphere. Yavin, Luke murmered. What? Jaina asked. Luke's eyes were still closed but he had removed his hand from her chest. He was trying to detach himself from the link. It felt like his mind was stretched across the galaxy. It was a few standard minutes before his eyes opened.

  • Yavin. I saw Yavin. he stated plainly, knowing what was coming next. Okay, lets go, Jaina said easily, Han getting to his feet. Wait, Luke demanded. What? Han asked. There's something you should know. I don't think Jacen is a danger. Ha! Jaina burst out. That's a joke. When was he ever I'm serious, Jaina, Luke said firmly. He may be able to block you out, but I sensed him. I don't think he can touch the Force. That stopped her in her tracks. She didn't reply right away, because she wasn't sure what to say. I don't believe it. I don't blame you, Luke replied. I know how implausible it seems, but we have to look at what we know: Jacen has been, for all intents and purposes, resurrected. We don't know how or why, so he may not be the same Jacen we knew. His abilities may be limited. Han and Jaina both put their palms to their faces. Luke couldn't help but crack a tiny smile at their obvious genetic similarities. I know it may be hard to accept, he continued, but I sensed his presence. He couldn't even resist my touch with the Force. Jaina began, You're asking me to I'm asking you to trust me. Or more importantly, trust the Force. None of this has happened without a purpose. Jaina and Han gave each other a significant glance, both sighing. Sweetheart, Han said, better go tell your mother. CHAPTER 2 They're coming. These words appeared in his mind as he slipped the robeskin over his head. The search for the robeskin hadn't been long or difficult. In fact, it had been so easy it was like he had been there before. Or, he sermized, he had some sort of sense where to find one. Something to reconsider at a later time. Right now he had to prepare for whatever fate he faced upon his family's arrival. He was rather amazed with his Uncle Luke's cleverness, actually. It had never occurred to Jacen that the twin bond could be manipulated by other Force users. But when he felt his uncle's mind enter his own, he knew instantly what had transpired, that they would be on Yavin 4 soon. What would he say? What would he do? Should he apologize? Would an apology even mean anything to them after what he had done? He couldn't know until the moment came. Stepping out from the dome, he made his way to a clearing that he thought might be big enough to fit the Millenium Falcon, which he had no doubt would be the ship they would arrive in. He also had a feeling that it wouldn't be difficult for his sister or uncle to find him. So he sat in the grass. And waited.

  • Leia Organa Solo sat in the co-pilot's chair of the Millenium Falcon, staring out the viewport at the blurring lights and colors of hyperspace. She hadn't said much since they left orbit from Coruscant. Just the occasional yeah or okay. Her eyes were glossed over. Not crying, just immobile. Her chin rested on her fist, her elbow on her knee. None of this could be real, could it? Jacen had become an evil man, and was assassinated. He was her son at one time, but had ceased to be so in her eyes once he had adopted the name Caedus, once he had killed millions in his lust for power. How could any of this be happening? If any son of hers deserved a second chance it was Anakin. He had died a hero on the mission to Myrkyr when the Yuuzahn Vong war was still going. She had felt it in the Force, and broken down in tears. Just the memory of this, maybe two decades old, made her throat tighten. She squeezed her eyes closed, forcing a tear to run down her cheek. Hey, honey, you alright? Han asked from the pilot's seat. It was a stupid question, of course, but he meant well. Yeah, she replied, her voice empty. Emotionless. Han grimaced a little, deciding to let her be, rather than trying to cheer her up. There was no cheer to be had in a moment like this. He was somewhat beside himself. He knew that Jacen may be a threat, but he also trusted Luke's judgment, as he had over the majority of the time he'd known him. Luke could be right in his deduction that Jacen was no longer a threat. So, Han was more or less looking forward to seeing his son again. A tone sounded from the cockpit control board. Han hit the coms button. Hey everybody, we're coming out of hyperspace. Han pushed the hyperdrive controls forward. The mottled swirls of blue outside the cockpit window faded into star lines, and then the star lines shrunk into pin-pricks of light in the black of space. The gas giant Yavin loomed ahead. Han hit the coms button again. Alright, we're going to swing around the gas giant. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes before we reach the moon. He glanced over at Leia, noticing she was now sitting up perfectly straight. However, she looked even more distraught than she did a few minutes ago. What's the matter? Han asked tentatively. It's him. It's Jacen. I can sense him now, Leia spoke in a hushed, reverent tone. That's good right? Han wondered. Leia turned to look at him. A kind of haunted expression on her face. It's our son. Han looked puzzled. He wasn't sure if she answered his question or not. Luke and Jaina appeared at the back of the cockpit, taking the rear seats opposite each other. Neither one spoke. No one really had to. After a few minutes, the blue-green half disc of Yavin 4 crept into their vision. Even being the only non-Jedi in the cockpit, Han could feel an overall sense of anxiety at the sight of the moon. Not many had returned to this planet after what the Vong had done to it.

