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Ablow, Keith 47advanced liberalism 29, 42–4advertising 67–8, 89

anti-ageing medicine 112, 128direct-to-consumer 67–8, 89promissory 128

Agamben, Giorgio 38–9Age of Reason 19American Academy of Anti-Aging

Medicine (A4M) 132, 134, 137anti-ageing medicine 30–1, 61, 63,

69, 109–39celebrity endorsements 135–8market growth 132–5marketing 127–30, 132–5

anti-ageing treatments 69, 111, 112, 137, 144

Botox 137nutraceuticals and

cosmeceuticals 131–2stem cell banking 121–5

anticipatory medicine 8anxiety see food anxiety; health

anxietyapps, fitness-related 107

see also self-trackingassistive technologies 13, 15, 130Avatar Project 118–19

bare life 39Baudrillard, Jean 61Beckham, Victoria 137Bernard, Claude 39Bhutan 45, 46bias 54–6big data 39, 80, 116, 117, 126–7Biller, Henry 33bioeconomy 13–14, 16biological citizenship 10–11, 86–8biomedicine 1, 3, 16, 28, 29, 39, 41,

45, 49, 50, 52, 54, 81, 85, 86, 115, 142, 143

biopolitics 38–9, 80, 108

biopower 38, 43biotech zombies 127Bloch, Ernst 4, 6, 7, 18, 36body dysmorphic disorder 101Bok, Derek 45Botox 137bottom-up approach 23–5Bourdieu, Pierre 61Bratman, Steven 103–4breast cancer 10, 48–9, 59–60, 63

BRCA1/2 genes 29, 59, 60, 70Brown, Catana 33–4

Calico 31, 114–17, 121Canguilhem, Georges 39Cassels, Alan 55–6celebrity endorsements 59–61, 63, 70

anti-ageing medicine 135–8Celera Genomics 21, 121, 136choice 88–93, 146Choulika, Adré 123–4Climategate affair 51–2cloning 20, 85, 115Cochrane Collaboration 50commodification 7–8, 16, 21, 97,

104Comte, August 39consumerism 4, 30, 31, 57, 61–3, 70,

145cosmeceuticals 130–2CosMediTours 99cosmetic tourism 94–100Crawford, Robert 8–9, 30Cryonics Institute 113–14‘cyberchondria’ 79

Darwin, Charles 19–20, 40Delvecchio Good, Mary-Jo 9–10, 28digital health 13digital technologies 18, 62

fitness apps 107direct-to-consumer advertising 67–8,


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172 Index

Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) 87

discourse of hope 2, 5, 29, 30, 34–5, 42–3, 45, 56, 57, 65, 110, 138

Dolly the Sheep 20Dubos, René 18–20dystopia/dystopianism 20–1

Eastern philosophies 19eating disorders 101Ebola epidemic 148–9Ehrenreich, Barbara 45Eliott, Jaklin 33Ellison, Larry 125–6, 136emotional governance 25emotional regime 145empowerment 15, 26, 33–4, 42, 56,

62, 74, 77, 78, 80, 87, 146Enlightenment 38Eterni.me 31, 120–1Ettinger, Robert 113eugenics 23–5, 146–7

Final Solution 24European Society of Preventive,

Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM) 133

evidence 34–5, 48–9bias 54–6significance of 50–4

evidence-based medicine 45, 50, 56, 143

evolutionary biology 40–1expectation 27, 28, 37, 41, 43,

48–51, 57, 61, 63–4, 66, 70, 76–7, 85, 111, 117, 121, 138, 143–4, 147

cycle of 16vs. hope 11–18

factors of risk 8, 42, 79, 84faith 5–6, 36–8false hope 2, 3, 47–56, 67, 92, 143Farmer, Paul 148food anxiety 30, 82, 100–4

diets 103fostering hope 34, 43Foucault, Michel 9, 38, 43Frankfurt School 61–2Frankl, Viktor 2Fromm, Erich 5–7, 21–2, 36–7, 51,


Fry, Colin 34functional foods 131–2fundamentalism 22–3Future Health Biobank 124–5

Garfield, Sidney 81genealogy of hope 35–47

modern period 38–42period of advanced

liberalism 42–4positive psychology 44–7premodern period 36–8

genetic testing 15, 23, 29, 59, 60, 69, 71, 89, 115, 126

genetics 11, 14, 61, 116, 147see also eugenics

genome sequencing 117Global Barometer of Hope and

Happiness 46Goldacre, Ben 53–4Google 14, 79, 89, 128

Calico 31, 114–17, 121investment in life

extension 114–17Google Health 115green technologies 14de Grey, Aubrey 109–10, 115, 126,

132, 136Groopman, Jerome 33‘Gross National Happiness’ 45gyms 105

Hage, Ghassen 25–6Halycon Molecular 126Hansen, Pauline 25happiness 45–6health anxiety 30, 81–4healthism 7, 8, 30, 42, 84healthy citizen/citizenship 47, 81,

86–9, 108healthy lifestyle 7, 8healthy self 7–9hope 1

benefits of 2discourse of 2, 5, 29, 30, 34–5,

42–3, 45, 56, 57, 65, 110, 138false 2, 3, 47–56, 67, 92, 143fostering 34, 43future of 141–9meanings of 5–6

