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Page 1: References - Michigan Works! Southwest€¦ · Reference 0 RFP 2018_3 222 S. Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007-4628 Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Program

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RFP 2018_3

222 S. Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007-4628

Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Program

Request for Proposal 2018_3

Youth Services

as defined by

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014


These RFP instructions have incorporated supplemental resources to assist those desiring to explore WIOA Youth

more thoroughly. We have included data and information on local workforce development activity. The following

are enclosed as REFERENCES.

Reference # 1 Michigan Works! Southwest System Structure

Reference # 2 Michigan Works! WIA Federal Performance Measures

Reference # 3 Michigan Works! Southwest Equal Opportunity Program Participation Goals

Reference # 4 Michigan Works! Expenditure and Services Activity for PY2016 and PY2017 to date

Reference # 5 Michigan Works! Southwest Employment and Training Programs – Chart of Accounts

Reference # 6 General Administrative Requirements

Reference # 7 Assurances, Certifications, and Stipulations

Reference # 8 Michigan Works! Southwest Certification Documents

Reference # 9 Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board Policy Summaries

Reference #10 Request for Proposal (RFP) Appeals Procedure

Reference #11 Michigan Works! Southwest 2018 Workforce Development Board and Michigan Works!

Administrative Staff

Reference #12 Demand Driven Approach

Reference #13 Michigan Industry Cluster Approach (MICA)

Reference #14 Resource List

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Michigan Works! Southwest System Structure

A Summary of the Michigan Works! Workforce Development System


• Universal access for employers and job seekers

• Easy customer access

• Services that are market driven through private sector leadership

• Integration of services across agencies and programs

• Accountability focused on results and documented by performance measures

Job Seeker: Career and Training Services

• Orientation to Michigan Works! System

• Program eligibility and application processes

• Supportive Services

• Labor exchange

• Job, career and skill self-assessments

• Employer and human services directories

• Resume writing software

• Occupational training information

• Financial aid information

• Labor market information

• Available based on eligibility

• Occupational skills training

• On-the-job training

• Skill upgrading and retraining

• Job readiness training

• Customized training

Employer Services

• Develop, update and deactivate job orders on Pure Michigan Talent Connect

• Resume search for specific selection criteria on Pure Michigan Talent Connect

• Accepting and pre-screening of applications

• Customized assessments and training

• WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certification

• Office space and room scheduling for individual/group interviews and/or testing

• Workshops on site

• Employer tax credit resources

• Training opportunities and funding

• On the Job Training Grant opportunities



• Studies Needs

• Enacts Legislation

• Appropriates Funding

• Evaluates program results

Federal Agencies

• U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Health and

Human Services

o Establishes regulations, clarifies legislation and establishes operating rules

o Sets performance standards

o Reviews and approves state plans

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RFP 2018_3

o Allocates and distributes funds to the states

o Establishes data information system and reporting requirements

o Reports program results to Congress


• Sets overall vision for talent development

• Designates local service delivery areas (local geographic regions)

• Certifies Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)

• Approves local plans

Talent Investment Board

• Members serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor

• Charged with advising and assisting the governor regarding compliance with the federal Workforce

Innovation and Opportunity Act and overall talent development.

• Will be structured to meet a broader charge which includes stronger linkages with community colleges,

career and technical education, and workforce elements of economic development

Workforce Development Agency, State of Michigan (WDA)

• State agency for workforce and talent development

• Carries out Governor’s day-to-day workforce and talent development responsibilities-planning, policy

guidance, and evaluation

• Distributes funding to the local area

• Establishes workforce development policy

• Develops and submits state plans for federal funding

• Works in partnership with other state departments

Workforce Development Boards

• The Board, in each Michigan Works! Area, participates in the development of and submits

recommendations regarding, the workforce development plans, basic goals and policies and procedures for

the Michigan Works! system.

• The Boards monitor and provide objective evaluation of workforce development programs and services in

each of the Michigan Works! Areas.

• The Boards provide a continuing analysis of the need for employment, training and related services,

including efforts to reduce and eliminate artificial barriers to employment.

• The Boards identify specific areas of training based on local labor market needs and occupations in


• The Boards maintain a "One Stop" workforce development system which provides customers, employers

and job seekers, with access to a full range of services that are seamless, easily accessible and tailored to

individual needs.

Local Elected Officials

• Appoint WDB members

• Serves as grant recipient

Talent District Career Council (TDCC)

• The role of the TDCC is to serve in an advisory capacity to the local boards on a broad range of youth and

educational issues.

• TDCC representation must be comprised of workforce development board members, employers, labor

representatives, local school districts, post-secondary institutions, intermediate school districts, career and

technical educators, public school parents, and academic educators.

Michigan Works! Areas

• Responsible for day-to-day operations

• Provides technical assistance to subcontractors

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RFP 2018_3

• Monitors subcontractors for compliance

Map of the Michigan Works! Areas is available at: http://www.michiganworks.org/about-michigan-


Michigan Works! Service Center (MWSC)

• A MWSC is a location where at a minimum, services are accessible by both the customer groups,

employers and job seekers, and where services from workforce development programs are co-located for

easy customer access

• Access to all workforce development services will be included in the Michigan Works! System either at a

service center or through referral



• Labor exchange services at Pure Michigan Talent Connect: mitalent.org

• Serves universal population, and

• Unemployment insurance claimants

• Migrant and seasonal farm workers, veterans

• Federally-funded: PY July 1 – June 30

• Services provided by employees of public entities with merit systems

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) - Adults and Dislocated Workers

• Federally-funded: PY July 1 – June 30

• Career services – universal population

• Services accessed at a MWSC

o Adults

▪ 18 and older

▪ Priority for economically disadvantaged

o Dislocated Worker

▪ Eligibility based on employment termination or layoff as a result of any permanent

closure or substantial layoff

WIOA – Youth Services

• Provide services linked to the labor market needs and have a strong connection between academics and

occupational learning

• Federally-funded: PY July 1 – June 30

• Not less than 14 and not more than 24 years old

• Low income and has one or more prescribed barriers

• A minimum of 75% of funds must be spent on out of school youth

• The required Program elements

o Tutoring, study skills training, instruction, and evidence-based dropout prevention andrecovery strategies;

o Alternative secondary school services, or dropout recovery services, as appropriate;o Paid and unpaid work experiences that have as a component academic and occupational

education, which may include:▪ Summer employment opportunities and other employment opportunities available

throughout the school year;▪ Pre-apprenticeship programs;▪ Internships and job shadowing; and▪ On-the-job training opportunities

o Occupational skill training, with a focus on recognized postsecondary credentials and in-demand occupations;

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RFP 2018_3

o Leadership development activities;o Supportive services;o Adult mentoring for the period of participation and a subsequent period, for a total of not

less than 12 months;o Follow up services for not less than 12 months after the completion of participation;o Comprehensive guidance and counseling, which may include drug and alcohol abuse

counseling;o Integrated education and training for a specific occupation or cluster;o Financial literacy education;o Entrepreneurial skills training;o Services that provide labor market and employment information about in-demand industry

sectors or occupations available in the local area including talent tours;o Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and


Trade Programs -NAFTA

Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TAARA)/Trade Adjustment Assistance

(TAA)/Trade Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act (TGAAA)/Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension


• Federally funding: FY October 1 – September 30

• Assist individuals who become unemployed as a result of increased imports due to foreign trade

Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope. (PATH) and Food Assistance Employment and Training


• Federally and State funded: FY October 1 – September 30

• Eligibility determined by the Department of Human Services

• Services accessed at a MWSC

• Services available:

o Assessment & Individual Service Strategy

o Job Skills Training

o Work Experience/Community Service

o Vocational Education Training

o Case Management

o Supportive Services

Prisoner Reentry Program (Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties only)

• State Funded: FY October 1 – September 30

• Eligibility determined by Department of Corrections

• Services accessed through Parole Office

• Services available:

o Employment Readiness (provided at MWSC)

o Residential Stability

o Social Support

o Health and Behavioral Health

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Reference #2

RFP 2018_3

WIOA Performance Measures – Youth

Source: WIOA Manual

Under Section 116(b)(2)(A) of the WIOA, there are six primary indicators of performance. The

following WIOA performance measures are the criteria used to evaluate attainment of the MWA (and

state) performance:

Employment Rate – 2nd Quarter after Exit:

The percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit

from the program. For Title I Youth, the indicator is the percentage of participants in education or

training activities, or in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit.

Employment Rate – 4th Quarter after Exit:

The percentage of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit

from the program. For Title I Youth, the indicator is the percentage of participants in education or

training activities, or in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit.

Median Earnings – 2nd Quarter after Exit:

The median earnings of participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after

exit from the program.

Credential Attainment:

The percentage of those participants enrolled in an education or training program (excluding those in On-

the-Job Training [OJT] and customized training) who attain a recognized post-secondary credential or a

secondary school diploma, or its recognized equivalent, during participation in or within four quarters

after exit from the program. A participant who has attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized

equivalent is included in the percentage of participants who have attained a secondary school diploma or

its recognized equivalent only if the participant also is employed within four quarters after exit or is

enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized post-secondary credential within 365

days of exit from the program.

Measurable Skill Gains

The percentage of program participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training

program that leads to a recognized post-secondary credential or employment and who are achieving

measurable skill gains, defined as documented academic, technical, occupational, or other forms of

progress, towards such a credential or employment. Depending on the type of education or training

program, documented progress is defined as one of the following:

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RFP 2018_3

• Documented achievement of at least one educational functioning level of a participant who is

receiving instruction below the post-secondary education level.

• Documented attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.

• Secondary or post-secondary transcript or report card for a sufficient number of credit hours that

shows a participant is meeting the state’s unit academic standards.

• Satisfactory or better progress report towards established milestones, such as completion of OJT

or completion of one year of an apprenticeship program or similar milestones, from an employer

or training provider who is providing training.

• Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation or progress in attaining

technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-

based exams.

Effectiveness in Serving Employers

The WIOA (Section 116(b)(2)(A)(i)(VI) requires the Departments of Labor and Education to establish a

primary indicator of performance for effectiveness in serving employers. The Departments are piloting

three approaches designed to gauge three critical workforce needs of the business community.

• Approach 1 – Retention with the same employer – addresses the program’s efforts to provide

employers with skilled workers.