  • He stole a glance back at Luke and Jaina, noticing their eyes were closed, obviously trying to focus on what Leia had also felt. Before he turned back to the controls, Luke opened his eyes. Han, would you mind if I took over? Han merely shrugged and said, Sure. Luke was easily as good a pilot as Han. Probably better, he admitted begrudgingly to himself, considering his abilities in the Force. On the other hand, Han knew the Falcon better than anyone, but they weren't going into battleas far as he knewso he willingly surrendered control to Luke, standing and giving him room to sit in the pilot's seat. Han, however, remained standing, leaning over Luke's shoulder. Luke didn't seem to mind. The moon seemed to tilt on an invisible axis created by the ship, as the Falcon leveled out for an approach vector. The blue-green haze that enveloped Yavin 4 slowly became more clear, revealing vast continents, almost entirely swallowed by jungles, forests, and swamps. From that distance it wasn't obvious what had changed here, but as Luke turned the yoke of the ship to the west, large domes were apparent, just barely rising above the tree line. Having been abandoned by the Vong at the end of the war, they no longer produced their planet-changing effectsVong-forming as it had come to be calledallowing the moon's environment to stabilize and reach its former equilibrium. Luke found this heartening. Thoughts of reforming the Jedi Academy came to mindand then he brought the ship to a full, abrupt halt. The inertial compensators helped keep Han from flying through the cockpit's from viewport, but he still had to catch himself on the two front seats. Luke looked over his shoulder at them, then back out the viewport. He pointed. Down below the ship was a figure draped in a white robe. It as Jacen. Everyone got up and crowded around the front of the cockpit, eyes wide with wonder and confusion. Jacen, everyone said with a collective gasp. Tears welled up in Leia's eyes. A deep frown formed on Jaina's brow. Han's jaw hit the floor. There, in the field, stood Han and Leia's son. Jaina's twin brother. Luke's nephew. He was dressed in a robeskin, Luke noted. He had seen one similar when Vergere had returned Jacen to the Galactic Alliance after his captivity with the Yuuzhan Vong. Luke's expression was neutral. He began the landing procedure, carefully placing themselves in the space between the trees that surrounded the space where Jacen stood. The ship thumped on the ground smoothly as various systems began to power down, their whines decreasing in pitch until they fell silent. For a moment no one moved. Then Luke stood up from the pilot's seat, lifted the hood of his cloak, and began a slow but determined walk to the boarding ramp. Everyone else fell into step with him, somehow confident that if Luke was leading the way, they were all safe. They came down the ramp, ducked out from under the ship and stood as a group. Jacen remained where he was, about one-hundred meters away.

  • For a considerable time, no one did or said anything. Then as if on cue, Jacen and Luke began their slow pace toward each other. The others followed. They both stopped walking when they were about ten meters apart. Jacen had an odd look on his face that Jaina did not recognize. His brow was arched in a permanent apologetic expression of guilt. Hello, Jaina, he spoke, barely above a whisper. Jaina, still frowning, said nothing, but continued to stare into his eyes. Everyone, thank you for coming, Jacen continued. Han was the first to pipe up. Jacenhow is this possible? You're dead. I meanthis just isn't possible. He let out an exasperated sound as he lost the ability to form coherent thoughts. I know this is all very confusing, Jacen began again, tentatively. Believe me, I'm as confused as all of you are. I don't know howI don't know why I am here. I'm sorry I Sorry? Jaina repeated. Sorry?! She started pounding her feet on the ground as she marched straight at him. There was a snap-hiss and a whirl of magenta. Jaina had her lightsaber mere millimeters from Jacen's neck. He didn't flinch. Jaina! Leia shouted. Jaina's voice quivered with rage and sorrow. I killed you once before. I can kill you again. That's when she felt it. The link. Jacen had opened the twin bond. A wild rush of emotions flooded her spirit. Experiences of all the pain that Jacen had inflicted and pain he had endured were now crystal clear in her mind. All the evil acts he had committed and all the good deeds he had done before that. But underneath it all was love. Love for his sister, for his family. For all the people he had hurt. And hope. Desperate hope that he could be forgiven ultimately. The lightsaber deactivated itself as it fell to the ground. Jaina stumbled backwards, her hands clenched at the center of her chest. Jaina, Jacen began, I don't blame you for how you feel. I was evil. He paused. I hurt people. I hurt you. I half expected you to kill me when you finally got here. Or someone would, if not you. Jacen could now feel Jaina's rage. Their twin bond allowed him to feel what she had felt; learning from the Mandalorians the best way to kill her brother; the fury that engulfed her when she had thrust her lightsaber through Jacen's chest; and the absolute despair as she held her brothers head on her lap. I'msorry. Jacen's words suddenly had weight to them. Jaina stood and looked him in the eye, tears streaking down her face. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. She turned to look at her parents and her Uncle Luke, hoping for a prompt, something she could say to relieve the fantastically awkward silence. They all looked stunned. As if they were seeing a ghost. And in a way they were. Looking back at her brother, she said the only thing she could think to say. The only thing that she had wanted to say for so long that Jacen's actions had prevented her from saying I love you. Jacen half-laughed, half-sobbed, his words stuck in his throat. I know.

  • Simultaneously they leaped toward each other and embraced so hard that it hurt. I missed you so much, she said into Jacen's shoulder. I missed you too, sis. They both sighed. They kept holding each other. Then Jacen pulled away only slightly. What now? I was wondering the same thing. People will want me dead. People who can't understand like you do. I know. Don't worry. We'll figure it out. When they finally did part from each others arms, the rest of the group had quietly joined them. Leia stood to Jacen's right, Han on his left. He looked back and forth between them. Mom. Dad. His parents immediately enveloped him in their arms. All three of them wept silently. I don't know how, Han said, but I don't care. As long as you've changed, I'm just happy to have you back. Me too, Leia agreed. She couldn't think of anything else to say. Ironically it seemed there was nothing to say. This was a perfect moment that didn't need words getting in the way. Jacen. That was Luke. Jacen looked up to meet Luke's eyes. Eyes that reflected ages of wisdom, often haunted with the experiences, both wonderful and horrific, that he had been forced through. Han and Leia separated from Jacen, seeing that Luke had something particular to say. But Luke didn't move except to lower his hood. Jacen took this as a sign that he should approach him, and he did, slowly. When he was within two strides of his uncle, Jacen felt compelled to bow. To Jacen's surprise, Luke bowed at the same time. When they rose again, Luke had a glint of humor in his eyes. It's good to see you again, Jacen. You too, Uncle LukeMaster Luke, Jacen said awkwardly. Luke dismissed the use of his title with a wave of his hand. He looked deep into Jacen's eyes, giving him the impression that he was doing more than just looking with his eyes. Confirming that, Luke said, You can't touch the Force. Jacen lower his gaze and blinked. No. But your twin bond functions. Yeah. Interesting. They stared at each other for a full minute. Jacen began, I As much as it pains me, Luke interrupted, we have to take you into custody. Jacen grimaced realizing the inevitable. It's alright. I knew you would have to. I suppose you have some stun cuffs or an ysalimiri Luke raised a hand, silencing Jacen. Not yet, he said with a hint of a smile. Oh. He couldn't think of anything else to say. We can figure out what to do with you when we get back to Coruscant. For now, Luke's smile broadened, you have a story to tell. Jacen simply nodded.