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Index 173

method of 4as personal resource 91–2politics of 1–31power of 3, 33–57production/distribution 25–6promotion of 3realistic 3redistribution of 149sociology of 141–9true 47–56, 92vs. expectation 11–18

hope scales 2, 43hope theory 2, 43hopeful moments 4, 149hopelessness 1, 15, 44, 61Human Longevity, Inc. 121–2Huxley, Aldous 20, 115hypochondria 81

Illich, Ivan 18immortality 142

promise of 113–14virtual 31, 42, 114, 117–21see also anti-ageing medicine

informed choice 152045 Initiative 118–19, 121International Society of Stem Cell

Research (ISSCR) 66–7Internet 18, 66, 80, 87–93, 128

direct-to-consumer advertising 67–8, 89

Itskov, Dmitry 118

Jevne, Ronna 34Jolie, Angelina 59–60, 63, 70

Kelly, Kevin 105Keynes, John Maynard 12Klein, Naomi 21

learned optimism 46, 47libertarian paternalism 88–93life extension 114–17, 128

see also anti-ageing medicinelifelogging 104–5lipophobia 102longevity see anti-ageing medicine

Macpherson, Elle 137Marcuse, Herbert 21–2

marketing 127–30see also advertising

Marshall, Barry 54Marx, Karl 2, 6, 21, 40Medi Makeovers 96–7medical screening see screeningmedical testing 30, 63, 77, 79, 80,

144, 148see also screening

medical tourism 64–5, 68–9, 93see also cosmetic tourism

messianic vision 6, 21, 36modern period 38–42Monbiot, George 138More, Thomas 18–19Moynihan, Ray 55–6MRI scans 71, 72Myazaki, Hirokazo 4, 149Myriad Genetics 60

‘Nature’ 20Nazi Germany 23, 24

Final Solution 24neoliberalism 3, 7, 26, 35,

42–4, 62NIB Option 97–8Nietzsche, Friedrich 2normalisation 39–40

of cosmetic surgery 97–8‘Not-Yet-Conscious’ 6–7Novas, Carlos 10‘nudging’ 88, 89nutraceuticals 131–2

Obama, Barack 1, 26obesity 100–4OnlineMedicalTourism 95–6optimism see hopeoptimism bias 47, 53–4orthorexia 103–4over-diagnosis/treatment 30

Page, Larry 114–15, 136paranoid nationalism 25–6paternalism, libertarian 88–93patient-driven research 86, 90, 92PatientsLikeMe 127personalised medicine 14–15, 62,

116–17, 127personality transfer 118

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174 Index

pessimism 1, 12see also hopelessness

Petryna, Adriana 11, 55Pink Hope 10placebo effect 33, 41–2, 143political economy of hope

9–11, 29, 63, 86, 92, 100, 110, 144, 146

politicsof bodily perfection 94–100of fear 23–4of hope 1–32

positive psychology 4, 5, 44–7power of hope 3, 33–57Practice Fusion 127pre-symptomatic screening 30,

70–3prediction 12premodern period 36–8promise

of empowerment 62of immortality 113–14of salvation 36, 107of technologies 77, 121, 146

promissoryadvertising 128bioscience 20, 25marketing 116, 124

promotion of hope 3prostate cancer screening 73–7Proteus 127

quantified self 104–7

Rabinow, Paul 11rationality 36–7realistic hope 3Reddy, William 145Reeve, Christopher 59, 136regenerative medicine 121–5religion 2, 5–6, 36–8responsibilisation 9, 45, 84–6resurrection 5–7, 36, 37, 107, 108Rettig, Richard 48–9risk 8, 9, 80, 84–6

underestimation of 47–8Rorty, Richard 40Rose, Nikolas 9, 10Rousseau, Jean Jacques 19

Salk, Jonas 54Savulescu, Julian 147Scéil 123–4Schwarzenegger, Arnold 137Scioli, Anthony 33screening

clinical benefits 71–2MRI scans 71, 72population-based programmes 71pre-symptomatic 30, 70–3prostate cancer 73–7

self-help 34, 45, 83self-monitoring 22, 80, 82, 87, 104self-quantification 104–7self-surveillance 80, 107self-testing 83, 87self-tracking 11, 30, 105–6, 144Seligman, Martin 44–6Shakespeare, Tom 23Sharot, Tali 47–8Shelly, Mary 20, 115Skrabanek, Peter 8Snyder, Charles R. 43–4social media 90–1socio-politics 4–29

see also individual levelssociology of hope 141–9sport, banned substances 69–70stem cell banking 121–5stem cell tourism 63–4, 66stem cells/treatments 5, 14, 20–1, 30,

63–70advertising 67–8

strong eugenics 23suffering 3, 31, 142–3

technology/ies 12–13, 29, 59–78assistive 15green 14promise of 77, 121, 146quick fix 18of self 7

Thiel, Peter 126Tiger, Lionel 40–1top-down approach 23–5Trounsen, Alan 21true hope 47–56, 92trust 27–8, 34–5, 93Turner, Bryan 139

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Index 175

uncertainty 49–52utopia/utopianism 2, 18–22, 37, 139

‘Golden Age’ 19messianic figures 21, 36

Veblen, Thorstein 61Ventor, J. Craig 21, 121–2, 136virtual immortality 31, 42, 114,


Weir, Al 34Western medicine, limits of 28–9

Wolf, Gary 105World Anti-Aging Academy of

Medicine (WAAAM) 132World Federation and

World Virtual Institute of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine (PYRAMED) 133

World Health Organisation 11worried well 30, 80–4, 102

Yudkin, John 102

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