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Page 1: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 2: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

Why choose Freedom from Stress™ training for our staff?

Reduction in absenteeism Reduction in stress at organisational level Increase in team productivity Increase in moral Retention of experienced workforce Reduction in 'burn-out' levels in staff Improvement in communications

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 3: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

Why choose Freedom from Stress™ training for our staff?

At Head off Stress, we believe that when an individual experiences stress, all areas of their life become affected. This is because stress affects homeostatic balance of both the body and mind.

As holistic beings, when stress affects one aspect of our selves, such as our thoughts, stress will manifest in other aspects of our selves – our feelings, how we are in our personal relationships and with colleagues, our mood and mental state, and our physical health and wellbeing.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 4: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What happens on Freedom from Stress™ training?

Freedom from Stress™ is a one day unrivalled training experience which takes the explorer beyond the more usual stress management techniques of reducing stressors and changing thoughts and behaviours.

By undertaking Freedom from Stress™ training, your delegates will enter an integrated pathway of self-exploration, visiting not only their thoughts and feelings, biological and social/environmental responses in relation to stress, but will also have the opportunity to explore what stress is within their own spiritual context.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 5: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What happens on Freedom from Stress™ training?

Each individual learns how they can release stress and as the day draws to a gentle close, there is time for the trainer to answer any questions arising from the day and any of the techniques taught.

Your trainer will also check that all delegates have experienced releasing stress and will ensure they feel emotionally present, settled and ready to leave.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 6: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What happens on Freedom from Stress™ training?

What are delegates expected to do?

Freedom from Stress™ training is an interactive experience. However, as all delegates are on their own real and personal journey of self-exploration during the day, role play is not used. Some physical techniques will be taught but delegates will not be expected to undertake practice of them during the training.

However, if delegates choose to practice such techniques following the training, we strongly recommend they check with their medical doctor before embarking on any new physical regime, particularly where there is a pre-existing medical condition.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 7: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What happens on Freedom from Stress™ training?

Are delegates given any resources or training materials?

We want delegates to experience being present during their training, so do not hand out workbooks, but provide writing materials for some of the exercises they will undertake.

At the end of the training day, each delegate receives a personal booklet which provides tips and techniques for both managing and releasing stress, as well as a signposting list for accessing additional support.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 8: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

How is Freedom from Stress™ training delivered?

How long does the training take? Our Freedom from Stress™ training model is taught over

one day. We deliver this on site, either at your company address or any external training facility you use.

Your trainer will be using a PowerPoint presentation and a flipchart to deliver the training. Many companies have a data projector, screen and flipchart board in situ. However, we are very happy to provide our own training equipment if needed, and you will be asked if this is a requirement for you at the time of making your booking.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 9: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What if I choose Freedom from Stress™ training for our staff?

Value for money is important in any climate so we would like to draw your attention to some of the identified benefits of training:

Benefits for your organisation Reduction in absenteeism Reduction in stress at organisational level Increase in team productivity Increase in moral Retention of experienced workforce Reduction in ‘burn-out’ levels in staff Improvement in communications

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 10: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What if I choose Freedom from Stress™ training for our staff?

Benefits for your workforce: Reduction in personal stress Increase in ‘positive’ stress-related coping strategies Improved mental and physical health and wellbeing Improvement in time management Improvement in decision-making Improvement in personal productivity Increase in confidence and self-esteem Increase in positive and ‘can-do’ attitude Improved communication in personal relationships

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 11: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

What if I choose Freedom from Stress™ training for our staff?


We accept a minimum of 10 delegates and a maximum of 20 delegates on our training days.

Your investment is £120 + VAT per delegate which includes personal resource booklets for each of them to take away on the day.

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 12: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

How do I book Freedom from Stress™ training?

ou can make a provisional booking with us by using our contact form, letter, email [email protected] or telephone 01952 598859

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

Page 13: Reduce Employee Absenteeism and Save Money

www.headoffstress.co.uk Call 01952 598859

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