  • He told Luke everything he knew, which wasn't much, unfortunately. A voice? What voice? Luke asked, sitting up straight, with a bit of a frown, as Jacen detailed his experience before he found himself on Yavin 4. They sat opposite each other in the lounge of the Falcon, the dejarik table between them. The hum of the hyperdrive, normally something that Jacen found comforting, was now making him sick to his stomach. A constant reminder of what he was about to face. Han, Leia, and Jaina were in the cockpit, as Luke had requested. Much of what Jacen had told Luke was familiar to him, between what he had studied in the Jedi archives, and his own experiences. But he had never heard of any Jedi hearing a voice in the afterlife. The Force was not generally personified in such a way as to have a conversation with someone. In his advancing age, however, his understanding of the Force was continually changing. He didn't rule anything out anymore. I heard a voice, Jacen continued, and it told me I had to return. He was refusing to meet Luke's eyes. He felt ridiculous recounting the events of the last twenty-four hours. It sounded crazy to Jacen, but Luke looked fascinated. Hmm, was the only sound he made as he leaned back in his seat. Jacen sighed, finally meeting Luke's gaze, but he was looking out into nothingness. Jacen shook his head imperceptibly. His uncle was getting more and more eccentric. Well, Luke finally spoke up, loud enough to make Jacen start slightly. I have no answers for you right now, Jacen, but we'll both have plenty of time to research it. I suppose so. Jacen's voice gave away his disappointment. His sense of impending doom grew larger inside his gut. Don't be so pessimistic, Jacen. Just because I've never heard of it, doesn't mean it's never happened before. All this means is that I've never had reason to research it in the Archives. There very well could be some record of a 'voice' being heard by a Jedi who died and was revived. Jacen sat up straighter, his uncle's words beginning to renew his confidence. I hope so. It's all I have at this point. He paused, started to talk, then cleared his throat and fell silent again. What? What is it? Luke frowned in concern. Uhit's about, well, why I'm here. What do you mean? Jacen leaned back in his seat, rubbing his forehead with his hand. I think there's a reason for me being here, for why I'm alive. Luke nodded. We're all here for a reason. But go on. Jacen lowered his hand. I had a realization, back on Yavin. That I have some sort of important task ahead of me. Like... a message. Something, not just for the Jedi, but for everyone. Everyone? Luke head canted slightly to the left. Yeah, Jacen continued, the galaxy. I know how it sounds. Who am I to bring a message? The vast majority of the galaxy will want me dead. Again. That is, if they even believe I am who I say I am. I do know how it sounds.

  • What? Jacen asked. How it sounds, Luke repeated. You said you know how it sounds, but I'm not sure you do. What do you mean? a frown forming on Jacen's brow. Luke's eyes looked haunted as he lowered his voice, speaking confidentially. When I was training with Master Yoda, he told me something that I've never told anyone. Jacen's eyes grew wide as Luke spoke. I didn't think much of it at the time. In fact I thought Yoda was partly insane. I suppose there's a fine line between insight and insanity, he chuckled. That gave Jacen pause. He could very well vouch for that philosophy. But in passing, Luke continued, while he was having me levitate rocks with the Force, he said, 'Ready the galaxy is not'. I lost focus, the rocks dropped. Yoda seemed not to notice. He was looking off in the distance, almost like he wasn't even talking to me. I asked him what he meant. 'The message'. He sighed and shook his head. 'Not ready it is. Not until' And then he glanced at me. He looked profoundly sad. Until what? Jacen urged. Luke's gaze was similar to how he described Yoda's. Sad. My death. Jacen's stood from this seat. What? You're death? No. What are you talking about? You're not going to die. How are you going to die? That doesn't make any sense. What does? Luke inquired. Jacen was shaking his head emphatically. This can't be right. How do you know that that's what Yoda meant? Luke stood, speaking calmly. I felt it. He didn't have to say it. If you had the Force, you would know it to be true. Jacen hung his head, hands on his hips, obviously trying to process this information while in complete denial of it. He couldn't deny what Luke was saying. He had no reason not to trust his judgement. Then he felt Luke's hands on his shoulders. It's okay, Jacen. I'm an old man. I've faced death so many times that the reality of it hardly surprises me. Then his voice dropped in volume. Jacen, he said, making him look up again into his eyes. No one can know about this. His only response was to sigh and shut his eyes really tight. I mean it, Luke insisted. Jacen stepped away and turned his back on him. Alright. Fine. I won't tell anyone. They didn't speak for the remainder of the flight. In fact, Jacen could barely note the passage of time, because it wasn't until Jaina walked in that he stopped staring at the deck. His eyes shot up as if he was caught trying to steal something. Umwe're coming out of hyperspace. Jaina cocked her head looking at Jacen, and he knew that she knew something was up. What's going on? she asked tentatively, looking between Jacen and Luke. Nothing important, Luke lied, and Jacen couldn't believe how convincing he sounded. Thanks for letting us know. No problem, Jaina half smiled and headed back for the cockpit. Luke looked at Jacen. Are you ready?

