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Page 1: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

Screening scenario for cosmological constant in de Sitter solutions, phantom-divide

crossing and finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity

Presenter : Kazuharu Bamba (KMI, Nagoya University)

Collaborators : Shin'ichi Nojiri (KMI and Dep. of Phys., Nagoya University)

26th September, 2011Sakura Hall, katahira Campus, Tohoku University

The 21st workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG21)

Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. Sasaki, arXiv:1104.2692 [hep-th].

Sergei D. Odintsov (ICREA and IEEC-CSIC)

Misao Sasaki (YITP, Kyoto University and KIAS)

Page 2: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

I. IntroductionRecent observations of Supernova (SN) Ia confirmed that the current expansion of the universe is accelerating.

[Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 517, 565 (1999)][Riess et al. [Supernova Search Team Collaboration], Astron. J. 116, 1009 (1998)]

There are two approaches to explain the current cosmic acceleration. [Copeland, Sami and Tsujikawa, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 15, 1753 (2006)]

< Gravitational field equation > Gö÷


: Einstein tensor: Energy-momentum tensor

: Planck mass

Gö÷ = ô2Tö÷

Gravity Matter

[Astier et al. [The SNLS Collaboration], Astron. Astrophys. 447, 31 (2006)]

[Tsujikawa, arXiv:1004.1493 [astro-ph.CO]]

(1) General relativistic approach(2) Extension of gravitational theory

Dark Energy

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Page 3: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

(1) General relativistic approach・ Cosmological constant

X matter, Quintessence, Phantom, K-essence,Tachyon.

・ Scalar fields:

・ Fluid: Chaplygin gasArbitrary function of the Ricci scalarF(R) R:

(2) Extension of gravitational theory・ F(R) gravity

・ Scalar-tensor theories

[Capozziello, Cardone, Carloniand Troisi, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 12, 1969 (2003)] [Carroll, Duvvuri, Trodden and Turner, Phys. Rev. D 70,

043528 (2004)] [Nojiri and Odintsov, Phys. Rev. D 68, 123512 (2003)]

[Arkani-Hamed, Cheng, Luty and Mukohyama, JHEP 0405・ Ghost condensates , 074 (2004)]

・ Higher-order curvature term ・ gravityf(G): Gauss-Bonnet term G

・ DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati, Phys. Lett B 485, 208 (2000)]

・ f(T) gravity

・ Galileon gravity

[Bengochea and Ferraro, Phys. Rev. D 79, 124019 (2009)] [Linder, Phys. Rev. D 81, 127301 (2010) [Erratum-ibid. D 82, 109902 (2010)]]

[Nicolis, Rattazzi and Trincherini, Phys. Rev. D 79, 064036 (2009)]

T : torsion scalar

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Page 4: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

Non-local gravity[Deser and Woodard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 111301 (2007)]

[Nojiri, Odintsov, Sasaki and Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 696, 278 (2011)]

produced by quantum effects

[Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali and Gabadadze, arXiv:hep-th/0209227]

There was a proposal on the solution of the cosmological constant problem by non-local modification of gravity.

Recently, an explicit mechanism to screen a cosmological constant in non-local gravity has been discussed.

・ It is known that so-called matter instability occurs in F(R) gravity. [Dolgov and Kawasaki, Phys. Lett. B 573, 1 (2003)]

This implies that the curvature inside matter sphere becomes very large and hence the curvature singularity could appear.

It is important to examine whether there exists the curvature singularity, i.e., “the finite-time future singularities”in non-local gravity.

Recent related reference: [Zhang and Sasaki, arXiv:1108.2112 [gr-qc]]

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Page 5: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

We investigate de Sitter solutions in non-local gravity.

We examine a condition to avoid a ghost and discuss a screening scenario for a cosmological constant in de Sitter solutions.

We explicitly demonstrate that three types of the finite-time future singularities can occur in non-local gravity and explore their properties.

It is shown that the addition of an term can cure the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity.


