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Subject Index

Acetylcholine 53f,57f Acetylcholine esterase 22,30,32,34,42 Adenosine 54 cq -Adrenergic receptors 49ff, 54, 60 Ct2-Adrenergic receptors 49 ~-Adrenergic receptors 25, 49ff, 54, 60, 64f ~-Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase 3,6 Aspartate 18

B Benzodiazepine 54

C Calcitonin gene-related peptide 43 Calcium, see Intracellular calcium concentration Calcium channels - Voltage-gated calcium channels 46ff, 53, 58 - cyclic nucleotide-gated calcium channels 45,

49,54f Calmodulin 49 Choline acetyltransferase 32,42 Circadian oscillator 3,5 Conarian nerve 13,35, 37f, 42 Cone-opsin 17,21 CREB, see Cyclic AMP response element binding

protein Cyclic AMP 7, 45ff Cyclic AMP response element 7,60, 63ff, 70 Cyclic AMP response element binding protein

7,51, 61ff, 70, 73ff Cyclic AMP response element binding protein

modulator 67ff Cyclic AMP responsive protein kinase A 51, 59,

61,69f Cyclic GMP 45f,54ff

D Delta-sleep inducing peptide 54 Dense-core vesicles 22,24,39,41 Dopamine 34, 48, 54

E Enkephalin 32,44

F FMRF-amide 30,43 Frontalorgan 9,29

G GABA 26,32,54 Gap junctions 15,39,41 Glutamate 15,18,25,54,58 Gonadotropin releasing hormone 30,43

H Habenular nucleus 5, 9ff, 29, 31ff, 38 Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase 3,5,6,18,

20, 23f, 67, 70

ICER, see Inducible cyclic AMP early repressor Immediate early genes 7, 59f, 64, 69 Inducible cyclic AMP early repressor 7, 64ff, 70 Intracellular calcium concentration 25,42,

45ff, 55ff, 77 - oscillations 49 Intracellular calcium stores 46,52

L Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone 43,76f

M Melanophores 1,3,7,8,73,76 Melatonin - Function 7,73 - Receptors 7, 73ff - Secretion 3,5 - Synthesis 3,5,6, 10 Modified photoreceptors 4, 13f, 21

N Neurofilament 13,19, 25f N europeptide Y 26,30,35,39,41,43, 54f Nitric oxide 54 Norepinephrine 33ff,48ff

o Oxytocin 43,55


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P Para pineal organ 9, 15f, 20 Paraventricular nucleus 5,30,33,43 Parietal eye 9f, 18, 29 Parietal foramen 9 Pars tuberalis 8,74,76 Peptide N -terminal histidine and C-terminal

isoleucine 54f Photoneuroendocrine system Iff,9 Pineal organ - Central innervation 2Sff, 32, 41 - Concretions 10 - Development 9ff - Parasympathetic innervation 32,41ff - Photosensitivity 3 - Stalk 5,10 - Sympathetic innervation 4, 13,23, 30f, 33ff,

45,49,69 Pinealocyte sensu stricto 4,13,15,21, 23ff Pinopsin 18,21 Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypep­

tide 51, 54ff, 61, 63, 73ff pterygopalatine ganglion 42f

R Recoverin 18,21,24 Retina 5,24,76 Retinal 17,23, 25 Rod-opsin 15ff, 21ff, 34


S S-Antigen 16ff, 21ff, 30, 32, 50, 54, 56 Serotonin 3,6, 18, 20f, 23f, 34f, 38, 54, 57 Serotonin-N-acetyltransferase 3, Sf, 24, 51, 70 - Transcription 63ff Serotonin transporter 36, 38 Somatostatin 43f Substance P 26,39,43,54 Superior cervical ganglion 5,23,35, 37f, 43 - Ganglionectomy 35, 38f, 41 Suprachiasmatic nucleus 3,5, 8f, 68f, 73f Synaptic ribbons 15,21,24, 26f Synaptobrevin 13,25 Synaptophysin 19,25,39

T a-Transducin 16,18,21,24 True pineal photo receptors 4, 13ff, 21, 34 Tryptophan hydroxylase 3,6, 64f

V Vasoactive intestinal peptide 39,43, 49ff, 54ff,

61,63 Vasopressin 43,55f

Z Zeitgeber 2,30

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