  • Jacen almost chuckled. Ready? Nothing in my lifeor my deathcould prepare me for what I'm walking into. Luke's reply was only to pat him on the shoulder as he headed for the cockpit, leaving Jacen alone in the lounge. A million scenarios had already passed through his mind. Death. Prison. Torture. Ready he was not. He had faced so many dangers in his life but there was something different about this situation that made him more afraid now than he had been in a long time. Shame. CHAPTER 3 Ysalimiri were snake-like creatures, unique to the planet Myrkyr. What made them more unique was their ability to create a bubble several meters in diameter in which the Force could not be felt. They were the security of choice for disabling a Jedior Siththat was to be arrested. Luke Skywalker fist encountered them when he himself had been captured, back during the reign of Grand Admiral Thrawn. After having one's awareness expanded by the Force, the feeling of complete emptiness that they created was crippling for the Force-sensitive. Which was what made Jacen's situation so perplexing. Upon arrival, Coruscant security immediately detained and stun cuffed him, and within a short time produced the ysalimiri to ensure he couldn't use the Force to escape. Which was a problem for them. Because he could feel the Force again. Well, not just feel. He felt more powerful than ever before. He had known true power. He ruled most of the galaxy in his previous life. But this was incomparable. It wasn't a power over people or his surroundings. His best description would be to say that it was a power with them. Like a mutual agreement, a trade off, a sharing, a request of power. It was not Jacen himself that had all this power, it was the totality of everything around him. He found that he could not only sense the guards outside his cell, or the staff running the government facility in which he was held, but to his astonishment, he could stretch his mind around not only this district of Coruscant, but the entire planet. He didn't dare go further. He was afraid that if he stretched too far he might lose himself. He had been left without Jedi protection, with one exception, because it was assumed, as Luke had described to his captors, that he could not touch the Force. Of course, that didn't stop them from shipping in the ysalimiri as a precaution. What they didn't knowcouldn't knowwas that they were having the opposite effect of what they were intended for. It was pure shock that struck him when he entered the bubble of Force-negation that the ysalimiri projected. It was like being blind and deaf, to being expanding exponentially into an infinite hive-mind. It reminded him somewhat of the Killiks who operated in a similar fashion, sharing thoughts and intentions as a whole. But that was limited to the Killiks and people who came into contact with them. The difference being that Jacen could feel everyone. His shock continued to fade as he reasoned out how this was happening. Oddly enough, the topic that came to mind was mathematics. Multiplying one negative

  • numberan ysalimiri in this caseby another negative numberbeing Jacen, who previously could not touch the Forceequaled a positive number. His Force senses had been multiplied into a positive phenomenon. The one exception of Jedi protection that he had been considering earlier was that of Tahiri Veila. Unlike the guards who essentially had their backs to him, Tahiri burrowed into Jacen with her eyes. Barefoot as usual. It was an odd quirk that Jacen could never figure out but endeared her to him. Tahiri had been made a fool by Jacen during his reign of terror. Jacen had used her. Tempting her with relief from her emotional pain over the loss of Jacen's brother Anakin, forcing her to assassinate a high-ranking military officer. Once his tirade was over, Tahiri had eventually been imprisoned for her actions. Jacen was trying to avoid looking at her. He wondered if she was able to sense that his Force-awareness had returned. He assumed not, because otherwise she and his captors would be far more alert. Jaced mused that if he really wanted to, he could just walk out of this place. The ysalimiri were not just helping him feel the Force, but they were preventing other Jedi from knowing. He decided to cooperate in any way he could. Resisting would only hurt his reputation even more. What are you? Tahiri asked in disgust, Jacen slowly raised his head to look at her. I'm Jacen. No you're not. You can't be. Jacen's dead. You're some kind of clone or something. Where did you come from? Clone. Could that be? The idea had not crossed his mind. But how? Who would have cloned him, and why didn't he remember anything before Yavin? Clones have memories. They have accelerated growth, but at least they have training, knowledge for their time during the process. He couldn't comprehend how that would have taken place after his death. No. He refused to believe it. His existence was more significant than being some sort of laboratory experiment. Tahiri. I'm so sorry for what I put you through, Jacen finally replied. Don't change the subject. Jacen sighed. I know what I am. I just don't know how. Tahiri seemed to accept that explanation for the time being because she didn't respond. Jacen got to his feet and started pacing the five-by-five meter holding cell, which consisted of three reinforced transparisteel walls and a single force field separating him from the world. He was torn. If he tried to escape, it would only incriminate him further. If he stayed in prison, he could not take action. Not that he knew for sure what action was needed. He just knew that he wasn't resurrected to spend the rest of his life in custody. The only answer he could come up with was that he would need to convince people. More specifically, the Jedi. If they would accept his reasoning, they might be able to secure his release. He had already convinced his sister, but that was through their twin bond. How could he pass on a similar understanding to the Jedi Order?

  • Then the problem became simpler. One step at a time., he thought. First, get out of this room. That would probably be the hardest part, considering who was guarding him. He turned, walked up to the force field and looked directly at Tahiri. Something Vergere once said came to mind and he thought it might open a door to Tahiri's heart. You loved my brother Anakin once, yes? Tahiri raised an eyebrow. You know I did. Why? he asked simply. She let out a frustrated breath. What does that matter now? Please, just tell me, Jacen pressed. Tahiri just shook her head and turned away from him. When she turned back, she said, I don't owe you any answers. I'm not looking for answers. I'm proposing the question. The why. Most people don't know why they love a certain person and not another. The point is, 'why' is always a question deeper than its answer. What does that even mean! Tahiri shouted frustratedly. It's something Vergere taught me. I'm saying that my existence is just as mysterious as your love for Anakin. Both are fact. We don't know why things are as they are, but that's not important. The question itself is what matters. So you tell me. Why am I here? Jacen could tell he was striking a chord with Tahiri. She began Ihow am I supposed to know? All I know is that you used Anakin to manipulate me! And the Force is using me to manipulate the galaxy. What? Tahiri gasped. You mean you still want to control the galaxy? No, not control. Change. I don't understand it any better than you do, but for some reason, I am back and I have a lot of work to do. They both stood there, staring at each other for a long minute. Why should I believe you? Tahiri asked. Let me show you. How are you going t before she could finish her question, Jacen had extended a hand, as if to caress her cheek. Impossible, given the force field. He reached out with the Force and entered her mind. He felt guilty for having invaded her privacy this way, but this was the only way she could know. He shared everything with her, much the way he did with his own sister. His pain, his confusion, his love. All raw and unrestrained. His ability to connect with Tahiri surprised even him, but he was beginning to understand how potent his powers had become, thanks to the ysalimiri. Her mouth hung open. A tear rolled down her cheek. I am so sorry, Tahiri, Jacen pressed. As he separated himself from her mind, she began to sob. Jacen waited for her to relax a bit more, listening to her breathing. I mean no harm to anyone. Not anymore. Least of all to you. He paused before the crucial question. Can you help me? She looked up, holding her hand over most of her face, tear streaks showing more sympathy than he ever deserved. She couldn't seem to speak, so she just nodded emphatically. Jacen smiled genuinely, and sighed deeply. Okay.

