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STP Funding Finder August 2017

Welcome to Scotland’s Towns Partnership’s Funding Finder for August 2017.

Please use the arrows to expand the desired theme, you can then find the name of the fund along with the amount available and application deadline date. Please use the arrows to reveal more information.

If you would like to bring a fund to our attention that is not included in this document, or have any queries, please contact us here.


Edinburgh World Heritage - Conservation Funding Programme | N/A | N/A

Funding Programme to help property owners within the site conserve their historic building. The priorities for funding are:

● Conserve or enhance the Site through proactive interventions ● Satisfy the EWH Site Management Plan policies and proposals ● Meet the objectives of the EWH Action Plan ● Give additionality to public works projects ● Benefit public, community or charitable purposes ● Lever in other funds and initiatives for the benefit of the Site ● Facilitate joint partnership working to enhance the environment

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here: http://www.ewht.org.uk/conservation-funding-programme

Glasgow City Heritage Trust - Building Repairs Grant | £10, 000 | N/A

The purpose of Glasgow City Heritage Trust’s Building Repair Grant programme is to help preserve and enhance the unique character of the built environment.

Eligibility: For your property to be considered eligible for priority assistance it must be within one of the following conservation areas: Central, East Pollokshields, Shawlands or Walmer Crescent. A number of other areas may be considered, please see http://www.glasgowheritage.org.uk/grants/

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here: http://www.glasgowheritage.org.uk/grants/

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Sharing Heritage - Heritage Lottery Fund | £3000 - £10, 000 | N/A

This programme is for any type of project related to heritage in the UK. Projects must achieve at least one outcome for people. Outcomes for people:

● developed skills● learnt about heritage● changed their attitudes and/or behaviour● had an enjoyable experience● volunteered time● Outcomes for heritage:● better managed● in better condition● better interpreted and explained● identified/recorded● Outcomes for communities:● environmental impacts will be reduced● more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage● organisations will be more resilient● local economy will be boosted● local areas/communities will be a better place to live, work or visit

Eligibility: charities or trusts; community or voluntary groups; community/parish councils; community interest companies; local authorities; other public sector organisations, such as nationally funded museums; social enterprises

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here: http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/sharingheritage.aspx

Aberdeen City Heritage Trust | N/A | N/A

Grants for the repair of historic buildings in conservation areas. Grant rates vary depending on the type of work proposed and where the building is located.

Eligibility: http://www.aberdeenheritage.org.uk/uploads/downloads/Eligible%20Works.pdf for a list of eligible and priority works.

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here: http://www.aberdeenheritage.org.uk/grants/preapplication-enquiry/

Vacant and Derelict Land Fund | N/A | N/A

Aims to tackle long-term vacant and derelict land in Scotland. The criteria of the fund is to tackle long term vacant/derelict land; stimulate economic growth/job creation; and promote environmental justice and improved quality of life” – with a focus on projects which promote innovation in temporary and longer term greening techniques for vacant and derelict land sites.

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Eligibility: The following local authorities receive funding, reflecting the extent of vacant and derelict land in these areas and levels of deprivation:

● Glasgow● North Lanarkshire● Highland● Dundee● South Lanarkshire

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here:


Business Premises Renovation Allowance – HMRC| N/A | N/A

To increase private investment, enterprise and employment in the UK’s most disadvantaged communities (designated as “Enterprise Areas”), by bringing longer term vacant business properties, in those areas, back into productive use. The measure is part of the UK’s holistic approach to regeneration. A full initial allowance of 100% can be claimed in the year in which the expenditure is incurred. If this allowance is not claimed in full in the first year, writing down allowance of 25% based on cost can be claimed in subsequent years until tax relief has been claimed for the total capital expenditure on the project.

Eligibility: The property must have been unused for a year or more prior to the renovation exercise beginning. It must have been last used for the purposes of a trade, profession or vocation or as an office (and not as a dwelling) and it must be used for one or more of these purposes after the renovation or conversion has been completed.

More information, guidance documents and application details can be found here: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/camanual/CA45300.htm

ASDA Community Capital Fund | N/A | N/A

ASDA Community Capital is a fund designed to support early stage social enterprises looking to access social investment for the first time. Using money raised through the Plastic Bag tax, introduced in Scotland in October 2014, the fund aims to support social enterprises to make the step change they need to increase their social impact and/or financial sustainability.

ASDA Community Capital has been specifically designed with affordability and flexibility in mind.● Loans range from £10k to £50k with no penalty for partial or full early repayment● Repayable over a maximum of 6 years.● Fixed interest rate of 5% (chargeable from year 2)● No interest charged or accrued in Year 1.● No repayments in Year 1 (Interest and capital repayments start from Year 2)● No security required● No Arrangement fee

Eligibility: This fund is open to social enterprises operating in Scotland.

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More information: http://www.socialinvestmentscotland.com/looking-for-investment/our-funds/asda-community-capital/

Stations Community Regeneration Fund | £5000 - £75000 | N/A

ScotRail and Transport Scotland are seeking applications for a £1.5million community fund, designed to breathe new life into old and disused railway station premises. The Stations Community Regeneration Fund enables business and community groups to transform redundant station rooms into facilities to benefit local people.

Any projects that will aid communities or rail passengers will be considered for grants of between £5,000 and £75,000. Bids may also be made for larger sums, dependent on in-depth feasibility studies.

Grants can be used to contribute towards the costs of any structural repairs and to assist with the costs of fitting out station premises for their intended use.

More information: https://www.scotrail.co.uk/about-scotrail/scotrail-community/stations-community-regeneration-fund

Community Centres and Village Halls | N/A | N/A

Trusthouse is interested in applications for capital projects at community centres in the most deprived urban areas and village halls in remote and economically deprived rural areas.

They want to support community centres and village halls which are at the heart of small, deprived communities. They expect that you will be providing a range of activities for all ages and abilities which help to promote community cohesion and address local problems of isolation, poverty, lack of local facilities, transport and other issues of relevance to your area.

More information: http://trusthousecharitablefoundation.org.uk/grants/community-centres-and-village-halls/

Riada Trust | £5,000 - £15,000 | N/A

The Trust's purposes are: the prevention or relief of poverty; the advancement of education; the advancement of health; the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science; the advancement of public participation in sport; the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

Eligibility: Black and minority ethnic communities, Carers/ parents, Children, Homeless or badly Housed, Mental health conditions, Older people, People affected by ill-health, People with disabilities, People with learning disabilities, People with physical disabilities, People with sensory impairments, Physical health conditions, Young people

More information: 0131 228 6606 | c/o Jeffrey Crawford & Co 25 Castle Terrace, EDINBURGH, EH1 2ER

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Post Office - Community Branch Fund | N/A | N/A

The fund offers investment for subpostmasters to support the growth of their Post Office business and help to underpin the long term viability of their business. It can be used for a wide range of improvements such as changing the branch format to open plan, new signage, or gearing up for new services such as Click & Collect. Funding is also available for Outreach and Satellite services.

Eligibility: General Public

More information: http://www.postofficecommunityfund.co.uk/

Mickel Fund | £500 - £10,000 | N/A

If your charity deals with any of the following you will be considered for funding; Age Concern, Animal Welfare, Cancer Care, Cancer research, Children & Youth Support, Education/Outreach, Hospices, Housing & Homelessness, Injuries, Medical Assistance, Music/Culture, Medical Research, Veterans, World Wide Appeal Based Projects. Donations can take the form of core funding including salaries and general running costs, project grants or capital grants for building or equipment.

Eligibility: Registered Charities

More information: http://www.mickelfund.org.uk/

Burn Stewart Distillers PLC Charitable Trust | up to £3,000 | N/A

The prevention or relief of poverty, The advancement of education, The advancement of health, The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science, The advancement of public participation in sport, The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. They give worldwide but with a particular interest to South Lanarkshire, Stirling and Argyll & Bute, where their sites are located.

Eligibility: N/A

More information: [email protected] | 01355 270302

Shopfront improvement grants (Galashiels) | N/A | New intake each month

The shopfront improvement grant scheme is now open for applications based in Galashiels town centre.

Applications are invited to be submitted each month.

Complete an application form for a shopfront improvement grant.

Eligibility: Businesses in Galashiels

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More information: https://www.scotborders.gov.uk/info/20065/business_funding_and_grants/296/shopfront_improvement_grants

LandAid Grants Programme | fund total £1 million | 15 September

LandAid, the property industry charity, allocates more than £1 million each year to 'outstanding’ small-medium sized charities in communities throughout the UK. The organisation's vision is to see a world in which no young person is homeless.

The funding is for projects that are in line with LandAid's 2017/2020 strategy and are one of the following types of capital building work:

● Refurbishment, conversion and extension of existing buildings - of empty properties and also not-previously-empty properties.

● New building – using traditional methods built on site or using precision construction built off site in factories.

LandAid will consider refurbishment building projects that cost up to £15,000 per bed space, where that cost covers the bedroom and also a related proportion of communal areas.

UK organisations with charitable objectives are eligible to apply. This includes registered charities, registered societies, community benefit societies, ‘pre-commencement societies’, industrial and provident societies. Those with a strong track record and working in major UK cities are of a high priority.

Applications will be accepted from 14 August 2017 (10am) to 15 September 2017 (5pm).

More information: http://www.landaid.org/what-we-do/apply-support/apply-grant

Scottish Land Fund | £10,000 - £1 million | N/A

The Scottish Land Fund supports rural and urban communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

Funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by the Big Lottery Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, it offers grants of up to £1 million to help communities take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to develop their aspirations into viable projects.

Successful applicants will clearly demonstrate that their project will help their local community to:

● Achieve more sustainable economic, environmental and/or social development through ownership of land and buildings

● Have a stronger role in and control over their own development

● Own well managed, financially sustainable land and buildings.

Eligibility and Application

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We will prioritise applications that can demonstrate significant positive impact for the community as a whole. Applicants will have the opportunity to test out and develop their ideas with support from a Scottish Land Fund Adviser.

The Scottish Land Fund is open to organisations in both urban and rural Scotland which are community-led, community-controlled, and defined by a geographic area.

Applicants can be from one of a wide range of representative community bodies, including voluntary organisations, social enterprises or community councils.

More information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/scottishlandfund

Townscape Heritage Grants (HLF) | £100,000 - £2m | 8 December 2017

The Townscape Heritage programme helps communities regenerate deprived towns and cities across the UK by improving their built historic environment. Grants range from £100,000 to £2million.

Eligibility and Application

Under this programme, we fund applications from:● not-for-profit organisations; and● partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

First-round applications and all supporting materials must be received by 12 noon on 8 December 2017 for a decision in May 2018.

Second-round applications can be submitted up to 12 months after first-round approval. They are assessed within three months, after which funding decisions are made at the next quarterly decision meeting for your area. To find out when the meetings are, and when you're likely to get a decision, see the Application deadlines and funding decisions for your area.

More Information


National Churches Trust Project Development Grants | <£10,000 | 6 September 2017

Our Project Development Grant programme offers the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to help churches develop high quality sustainable repair and community projects.

Our 2017 rounds are currently open. Please read the programme details below for further information.

About the Programme

This grant programme is a pilot scheme and is intended to support churches to become more sustainable through the diognosis of issues affecting the church, testing the viability of proposed solutions to improve sustainability and the develoment of guiding policies and plans that will be

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implemented through a subsequent capital or sustainability project. The grants are likely to assist with the cost of staff time such as a project manager or a professional advisor, and/or to produce a report that will help progress the project plans to a stage where they can be considered by large grant-giving bodies and to meet RIBA stage 1 requirements.


Places of worship of any Christian denomination can apply. We will consider applications for buildings of all ages, listed and unlisted. For 2017 we are particularly interested in applications from the North East of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as from Baptist and Presbyterian churches. Buildings must have been built as churches originally and 50% of the funds need to have be raised. Full eligibility, and further details, can be found in the 'Guidance Note' available at the end of the page.

The application process begins with an eligibility quiz. Please answer these questions accurately. If you are eligible you will be able to continue to the application form. To view the questions in advance follow the link below.


The subsequent deadline will be: 6 September 2017 for a November decision.

To get started, click on the 'Grant Application Form' button at the bottom of this page. Please note, before starting we recommend you read the 'Guidance Note' - see below.

Decisions on all grant applications are made internally. A shortlist of candidates is discussed by an independent Grants Committee, comprised of experts from the church and heritage sectors, who meet three times a year.

The amount of funding available is limited, so we can only offer grants towards a small proportion of the many important and deserving projects which are likely to seek our support. We strongly encourage you to start local fundraising as early as you can. For more funding sources and fundraising advice please click here..

More information: http://www.nationalchurchestrust.org/node/4401

Historic Environment Repair Grant | N/A | 30 September 2017

Owners of historic buildings can apply for financial help to meet the cost of high quality repairs made by specialist craftspeople using traditional materials.

The aim of the Historic Environment Repair Grant is to conserve original features in buildings of special architectural or historic interest.

Owners must insure and maintain the building and allow some access to the public in return for financial help.

You must be legally responsible for the repair of a historic building to apply for a Historic Environment Repair Grant.

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Eligibility: To qualify for consideration for a Historic Environment Repair Grant:● the building must be of significant architectural or historic importance● the repairs proposed must be urgently needed● you must be able to demonstrate the need for grant support to enable the repairs to go


More information: https://www.historicenvironment.scot/grants-and-funding/our-grants/historic-environment-repair-grant/#overview_tab

National Events Programme Funding | N/A | 6 October 2017

The National Funding Programme complements the International Funding Programme and plays an integral role in developing domestic tourism across Scotland.

By supporting events which take place outside the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, EventScotland is also growing Scotland's wider events portfolio which forms the backbone of the events industry.

More information: http://www.eventscotland.org/funding/national-events-programme/

Heritage Enterprise Grant (HLF)| £100,000 - £5m | 31 August 2017

The cost of repairing a neglected historic building is often so high that restoration simply isn’t commercially viable. Heritage Enterprise makes such schemes possible by funding some of the repair costs with grants of £100,000 to £5million.

Applications go through a two-round process. This is so you can apply at an early stage of planning your project and get an idea of whether you're likely to receive a grant. Then you can send us your detailed proposals. At the first round you can also ask for funding to develop your project.

