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Page 1: REINSTATING THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE · Web viewDon’t for one minute think that YaHUShA gave you authority to do the “works” of baptism, casting out demons and other such works

Reinstating the Key of Knowledge

Written by Charl Hattingh 2016


‘Who to you lawyers! For you took away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and those who were entering in you hindered.’ Luke 11:52

Page 2: REINSTATING THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE · Web viewDon’t for one minute think that YaHUShA gave you authority to do the “works” of baptism, casting out demons and other such works

(2nd Edition)

Sub Title: The Name above all


Note to the reader:

FIRST AND FOREMOST: I am using Evyoni Palaeo font for the Hebrew words and Name, in case you do not have it installed on your system. These Hebrew fonts can be found on http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/14_ahrcfonts.html by Jeff A. Benner.

Just for clarification regarding my work let me say that when you find these [ ] brackets inside a given verse, it is because everything inside that bracket is my own explanation as opposed to these ( ) brackets which give you clarifications, explanatory remarks, transliterations, comments, or digressive elements. Double (( )) or triple parentheses ((( ))) are used to echo the importance as when I would make a letter bold or use CAPITAL LETTERS. This obviously safeguards me from adding to the word or take away from it, since JWJY outright forbids anything added to His word or take away from it.1 To further show distinction I’ve decided to give all Scriptural verses in blue. I have also highlighted or simply made few words bold in either first occurrence which may be unfamiliar to you or simply to elaborate about something in my glossary that you may gain insight to the particular word or name. Bear in mind that DaniAL said, “And those who have INSIGHT shall shine like the brightness of the expanse and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever”2 so don’t just dismiss these words or the good news as outlined in this book simply because it sound a bit obscured or strange compared to your current understanding of the word or name; that will simply be foolish to say the least. This book captures months of study, therefore do not just read through every chapter as you normally would when reading a novel. Take each and everything in slowly as chewing on a piece of meat but do not overthink it either; since a single parable were often more than enough even though more things might be said, it is often too much to bear at once,3 thus I have insert this picture at times where I suggest you reflect on things which has been said before carrying on.

1 Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32 as well as Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22: 18-192 DaniAL 12:3 & 12:103 YaHUanan (John) 16:12 ‘I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.’

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 19/04/15,
The Psalms already revealed which Name it is: “’I bow myself toward Your set-apart temple, and give thanks to YOUR NAME,’ For Your kindness and for Your truth; For You have made great Your Word ( JWJY ), YOUR NAME, ABOVE ALL.” Psalms 138:2 in perfect harmony to Exodus 34:14 which reveals, “for you shall not worship any other authority, for JWJY whose Name is jealous, is a jealous AL (authority)!’
Charl Hattingh, 24/07/15,
Page 3: REINSTATING THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE · Web viewDon’t for one minute think that YaHUShA gave you authority to do the “works” of baptism, casting out demons and other such works


A Pure Language


Introducing the Word of ALaHYM


Which Name was prohibited, lets investigate!


The Good News of the Kingdom


Esteem it again


The Foremost Command of them all


The Wise and the Foolish


The Blessing






A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Page 4: REINSTATING THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE · Web viewDon’t for one minute think that YaHUShA gave you authority to do the “works” of baptism, casting out demons and other such works

(A pure language) During the construction of the tower sometime around 4000 Before the Common Era (BCE), ALaHYM confused the language of man and scattered the nations.4 The region were known as BaBeL BBL which literally means “confusion.” Interestingly the word “Bible” so many people hold dear consist of the same Semitic characters “Beit,” B “Beit” B and “Lamed” L regardless of what the Oxford Dictionary says it means in modern times, it clearly agrees that its etymology derives from Semitic origin. Not to mention that Scripture never uses the word Bible with reference to Scripture itself. Perhaps the very reason there is so much confusion among those who profess to follow the BiBLe. Even more interestingly, we find a similar trend in the book of Revelations where it says, “I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sits upon many waters5” and gives several descriptions of which I would like to highlight three;


“And upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, BABYLON THE GREAT, (verse 4)


It seems to indicate that this Mother Harlot with her many daughter harlots (as of many) is referred to as BaByLon THE GREAT which reflects yet again the same etymology “Beit,” B “Beit” B and “Lamed” L as of (((“GREAT CONFUSION”))) hence “BaByLon.” We are also called to “come out of her my people,”6 therefore, whether you might be in, or among the “daughter harlots” or part of the singular mother “harlot,” either or, you better come out! No point in trying to panel beat her from the inside out. Yet the most astonishing of the characteristics given in revelations and perhaps the very reason why the author wondered with great admiration, is where it says, “full of names of blasphemy.” Are you ready for this? “Blasphemy” is the act of depriving something of its sacred character.” Which means this mother harlot with her many daughter harlots have depriving NAMES of its sacred character” thus “nameS of blasphemy.” Which is why churches (as of many) proclaim “The Lord” instead of YaHUaH (JWJY) and “God” instead of “ALaHYM.” MattiYaHU’s name was cast away for Matthew. YeshaYaHU’s name was cast away for Isaiah. YermiYaHU became Jeremiah. All these have suffered the loss of the Fathers Name attached to their name. DaniAL SUFFERED the same loss during his BaByLonian captivity where he was referred to as Belchadrazzar. Now in ancient times most names have the name of their Strong Authority which they have worshiped within their names, i.e. the prophet ALiYaHU meaning “AL is YaHU” or “my ALaHYM is YaHU” who also rebuked Yezebel from ancient BaByLon, where she worshipped “bel,” or “Ba’al” (meaning “the Lord” See Hebrew Strongs 1167) hence “bel” also shows up in belchadrazzar, the name given for DaniAL in his BaByLonian captivity hence “the Lord” as one who has authority or title deed. The RESTORATION of the nameS should require no justification (especially the Name of the Strongh Authority Most High). Stop defending these “names of blasphemy” as they are written in your modern English translations.7 Names do NOT change in another language! Words are translated,8 thus change; but names are transliterated 9 in order to keep its pronunciation, because pronunciation is what makes them set apart from one another. Any linguist worth his salt will inform you of this important fact. For example: If we were to translate the “Hebrew” name O’SWJY (YaHUShA) into English for example, would mean that we would have to introduce YaHUShA in the following manner; ‘may I

4 Genesis 11:1-95 “peoples and crowds and nations and tongues” according to Revelations 17:15 6 Revelations 18:4 7 Yermiyahu 8:8 8 To translate is to express or be capable of being expressed in another language or dialect. Interpreting the definition of a particular word in another language.9 To transliterate is to represent letters in the corresponding characters of another alphabet.

