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Reflections Book of Poems By Christine “Tink” Newman

I Designed You to Love Me Original poem July 20, 2014

Seek My face and you will find, The thing your heart longs for most, The deepest yearnings of your heart, Are for intimacy with Me I boast.

I know because I designed you, For you to desire Me, Take time to be still in My Presence, Rest is good for your soul you will see.

You simply want to respond, To My divine tug within your heart, But it makes you feel almost homesick, You sing for heaven like a lark.

Don't be afraid to be different, For the path for you is unique, I designed it exactly right, So you must just follow My lead.

The closer you follow Me My love, The more I can refine your gifts, To follow Me wholeheartedly, Your people pleasing you'll have to relinquish.

Staying close to Me will bless others, When You shine brightly in the dark, So give up control and let me lead, And don't let your focus depart.

Fear and Faith Original poem July 19, 2014

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I the Lord say: bring me your feelings, Your anxieties, troubles and fears, You wish you didn't have any of them, So give them to be 'cause I am near.

Feelings are no per se sinful, Though they weigh heavily on your heart, They can give way to temptation, If you're not sure where the feelings did start.

Blazing missles of fear fly at you, Throughout the day and night, These attacks are from the evil one, But are nothing compared to My might.

The shield of faith will extinguish, Flaming arrows of fear and doubt, For you just need to trust Me, If you need help My name you can shout.

Affirm your trust in me my love, Regardless of how you feel, For trust in me is essential, To complete our love and your shield.

If you give me your ultimate trust, Your feelings will align with your faith, Do not hide from your fear or ignore it, For fear of fear is a monster you'll create.

Anxieties are hidden within your heart, In the recesses of your mind, Bring them to Me for I am the Light, For together we'll solve this in time.

Concentrate on trusting Me, For I am the Invisible One, For faith is conviction of things unseen, The race of life together we'll run.

Do not run so quickly beloved, Or get ahead of Me, For that will bring extra troubles, And the unknown only later you'll see.

There's a reason I only tell you so much, For I love you and I know what's best, So open your heart and dump it all out, In My Presence I will give you rest.

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Who is Jesus Christ to Me? Original poem July 22, 2014

Jesus Christ is my God and Saviour, He decended from His glorious throne, To come down in the flesh, For our sins He came to atone.

For the wages of sin are death, And God's law does not make us perfect, His law showed us our sin, For then we see our lives are a wreck.

Every thought God will judge, And no one could meet perfection, We fell from the glory of God, To the Messiah we needed to run.

People expected a Messiah king, To overthrow the Roman government, To end the Jews great oppression, An unstoppable force they expected God to send.

Jesus's birth was unique and divine, His Father was the true God deity, An angel visited His parents Mary and Joseph, And the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary's body.

Jesus the boy was often found in the temple, Studying scripture diligently, His goal was to obey His father God, And fulfillment of scriptures He needed to see.

Many people thought He was a prophet, But He did many miracles that did cure, The mute did speak; the blind did see, Feeding five thousand was a divine miracle.

He taught the people of love and compassion, Through storytelling in a way, He taught about justice and the kingdom of God, So that they would believe and await the Day.

He raised the dead and made the lame walk, He gained many followers in His ministry, He lived a perfect, sinless life, For that is who God intended Him to be.

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Many Jews and teachers of the law, Did not realize what the Messiah came to do, To conquer evil, death and sin, By giving His perfect life in lieu.

He took all sin upon His shoulders, And willingly went to the cross, He complied with God's every will, Sin He conquered and His life He lost.

Three days later He rose from the dead, And He appeared to His people nearby, He told them prophecy had been fulfilled, And that He had all authority in earth and the sky.

Christ won't relent until His children come home, For He wants them to have His joy, He did send His Holy Spirit down, To help them determine good from evil ploys.

He is the Almighty Creator of old, The great Counsellor and Commander, He is the divine Prince of Peace, In our souls He makes our hearts stir.