Eligibility and Application

Under this programme, we fund applications from: ● not-for-profit organisations; and ● partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

More information:


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Architectural Heritage Fund Heritage Mortgage Scheme | £150,000-£500,000 | N/A

The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF), an independent charity, encourages and supports the work of organisations dedicated to the preservation and renewal of buildings of architectural and historic significance which have failed to find a viable re-use on the open market.

Through the new Heritage Mortgage Scheme the AHF is offering mortgage-style loans of between £150,000 and £500,000 over terms of between 10 and 20 years (30 in exceptional circumstances) to assist registered charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK to acquire buildings, or provide working capital for restoration projects.

All AHF loans are typically fixed at 4-6% but can be linked to Base Rate.

The AHF can normally lend applicants up to 70% of the estimated open market resale value of any acceptable property or land over which it takes a first charge. If this is the project building for which the loan is required, it can lend up to 70% of the property's estimated "end value" (the projected value once work has been completed).

Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered on a quarterly basis.

More Information: http://ahfund.org.uk/the/

Croft House Grant Scheme 2017-2018 | £28,000-£38,000 | 1 September

The Croft House Grant provides grants for new houses and the rebuilding and renovation of existing croft houses. The scheme is geographically targeted with two levels of grant determined by priority areas with the highest grant maximum available in the more remote and fragile communities.

The rates of assistance are as follows:

New House Grant

Geographical Priority Area:● high: £38,000● standard: £28,000

Rebuilding and Improvement Grant

Geographical Priority Area:● high: 40% of costs up to a maximum grant of £38,000● standard: 40% of costs up to a maximum grant of £28,000

Applications for improvements to an existing croft house are invited from crofters for whom the croft house is their main residence.

The scheme is open to:● crofting tenants;

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● owner-occupiers of crofts, which were acquired from the landlord within the last seven years;

● cottars; and● Kyles crofters.

The scheme has four tranches of applications for 2017-18. The next application deadline is 1 September 2017.

More information: https://www.ruralpayments.org/publicsite/futures/topics/all-schemes/croft-house-grant-/

Historic Environment Scotland Organisational Support Fund | N/A | 30 September

Historic Scotland offers grants as an essential part of wider efforts to safeguard Scotland's historic environment and promote its understanding and enjoyment. The fund provides financial support to voluntary organisations responsible for the operation, management or safeguarding of historic environment assets to assist in the delivery of defined projects and to provide resilience funding.

Funding is available on a three-year basis and is made on a 'full cost recovery' (FCR) basis.

There is no set minimum or maximum level of grant. The level of funding will depend on the agreed outcomes and objectives of the work between the applicant organisation and Historic Scotland.

Applicants can apply for funding under the following two categories:● Project and activity grants:

○ Specific projects/activities that help to deliver Historic Environment Scotland’s grant outcomes.

● Resilience grants - aimed at organisations experiencing financial or organisational difficulties:

○ Closing short term financial deficits.○ Property, plant or equipment required to ensure that public access or

engagement with the historic environment can continue in the long-term.○ Equipment required to pursue identified and quantified business development

opportunities.○ Addressing organisational capacity issues to respond to existing challenges or

new opportunities.

Resilience funding is time limited. Historic Environment Scotland would expect grantees to address the underlying issues that created the need for resilience funding.

Applications may be submitted throughout the year but are considered in one batch once a year, at the end of September.

More information: https://www.historicenvironment.scot/grants-and-funding/our-grants/organisational-support-fund/

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Climate Challenge Fund | <£150,000 | 28 August

The Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) provides grants and support for community-led organisations to tackle climate change by running projects that reduce local carbon emissions.

Community-led organisations are invited to apply for CCF funding, with grants of up to £150,000 available per organisation, per year for projects taking place between 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2020. Development Grants of up to £1,500 are also available.

The CCF has supported projects involving energy efficiency improvements to community owned buildings, home energy efficiency advice, lower carbon travel options, community growing initiatives and schemes to tackle waste.

Keep Scotland Beautiful manages the CCF on behalf of the Scottish Government and we have staff that support applicants and those awarded grants. We also offer free training, events and support to help communities across Scotland build their capacity to tackle climate change.

KSB have managed the Climate Challenge Fund since it was established in 2008 and are committed to empowering many more communities across Scotland to take action on climate change. We see this as part of our work to make Scotland clean, green and more sustainable.

More Information: http://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/sustainability-climate-change/climate-challenge-fund/

CSV Local Nature Reserve Awards | £250 |N/A

Offer up to £500 for activities taking place on LNRs which encourage volunteer involvement and bring new volunteers onto the reserve. Activities could involve wildlife recording and education, raising profile of the site and protecting and enhancing biodiversity. We will prioritise applications from community or ‘Friends of’ groups. Events should involve the local Ranger Service or LNR Managers.

Eligibility: Community groups, friends of community groups

More information: http://actionearth.csv.org.uk/apply

Link: http://actionearth.csv.org.uk/apply/grant-applicationh- register at this link to be sent email with application form

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CSV Action Earth Awards | £50 - £250 | N/A

From £50 to £250 are available to groups of volunteers carrying out environmental activities. This could include improving ponds, woodlands, meadows and other green spaces to make them more wildlife friendly. Create new habitats by planting nectar-rich flowers, fruit-bearing trees or shrubs.

Eligibility: Community groups, friends of community groups

More information: http://actionearth.csv.org.uk/apply

Link: http://actionearth.csv.org.uk/apply/grant-applicationh- register at this link to be sent email with application form

The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust | £2,500 - £5,000 | N/A

Funding for community projects that provide, restore or improve community resources. Land/amenity projects should restore and/or enhance the environment for the benefit of the public. This includes the built and/or the natural environment. Biodiversity projects should be to enhance or protect local biodiversity. Funding of between £2,000 and £5,000 is available. For further information, visit:

Eligibility: Community groups

More information: http://www.ctsi.org.uk/content/clackmannanshire-and-stirling-environment-trust

An application form must be completed and can be obtained from the trust's office: The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trustc/o Bannockburn Local Office, 6 New Road, Bannockburn, Stirling, FK7 8LWTel: 01786 484611Email: [email protected]

Community Action Grant - Scottish Natural Heritage | £1,000 - £20,000 | N/A

For projects which are:- requesting funding between £1,000 and £20,000- 12 months or less- short term projects which promote community actionFocus on projects which get more people and communities actively involved in and caring for Scotland's nature and landscapes. The organization are looking to fund a variety of projects which helps them to deliver key outcomes for people and nature. They are:Outcome 1 - more people experiencing, enjoying and valuing nature and landscapes Outcome 2 - improve the quality and management of Scotland's nature and landscapes Outcome 3 - nature and landscapes making an increased contribution to the Scottish economy Outcome 4 - better places in which to live, work and visit are created For more information on funding priorities visit: http://www.snh.gov.uk/funding/our-grants/what/our-funding-priorities/ where a guidance can be downloaded.

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Eligibility: Community groups

More information: http://www.snh.gov.uk/funding/our-grants/how-apply/grant-guidance/

AquaFund | N/A | N/A

AquaFund® is ADSM’s multi-million-pound grant which is designed to enable organisations to make water efficiencies and financial savings. The AquaFund® Scheme will provide the cash, the resources and the expertise to drive down your water costs. Further information at:

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.adsm.com/aquafund/

Contact them on 01753 833 880 or email [email protected] to get your savings underway.

Vegware Community Fund | £20 - £200 | N/A

The Vegware Community Fund gives monthly support to non-profit sustainability projects, with new recipients being added as Vegware grows. We are currently taking on new recipients on a monthly basis

Eligibility: Community groups

More information: http://vegwarecommunityfund.org/how-to-apply/

A E B Charitable Trust | £1,000 - £10,000 | N/A

The AEB Charitable Trust presently makes grant to charities in support of the following: The promotion of interests of wildlife, ecology and nature; The advancement of health, in particular, research into and treatment of Alzheimer's and the care of the confused elderly; The support of museums and galleries, music and the arts in Scotland; Assistance to the infirm, the emergency services, disabled and retired members of the Armed Forces.

Eligibility: Charities

More information: http://www.turcanconnell.com/the-aeb-charitable-trust/

Circular Economy Investment Fund | N/A | Open until 2018

Between 2016 and 2018, Zero Waste Scotland is making funding and support available through structured grant calls and procurements. These will focus on priority commercial and industrial sectors which are:

● the bio economy (food and drink)● built environment (construction and demolition)● energy infrastructure (oil and gas decommissioning, renewables, transmission)

There will also be funding available for key activities such as reuse, remanufacturing, repair and

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Eligibility: SME, Third Sector, CICs

More information: http://www.zerowastescotland.org.uk/content/circular-economy-investment-fund#sthash.VaM2lVH2.dpuf

Green Infrastructure Fund | N/A | 2014 - 2020European Structural and Investment Funds provide European Union Member States with financial assistance to deliver the EU2020 strategy of Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, increasing economic activity and employment across the EU.

The 2014-2020 ERDF is structured around specific themes known as Strategic Interventions, administered by Lead Partners. The Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention has been approved, with SNH as the Lead Partner.

The aim of the Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention is to create better places and enhance the quality of life for urban dwellers by improving the quality, accessibility and quantity of green infrastructure in our major towns and cities. The creation and improvement of multifunctional green infrastructure will help to deliver successful places, address inequalities and provide opportunities for better health.

The Strategic Intervention will be run through a Challenge Fund – The Green Infrastructure Fund – by providing funding through a competitive selection process for eligible activities for a small number of strategic Operations.

Eligibility: Applicant organisations need to be approved and registered by the Scottish Government as an eligible body to apply for ERDF funding. Before an application form is issued to an applicant organisation, the Green Infrastructure Strategic Intervention team will check directly with the Scottish Government whether the organisation is already registered. All local authorities are automatically eligible as applicants.

More information: http://www.greeninfrastructurescotland.org.uk/

Tesco Bags of Help | up to £5000 | N/A

Do you have a local greenspace that needs improving? Do you want to run activities in your local park or greenspace?

The Tesco Bags of Help grant scheme is permanently open for applications from a wide range of community groups, schools, local authorities and organisations. Bags of Help will now see the money raised by the 5p bag charge in Tesco stores in Scotland, England and Wales opened up to a greater range of projects that support community participation in the development and use of open spaces.

Projects that will get the green light as a result of the funding will include volunteer training, physical improvements of open spaces, equipment purchases, community events and sports and leisure activities.

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Eligibility: The funding is open to a wide range of groups for projects that include physical improvements or activities on outdoor spaces, greenspaces and parks. There is no match funding requirement and no restrictions on existing project funding.

More information: http://greenspacescotland.org.uk/bags-of-help.aspx

Growing a Greener Britain Small Grants Programme | <£1,000 | N/A

Growing a Greener Britain has been set up by idverde UK, a nationwide contractor that creates and maintains parks and open spaces across the UK, to help fund community projects in publicly-owned parks and open spaces across Britain.

Constituted community groups in Great Britain can apply for grants of up to £1,000 for projects which transform green spaces in Great Britain.

This includes:

● Improvements or modifications to publicly-accessible:

o Parks.

o Gardens.

o Cemeteries.

o Green open spaces including green spaces in social housing schemes.

● Work in state school grounds.

● Work in privately owned grounds that encourage the public to enter and enjoy them free of charge, including some university grounds.

● Creating wildlife areas and ponds.

● Improvement of disabled access.

● Making an area safer or more family-friendly.

● Environmental and Biodiversity management/education projects in local communities.

● Training or employment projects which offer opportunities for young people who are not currently in training or employment.

Applicants must satisfy Growing a Greener Britain’s charitable objectives of:

● Creating improvements to free, publicly accessible green space.

● Providing local employment opportunities through the creation of maintenance projects.

● Providing training and work experience opportunities for those in the local community.

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● Promoting green open spaces within the local community.

Applicants are advised that funding is limited and as such some projects may not receive funding.

Applications are accepted at any time.

More information: https://www.growingagreenerbritain.org/small-grant-programme/

Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for People | £100,000 - £5m | 1 September 2017

The Heritage Lottery Fund's (HLF) Parks for People funding helps to conserve the heritage that makes both historic parks and cemeteries special, and it gives local people a say in how they are managed in the future. Projects improve people’s wellbeing and knowledge of their area, and make communities better places to live, work and visit.

Applicants need to show that the local community values the park or cemetery as part of their heritage, and that they are already actively involved in its management. Not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations can apply including local authorities, charities, trusts, community interest companies, social enterprises, parish councils, voluntary organisations and community groups.

Grants of between £100,000 and £5 million are available to support the following:

● Landscape design layout.

● Surviving or lost historic features or buildings.

● Natural heritage including priority habitats and species.

● Archaeological sites, earthworks or features from an earlier phase of design.

● Collections of plants, trees, objects or documents.

● Cultural traditions such as stories, festivals, fairs and crafts.

● People’s memories and experiences of the park or cemetery.

● The history associated with individual features such as memorials or veteran trees.

There is a two-round application process. Applications can be made at an early stage of planning in order to get a good idea of whether the project will receive funding. The second round application will require greater detail and must be received up to 26 months after the first round decision.

The 2017 deadlines for first-round applications are 1 March 2017 (12pm) and 1 September 2017 (12pm).

More information: https://www.hlf.org.uk/looking-funding/our-grant-programmes/parks-people

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SNH Peatlands Action Fund | Fund Total £8 million | April – October 2017

This project is administered by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and is primarily funded through the Scottish Government. SNH intends to promote and improve Scottish natural heritage and to help people to enjoy nature responsibly. Furthermore, SNH aims to enable a greater understanding and awareness of nature and to promote the sustainable use of Scotland's natural heritage.

Scotland's National Peatland Plan was published in 2015 to highlight the major contribution peatlands make to Scotland. Peatlands occur throughout the country, with many bogs and fens just a short distance from most of our towns and cities, and as vast expanses across the North and West of the country. These areas contribute much more than dramatic scenery or green oases in our industrial heartland. As stores of carbon they are supremely important in helping to tackle climate change; as homes for nature they are special and unique; and as the raw ingredient of rural farming, tourism and crofting they are vital. Healthy peatlands provide many benefits to us all.