  • A small chuckle escaped in between Tahiri's sobs. Okay. I have only one more question. Yeah? Jacen looked serious again. Where is my daughter? Ta'a Chume. At the time of Jacen's death, his daughter Allana was Chume'Da, heir to the thrown of a cluster of moons and planets called the Hapes Consortium. Now it seemed she had risen to the rank of leader of the Consortium. It didn't so much surprise him, as it did make him proud of his daughter. Of course, her rise to power implied one thing: Tenel Ka was dead. She was Allana's mother. Jacen and Tenel Ka were never officially married, but they secretly had a close relationship. It was necessary to keep things quiet because men were thought of as inferior to women on Hapes. Had anyone discovered the truth about Allana's lineage, anyone thirsty for power in the Consortium would be a threat to her. Such was the reality of the ruling class of Hapes. Assassinations were not uncommon. Which was why, during her childhood and adolescence she had gone by the alias Amelia Solo. When Allana became Ta'a Chume, Tahiri continued her explanation, you can imagine how many attempts on her life there were. Of course, with her training in the Force, she was able to defend herself better than any bodyguard could have. That Jedi danger sense never fails, huh? That brought a smile to Jacen's face. They had been talking through the force field for almost an hour, which only temporarily made him forget he was in a cell. He began to examine it. He could use the Force to break through one the walls, but that almost seemed clich. He wanted to try something different with his new-found strength. He looked straight ahead. Tahiri thought he was staring at her. What? she asked. But he was actually looking directly at the force field. He looked at his hand, then back again. He started reaching out to it and Tahiri looked confused. What are you doing? His hand stopped a centimeter from the field. He looked at Tahiri, then back at his hand. He closed his eyes. It was an odd sensation, but as his hand passed through the force fieldand he wasn't even sure how he was doing ithe heard Tahiri gasp. Slowly, he worked his arm through, then his other arm, then a foot. Then his head. And suddenly he was outside the cell. Jacen and Tahiri stood slack-jawed. Howhow did you do that? she finally asked. Jacen just shook his head slightly, meeting her gaze. He had no idea how. He just knew, to his core, that he was able to do things that no other Jedi could do. He was struck profoundly with the implications. What else was within his power? That question alone would tempt most other Jedi with the dark side. Jacen was beyond good and evil. Such was his life before he was killed by his sister.

  • And today? He couldn't describe what he was thinking. All that mattered was that he had to escape, to contact the Jedi Council, figure out what he was supposed to do from then on. Realizing that he had been standing there, ignoring Tahiri's question, he snapped out of his reverie. It tickled, Jacen replied. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Tahiri burst out laughing, and so did Jacen. When they were able to control themselves, wiping the tears from their eyes, they decided it was time to leave. Outside the door to his cell were... three, yes three guards he could sense in the Force. Just three? He was surprised it wasn't an entire military force watching over him. That in it self was curious, and he decided it was something to address at a later time. Walking to the door he suddenly went limp, and his knees buckled. His awareness, his strength, his abilities, all escaped him. As Jacen kneeled on the floor, Tahiri rushed to his side. What is it? What happened? He couldn't be sure. Instinctively he crawled back to the cell where his strength was once again restored. What in Corellia's nine hells was going on? With his awareness restored, the answer came quickly. The ysalimiri. Just as they had restored his abilities in the Force, it seemed he could not touch it without them. Which meant he would have to take one with him. What are you doing? Tahiri questioned. Jacen was examining his cell. There was an ysalimiri at each corner of the cube in which he was held captive. They were hung in slender cages, made primarily of durasteel. He carefully lifted the cage on its hook, and found that the would fit snugly on his shoulder. Convenient. When he had done so, he looked up to see Tahiri looking at him curiously. As awkward as it was, he realized an explanation was in order. He described everything he had experienced since the moment they had placed him in his cell, the power and awareness that had blossomed in his mind. Are you kidding me? He wasn't surprised by the question. I know how crazy it sounds. I don't have the time or the means to explain. You're going to have to trust me. He knew how difficult that would be for her but surprisingly, her response was swift. Okay. Let's go. Jacen nodded and headed for the door, ysalimiri hanging on his shoulder. Just before he pressed his thumb on the activation button, the door rose with a hiss, and outside were the three guards, guns pointed directly at Jacen's chest. Don't move, said the center guard. Jacen sighed. I'm sorry guys, but I have to go. As he took a step toward them, they let loose a volley of stun bolts. In an instant Jacen thought he would drop out of consciousness, but instead he felt the energy from the bolts humming inside his body. If anything, he felt more conscious. Then it occurred to him that he had heard of this type of experience. Jedi Master Corran Horn, for example, was capable of absorbing blaster bolts.