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 27/06/15,
YaHU (WJY) reflecting the first three letters of the heavenly Fathers Name and the letter (S) makes the sound ‘Sh’ in the word ‘shine’ and the letter (O) makes the sound ‘ay’ in the word ‘able.’ These two letters (O’S) derived from the root word “Y-Sh-Á’ O’SY meaning to save, be saved, or delivered, see STRONGS H3467. The modern Babylonian block script render it as such: ucwhy i.e the YaHU ( why ) and the ShÁ ( uc ).
Charl Hattingh, 26/06/15,
Acts 3:21 states, ‘whom heaven needs to receive UNTIL the times of RESTORATION OF ALL MATTERS, of which ALaHYM spoke through the mouth of all His set-apart prophets since of old.’
Charl Hattingh, 27/04/15,
WJYMRY (paleo Hebrew) w h y m r y (modern Hebrew)
Charl Hattingh, 27/04/15,
WJYO’SY (paleo Hebrew) w h y u c y (modern Hebrew)
Charl Hattingh, 27/04/15,
WJYTTAM (Paleo Hebrew) w h y t t a m (modern Hebrew)
Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
In this written form He refers to this complete collection of His communication to mankind as the Book of Truth, the Word or SCRIPTURE, as seen in DaniAL 10:21, Mattiyahu 4:4, Yshayahu 55:11, 55:2, Timothy 3:16, 2 SeLaH (Peter) 1:20, Mattiyahu 22:29, YaHUanan 5:39, and Hebrews 4:12 to name but a few, but nowhere do we find the word bible.
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introduce you to YaHU (WJY) deliverer (O’S)’10 because that is precisely the meaning of His name; interpreting the definition of the word in English and thus accurately translated the particular word. INSTEAD we present the letters in the closes corresponding characters of another alphabet (in this case English) thus accurately transliterate the name keeping its pronunciation at least to the best of our ability. What sometimes gets in the way is our different accents,11 but that doesn’t mean that His Name or any other name change in another language. The fact that a name bears similarities doesn’t mean a name is that in another language. For example, the English word Susan will remain Susan in Egypt, even though it may have similarities or even derived from the Sematic Susanna, these are two distinct characteristics, each one pronounced differently. To say that they are one and the same are ludicrous. Even the Afrikaans “Susan” (e.g. pronounced S-oo-s-un” as in “un-sworth heights”) is distinct from the English name that bears the same syllables; they are pronounced differently and friends in another language will do their utmost to pronounce that name the best they can even if it means they would need to write it slightly different to get to the correct pronunciation. Therefore the English “Susan” pronounced “S-oo-s-in” in Afrikaans and the Afrikaans “Susan” pronounced “S-oo-s-un” as in “un-sworth heights” to the English. THEIR PRONUNCIATION IS WHAT MAKES THEM SET APART FROM ONE ANOTHER. People have many misconceptions, one of them being that they think that Messiah has an English Name and also a Hebrew and or Greek Name. This is an erroneous belief for which they will suffer greatly. Yet ironically, to them, Barack Hussein Obama is the same in every other language, but when it comes to our beloved’s name, they are comfortable with 20 different names. If there is only ONE name by which a man can be saved, THEN THERE IS ONLY ONE.

The same holds true for the nameS Peter, Petros, Petra, Petrus, Kepha, Cephas, SeLaH, which to the trained or rather educated scholar are distinguished as NOT being the same, i.e separate from one another through pronunciation YET they carry the same meaning in different languages. Translators were merely trying to point out its definition for the mere reason to keep its poetic flow. For example, would you have understood it to mean “rock” or “fortress” if it were “you are TSUR and on this TSUR I will build my ekklesia?” I lean towards “you are SeLaH (stating his name accurately) and on this fortress (interpreting its definition) I will build my called out ones.”12 But it were better understood by the Greeks to use a term familiar to them, thus “Petros” and to the Aramaic “Kepha.” Yet the name should have remained “SeLaH.” Names should be TRANSLITERATED as appose to words that are being TRANSLATED. Which brings me to the word ALaHYM if I may quickly divert. For the English reader, the term makes no sense whatsoever, and would much rather enjoy reading it as “Strong Authority Most High” interpreting the definition of the word in English. Yet I purposely and deliberately use the word to educate the reader not only that which were used since the beginning of time, but also to describe all of its prophetic qualities combined in one singular word Abraham would’ve used to refer to the Strong Authority Most High. It’s only the modern age or rather Western-World that substituted it for “God.” Back to the name of the disciple commonly known as Peter. Let’s suppose for just a moment that you are standing next to the disciple on the only day set aside for you to enter the kingdom by means of finding the disciple who has the keys of the kingdom13 thus ought to follow him in order to enter in; and on this day another messenger calling him, “SeLaH! Come this way!”14 will you be able to distinguish right from wrong? Or are you

10 You will note that the name of the prophet YShAYaHU and that of Messiah is the same, the one just begins with the Hebrew root “YShA” meaning “deliverance” and end with “YaHU” where the other begins with “YaHU” in reference to the Name of the Father and end with the root “ShA.” YShAYaHU literally means “deliverer YaHU” and YaHUShA literally means “YaHU deliverer.”11 Vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase.12 Mattiyahu 16:15-1913 Mattiyahu (Mathew) 16:1914 Psalms 32:8