Since 2013, Peatland ACTION has begun the process of restoration on over 10,000 hectares of degraded peatlands. The purpose of this project is the restoration of Scottish peatlands whilst supporting demonstration sites and events in order to raise standards and to encourage innovation for effective peatland restoration. The following outcomes are expected from the Peatlands Action Fund project:

● Peatlands will be restored in order to maintain carbon stores and encourage carbon sequestration.

● Awareness will be raised regarding peatlands and their restoration through demonstration as well as through other types of communication.

● Peatland ecosystem functions will be restored.

● Future restoration supported through innovations and through lessons learnt.

● Resilience of the ecosystem to climate change will be enhanced.

● Benefits of sustainable peatland management will be promoted.

● The number of land managers and communities that are actively engaged with peatlands will be increased.

Funding is available for communities and land managers in Scotland and there is a total value of £8 million for 2017/18. SNH will consider factors such as value for money, geographical spread and substantial impact when assessing applications.

This scheme will open 1 April 2017 and will close at the end of October 2017. 

More information: http://www.snh.gov.uk/climate-change/taking-action/carbon-management/peatland-action/information-for-applicants/

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Home Energy Scotland Loan Scheme | £32,500 | N/A

The Home Energy Scotland Loan Scheme makes it simpler and more cost-effective for property owners to keep their houses warm; offering an opportunity for the installation of various energy efficient measures and renewables technologies. This scheme is open to individual householders or private sector landlords based in Scotland. Landlords may apply for up to three properties and should be operating as "natural persons".

Interest free loans are available worth up to £32,500 for individual householders or private sector landlords based in Scotland. Landlords may apply for up to three properties and should be operating as "natural persons". Businesses owning and renting domestic properties, for example, limited companies, charities, sole traders and partnerships, are not eligible for this loan scheme.

Loans should be used for the improvement of existing residential buildings and may be used for primary energy efficiency expenses such as external wall insulation and gas connection as well as secondary energy efficiency expenses such as draught proofing and heating controls. Loans may also be used for renewables systems and district heating connections such as hydro and wind turbines.

Applications for support may be made at any time.

In order to begin the application process, interested parties should contact Home Energy Scotland to request an application form. Funding is allocated on a first-come, first served basis and will be subject to availability.

European Green Capital Award 2020 | €350,000 | 18 October 2017

The European Green Capital Award (EGCA) recognises the work of local authorities across Europe in making urban areas greener places to live and work. The general aim of the initiative is to improve the European urban living environment, which is home to more than 80% of the European population.

The Award is open to EU Member States, candidate countries and European Economic Areas countries. Any city with more than 100,000 inhabitants can apply for the award. In order to celebrate the 10th year of the European Green Capital competition, the winning city of the 2020 Award will receive a financial incentive of €350,000.

The Award will be given to a city that:● Has a consistent record of achieving high environmental standards.● Is committed to ongoing and ambitious goals for further environmental improvement and

sustainable development.● Can act as a role model to inspire other cities and promote best practices to all other

European cities.

Benefits of winning the EGCA include the following:● Positive European and international media coverage.● Increased tourism.

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● Increased international profile, networking and new alliances.● New jobs.● Attracting public financial support.● More emphasis on environmental projects through sponsorship and grants.● Momentum to continue improving environmental sustainability.● Access to networks of previous winners and shortlisted cities to share ideas and


An applicant workshop for the European Green Capital 2020 Award will take place on 27 June 2017 at the Albert Borschette Conference Centre in Brussels.

The deadline for applications is 18 October 2017.

More information: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/europeangreencapital/applying-for-the-award/

Scottish Natural Heritage Community Engagement Fund | 40-50% matchfunding for projects between £50,000-£120,000 | 2 October

Scottish Natural Heritage is giving organisations another opportunity to apply for funding for projects helping communities make the most of their local greenspaces.

Our Green Infrastructure Community Engagement Fund is to reopen for applications in August 2017. It supports organisations who want to employ staff or contractors to work with communities to encourage them to make better use of their greenspace or to develop proposals on how it could be improved. This can be for the whole community or for particular target groups.

We want people to value, use and enjoy their greenspaces, and through this to feel happier, healthier and better connected to their communities. We expect this to lead to inequalities in health and opportunity being reduced, and an increase in how people value and understand what nature does for them.

Green Infrastructure can also help people develop skills and have the confidence to seek and sustain jobs. There are a broad range of projects which might be supported, and innovation is encouraged. Possible areas include:

• Art based - artist working with a community to understand and tell their story with green infrastructure to date, and where they want it to go. • Participation and Activity - support communities with activities and enterprises connected to their green infrastructure. • Citizen Science - a scientist working with a community to explore and document the changes in their area. Help with planning for the future.• Volunteering and Skills - development of local skills through volunteering or skills development programmes, which involve direct contact with the local environment, or learning elsewhere and bringing that learning back to their local area. • Nature based approach - develop an understanding and appreciation of urban nature. Support to explore and engage with local nature through surveys, nature walks, mini-beast adventures, wetland activities. Increase habitat for nature through community management.

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Celebrate nature through events. • Ecosystem Approach - Support to explore the ecosystem services provided by green infrastructure. Explore how an area can benefit from its improvement.

A first funding round took place earlier this year, with the successful projects due to be announced shortly. The second round will open on 3 August and close for applications on 2 October.

This is for projects which will run throughout 2018 and which: • Are within a town or city of greater than 10,000 population; • Will benefit a deprived community (within the 15% most deprived as measured by the

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation); and • Have a total project value of between £50,000 and £120,000.

The Fund will provide up to 40% of this (50% in the Highlands & Islands), with the remainder expected to come from match funding. Anyone who thinks they may wish to apply can have an initial discussion with us about their project idea in advance of the round opening in August.

Contact us through our email address and one of our Project & Funding Officers will get back to you.

Full guidance and a copy of the application form will be made available through the project website (greeninfrastructurescotland.org.uk) when we open for applications. We will also be holding Open Events in August where further information will be provided about the Fund and how to apply. These will be in Glasgow on 3 August, Edinburgh on 7 August and a Webinar event on 15 August. Further details of venues, times etc. will be provided nearer the time.

More Information: http://www.greeninfrastructurescotland.org.uk/news/community-engagement-fund-reopen

Let it Grow’s Incubation Programme 2017-2018 | €10,000 | 10 September Calling all start-ups that work with plants or flowers. Our 5 month Incubation Programmebased in Amsterdam supports and accelerates between 5 - 10 startups whose green innovations are shaping healthier, happier and greener cities

● €10,000 funding: You’ll receive €10,000 to invest directly into your business. No equity will be asked for in return.*

● Training: Five month training programme led by industry professionals which will accelerate your business in topics ranging from business modelling to growth hacking.

● Mentorship: A seasoned entrepreneur will guide you through the programme, give you dedicated mentorship and support.

● Network Access: You will gain access to the network of Royal FloraHolland, its growers and distribution partners.

● Exposure: Your progress during the programme will be documented and communicated about online through interviews, short movies, and much more.

● Demo Day Festival: Pitch your product to an audience of industry professionals, potential investors and thousands of consumers.

* When the annual revenue of your company exceeds €250,000, we ask that you pay forward the sum of the grant money so we are able to support another startup in the same way we supported you.

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At the end of the Incubation Programme you’ll pitch your product to an audience of industry professionals at the Greenhouse Festival Demo-Day. You’ll build meaningful new contacts with potential investors and thousands of consumers within the floriculture sector.


● Your business is young, green and committed● Your business revolves around flowers and/or plants● Your business is bold, innovative and aspires to shape greener cities● Your team is fully committed to the business● You already have a product, prototype or clear form of market validation● You can commit yourself to the Incubation Programme’s schedule

More Information: https://let-it-grow-entrepreneurs.homerun.co/letitgrow


Rural Energy Challenge Fund for SMEs in Scotland | >£150,000 | 20 September The Rural Energy Challenge Fund (RECF) has been set up to stimulate activity in Scotland’s rural economy by unlocking potential for local energy projects with a strong focus on solutions suited to rural business and local economies.

The scheme will support proposals focusing on low carbon, renewables and whole system projects including, but not limited to, aspects of heat, electricity, transport, and energy management and ownership.

Funding is available for short term projects only from October 2017 to March 2018. The overall scheme budget for 2017-18 is £500,000. The maximum grant award available is £150,000; however, the funder expects most awards will be for considerably less.

Proposals can be projects or pilots of innovative approaches, but must include energy demand reduction and efficiency as a priority in terms of developing local, efficient energy systems. As such all applications will need to include a commitment to review what energy reduction and efficiency measures would optimise the proposed energy project. All projects must include a significant element of local ownership.

Rural businesses such as farmers, landowners, land managers, agricultural businesses, crofters and grazing committees in Scotland may apply. The business should be located in a rural area, where this is defined as settlements of fewer than 3,000 people. The project lead organisation should be a rural Scottish small or medium-sized enterprise with fewer than 250 employees.

The final application deadline is midday on 20 September 2017.

More Information: http://www.localenergyscotland.org/recf

The Naturesave Trust | N/A | N/A

To encourage the greater adoption of sustainable development, especially within the Small and

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Medium Sized business community. Grants are made to projects which specifically address the promotion and implementation of sustainable development, environmental and/or conservationist improvement and/or general ‘green’ issues. See the guidelines for further information http://www.naturesave.co.uk/document centre/Trust/Naturesave Trust - funding guidelines.pdfh

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.naturesave.co.uk/the-naturesave-trust/

Local Energy Scotland Start-Up Grant for Community Groups | £10,000 | N/A

Are you in the early stages of thinking about a community renewable energy project and not sure where to start?

CARES provides grant funding to help towards the start-up costs of feasibility studies, community consultation and other preparatory costs. Up to £10,000 is available for community groups to fund non-capital aspects of a project.

You may wish to look at what is feasible in your area, learn what other groups have undertaken, or develop a plan for a community benefit income stream from a local renewable energy project.

These should be early stage activities without which the installations would not be able to go ahead. Before applying for CARES funding we recommend reviewing your ideas with our team and also looking to other sources of funding for early stage community capacity building activity.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.localenergyscotland.org/communities/generating-your-own-electricity/financial-support/start-up-grant-for-community-groups/

Local Energy Scotland Pre-Planning Loans | £150,000 | N/A | N/A

The Pre-Planning Loan provides support to community applicants taking forward plans for renewable energy generation schemes on land they own or could lease from a land owner.

Applications are competitive and will be taken until funds are fully allocated.

This loan will cover up to 95% of pre-planning costs such as Environmental Impact Assessments and technical feasibility studies. The maximum loan per entity is £150,000. Applicants must contribute a minimum of 5% and must fund any recoverable VAT. Credit checks are undertaken, but security is not required. We know not all projects will lead to local energy generation and if your project does not progress due to failure to gain planning consent or other major obstacles then the loan can be written off.

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Interest is charged at 10% per annum from the date of each drawdown.

You can access an Expression of Interest Form here or to find out more about CARES loans please contact your local development officer.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.localenergyscotland.org/communities/generating-your-own-electricity/financial-support/pre-planning-loans/

Low Carbon Skills Fund | up to £5000 | N/A

The Low Carbon Skills Fund gives Scottish businesses with under 100 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £5000 towards employee training costs in areas such as renewable energy and low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency, waste management and reuse, and reducing carbon in supply and energy management.

Eligible training includes:● Renewable energy, low carbon technologies and microgeneration● Energy efficiency, environmental and clean technologies● Waste management and re-use● Reducing carbon in supply and energy management.

Eligibility: Businesses with less than 100 hundred employees

More information: https://www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/develop-your-workforce/low-carbon-skills-fund/

Carbon Trust Green Business Fund | <£10,000 | N/A

The Carbon Trust's Green Business Fund is intended to help small and medium-sized companies in Great Britain with a financial contribution towards energy saving initiatives.

The Fund is expected to help between 1,000 and 2,000 small businesses to deliver new energy efficiency projects. As part of the service, the Carbon Trust is also offering energy saving training, cost saving assessments, implementation advice, and capital support for the installation of energy efficiency equipment.

The programme has an overall budget of £7 million. Eligible companies can apply for a capital contribution to cover up to 30% of an energy efficiency project or equipment replacement cost, up to a maximum of £10,000. This is an increase from the original offering of 15% since April 2016.

The programme will fund the purchase costs of energy saving capital equipment that will enable businesses to become ‘greener’. Eligible projects could include undertaking energy efficiency upgrades, such as improvements to lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and building control systems.

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Eligibility and Application

Small and medium-sized businesses in England, Scotland and Wales may apply.

Support is being provided on a first come, first served basis. Interested parties are advised to register at their earliest convenience.

More information: https://www.carbontrust.com/client-services/programmes/green-business-fund/

Resource Efficient Scotland SME Loan | <£100,000 | N/A

Unsecured, interest free* Scottish Government SME Loans of up to £100k are available. We’ll help you identify the measures that will save you the most. You could install a new lighting system for your office, heating and air conditioning equipment for your factory or a controls system for your lab.

Our expert advisors will help you every step of the way from planning and funding to implementation.

A comprehensive list of eligible measures qualify for the loan, including; renewable technologies, a range of commercial and industrial energy efficiency measures, building fabric improvements, waste reduction and water saving equipment.

Speak to us about if your project is eligible for financial support.

Read about how other organisations have used the loan to improve resource efficiency and maximise cost savings.

"The Resource Efficient Scotland SME Loan Scheme has provided a boost to the sustainability of our social enterprise. Our new LED lighting has reduced our costs and environmental impact while improving the service we provide to our customers which has helped increase our revenue. We highly recommend other SME's consider the loan" Simon Turner, Co-founder, The Crags Centre.

*5% interest rate for renewable technologies to help organisations still claim the renewable heat incentive or Feed in Tariff.

The Resource Efficient Scotland SME Loan Scheme funding is available for small and medium-sized enterprises, private sector landlords, not-for-profit organisations and charities, based in Scotland. Loan recipients can apply for further loans providing the total loan amount outstanding does not exceed £100,000.


Scottish Power Energy People Trust | <£50,000 | 4 October 2017

The Scottish Power Energy People Trust is an independent charity established to help end fuel poverty in the UK. The Trustees include representatives of organisations including Energy Action

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Scotland, National Energy Action and Glasgow University Urban Studies.

Fuel poverty occurs as a result of three distinct variables - the cost of fuel, the income of the household and the energy efficiency of the home. There are over two million households throughout the UK living in fuel poverty, and spending more than 10% of their income for basic energy needs and to keep warm.