  • The guards were all frowning and looking each other in confusion. The center guard spoke up again. Fire! Three more stun bolts hit Jacen in the chest, and again he felt that energy ripple through his entire body. The guards began looking at their blasters as if they were malfunctioning. Maybe another time, my friends, Jacen spoke calmly. He stepped closer, placing a hand on each of their shoulders, each time he felt the energy flow through his arms and into the guards, who promptly collapsed as if stunned by the very stun bolts they had directed at him. Tahiri stepped through the door, careful not to step on the unconscious guards. I'm not even going to ask how you did that. That's good, said Jacen, because I'm not sure how I did it either. Lets go. He turned right and headed down the hall of the detention center. And where exactly are we going? Tahiri asked. Easy. The Jedi Council. Jacen was all full of tricks, he came to discover. He worried about how he might escape from the detention center, but that turned out to be child's play. These new abilities were strange, useful, but also spontaneous. One ability of which was the key for his escape. He couldn't believe how easy it was. He didn't want to be seen. And so... he wasn't. He and Tahiri essentially just walked out of the building. They passed security like they were completely invisible. He even stopped at one moment to look a guard directly in the eye, less than a meter away, and there was no indication that the guard could see him. When they had made it to the main turbolift and the doors closed, Tahiri turned to Jacen, as they ascended to ground level. She was shaking. Okay, we need to talk. How are you doing all this? How did we just manage to walk out of a high-security military prison? I wish I knew, was his only reply. No, you have to explain, she pressed. This is insane. You stunned the guards youyou entered my mind. You're carrying around an ysalimiri which should be crippling you in the Force Jacen turned to her. I know how difficult this all is to understand, but you have to trust me. I don't know any more than you. I'm justdifferent. He looked at the floor for a few seconds and continued. I'm here for a reason, Tahiri. I wasn't just resurrected, I was given something. A chance to make things right. Her eyes remained steady as he spoke. Finally, she rolled her eyes and shrugged. Okay, whatever, let's just get out of here, she said finally, but he wasn't sure if she really believed him. And then a feeling came over him, something obvious but also peculiar. He frowned, realizing he had overlooked a particular question: where were they? He knew they were in some sort of detention center, but it was, of course, unfamiliar to him. He had been so focused on the task at hand, escaping the facility, that he hadn't considered what he was escaping from. Where are we? Jacen finally asked. I mean, this building. Where does this turbolift lead to?

  • Oh, was all she said. 'Oh' what? Well, we're below the Jedi Temple. Jacen's eyebrows rose. Oh. Good. That's exactly where I want to be. And then something occurred to him. Why would there be a detention center below the Jedi Temple? She ignored the question. Jacen, I don't think you know what you're getting into. You will be spotted, and you will be captured. Again. No. Not this time, Jacen argued. This time we'll get through just like we got past the guards. Jacen, those weren't Jedi. We're walking into a place where people are trained to sense danger. You know that. He nodded. The ysalimiri will keep us hidden. What? How? Jacen took a breath to say something, then let it out. He grimaced. I don't know how to put it into words. There was a long pause. She was obviously waiting for him to find a way. Okay, look. I couldn't touch the Force when I woke up on Yavin. The only thing I could do was access my sister's twin bond. But then, when I was brought here, they must have thought that as a precaution to use the ysalimiri. But they were like me, unable to touch the Force. Somehow the two negatives turned into a positive. Except Except what? Well. It didn't just give me access to the Force. I mean, you saw what I did. I can do things that I've never heard of any Jedi doing. Yeah, was all she could say, an expression of either fear or awe growing on her face. The ding of the turbolift interrupted their conversation. They looked at each other, and then Jacen closed his eyes. She could tell he was trying to focus, probably to hide both of them in an illusion as he did with the guards. The door lifted, and outside it were a dozen or so office workers, probably in charge of keeping track of who comes and goes from the facility. It was a small room, full of computer stations. And yet again, three guards, but with much larger blasters, and heavy armor. Tahiri gasped, but Jacen was as calm as ever. He stepped out of the turbolift with confidence. None of the civilians seemed to take notice of them. The guards, on the other hand were obviously better trained, because they seemed more on alert. It's okay, Tahiri. They don't sense us. They just know that something is different. But doesn't that mean they can find us? she whispered. Not necessarily. To them we don't exist. You can't be aware of nothingness., Jacen explained. They continued to approach the exit where the guards stood, but they seemed no more alert than they did when Jacen and Tahiri had left the turbolift. They stopped right in front of them. The center guard was looking right through them. He had a frown on his face, but confusion was more apparent. Jacen looked over his shoulder at Tahiri, looked back at the door, raised a hand, and gestured with it. The door lifted with ease.

  • Unfortunately this put everyone in the room on high alert. The three guards raised their weapons and formed up around the door. The guard on the left shouted at the office workers, Who gained access to this room! They were just as dumbfounded. That door apparently never opened without their consent. No one that they could see had approached the door, shown identification, or activated the comm on the outside. As the guards carefully peered outside the door, Jacen and Tahiri ducked and squeezed through the space between them. The guards soon followed behind them, looking in all directions to find out who opened the door. Eventually they shrugged it off and went back inside, the door slamming down shut once more. Jacen and Tahiri found themselves in a grand lobby, off to which it led many training rooms. Glancing around, Jacen noticed nothing had really changed here at the Temple, except for one thing. It was empty. Not a single soul was walking through the lobby, even though, as Jacen remembered it, it was usually packed with Jedi in training, Masters going about their business, council members discussing things in groups. Flabbergasted, he turned to Tahiri and asked, Where is everyone? What happened here? Something was coming into focus within his mind as he noted that he had not felt the ripple in the Force which would have been indicative of an enormous group of Jedi that, by all logic, should still be there. He hadn't noticed the lack of Jedi. He didn't even know where he was until a few minutes ago. You didn't know? Tahiri responded. Know what? What's going on? Jacen asked again. Tahiri took a deep breath and let it out. The Temple isn't used anymore. Since the destruction of Abeloth, things changed. The Alliance and the Jedi Council decided the Jedi had to move away from Coruscant after the destruction from the battle with Abeloth and the Sith. Where did they go? Shedu Maad, Tahiri answered. Jacen squinted his eyes as if trying to see something out of focus. He looked down at the floor. He couldn't think of anything to say, anything to do, so he just stood there, eventually removing the ysalimiri from his shoulder. His awareness in the Force immediately collapsed, but he was ready for it this time. He stood tall and embraced the emptiness he felt around him. That's when he started walking. Tahiri stayed where she was and called out to Jacen's back. Where are you going? The only place that makes sense, he said under his breath. As he stood in the Jedi Council chamber, Jacen watched the sun around which the planet orbited, slowly creep below the horizon. The cityscape that was Coruscant had changed since he last saw it. Towers, enormous spires, pyramidal structures. Many constructions sites. Something happened here while he was dead. He needed to find out what.