• Approach 2 – Repeat Business Customers – addresses the program’s efforts to provide quality

engagement and services to employers and sectors and establish productive relationships with

employers and sectors over extended periods of time, and

• Approach 3 – Employer Penetration Rate – addresses the program’s efforts to provide quality

engagement and services to all employers and sectors within a state and local economy.

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Equal Opportunity (EO) Program Participation Goals

The following represents goals for the participation of the Equal Opportunity (EO) protected classes for PY2017.

The service goals identified are applicable for both initial participation and participant outcome activity. Goals for

PY 2018 will be established during the contract development process that results from this RFP.


Females 51.0%

African American 9.0%

Hispanic 4.5%

Native American 0.5%

Asian 1.5%

Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.5%

Individuals with Disabilities 11.6%

These goals were established using data from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) five

year estimates from 2009-2013 and Michigan DTMB and Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic

Initiatives reports prepared for the Michigan Works! Area.

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RFP 2018_3

Michigan Works! Southwest Area (Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo and St. Joseph Counties) Workforce Investment Act (WIA) & Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Youth Services Expenditure and Service Activity for Program Year 2016 and 2017 Q3

Performance recorded at time of System Exit from program.

Source: MIS WIOA YTH770 Report, Expenditures and available funds from JMR Final Report

Purpose: The purpose of this worksheet is to track historical performance of WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker participant and expenditure

activity to establish benchmarks for evaluating RFPs and performing cost/price analysis.

PROGRAM YEAR 2016 (7/01/16 - 6/30/17)

In-School Youth Out of School Youth Total

Participants 65 231 296

Exited Program 13 38 51

Entered Employment 10 32 42

Attained Goals 12 33 45

Attained Credentials 8 19 27

Attained HS Degree/GED 10 9 19

Percent of Total

Cost per Unit

Total Expenditures $848,947.40 100% $2,868.07

In-School Expenditures $188,226.43 22.17% $2,895.79

Out-of-School Expenditures $660,720.97 77.83% $2,860.26

PROGRAM YEAR 2017 (7/01/17 – 3/31/2018 Q3)

In-School Youth Out of School Youth Total

Participants 57 204 261

Exited Program 6 27 33

Entered Employment 6 24 30

Attained Goals 6 25 31

Attained Credentials 6 27 33

Attained HS Degree/GED 2 2 4

Percent of Total

Cost per Unit

Total Expenditures n/a n/a n/a

In-School Expenditures n/a n/a n/a

Out-of-School Expenditures n/a n/a n/a

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Michigan Works! Southwest

Chart of Line Item Descriptions

Page 1

The following contains a description of the line items that appear on the

budget documents in RFP Instructions and any contract that is issued as a

result of a successful proposal. Therefore, the language contained herein is

in the context of a “Chart of Accounts” in a contracting instrument.

5010 Salaries/Wages (Staff)

a. Compensation for personal services includes remuneration,

paid currently or accrued, for services rendered during the

period of performance under the program, including but not

necessarily limited to wages, salaries, and supplementary

compensation. The costs of such compensation are allowable

to the extent that total compensation for individual employees:

(1) is reasonable for the services rendered; (2) follows an

appointment made in accordance with State or local

government laws and rules and which meets Federal merit

system or other requirements, where applicable; (3) is

determined and supported as provided in b. below; and (4) is

consistent with approved personnel policies and procedures of

the Subrecipient.

b. Amounts charged to program activities for personal services,

regardless of whether treated as direct or indirect costs, will be

based on payrolls documented and provided in accordance

with generally accepted accounting practices of the State or

local government. Payrolls must be supported by certified

time and attendance or equivalent records for individual

employees. Salaries and wages of employees chargeable to

more than one grant program or other cost category will be

supported by distribution of time and effort.

Documentation Requirements*

Time sheets indicating actual time spent on program activities which

are signed by the staff member and their supervisor. The program

activity must be designated on the time sheet prior to certification.

5090 Fringe Benefits (Staff)

Costs identified are allowable to the extent that total compensation for

employees is reasonable and is in conformance with the

Subrecipient's personnel policies and procedures.

Benefits in the form of employers' contribution or expenses for social

security, employees' life and health insurance plans, unemployment

insurance coverage, worker’s compensation insurance, pension plans,

severance pay, etc., are allowable provided such benefits are granted

under approved plans and are distributed equitably to the program

and to all other activities.

Documentation Requirements*

Actual cost of fringe benefits are billed up to the limitations identified

in the contract. If the rate of a fringe benefit changes, written

authorization from the source must be provided to the Michigan

Works! Agency. Vendor invoices should be submitted if available.

6060 Copies and Duplication

Costs for copying and duplication services necessary for program

operation and accomplishment including but not limited to forms,

reports, manuals, media related material, and informational literature,

are allowable. Rental, purchase or repair of duplication equipment is

an appropriate charge to this category.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of paid receipts, paid vendor invoices, or certified

printing/copy logs where an outside vendor is not used. Copy of

rental agreement.

6070 Data Processing

The cost of data processing-related services will be charged

to this category. Data Processing-related services include

data conversion, computer rental, usage, storage, and repair

and maintenance. (Prior written Michigan Works! Agency

approval required)

Documentation Requirements*

Method of cost identification and computer printouts

defining cost of services rendered. Copies of vendor


6250 Equipment Purchase>$5000

a. Includes cost for non-expendable property, including

computer software, with a useful life of one or more

years and a unit or system acquisition cost (inclusive

of shipping, set-up, etc.) of $5,000 or more. All

equipment in this category requires prior Michigan

Works! Agency approval.

b. Acquisition of automated data processing equipment

(by purchase or lease) including hardware/software

and programming services are not allowed without

prior written approval of the Michigan Works!


c. The Subrecipient is responsible to maintain an

inventory of all equipment (per unit cost of $5,000

and above) purchased through this agreement.

Documentation Requirements

Procurement and inventory documentation, invoices for

equipment purchases provided upon receipt of equipment.

6270 Equipment Purchase <$5000

Includes purchases for individual property, equipment and

computer software costing less than $5,000. The

Subrecipient shall maintain proper controls to ensure

adequate inventory and tracking of these items.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor invoices

6280 Insurance

a. Cost of insurance incurred for general liability,

building, property and participant.

b. Costs of other insurance in connection with the

general conduct of activities are allowable subject to

the following limitations:

(1) Types and extent and cost of coverage will be in

accordance with general State or local

government policy and sound business practice.

(2) Personal liability insurance for WDB members

is allowable

(3) Insurance policies offering protection against

debts established by the Federal Government

and State are not allowable.

(4) Costs of insurance or contributions to any

reserve covering the risk of loss of, or damage

to, Federal Government property are not

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Michigan Works! Southwest

Chart of Line Item Descriptions

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c. Contributions to a reserve for a self-insurance program are

allowable to the extent that the type of coverage, extent of

coverage, and the rates and premiums would have been allowed

had insurance been purchased to cover the risks. (REQUIRES


d. Actual losses which could have been covered by permissible

insurance (through an approved self-insurance program or

otherwise) are not allowable. However, costs incurred because

of losses not covered under nominal deductible insurance

coverage and minor losses not covered by insurance, such as

spoilage and breakage which occur in the ordinary course of

operations, are allowable.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor invoices

6420 Marketing/Advertising

Included are costs for advertisements in periodicals, newspapers,

classified advertisements, news announcements through electric and

printed media, production of news releases, and promotional

materials for the purpose of outreach, promotion, and public notice.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor receipts, invoices, for services rendered.

6510 Miscellaneous Expense

Includes costs not identifiable with any of the categories identified

herein. Membership dues are allowable when related to the

program. All miscellaneous costs require specification in the

operational budget.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of paid receipts, vendor invoices, statements, and logs.

6550 Postage/Mailing

These costs would include those which are associated with

postage/handling, (i.e., stamps, postage meter payment to

U.S. Post Office, packaging, private courier costs, UPS, Federal

Express, etc.)

Documentation Requirements*

Logs, copies of paid receipts, paid vendor invoices, or priced

requisitions where an outside vendor is not used.

6590 Professional Services

Costs of consulting/professional services rendered by individuals

or organizations not part of the Subrecipient organization are


Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor invoices.

6730 Space/Facility Rental

Includes the cost of space in a building for the benefit of the activity

and all parking fees incurred while building is used for program

use. Also includes security, maintenance supplies, elevator service,

maintenance of grounds, normal repair and alterations.

The cost of space, whether in a privately or publicly owned building,

may not exceed the cost of comparable space and facilities in a

privately-owned building in the same locality. The cost of space

procured for program usage may not be charged to the program for

periods of nonoccupancy exceeding thirty days.


Documentation Requirements*

Copies of paid receipts, invoices and copy of Rental


6740 Space/Facility Usage

Costs of space/facility usage are allowable where "rental

rate" systems, or equivalent systems that adequately reflect

actual costs, are employed. Security, maintenance supplies,

elevator service, maintenance of grounds, normal repairs,

alterations, and the like, are charged to this category.

Such charges must be determined on the basis of actual

cost including operation and maintenance. Where these

costs are included in usage charges, they may not be

charged elsewhere.

Actual expenses, excluding depreciation, are allowable for

purchases or construction that was financed by federal

funds. Capital improvements require prior written approval.

Only actual expansions, excluding depreciation, are

allowable for purchases or constructions that were financed

with federal funds.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor invoices and submittal of a Cost

Allocation Plan.

6810 Special Services

Services provided within the Subrecipients organization

which are associated with the production of products or

service under the agreement. Costs include: services of a

“central office”; human resource services; marketing/public

relations; accounting/bookkeeping; disbursing services

(cover check or warrant processing), budget preparation

(development, preparation, presentation and execution of

budgets required for the program), and payroll preparation,

etc. No payments will be allowed without submittal of an

approved Cost Allocation Plan.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of cost allocation plan and all supporting


6940 Supplies - Office

The cost of materials and supplies necessary to carry out the

program is allowable. Purchases made specifically for the

program should be charged at their actual prices after

deducting all cash discounts, trade discounts, rebates, and

allowances received by the grantee.

Withdrawals from general stores or stockroom should be

charged at cost consistently using any recognized method of

pricing. Shipping or delivery charges are a proper part of

supply cost.

The cost of books and/or subscriptions to civic, business,

professional, and technical periodicals is allowable when

related to the program.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of paid receipts, paid vendor invoices, supply

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Chart of Line Item Descriptions

Page 3

documentation where an outside vendor is not used, or price per


6960 Telephone

All communication costs including: telephone calls or services,

mobile phone plans, facsimile, wide area telephone service (WATS),

Centrex, telpak (tie lines), messenger service, repair of equipment,

and similar expenses are included.