Grants of up to £50,000 are available to charitable organisations in Great Britain for projects that address fuel poverty explicitly and as the primary purpose and include the provision of energy efficiency advice.

Eligibility and Application:

We accept applications for funding from charitable organisations for projects aimed at alleviating fuel poverty. Applications are particularly welcome from charities who work with children, young people and families.

Organisations can apply for funding to support projects or schemes covering the following:

● Energy efficiency measures – improving home energy efficiency through draught proofing, insulating and or other practical measures.

● Income maximisation – providing funding to front line charities who carry out benefits advice to households missing out on financial help that they are entitled to through welfare benefits and tax credits.

● Fuel debt assistance - providing assistance, or funding the provision by other persons of assistance, to reduce or cancel debts for household electricity or gas supply, where such assistance is provided as part of a package of measures aimed at providing customers with long-term relief from fuel poverty.

● Any combination of the above.

The next 2017 deadlines are 24 May and 4 October.

More information: http://www.energypeopletrust.com/content/default.asp?page=s4

Greggs Foundation’s Environmental Grants Scheme | <£2,000 | 29 September

Using money from the 5p levy on carrier bag sales in Greggs shops, the Greggs Foundation's Environmental Grants scheme aims to improve people’s lives by improving the environment. Groups that missed the second round have three months to apply to the third round.

Grants of up to £2,000 are available for projects in England, Wales or Scotland that deliver a real benefit to the environment that address one or more of the following:

● Improving the local environment.● Insuring involvement of local communities.● Delivering a sustainable and measurable difference.● Supporting people in need.

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The funding can be used to cover the purchase of equipment, sessional salary costs, purchase of trees/plants, small capital projects and learning activities.

Not-for-profit organisations with a turnover of £300,000 or less as well as schools in England, Scotland and Wales can apply. Organisations that are based near Greggs shops will be given priority.

More Information: https://www.greggsfoundation.org.uk/environmental-grant

Healthy Towns

Sport Facilities Fund - Sport Scotland | <£100,000 | N/A

This programme covers the provision or upgrading of all facilities for the general community. In the main, proposals will be led by local authorities, clubs, trusts and the like.

This funding stream funds developments which are for the public good and will provide equitable opportunities for increased sports participation by the community at local level.

This funding stream is for capital expenditure only. See https://sportscotland.org.uk/funding/sport-facilities-fund/ for further information on which projects are eligible.

There are two application routes: The single stage Small Projects application is intended to make the process fast and simple for projects under £100,000.For larger projects there is a two stage process. The Outline application is intended to give the applicant formal feedback before the full depth of the project is developed.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://sportscotland.org.uk/funding/sport-facilities-fund/

Dumfries and Galloway Council Sports Grants | £1,000 | N/A

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to sports clubs and organisations operating in the Dumfries and Galloway Council area.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/15763/Sports-grants

Application forms are available to be downloaded and completed at: http://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/15763/Sports-grants

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - Food Strand | £5,000 - £500,000 | N/A

Foundation supports work which demonstrates the important role food plays in wellbeing and which connects people to the food that they eat. It seeks to bring about more sustainable food production and consumption policies and practices. They will support work which:

● delivers high quality, innovative local food projects, particularly those that can become financially sustainable and are replicable.

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● establishes closer links between NGOs, community groups, producers, retailers and industry in order to create more coherent food sector.

● improves people’s understanding of the place that food plays in our lives and shows the role that access to good quality food can have on wellbeing.

● leads to the prioritisation of sustainable food production and consumption in local and national policy, practice and decision-making.

● increases demand for better quality food from sustainable sources, for example, through changes to public procurement.

No set amount but usually between £5,000 - £500,000

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://esmeefairbairn.org.uk/apply-for-funding/guide-to-applying/select-your-fund/food-strand/food-strand-application-process/

The Active Communities Funding Programme| N/A | N/A

The Active Communities Funding Programme aims to close the gap between those communities which experience the worst health in England, Scotland and Wales and the majority of the population. The programme focuses on people living in the poorest neighbourhoods, it is for local people with great ideas about how to help create fairer places to grow, live, work and age well.

Link to application form becomes available if applications in your area are opened

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/apply-for-funding

Big Lottery Fund (Scotland) - Improving Lives | £1,000,000 | N/A

Funding for people experiencing challenges in their lives to help them overcome this and become more resilient. They want to fund activity which means people: are better able to identify solutions that enable them to take control over their lives and build resilience; are able to shape the projects and services they use to better meet their needs; have more access to support and opportunities to improve their lives.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/improvinglives

Aberdeen City Council – Sports Grants | up to £5,000 | N/A

The Active Aberdeen Partnership endorse a healthy lifestyle approach for the residents of the city and encourage everyone to be as active as they can regardless of age and ability.

The city’s sports clubs and organisations play a vital role in encouraging people to be active in sport

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throughout their lifetime. We are always keen to hear about new, exciting and effective ways to get more people involved with sport and physical activity.

Have a read through the criteria below before considering making an application.

Eligibility: See information in the link below.

More information: http://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/about-us/sportsgrants/information/community-sport-guidance-information/

Cycling Scotland Community Cycle Mapping | N/A | N/A

Cycling Scotland can offer training courses to your group to learn how to map local cycling infrastructure and facilities using openstreetmap.net software.

They have also produced a handy and easy-to-digest guidebook on what is involved.

You can download by clicking on the image below or by clicking here

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.cyclingscotland.org/our-projects/award-schemes/cycle-friendly-community-project/community-cycle-mapping

Cycling Scotland Development Grants | £20,000 | N/A

Development grants of up to £20,000 are available to support and enable delivery of initiatives and projects that will lead to more communities receiving the Cycle Friendly Community Award.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.cyclingscotland.org/our-projects/award-schemes/cycle-friendly-community-project/cycle-friendly-community-award

Cycling Scotland Cycle Friendly Community Award | N/A | N/A

Working towards achieving the Cycle Friendly Community Award will help you create an environment that supports people of all ages and abilities to travel by bicycle. Achieving elements of the award criteria will determine if your community will receive the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

A recognised Cycle Friendly Community may offer cycle parking, bike hire or bike loan schemes, cycle training and a range of information on local cycle networks. It will have defined cycle routes and infrastructure linking popular locations. Local businesses should support and encourage an increased cycling culture.

One main constituted and well governed community group will take a lead on the attainment of the

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The Cycle Friendly Community Award will ultimately recognise communities that promote cycling as an accessible, attractive and convenient travel choice for all.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.cyclingscotland.org/our-projects/award-schemes/cycle-friendly-community-project/cycle-friendly-community-award

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) IMPACT Awards 2018 | £3,000-£40,000 | 22 September

The IMPACT Awards are an annual scheme, funded by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) as part of the company's commitment to promoting community health and wellbeing. The Awards are organised and managed in partnership with the King's Fund, a leading independent health charity working to improve health and social care.

The Awards recognise and reward small to medium-sized charities in the UK that are doing excellent work to improve people's health. Charities must have an annual income of between £80,000 (an increase from the previous £25,000) and £2.5 million (an increase from the previous £2 million).

Applicants must target community health needs in the UK and have a track record of achievement in this area.

The Awards recognise excellence in existing work and do not seek to fund new projects. The assessment is based on the work of the whole organisation and the assessment will focus on excellence in the six areas of IMPACT. The judges will be looking for evidence of:

● Innovation: Leadership, creativity and initiative in addressing current challenges in healthcare access and delivery.

● Management: Efficient use of resources; quality of management processes; equality of opportunity; clear objectives and plans; strength and financial effectiveness of the organisation.

● Partnership: Working effectively with others (members, users, private and public sector partners, etc.); willingness to share 'best practice' and to learn from others.

● Achievement: Measurable results achieved; numbers of people benefited; impact on access to healthcare; a reflective approach to evaluation of the work; measurement and monitoring of performance; being able to report on outcomes and impact.

● Community focus: Involving and responding to users and the community; openness and provision of information; adaptability to changing circumstances and needs.

● Targeting needs: Awareness of community issues and priorities and having a detailed understanding of the target community; ensuring services are accessible to, and focus on, people in need.

Up to ten winners will receive £30,000 unrestricted funding with one overall winner receiving £40,000. Winners will also receive free training and development valued at up to £6,000, a specially commissioned professional film and photographs along with publicity and press support. Up to ten runners-up will receive £3,000.

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More Information: https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/gsk-impact-awards/how-to-apply

Culture and Arts

Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund | £20,000 - £120,000 | 6 September

Between 2017 and 2019 the Foundation is offering a total of £3.5 million in grants.

Grants of between £20,000 and £120,000 are available to museums and galleries in the UK to enable them to focus on time-limited work on collections outside the scope of an organisation’s core resources. A large number of collections activities are eligible for funding, for example research, digitisation, loans and conservation.

The Fund focuses on time-limited work on collections outside the scope of an organisation’s core resources.

To be considered, applications must both:● Work with an existing collection or collections to improve understanding of them and

increase their use; and● Through that collections work, involve, inspire and have impact on people, communities

and audiences.

To be successful, applications will need to:● Engage local communities and/or those who are not typical museum attendees, and think

about social impact.● Be developmental for the organisation or sector.● Think about the project's legacy, even if this is hard to define at the start of the project.

There are two funding rounds per year. Applications are currently being accepted for the second round.

The deadline for applications is 6 September 2017 (5pm).

More information: http://www.museumsassociation.org/collections/18022011-esmee-fairbairn-collections-fund

Foyle Foundation - Main Grants Scheme | £10,000 - £500,000 | N/A

ARTS: Seeks applications which make a strong artistic case for support in either the performing or visual arts. Organisations or projects which provide benefits and services to the public, rather than special interest groups will be favoured. Please note that community arts activity will not generally be supported.

LEARNING: Will support projects which facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and which have a long-term strategic impact. Key areas for support are:• libraries, museums and archives; and

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• special educational needs and learning difficulties;• projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue will also be considered.Average grant is between £10,000 and £50,000 but up to a max. of £500,000 can be awarded.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/how-to-apply/

Foyle Foundation - Small Grants Scheme | £1,000 - £10,000 | N/A

To support smaller charities in the UK, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities. Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.foylefoundation.org.uk/how-to-apply/

Film Festival Fund| £5,000 - £50,000 | N/A

The Film Festival Fund is aimed at supporting a broad range of audience facing film festivals, from community provision to sustaining the ambition and reach of those which are of UK or international significance. The Fund aims to support greater sustainability of the sector, encouraging new ideas and initiatives around film festivals, and to incentivise film festivals work together and to engage with the film sector more widely through the UK Audience Network for Film. The BFI has allocated lottery funding of £1 million per year, for the four years from 2013-2017, to the Film Festival Fund. Funding will be allocated under two strands:Strand One - supporting film festivals of local/regional significance or which address a specialist themeFunding for audience development activity within film festivals that offer a strong cultural programme and which serve local/regional audiences or which may have a particular specialist theme enabling them to reach audiences from further across the UK. Average awards are anticipated to be between £5,000 and £15,000 with an upper limit of £50,000.Strand Two - supporting film festivals of UK wide or international significanceFunding is available to support audience development activity at UK festivals that have an international or UK-wide reach and profile, enhancing opportunities for the UK film industry and internationally, as well as further increasing audience choice. Awards under this strand are anticipated to be for at least £50,000.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.bfi.org.uk/about-bfi/partnerships/film-festival-fund

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Talent Programme Bursary to Support the Development of Film Talent in Scotland | £1,500 | N/A

The Talent Programme Bursary offers financial support to Scottish writers, directors and producers to attend talent labs and development programmes. As part of its professional development support for new and emerging filmmakers, the Scottish Film Talent Network (SFTN) offers a Talent Programme Bursary to help writers, directors and producers to attend talent labs and development programmes.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.scottishfilmtalent.com/professional-development/?dm_i=FES,34Z1N,F50HRL,B8UHV,1

Creative Scotland Open Project Funding | £1,000 - £100,000 | N/A

This fund supports the arts, screen and creative industries, with projects that help them explore, realise and develop their creative potential, widen access to their work, and enrich Scotland’s reputation as a distinctive creative nation connected to the world. Creative Scotland want to encourage applicants to generate great ideas and projects that they can then help make happen.

Eligibility: Open Project Funding is open to both individuals and organisations to apply to.

More information: http://www.creativescotland.com/funding/funding-programmes/open-project-funding

Jodie Mattes Trust Awards | N/A | N/A

The Awards are for best use of technology to widen access to information, learning, collections and creativity for disabled people in museums, libraries, archives and heritage.

The Judges will assess the following dimensions of your project:● Organisational commitment to disability equality● Involvement of disabled people in the planning, designing, creating and testing of products

or services● Adherence to inclusive design principles● Outcomes, including the quality of finished products or services, key benefits and user

endorsements● Level of in-built sustainability and/or growth● Inspirational value and potential impact

Eligibility: Museums, libraries, archives, heritage and disability organisations, of all sizes and from all countries, that have worked on accessible digital culture initiatives are eligible to apply.

More information: http://jodiawards.org.uk/

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Culture & Business Fund Scotland | £1,000 - £40,000 | N/A

On April 3rd 2017, the Culture & Business Fund Scotland (CBFS) was launched, replacing the New Arts Sponsorship Grant (NASG) but sustaining its legacy of giving outstanding support to collaborations between arts and heritage organisations and business sponsors across Scotland.

The CBFS enables businesses and arts or heritage organisations to come together and build effective, sustainable partnerships, bringing creative projects – large and small – vividly to life.

Funded by the Scottish Government via Creative Scotland and Heritage Environment Scotland, and managed by Arts & Business Scotland, the CBFS provides critical £ for £ match funding – making the journey from a great idea, to a great project, possible.

The CBFS has a clear set of aims to:

● encourage businesses to sponsor arts and heritage activity within Scotland for the first time;

● entice back businesses that have not sponsored the arts or heritage in Scotland within the previous two years;

● support arts and heritage organisations to build new business sector partnerships;

● attract non-Scottish based companies to sponsor arts and heritage activities in Scotland; and

● encourage businesses to sponsor arts and heritage activity within Scotland with a two and three year commitment.