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 24/04/15,
In the Psalms 32:8 we read, ‘You are my hiding place; You preserve me from distress; You surround me with songs of deliverance. SeLaH let Me instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; Let Me counsel, My eye be on you. Do not be like the horse, like the mule, with no understanding; with bit and bridle, else they do not come near you.’
Charl Hattingh, 01/08/15,
The information can be verified with any number of encyclopaedic resource or Strong’s concordance. “Barack” is a Semitic in origin and its root etymology means “blessed,” As in Baruch Haba B’Shem” which means “blessed is he who comes,” the only difference is that “Barry Soetoro” does not come in the name of YaHUaH when he took presidential office. Now see how the story unfolds. His middle name “Hussein” means “the handsome one” and “Obama” comes from the Luo ethnic group of Southwestern Kenya and is based on the Dholuo word BAM, which means “CROOKED.” The prefix “O” means “He” and many Luo male names begin with it. It was chosen specifically for its meaning “The blessed Handsome one who is crooked.” He won’t release I.D. records, where he spent over $1 million and hired three law firms to hide his birth identity. His campaign webpage declared he had no ties to Islam now openly brags about it, support abortions homosexual marriage to name but a few, not to mention that he has criticize Scripture on numerous occasions. Very few people are aware of backward masking also known as backmasking a recording technique which a sound or message is recorded backward onto a track that is meant to be played forward which reveals the hidden power behind the “yes we can” slogan and speech he chose for his campaign when playing backwards has “Satan to thank for” and can be verified with numerous material out there from different streams and/or sources alike.
Charl Hattingh, 01/02/15,
Many people would associate the English “William” (pronounced wil-yee-â-m) with the Afrikaans “Willem” (pronounced Ve-L-L-em) yet they are two distinct names. They are not one and the same as Susan is not the same as Suzette, Sanna or Susie, although they might derived from the same origin, it doesn’t make them one and the same. Their pronunciation is what makes them set apart from one another.
Charl Hattingh, 01/02/15,
People simply struggle to make the correct sound and therefore sometimes adopts a shorter form “Ben” as in the case of “Benyamin.” The Psalms for example sometimes use the YaH or simply the YaHU depending on the rhythm of the Psalm or perhaps to my opinion reflect a prophetic essence of the meaning of the first few letters, that is how rich the language truly is.
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following after “another”15 called Peter which derives from the Greek word Pãtĕr meaning “father?”16 Put it another way, let’s suppose your name is Hope and this beloved disciple is the one calling you; let’s suppose for a moment he is calling you “SheBeR” will you turn around and follow him? Of course not! Your name is “Hope” and wouldn’t recognise a different pronunciation. The pronunciation is what makes the names set apart from one another, just because they bear similarities or the same definition in different languages doesn’t make them one and the same name. They are distinct from one another through pronunciation. With this in mind, let us look at the following words and names underneath each other to clearly reflect its similarities as seen in the Ancient (Paleo) Hebrew (Semitic in origin):






Now with this in mind, no matter how hard you try, you will not find the similarities between God, Lord, YaHWeH, Jehovah, Matthew, John or even Jesus. However, one begin to find similarities within the Greek and Latin that end in the suffix “sus.” The “us” is a suffix solely used in Roman names or Greek names which the Romans latinised when writing down; so Dionysus would have been Dionysos and Pegasus would have been Pegasos. Finding a meaning for "sos" on the end of a name, is like meeting someone called James and asking what "mes" means. Looking through a list of Greek deities it seems no more a common ending to a name than any other, it just quite a famous one. On the other hand, the “sus” or “sos” suffix is a phonetic equivalent. For example the name zeus can be spelled soos, sos, sus, seus, etc. they will all sound the same, hence phonetic equivalent. I find more of a similarity between Greek and Latin words that end with “sus” as in Tarsus, Dionysus, Pegasus and Jesus ending in the suffix “sus.” Rightly did the prophet YermiYaHU prophesied of those after they have been scattered into the nations (context) and notice what he says; ‘How do you say the right rulings (TURaH) of YaHUaH is with us? But look (observe) THE FALSE PEN OF THE SCRIBE HAS WORKED FALSEHOOD”17 The false pen has made us believe that His Name is Jesus. Today you must choose between obedience and rebellion, right and wrong, life or death. CHOOSE LIFE! “And there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name (JWJY) under heaven that has been given among men which we must be saved.”18 For which reason ALiyahu would say, “How long would you waver between two opinions? If JWJY is ALaHYM, follow Him; and if Baʽal (Lord), follow him.”19 Did not the companion of MShaH also pose the very same question, “choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve”20

NOW WITH THIS INSIGHT OR UNDERSTANDING, we’ll review a short extract from the book of Jubilees how the Master ALaHYM said “Open his [Abraham] mouth and his ears, that he may hear and speak with his mouth, with the language which has been revealed’; for it had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the day of the overthrow of BaBeL. And I opened his mouth, and his ears and his lips, and I began to speak with him in Hebrew in the tongue of the creation. And

15 Galatians 1:816 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 23:917 Yermiyahu (Jeremiah) 8:818 Acts 4:1219 1 Kings 18:2120 YaHUShA (Joshua) 24:15

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 20/04/15,
‘Therefore as the Set-Apart Spirit says, TODAY, if you will hear My voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion in the day of trail in the wilderness.’ Hebrew 3: 7-11.
Charl Hattingh, 26/06/15,
YaHUShA gave us a stern warning, ‘And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the heavens.’ – Mattiyahu 23:9
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he [Abraham] took the books of his fathers (referring to those of ANUShA21 and N’U’aH22), and these were written in Hebrew, and he transcribed them, and he began from henceforth to study them, and I made known to him that which he could not understand, and he studied them during the six rainy months.”23 It is important to note that the word “Hebrew” we read in the English translation derived from the word AyBRYee YRBO which literally refers to the “region beyond” which comes from the root word AyBeR RBO which literally means to “cross over.” Before Abraham “crossed over” to the “region beyond” where he found the language of its inhabitants closely allied to his own, he lived with his father in Ur where they spoke Chaldea.24 Let me just remind you that we were told to do the same, “ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and find rest for yourselves”25 as when Abraham “took the books of his fathers.” It’s also important to note that prior to the overthrow of BaBeL the earth had only one language.26 NUaH was the man of both the age of creation i.e. pre-flood and post-flood when they spoke one language as the rest of them for two centuries after the flood until the overthrow of BaBeL. It is important to know that Shem a relative or rather son of NUaH was called, "the father of all of the sons of AyBeR RBO "27 who spoke the tongue of the creation (pre-flood) which is, you’ve guest it, AyBeR (commonly known as paleo Hebrew). Shem and his descendants were known as the Shemites from where we get the term Semitic. Therefore we will be making a huge mistake by dismissing these languages such as Arabic, Amharic, Aramaic, Syriac all semitic in origin simply because of groups associated with it. One thing we must not forget is that the book of Jubilees explains how ‘Abraham called Ishma’AL and his twelve sons, and YShA’ac (Isaac) and his two sons (Ya’aqub and Esau), and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons. And he commanded THEM that they should observe the way of the Master;…’28 All served the same Strong Authority and the term they used was ALaHYM. It further explains (verse 12-13) ‘And Yshma’AL and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of BaByLon in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert. And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and YShma ’ALites.” Even today they still make reference to the “AL” or “ALaH” or “ALaHYM” as all the Semitic languages would who came from Abraham. Although they might take the “AL” or “ALaH” for the Name of the Most High but in retrospect it’s merely pertaining to a title of the Most High. Although they have departed from ABRaHaM’s original command which is “to observe the way of the Master,” through becoming idolaters through mingling with the daughters of Canaan, they retained the purity of the original AyBeR (commonly known as paleo Hebrew) or at least most of it, not as the house of Ya’aqub who was sent into the nations to have their speech corrupted in Babylon and bring about a modern Babylonian Hebrew block script with all sorts of vowel points. They still name their children Yuseph, DaUD, YShMa’AL, Ya’aqUB, ADaM original AyBeR. It is to no surprise that so many people from different streams are beginning to take an active interest in AyBeR (commonly known as paleo Hebrew) due to the promise JWJY made through TsephanYaH (a prophecy and promise being fulfilled before our very eyes); “For then I will turn to the people A PURE LANGUAGE, THAT THEY