Purchase of communications hardware and software are not charged

to this category. These are charged to “equipment”

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of invoices, vendor receipts and logs for allowable

communication charges.

6970 Travel (Staff)

Travel costs are allowable for transportation, subsistence, all travel

arrangements including: training conference costs (registration,

lodging, air/ground transportation, subsistence), food for meetings,

staff workshops, job club food, and related items incurred by

employees specified in the agreement who are in travel status on

official business incident to this agreement. Such costs may be

charged on an actual basis, on a per diem or mileage basis in lieu of

actual costs incurred, or on a combination of the two provided the

method used is applied to an entire trip, and results in charges

consistent with those normally allowed in similar circumstances

according to established Subrecipient travel policies.

Cost of entertainment, travel not related to specific services specified

in this agreement, and alcoholic beverages, are costs not chargeable

to this agreement.

Such costs must be charged on an actual basis which result in charges

consistent with those normally allowed in similar circumstances

according to established Subrecipient policies.

NOTE: For use of private vehicles, the Subrecipient must ensure

that proper insurance is provided. If the Subrecipient in

conducting activities under this agreement uses motor vehicles,

the Subrecipient shall ensure that it is protected, and the

MICHIGAN WORKS! AGENCY is held harmless against claims

arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of motor


This protection is limited to automobile liability insurance

covering bodily injury and property damage. The Subrecipient

shall provide the insurance through a DOL approved

self-insurance program or through a commercial insurance


The DOL requires a minimum coverage of $100,000 per person

and $300,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $25,000 per

accident for property damage. If a state or local (or a Federal

law applicable to a Subrecipient's operations such as the Farm

Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 - see 29 CFR 40.14)

requires higher coverage, the insurance requirements of such

laws shall prevail.

If in DOL program purposes, the DOL shall prorate its share of

the premiums, including any additional coverage required to

conform to requirements of this paragraph, in accordance with

the vehicle's actual use in conducting activities under this


Transit services used to transport students between training

activities/locations, is allowable under line item 7140 –

“Participant supportive Services”

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of the log which is maintained by the staff member

indicating the destination, number of miles, date, travel

time, the rate per mile, receipts and vendor invoice, rental

agreements, lodging receipts, etc..

6980 Utilities

These costs include expenditures for gas, electric, oil, water,

bottled water, sewage, or other public/privately provided

utility services.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of vendor invoices.

7120 Participant - Wages

a. Compensation for personal services includes all remu-

neration, paid currently or accrued, for services

rendered during the period of performance under the

program, including but not necessarily limited to

wages, and benefits. The costs of such compensation

are allowable to the extent that total compensation for

individual employees: (1) is reasonable for the

services rendered; (2) follows an appointment made in

accordance with State or local government laws and

rules and which meet Federal merit system or other

requirements, where applicable; and (3) is determined

and supported as provided in b. below. No payment

will be paid for hours not worked.

b. Payroll and Distribution of Time: Amounts charged to

the program for personal services, regardless of

whether treated as direct or indirect costs will be

based on payrolls documented and provided in

accordance with generally accepted accounting

practices of the State or local government.

Documentation Requirements*

Payrolls must be supported by certified time and attendance

or equivalent records for individual participants.

7130 Participant - Fringe Benefits

Benefits allowed for participants whose wages are

subsidized by program funds are restricted to employees'

contribution or expenses for social security and worker's

compensation provided such benefits are granted under

approved plans and are distributed equitably to the program

and to all other activities.

Documentation Requirements*

The rate which allowable fringe benefits are charged is

identified in the contract. If the rates of a fringe benefit

changes, written authorization from the source must be

provided. Vendor invoices should be submitted if available.

7140 Participant - Supportive Services

Services to enable eligible individuals to participate when

they cannot afford to pay for these themselves and support

from other sources is not available.

Cost of providing transportation for participant to training

site including tokens, passes, and parking. (Cash

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Michigan Works! Southwest

Chart of Line Item Descriptions

Page 4

payments to participants are not allowed). The cost of providing

transportation and/or medical services is included. Medical services

required for training/employment or for emergency care due to

accident, illness or other employment needs such as TB, x-ray and/or

lab tests.

Documentation Requirements*

Vendor invoices, logs, documentation of need. Michigan Works!

Agency must approve supportive service procedures before


NOTE: Lines items 7150, 7160, and 7170 below are for costs

training related attributed to non-ITA training. ITA

costs for tuition, fees, and training materials are to be included on

the ITA Voucher and are not to be recorded on these line items.

7150 Participant – Tuition (For costs not included in an ITA Voucher)

Costs of tuition which represent instructional costs which have a

direct and immediate impact on participants, single unit charges

which represent the direct cost of training (when established as


Documentation Requirements*

Copies of invoices, vendor receipt, etc.

7160 Participant – Fees (For costs not included in an ITA Voucher)

Costs of registration, computer and other fees related to entrance into

training programs.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of invoices, vendor receipt, etc.

7170 Participant - Training Materials (For costs not included in an

ITA Voucher)

Included are all training materials used in the training of participants

including DVDs, software, power point materials, audio-visual

presentation, transcripts of audio presentations, computer manuals,

textbooks consumable materials used by participants while on the job

or in training, safety equipment, protective clothing, etc..

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of invoices, vendor receipt, etc.

7180 Participant - OJT Employer Reimbursement

Payments to employers which represent extraordinary costs

associated with the training of unskilled workers. (Specific formulas

for making this determination require prior approval of the Michigan




Documentation Requirements*

Provided by the Michigan Works! Agency.

7181 Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)

A portion of the cost for employee training that is designed to meet

the special requirements of an employer. IWT assists workers by

helping them acquire the skills necessary to retain employment,

therefore allowing the employer to retain a skilled workforce and

avert layoffs. Note: Employers, or group of employers, must pay for a portion of the cost of

providing IWT.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of payment logs, transcripts, attendance logs and/or

verifications, etc.

7182 Participant-Transition Job Training

Cost of time-limited subsidized employment in the public,

private, or non-profit sectors, but with no expectation the

individual will continue his/her hire with the employer. Note: Check for limitations on allotments for transitional jobs

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of payment logs, transcripts, attendance logs and/or

verifications, etc.

7183 Participant-Training Other

Cost of other types of trainings such as Pre-Apprenticeship

Training, Entrepreneurial Training, Job Readiness Training,

Cooperative Education Program, Adult Education and

Literacy Activities,

Occupational Skills Training and other types of trainings

allowable by the funding source.

Documentation Requirements*

Copies of payment logs, transcripts, attendance logs and/or

verifications, etc.

7190 Participant-Performance Payments

Payments made to participants for the achievement of pre-

established performance. Participants eligible for

performance payments, minimum payment and

performance benchmark are established in the Workforce

Development Board Guidance Statements and

Administrative policies.

Documentation Requirements

Copies of payment logs, transcripts, attendance logs and/or

verifications, etc.

* Exempt from submittal with invoice. Will be retained by

the Subrecipient and must be maintained to document a

clear audit trail for all expenditures charged to this line


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Chart of Line Item Descriptions

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General Administrative Requirements


In accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or any successor legislation,

Kalamazoo County designated, through an agreement, the W.E. Upjohn Trustee Corporation (W.E.

Upjohn Institute for Employment Research) as the local grant subrecipient to act as both

Administrative and Fiscal agent for employment and training funds awarded to the service area and as

governed by Public Act 8 of 1967 agreement between the Michigan Counties of Branch, Calhoun,

Kalamazoo and St. Joseph.

W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Employment and Management Services Division

(EMSD), otherwise identified as Michigan Works! Southwest, provides the administrative and fiscal

management duties for this Michigan Works! Agency. Within the Upjohn Institute, the EMSD, is

responsible for the administration of the Procurement System Guidelines adopted for the Michigan

Works! Southwest Area. The EMSD is solely responsible for the development of this Request for

Proposal (RFP) document, for the administration of the competitive bidding process, and for the final

selection of subrecipients.


1. All proposals and bidding information submitted in response to this solicitation will be handled in

confidence. Only proposals and bidding information that are accepted for funding are considered

as "public information."

2. Proposals not accepted for funding consideration are not considered as public information. The

Institute reserves the right to destroy copies of proposals not accepted for funding. Originals will

be retained for procurement documentation and monitoring by the State of Michigan.

3. Where vendors determine all or parts of their proposals contains proprietary or trade secret

information which should be maintained as confidential information, requests should be provided

in writing at the time the proposal is submitted identifying which information should not be

available as public information.


1. Applicants will be notified by e-mail and/or letter of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal

within ten (10) business days of the final funding recommendation(s) (maximum). No oral

confirmation of results will be made unless the Upjohn Institute determines it to be in the best

interests of the program to do so.

2. Successful applicants will be notified of the time and place to initiate agreement negotiations.

Proposals representing activities that have immediate implementation requirements will receive

priority consideration in development of service contracts.


The request will be processed through the established appeal process for the Michigan Works!

Southwest Area (See Reference #12 Request for Proposal (RFP) Appeals Procedure).

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1. An agreement may be awarded based on proposals received, without discussion of such

proposals. Accordingly, each proposal should be submitted in the most favorable terms from a

price and technical standpoint. However, the Upjohn Institute reserves the right to request

additional data, discussion, or presentation, in support of written proposals.

2. The subaward based on proposals received in response to this RFP is contingent upon the Grant

Recipient receiving adequate funds from the Talent Investment Agency (TIA)/Workforce

Development Agency (WDA) for the period covered by this RFP and the ability to negotiate a

subaward within the financial and programmatic limitations imposed.

3. While an award of any proposal may be for a multi-year period, funding obligations will be made

on an annualized basis. Continuation of agreements beyond one year is solely contingent

upon available funding and acceptable performance during the immediate contract period.

Budgetary detail requested in this RFP is restricted to anticipated expenditures during the period

stated in any contract/agreement resulting from this solicitation.

4. This Request for Proposal does not commit the Upjohn Institute to award a contract, to pay any

cost incurred in the preparation of a proposal in response to this request or to procure a contract

for services.

5. The Upjohn Institute reserves the right to accept all or part of any proposal, to reject any or all

proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with all qualified sources, to award

contracts other than to the low bid, and to use the accepted proposal as a basis for final contract


6. Upon completion of the proposal, most information necessary for contract development should be

available. The Upjohn Institute reserves the right to request clarification and/or additional

information during the review process.