How it works

If an arts or heritage organisation attracts an eligible business to sponsor an aspect of their work, the Culture & Business Fund Scotland will match that sponsorship, £ for £. Remember that both in-kind and cash sponsorship are eligible, but must come from the sponsor’s own funds, goods or services.

An arts or heritage organisation can apply for match funding up to the value of £40,000 in any one financial year (running from 1 April to 31 March). Applicants can apply for more than one grant in the year with the same or a different business sponsor, providing the total sum awarded is £40,000 or under.

How to apply

Applicants will be able to complete and submit their applications online via the CBFS website (www.culturebusinessfund.scot) from the end of April 2017. In the meantime, CBFS Guidelines and downloadable versions of the application forms can be accessed via the links below and applications, together with project budgets and sponsorship agreements may be submitted to [email protected].

Completed applications must be submitted to Arts & Business Scotland at least three months (but no more than nine months) before the sponsored and proposed match-funded activity begins.

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However, fast-track applications for match funding of between £1,000 and £3,000 may be submitted and considered two months before the start date of sponsored and match-funded activities.

Application forms

There are two application tiers. For match funding of between £1,000 and £3,000 excluding VAT, applicants should use the fast-track application form; for match funding of over £3,000 and up to £40,000 excluding VAT there is a separate application form. All applications must adhere to the Application Guidelines Terms & Conditions and must be made on the relevant form.

More information: http://www.aandbscotland.org.uk/culture-and-business-fund-scotland/

Culture and Business Funding Scotland | £1,000-£40,000 | N/A

The new Culture and Business Fund Scotland (CBFS) promotes collaboration between Scottish businesses and arts or heritage organisations to deliver new arts and heritage projects.

Arts and heritage applicants based in Scotland may apply as long as they are properly constituted/registered and hold a company bank account. Profit-making arts or heritage organisations must provide evidence that the project benefits the community.

Not-for-profit organisations based in Scotland which are non-arts or non-heritage related (particularly charities fundraising via arts or heritage activities) may apply as long as the sponsored and grant-funded activities being supported are arts or heritage related. Cultural trusts can also apply.

The match funding works as follows:● If an arts or heritage organisation attracts an eligible business to sponsor an aspect of

their work then CBFS could match the value of the sponsorship pound for pound.● This match funding goes towards the arts or heritage organisation’s project.● The sponsor then receives a second programme of business benefits in recognition of the

fact that their initial investment has enabled the CBFS funding which in turn enables a heightened cultural activity or a second cultural project.

● The maximum grant is £40,000 and the minimum grant is £1,000.● Both in-kind and cash sponsorship are eligible.● The sponsorship must come from the sponsor’s own funds, goods or services.● If there is more than one business sponsoring the same arts or heritage activity, a

separate application may be made for each business.

This fund defines:● Arts as animation, arts & health, combined arts, craft, dance, design, fashion, festivals,

film & television, galleries, literature, music, street arts, theatre and visual arts.● Heritage as archaeology, archives & collections, community heritage, historic buildings &

monuments, industrial, maritime & transport, intangible heritage, libraries and museums.

Applications can be made at any time. There are no deadlines or closing dates.

More information: http://www.aandbscotland.org.uk/culture-and-business-fund-scotland/

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Employment and Training

Ernest Cook Trust (UK) Small Grants Programme | £1,000 - £1,500 | N/A

Supports state schools and small registered charities which would like to undertake projects which meet the Trust’s objectives and require a small amount of pump-priming in order for such projects to take place. Although the full range of the small grants programme is up to £4,000, due to the huge pressure on the available resources most awards are in the region of £1,000 to £1,500. Further information at: http://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/grants/how-to-apply/

No application form, post a covering letter on official headed paper of the applicant organisation & include:•up to 2 sheets of A4 describing the organisation, outlining the project & specifying its educational elements and the way in which it fits in with the interests of the ECT

•a simple budget for the project, outlining the way in which the grant would be spent•a list of any other funding applications•the latest annual report & accounts for the organisation (schools are not required to send one)

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/grants/how-to-apply/

Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) | N/A | N/A

Regional Selective Assistance (RSA) is a discretionary grant for businesses who want to develop a project within an assisted area in Scotland. The amount offered depends on:

● The size of your business● The location of the project ● Our assessment of how much is needed for the project to go ahead

You can apply whether your business is based in Scotland or not – though the project must take place in Scotland. The project should also involve an element of capital investment and must directly result in the creation or safeguarding of jobs in Scotland.

Large businesses which are not small or medium sized enterprises will only be eligible if the project involves ‘new activity’.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.scottish-enterprise.com/services/attract-investment/regional-selective-assistance/overview

Adopt an Apprentice | £5,000 | N/A

Adopt an Apprentice and not only will your business benefit from a skilled trainee, but you will also receive a financial incentive.

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The financial incentive will help cover wage and recruitment costs of taking on a Modern Apprentice who has been made redundant from another employer.

For businesses in the oil and gas industry, the financial incentive is £5,000. For businesses in all other industries the incentive is £2,000.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/funding-and-support/adopt-an-apprentice/

Certificate of Work Readiness | N/A | N/A

The Certificate of Work Readiness has been developed for employers, using the key attributes they look for when hiring new staff. It’s a mixture of work experience and employer assessments, which prove that a young person, aged 16 to 19, has reached an employer defined standard.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/funding-and-support/certificate-of-work-readiness/

Skills for Growth | N/A | N/A

Skills for Growth aims to help small businesses achieve their objectives with knowledgeable, skilled and motivated employees. We do this by combining free consultancy from Investors in People with free support from your employer engagement adviser.

This means we can help you create a detailed people plan, or understand where to start.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/funding-and-support/skills-for-growth/

Learning Networks Challenge Fund | up to £5,000 | N/A

The fund will support the learning network model. It is oriented towards the achievement of the Scottish Government's housing and regeneration outcomes: A well-functioning housing system; High quality, sustainable homes; Homes that meet people's needs; People live in socially, physically and economically sustainable communities.

Eligibility: General public and third sector

More information: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/regeneration/pir/learningnetworks/challengefund

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Recruitment Incentives for Employers (Highlands) | N/A | N/A

This Grant is operated by the Highland Council and supported through the European Social Fund. It provides grants to encourage employers to recruit out- of- work Highland residents in to permanent posts who have practical challenges to find work across the Highlands Council area.

Eligibility: Highland Council area employers

More information: http://www.highland.gov.uk/info/1/business_and_trade/633/recruitment_incentives_for_employers/3

Scotland's Employer Recruitment Incentive (ERI) | £600 - £2,000 | 31 January 2018

Scottish employers may use this programme as an incentive to help young people facing significant challenges enter employment. This will be a person between the ages of 16 and 29 with a disability, who is leaving care or who has carer responsibilities. The young person may also be an ex-offender who has been convicted or cautioned for a criminal offence, having completed their sentence.

This scheme, launched in July 2015, is closely aligned to improving economic conditions and the jobs market in Scotland; delivering key recommendations from the Developing Scotland's Young Workforce action plan. Successful companies will receive up to £4,000 upon committing to a new job or apprenticeship lasting up to 52 weeks. There will be an additional payment of £500 if the applicant chooses to pay the young person the Living Wage (LW). The payments schedule is as follows:

● £600 if the young person is still employed at four weeks. There will be no payment for less than four weeks.

● £1,400 if the young person is still employed at 13 weeks. There will be no payment for less than 13 weeks.

● £2,000 if the young person is still employed at 52 weeks. There is no pro-rata payment between 13 and 52 weeks.

● Payment will be processed upon presentation of evidence that the young person is still employed by the company or organisation.

Private or third sector organisations of any size based in Scotland may apply. All jobs created should be additional to the existing workforce; offered on the basis that the opportunity is sustainable. The young person should be gainfully employed for the programme’s duration with a job description being drawn up to outline the duties and scope of the role. There needs to be a contract of employment which includes terms and conditions.

This programme has reopened as of 1 April 2017. It will run up until 31 January 2018.

More information: https://www.skillsdevelopmentscotland.co.uk/what-we-do/our-products/

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Innovation and Growth

Scottish EDGE - Round 11 Open to Boost Entrepreneurship | £10,000-£100,000 | 6 September

The Scottish EDGE is a competition developed by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Business Gateway, Royal Bank of Scotland and Entrepreneurial Spark.

Scottish EDGE consists of various competitions: Scottish EDGE, Young EDGE and Wild Card EDGE. The programme is designed to help entrepreneurs realise their growth ambitions and to contribute to Scotland's economic success.

The number of winners usually varies for each round. The funding breaks down as follows:● Scottish EDGE: Companies may apply for and win awards worth up to a maximum amount

of £100,000. Scottish EDGE awards are offered on a 40:60 grant/loan split. Businesses may not apply solely for a Scottish EDGE grant.

● Young EDGE: Companies who meet Young EDGE criteria may win awards worth up to £10,000 in the form of a grant.

● Wild Card EDGE: Companies who meet Wild Card EDGE criteria may win awards worth up to £10,000 in the form of a grant.

The competition is open to entrepreneurs operating new small businesses in Scotland that have growth potential and ambition.

Round 11 is now open with a deadline for the receipt of applications of 2pm on 6 September 2017.

More information: https://scottishedge.com/

VisitScotland Growth Fund | £10,000-£40,000 | 22 November

The VisitScotland Growth Fund is designed to assist the tourism industry and to further cement Scotland's reputation as a world class destination.

The Fund enables groups of tourism businesses to undertake new marketing activity or further develop current activity which will generate additional visitors to Scotland.

The Fund is designed to assist groups in marketing their products and services to new customers and encourage people to holiday in Scotland for longer.

All projects applying for funding should contribute to the following objectives:● Increase the number of visitors to Scotland and the overall visitor spend.● Encourage visitors to travel more widely throughout Scotland.● Encourage visitors to travel throughout the whole year.

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● Develop and support the Scotland brand in key consumer markets.

The Fund can support groups with 50% of approved total marketing costs over a one-year period, with a minimum award of £10,000 to a maximum of £40,000 available.

The VisitScotland Growth Fund enables groups of tourism businesses to undertake new marketing activity or further develop current activity which will generate additional visitors to Scotland.

All applications must include activity which is considered "new", ie working with new partners, targeting new markets, including new packages/offers, or using new media. Whilst subsequent applications can be made, the funding should not be considered as long-term or core funding.

Applications are welcomed from groups of tourism businesses throughout Scotland operating at a local, regional or national level.

More Information: http://www.visitscotland.org/business_support/marketing_opportunities/growth_fund.aspx

Food and Drink Collaborative Innovation Fund | £25,000-£40,000 | 30 September 2017

The Food and Drink Collaborative Innovation Fund is a biannual competition for groups of businesses within Scotland's food and drink supply chain - with a focus on small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The aim of the fund is to encourage a culture of collaborative innovation by addressing key food and drink opportunities or challenges.

The core focus of the fund is around achieving an innovation outcome of scale, addressing a key food and drink opportunity or challenge in line with the objectives of the Scotland Food & Drink Strategy.

This programme supports innovative and applied research and development for:

● Experimental proof of concept

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● Technology/Product validated in a laboratory● Technology/product validated in relevant environment● Technology/Product demonstration in relevant environment● System or prototype demonstrated in operational environment● System or prototype complete and qualified● Actual system/prototype proven in operational environment

Generally, funding awards will be from £25,000 to £40,000 and to a maximum of 50% intervention and will take between 6-12 months to complete. Grants may also support feasibility studies to a maximum of £5,000.

The scheme is open to all businesses within the food and drink supply chain from "farm to fork and sea to shelf". It is targeted at SMEs, however larger companies may be form part of the collaboration for grant funding. If the lead industrial partner is not an SME then additional information on the impact of the proposed project on the Scottish SME supply chain will be required prior to the submission of an application.

The current funding round opens on 1 July 2017 and closes at 12 noon on 30 September 2017. There will be a further two funding calls per year in 2018 and 2019.

More information: https://www.scottish-enterprise.com/services/develop-new-products-and-services/competitive-collaboration-innovation-fund/overview

Workplace Innovation Fund to support New and Innovative Workplace Practices | <£5,000 | N/A

The Workplace Innovation Fund is administered and funded by Scottish Enterprise, Scotland's main economic development agency. Funding will help introduce new and innovative practices in the workplace; compatible with the key themes of people, place and practice.

Scottish Enterprise can contribute up to £5,000 for suitable projects and may fund up to 70% of eligible costs. Applicants should therefore be prepared to fund at least 30% of the total costs. Small-to-medium VAT-registered business based in Scotland (excluding Highlands and Islands) may apply, with project proposals focusing upon at least two of the following key themes:

● People. Celebrating the benefits of diversity or rewarding and supporting the learning and development of staff members.

● Place. Improving and maintaining a positive working environment; making use of physical space in a creative manner and devoting time to integrating technology.

● Practice. Adopting fair, responsible work practices to improve productivity. For example, building flexible working practices, creating self-managed teams and integrating technologies.

Funding is intended to be used for core business activities. For example, permanent salary costs and recruitment costs. There is no prescriptive list of eligible activities however typical projects costs may include developing potential future leaders, commissioning feasibility studies, consultancy fees and training specialist support staff.

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Applications may be made at any time through the Scottish Enterprise website.

More information: https://www.scottish-enterprise.com/services/develop-your-organisation/workplace-innovation-fund/overview

Barclays Fast Growth Tech Fund | <£5m | N/A

Barclays has launched a £100 million debt finance fund to help fast growing UK technology businesses rival their US counterparts. By providing the funding it is hoped this will enable technology firms to focus on areas typically seen as more risky by equity investors, like R&D, sales and marketing, without having to give away any equity in the company.

Applicants are advised to contact the funding provider to discuss eligibility in the first instance.

Eligibility: Technology businesses

More information: https://www.mygov.scot/barclays-fast-growth-tech-fund/

Scottish Enterprise Design Grant Scheme | £2,000 - £5,000 | N/A

Scottish Enterprise is offering the By Design Grant to help businesses in Scotland to design new products, processes or services or to improve the design of existing products, processes or services.Grants of between £2,000 and £5,000 are available.

Grants are available to VAT registered companies in Scotland (except Highlands and Islands) looking to develop new products or services.

Successful applicants must be able to contribute at least 25% of the eligible costs, as well as demonstrate the benefits of the project to the business.