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Page 6: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

II. de Sitter solution in non-local gravityg = det(gö÷)

f : Some function

: Metric tensor

< Action >A. Non-local gravity

By introducing two scalar fields and , we find

Λ : Cosmological constant

: Matter fields

ø: Covariant d'Alembertian

: Covariant derivative operator

: Matter LagrangianQ

By the variation of the action in the first expression over , we obtain

(or )

Substituting this equation into the action in the first expression, one re-obtains the starting action.

Non-local gravity

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Page 7: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

: Energy-momentum tensor of matter

< Gravitational field equation >

The variation of the action with respect to gives・ ñ

: Derivative with respect to ñ(prime) 0

< Flat Friedmann-Lema tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric >


We consider the case in which the scalar fields and only depend on time.

: Scale factor

ñ ø・

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Page 8: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

: Energy density and pressure of matter, respectively. and

For a perfect fluid of matter:

Gravitational field equations in the FLRW background:

: Hubble parameter

< Equations of motion for and >ñ ø

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Page 9: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

B. de Sitter solution

We assume a de Sitter solution: ・ : Constant H0

ñ0, ñ1 Constants of integration


We also suppose . ・

ø0, ø1

・ For the de Sitter space, behaves as . a : Constant a0

: Constants

・ For the matter with the constant equation of state ,

: Constant úm0

Putting , we obtain

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Page 10: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

・ For ,

For ,

There is a de Sitter solution.

This means that the cosmological constant is effectively screened by .


For , if we choose , can be arbitrary. Thus, can be determined by an initial condition.



Since can be small or large, the theory with the function with could describe the early-

time inflation or current cosmic acceleration.


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Page 11: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

C. Condition to be free of ghostTo examine the ghost-free condition, we make a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame:

A superscription represents quantities in the Einstein frame.



We have discarded the term because it is a total divergence.

Instead of and , we may regard and to be independent fields.

ñ ø ñþ・



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Page 12: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

In order to avoid a ghost, the determinant of the kinetic term must be positive, which means

・[Nojiri, Odintsov, Sasaki and Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 696, 278 (2011)]

This condition is assumed to be satisfied. In particular, is a necessary condition.

The ghost-free condition:

For ・

The ghost-free condition:

ø0 = 0, ,

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Page 13: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

de Sitter universe is stable in a period

The length of the ghost-free period

The period is less than one e-folding time.

This cannot give inflation in the early universe provided that the appearance of a ghost has to be avoided.


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Page 14: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

III. Finite-time future singularities in non-local gravityA. Finite-time future singularities

hs : Positive constantq Non-zero constant larger than -1 :


We only consider the period .

When ,

In the flat FLRW space-time, we analyze an asymptotic solution of the gravitational field equations in the limit of the time when the finite-time future singularities appear.

We consider the case in which the Hubble parameter is expressed as ・


as : Constant

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Scale factor

Page 15: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

By using and ,

ñc : Integration constant

We take a form of as . f(ñ) : Non-zero constants


By using and ,

øc : Integration constant

There are three cases.




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Page 16: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

We examine the behavior of each term of the gravitational field equations in the limit , in particular that of the leading terms, and study the condition that an asymptotic solution can be obtained.

For case , øc = 1

For case ,

the leading term vanishes in both gravitational field equations.

Thus, the expression of the Hubble parameter can be a leading-order solution in terms of for the gravitational field equations in the flat FLRW space-time.

This implies that there can exist the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity.

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Page 17: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

B. Relations between the model parameters and the property of the finite-time future singularities

and characterize the theory of non-local gravity.

fs û

hs qts, and specify the property of the finite-time future singularity.

and determine a leading-order solution in terms of for the gravitational field equations in the flat FLRW space-time. ñc øc

for , for and ,

When , ・

asymptotically becomes finite and also asymptotically approaches a finite constant value . H úeff


for , for ,


→∞for , ,

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Page 18: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

It is known that the finite-time future singularities can be classified in the following manner:

Type I (“Big Rip”):

Type II (“sudden”):

Type III:

Type IV:

In the limit ,

The case in which and becomes finite values at is also included.