  • He stayed standing there, gazing out the window, until darkness reclaimed the Temple. Sighing, he turned to leave and was confronted by Luke Skywalker himself. Dressed in his typical black robes and brown cloak with the hood over this eyes, he would appear frightening to most people. But Jacen knew better. Still the question on his mind was warranted: How long have you been standing there? Luke pulled down his hood, revealing a humorous grin. The entire time. Actually I was waiting over there, he point to a dark corner of the council chamber, because I've been waiting for you. What? You knew I would come here? Jacen raised an eyebrow. Luke chuckled. I guessed. Oh. So I imagine you have questions. Let me start by telling you, this whole thing was a test. Jacen rose both eyebrows this time. What whole thing? The prison, the ysalimiri, Tahiri, this place, he explained, looking around as if having seen it for the first time. Jacen was so confused. His Uncle Luke set this up? Why? As if hearing this thoughts, Luke continued to describe how he set it all up. He contacted Tahiri for this assignment because she hated Jacen more than anyone else. He wanted to see how that conversation would go, and Luke was noticeably pleased with how it turned out. Luke also planted the ysalimiri, knowing that they were unnecessary for blocking his ability in the Force, since he had none. Finally he explained why. You are one of a kind, Jacen. Your history proves it true. When we spoke on the Millennium Falcon, I sensed something about you that I never felt in anyone in my entire life. And considering how many Force-sensitive people I've known throughout my years, that means a lot. Luke paused for only a moment, then continued. I honestly can't put into words what I saw in you, but I had an instinct. I can take no credit for what I did, because all of it was Force-inspired. Jacen bit his bottom lip, trying to digest it all. I'm sorry to have put you through all that, but I had to be sure. You can touch the Force in ways I could never imagine. Why? Luke asked himself, and grimaced. I don't know. In the end, you are the one who has to decide what you do from here on in. You have to figure out your purpose. No one else can help you. Not me, not Jaina, not Tahiri. Jacen nodded in agreement. I know. He frowned, remembering the question on his mind. What happened here? Why all the construction work? Luke looked deep into his eyes. Do you remember the last time we spoke? Jacen furrowed his brow. If I remember right, it was a little while before Jainakilled me. No, Luke said emphatically. No? Then when? Jacen looked confused. Luke frowned. Beyond shadows. Jacen's eyes slowly drifted closed. He remembered.

  • Going beyond shadows was a term used by beings that Luke and his son Ben had discovered in the Maw, a cluster of nebulae and black holes created by the Killiks, meant to imprison the powerful and evil being Abeloth. Luke compared it to how Obi-wan would visit him in spirit form. He wasn't sure if they were exactly the same, but the conditions were identical: one could speak to the dead. All of this flooded Jacen's mind. A memory, but it felt like it had happened to someone else. Some other Jacen. He remembered the guilt when Luke confronted him, while Jacen was nothing more than a ghost, blaming him for the tragedy that had struck the galaxy after his fall. Then his original question was answered. Abeloth. She had happened, had practically destroyed the planet. That's why there was so much work being done to the buildings on Coruscant. Abeloth had nearly annihiliated it. Of course, Jacen had known about Abeloth far before she became a threat to everyone else. That was what made him sick. Had he still been ruling the galaxy, he probably could have swiftly defeated her. The fact he was not alive during such a time of upheaval was his own fault. Had he not become a Sith, he could have used his advanced knowledge to defeat her. But that was all past. There was nothing left but Now. It's okay, Jacen, Luke comforted him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Somehow he knew what Jacen was going through. You might think you hurt a lot of people, but I think you hurt yourself more than anyone. Is that supposed to make me feel better?, Jacen huffed. Not really, Luke replied shortly. But I figured that since you know more about pain than anyone else in the galaxy, you might grow stronger because of it. He had to admit, his uncle had a point. So he closed his eyes and searched deep down for the pain he felt over all the destruction he had caused and failed to prevent. He didn't want to feel sorry for himself, but Luke was right. Despite being the cause of so much pain, he had injured himself as well. So he focused on that pain. He absorbed his whole being into it and embraced it. Soon he was consumed in the white once more, finding that he could think clearer than he had since his arrival on Yavin. He opened his eyes, stronger than he was before. Turning to Luke, he asked, What happened to the council? I mean, Tahiri told me the Jedi left for Shedu Maad, but wouldn't the council want to stay in control here? Luke shook his head. That's exactly the problem. Control. Jacen frowned. What do you mean? He shrugged. I dissolved the council permanently. To make things more interesting, several years after the move to Shedu Maad, Jedi started disappearing. What do you mean? They started leaving. Returning to their home planets. Whatever phenomenon is pulling the Jedi away from there has to be the work of the Force. The council had no more control, and that was the entire lesson. Jedi can do good works wherever they are. The Jedi Order should never have even become an order at all. Obi-wan was wrong. You can't control the Force. You have to let go and let it guide you. You have to surrender to it. Jacen nodded in agreement. Vergere used to say the same thing.