He is my One and true love, For He suffered and gave His all, He is the Author of salvation, To believe in Him is our main call.

The Converted Life: Matthew 10 Original poem July 23, 2014 I don't know what to write, Even though I will keep going, For my poems will be read by some, So God's love I'll keep on showing.

My first advice is to have confidence, To leave ALL other religions behind, Give up worshipping false gods, For faith in them will leave you in a bind.

Family relationships will be strained, If only some members convert, But read the Bible and Matthew 10, Faith in action will save you and it works.

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Christ says have no fear, For all will be revealed, Do proclaim your faith out loud, To receive your salvation seal.

A Christian's life is not easy, Christ said persecution will come, He did not come to bring peace on earth, And some family members will be shunned.

Christ says He will come, To bring a sword that divides, Whole families into chaos, Whoever forsakes Him He will deny.

He has sent us out like sheep amongst wolves, To spread His gospel story, That those who may believe in Him, Will share in His eternal glory.

But those that endure to the end, Will be saved by Christ, For God holds the keys of death, Because He paid our price.

Satan does not get to choose, Where your soul will go, God has all authority, So fear of Him is what you must know.

Whoever loves His family, More than Christ alone, Is not worthy of the gift of salvation, That for our sins He did atone.

Don't be anxious about what to say, Or even how you will act, When you tell your family you believe, For the Holy Spirit's got your back.

Worship Original Poem July 24, 2014

When I wake up in the morning, My soul is swelled all round, I need to just worship God, To Christ my heart is bound.

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When I turn on my iPod, The only thing that is there, Is worship songs on playlists, It is my only care.

As I sing along to them, My heart just wants to soar, As I praise my sovereign King, In heaven He does roar.

He loves to hear our worship, For that He does deserve, From humans and from angels, In tongues or in our words.

The Lord gave me the gift of voice, And He did refine it too, To make it sound like an angel at times, For my friends I will use it soon.

As I sit in a stairwell, Tones reverb off the walls, It creates an ethereal setting, As I sing I give it my all.

Security guards said keep going, 3 people said I sounded, Like I had the voice of an angel, With emotions they hadn't yet grounded.

I used to praise through djimbe drum, And rock out to the heavens, For I loved the rhythm God gave me, I'd love to play it again.

Sometimes I sing in tongues, In a language I do not know, I tell people it's from the Holy Spirit, And God's glory I do show.

I no longer listen to just anything, That does not give Christ the glory, For so much garbage is out there, Under the pretense of songwriting stories.

When I was young I prayed that I, Would always sing in heaven, That my worship would be beautiful, And my happiness would have no end.

Give glory and praises to the King, For He is your Redeemer,

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For death shall have no power over you, With salvation you can be sure.

False Idols: Psalm 135 Original poem July 25, 2014

This poem is about false idols, For the God of Israel has overpowered, All idols made with hands, Figurines are fake rest assured.

There have been people who have said, Profound things about the mind, But all those philosophies will fail, And their followers are spiritually blind.

Our western culture likes the idols, Of gold, silver and stones, Of the Hindus, Buddhists and others, The eastern religions have no eternal thrones.

The idols have mouths that do not speak, They have eyes but do not see, They have ears that do not hear, Nor is there breath in the mouths they breathe.

All the great philosophers, Even those who called themselves gods, Are dead and will be put to judgement, The favour is not in their odds.

God's anger burns against, All those who worship others, He is a jealous God for our love, He makes His commands without stutters.

His number one priority, Is "you shall not have other gods before me", Woe to the person who worships another god, Because worshipping God alone isn't enough for thee.

Those who make and trust in idols, Will become just like them, No eternal life will they receive, They will be punished with demons and men.

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Christ said these words to the people, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, The only way to the Father God, Is through Me alone in His sight."

He's Been There Original poem July 26, 2014

Christ descended from His throne above, And entered a wet womb, He experienced a human birth, In a manger, in a stable room.