úeff Peff

Higher derivatives of diverge.

The case in which and/or asymptotically approach finite values is also included.

Húeff |Peff|

, ,

, ,, ,

, ,



No. 18[Nojiri, Odintsov and Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 71, 063004 (2005)]

Page 19: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

The finite-time future singularities described by the expression of in non-local gravity have the following properties:


For , For , For ,

Type I (“Big Rip”) Type II (“sudden”) Type III

Range and conditions for the value of parameters of , , and and in order that the finite-time future singularities can exist.

f(ñ) H ñcøc


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Page 20: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

The effective equation of state for the universe :


No. 20

: The non-phantom (quintessence) phase weff >à 1

Hç < 0

weff <à 1Hç > 0 : The phantom phase

Hç = 0 weff =à 1 Phantom crossing

IV. Effective equation of state for the universe and phantom-divide crossing A. Cosmological evolution of the effective equation of state for the universe

Page 21: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

We examine the asymptotic behavior of in the limit by taking the leading term in terms of .


For [Type I (“Big Rip”) singularity], evolves from the non-phantom phase or the phantom one

and asymptotically approaches .


For [Type III singularity],

For [Type II (“sudden”) singularity], at the final stage.

ffweff = à 1

q > 1

0 < q < 1weff

à 1 < q < 0weff > 0

The final stage is the eternal phantom phase.

evolves from the non-phantom phase to the phantom one with realizing a crossing of the phantom divide or evolves in the phantom phase.

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Page 22: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

B. Estimation of the current value of the effective equation ofstate parameter for non-local gravity [Komatsu et al. [WMAP Collaboration],

Astrophys. J. Suppl. 192, 18 (2011)]The limit on a constant equation of state for dark energy in a flat universe has been estimated as

by combining the data of Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations with the latest distance measurements from the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in the distribution of galaxies and the Hubble constant measurement.

: Current value of wDE

: Derivative of wDE

For a time-dependent equation of state for dark energy, by using a linear form

,from the combination of the WMAP data with the BAO data, the Hubble constant measurement and the high-redshift SNe Ia data.

constraints on and have been found as


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We estimate the present value of .weff

For case , ・

: The present time

Current value of H

has the dimension of

We regard at the present time because the energy density of dark energy is dominant over that of non-relativistic matter at the present time.


For , 0 < q < 1

For , .à 1 < q < 0 weff > 0

In our models, can have the present observed value of .



, [Freedman et al. [HST Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 553, 47 (2001)]



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C. Cosmological consequences of adding an termR2

We explore whether the addition of an term removes the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity.


In the limit ,

The leading terms do not vanish.

The additional term can remove the finite-time future singularity.


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Gravitational field equations in the flat FLRW background:・

< Action >

Page 25: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

V. SummaryWe have studied de Sitter solutions in non-local gravity. ・

We have explicitly shown that three types of the finite-time future singularities (Type I, II and III) can occur in non-local gravity and examined their properties.

We have explored a condition to avoid a ghost and presented a screening scenario for a cosmological constant in de Sitter solutions.

We have investigated the behavior of the effective equation of state for the universe when the finite-time future singularities occur.

We have demonstrated that the addition of an term can remove the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity.


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It has also been suggested that the addition of an term in the framework of non-local gravity might realize unification of inflation in the early universe with the cosmic acceleration in the late time.


We have also studied de Sitter solutions in non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplier.

< Further results and remarks >No. 26

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

In the presence of matter with , for , we may have a de Sitter solution even if is given by

H=H0 f(ñ)

Therefore, the following solution exists:

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

We may introduce a new field .

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C. Condition to be free of ghostTo examine the ghost-free condition, we make a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame:

A superscription represents quantities in the Einstein frame.