7. The Upjohn Institute may without notice cancel, in part or in its entirety, this Request for

Proposal process.


The Upjohn Institute is responsible for ensuring the most appropriate "match" between proposed

activities and funding source. Based on information available at the time of contract awards, the

Upjohn Institute will make assignments of proposed activities to individual funding sources that are

determined to be in the best interests of the program.


Agreements developed, as a result of an award of any proposal, will be cost-reimbursement with

performance specifications. Under cost-reimbursement, the subrecipient will be reimbursed for actual

allowable costs incurred within the total agreement limitations.


The subrecipient shall not assign any services identified in this proposal to any other agency or party

without the written approval of the Michigan Works! Southwest Agency.

Anticipated arrangements for subcontracting any services identified in this proposal with another

agency shall be clearly and specifically defined in proposal responses, including:

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-Specific services to be subcontracted,

-Agency with whom the subcontract is proposed,

-Process of procuring the agency identified,

-Period of performance, and

-Cost of agreement.


Organizations or agencies submitting proposals must provide a full indemnification and hold

harmless of any liability of the State of Michigan, County of Kalamazoo, the Michigan Works!

Southwest Workforce Development Board and Upjohn Institute for any activities conducted by the

subcontracting agency.

Contracts will include a full statement of responsibility for reimbursing the Upjohn Institute for any

costs or expenditures that are disallowed in an audit, and/or for any other claims which might be

made against a program operator by a program participant or an interested party.


1. As a recipient of state and federal funds, the service provider shall have, and be prepared to

provide a copy of, their written policies and procedures that prohibit discrimination against any

employee, applicant for employment, applicant for services or participant based on race, color,

religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, disability, arrest record, political

affiliation or beliefs, citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigrant authorized to work in the

United States, or other non-merit factor. The principles of equal opportunity contained in such

policies and procedures shall apply to hiring, promotion, employment practices, program

eligibility, training, placement, procurement decisions, and the composition of committees,

boards, or advisory groups formed to carry out workforce development initiatives.

2. The subrecipient agrees to monitor and, as needed, take steps to correct any under-representation

of significant and/or targeted populations within the programs and services provided.

3. The subrecipient shall have, and be prepared to provide a copy of, their organization's written

policies and procedures for handling grievances and complaints. These policies and procedures

shall be used to investigate and resolve complaints at the service provider level. The process and

full extent of the appeal process in these policies shall be exhausted in an effort to reach a

satisfactory resolution.

4. Consistent with state policy, the service provider agrees to distribute to all participants a copy of

the Michigan Works! Southwest Grievance and Complaint Procedures. Participants shall sign a

document confirming their receipt of these procedures. The signed document must be maintained

in the participant’s file. If a grievance cannot be resolved at the service provider level, the

complainant will be directed to these procedures. The Michigan Works! Southwest Grievance and

Complaint Procedures shall also be reviewed annually with service provider staff and

documentation of this review maintained on file.

5. The subrecipient shall have, and be prepared to provide a copy of, their written policies and

procedures for reporting, investigating and resolving complaints of sexual and other forms of

workplace harassment.

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6. To evaluate physical accessibility of facilities used for programs and services, subrecipients are

required to complete an appendix of the “One Stop Inclusion Workgroup Final Report”, April

2007, within the terms of their contract. Physical accessibility shortcomings will be reviewed and

a plan of correction developed. An annual re-authorization of this appendix is required.

7. To evaluate program and service accessibility, service providers shall be required to complete

Appendix D of the “One Stop Inclusion Workgroup Final Report”, April 2007, within the terms

of their contract. Program and service accessibility shortcomings will be reviewed and a plan of

correction developed. An annual re-authorization of an appendix is required.

8. Subrecipients shall take appropriate steps to ensure that materials and communications are

available in languages spoken by a significant proportion of the population and that

communications with individuals with disabilities are as effective as communications with others.

9. All promotional materials, advertisements, media messages, publications and electronic

communications and websites for participants and/or the general population shall include the

following tagline:

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675).

Auxiliary aids and services available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay Center and TTY.

10. Subrecipients shall comply with the state and federal requirements to post Equal Opportunity

notices. This includes the need to post notices in languages spoken by a significant proportion of

the population.


All recipients of funds resulting from this solicitation will comply with federal, state and local

policies as appropriate. These include, but are not limited to:

- Talent Investment Agency (TIA)/Workforce Development Agency (WDA) Policy Issuances and

Instruction Letters

- Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board Policies and Administrative


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The following Assurances, Certifications and Stipulation are required by the Talent Investment Agency (TIA) to be

incorporated into the Michigan Works! Southwest Area System Plan and all subcontracts that may be awarded by

the Michigan Works! Agency.



1. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires for all programs receiving financial

assistance under Title I of the WIOA the following assurance:

As a condition to the award of financial assistance from the Talent Investment Agency (TIA) under Title I

of the WIOA, the SUBRECIPIENT assures that it will comply fully with the nondiscrimination and equal

opportunity provisions of the following laws:

a. Section 188 of the WIOA of 2014, which prohibits discrimination against all individuals in the United

States on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or

belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted

immigrant authorized to work in the United States or participation in any WIOA Title I financially-

assisted program or activity;

b. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of

race, color, and national origin;

c. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which prohibits discrimination against

qualified individuals with disabilities;

d. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age;


e. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the

basis of sex in educational programs.

The SUBRECIPIENT also assures that it will comply with all regulations implementing the laws listed

above. This assurance applies to the SUBRECIPIENT’s operation of the WIOA Title I financially-assisted

program or activity, and to all agreements the SUBRECIPIENT makes to carry out the WIOA Title I

financially-assisted program or activity. The SUBRECIPIENT understands that the United States has the

right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance.

2. In connection with the performance of work, the Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Chief Elected

Officials (CEOs) further agree or certify that the MWA and SUBRECIPIENT will comply with the

provisions of:

a. Executive Order 11246, as amended by 11375 (41 Code of Federal Regulation [CFR] Parts 60-64);

b. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Section 503 (29 United States Code (USC) 793), Public Law

(PL) 93-112;

c. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), PL 101-336;

d. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1975 (92 Statute [Stat] 2076), PL 95-555;

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e. Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII (42 USC 2000 et seq.), PL 88-352;

f. Civil Rights Act of 1968, Title VIII (42 USC 300 et seq.), PL 90-284;

g. Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1991 (20 USC 1686-1688, 29 USC 706 and 709, 42 USC 2000[d]-

4[a] and 6107), PL 100-259;

h. Affirmative Action Provisions of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act, as

amended (38 USC 4218), PL 72-74;

i. Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended (29 USC 206[d]), PL 88-38;

j. Elliott Larsen-Civil Rights Act, as amended (Michigan Consolidated Laws Annotated [MCLA]

37.2101 et seq.), Public Act (PA) 456 of 1976;

k. Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act (MCLA 37.1101 et seq.), PA 220 of 1976.

3. The SUBRECIPIENT must comply with all applicable federal and state laws including, but not limited to,

the following:

a. Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1986 (8 USC 1324[a]), PL 99-603;

b. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 USC 2601), PL 103-3;

c. Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended (47 USC 3001 and 3056 et seq.), PL 89-73;

d. Military Selective Service Act, Title I, Section 3, as amended (50 USC 453), PL 97-86;

e. Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 522[a][e][3]), PL 93-579;

f. Whistle Blower's Protection Act (MCLA 15.361 et seq.), PA 469 of 1980;

g. Federal Hatch Act (5 USC 1501-1508);

h. Jobs for Veterans Act, PL 107-288, as amended by PL 112-56 (Reference: Employment and Training

Administration [ETA] Training and Employment Guidance Letter [TEGL] No. 10-09, issued

November 10, 2009);

i. Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane

Recovery, PL 109-234, which contains salary and bonus limitation requirements for the U.S.

Department of Labor (USDOL)/ETA funded programs;

j. Michigan Youth Employment Standards Act, as amended (MCLA 409.101-124), PA 90 of 1978; or

the Federal Child Labor Regulations, Part 570, as amended, whichever is more stringent;

k. Michigan Minimum Wage Law, as amended (MCLA 408.381-398), PA 154 of 1964;

l. Michigan Payment of Wages and Fringe Benefits, as amended (MCLA 408.471-583), PA 390 of

1978; and Overtime Protection (MCLA 408.477), PA 390 of 1978;

m. Michigan Workers' Disability Compensation Act, as amended (MCLA 418.101-941), and

Administrative Rules, PA 317 of 1969;

n. Michigan Open Meetings Act, as amended (MCLA 15.261 et seq.), PA 267 of 1976;

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o. Michigan Contracts with Employers Engaging in Unfair Practices, as amended (MCLA 423.321 et

seq.), PA 278 of 1980;

p. Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, as amended (MCLA 408.1001-1094), PA 154 of


q. Michigan Right to Know Act (MCLA 408.1014[a]-1014[n]), PA 80 of 1986;

r. MCLA 35.1093, insuring delivery of effective and equitable employment services to veterans, PA 39

of 1994;

s. Social Welfare Act, as amended (MCLA 400.55[a] and 400.56[f]), PA 280 of 1939;

t. Title IV-F of the Social Security Act, as amended, PL 74-271;

u. Michigan Welfare Policy Provisions, PA 223 of 1995;

v. Title IV-A of the Social Security Act, as amended, PL 74-271;

w. 45 CFR, Parts 201 through 257 Public Assistance Programs, and Parts 260 through 265 TANF


x. Food Stamp Act of 1977, as amended, PL 105-33;

y. 7 CFR, Parts 271, 272, and 273 Food Stamp and Food Distribution Program;

z. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, PL 113-128;

aa. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Proposed Rules;

bb. Reed Act Provisions of Title IX of the Social Security Act;

cc. Trade Adjustment Assistance Reform Act of 1974, as amended;

dd. The Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, as amended;

ee. The Michigan Employment Security Act of 1936, as amended;

ff. 20 CFR Part 653, with respect to equitable services to migrant and seasonal farm-workers and other

requirements, as amended;

gg. Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act, as amended, Michigan Public Act 2 of 1968;

hh. Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, Michigan Public Act 29 of 1995;

ii. Common Rule (29 CFR Part 97 and 45 CFR Part 92); Uniform Administrative Requirements for

Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments;

jj. 48 CFR Part 31; Contract Cost Principles and Procedures [Commercial Organizations];

kk. Single Audit Act of 1984 (31 USC 7501);

ll. Public Law 104 -156 July 5, 1996 104th Congress; Single Audit Amendments of 1996.