He came from a quiet village, An unimpressive town for sure, With a mother who was a peasant girl, And father: an ordinary laborer.

He had just common looks, And a small, ignoble stature, He often had sweat-stained clothes, While He worked as a carpenter.

He wasn't afraid to mention His ancestors, His family shame and secrets, For He knew we'd all have dirty laundry, That we wished we could forget.

He only had a single mother, After Joseph died, He really loved His step-father so, And He mourned, remembered and cried.

Once Jesus started His ministry, And proclaimed that He was God, There was some family tension, For His siblings thought He was a fraud.

He was sometimes hungry on the road, And sometimes wept in public, There were times He needed to get away, And was poor enough to sleep on dirt.

He understood the stress of leadership, For He attracted great crowds, He recruited and oversaw His own organization, Full of zealots and a traitor who did doubt.

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He was radical enough to be kicked out of town, And winsome enough to attract children, Fun loving enough to drink good wine, And weary enough to sleep through boat rocking winds.

He was taken advantage of, By paying foreign taxes, To Caesar they all went, For the inscription wasn't really His.

He experienced all temptation, Through Satan's trials and testings, So He could help the needy then, In all their affliction and their crying.

How Much I Love Christ Original poem Aug. 6

I love Christ so much, Words just cant explain, My love is wide, Wide as an open plain.

My love is deep, Deep as an ocean, My love is endless, Like the waves rolling in.

My love is strong, Like the rock in the mountains, My love is soft, Like the petals of rose ends.

My love is protective, Like the spines on a cactus, My love is supportive, Like a treelimb bearing a nest.

My love is trusting, Like a bird learning to fly, My love is obedient, Like your lighting from the sky.

My love is exciting, Like an eagle soaring abreast,

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My love is colorful, Like the sunset in the west.

My love is passionate, As only mine can be, My love is eternal, Between you and me.

Jesus is Enough Original poem Sept.22

Jesus is enough for me, Christ is what I call him, I've given everything up, And everything has gone strangely dim.

He is the light in my soul, And it is Him who gives me hope inside, I want to share that light with others, For in them He should also abide.

For those who dont have him, There is a black hole in their souls, It sucks their motivation and life's gusto, The sadness takes its toll.

I hope at one point everyone will choose, To serve Christ as their King, He will do everything that He can, To His home His children He'll bring.

He gives us hope, peace and rest, And everything the Bible says so, He is the ideal role model, We should copy Him on the go.

He asks us to surrender and give him control, And that is a difficult thing, But the truth and harmony that it produces, Will heal us and make our souls sing.

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Hope in Christ Original poem Sept.13, 2014

Why are you so cast down, Oh my weary soul, Why are you disquieted within me, The heaviness takes its toll.

I put my hope in my Lord, And I will forever praise Him, Which keeps me healthy, My soul will stay strong and trim.

I believe in our God, That raised Christ up from the dead, And gave Him glory eternally, In His peace I rest my head.

Strengthen the depths of my mind, Have me hope to the end, For the grace that is to be brought, By Christ and His Revelation.

I put my hope in Christ, And that purifies my soul, My hope is laid up in the New Kingdom, That is in the truth of the gospel.

Christ in me is the hope of glory, Please give me encouragement, And strengthen my wistful heart, Be my fortress and battlement.

Keep Walking the Path Original poem July17, 2014

Christ speaks "keep walking the path", That He did choose for me, "Even though the pathway is arduous at times, Together We'll forge your journey.

You're desire to live close to Me, Is such a delight to My heart, Take my hand for strength and direction, The path of life is where it starts.

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Though the path is often difficult, And can have dull scenery, There are sparkling surprises around the bend, That later you will see.

Climbing the high mountain, Was not an easy feat, The snow was deep and faith was required, Someday you'll dance on my peaks.