21 Genesis 4: 26 we read “And to Shĕth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name ANUShA (Enoch). Then it was begun to call on the Name of JWJY. When looking at the Hebrew letters prescribed we see that his name was ANUShA SWNA ; the “anu” WNA meaning “we” or “us” or even “our” and the “Sh” S is taken from “YaShA” ASY meaning deliverance, thus ANUShA’s name meaning “our deliverance.”22 N’U’aH JW N, transliterated. 23 The book of Jubilee 12:25-2824 Genesis 11:3125 Yermiyahu 6:1626 Genesis 11:127 Genesis 10:2128 Jubilees 20:1

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 27/06/15,
There is one particular book I would STRONGLY ENCOURAGE everyone to read and its entitled “The Book of Yashar” referred to in Yahusha 10-13 and second Samu’AL 1-18. Genesis gives an beautiful outline but it is the book of Yashar that’s colouring in and bring debt and understanding. Familiarize yourself with the Dead Sea Scrolls, among those were the book of ANUSh (Enoch) and Jubilee which states ‘And the Master knew that Abraham was faithful in all his afflictions; for He (referring to ALaHYM) had tried him through his country and with famine (chapter 11), and had tried him with the wealth of kings (chapter 13:14), and had tried him again through his wife, when she was torn from him (Jubilee 12:11-13), and with circumcision (chapter 15); and had tried him through YShm’AL and Hagar, his maid−servant, when he sent them away (Chapter 17:4-5). And in everything wherein He had tried him, he was found faithful (act of obedience), and his soul was not impatient, and he was not slow to act; for he was faithful AND A LOVER OF THE MASTER.’ Jubilee 17: 17-18
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MAY CALL UPON THE NAME JWJY, to serve Him with one consent.”29 We can know for certain that the pure language is the same language He made known to ABRaHaM. It’s only once we do turn to the pure language that we can call on the Name, and thus “serve Him with one consent” (in UNISON). Yermiyahu also had something to say about this phenomena for when he spoke about the “latter days” or “in the time of distress;”

‘the nations shall come from the ends of the earth and say “SURELY OUR FATHERS HAVE INHERITED LIES, worthlessness and unprofitable things,” and during that time He will ‘“this once” cause them to know My hand and My might; AND THEY SHALL KNOW THAT MY NAME IS JWJY “’30

My hope is that you will put away the old wine for new wine that you could have a refreshed understanding and in the same be made white and refined. The prophet Dani’AL said, “And those who have INSIGHT shall shine like the brightness of the expanse and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever”31 and a few sentences later he said, “Many shall be cleansed and made white and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong – and none of the wrong shall understand, BUT THOSE WHO HAVE INSIGHT SHALL UNDERSTAND!”32 The question is: what are you going to do with the ample evidence or rather INSIGHT being provided in this book? You face a very important crossroad. In closing this chapter; I have always wondered, why is it that only the 144000 is able to learn the song.33 Could it perhaps be due to their understanding or INSIGHT regarding the language known as AyBeR, I wish to leave you with that thought in hope that this teaching has been a huge blessing to you and yours ShLUM!

29 TsephanYaH 3:930 YermiYaHU 16:19-2131 DaniAL 12:332 DaniAL 12:1033 Revelations 14:3

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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CHAPTER 2Introducing the WORD of ALaHYMConsider the words of our beloved when he said, “Don’t you know THIS parable? HOW THEN SHALL YOU KNOW ALL OTHER PARABLES?”34 So He explains the parable, “The sower sows the WORD” So often when we think of the “Word” we think of the entirety of the Scriptures as a whole which should certainly not be discredited, however, could it be that simple, or is it perhaps pointing to a particular REVELATION:

“And HIS NAME (JWJY) is called THE WORD OF ALaHYM,”35

Which for the most part has been overlooked simply because of our understanding of HIS NAME, and without THIS revelation, it is said, ‘how then shall you know all other parables?’ I submit unto you that HIS NAME which is said to be JWJY36 should be understood to be the SEED that is sown in the SOIL which is the HEARTS of men.37 I am excited to share with you the “Parables and Riddles of Old” which I intend to launch shortly after the release of this message, but before I do, I shall have to first “prepare the ground” if you will or “till the soil” through “Reinstating the Key of knowledge” before some of you may “BEAR FRUIT because it says, only those sown on GOOD SOIL bear fruit, some thirty fold, some sixty fold and some a hundred fold. I hope that this massage will be a great blessing to you and yours and may you continue in your study because of the Scripture that says, ‘Study to show yourselves approved unto the Strong Authority Most High, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.’38 If you hold fast to the WORD (JWJY) I bring as good news to you, you may also want to read my book entitled: “The Good News of the Kingdom” (which is separate from the short outlined chapter in this book) which is said to be “the reason He was sent.”39 It is PARAMOUNT that you pause to think upon His Name40 each time you come across “the Word,” “Thy Word,” and “Your Word” in Scripture or as I mention it in this book since the

“Word” is simply a metaphor for which reason I have added the light bulb each time you ought to be reminded of this. See Metaphor in the Glossary. Scripture will begin to stand out in a different light or understanding with the revelation in hand41 or once the metaphorical meaning has become illumination. Now without any further delay, let me share with you THE WORD of ALaHYM.