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mm. Section 5 of Appendix A of 29 CFR 95, 29 CFR 97.36(i)(8), 45 CFR Part 74, 45 CFR Part 92; Notice

of awarding agency requirements and regulations pertaining to patent rights.

nn. 2 CFR Part 200 et al.; Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit

Requirements for Federal Awards

4. The TIA, or any of its authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any and all pertinent

documents, papers, or other records of grantees and sub-grantees which are pertinent to grant operations.

This applies to all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, and statistical records of

grantees or sub-grantees, which are required to be maintained by Office of Management and Budget

circulars, the grant agreement, federal regulations, or state policy for the purpose of conducting

discrimination complaint investigations, Equal Opportunity (EO) compliance/monitoring reviews and for

inspecting and/or copying policies, records and other materials, as may be pertinent, to determine

compliance with and ensure enforcement of the non-discrimination and EO provisions of federal grant

programs. Contracts with service providers of the grantees and sub-grantees must have a provision which

allows the department, or any of its authorized representatives, access to any books, documents, papers, and

records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract for the purpose of making

examinations or conducting reviews of grant operations as noted above.


1. State Held Harmless - Indemnification

The Michigan Works! Agency (MWA) and its sub recipients shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless

the State, its departments, divisions, agencies, sections, commissions, officers, employees, and agents from

and against all losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, damages, and claims (including taxes), and all related

costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements and costs of investigation,

litigation, settlement, judgment, interest, and penalty), arising from, or in connection with, any of the


a. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

arising out of, or resulting from: (1) the product provided, or (2) performance of the work, duties,

responsibilities, actions, or omissions of the MWA, or any of its subcontractors, under this plan;

b. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

arising out of, or resulting from, a breach by the MWA of any representation or warranty made by the

MWA and any of its sub recipients in this plan;

c. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

arising out of, or related to, occurrences that the MWA and its sub recipients is required to insure

against as provided for in this plan;

d. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

arising out of or resulting from the death or bodily injury of any person, or the damage, loss, or

destruction of any real or tangible personal property, in connection with the performance of services by

the MWA, by any of its subcontractors, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the MWA, or by

anyone for whose acts the MWA may be liable; provided; however, that this indemnification

obligation shall not apply to the extent, if any, that such death, bodily injury, or property damage is

caused solely by the negligence or reckless or intentional wrongful conduct of the State;

e. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

which results from an act or omission of the MWA or any of its subcontractors in its capacity as an

employer of a person;

f. Any claim, demand, action, citation, or legal proceeding against the State, its employees, and agents

incurred in connection with any action or proceeding threatened or brought against the state to the

extent that such action or proceeding is based on a claim that any piece of equipment, software,

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commodity, or service supplied by the MWA or its subcontractors, or the operation of such equipment,

software, commodity, or service, or the use or reproduction of any documentation provided with such

equipment, software, commodity, or service infringes any United States or foreign patent, copyright,

trade secret, or other proprietary right of any person or entity, which right is enforceable under the laws

of the United States. In addition, should the equipment, software, commodity, or service, or the

operation thereof, become, or in the MWA’s opinion be likely to become, the subject of a claim of

infringement, the MWA shall, at the MWA’s sole expense: (1) procure for the State the right to

continue using the equipment, software, commodity or service or if such option is not reasonably

available to the MWA, (2) replace or modify the same with equipment, software, commodity, or

service of equivalent function and performance so that it becomes

non-infringing, or, if such option is not reasonably available to the MWA, (3) accept its return by the

State, with appropriate credits to the state, against the MWA’s charges and reimburse the state for any

losses or costs incurred as a consequence of the state ceasing its use and returning it.

In any and all claims against the State of Michigan, or any of its agents or employees, by any employee

of the MWA, or any of its subcontractors, the indemnification obligation under the contract shall not

be limited in any way by the amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for

the MWA under workers’ disability compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee

benefits acts. This indemnification clause is intended to be comprehensive. Any overlap in sub-

clauses, or the fact that greater specificity is provided as to some categories of risk, is not intended to

limit the scope of indemnification under any other sub-clause.

2. Publication Rights

All interim, draft, and final reports and other documentation, including machine-readable materials

produced by the MWA in connection with the work provided for under funds from the TIA, shall be

deemed to be works for hire and all rights, including copyright and publication rights, shall vest in the state.

The MWA shall acknowledge the TIA as the grantor of all funds when developing information for internal

purposes or public dissemination, either in writing or oral presentation. This will include all printed,

published, and other promotional materials of any kind, which MWAs may develop for informational


3. Cancellation

The state may cancel this plan for any of the following reasons:

a. Default of the MWA: If the TIA identifies any action that would result in default by the MWA, the

MWA shall be given an opportunity to correct such action. If the action is not corrected and default

still exists, the state may immediately cancel the grant without further liability to the state, its

departments, agencies, and employees. The State may procure the articles or services from other

sources, and may hold the MWA responsible for any excess costs incurred.

b. Lack of Further Need for the Service or Commodity: In the event that the state no longer needs the

service or commodity specified in the plan due to program changes, changes in law, rules or

regulations, relocation of offices, or insufficient funding, the state may cancel the contract without

further liability to the State, its departments, agencies, and employees by giving the MWA written

notice of such cancellation 30 days prior to the date of cancellation.

c. Failure of the Legislature or the Federal Government to Provide the Necessary Funding: In the event

that the legislature or the federal government fails to provide or terminates the funding necessary for

this plan, the State may cancel the plan by providing written notice to the MWA 30 days prior to the

date of cancellation provided; however, that in the event the action of the legislature or federal

government results in an immediate absence or termination of funding, cancellation may be made

effective immediately upon delivery of written notification to the MWA. In the event of a termination

under this sub-paragraph, the MWA shall, unless otherwise directed by the state in writing,

immediately take all reasonable steps to terminate its operations and to avoid, and/or minimize, further

expenditures under the plan.

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d. Upon Order of a Court or Direction by the Federal Government: In the event of a court order halting

or suspending activities under the plan or, in the case of a plan involving federal funds or otherwise

subject to federal oversight, issuance of an order or directive by the federal government halting or

suspending activities under the plan, the state shall promptly notify the MWA in writing of the entry or

receipt of such order and shall direct the MWA to take immediate action in conformity with such order

or directive. In the event of a termination or suspension of the plan under this

sub-paragraph, the MWA shall, unless otherwise directed by the State in writing, immediately take all

reasonable steps to terminate its operations and to avoid and/or minimize further expenditures under

the plan.

e. Criminal Conviction: The State may immediately cancel the plan without further liability to the state,

its departments, agencies, and employees, if the MWA, or an officer of the MWA, is convicted of a

criminal offense incident to the application for, or performance of, a state, public, or private contract or

subcontract; or convicted of a criminal offense including, but not limited to, any of the following:

embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property,

attempting to influence a public employee to breach the ethical conduct standards for State of

Michigan employees; convicted under state or federal antitrust statutes; or convicted of any other

criminal offense which in the sole discretion of the state, reflects on the WDB’s business integrity

4. Requirements for Participants

The State delegates to the MWA responsibility for the determination of participant eligibility for programs

funded in whole, or in part, by the TIA.

5. Financial Responsibility and Liability

As the grant recipient, the CEO(s) for each local area is liable for all workforce development funds

received through the TIA.

6. Records and Reports

The MWA shall provide to the State, and its designated agents, access and the right to examine and audit

all records, books, papers, tapes, or documents related to the programs funded by the TIA.

7. Gratuities

The state may, by written notice to the grantee, terminate the right of the Grantee to proceed under this

grant agreement if it is found, after notice and hearing, by the Grant Officer or a duly authorized

representative, that gratuities in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise were offered or given by the

Grantee to any officer or employee of the State with a view toward securing a grant agreement or securing

favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the making of any determinations with

respect to the performing of such grant agreement; provided that the existence of the facts upon which the

Grant Officer or a duly authorized representative makes such findings shall be an issue that may be

reviewed in any competent court.



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The following documents will be incorporated into any agreement developed resulting from this

solicitation. They require the organization to execute by signature and affirmation.

– Certification Regarding Lobbying Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, and

Cooperative Agreements

– Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, Voluntary Exclusion

Lower Tier Covered Transactions

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The undersigned certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that:

(1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by, or on behalf of the

undersigned, to any person for influencing, or attempting to influence, an officer or

employee of an agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an

employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal

contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering

into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment,

or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

(2) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any

person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a

member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member

of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative

agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure

Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.

(3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the

award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants and

contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements), and that all sub-recipients

shall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this

transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for

making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any

person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less

than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failure.

Organization Name Typed Name/Title of Certifying Official

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________

Signature Date

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This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549,

Debarment and Suspension, 20 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 98, Section 98.510,

Participants' Responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part VII of the May 26, 1988,

Federal Register (pages 19160-19211). 2 CFR 180 is also applicable.

This certification is also required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12689,

Debarment and Suspension, 3 CFR 1989 Compiled, p. 235.

(1) The prospective recipient of federal assistance funds certifies, by submission of this

proposal, that neither it, nor its principals, are presently debarred, suspended, proposed

for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this

transaction by any federal department or agency.

(2) Where the prospective recipient of federal assistance funds is unable to certify to any of

the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an

explanation to this proposal.

Organization Name Typed Name/Title of Certifying Official

_______________________________________________ _____________________________________

Signature Date

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

Workforce Development Board

AUTHORITY: The Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board is established under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (as a “local workforce investment board”) and is assigned the responsibility to set policy for the portion of the statewide workforce investment system within the local area (Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph Counties). PRECEDENCE: Where any part of these policies shall be determined to be in conflict with any federal, state or local policy, the federal, state or local policy shall take precedence without affecting any other part or parts of these policies.

Federal regulations require and/or allow the Workforce Development Board (WDB) to establish specific guidance on various aspects of program/service delivery and fund utilization. The following provides a summary of the content and application of current WDB Policies

Policy 01 Rev 03 Program Design for WIOA and ES The policy establishes priorities for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Wagner-Peyser (Employment Service) fund allocation for specific activities.

• 10% of WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker program funds to ES for Basic Career Services providedto WIOA participants.

• Describes the services available to individuals who are not able to validate their authorization towork in the United States.