  • Luke nodded back. So. We are in peace time, and the Force is directing each individual Jedi in whatever direction they are supposed to go in. The words peace time echoed around in his mind. When was the last time there was no conflict, no violence, no threat to the well being of the citizens of the galaxy? Luke had a familiar, haunted look in his eyes. I've been through so many wars, so many battles. I can't remember the last time there was peace. I Luke paused, choosing his words carefully. I can't fight anymore. He looked up at Jacen, and he noticed his uncle's eyes were glossed over with a hint of tears. We'll be alright, Uncle Luke, Jacen said with certainty. He wasn't sure how he knew that, but it felt right. He had never seen his uncle like this. He seemed weary, or maybe just tired. For the Jedi Order's Grand Master, he appeared weak. I appreciate that, Jacen. But like I told you before. My days are numbered. I wish you would stop saying that. No one should know when they're going to die, Jacen said, sounding frustrated. No? Master Yoda did. Really? Oh yes. He knew that when I returned to him, before I faced my father for the second time, that he would pass. He said, 'Strong am I in the Force, but not that strong'. 'Rest I need'. Jacen, it's time for me to rest. He looked away for a moment. But not just yet. We have something to do. We do? Jacen said curiously. What? Luke smiled again. I was hoping you could tell me. My visions have told me that your return would herald a great change. Something so dramatic that it could affect the entire galaxy. Jacen shook is head and laughed cynically. I think I've changed the galaxy enough in my last life. Not like that, Luke continued. Not with the military, nor the government. This is something only you can do. Well how am I supposed to figure that out? Jacen was beginning to get frustrated. Nothing was certain. I don't have any answers! All I have is questions. I don't know how I came back and I don't know why. Luke blinked slowly, and then finally said, Exactly. Jacen went silent. He had heard this lecture before, but from someone else, many years ago. Questions are more useful that answers. Vergere had said that to him many times. You are the only one who can ask the right questions, Luke finished. Jacen was exasperated. If you say so. Luke did not reply. Instead he raised his hood, bowed to Jacen, and walked to the turbolift. In a few seconds, Luke was gone, and Jacen was left alone. He was frustrated. No, not frustrated. Enraged. Why was he so angry? He had to stand there and think about it for several minutes. Control. That was it. He had no control over anything that had happened recently. He was used to power. Without the Force, without even the ability to control what happened to him since he arrived on Coruscant, he was at the whim of whomever was his captor.

  • For one thing was certain. He wouldn't be able to figure this all out without the Force. He would need Ysalimiri? came a voice behind him. Jacen spun around to see his sister standing there by the turbolift, holding the cage. Jacen heaved a sigh of relief, both for the sight of his sister and the ysalmiri. He stepped over to them, and as he approached Jaina, suddenly the universe once again flared into existence as he could reach out with the Force. He smiled. Thank you, he said with sincere gratitude. How did you know? This was part of the plan that Uncle Luke set up. Once his suspicions were confirmed,he had me follow you. Jacen took the cage from her and noticed it had been modified with two straps so that he could carry it on both shoulders, much more comfortably. Hmm, nice, he said as he hoisted it up and put it on. For a little while he just soaked in the Force, basked in its light and power. After having once again experienced being disconnected from it, feeling it again was an enormous relief. So, Jaina began. Uncle Luke wanted me to tell you where you might want to start on your, she grinned lopsidedly, adventure. He frowned. What do you mean? Well, he told me about his first students. How he had used the Force to search for them. He said one of them would be able to help you. Jacen thought back. Luke's first student was Gantoris. Unfortunately, he had quickly turned to the dark side, and was killed soon after by the darkness he so lusted for. His second student... Wait, he's still alive? Jacen asked, eyes bulging. Jaina chuckled. Never underestimate the power of the Force. Indeed. How could he? CHAPTER 4 Bespin. As he looked out the viewport of the passenger ship which he had boarded, the sphere of the planet looked like it was made out of some kind of fluffy candy he had tried once at a festival when he was not even ten years old. The memory left a bad taste in his mouth as he remembered how sickeningly sweet it was. The planet was essentially a large gaseous world, consisting of Tibbanna gas in particular, which was used to power blasters of all kinds, as well as some other weapons and technologies. The passenger ship was headed for Cloud City, the floating metropolis that had once been owned by his father's friend Lando Calrissian. Also, the place where Uncle Luke had first confronted Darth Vader, as well as where Han Solo had been encased in carbonite. He had been here once before on invitation from Lando himself, as a sort of vacation. A disastrous mistake, because he and his sister had brought with them a friend. Jacen thought about Anja, the yellow-bladed-lightsaber-wielding teenager, who had met them on Ord Mantel. Anja turned out to be big trouble. Jacen suddenly

  • realized how many bad memories this place contained, and decided to think about his objective. Jaina had provided the details. The place, the time, what to say, everything. He only hoped that this search wasn't in vain. The man that he was looking for would be ancient by human standards. But he was also a Jedi Master, one who had left the Temple long before the arrival of Abeloth, even before Jacen's own reign. The assumption was that he had simply decided to return to his home, long before the Jedi from Shedu Maad had. The planet was approaching fast. Once they had entered the atmosphere, there was a long moment where Jacen couldn't see anything out the viewport. When the ship cleared the uppermost level of clouds, he saw the city in the distance. He was amazed it was even in operation after all that had happened here. This was, however, not his actual destination. The place he planned to visit was off limits to visitors. Tibannapolous was a smaller version of Cloud City, but not accommodating to citizens. It was strictly a mining facility, but it had fallen into disrepair decades ago. The town was little more than a floating wreck. The passenger ship passed over the rounded roofs of the buildings that made up the city and approached the landing platform. Jacen grabbed the ysalimiri cage which now was disguised as a simple backpack. The ship descended and landed roughly, hissing and whining as people, mostly human, began to stand and retrieve their belongings. Filing out of the passenger compartment and down the ramp, he began to focus on the people around him in the Force, affecting their vision indirectly so that he would not appear as Jacen Solo, but just another tourist or refugee,

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