Eligibility: Social Enterprise companies and VAT registered companies in Scotland (except Highlands and Islands) looking to develop new products or services.

More information: http://www.scottish-enterprise.com/services/develop-new-products-and-services/innovation-by-design/overview

Fuel.Ventures EIS Fund 1 - Venture Capital Programme| N/A | N/A

Fuel.Ventures EIS Fund 1 is an incubation studio and investment fund targeting the e-commerce sector. The programme will invest in companies that have growth potential, with the overall aim of creating the UK’s next billion-pound enterprise.

The primary focus is on building proven business models in the online and mobile space that have both the ability to scale quickly and international growth potential. Fuel.Ventures invests in those entrepreneurs with unique technologies that will define the next era of innovation. The funder takes a hands-on approach, partnering with talented entrepreneurs to transform their vision into reality.

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This is an open-ended venture capital fund, so there is no minimum or maximum investment level stated. For those who have a good proven concept, the investment can help build and finalise a product and take the business to the next level.

Eligibility: public organisations

More information: http://fuel.ventures

Scottish Enterprise R&D / Feasibility Support Grant | N/A | N/A

A grant to help you undertake technical feasibility studies and research and development (R&D) projects with a commercial endpoint.

Your project must exhibit:

● An advance in technological innovation for the UK industry or sector concerned

● The technical risks and challenges associated with defining and developing the technology

You must be able to demonstrate:

● That you own, or have rights to exploit, the intellectual property required to undertake the project

● All intellectual property developed throughout the project will be owned by the company receiving grant funding

● How commercial prospects for the end product or process will be achieved, with realistic and effective routes to market

● That you have the necessary management and technical expertise and resources (either in-house or brought-in) to make the project a success

● That both the project and the business are financially viable

● That financial assistance from SMART: SCOTLAND is essential

Eligibility: A small or medium sized business, university spin-out or an individual. Based, or planning to set up, in Scotland

More information: https://www.scottish-enterprise.com/services/develop-new-products-and-services/smart-scotland/overview

Transform Foundation Website and Digital Support| £18,000 | N/A

Each £18,000 grant covers strategy, design and development to build an amazing website. The grant covers 100% of the upfront costs. Your organisation will only need to fund ongoing costs.

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Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.transformfoundation.org.uk/apply-for-funding

Support Programme for UK's Co-operative Businesses | N/A | N/A

Launched by Co-operatives UK, the Hive is a £1 billion business support programme designed to enable growth among the UK's £37 billion co-operative economy. The initiative will help people who intend to start or grow co-operative or community enterprises, using various online resources, training and advice.

Between 2016 and 2019 the Hive, the first co-operative development programme of its kind in the UK, aims to support the development of the existing 7,000 independent co-operative businesses across the UK as well as help new co-operatives starting up.

The Hive acts as a cross-sectoral programme of support. Regardless of sector, the Hive is able to support organisations with:

• online advice to guide them through starting up, growth and conversions; and

• direct support, via one-to-one advice, group advice, peer mentoring and skills training.

The Hive offers comprehensive online business advice and guidance, alongside one-to-one support, peer mentoring and group training sessions, covering issues such as registration, membership development, and co-operative finance.

The initiative's online co-operative community is expected to unite member-owned businesses across the country, creating networking and business development opportunities.

Eligibility: Please see third party website: http://www.uk.coop/the-hive/

More information: http://www.uk.coop/the-hive/

Pilotlight | N/A | N/A

Pilotlight handpick teams of business leaders – Pilotlighters – from a range of corporate sectors. Charities are then matched with a team of four Pilotlighters, chosen specifically for their range of skills and experience, who support them to develop strategic and business plans.Teams meet their partner charities every month over a 12-month period. An experienced project manager facilitates each project, ensuring that work remains focused and effective.The Pilotlighters help the charities’ leaders create more sustainable and efficient organisations by offering the kind of high quality, challenging mentoring that is normally only available to top corporate executives.

Eligibility: Charities

More information: http://www.pilotlight.org.uk/pilotlight

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Making Enterprise Happen | £60,000 - £500,000 | N/A

The Making Enterprise happen fund will make investments of between £60,000 and £500,000. Each will be in the form of a mixed grant and loan package, with a minimum of 50% to be repaid with negotiable terms.

Eligibility: public, community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.resilientscotland.org.uk/investment-packages/

Community Innovation Fund | £500 - £18,000 | N/A

The Community Innovation Fund is a £2 million fund which NHS Tayside is making available to groups of people living in communities across the area.

Groups are invited to apply for a share of the funds between £500 and £18,000 on an annual basis (£25,000 over three years) to establish projects or take action to tackle issues which affect the everyday lives of people living in our communities. The fund is particularly looking for new and inventive ways of helping communities.

Eligibility: available to groups of people living in communities across the area

More information: http://www.nhstayside.scot.nhs.uk/GettingInvolved/CommunityInnovationFund/index.htm

Resilient Scotland Start & Grow / Make Enterprise Happen | £10,000 - £500,000 | N/A

We provide two investment packages, Start & Grow and Making Enterprise Happen; both part grant part loan.

You may use the investment for working capital, acquisition of assets, business growth and other capital expenditure. Our investment is designed to allow you to meet the needs of your business and achieve your vision, without being restricted by the requirements of grant funders.

Start & Grow offers investment packages of between £10,000 and £60,000 to enable businesses to start-up, develop and expand.  All Start & Grow investments are unsecured and made up of one third grant and two thirds loan (repayable over five years).

Making Enterprise Happen offers investment packages of between £61,000 and £500,000.   Each investment is in the form of a mixed grant and loan package (repayable over 10 years). We will look to obtain security for the loan element of Making Enterprise Happen investments.

Eligibility: Please see relevant link for each fund.

More information: http://www.resilientscotland.org.uk/investment-packages/

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Resilient Heritage - Heritage Lottery Fund | £3,000 - £250,000 | N/A

Resilient Heritage grants of £3,000-£250,000 can help you to strengthen your organisation, and build the capacity of your staff and volunteers to better manage heritage in the long term.

This programme is available to organisations in the UK who want to build their capacity or achieve strategic change to improve the management of heritage. Grants can fund activities to help you acquire new skills or knowledge, or new models of governance, leadership and business to put your organisation in a better position for the future. Organisations in the early stages of planning their activities may also apply.

Whether you’re facing challenges around income and fundraising, or preparing to take on new forms of investment, such as social investment, Resilient Heritage can support these processes.

Eligibility: not-for-profit organisations, and partnerships or consortia led by not-forprofit organisations.

More information: http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/StartupGrants.aspx

DSL Business Finance & Scottish Microfinance Fund| £500 - £50,000 | N/A

DSL is a Responsible Finance Provider and a member of the Responsible Finance Industry. DSL provides business start-up and growth loans for small businesses and social enterprises that cannot otherwise access funding from banks and other traditional sources.

Business Finance

The purpose of this scheme is to help businesses to grow and establish themselves, with DSL offering support throughout the duration of the loan period.

Applicants may apply for a loan of between £1,000 and £50,000. The maximum term for this loan will be five years with a fixed interest rate worth between 6% and 9%. There will be a 2% administration fee and no early settlement penalties. Private sector match funding will be required.

This loan could be used to cover expenditure such as cash flow, investment in equipment and stock as well as PR and marketing services, renovation or additional recruitment. Applicants must be able to provide the relevant documentation within their application.

Scottish Microfinance Fund (SMF)

Interested parties may apply for a minimum loan of £500 and a maximum loan value of £2,500 through the Scottish Microfinance Fund. The Fund is administered by DSL Business Finance; an organisation providing start-up and growth loans for small businesses and social enterprises.

The purpose of this scheme is to allow businesses that may have previously struggled to obtain funding the opportunity to access low cost microfinance options at a competitive interest rate. The maximum term for the loan is five years with a 6% fixed interest rate.

Clients will be provided with a Loan Officer who will support them through each stage. Multiple

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funding options are available and there will be a team of funding experts on hand to offer guidance. It should also be noted that some sectoral restrictions may apply.

This scheme is intended for new and existing businesses and social enterprises based in Scotland that are employing fewer than ten people with a turnover and balance sheet less than, or else equal to, £2 million.

More information: https://www.dsl-businessfinance.co.uk/

Scottish Government Social Entrepreneur Fund |<£5,000 or <£20,000 | N/A

Firstport’s Awards Programme is funded by the Scottish Government’s Social Entrepreneurs Fund (SEF), which since 2009 has invested £2.7m to date in individuals across Scotland to start up new social enterprises. SEF looks for individuals who have a focus on the business side of their idea and are looking to create a long-term solution to a social issue.

The Awards Programme offers two different levels of start-up awards – Start It and Build It, together with business support from a dedicated team of advisors to help you develop the skills and knowledge you’ll need to succeed.

The links will help guide you through the application process for each level. The Awards Programme is highly competitive, so you will need to be sure that your idea meets the specific funding criteria for each level. Of those applications that are eligible, we support the ideas that can provide the strongest evidence of their business potential, and their ability to create significant, lasting social impact.


Our first level of funding is for individuals with an innovative business idea which addresses a social, environmental and/or community issue. You can apply for up to £5,000 start-up costs to pilot your idea.


The next level of funding is for individuals who have already piloted their social enterprise idea (either with or without support from our ‘Start It’ programme) and have proven that the concept works.

Funding of up to £20,000 is available to cover an individual’s salary/living costs for one year, so that they can begin running the business full time. An additional £5,000 discretionary funding is available on top of this for other costs in certain cases.

For eligibility, applying and more information visit: http://www.firstport.org.uk/funding

Outer Hebrides Micro Business Loans & Business Loans | <£2,000 and <£20,000| N/A

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Micro Business Loans

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Interest free, unsecured micro business loans are available up to the value of £2,000 with a repayment period of up to two years. Loans are intended to contribute towards general start-up costs, marketing (which may include trade fair attendance), e-commerce enablement and encouraging tourist accommodation providers to "gain a star".

This micro business loan scheme intends to encourage the creation and growth of small businesses which will contribute towards job creation within the local economy. Furthermore, this scheme will assist income generating community enterprises in developing projects that will enhance opportunities to enhance opportunities for long-term sustainability and in stimulating the local economy.

Interested parties should contact Comhairle nan Eilean Siar directly in order to begin the application process. New businesses should provide a business plan alongside financial projections (three years). Existing businesses are expected to provide a proposal overview as well as any other necessary information.

Only one loan can be applied for at any one time, with a maximum of two CnES loans running at any one time. A second loan cannot be provided unless 12 months have lapsed since the last loan was provided with at least 20% of the first loan repaid.

More information: http://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/eds/business/assistanceavailable/mbl.asp

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Business Loans

This business loan will encourage business start-up activities and will enable business and community development within the Outer Hebrides. New and growing businesses and income-generating community enterprises may receive assistance when developing projects which will enhance opportunities for long-term sustainability and activities that will help to increase economic activity and employment.

Loans worth up to £20,000 are available with a maximum repayment period of seven years. The interest for this loan is 4% fixed (unsecured) for loans worth up to £10,000. The interest for loans above £10,000 is 4% fixed (secured) and 6% fixed (unsecured). The discretionary capital repayment holiday is up to six months in length.

Applications are welcome from sole-traders, partnerships, limited companies, co-operative groups, community enterprises and other legitimate trading entities. Applications should detail business and community development projects located within the Outer Hebrides which demonstrate commercial viability, the potential for employment creation and the ability to generate additional demand for products and services.

More information: http://www.cne-siar.gov.uk/eds/business/assistanceavailable/bl.asp

Community Business Bright Ideas Fund | £1,000 – £20,000 | September 2017, February 2018

The Bright Ideas programme is jointly funded by Power to Change and the Department for

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Communities and Local Government. Over a two-year period, the fund aims to invest £1.85 million and help around 80 community business to progress from ideas to ventures. So far, 49 groups have benefitted from the programme.

The programme provides a tailored community business development support and early stage finance of up to £20,000 for community organisations that are accepted onto the programme.

To be eligible, applicants must be community businesses that are locally rooted, accountable to their local community, are working to benefit their local community and have a broad community impact. Groups must be able to finish their projects by July 2018 when the Bright Ideas programme ends.

Organisations that are accepted on the programme will receive:

● Business development support - between 2 to 15 days of business development support from Locality, Plunkett Foundation, or Co-operatives UK.

● Peer to peer networking - the opportunity to learn from existing community businesses, through visits and event.

● Grant funding - the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £20,000 to develop an idea and/or improve the applicant organisation’s capability, depending on their needs.

The range of funding is as follows:

● Initial idea stage – grants of between £1,000 and £10,000.

● Pre-venture stage – grants of between £1,000 and £15,000.

● Established stage – grants of between £5,000 and £20,000.

The grants will fund a number of different things, including but not limited to:

● Getting established as an organisation (legal fees, registration fees).

● Training.

● Knowledge and skills exchanges.

● Reasonable fees incurred in developing their community business idea (community engagement, market research, etc.).

Groups also have the option of applying for business development support and no grant.

Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must be community businesses that are locally rooted, accountable to their local community, are working to benefit their local community and have a broad community impact.

The deadline for Round 2 applications is 31 May 2017 (10am).

More information: http://mycommunity.org.uk/funding-options/bright-ideas-fund/

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Circular Economy Investment Fund for Resource Efficiency in Scotland | £50,000 - £1 million | 31 December

The Circular Economy Investment Fund is an £18 million grant funding opportunity for businesses and organisations in Scotland working in all business and social economy sectors, who are helping to create a more circular economy. Proposals are invited from small to medium-sized enterprises (fewer than 250 employees/turnover less than €50 million) and non-profit organisations.

The main purposes of this fund are as follows:● To stimulate the development of innovative, resource efficient products and services for

the purposes of supporting a circular economy in Scotland.● To encourage the collaboration for the purpose of exploiting opportunities and

confronting challenges.● To provide support in order to develop innovative and creative business models.● To provide funding for projects that have demonstrated proof of concept and that have

the potential for commercial exploitation so that they might progress to a stage where they may attract investors.

● To achieve significant carbon savings.

Funding is aimed at SMEs that require a minimum grant investment of £50,000 with up to £1 million available for higher value applications.

Proposals for funding will be considered for new circular economy products; development and adoption of innovative business models for new circular economy products and services; and development/uptake of innovative technologies, products and services to support a circular economy.