• Wagner-Peyser funds for self-service (Basic Career Services for ES) to the general public.

• Minimum of 25% of WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker program funds for Training Services.

NOTE: See WDB Policy 17, “WIOA Program Eligibility” for additional eligibility elements.

Policy 02 Unassigned

Policy 03 Unassigned Former Policy 03 Education Advisory Group (EAG) Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee 8-19-2015

Policy 04 Unassigned Former Policy 04 Michigan Works! System Center Operator Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee 10/21/2015

Policy 05 Rev 03 Supportive Services and Needs Related Payments The policy identifies criteria for supportive service funding, eligibility, distribution, and documentation for all programs. Limitations applicable to each program and/or category of supportive service are also described, including local limitations that have been established within the federal and/or state policy requirements.

The policy also contains criteria for the use, eligibility, and documentation for Needs Related Payments.

Policy 06, Rev 05 Procurement and Property Management This policy establishes the MWA procurement standards including:

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

▪ A simplified threshold for procurements requiring WDA prior approval is set consistent with statepolicy. The threshold for MW Administrative prior approval for equipment purchases is alsoestablished.

▪ Definitions of equipment and supplies.▪ Requires the MWA to maintain written procedures for procurement and property management.

Incorporates Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest guidelines into the procedures.▪ Establishes processes for the selection of service providers▪ Requires subcontractors to establish procedures for the accountability of all property purchased

with state or federal funds regardless of cost.▪ Requires service providers to contact the MW Property Coordinator prior to purchasing equipment

or property to determine if a suitable item is available in the local inventory of unused/returneditems.

Policy 07 R03 WIOA Priority of Service Local policy establishes priority for the use of WIOA funds to individuals who are recipients of public assistance, low income and/or basic skills deficient.

▪ Defines low-income and each of the six categories under which someone may be determined tomeet this requirement

WIOA Funds will be locally allocated as follows: ▪ 10% of program funds for Basic Career Services▪ 90% of program funds for Individualized Career Services and Training Services with no less than

25% of the total being used for Training Services▪ For veterans and eligible spouses, once WIOA priority has been determined, veteran priority will

then be applied.

Policy 08 Unassigned Former Policy 08 Selection Policy for “Job-Ready” Incorporated into Policy 17 12/6/12

Policy 09 R01 Unassigned Former Policy 09 and subsequent changes, Performance Standards (WIA) Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee on 8-19-2015

Policy 10 R03 Standards of Conduct Policy content addresses the federal and state policies and regulatory requirements for standards of conduct, conflict of interest and nepotism as they related to members of the Workforce Development Board, members of other Michigan Works Agency (MWA) oversight entities, and staff and subcontractors of the MWA.

▪ Policy was previously titled Conflict of Interest/Standards of Conduct▪ Incorporates disclosure requirements for WDB members, members of other MWA entities and

MWA staff.▪ Details the role of members of the WDB and other MWA oversight entities in the procurement

process.▪ Addresses the issue of nepotism and incorporates the content of the previous stand-alone policy,

WDB Policy 22 Nepotism.

Policy 11 Freedom of Information Act: Information Releases The local policy generally reiterates Michigan’s FOIA policy, but adds local elements as allowed by the State FOIA:

▪ All FOIA requests will be directed to the MWA Director who will make the determination ofwhether the requests falls within the guidelines of the FOIA.

▪ All information requests will be recorded and maintained in a specific file location.

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

▪ The MWA Administrative unit will review all requests.▪ Charges may be made for staff time and copy costs in preparing a response to the information

request.▪ Any fees charged must be paid in advance of transmittal of the copies to the requesting entity.

Policy 12 Work-Based Training Services This policy provides guidance regarding training services that are provided to equip individuals to enter

the workforce, prepare for new employment opportunities and/or to increase employment retention

and covers a variety of training formats that may be used to accomplish these objectives including

classroom training provided through Individual Training Accounts and work-based training where the

employer serves as the training provider.

All covered in this policy: customized training, On-the-Job Training (OJT), incumbent worker training,

transitional employment and registered apprenticeships are all identified as work-based training

services. Each of these types of training can be used successfully to meet the needs of jobseeker

populations ranging from entry level to highly skilled technical and management positions for

employers in a variety of industries.

Former Policy 12, R01: Standards for On-the-Job Training has been incorporated into Policy 12: Work-Based Training Services

Policy 13 Rev 04 Individual Training Account (ITA) System Local policy that describes the purpose of the ITA System and its role in training services.

▪ Provides the scope and limitations (maximum cost and duration for training supported through thelocal ITA Voucher system).

▪ Establishes training programs that are eligible to receive financial support.▪ Provides a description for the use of ITAs for Internet-based training.▪ Provides guidance for the impact of scholarships and other financial aid on ITAs.▪ Requires development of ITA System Procedures.▪ Outlines exceptions for TAA and subsequent versions of the Trade Act.

Policy 14 Unassigned Former Policy 14 Audit Plan Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee 10/21/2015

Policy 15, Rev 02 Work Experience Local policy that establishes guidelines for work experience provided through any MWA program where work experience is an allowable activity:

▪ Participant eligibility and activity components based on the funding source/program.▪ Work Experience duration and use as a paid or unpaid activity▪ Worksite Development▪ Clarifies rates of pay, activity attendance documentation, and worksite and supervisory

requirements based on population using the activity.

Policy 16 Rev 02 Disruptive Behavior and Non-Compliance Local policy that describes the behaviors and actions that are considered disruptive and/or non-compliant:

▪ Establishes criteria under which disciplinary action, up to and including termination and loss ofaccess to services, may be taken for individuals that exhibit disruptive behavior and/or non-compliance while utilizing services or participating in a program

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

▪ Establishes guidelines for reporting, handling, disciplinary options, and documentation of thesesituations and behaviors

▪ Describes the appeal process for disciplinary action taken in response to disruptive behavior ornon-compliance

Policy 17 Rev 04 WIOA Program Eligibility Federal regulations require and/or allow the Workforce Development Board to establish criteria on specific program eligibility issues. This policy:

▪ Declares that the MWA has limited funds for training and, as a result priority will be given torecipients of public assistance and/or individuals who are low income or basic skills deficient.

▪ Details the specific eligibility requirements for individuals receiving assistance using WIOA Adult,Dislocated Worker, and Youth funds.

▪ Defines the following criteria where local flexibility is applicable: self sufficiency, responsible adultsignature, attachment to the workforce, unlikely to return to previous industry, substantial lay-off,and basic skills deficiency

▪ The WDB has chosen to establish a “Sixth Eligibility Criteria” for youth, (Individuals who requireadditional assistance to complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment) andhave defined that criteria in the policy.

▪ Eligibility criteria for WIOA funded training.

Policy 18 Rev 03 Monitoring Federal policy requires the Workforce Development Board to provide oversight for their programs. This policy describes the four levels of local monitoring and oversight that occur including the role of the WDB Monitoring and Evaluation Committee:

▪ Monitoring by State Agencies▪ Workforce Development Board Oversight▪ Service Provider Compliance Monitoring including fiscal, program, eligibility, and MIS monitoring

and participation in Data Validation processes▪ Subcontractor Internal Monitoring

This version of the policy incorporates the anticipated monitoring requirements for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Policy 19 Rev 03 Participant Attendance and Satisfactory Progress in Training Activities The policy establishes guidelines for training attendance and the acceptable forms of documentation for satisfactory progress in training.

▪ Establishes attendance expectations for training funded by WIA, PATH, and all versions of theTrade Act and describes documentation to be used to track training attendance

▪ Defines satisfactory progress in training and how this will be measured for WIA and PATH fundedtraining

▪ Satisfactory progress in Trade Act funded training is defined including specific requirements fortraining funded under TAAEA and TAA Reversion 2014.

Policy 20 Rev 01 Performance Payments Local policy describing the process for the use of performance payments:

▪ Local policy is restricted to individuals participating in the WIOA Youth program.▪ Primary emphasis is payment for achieving academic/employability skills competencies at or above

a minimum standard, with exceptions as approved by the MWA (e.g., follow-up responses).▪ Payment based on attendance is permitted provided attendance: (1) is directly associated with an

activity that is designed to enhance positive academic/employability skills competencies and (2)payment for attendance does not exceed 45% of the total performance payment for the activity.

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

▪ Subcontractors must prepare written procedures for their performance payment system.Procedures will be approved by MWA.

Policy 21 Unassigned Former Policy 21 Confidentiality Standards – Use of Social Security Number (eliminated 12/6/12)

Policy 22 Unassigned Former Policy 22 Nepotism – incorporated into Policy 10 R01 (4/5/12)

Policy 23 Rev 02 Sexual and Other Forms of Workplace Harassment Federal and state policy requires local areas to establish policy and procedures, consistent with state and federal requirements, that address sexual and workplace harassment.

▪ Establishes a definition of sexual harassment that is consistent with federal and state definitions▪ Establishes protocol for handling claims of sexual and workplace harassment▪ Establishes prohibition against reprisal or retaliation on individuals that file harassment

complaints.Service providers and MWA administration are required to establish procedures for addressing complaints of sexual or workplace harassment within their area of control.

Policy 24 Rev 05 Grievance and Complaint Handling

▪ Defines grievances and complaints and encourages resolution of complaints at the informal levelusing the procedures of the affected organization(s)

▪ Requires that procedures consistent with federal and state regulations and policies be developedand utilized to handle grievances

▪ Describes how these procedures are distributed, where they are available, and the documentationof distribution that is required

▪ References the policy and process used to appeal a funding decision made through theprocurement process (RFP, RFQ, etc.)

▪ Includes process for handling appeals of State level monitoring findings and designation as a localWorkforce Investment Area

Policy 25 Rev 02 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Federal and state policy requires local areas to establish policy and procedures consistent with state and federal requirements that address equal opportunity (EO) and non-discrimination.

▪ Equal Opportunity includes the traditional statement for non-discrimination and the establishmentof EO benchmarks for “Protected Classes” based on the Annual Planning Information Report.

▪ Requires compliance with the posting of EO and Non-discrimination notices for both public andstaff access.

▪ Specifies data collection and reporting requirements.▪ Provides for a process of notification, complaint processing and file documentation.

Policy 26 Rev 02 Reasonable Accommodations Federal and state policy requires local areas to establish local policy and procedures consistent with state and federal requirements that address reasonable accommodations.

▪ Policies concerning the reasonable accommodations process for participants, employees and thegeneral public.