Many people feel that we will not know the pronunciation of the divine name JWJY and they simply wait for the return of Messiah whereby they feel it will only then be made known simply because we have not heard an actual recording at the time He spoke to MShaH on the mount. I am of the belief that this could not be further from the truth due to the Scripture that teaches us that the heavens needs to receive Messiah “UNTIL THE TIME OF THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS”42 and therefore it is my firm believe that we will not see Him again UNTIL such a time when “all things” is restored to its rightful place. It is not that He will first come and then restore, quite the opposite. It is wonderful to know that His Name IS BEING RESTORED among many other things and therefore the fig tree ‘“becomes tender and puts forth its leaves therefore when you see these things, recognise that He is

34 Mark 4:1335 Revelations 19:1336 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 42:8 and Malachi 3:6 and Exodus 3:1537 Luke 8:1538 2 Timothy 2:1539 Luke 4:4340 Malachi 3:1641 Revelations 5:142 Acts 3:21

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 17/02/15,
A return to a former position or condition. A restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition. A representation or reconstruction of the original form.
Charl Hattingh, 18/01/15,
Nearly 7000 times these letters or characters which was said to be His Name for all generations (Exodus 3:15) appear in the Hebrew Scriptures and substituted with “THE LORD” in modern translations. “The Lord” is simply a title not a name. Yermiyahu stating: “who try to make my people forget My Name by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbour, as their fathers forget My Name for Ba'al.” Very few people realise that Ba’al simply means “Lord” see Hebrew Stongs H1168 and H1409. Put it another way, translators have deliberately used the Semitic word “Ba’al” just as they have when quoting, ‘But you do not be called Rabbi for one is your master” this should indicate that “master” is the definition of the Semitic word “rabbi” and by which translators show comparison. In the very same way, “Ba’al” is simply the equivalent and or definition of “Lord.” Thus reading the substitute title “THE LORD” in most English translations is falling prey to the enemies deceitful ways and has therefore forgotten our heavenly Fathers Name for “The Lord.” We better “turn back,” “turn around” and “return” to that which He said, is a “memorial to ALL GENERATIONS” (Exodus 3:15).
Charl Hattingh, 24/07/15,
“Intellectual enlightenment, clarification, a source of light”
Charl Hattingh, 04/07/15,
Consider yet another Scripture where it says, ‘For the Word (JWJY) of ALaHYM (((is living,))) and (((working))) and (((sharper than any two-edged sword,))) cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and (((able to judge the thoughts))) and (((intentions of the heart.))) - Hebrews 4:12
Charl Hattingh, 02/05/15,
Now carefully consider the rest of the parable, “These, then, are the ones by the wayside where the WORD (JWJY) is sown. And when they HEAR (ShMA) the adversary comes immediately and takes away the WORD (JWJY) that was sown IN THEIR HEARTS. And likewise these are the ones sown on rocky places, who, when they HEAR (ShMA) the WORD, immediately RECEIVED IT with joy, and they have no root in themselves, but are short-lived. Then when pressure or persecution arises because of the WORD (JWJY), immediately they stumble. And others are those sown among thorns, these are they who HEAR (ShMA) the WORD (JWJY), and the worries of this age, and the deceit of riches, and the desires for other matters, entering in, choke the WORD (JWJY), and it becomes fruitless. And those sown on GOOD SOIL, are those who HEAR (ShMA) the WORD, and ACCEPT IT, and BEAR FRUIT, some thirtyfold, and some sixty, and some a hundred.”
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near, even at the door.”’43 We should not forget, that YaHUShA made a stern warning to us all, “verily I say unto you, ‘You shall not see me UNTIL the time comes when you shall say, “Blessed is He who comes in the Name JWJY “‘44 and until we do the same, until we actually do acknowledge that he did not came in his own name, but in that of the Father, 45 we will not “see” Him for who He really is, thus remain “blind.” And by this I don’t refer to the fact that some remain blind to the fact that YaHUShA is the Messiah (anointed) but in reference to something above and beyond which will become evident later on in this study. Therefore, we better seriously consider the restoration of all things, which has but everything to do with the “good news.” To strengthen my stance on this matter even further is to remind you that not so long ago, YaHUShA made the Name of (((His Father))) known to His disciples; ‘I HAVE REVEALED YOUR NAME to the men whom You gave me out

of this world. They were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word.’46 It is for a very good reason that Messiah revealed the Name of His Father, to his beloved “brothers ,” wouldn’t you then feel the need to do the same? Then what is often overlooked in Scripture is that he has also inherited the Name of His Father, (the very Name he has revealed unto His disciples) as seen in verse 11, ‘And I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You Set Apart Father, guard them in (((Your Name))) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME so that they may be one as we are.’ 47 Thus we do not have to go back as far as the time of MShaH on the mount to figure out the correct pronunciation of the divine Name, we should simply take all things in account and put two and two together.48 Those who claim that the true pronunciation is now unattainable have either, for whatever reasons, not pressed their investigation or have simply chosen to ignore the hard evidence. It is true that “the glory of ALaHYM is to conceal a matter,” but it is also just as true that “the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”49 Therefore, in as much as it is my hope to share some light on the subject of His Name, it is said to be “the glory of Kings.” And it is to no surprise that Scripture says, “the first to presents its case seems right till another comes forward and questions him,”50 thus we ought to do well if we question these names such as Yahweh or Jehovah before we simply settle for which aren’t quite so. Don’t just settle for the four letter Tetragrammaton (YHWH or YHVH or YHUH) which will remain a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal to the English reader. We ought to HEAR (Sh’M’A ) the Name through pronunciation (see page 37) thus my attempt through transliteration. Why? Because

the Scripture teaches us that ‘the Spirit fell upon all those HEARING the WORD.’51 Are you ready to receive the Set Apart Spirit of JWJY

Figure 1 Thinking or Meditating

43 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 24:3344 Luke 13:3545 YaHUanan 17:11, Revelation 3:12, Yirmiyahu 23:646 YaHUanan (John) 17:647 YaHUanan (John) 17:1148 It is an idiom which means to figure out from the information available. 49 Proverbs 25:250 Proverbs 18:1751 Acts 10:44