Do not worry about tomorrow, Not my suggestion but my command, I divided the days and nights for your benefit, So activities would be manageable by your hand.

Throw off any oppressive burden, With one quick thrust of trust, Anxious thoughts crisscross in your brain, So enjoying My Presence is a must.

Come away with me for a while, Leave the world and its nonstop demands, Find the time to focus on me, Don't make me the background Man.

Do not glorify busyness, It’s a tyrant that controls your life, Even those who know me as Saviour, Believe this illusion that brings them strife.

Follow me on a solitary path, Making time with me alone, I am your highest priority, For your sin I did atone.

It is a pathway often unappreciated, But you will have chosen the better thing, This will never be taken from you, And your walk will give others a blessing.

Every day I am nearer to you than before, And your time is coming soon, Trust that I will keep close to you, In everything you choose to do.

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The New Kingdom Will Reign Original poem July 14, 2014

Lord I look towards the day, When you shout and call my name, Your gates will be opened, And You Christ I will gain.

In your kingdom past the gates of pearl, Is Your Father's house in all of its splendor, I ache to feel your arms around me, Because I believed and found Your favour.

In your sky there'll be no sun, No moon to give its rays, All the light comes from Your glory, For eternity and all of our days.

No more violence will be heard, In the land of righteousness, The work to be done will be done with joy, Each job given done with bliss.

The music will make our eternal hearts swell, The angels and your flock will play, An ethereal sound of worship rings, We'll forever want it to stay.

The kingdom's logic will be different, For there won't be right and wrong, The people will all have the Holy Spirit, And love will be the strong bond.

Everyone will receive their treasures, That they did sow on earth, There will not be any jealousy, For each did the Lord's work.

All will be happy with their new bodies, That they will receive anew, For no brokenness will exist, Because mercy comes from You.

They will rejoice at Your gates of praise, Though they've left the fallen ones, Heaven and earth will pass away, But the river of life will always run.

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You will raise the people of Zion, And the people of Jacob too, To offer them a chance to believe, To come to the New Jerusalem soon.

You've said you'd pull out all the stops, To even save just one lost sheep, For you want your beautiful creation, To share in your eternal destiny.

God Works Through People Original poem Aug.1, 2014 Christ works through us every day, We are his hands and feet, His love often comes through people, Though this fact we may not always see. Christ used any non-Christians, While I was on a mountain, To save my life miraculously, For God the victory was won. The rescuers just "knew I was in there", Though they found no pulse or heartbeat, They did 4 hours of CPR that day, No bruising or broken ribs was sweet. I was put on the ECMO machine, To warm up my blood internally, This happened on April Fools Day, A sense of humor God had for me. I had my first helicopter ride, Though I was unconscious at the time, The news story was really cool, A "medical miracle!" they chimed. I woke up in ICU, Without any brain damage or frostbite, I truly felt blessed to be alive again, I knew before God I was right.

Christ You Are My Strength Original poem Aug.7, 2014

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Christ You are my strength, You keep my fire burning, I get up every day because of You, In You my hope is yearning. You are the main Encourager, The great Hand Holder, You are the divine teacher, And the Wisdom Giver. You are the Creator, The Engineer of the Universe, You are the grand Story-teller, You are my sweet Protector on earth. You are the powerful judge, And Law-Giver to the people, You are the wonderful Saviour, The Shepherd of the sheep of all. You are my Comforter, You are my love of all, The provider of my needs, The most powerful King of all.

Thankfulness for Talent Original poem Aug.7 Oh Holy Spirit you've given me such talent, From when I was young until now, You are so gracious to me dear Spirit, I wait for the day I will bow. I will put your talent to work, However the Lord desires, For I need to use my talent for worship, And sing like the angel choirs. I have tried to use my voice for Christ's glory, And sing words of worship and praise, For all the glory does belong to the trinity, All my singing to you I will raise. My writing will be a form of worship, Where my words bring You glory, My pen will glide upon the paper, And capture my thankfulness story.

