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Region 1 WIE Status ReportAugust 2008

Darlene E. [email protected]

9 WIE AGs/ 22 Sections (40%) *Up 4%

1605 WIE / 63,594 members (2.5%) *Down 1.5%

5,480 females members/63,593 members

(8.6%) *Down 5.4%

2 WIE Student Branch AGS*formed 6/08

**Data date July 2008

Target to form WIE group

Section TotalBerkshire 4 2% 11 6% 197Binghamton 22 3% 71 10% 724Boston 371 3% 1251 9% 13906Buffalo 22 2% 82 8% 1049Conneticut 93 2% 348 8% 4517Green Mountain 19 2% 95 10% 923Ithaca 34 6% 68 13% 536Long Island 66 2% 215 6% 3759Maine 17 2% 70 7% 978Mid-Hudson 37 3% 122 9% 1372Mohawk 15 2% 56 9% 623New Hampshire 63 2% 190 7% 2913New Jersey Coast 43 2% 193 7% 2631New York 263 3% 795 10% 8248NNJ 138 2% 534 8% 6401Princeton/Central Jersey 138 3% 524 10% 5205Providence 51 2% 166 7% 2259Rochester 68 3% 215 10% 2164Schenectady 46 3% 163 10% 1671Springfield 26 4% 78 11% 729Syracuse 30 3% 94 9% 1026Worchestor 38 2% 139 8% 1762

TOTAL 1604 5480 63593

WIE Female

Numbers in Red shows increase in # of WIE members

Purple denotes Sections with Established WIE Affinity Affinity Groups

**Data date July 2008

Currently there are 9 WIE affinity groups in Region 1Boston-Valencia M Joyner Connecticut-Dr. Yunsi Fei Mid-Hudson- Rebecca GottNorth Jersey-Kate Duncan New Hampshire-Liberty GunterNew York-Alexandra GagliottaNew Jersey Coast- Lynn Yacyk**formed 5/08

Springfield- Qi QiWorcester County, MA-Desiree A.

Awizio (Interim Chair)

Currently there are 2 newly formed Student Branch WIE affinity groups in Region 1Worcester County, MA-Worcester Polytechnic Institute **formed 6/08

Massachusetts-Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering **formed 6/08


2008 Activities Feb-

Nominated Dr. Mary Lanzerotti for a Region 1 Technical Innovation Award; awarded in Feb 2008

Region 1 Winter BOG Meeting ,Presentation: Introduction and Goals for Region 1 WIE, http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r1/newsletter/2008SWE.ppt

Region 1 website launched Our website was successfully launched in February 2008 thanks to help from the former WIE Coordinator, Dr. Wenli Huang, http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/1/wie/

March- Article to Region 1 Newsletter

http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r1/newsletter/2008-S-NL.pdf 1st Teleconference w/Region 1 WIE

April Co-sponsor R1 GOLD/SAC/WIE Conference April 25-

27 Teaneck, New Jersey, http://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/1/gold/conference/• WIE Training

WIE Orientation Tips for Running a Successful WIE Affinity

Group   Tips on Applying for the WIE AG Award  

• Professional Development Seminars: Professional Development for the

Engineer/Scientist What You Need to Know to Start Your Own

Tech Company Practical Tips for a Career in Science and


Participated in IEEE Women in Engineering Committee Meeting April 19-20, 2008 Anaheim, CA

Region 1 WIE Status Report –April 2008 Working Group for revisions for WIE webpage Voted on several WIE committee actions Voted on WIE Affinity Group Award Working Committee WIE Affinity Group Award Web

Page May

Coordination with Region 2 WIE to help support the Region 2 WIE PDS conference October 3-5, 2008 Atlantic City, New Jersey

June 3rd Teleconference with Region 1 WIE Support/Coordination with Region 2 WIE PDS Conference Region 1 WIE Status Report- June 2008

July IEEE supports Nerd Girls MSNBC Today Show Broadcast

Interview with Dr. Karen Panetta, IEEE WIE Committee Chair, and Nerd Girls on Friday, July 18, 2008. Dr. Panetta created and founded the nationally acclaimed Nerd Girls program.  Nerd Girls are well rounded, intelligent engineers and scientist that share common popular interests of today's youth.  They are showing future generations of engineers and scientists how engineering helps improve the lives of individuals, communities and the environment.

The Institute -- http://bmsmail3.ieee.org/u/11673/50505050Newsweek -- http://www.newsweek.com/id/140457

Link to view  the video and article on the Today Show Website. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/25736678/

Additional Photos:http://www.flickr.com/photos/17664531@N00

August Attend Region 1 BOG Summer Meeting-Albany, NY Region 1 WIE Status Report-August 2008 4thTeleconference with Region 1 WIE-TBD

GOALS1. Make existing WIE AGs more successful YES

Increasing the number of WIE members and volunteers YES

Increase WIE member participation in Section and Regional governance YES

Increase WIE members participation in technical societies YES

Increase attendance of WIE members at IEEE sponsored conferences YES

2. Increase the number of WIE AGs and student AGs

Encourage Regional WIE AGs to work closely with GOLD, PACE and SAC YES

Encourages new members to join WIE YES Provide opportunities for co-sponsorship of

professional development and networking sessions. YES

REGION 1 WIE will continue to work

towards these Goals!!!

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