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 02/05/15,
I have merely transliterated JWJY (The paleo-Hebrew letters) into English from the letters as seen in the book of Yshayahu (Isaiah) among the dead see Scroll whereas you will more likely stumble across the modern Hebrew letters (Babylonian block script) render it as such: הוהי or simply read “The LORD” in most English translations.
Charl Hattingh, 12/05/15,
DO NOT mistake the outpour of the Set Apart Spirit with what is being portray in Christianity, or even that which is portray on so called Gospel channels, or even what is widely known as the Charismatic movement. These will soon need to make peace with the words of the prophet Yirmiyahu when he said, ‘O JWJY my strength and fortress, my refuge; In the day of distress the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “SURELY our fathers have inherited lies, worthlessness and unprofitable things.” More on this in the Good news of the Kingdom teaching series.
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Transliteration is a way of representing letters or words in the corresponding characters of another language (alphabet).
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Sh’S M’M A’A
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Tetragrammaton derived from a Greek compound tetragrammatos representing four letters most often in relation to the four Hebrew letters transliterated without vowels.
Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
For the English reader, the term makes no sense whatsoever, and would much rather enjoy reading it as “Strong Authority Most High” interpreting the definition of the original word in English. Yet I purposely and deliberately use the word to educate the reader not only that which were used since the beginning of time, but also to describe all of its prophetic qualities combined in one singular word which Abraham would have used to describe the creator of heaven and earth to his fellow man.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
“I make known YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.” Psalms 22:22
Charl Hattingh, 17/01/15,
You realise you can’t restore something unless it once was, and you want to bring it back or restore it as the former. Therefore one should “earnestly content for the faith which was once delivered” (Yahudah 1:3) or simply “ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls.”(Yermiyahu 6:16)
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Those who were given the revelation of His Name were few in number, although they were increasing in number daily,52 they still remained the minority.53 Ultimately became scattered54 - persecuted for using that very Name which I intend to explain shortly. Thus alterations came through the majority55 or rather through those in power who wanted to conceal the Name. To think that His Name (which is said to be the Word of ALaHYM) is the name Jesus or The Lord is ignorance on your part, since the name Jesus only came in the late 1600’s which was based on these alterations. It is time to look at the “Strongs Concordance” which is an exhaustive cross-reference of every word taken from the original manuscripts or ancient scrolls that were found. Don’t just simply take the Translators translation as inspired without considering the words of the prophet, ‘the false pen of the scribe has worked falsehood.’56 Now consider the words of the Psalms, “O JWJY our Master, how excellent is YOUR NAME in all the earth who has set YOUR GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS.”57 So it stands to reason that His “GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS” is that very NAME which is why the Psalms would say much later “YOUR NAME, ABOVE ALL.”58 I have set myself a goal to communicate this inescapable truth more clearly. The author of Hebrews said, his hope was that “each one of you show the same eagerness”59 that is; “your work and labour of love towards HIS

NAME.” And THEREFORE I will continue to build on the words of our beloved who prayed to the Father and said, “And I have made YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) KNOWN TO THEM, and shall make it known, SO THAT the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.”60 So without any further delay I hope you are eagerly and earnestly desirous of finding out the Name he made known to his disciples. I suggest you literally ask through prayer and petition with thanksgiving61 the same question MShaH asked when he saw the burning bush and heard the voice of ALaHYM. He asked ALaHYM, “and if they shall ask me ‘what is His Name,’ what shall I say?”62 Probably the most important question one could ask our Strong Authority Most High; “What is Your Name” yet hardly anyone today would pause to think about this; nor would they ask that very same question. They do however sing “Praise the Name of the Lord” but very few people ever ask “what is the Name of the Lord?” We do however SEE the four paleo Hebrew letters JWJY in the original scrolls or manuscripts. The very Name He said to MShaH “THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER, and THIS IS MY REMEMBRANCE TO ALL GENERATIONS.”63 Carefully note that it states “to all generations” not just too some generations. And it certainly doesn’t say it was only meant for the time of the Exodus but it clearly says “forever.” The Psalms would also confirm, ‘I cause Your Name (JWJY) to be remembered IN ALL GENERATIONS; therefore the people praise You forever and ever.’64 Are you standing with the author of truth65 or are you leaning towards the school of thought on the idea that His Name is now unattainable or

52 Acts 16:5 “So the called out ones were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily.”53 “A group having fewer than the controlling number or votes.”54 Acts 8:4 “Therefore those who had been scattered went about preaching the Word.”55 “A group having the controlling number or votes - greater number”56 Yermiyahu (Jeremiah) 8:8 57 Psalms 8:1 [The English word “psalms” comes from the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew word “mizmor”, a word meaning “melody of praise,” or “Tehillim meaning “songs of praise.” 58 Psalms 138: 2 59 Hebrew 6: 10-12 60 YaHchanan (John) 17:2661 Philippians 4:662 Exodus 3:1363 Exodus 3:1564 Psalms 45:1765 Psalms 119:160

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 06/06/15,
While the English word “Exodus” does reflect the account of YShRAL coming out of Mitsrayim (Egypt) and certainly shadow pictures the redeeming work of our Master as well as pointing forward to the second Exodus which will be greater than the first the Hebrew word “Shemoth” does not mean departure; but rather ‘names’ and we can see through this powerful Book how JWJY reveals Himself by Name and we recognise that it is only by the revelation of His Name that anyone who is called can truly respond and come out of Mitsrayim (slavery or bondage).
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
“..She named him MShaH JSM ‘Because she said, I drew him out of the water.’ Exodus 2:10 as in: M M Sh S aH J it clearly reflects the aaaahhhh at the end as in halleluyaH JYWLLJ not MosES or even MoshES but rather M’ShaH. See “names of blasphemy” before you settle for Moses.
Charl Hattingh, 05/01/15,
Further to these words, if we look at the entire prayer, we see that the Father was honoured by YaHUShA through him revealing His Name to his disciples. He literally revealed Him to them through revealing His Name. In other words, YaHUShA introduced the Father by Name to those who believed in Him. Then He says that these people kept or guarded the Word which is the singular Word He made known to them. Notice how YaHUShA made a distinction in verse 7 and 8 between the “Word” singular and “words” plural. Are you guarding His Word ( JWJY )?
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
The author clearly makes a distinction between “ALaHYM” (verse 10) and YaHUShA (verse 20) and leaves us no doubt as to what Name (singular) we ought to labour for. Just to clarify, we labour for the Name of ALaHYM which is JWJY
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
ESword and TheWord is two great resources both a free computer software to use with various Scriptures (Bibles) dictionaries and maps with numerous Strong’s Concordances to help you in your study.
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lost? We ought to become as children in order to enter the reign of the heavens.66 Children ask questions, and when the English text reads “bless the name of the Lord,” a child would simply respond, “Yes, I'd like to but what is His name?” The irony is that the answer has been in front of us all these years. Concealed within a singular word which is found in almost all languages I know. Yet very few people take the time to question the meaning of the word hallaluyah JYWLLJ and its root etymology (Semitic in origin) or to whom it is that we give our praise? “Hallalu” WLLJ in Hebrew means “Praise you” and “YaH” JY is a poetic short form of His Name JWJY the ONLY ONE we are to praise.67 This are evident in almost all English translations when looking at Psalms 68:4. In light of this understanding one should read Malachi:

