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This photo is symbolic of

the way that my brain was

feeling for quite some time.

The sense of falling or

sinking. When I’m feeling

lost or frustrated I like to

create things to help me

express the way that I feel

and this image came from

those emotions, feeling like I

was struggling and that after

a while you just end up

sinking to the bottom. Even

though you hit the bottom,

there is always the chance to

swim back to the top.

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t h e p r e m i e r i s s u e

T E R R I B U R N S, E D I T O R

c o n t r i b u t o r s / t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s

Joel Robison

Cathline Dickens

Ashlee Elle

Brooke Shaden


Previous Page: About the cover, by Joel Robison

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Some are more scared of their

pasts than of their futures. But

one day, there will be no

horizon to comfort writers and

poets, nor to remind us all of

the beauty of the world. To

prepare ourselves, we must use

our minds, pencils, and paint

brushes, and of course we must

use our cameras.

-Terri C. Burns, Editor

Dearest Reader,

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Joel Robison

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This photograph is entitled “Catch It If You Can,” part of Joel’s phantasmagoric Harry Potter series.

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Artist/Photographer Joel Robison shot our cover


Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joel_r

1. Three sentences about photography.

-Photography is never stagnant, it grows and changes every day.

-Photography is something that provides me with an artistic way to

express myself.

-Seeing the world through a camera lens has changed the way I see

the world.

2. What do you fear?

Aside from birds? I fear not knowing what I want to do with my

life. I tend to stay away from making long-term plans and while I

think it helps me live in the moment, it also fuels the fear that I

don’t know where I’m headed.

3. Turn to your left. Describe what you see.

I see my messy desk that has some prints that I recently received in

the mail from some of my favorite artists; it has small photo props

as well as a few too many empty coffee cups. I have some art

hanging on the wall as well as a stack of mail that I keep forgetting

to send anyway!

4. What inspires you?

The world around me in every way. I am inspired by nature and

how nature can be manipulated. I’m inspired by popular culture

and how I can interpret it’s messages into a different idea. I’m

inspired by my own thoughts, by the conversations I have, and by

the dreams that fill my brain. I tend to be inspired by simple

words of concepts and then I try to build upon them and put my

own spin on them.

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c o l o r


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There's a big tree

with about 30

birds on it just

singing their lives

away while the

branches are

swaying from the


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Cathline Dickens

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/londonscene

1. Three sentences about photography.

I'd like to say photography is a never ending way to express your true

feelings and dreams in a thousandth of a second. Photography is a soul

captivating, heart wrenching, and thought-filled journey. No photographer

is the same, and that's what makes photography so beautiful; every time you

see a photograph it's always done a little bit different.

2. What do you fear?

What do I fear? Needles or slimy bugs, yuck. Photography-wise? I think I

just fear that my photographs won't be good enough for my fans. However I

think every photographer fears that.

3. Turn to your left. Describe what you see.

I'm looking out a window. There's a big tree with about 30 birds on it just

singing their lives away while the branches are swaying from the wind, and

there are mundane townhouses on the other side of the road.

4. What inspires you?

I am hugely inspired by dream-like states of existence and fantasy based

movies or books. I think my biggest inspirations have to be books like

Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and the Brothers

Grimm fairy tales. The Grimm Brothers grotesque view really intrigues


Photography is a soul captivating, heart

wrenching, and thought-filled journey.

“ ”

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I am inspired by dark art that is so beautiful that you

forget it was dark in the first place. “ ”


Brooke Shaden

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/brookeshaden/

1. Three sentences about photography.

They say that the eyes are a window to the soul, but a photograph is a

window to a whole new world. Photographers can make those worlds

into anything imaginable, and that is what I try to do with my

photography. I create the worlds I wish we lived in where secrets are out

in the open and where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

2. What do you fear?

On the most basic level, I fear whales. It is sad, but true. I have a

horrible fear of whales more so than any other thing, even sharks! My

biggest regret would be to lose sight of my imagination, so in turn my

biggest fear is losing my imagination.

3. Turn to your left. Describe what you see.

I see a ceramic volcano that my husband made in high school. A print of

mine, "My Little Bluejay", hanging on my wall. A book: Invisible

Cities by Italo Calvino. Two jars of tea, both decaffeinated, one herbal

and one black; a cat scratching post and a keyboard as well.

4. What inspires you?

I am inspired by the fleeting, in-between moments of darkness and

beauty. I am inspired by the the act of seeing something differently than

I had previously. I am inspired by the Pre-Raphaelite painters as well as

brush strokes in paintings. I am inspired by dark art that is so beautiful

that you forget it was dark in the first place.

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Ashlee Elle

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21816878@N08

1. Three sentences about photography.

Photography is a visual interpretation of my honest emotions.

Photography has become a part of my life and I truly cannot

imagine existing without it.

Photography, it breathes right on through me.

2. What do you fear?

I honestly fear never accomplishing my aspirations, my dreams,

the beautiful things that I would love to achieve for the rest of

my life. I would never want to look back upon my life and say,

"I wish I had done that.." that wholeheartedly frightens me.

3. Turn to your left. Describe what you see.

I perceive a pile of unread books, hardback, paperback, all

discoveries awaiting my sight and mind.

4. What inspires you?

To be honest, everything inspires me though that sounds pretty

wide open. Moreover, the dreams I hold, the dreams I have,

lovely strangers, lively music, moving words.. I can look around

me and become entirely inspired by everything in its true


“ I can look around me and become entirely

inspired by everything in its true existence.

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“They say that the eyes are a

window to the soul, but a

photograph is a window to a

whole new world.”

-Brooke Shaden, Contributing


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