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The Parable of the Talents Original poem Aug.20, 2014 For the kingdom of heaven will be like, A man going on a journey, He entrusted his property to his servants, All of who he believed to be worthy. He gave 5 talents to one servant, 2 talents to another, And finally 1 talent to a man, All according to their ability to be sure. The one with 5 and the one with 2, Made double the masters money, But the servant with one hid his money, In the ground until the master did see. The ones who multiplied their talents, The master will set the over much goodness, But the one who was slothful, Will be thrown into outer darkness. This means people should use their talents, For Christ's people and his glory, Build it up and do your best, And use it to tell Christ' story. Personally I know I am very intense, Showing strong emotion and passion, In everything I do I give it my all, Especially singing to the people of Zion. You gave me a fire inside, A fire with the Holy Spirit, It helps me refine my talents, For everyone who does hear it.

How to Reach the New Kingdom Original poem Aug.21, 2014 People will ask me how can they, Get to the New Kingdom there, But my answer will always be, Believe in Jesus Christ and share. Share your faith with others,

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And tell them why you believe, For then you might make Him disciples, For changing hearts is what He called us to see. Do good works for others, Because of what Christ did for you, Not to earn your forgiveness, Because it’s what Christ asked us to do. Read your Bible once or more a day, For a little time or some more, Start with the New Testament, For Christ's story will open the door. Once you believe He died for your sins, Educate yourself on His teachings, This will teach you how to act, And then the New Kingdom you'll be reaching. Your heart will be judged then, And seen as pure white, Just wait for Christ to come, During the resurrection all will be right.

Thank You for Canada Original poem Aug.8, 2014 Christ thank you for Canada, My current lovely home, I love the sharp peaked mountains, Where the bears and goats do roam. I love the natural lakes, Of a clear limestone blue, No fish do live in them, For I don't think they can live in that hue. The mountains are my favourite place, To explore through the trees, It is just so peaceful there, Like life was meant to be. Thank you for the beaches, With logs upon the shore, They make a great place to play, The sand and views are yours. Thank you for Vancouver, And for my small group there, They really do care for me, Myself to them I do share.

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Thank you for the coffee shops, Where I meet people new, It really made some great past times, For business tricks I took my cues. Lord, thank you for Canada, And for bringing me here, Thank you for my loved ones, And for bringing them near.

The Fall of Babylon Original poem Aug.15, 2014 An angel came down out of heaven, With great authority, He called out with his mighty voice, And the earth was made bright with his glory. "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, She has become a dwelling place for demons, A haunt for every unclean spirit, A haunt for every unclean bird that's shunned. A haunt for every unclean and detestable beast, For all nations have drunk, The wine of the passion, Of sexual immorality that stunk. The kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, The merchants of the earth have grown rich, From the power of her luxurious living, Her behaviour of living is a major stitch. Then a voice from heaven came down, A voice that was from the throne, "Come out of her my people, Lest you take part in her sins alone. Lest you share in her plagues, For her sins are heaped as high as heaven, And God has remembered her iniquities, Pay her back as she herself has paid back others then. Repay her double for her deeds, Mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed that morning, As she glorified herself and lived in luxury, So give her a measure of torment and mourning. But in her heart Babylon says, I sit as a queen, I am no widow,

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And mourning I shall never see, For this reason her plagues will come in a single day in tow. She will encounter many things, Death and mourning and famine, And she will be burned up with fire, For mighty is the Lord God who has judged her sin.