‘Then shall those who fear JWJY speak to one another, and JWJY listen and hear, and a book of remembrance be written before Him, OF THOSE WHO fear JWJY, and those WHO THINK UPON HIS NAME.’ So often people stop here without taking in account the very next words which says; ‘And THEY shall be Mine,” said JWJY of hosts, “on the day that I prepare a treasured possession. And I shall spare THEM as a man spares his own son who serves him. THEN YOU SHALL AGAIN SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WRONG, BETWEEN ONE WHO SERVES ALaHYM AND ONE WHO DOES NOT SERVE HIM”68

Who knows what justifications will the UNRIGHTEOUS bring to the table; but it is said of the RIGHTEOUS;

‘the Name JWJY is a strong tower, the RIGHTEOUS RUN INTO IT ANS ARE SAFE.”69

Let us further investigate, not just observing the “tower” from afar, but “run into it” as the text seems to imply. So let us harkened to His Name in order to be safe. It seems to indicate that there is almost no dispute on the beginning part of His Name, despite the fact that modern translations may use the letter “J” as in “JaH” which gives pretty much the same pronunciation, I prefer to use the letter “Y” as in “YaH” simply because there is no letter “J” in Hebrew and the letter “J” has not been around in the English language until the 16th century. Furthermore, one do not “hear” the “yAh” in the name “Jehovah” as we have in “halleluYaH.” Hereby we see the first set of letters in the Name JWJY is the same as the last set of letters in the word halleluYaH JYWLLJBear in mind that we read Hebrew FROM RIGHT TO LEFT and there is no letter “W” in Hebrew nor a “W” sound in Hebrew. And this particular letter ( W ) we pronounce “OO” but we write it “U” as in ShUL LWS which is the Hebrew word for School. Also very notable within the word hallelUyah JYWLLJ and can be clearly seen in the Name JWJY. We find this particular letter within the Name yet people still wish to hold fast to the name YaHWeH without hearing the sound “OO” merely because they based their trust on the Greek Tetragrammaton (YHWH) which base their trust on “Jewish” literature whose sole purpose was to disguise the Name which I thoroughly explain in the upcoming chapter. What very few people realise is that the fact that modern Strong’s concordances make use of the Greek tetragrammaton YHWH which deliberately use the “W” to make reference to the original “double-U” SOUND and not the English “W” syllable. The Greeks even called this letter “Upsilon” to carry the SOUND “OO” as in “School” or the Hebrew “SHUL” LWS. The “W” as in YHWH has always been there to reflect the “double-U” SOUND as in the “OO” sound we find in Hallel-U-YaH.

66 Mattiyahu 18:367 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 42:868 Malachi 3:16-1869 Psalms 18:10

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 09/01/15,
The Latin took the letter ( W ) and dropped its stem and was left with the “V” as in YHVH instead of the Greek tetragrammaton YHWH and so a lot of people tried to pronounce the letters, not knowing that the Lexicon was merely revering to the “double-U” sound and not the “W” syllable and therefore we were left with obscure transliterations as YaHWeH, or JeHoVaH and even a very close interpretation as YaHuWaH.
Charl Hattingh, 25/02/15,
English always use the “U” syllable for the “OO” sound as found in the words super, exude, opportunity etc.
Charl Hattingh, 22/07/15,
‘Sing to ALaHYM, ‘Sing praises to His Name. Extol Him who rides on the clouds: To YaH His name! Rejoice before Him.’
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Thus we can accurately determine that the beginning of His Name is “YaHU” WJY pronounced YaH-OO. In the case of the current prime minister of “Israel” - Netanyahu WJYNTN we find that the beginning of his name NaTaN NTN meaning “give” and YaHU WJY is a variation of the name of the Father. Also we have YermiYaHU, YshaYaHU, and other names that preserve the beginning of the divine name.70 Proverbs states, ‘A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…”71 and if any people knew the importance of it, it surely reflects in theirs.

Now consider this, when Leah bore the fourth son of Ya’aqub she said, ‘“Now I praise JWJY” So she called his name YaHUDaH’72 JDWJY which closely resembles the Name of JWJY except for the added “dalet” D which literally means “a door” perhaps the very reason why the oracles were committed unto them,73 and hence YaHUShA said, “salvation is THROUGH the YaHUDim.”74 More interestingly is the word “YaD” DY meaning “hand” whereas “YaD’aH” JDY (which is the root of the name of YaHUDaH) is an action (verb) to explain what the hand is doing, i.e. “to throw, cast” in this case explaining what Leah did, by throwing or casting her hands in the air as to extend thus to praise JWJY. I submit unto you that the meaning of the name YaHUDaH is “the casting or extended hand of JWJY” instead of the “praise of JWJY” because “Halal ” is the primary root for praise as we find in the word hallaluyah and not to be found in the name of YaHUDaH. Too no surprise we find the last letter J within the name YaHUDaH which resembles the “extended hand” (to throw, cast) in the form of an “outstretched arm” also at the end of the divine name. Perhaps the very reason why scientist agree that the universe is continually expanding…:

a a a a a a a a h h h H (An “open vowel”75 resonating with a base sound.) Here is some food for thought, perhaps the reason why ABRaM’s MRBA name had to change to ABRaHaM MJRBA adding in the letter J76 to his name or else he would not have become a “father of a multitude of nations” (expansion) the same rule apply to his wife ShRYee YRS he had to call Sh’RaH JRS77

Figure 1 Thinking or Meditating

70 Acts 10:43 states, “To this one all the prophets bear witness, though His Name, everyone believing in Him does receive forgiveness of sins” The prophets bear witness to the fact that they all carry a part of His name in theirs, as in YshaYAHU, YirmiYAHU.71 Proverbs 22:172 Genesis 29:3573 Romans 3:1-274 YaHchanan (John) 4:2275 An open vowel is a vowel sound in which the tongue is positioned as far as possible from the roof of the mouth. 76 Genesis 17:4-677 Genesis 17:15