▪ Processing accommodations requests at service provider and administrative levels

Policy 27 Unassigned Former Policy 27 Recovery Activities Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee 12/6/12

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

Policy 28 Rev 02 Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses This policy defines priority of service for veterans and eligible spouses in the workforce development programs under the control of the Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board. In addition to defining priority of service, the policy describes how the availability of priority of service will be communicated within the workforce system and how priority is implemented in each of the categories of services (universal access, discretionary targeting programs, and statutory targeting programs).

Policy 29 Unassigned Former Policy 29 Career Readiness & Employability Skills Certifications Rescinded by WDB Executive Committee 8/19/2015

Policy 30 Rev 02 Trade Adjustment Assistance Training Waivers Consistent with State and Federal policy, this local policy was developed to provide guidance for the issuance, continuation, extension, revocation and denial of training waivers used in all versions of the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program. The policy also describes the role of training waivers in individual eligibility for Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA), a financial support available to TAA participants.

Policy 31 Rev 01 Records Management and Destruction Local policy that establishes standards for management, access, custody, and destruction of records that support the operations of programs funded through the Workforce Development Board. The policy applies to the administrative entity, all service providers, and other recipients of funds and includes all financial and program records.

Policy 32 Rev 02 Selective Service Registration in the WIA/WIOA Eligibility Determination Process

This policy fulfills the federal requirement for local areas to establish a policy to work with male

WIA/WIOA applicants, 26 years of age and older, who have not registered with Selective Service and

are requesting an eligibility determination to receive WIA/WIOA funded assistance. Included in the

policy are the processes and forms to be used when a local area assessment of “knowing and willful”

failure to register for Selective Service is needed.

Policy 33 Rev 02 Rapid Response Activities This policy details the local role in the coordination and delivery of Rapid Response activities to individuals following either a company closure, mass lay-off, or a natural (or other) disaster resulting in a mass job dislocation. The option to form a Joint Adjustment Committee (JAC) and the role of the MWA in supporting the work of the Committee are described. Local criteria are established that may trigger an application for State Adjustment Grant (SAG) funding to respond to unique job dislocation events in the area.

The policy also describes how the MWA will coordinate lay-off aversion strategies in the local area, the role of the Business Service Team in these activities, and how, if available, Incumbent Worker Training funds will be used to support the lay-off aversion strategies.

Policy 34 Rev 01 Authorization to Work in the United States This policy provides guidance for the delivery of services to individuals who are unable to access WIA/WIOA funded intensive and/or training services due to their inability to document their authorization to work status.

Policy 35 One Stop Management Information System (OSMIS) Standards and Internal Controls

The One Stop Management Information System (OSMIS) is the state’s recognized data system used to track participant activities and services for all programs funded through the Workforce Development Agency (WDA). Effective control and management of programs and the integrity of the data and reports that are drawn from the system require accurate and timely record keeping and data entry.

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

Access to valid data allows managers and program operator to evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs, track the progress of participants against planned activities, and plan for future programs and activities. To assure data integrity, timely data entry and local oversight of the system, the Michigan Works! Administrative entity is charged with developing and implementing local policies and procedures for managing system access, assigning staff to support the system and local users, developing and carrying out oversight procedures and serving as the liaison with state OSMIS staff. This policy will provide guidance for the local system in carrying out their responsibilities related to this system.

End of Current WDB Policies April 5, 2018

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222 S. Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo MI 49007 TX: 269-349-5505 FAX: 269-349-5505 www.michiganworks14.org

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

PROCEDURE: Request for Proposal (RFP) Appeals

AUTHORITY: The Employment Management and Services Division (EMSD) of the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research serves as

the administrative and fiscal agent for Michigan Works! Southwest. As the designated Michigan Works Agency, EMSD is responsible for the

development of local procedures as required by federal, state, and local policies.

ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: Where any part of this procedure shall be determined to be in conflict with any federal, state or local policy,

the federal, state or local policy shall take precedence without affecting any other part or parts of this procedure.

DATE 3/7/2016

APPLICATION All Request for Proposals (RFPs) issued by Michigan Works! Southwest.

BACKGROUND All procurements for goods and services will follow the Procurement and Property Management Procedures of the

Michigan Works! Southwest Agency to ensure full and open competition. Respondents to an RFP may register a

grievance or protest a decision made regarding their proposal using the Grievance and Complaint Handling policy

of the Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board.


I. Appeal Step One

A. Respondents wishing to appeal the final funding decision from an RFP must submit a written request

within ten (10) calendar days of the date of receipt of the determination letter.

1. The written request should be directed to the Technical Assistance contact specified in the RFP and

mailed to Michigan Works! Southwest, 222 S. Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49007-4628.

a. The request for appeal shall include a clear description of the grievance and basis for appeal.

b. The request shall be signed by the RFP respondent’s designated leadership (director, executive

director, president, etc.).

B. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Technical Assistance contact shall have five (5) business days to

respond in writing to the appeal request.

1. The response shall include information sufficient to address the grievance and the basis for the funding


a. The response shall be directed to the designated leadership of the organization filing the appeal.

b. The response shall also include information about the next step in the MWA RFP Appeal


II. Appeal Step Two

A. If the RFP respondent is dissatisfied with the decision from Step 1 of these appeal procedures, they may

appeal in writing to the Director of the Michigan Works! Southwest Agency within five (5) business days

of the receipt of the decision from Step 1.

1. The request for appeal shall be directed to the MWA Director at the address listed in Step 1.

2. The request for appeal shall include a clear description of the grievance and basis for appeal.

3. A copy of the response from the Technical Assistance contact (Step 1) shall be included with the


4. The request for appeal shall be signed by the RFP respondent’s designated leadership.

5. The MWA Director shall have five (5) business days from the date of receipt of the appeal request to

respond in writing.

a. The response shall address the grievance and the basis for the funding recommendation.

b. The response shall be directed to the RFP respondent’s designated leadership.

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An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay or TTY.

6. The decision of the MWA Director shall be the final local decision.

a. Within thirty (30) calendar days following the receipt of the determination letter, an RFP

respondent may request an informational meeting with the RFP Technical Assistance contact to

discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their proposal.

III. If a response to the grievance is not received within the time period prescribed or should either party be

dissatisfied with a decision made at the local level, there is opportunity for an appeal to WDA.

A. Workforce Development Agency, State of Michigan and successors, Policy Issuance 11-37, c1

and subsequent changes, Grievance and Complaint Policy, all appeals of local level grievance

shall be submitted by certified mail, return receipt requested to: Workforce Development Agency;

Executive Office; Victor Office Center; 201 N. Washington Square; Lansing, MI 48913.

1. The request shall contain the full name, address and telephone number of the appellant(s) and

respondent(s), a clear and concise statement of the facts as alleged, including the pertinent

dates constituting the alleged violation, the provision of the act, regulations, grant, contract,

or other agreements under the act believed to have been violated, and the relief requested.

2. Within fifteen (15) days from the date the appeal is received by WDA, the parties will be

contacted to submit all relevant information and documentation generated at the local level to

the WDA Executive Office.

3. A written decision shall be issued by WDA no later than sixty (60) days after the filing of the


4. In general, a state level decision is final.

INQUIRIES Questions regarding these procedures should be directed to the Michigan Works! Southwest Administrative Staff.


Ben Damerow, Director


REVIEW DATE(S) 3/7/2016 1/19/2015


REFERENCES • Workforce Development Board Policy 24 R04 and subsequent changes, “Grievance and

Complaint Handling”

• Michigan Works! Southwest Procurement and Property Management Procedures, 9/10/2013

• Workforce Development Agency, State of Michigan and successors, Policy Issuance 11-37, c1

and subsequent changes, Grievance and Complaint Policy

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Michigan Works! Southwest Administrative Staff

Nailah Abdullah

Jakki Bungart-Bibb

Ben Damerow

Ann DeZwarte

Jill Gernaat

Nancy Gibson

Ashley Iovieno

John Laman

Diana Lundquist

Amy Meyers

Barbara Newhouse

Dallas Oberlee

Kathy Olsen

Celeste Pickrell

Sarah Pohl

Kristi Potts

Kara Stewart

Tracey Sulka

Jim Walters

Central Administration

Karyl DeBruyn

Don Edgerly

Sheila Meyle

April 2018

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Workforce Development Board 222 S. Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo MI 49007

TX: 269-349-1533 FAX: 269-349-5505 www.michiganworkssouthwest.org

An equal opportunity employer / program supported by the State of Michigan. 1-800-285-WORK (9675). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Dial 711 for Relay Center and TTY.

Members and Alternate Members of the Workforce Development Board for Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph Counties

REPRESENTING THE PRIVATE SECTOR Ms. Lisa Godfrey (WDB Chair), Owner, Lisa A. Godfrey Attorney at Law (Kalamazoo)

Mr. Allen Balog, Insurance Agent, Preferred Insurance (St. Joseph) Mr. John Banks, Owner, Motor Shop Electrical Construction Company (Calhoun) Mr. Mike Bearman, Owner, Five Points Veterinary Hospital and Bearsfield Morgan Farm (Calhoun) Ms. Jamie Bos, Manager of Human Resources, Heritage Community (Kalamazoo) Mr. Paul David, Human Resource Manager, I I Stanley (Calhoun) Mr. Dan Dunn, Vice President Human Resources, Comerica Bank (Kalamazoo) Ms. Sarah Frink, Talent Acquisition & Community Affairs Manager, DENSO Manufacturing Michigan, Inc. (Calhoun) Mr. Randall Hazelbaker, Owner, Hazelbaker Antiques (Branch) Mr. Derek King (Alternate for Bearman), Owner, King Jewelers (Calhoun) Ms. Shelley Klug, Economic and Business Development Manager, Indiana Michigan Power, a division of American Electric Power (St. Joseph) Mr. David Maurer, CFO and Vice President of Operations, Humphrey Products, Inc. (Kalamazoo) Ms. Jan Opalewski, Human Resource Manager, Fabri-Kal Corp. (Kalamazoo) Ms. Julie M. Rogers, Physical Therapist, Borgess Health (Kalamazoo) Mr. David Sutherland, Manager, Human Resources, Asama Coldwater Manufacturing, Inc. (Branch) Mr. Frank Tecumseh, Vice President of Human Resources, FireKeepers Casino Hotel (Calhoun) Mr. Roger Tuinier (Alternate for Rogers), Owner, Tuinier Brothers Greenhouse (Kalamazoo)