A New Heaven and a New Earth Original poem From Revelations Aug.15,2014 Then I saw a new heaven and new earth, For the previous ones had passed away, The sea was no longer around, Then the Holy city came down from far away. Then the New Jerusalem came right down, Out of heaven from God almighty, Prepared as a bride for her husband, Then a loud voice from the throne there was saying: "Behold the dwelling place of God is with man, He will dwell with them and they will be His people, God himself will be with them as their God, He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more weeping. No more death, mourning, crying or pain, For the former things have passed away", And He who was seated on the throne, Had something more to say: Behold I am making all things new, Also he said, "Write this down, For these words are trustworthy and true," And He said to me, "It is done!" I am the Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end of time, To the thirsty I will give the spring of the water, Of life with no payment, not a dime. To the one who conquers will have this heritage, I will be her God and she will be my daughter, But as for the cowardly, faithless and detestable, Including the sexually immoral and murderers: As well as the sorcerers, idolaters and liars, Their portion will be on the lake, With fire and sulfur in the second death,

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This is the destruction in their wake.

Comfort in the Battle Original poem Aug. 26,2014 Christ is always with me, My rock, my fortress and my shield, He never will leave me, For that He has revealed. Even through the battle, He's with us in every way, He is our defense in spirit, Until the very last day. He is the comforter of our souls, When we ask for a peace in our hearts, His Holy Spirit is our guide, For our ask is where it all starts. The battle will keep on raging, Even though we want it to end, The Lord will give his shout, Then we will have our resurrection. Just call on Christ's name, When you are stressed, scared or depressed, He will send His Holy Spirit, To make you feel more blessed.

A Tribute to Martyrs, Original poem Aug. 26,2014 This is my best tribute, To all Christians who died, For the sake of the gospel, They suffered and they cried. The ancient Roman Catholic Church persecuted many, And burned them at the stake, For them distributing Bibles, The gospel truth they left in their wake. They were persecuted my many nations, Imprisoned, tortured, starved and killed, In the Age of Reason things are still happening,

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All around the broken world. I respect those who fought for the Bible, For it reached many across the world, I discovered it when I was 22, The scripture made me feel hopeful and assured. The people didn't give up, But held on to their faith, They used patience and courage, Until their very last day.

Why Christ Died Original poem Aug.27,2014 You've heard that Christ died for our sins, But how did it all go down? To begin with Adam and Eve rebelled in Genesis, And made humanity cursed all around. When God kept His promises for a Saviour, He prepared someone to conquer sin and death, He made a perfect human body with God in Him, So He could live a perfect life until His last breath. Just like the prophets predicted about Him, He was mocked and rejected by the Jews, He endured many lashings on His back, And a crown of thorns that pierced His forehead through. He had to carry His cross till he collapsed, Then endured spikes nailed through His hands, Then they nailed His feet to the cross, Then God forsook Him and He was damned. God had set this all up to happen, To Him to be a perfect sacrificial lamb, He did His job perfectly and died, He went to Hell to get the keys of death for all lands. When He took his very last breath, The tombs opened up and people walked out, The sky turned to darkness and the moon to blood, The people in the city believed and gave their shouts. He was placed in a tomb and 3 days later, His body was gone and He appeared walking, He appeared to His disciples in Galilee, He showed them His scars and He began talking.

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He died so He would be the one time sacrifice, For all the sin of the world of all time, He ascended into the sky above, Where the New Kingdom waited for its King on high. His blood washed our sins away, And God sees us as perfect people as His own, He will remember our sins no more, And He and His judges sit on their thrones. All we need to do is do good things for people, With an intention of serving others and God, And try to share our faith with others, And plant seeds of faith in their hearts.

My Heart is Fortified with Salvation Original poem Sept.8, 2014 Lord my heart does belong to you, It is fortified with salvation, I'm also a good and true person, Worthy to enter you city of adoration. I'm a daughter with my mind, Set on you entirely, So keep my spirit fully whole, Steady and balanced on my feet. I work at my devotion and do not quit, I depend on God and keep at it, In the Lord God I have a sure thing, Because in the Word it is writ. I'm a righteous person you might say, Who you are and what you've done, Is all I'll ever want forever, Your glory is brighter than the sun. Through the night my soul, Wistfully longs for you, And deep from within me, My spirit reaches out to you. I put your behaviour, On public display, Those around me see how to live right, Until my very last day. I have a zealous love for you, My love will withstand all trials, You are the only master I've ever known,

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I will never be in denial.