Applications are accepted on a first come first served basis and the fund closes 31 December 2018.

More Information: http://www.zerowastescotland.org.uk/circular-economy/investment-fund

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Community Funding

Gannett Foundation’s Community Action Grants | £5,000-£10,000 | 9 October The Gannett Foundation is the charitable arm of Gannett Co, Inc. owner of Newsquest Media Group, which publishes regional and local newspapers, websites and magazines across the UK.

Each year it awards grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 to registered charities that "make a lasting difference to communities” within the circulation and/or production area of the 300 Newsquest titles

The funding is intended to support one-off local activities or capital items that benefit a large number of local residents.

The Foundation supports projects which take a creative approach to fundamental issues such as education and neighbourhood improvements, economic development, youth development, community problem solving, assistance to disadvantaged people, environmental conservation and cultural enrichment.

The following are some typical examples of grants awarded last year:

● £4,730 for greenhouses and tools at a community garden in Bradford.● £4,000 to refurbish the kitchen at Chideock village hall in Dorset.● £5,740 bought medical equipment for the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice in

Berkshire.● £3,080 supporting motorcycle and carpentry projects for youth in South London.● £6,170 to supply hot home meals for the sick and elderly in North London.● £5,530 for tumble dryers and other equipment at homeless shelters in Lancashire.● £4,410 for community sports in Hampshire.● £6,600 paid for theatrical equipment for a community hall in South Wales.

The grants cannot be used for salaries, professional fees or day-to-day running or maintenance costs, general appeals, political or religious objectives, state or privately run schools (other than special needs), hospitals (other than hospices) or projects that do not bring benefits to the local community. Groups that have received an award from the Foundation within the last two years may not apply this year.

Applications must be made to the local newspaper. To find out if they are within the area of eligibility, groups should first visit the Newsquest newspaper title listing to find out if they are located near a Newsquest publication. The application form can be downloaded from the local Newsquest newspaper and must be returned to the local Newsquest newspaper publisher.

The deadline for applications is 9 October 2017 (5pm). Please note this deadline can vary according to the local newspaper, and groups should check their local paper to avoid disappointment.

More Information: http://www.newsquest.co.uk/about-the-company/gannett-foundation/

Comic Relief Core Strength Fund - Local Community [Foundation Scotland] | £1,000-£10,000 | 4 October

This programme offers grants to help cover the day to day costs of small locally led and based voluntary and community sector groups that are doing much needed work in their local communities.

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Grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are to be used to support groups that can evidence a sustained beneficial impact on people’s lives who are excluded or disadvantaged. This may be through low income, rural or social isolation, age, disabilities, race, sexuality or gender. Priority is to be given to small, locally based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community and are undertaking actions to address these needs.

The work and main focus of the applicant organisation should fit one of Comic Relief's priorities, which are:

● Connected communities - seeking to improve inclusion and cohesion in communities.● Productive communities - investing in local residents to help them solve the issues they

are facing using local people and resources.● Empowered communities - working to empower marginalised and disadvantaged


To be eligible, applicants must:● Have an annual income of £100,000 or under for the last full financial year.● Have been running activities for at least 12 months.● Be working in a disadvantaged or deprived area.● Have limited access to other sources of income.● Clearly define the need they are addressing.● Clearly demonstrate the benefit of their activities to local people.● Illustrate how they aim to deliver social outcomes.● Provide clear evidence that the services they provide are inclusive to all.

It is anticipated that this will be a very competitive programme.

More information: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/programmes/comic-relief/

National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund | > £30,000 | 1 September

Administered by YouthLink Scotland, the National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund has been set up by the Scottish Government to support national voluntary youth work organisations contributing to the achievement of Scotland's national priorities relating to young people.

Applications are accepted from all national voluntary youth work organisations involved in the management and delivery of youth work leading to one or more of the following outcomes being achieved:

● Improved support and engagement of volunteers.● Increased access to workforce development opportunities for paid staff and/or

volunteers.● Increased access to leadership development opportunities for senior managers and/or

senior volunteers.● Improved strategic leadership.● Improved communication and partnerships with local authorities supporting the delivery

of the national outcomes for young people.

Grants of up to £30,000 are available.

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More information: https://www.youthlinkscotland.org/funding/national-voluntary-youth-organisations-support-fund/

ScotRail Community Grants Fund | £500 - £2,000 | 25 September

Administered by Foundation Scotland, the ScotRail Community Grants Fund provides grants for constituted community groups and charities with an income of less than £100,000 per year that are working in Scotland.

Grants of between £500 and £2,000 can cover at least 25% of the total project cost which must be less under £8,000.

The funding can help with the cost of projects which will make a positive difference in their neighbourhoods.

The projects should address at least one of the following priorities:● Promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.● Improving literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing in primary schools.● Improving the community’s environmental impact at a local level.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate and provide evidence of need for their project.

Applications are currently being accepted for projects that start on or after 1 December 2017.

The next deadline for applications is 25 September 2017.

More information: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/programmes/scotrail-community-grants/

Scotland’s Digital Participation Charter Fund | > £10,000 | 31 August

The Digital Participation Charter Fund is provided by the Scottish Government and administered by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO).

The fund offers grants of up to £10,000 to groups and organisations that work closely with local communities in Scotland.

There is a particular focus on supporting organisations currently working to tackle poverty, social isolation and other forms of inequality to embed basic digital skill development work into their day-to-day activity with service users.

Building on an understanding of ‘what works’ in the development of basic digital skills, this round will focus on two specific themes:

● Supporting working age people to increase financial capability, employment and other economic outcomes.

● Supporting older and disabled people to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

There is £175,000 available for this round, and this will be split 75/25 respectively across the two

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Priority will be focussed in two areas:● Projects which can demonstrate a track record of working with individuals who are facing

issues such as poverty, social isolation and other forms of inequality.● Projects where digital skills activity for their service users are embedded in the

organisation’s day-to-day activity.

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2017.

More information: https://digital.scvo.org.uk/participation/funding/context/

Big Lottery Fund Early Action System Change | £300,000-£1million | 2 October 2017

The Big Lottery Fund Scotland is inviting proposals from organisations that can help tackle the root cause of inequality by supporting collaborative early action and preventative programmes in Scotland. A total funding pot of £7.5 million is expected to be divided into no more than 10 grants of between £300,000 and £1 million. The funding can be spread over five years.

Partnerships and organisations working in collaboration with others are welcome to apply. Applicants can be a wide range of statutory or voluntary organisation types, but it is expected that there be an element of both public and third sector involvement in all successful applications.

Collaborations must have a lead applicant that exists as a constituted organisation with its own governing document and bank account, and annual accounts. However it is expected that projects include contributions from the smallest grassroots organisations to the largest local authority departments and other relevant partnerships with a high degree of co-production with communities.

The fund will address three priorities through the programme:● Healthy diet and active lifestyle● Children, young people and families● Women and criminal justice.

The grants can be used for revenue and overhead costs including research and evaluation costs, salaries, utilities and community and service user engagement.

The deadline for expressions of interests is 2 October 2017 (12pm).

More information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/easc

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Europe for Citizens - Second 2017 Town Twinning | €25,000 | 1 September The Europe for Citizens Programme funds schemes and activities in which citizens can participate to promote Europe’s shared history and values and foster a sense of ownership for how the Union develops. The Programme has an overall budget of €187,718,000 for the 2014-2020 period.

Part of Strand 2 of the programme, Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation, the Town Twinning measure aims at supporting projects bringing together a wide range of partner towns in a town twinning event around topics in line with the objectives of the Europe for Citizens Programme. By mobilising citizens at local and European Union levels to debate on concrete issues from the European political agenda, the measure will seek to promote civic participation in the EU policy making process and develop opportunities for societal engagement and volunteering at EU level.

The maximum eligible grant for a project is €25,000 and applications are accepted from the following:

● Towns/municipalities or their twinning committees.● Other non-profit organisations representing local authorities.

Projects must involve municipalities from at least two eligible countries of which at least one is an EU Member State.

More information: http://www.evoc.org.uk/noticeboard/notices/europe-citizens-second-2017-town/

Crerar Hotels Trust | N/A | N/A

Crerar Hotel Trust donates to local community, sport, medical, educational and children's charities. For information on each specific charity please see the links at: http://www.crerarhotels.com/crerar-hotels-trust

Carnegie Dunfermline Trust | £300 - £10,000 | N/A

The Trust funds projects, activities and schemes with social, community, educational, cultural, sport and recreational purposes for the benefit of those within the defined geographic area of the operation of the Trust. They are also interested in active partnerships where organisations decide to work together and adopt a joint approach. Start-up funding is offered on a one-off basis. Grants of between £300 and £10,000 area available.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.andrewcarnegie.co.uk/grants

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Charles Hayward Foundation - Small Grants | £7,000 | N/A

Grant are made in the following categories for charities with an income of less than £350,000: criminal justice, heritage and conservation and older people. Grants of up to £7,000 area available. See http://www.charleshaywardfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Small-Grant-Programme-Guidelines-Application-Form-May-2014.pdf for information on each of the above eligible themes.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.charleshaywardfoundation.org.uk/

Glasgow Airport Flightpath Fund - BAA Communities Trust | N/A | N/A

The Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund focuses its community investment in several areas including education, the environment, economic regeneration and employment. The FlightPath Fund is designed to ensure the communities surrounding the airport share in its success - community groups and charities in Renfrewshire, Glasgow and East and West Dunbartonshire are all eligible to apply for funding.

Before making a formal grant application, it is advised to email a summary of your proposal to your local community fund representative so that they can give guidance - Glasgow – Neil Richardson/Sharon Morrison [email protected]

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.glasgowairport.com/community/flightpath-fund/

First World War: Then and Now – HLF| £3,000 - £10,000 | N/A

First World War: then and now provides grants of £3,000 to £10,000 for communities to mark the Centenary of the First World War.

It is expected that your project achieves a minimum of one outcome for people from the list below. It is unlikely that your project will achieve a large number of these outcomes.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.hlf.org.uk/HowToApply/programmes/Pages/FirstWorldWarThenandNow.aspx#sthash.2p0tUo8x.dpuf

Awards for All Scotland – Big Lottery Fund | £500 - £10,000 | N/A

Grants of between £500 and £10,000 available to help people become actively involved in projects which bring about change in their local community. They want to fund projects which will achieve one or more of the following outcomes: • strengthen how your community works together

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• Increase people's skills and life chances• Improve your local area for people to enjoy • Get people more active and healthier

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/awardsforallscotland

Glens of Foudland Windfarm Community Trust | N/A | N/A

Grants to benefit communities near the Glen of Foudland windfarm.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.glens.org.uk/form.pdf

Caithness and North Sutherland Fund | £1,000 - £10,000 | N/A

Funding for projects that increase the attractiveness of Caithness and North Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest with particular emphasis on achieving environmental, social, cultural and infrastructure improvements. Grants of between £1,000 and £30,000 are available. For futher information visit: http://www.cnsf.org.uk/guidance/

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.cnsf.org.uk/apply-for-funding/

Rayne Foundation| N/A | N/A

Provides grants to organisations working in four main sectors – the arts, education, health and medicine, and social welfare. The Foundation has a flexible approach in its support of innovative, high quality projects, but is particularly interested in those which are of direct benefit to vulnerable and disadvantaged people or communities.

It prefers projects which have potential for wider than just local application, those which are likely to encourage funding from or involvement of other organisations, and/or those which are hard to fund.

There is no limit on the maximum grant but they usually support 50% of the project cost, with their average grants being £15,000.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.raynefoundation.org.uk/our-work/grantmaking-uk

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Turemark Trust Grant | >£2,000 | N/A

Makes small grants to small projects across the UK which address social distress and disadvantage. The average grant given is for around £2,000. Donations are mostly made to small local charities with preference to neighbourhood based community projects and for innovative work with less popular groups.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: The Trust does not have a website but for more information contact Mrs Clare Pegden, PO Box 2, Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6YP. Tel: 01730 894120.

ASDA Foundation | N/A | N/A

The ASDA Foundation assists charities, people and projects within the UK which require financial assistance. The Foundation can only support a limited number of requests which have the direct support and involvement from ASDA colleagues. The foundation exists primarily to give support to existing projects being run by ASDA colleagues therefore please contact your local Store or Depot to see if this is something they are able to support.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.asdafoundation.org/applying-for-funding

Foundation Scotland Express Grants | £500 - £2,000 | N/A

Our Express Grants can help meet a wide range of costs, including general running costs such as rent or staff salaries; activities and events; equipment or materials; marketing and awareness-raising initiatives and training.

Express Grants are available up to £2,000. These awards are made up of money from the many different funds we distribute on behalf of companies, individuals and charitable trusts. We match the applications we receive to the criteria of the various funds we have available at any time. These criteria determine which parts of Scotland, or which types of project any particular fund can be used for.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/grants-and-funding-for-organisations/grant-programmes/express-grants/

Garfield Weston Foundation | N/A | N/A

Supports a broad range of organisations and activities which share a commitment to making a positive impact to the lives of the communities in which they work, and which are driven by a desire to achieve excellence.

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We make grants across the UK to organisations in the following categories: Arts Education Youth Health Community Environment Religion Welfare

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.garfieldweston.org/how-to-apply/

The Robertson Trust | £5,000 - £100,000 | N/A

We provide funding awards to charitable organisations operating in Scotland through our Open Grants awards.

We have three funding strands all of which have been developed in response to needs identified through consultation with the Third Sector: ● Care and Wellbeing● Realising Potential● Strengthening Communities

By clicking on a funding strand below, you will find details of the specific themes we are funding and examples of the activities which may fall with each theme. http://www.therobertsontrust.org.uk/what-we-fund

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.therobertsontrust.org.uk/how-to-apply

The Tudor Trust | N/A | N/A

The focus is on smaller forward-looking groups, led by capable and committed people. Characteristics include:

- Organisations working directly with people who are at the margins of societyA focus on building stronger communities by overcoming isolation and fragmentation and encouraging inclusion, connection and integration- Organisations which are embedded in and have developed out of their community – whether the local area or a ‘community of interest’- High levels of user involvement, and an emphasis on self-help where this is appropriate- Work which addresses complex and multi-stranded problems in unusual or imaginative ways- Organisations which are thoughtful in their use of resources and which foster community resilience in the face of environmental, economic or social changeNo max. or min. amount

Information on making a first-stage proposal is available at:

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

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More information: http://tudortrust.org.uk/how-to-apply/making-a-first-stage-proposal/

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation | £5,000 - £1.5m | N/A

We fund across four main sectors – Arts, Children and Young People, Environment and Social Change – as well as through our Food funding strand. Across all our funding we aim to unlock and enable potential, back the unorthodox and unfashionable, build collective networks and catalyse system change.