The term may be discarded because it is a total divergence.

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Instead of and , we may regard and to be independent fields.

ñ ø ñþ・

In order to avoid a ghost, the determinant of the kinetic term must be positive, which means [Nojiri, Odintsov, Sasaki and Zhang,

Phys. Lett. B 696

, 278 (2011)]

This condition is assumed to be satisfied. In particular, is a necessary condition.

The ghost-free condition:

Page 32: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

The phantom phase as well as the non-phantom phase can be realized in the Einstein frame in the context of non-local gravity.

f0 = 2If ,

We remark that since we now consider the case in which the contribution of matter is absent, is equivalent to the equation of state for dark energy.This is because and correspond to and , respectively, and thus can be expressed as .


úeff Peff útot Ptotweff

útot Ptotand : The total energy density and pressure of the universe, respectively.

・ The ghost-free condition:

This cannot be satisfied. Thus the solution also contains a ghost.

In the case ,

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D. Cosmology in the Einstein frameWe assume the FLRW metric, and consider the case in which the contribution of matter is negligible. The variation of the action in terms of and leads to ñþ・

We investigate the case that .・

We suppose .・

The first FLRW equation: ・


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There exists a flat solution where . ・

If , , .

The effective equation of state for the universe :


: The non-phantom (quintessence) phase

weff > à 1h0 > 0

: The phantom phase

weff <à 1h0 < 0

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The phantom phase as well as the non-phantom phase can be realized in the Einstein frame in the context of non-local gravity.

f0 = 2If ,

・ The ghost-free condition:

This cannot be satisfied. Thus, the solution also contains a ghost.

In the case ,

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected] 36/32

E. Addition of an termR2

We examine the influence of adding an term on the stability of non-local gravity in the Einstein frame.


We introduce another scalar field .ð

By varying the action with respect to , we have . Substituting this equation into the action in the second expression, the starting action is re-obtained.


Gravitational field equations in the flat FLRW background:・

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If we add an term as in the action, and becomeR2 úeff Peff

The effective equation of state for the universe is given by・

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We examine the condition to avoid a ghost in the present case.By following the same procedure in Sec. II C, we perform a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame.


Substitution of

The mass matrix is given by .

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The necessary condition to avoid a ghost is that all the eigenvalues of the mass matrix must be positive.


The characteristic equation for is given by M

denotes an eigenvalue of .My

E : Unit matrix

: Three eigenvalues of M

y1 > 0, y2 > 0, y3 > 0

Y1 > 0, Y2 > 0, Y3 > 0

Y3 > 0If , (i.e., ) (i.e., )

Y1 > 0If , Y2 < 0If ,

All the three eigenvalues of cannot be positive simultaneously. Thus, the necessary condition to avoid a ghost cannot be satisfied.


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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

III. Finite-time future singularities in non-local gravityA. Finite-time future singularities

hs : Positive constantq Non-zero constant larger than -1 :


We examine whether there exists the finite-time future singularities in non-local gravity.

We only consider the period .When ,

In the flat FLRW space-time, we analyze an asymptotic solution of the gravitational field equations in the limit of the time when the finite-time future singularities appear.

We consider the case in which the Hubble parameter is expressed as ・


→∞for ,

for and , is finite, but becomes infinity and therefore also diverges.

H Hç


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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

By using and ,

Taking the leading term in terms of , we obtain

as : Constant

ñc : Integration constant


Leading term


Cf. If , Leading term

Page 42: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

B. Analysis for .

We take a form of as . f(ñ) : Non-zero constants


By using and ,

Taking the leading term in terms of , we acquire・


øc : Integration constant

If û > 0 If û < 0

Leading termfor

Leading term

Page 43: Reference: K. Bamba, S. Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov and M. …..., 074 (2004)] ・Higher-order curvature term ・f(G)gravity G: Gauss-Bonnet term ・DGP braneworld scenario [Dvali, Gabadadze

Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

Thus, there are three cases.