REPRESENTING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ms. Jill Bland, CEeD, Executive Vice President, Southwest Michigan First (Kalamazoo)

REPRESENTING COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS Ms. Michelle Davis, Executive Director, Housing Resources, Inc. (Kalamazoo) Ms. Colleen Knight, President & CEO, Branch County Community Foundation (Branch) Mr. Matthew Lynn (Alternate for Davis), Director of Community Impact, United Way of the Battle Creek & Kalamazoo Region (Kalamazoo)

REPRESENTING EDUCATION Ms. Kris Jenkins, Assistant Supt for Career and Technical Education, Calhoun Intermediate School District (Calhoun) Mr. Mark O’Connell, President, Kellogg Community College (Calhoun) Mr. Joe Lopez (Alternate for Jenkins), Superintendent, Branch ISD Educational Service Agency (Branch)

REPRESENTING ORGANIZED LABOR Mr. Richard Anderson, Representative, United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2903 (St. Joseph) Mr. Morris Applebey, Training Director, Kalamazoo Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee (JATC) - IBEW (Kalamazoo) Mr. Trevor Bidelman, President / Business Agent, BCTGM Local 3G (Calhoun) Ms. Kathi Cain-Babbitt (Alternate for Willcutt), Steward, AFSCME Local 1668 (Kalamazoo) Mr. Richard Frantz (Alternate for Bidelman), Director, Tri-County Labor Agency (Calhoun) Mr. Ken Willcutt, Business Rep, Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVACR Local Union No. 357 (Kalamazoo)

REPRESENTING PUBLIC ASSISTANCE AGENCIES Ms. Sheila Beaty, (Alternate for Doubleday), Program Manager, MI Dept of Health & Human Services – Kalamazoo County Office (Kalamazoo) Ms. Karen Doubleday, Assistance Payments Program Manager, MI Dept of Health & Human Services – Calhoun County Office (Calhoun)

REPRESENTING REHABILITATION AGENCIES Mr. John Fiore, District Manager, Southwest District, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (Calhoun) Ms. Jill Murphy (Alternate for MRS), Site Manager, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (Kalamazoo)

REPRESENTING MI DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS / OTHER (per MI WDA policy 13-18) Mr. Omar Alston, Region Manager, Michigan Department of Corrections (At-Large) Ms. Lisa Johansen (Alternate for Alston), Parole / Probation Supervisor, Michigan Department of Corrections, Kalamazoo Office (At-Large)

REPRESENTING AT-LARGE / OTHER Ms. Windy Rea, Admissions Counselor, Alutiiq, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Adofgnak Native Corporation / Michigan Job Corps (At-Large)

REPRESENTING WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATE OF MICHIGAN (Ex-officio and non-voting) Ms. Patty Vanaman, Specialist, Workforce Development Agency, State of Michigan (At-Large)


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A Demand-Driven Workforce Development System in Michigan

Purpose of the system

The purpose of a demand-driven workforce development system is to contribute to the state’s economic

vitality through the provision of workforce training and services that meet the needs of targeted business

sectors and employers. While the scope and type of services are limited by the funding that supports

them, the overriding imperative remains to foster talent development and connections between employers

and employees that meet demand.


A demand driven workforce development system identifies the employer as the primary customer. It

recognizes that ultimately the employer is the “end user” of our system, and that the extent to which we

meet employers’ needs is the extent to which we provide the best help to job seekers.

In the workforce development system, our product supplied to our employer customers is the workforce

system itself. In the broadest sense, this also includes the education and economic development systems

as suppliers.

In the demand model, the employer creates the "pull" based on the demand (needs) they have. Example: I

need to hire people with these particular abilities. Elements of the “pull” factor include the nature of the

workers, the types of skills, credentials and training needed, as well as the numbers and timing of

employment, both immediate and in the near future.

That demand is introduced into the system creating a "pull" on the supply of job seekers that could meet

the employer’s needs. In a true demand-driven system, the workforce agency does not respond by

“pushing” or “selling” its program participants as its product for the employer. If that were the approach,

the workforce agency would actually be working to get the employer to hire its program participants even

if they weren’t the best people for the job. In other words, that workforce agency would be placing the

interests of its program and participants over the interests of the employer.

Instead, the workforce agency responds to the “pull” of demand by:

– looking for and referring applicants who are already qualified;

– helping unqualified individuals understand why they are not being considered for that

employment and what they need to do to become qualified;

– assessing and addressing the services and training needed by job seekers to help them become

qualified for employment that is appropriate to their aptitudes and interests;

– looking for patterns of need among business sectors/clusters or individual companies that can

inform the targeting of resources;

– creating along with the employers, and ensuring delivery of, the training necessary to fill skills


Characteristics and indicators of a well-functioning demand-driven system (workforce suppliers adjusting

to employer demand)

• The local Workforce Development Board is actively analyzing labor market intelligence to assess the

ever-changing economic landscape. It is identifying the business sectors/clusters that have the most

significant impact on the local economy and are targeting primarily (not exclusively) to those

businesses. The Board is working hand-in-hand with companies to identify the workforce needs,

skills gaps, and other services needed by local businesses.

• Business Services staff members are addressing a broad spectrum of employer needs related to

business development and talent. They are working hand-in-hand with partner organizations, and are

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serving as agents to bring other resources into the mix to address employer’s needs that cannot be

provided directly by the workforce system.

• Decisions about what training is provided result from a combination of general labor market

projections with specific needs expressed by employers. The latter weighs more heavily than the

former, but the two sources of input are considered together. This is in contrast to training decisions

made based on schools having certain programs already available or job seekers walking in the door

saying they want training in a particular occupation.

• Job seeker services are modified according to employer demand and feedback, and resources are

allocated accordingly. This is in contrast to job seeker services being driven by “supply side” sources

such as lists of allowable activities, assumed needs, or job seeker requests if they are not compatible

with employer demand.

• Training programs and other services are designed by employers with input from staff (not the other

way around). They are responsive, swift and creative solutions.

• Programs and services are started and stopped as the demand (pull) changes. This is in contrast to the

system delivering essentially the same services year after year. They will also vary considerably from

one community to another if they are truly demand driven.

• Business Services staff members are the eyes & ears of the system. They represent business needs to

the workforce system and serve as agents to connect supply to demand. This is in contrast to client-

specific job development, which is sometimes necessary but is provided only within the context of the

overall Business Services purpose. Business Services staff members are not hampered by internal

demands to meet program performance or to place program participants into employment. Instead,

they are assisting companies in finding the best/right employees.

• The workforce agency provides services only to employers in its geographic area. It does not work

directly with the employers covered by other workforce agencies, except through partnerships that are

agreed upon. In meeting the needs of employers in its geographic region, however, the agency will

draw from people who live in the employer-customer’s labor shed commute radius or who are willing

to relocate to the area.

Adopted by Directors’ Council – April 26, 2012

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Michigan Industry Cluster Approach (MICA)

Source: WDA, State of Michigan

Michigan is reinventing itself to ensure that workers will find career opportunities in our state. Currently,

employers report that it is a challenge to locate the right talent to fill job vacancies and job seekers

struggle to find opportunities that leverage their skills. The result is what many call a “skills mismatch.”

As a result, Governor Snyder has called on the Workforce Development Agency (WDA) to move the

workforce system to a demand-driven model, “To do a better job of matching supply and demand for

jobs” and organize into industry clusters where talent needs are pronounced.

The purpose of a demand-driven workforce development system is to provide workforce training and

services that meet the needs of targeted industry sectors and employers. A demand-driven system

establishes employers – the demand side – as the primary customer of the workforce system. The

employer creates a pull based on the need for skilled workers, covering training, recruitment, assessment,

placement of job ready candidates, and long-term pipeline issues.

Michigan’s Industry Cluster Approach (MICA) creates a framework in which many employers within a

single industry engage with the workforce system to identify their demand. In this approach, talent issues

may be handled more efficiently through multi-company, industry-focused training programs. Based upon

research, WDA selected five industry clusters likely to have the greatest impact on Michigan’s economy

in context of talent needs: Agriculture, Energy, Health Care, Information Technology and Media, and

Manufacturing. Regionally, Michigan Works! Agencies (MWAs) convene employers along with

education providers, economic development organizations and other groups associated with workforce

development to solve talent challenges. Local clusters are formed based on local needs and are led by


How Industry Clusters Work

The hub of the cluster is an MWA service provider with in-depth knowledge on workforce issues for the

industry. The MWA researches information about jobs in demand, skill gaps, training needs, jobseeker

screening factors, and other related issues -- and then rallies employers to collaborate and develop an

industry solution. It’s common to uncover a number of workforce needs and identify a systematic

approach to immediate and long-term needs

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Activities of MICA

• Identification of occupational demand and vacancies.

• Assessment of underlying recruitment and training issues related to broader skills mismatches and gaps.

• Determination of hiring projections and training needs of employers, along with a commitment to hire

participants completing pre-employment education and training.

• Re-design of educational program offerings to directly respond to the industry identified demand and

curriculum to address occupational skill requirements.

• Locating or developing curriculum when relevant training programs cannot be found locally.

• Identification of emerging occupations and technology, and accompanying skill needs.

• Industry and career promotion activities directed to K-12 and higher education, providing teachers,

career counselors, parents and students information and incentive to pursue a career in the industry


• Training funded by the local MWAs utilizing federal workforce programs.

• Training funded by competitive grants procured by WDA or the local MWA.

Benefits of MICA

• Emerging occupations, technology, and accompanying skills needs are identified.

• Training funds targeted toward in-demand occupations in a local region.

• Job candidates trained to employer’s specifications leads to reduced turnover.

• Career ladders built to upskill entry level workers.

• Reduced training costs by utilizing economies of scale when multiple employers partner.

• Improved outcomes for federal training resources by meeting employer’s needs.

• Industry-recognized training credentials developed.

• Recruitment programs effectively meet industry’s needs.

• Education providers develop or re-design curricula for new college, high school and/or technical

programs in response to industry’s needs.

Formal guidance and policy on the demand-driven system and MICA is available at


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Resource List

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/ECFR?page=browse

Employment and Training Administration: https://www.doleta.gov

Michigan Works! Association: www.michiganworks.org/

Michigan Works! Southwest: www.michiganworkssouthwest.org/

United States Department of Labor: www.dol.gov

WIOA: https://www.doleta.gov/wioa/

Workforce Development Agency: http://www.michigan.gov/wda

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