We offer three types of support: grants, social investments and Grants Plus support.

Our grants support organisations’ core or project costs, including staff salaries and overheads. We do not fund building or equipment costs, or individuals. 2015 grants ranged from £5k to £1.5m (median average £100,000), with support lasting 1 - 5 years (45% 3 years). Search our database to see what we fund.

There are no deadlines – you can apply at anytime.

We have a two stage application process:

● 1st stage: apply online. We acknowledge by email within a week and decide whether to take it further within a month.

● 2nd stage: answer a set of questions from a Grants or Social Investment Manager. We make a decision in 2 - 4 months.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://esmeefairbairn.org.uk/apply-for-funding/

SSE - Community Funds | N/A | N/A

Communities can access funds which SSE make available near each of their renewable energy developments. They set up local and regional community funds for each new onshore wind farm they build. Funds are different in each area. Visit http://www.sse.com/Community/FundsV/ for details of community benefit funds, and how to apply for funds in your area.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.sse.com/Community/Funds/

The Barrack Charitable Trust | £500 - £5,000 | N/A

The Trustees look for clear, realistic and attainable aims. Grants vary, but most lie between £500 and £5,000. Currently the major categories under which the Trustees consider support are:

● Advancement of Education

● Christian Work or Worship

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● Advancement of Community Development

● Rural and Urban Regeneration

● Advancement of the Arts and Science

● The Provision of Recreational Facilities

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://thebarrackcharitabletrust.co.uk/

Steel Charitable Trust | £1,000 - £25,000 | N/A

Grants of between £1,000 and £25,000 are made to charities within the following funding areas: * Arts and Culture * Environment * Health * Education * Disadvantaged

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.steelcharitabletrust.org.uk/apply.htm

Coalfields Community Investment Programme | £500 - £10,000 | N/A

The Coalfields Community Investment Programme supports activities delivered by community and voluntary organisations working in Scotland’s coalfield communities. Investments can be capital and/or revenue awards from £500 to a maximum of £10,000 for organisations operating in eligible coalfield areas. Awards in the current funding round are unlikely to exceed £7,500. If your project will cost more than this you will need to have the balance in place before you apply.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk/what-we-do/investment-programmes-and-community-support/coalfields-community-investment-programme-scotland/

Coalfields Community Futures | N/A | N/A

Community Futures is an approach to local community planning and sustainable community development that aims to encourage active citizenship and build local democracy. CRT recognises that some communities have found it difficult to secure a fair share of the funding that has been channeled through it and other grant makers during the last 15 years. CRT and other funders have found that in these ‘cold spots’ community leadership, participation, structures, networks and group activity is relatively weak.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

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More information: http://www.coalfields-regen.org.uk/what-we-do/investment-programmes-and-community-support/coalfields-community-futures/

Community Broadband Scotland | N/A | N/A

The Scottish Government has invested £7.5 million to help establish superfast broadband in hard to reach areas of Scotland and to provide a Start Up Fund. The Start Up Fund is intended to help communities with the costs involved in establishing local community-led projects to access superfast broadband services – where projects can demonstrate local need and demand, and the capacity to make it happen at a reasonable cost.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: http://www.hie.co.uk/community-support/community-broadband-scotland/funding/

Big Lottery Fund (Scotland) - Awards For All | £10,000 | N/A

This fund supports projects that aim to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need. Priorities include organisations who have not received funding from the programme in the last three years; smaller organisations with an annual turnover of less that £250,000; projects where beneficiaries are mainly BME, disabled, LGBT, older or carers.

Eligibility: community or charitable organisations

More information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/awardsforallscotland

Scottish Government Cash Flow Loan Scheme | £20,000 | N/A

An interest-free loan for farmers and crofters in Scotland who have not yet received a first instalment payment – for the Basic Payment Scheme and Greening – for the 2015 scheme year and cannot access support from their bank.

The Scottish Government has earmarked up to £20 million to support this new scheme. Those who have been declined by their bank, and who require a loan from the Scottish Government, may borrow up to £20,000 or 60% of their indicative entitlement value (whichever is the lower).

Once the applicant’s initial basic payment has been authorised, the loaned amount will be deducted from it and the remainder paid in to the bank account provided. It is essential that the bank account provided in the application is the same as the one saved on the Rural Payments and Services website.

The Scottish Government loan will be free of charges. The interest rate for the loan is 11.04% (based on the state aid proxy for market rates calculation). The Scottish Government will cover this interest payment and this additional benefit represents state aid to the applicant’s business.

Eligibility: Please see above.

More information: https://www.mygov.scot/cash-flow-loan-scheme/

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Community-Led Activity Grant (BLF) | £10,000 - £150,000 | N/A

This funding aims to support communities to improve the places they live and the wellbeing of those most in need.

We will fund organisations to deliver work that achieves the following outcomes:

● Everyone in the community has the opportunity to influence and get involved in community-led activity

● People in the community are better connected and work together to improve their well-being.

We also want to fund work that is people-led, connected, and strengths-based. We call these our 'three approaches'. Find out more about what that means in the three approaches section of our website.

Eligibility: This funding is for organisations in Scotland that are based in the local area they serve and are run by local people.

More information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/scotland/grants-for-community-led-activity

One Stop Carriers for Causes | up to £1000 | N/A

Carriers for Causes grants are available for good causes within two miles of a One Stop shop. Grants, of up to £1000 will be available to support projects that ‘benefit local communities - helping to improve lives and local places’.

The types of projects funded will be very broad and will cover the direct costs needed to deliver the project, this could be buying litter pickers and bags for a community cleanup days, plants, spades and forks to plant up a new community garden, the cost of a minibus for a day trip for a community group or the materials needed to paint a room at the local hospice.

One Stop’s ‘Carriers for Causes’ is funded through the money raised from the 5p bag charge in One Stop stores in England, Wales and Scotland.

Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from a wide range of organisations

More information: http://www.groundwork.org.uk/Pages/Category/carriers-for-causes-uk

NFU Rural Funding | N/A | Continuous

Following a recent strategic review, the Trustees have indicated that in future, the Trust will focus on providing funding to larger initiatives, which would have a significant impact on the rural community. The Trustees are particularly interested in initiatives in the areas of education of young people in rural areas and relief of poverty within rural areas.

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The Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications received. These meetings are currently held in June and November.

Eligibility: Projects and initiatives falling within the Objects of the Trust (NFU)

More information: https://www.nfumutual.co.uk/company-information/charitable-trust/applications-for-funding/

Co-op Local Community Fund | N/A | Ongoing

The Co-op Local Community Fund is looking for 3 projects in each of around 1,500 local communities across the UK. They'll choose projects led by small, locally based organisations that:

● benefit the local community centred around Co-op food stores and funeral homes● have the greatest possible benefit to their community● make maximum use of the amount of funding available

Eligibility: A registered charity, small charity registered with HMRC for tax, registered community amateur sports club. church that's an 'excepted' charity, a Scout or Guide group

More information: https://causes.coop.co.uk/?_ga=1.66056622.1012436214.1480296019

BBC Children in Need Grants | <£10,000 & >£10,000 | 13 September 2017

Small grants of up to £10,000 are available per year for up to three years (£30,000 total request).

Large grants of over £10,000 are available to support projects for up to three years.

Eligibility and Application:

Not-for-profit organisations in the UK can apply if they are supporting children and young people of 18 years and under who are experiencing disadvantage through:

● Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.

● Any kind of disability.

● Behavioural or psychological difficulties.

● Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.

Organisations must be working to combat this disadvantage and make a real difference to children and young people’s lives.

The deadlines for applications are 1 June 2017 (midnight) and 13 September 2017 (midnight).

More information: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1N4ddmFHns8VPKjyp3PMYwn/apply-for-a-grant

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Postcode Local Trust Grants | £500 - £20,000 | 10 February 2017 (Round 1)

The Postcode Local Trust has changed its funding themes and application process for 2017. The Trust has introduced a two stage application process. Expressions of Interest are currently being accepted for the first round.

This year, the Trust will provide short-term, designated funding for good causes across Great Britain which benefit wildlife, enhance biodiversity, or renovate/create new green habitats. Consideration will also be given to sustainable energy projects benefitting local areas.

Grants range from £500 to £20,000 for those in Scotland and England and up to £10,000 for those in Wales.

The funding is to be used for activities, such as:

● Enhancing outdoor spaces such as:

o Community gardens.

o Community orchards.

o Play areas, especially those made with sustainable wood sources or recycled materials.

● Local, biodiversity improvements or habitat restoration such as:

o Wildflower meadow creation.

o Flood prevention schemes.

o Hedgerow boundary improvements.

o Wetland area enhancements.

o Tree planting/woodland creation.

● Outdoor education projects delivered with local communities by environmental charities.

● Green Energy projects which create more sustainable solutions to lowering, eg, energy costs in a community centre.

● Solar panel, wind turbine or micro-hydro schemes.

● Cultural heritage of an area (stories, exhibitions).

● Volunteering initiatives that help local projects, local areas and local people through, for example, uniform youth organisations.

The project must:

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● Have a clear charitable purpose and show visible results within 12 months of receipt of grant payment.

● Demonstrate a sustainable impact beyond its original duration.

Priority will be given to projects that are:

● Creative, far-reaching and will leave a long-term impact once completed.

● Focused on improving the environment for the benefit of local communities and encourage conservation action at a local level.

Grassroots organisations, local charities and non-profit community businesses that are seeking to effect positive change within their local area in England, Scotland and Wales can apply.

There is a two-stage application process.

The deadline for Round 1 Expressions of Interest is 10 February 2017.

More information: http://www.postcodelocaltrust.org.uk/

Wesleyan Foundation Small Grants | <£2,000 | N/A

Wesleyan Foundation Small Grants aim to support:

Registered charities, constituted voluntary and community groups across Scotland.

Grants will be considered from community groups (as long as you have a constitution), registered

charities, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and social enterprises that focus on:

● Improve people’s life skills, education, employability and enterprise

● Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity

● Advance people’s physical, mental health and wellbeing

This programme is intended to support groups/organisations with an income less than £250,000.

The maximum grant available is £2,000 and should be completed within one year.

More information: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/programmes/wesleyan-foundation/

George and Grace Thomson Trust for Dundee | £500-£2,000 | Dundee | N/A

The George and Grace Thomson Trust is a family trust, set up in memory of George Thomson, who

was MP for Dundee East in the 1950s and 60s, and his wife Grace Thomson. Foundation Scotland

administers the Trust on behalf of the Thomson family.

Grants of between £500 and £2,000 are available for charitable and not-for profit organisations

based and working in Dundee.

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The funding is for projects that benefit people in Dundee, particularly those which address poverty

and social exclusion.

There is particular interest in projects which address the following issues:● Social exclusion.● Alleviation of poverty and disadvantage.● Empowerment (especially of women).● Asylum seekers.● Prevention of teenage homelessness.

This is a rolling programme with no application deadlines.

More information: https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/programmes/george-grace-thomson/

Scotland’s Community Food and Health’s Capacity Building Fund | <£500 | 8 December

Community Health and Food (Scotland)'s Capacity Building Fund provides funding to support groups and agencies running food and health activities in Scotland to build the knowledge, skills and expertise they need to help them deliver their activities better.

Grants of up to £500 are available to community groups, voluntary organisations or social enterprises working with people in a low-income community or already involved in running a food and health activity.

The funding can be used for the following:● All or part of the cost of a member of staff, volunteer, or management committee/board

member taking part in a capacity building activity (for example a training or learning opportunity).

● All or part of the cost of delivering an in-house capacity building activity for staff, volunteers or management committee/board members.

Applicants must be able to show how funding will build the knowledge, skills and expertise of volunteers, staff or management committee or board members, and demonstrate how this will make a positive difference to their food and health activities.

The deadline for applications is 8 December 2017 (or earlier if all the funding is allocated before then).

More information: https://www.communityfoodandhealth.org.uk/funding/cfhs-funding-opportunities/

Greggs Foundation’s Local Community Projects Fund | <£2,000 | 29 September

The Greggs Foundation's Community Projects Fund provides grants of up to £2,000 to not-for-profit organisations across Great Britain for projects or for equipment for people in need at the heart of local

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Projects can support a variety of people:● Disabled or suffering chronic illness.● Living in poverty.● Voluntary carers.● Homeless.● Isolated older people.● Other demonstrable significant need.

Eligible projects should also be able to demonstrate that they have achieved at least one of the following Key Performance Targets for their beneficiaries:

● Decreased social isolation.● Improved health and wellbeing.● Improved resilience/coping mechanisms.● Improved life skills.● Improved opportunities.

The Local Community Projects Fund is administered by seven charity committees throughout Great Britain. Please note that the programme is over-subscribed and there is huge competition for the grants available.

More information: https://www.greggsfoundation.org.uk/grants/local-community-projects-fund

Big Lottery Fund Awards for All (Updated Guidance) | £300-£10,000 | N/A

The Big Lottery Fund is now offering grants of between £300 and £10,000 to voluntary and community organisations, schools and statutory bodies in order to help improve local communities and the lives of people most in need.

To be eligible for funding projects must meet at least one of the following priorities:● Bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities.● Improve the places and spaces that matter to communities.● Enable more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest

possible stage.

Communities should be involved in the design, development and delivery of projects. Examples of eligible costs include:

● Training costs.● Volunteer expenses.● Staff costs.● Small capital projects.● Transport.● One-off events.● Equipment.● Utilities/running costs.

To be eligible for funding applicants must have:● Two unconnected people on the board or committee.● A UK bank account in the name of their organisation.● Annual accounts (unless the organisation is less than 15 months old).

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Priority may be given to applications from smaller organisations. The Big Lottery Fund will consider the income of the applicant organisation when making their funding decision.

More Information: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/awardsforallscotland

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