We examine the behavior of each term on the right-hand side (r.h.s.) of the gravitational field equations in the limit , in particular that of the leading terms, and study the conditionthat an asymptotic solution can be obtained.

When , , and can be neglectedbecause these values are finite.

Λ úm Pm・

We analyze the case of and that of separately. ñc = 0・

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

IV. Effective equation of state for the universe and phantom-divide crossing A. Cosmological evolution of the effective equation of state for the universe

We examine the asymptotic behavior of in the limit by taking the leading term in terms of .

・ weff

weff > à 1


: Deviation of from -1weff

weff = à 1

I(t) > 0 I(t) = 0If , evolves from to .I(t)

I(t)< 0 I(t) = 0If , evolves from to .I(t)

weff < à 1 weff = à 1

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??


: Constant part of I(t)

If , a crossing of the phantom divide from the non-phantom phase to the phantom one can occur because the sign of the second term in is negative and the absolute value of the amplitude becomes very large.

I0 > 0


If , always evolves in the phantom phase ( ). I0 < 0 I(t) weff < à 1

Thus the final stage is the phantom phase and it is eternal. For

Λ > 0If we consider , we have .

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Screening ... gravity / K. Bamba et al. / [email protected]/??

It has been suggested that in the framework of non-local gravity combined with an term, inflation in the early universe as well as the cosmic acceleration in the late time could be realized.

The additional term leads to inflation and the late-time cosmic acceleration occurs due to the term of non-local gravity in the action.



It is known that in gravity, the addition of an term could cure the finite-time future singularities.

・ R2F(R)

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We have also demonstrated that there is a case with realizing a crossing of the phantom divide from the non-phantom (quintessence) phase to the phantom one in the limit of the appearance of a finite-time future singularity.

・ We have shown that the late-time accelerating universe may be effectively the quintessence, cosmological constant or phantom-like phases.

The estimation of the current value of the effective equation ofstate parameter for the universe which could be phantomic one around -1 shows that its observed value could be easily realized by the appropriate choice of non-local gravity parameters.

We have considered the cosmological consequences of adding an term.


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Non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplier

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III. Non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplierWe generalize non-local gravity by introducing Lagrange constraint multiplier and examine a de Sitter solution in non-local gravity with Lagrange constraint multiplier.

< The constrained action for a scalar field >ψ

õ : Lagrange multiplier field


: Time-like vector

We choose .・ : ConstantU0

Under the constraint, we define n, ë, í : Constants

No. L2

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No. L3< Non-local action >

Introducing two scalar fields and ñ ø

can be even or odd integer.


and only depends on time. ψ,

We assume the following form of the metric:

We suppose and only depend on . ñ ø tWe examine most simple but non-trivial case that . m = 2

n = 0 í = 0(i.e., , )

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b = 0

The variation of the action with respect to gives ñ・

after putting . in the above background,

The variation of the action with respect to leads to ø・

in the above background. For , the action is expressed as m = 2・

By the variation of the action with respect to , we obtain the equation corresponding to the first FLRW equation: b

We have used*

No. L4

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No. L5The variation of the action with respect to gives the equation corresponding to the second FLRW equation:


We investigate if there could be a solution describing the de Sitter space.

We assume

We take .


We suppose .

ø0, ø1 Constants of the integration




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No. L6

Hence, there is always a real solution of .


: Cubic algebraic equation with respect to tctc

We can find the value of .ì

Consequently, if we choose properly, there always appears the solution describing the de Sitter universe.


can be a screening of the cosmological constant. ø1

The last term is a correction coming from the covariant like model.


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No. L7The non-local action often appears as a quantum correction.

This equation implies again that the correction effectively changes the value of the cosmological constant. If in the early universe, where , this equation means øø 0 tø 0

If is positive and very large, the effective cosmological constant in the present universe could be very small.

If corresponds to the value of the Hubble parameter in the present universe, the second term could be negligible.