Anxiety, Peace and Rest Original poem Sept.19,2014 A dirty look, A teenager's door slams, A worried parent, This is the anxiety tram. You feel a wave of pinprick anxiety, Wash over your body whole, You try to make it go away, But it lingers and takes its toll. What I do naturally is analyze a situation, Put it in context of the surroundings, And evaluate if it’s good or bad, And see if I should take it as a warning. It stops my fears and anxieties, Mostly because I give them to the Lord, A trusting peace will usually come, Of that over time I’m assured. One has to learn how to observe, The eyes, body behaviour and context, To see if something's safe or not, This is a difficult test. Once I conquered my anxieties and fears, I learned to rest in peace, This is not just for the dead, Its something we all should seek.

The New Jerusalem and the River of Life Original poem Aug.18, 2014 The New Jerusalem will be on a high mountain, Coming down out of heaven from God, Its radiance was like a most rare jewel, Having the glory of God. It had a great high wall around, With twelve gates and twelve angels, There was three gates on every side, Each one with a name of a tribe of Israel.

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And the walls of the city had twelve foundations, On it written each of the names of the twelve apostles, The city lies foresquare at about 1400 miles each side, And the wall is about 200 ft high like a castle. The wall was built of Jasper, While the city was of pure gold, Blemish free as glass, The foundation of the city were adorned with jewels that were bold. The foundation of the wall, Had twelve different beautiful stones in it, Among them sapphire, jasper and beryl, As well as emerald, topaz and amethyst. The twelve gates were made of pearl, A single sheet of pearl at that, The people will all be amazed, As they gaze at the beautiful palace. There was no temple in the city, For the temple is the Father, Spirit and the Lamb, The city had no need for sun or moon, For the glory of God and its lamp is the Lamb. There shall not be any night in the city, By the Lamb's light the nations will walk in it, The kings will bring in their glory too, Nothing unclean will ever enter it. The angel showed John the river of the water of life, Bright as a crystal sparkling in a dam, This is the river we sing about, Coming from the throne of God and the Lamb. It runs through the middle of the street, And on each of the rivers sides, Is the majestic tree of life, With its twelve fruits perfectly ripe.

A Snow life and slow life Original poem November 9, 2014

Snow, oh snow, Oh drifting from the hills, Moving ever so slowly, To flurry as it wills.

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Life moving slow, Oh what is there to do, To do things just around the house, So I won’t become blue.

Our culture is so fast paced, Success and achievement propels, We can't handle well slowing down, The speed has us under a spell.

We like to keep busy and excited, For that is our thrill each day, To take a step back is hard, Hobbies and housework keep bored feelings at bay.

Moving slowly can be beautiful, Like a snowflake dancing around, As participating in the arts can be, And accomplishment can be found.

Without many things going on, Its domestic life at home, Finding enjoyment without excitement, Its beautiful but hard to behold.

Who Can Fathom Christ's Mystery

Original poem July 18, 2014

Who can fathom Christ's mystery, Only God and the Spirit alone, Who are we to validate His ways? For they are not ways of our own.

He performed many miracles, In the scriptures we are told, Besides speaking in visions, angels and to his prophets, His miracles are all unique and bold.

He is mighty and all powerful, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, His creativity has no limits, And through His love our souls were given birth.

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Woe to the person, Who's knowledge diminishes his wonder, Of God's mighty creation, In all its beauty and its splendor.

He has full freedom to do what He wants, In order to get us to believe, For whatever He wants to tell us, In what we see or His experiential deeds.

He confused the tongues of Babel, Opened the wombs of old mothers, Spoke through a burning bush, Along with so many others.

Each miracle took faith to believe, And the receiver awarded righteousness, For each had a different circumstance, That God creatively did address.

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