We explore a condition to avoid the appearance of a ghost.・

We make a conformal transformation to the Einstein frame:

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We describe the Lagrangian for the part of the Lagrange multiplier field as

* No. L8

The condition to avoid a ghost is described by the following form:

From a necessary condition , we find , which implies that the sign of is the same as that of . f0 ì

The ghost-free condition:

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Appendix A

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< 7-year WMAP data on the current value of >

・ For the flat universe, constant :w(From

No. A1w

Hubble constant ( ) measurement


Baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) Special pattern in the large-scale correlation function of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) luminous red galaxies





ΩΛ =

ΩK ñ(a0H0)


K = 0 : Flat universe

K = 0

Density parameter for the curvature



: Time delay distance

From [E. Komatsu et al. [WMAPCollaboration], Astrophys. J. Suppl. 192, 18 (2011) [arXiv:1001.4538 [astro-ph.CO]]].

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・ For the flat universe, a variable EoS :

No. A2






a =1+z1

Time-dependent w

Current value of w


From [E. Komatsu et al. [WMAPCollaboration], Astrophys. J. Suppl. 192, 18 (2011)[arXiv:1001.4538 [astro-ph.CO]]].

: Redshiftz

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Appendix B

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No. B1< Crossing of the phantom divide >Various observational data (SN, Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), BAO) imply that the effective EoS of dark energy may evolve from larger than -1 (non-phantom phase) to less than -1 (phantom phase). Namely, it crosses -1 (the crossing of the phantom divide).

[Alam, Sahni and Starobinsky, JCAP 0406, 008 (2004)][Nesseris and Perivolaropoulos, JCAP 0701, 018 (2007)]

wDE > à 1

Non-phantom phase(a)

wDE = à 1(b)

Crossing of the phantom dividewDE < à 1(c)

Phantom phase



à 1




: Red shift at the crossing of the phantom divide

[Alam, Sahni and Starobinsky, JCAP 0702, 011 (2007)]

z ñ a1 à 1


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: Total energy density of the universe

: Total pressure of the universe

< Effective equation of state for the universe >




: Pressure of dark energy

: Pressure of radiation

Pressure of non-relativistic matter (cold dark matter and baryon)


No. B2

Hç > 0

Hç = 0

Hç < 0 weff > à 1

weff = à 1

weff < à 1




Non-phantom phase

Crossing of the phantom divide

Phantom phase

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From [Nesseris and L. Perivolaropoulos, JCAP 0701, 018 (2007)].

[Riess et al. [Supernova Search Team Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 607, 665 (2004)]

[Astier et al. [The SNLS Collaboration], Astron. Astrophys. 447, 31 (2006)]

Cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) data

SDSS baryon acoustic peak (BAO) data

SN gold data set SNLS data set

[Eisenstein et al. [SDSS Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 633, 560 (2005)]

[Spergel et al. [WMAP Collaboration], Astrophys. J. Suppl. 170, 377 (2007)]


w(z) = w0 +w1 1+zz

< Data fitting of (1) >w(z)

1ûShaded region shows error.

No. B3

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[Nesseris and L. Perivolaropoulos, JCAP 0701, 018 (2007)]

For most observational probes (except the SNLS data), a low prior leads to an increased probability (mild trend) for the crossing of the phantom divide.

Ω0m (0.2 < Ω0m < 0.25)・

Ω0m : Current density parameter of matter

No. B4

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2û confidence level.

From [Alam, Sahni and Starobinsky, JCAP 0702, 011 (2007)].

SN gold data set+CMB+BAO SNLS data set+CMB+BAO

・ ・

< Data fitting of (2) >w(z) No. B5

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confidence level

From [Zhao, Xia, Feng and Zhang, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 16, 1229 (2007) [arXiv:astro-ph/0603621]]

157 “gold” SN Ia data set+WMAP 3-year data+SDSSwith/without dark energy perturbations.

< Data fitting of (3) >w(z)



confidence level95%

No. B6

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