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 27/12/14,
Through divine revelation that Leah used the “aH” J “extended hand” as in “Ya’D’aH” JDY which is added to the YaD DY “hand.” What I find interesting is that YaHUaH said unto MShaH much later, “for with a strong hand “YaD” DY shall He let them go, and with a strong hand “YaD” shall He drive them out of his (pharaoh’s) land.” And even further explained; “I will redeem you with a STRETCHED OUT arm…” the primitive root; “to stretch out” is “Na’T’aH” also in reference to the “extended hand” “Ya’D’aH” JDY of JWJY which is said to be “strong.” And IMMEDIATELY after this (verse 2 and 3) ALaHYM said, “I am JWJY,” “who appeared unto Abraham, unto YShA’aC and unto Ya’aqub by the Name of AL LA, but by my Name YaHUaH JWJY was I not known to them” which could indicate that the sacred character of His Name (its revelation) was not known to them due to Genesis 4: 26 which states “And to Shĕth, to him also a son was born. And he called his name ANUSh (Enoch). Then it was begun to call on the Name of JWJY.” This was long before Abraham. Let’s look at ANUShA SWNA ; the “anu” WNA meaning “we, us” or “our” and “Sh” S is taken from “YaShA” ASY meaning deliverance, thus ANUShA’s name meaning “our deliverance.”
Charl Hattingh, 24/12/14,
“im” implies to be plural.
Charl Hattingh, 01/08/15,
YShAYaHU literally means “deliverer YaHU” because the “YShA” contains the Hebrew root, “yaShA,” meaning “deliverance” and “YaHU” is the one giving you deliverance. One cannot trace the original meaning or intent if calling him Isaiah which has no reference to either “deliverance” or “YaHU” whom is our creator.
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There is a common misperception that His Name is AHaYaH or HaYaH due to the preface that states “I am have sent me to you.” But let us look at the entire text (in context) which is merely a preface leading up to His name. It is important to know that you really cannot translate one of these Hebrew words with one English word and convey the entire meaning of the Hebrew in fact it will even be better to translate a word with an entire sentence in English because of the richness in the Hebrew language. Let me explain: A’Ha’Y’aH JYJA (H1961) A’Sh’R RSJ (H834) A’Ha’Y’aH JYJA (H1961) is the first preface which is often translated as “I am that I am” or “I will be who I will be.” The Ha ’Y’aH JYJ and Ha’U’aH JWJ are used interchangeably and has the same root meaning “to be” or “to become.” And the letter “Aleph” A which is the first letter of the Aleph-bet to be found in-front of the Ha ’YaH

as seen in the word A’Ha’Y’aH JYJA which is also the Hebrew word meaning “Ox” and should reflect the CHARACTERISTICS of the Ox as in “Strength” or “Power” and could also reflect a “Chief” as “the Head” of a clan since the letter A represents an “ox head.” This “Chief” characteristics can be found in AL LA (Strong Authority) or Ab BA (Father) or ANi YNA (meaning “i”) and therefore the phrase could literally be:

“the Chief” or “i” (the YaH) “to become” happy (A’Sh’R) “to be” JWJY”

Since the word A’Sh’R” derives from where Leah said, “Happy am I, for women will call me happy’ so she named him A’Sh’R”78 in contrast to being “blessed” which is “Baruch” as in “Baruch haba b’shem YaHUaH” which means “blessed is he who comes in the Name YaHUaH.”

“AShR” RSJ is taken from the root “YShR” RSY generally meaning “to be level” or “straight” indicating that she weren’t no longer slanting as when people are sad, but having a posture that were up-straight and happy! So right after ALaHYM gave MShaH the first preface He went on to say;

“THUS you shall say, to the sons of YShRAL “HaYaH (i.e. the YaH) ShLacH (i.e sent forth) AL (i.e. Strong Authority)” which is often translated as, “I am have sent me to you,” which is the 2nd preface leading up to His name with the final words;

THUS ALaHYM says more unto MShaH, (((‘THUS))) you shall say unto the children of YShRAL, “YaHUaH (JWJY) ALaHYM (MYJLA) of your Fathers (AB BA) the ALaHYM of ABRaHaM, the ALaHYM of Ysaac, the ALaHYM of Ya’aqub sent forth (ShLacH) Strong Authority (AL) and this (ZaH) Name (SheM) is forever (AyLaM).’

Thus the Name YaHUaH JWJY who is our ALaHYM (Strong Authority Most High) is said to be the Name FOREVER. Further confirmation is given through our beloved brother Ya’aqub who said, “My brothers, as an example of suffering, and patience, take the prophets, who spoke in the Name JWJY’79 so we ought to turn to the prophets and see which name it is:

Malachi declared, ‘I am JWJY I change not’80 and the prophet YshaYaHU WJYOSY declares, ‘I am JWJY THAT IS MY NAME, I will not yield my esteem to another nor my praise to idols.’ 81 Then a lot of people consider the word HaYaH JYJ as the root word for the Name YaHUaH JWJY but I submit unto you that the SINGULAR WORD, this ONE word JWJY is the NUCLEUS or SEED82 of the entire Scriptures AND STAND ON ITS OWN DEFENCE which is the ROOT from which everything else came to

be. When Scripture says, “in the beginning was the WORD” It’s pointing to the Word or Name that was in the beginning! ‘Ha’Y’aH’ JYJ is not His Name and certainly not the Word “in the beginning” but a word that sprouted or came from the Word (JWJY) which was “in the beginning”

78 Genesis 30:1379 Ya’aqub (James) 5:1080 Malachi 3:681 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 42:882 Our beloved brother Kepha Peter said, “Being born again, not of corruptible SEED, but of incorruptible, BY THE WORD OF ALaHYM, which liveth and abideth for ever.”

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
“Lay on” (TsShLach) Genesis 22:12 “Put forth” (YShLach) Genesis 3:22 “sent forth” (ShLach) Genesis 8:10 “sent me forth” (ShLachNYee) Genesis 24:54
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
The Ha’Y’aH JYJ and Ha’U’aH JWJ are used interchangeably and has the same root meaning “to be” or “to become,” as when ADAM received HaUaH (i.e. “to be”) (not Eve) his wife.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
The entire word HaYaH combined.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
“Ha” in Hebrew meaning “the” and YaH” reflecting YaHUaH.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
In contrast to AyNee YNO which means afflicted.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
Strongs H162 often translated as “Alas” from the word AHa JA as in surprise or enlightened (especially on the subject “to be.”
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
Could also reflect Ha meaning “the” and YaH reflecting YaHUaH - thus “The YaH.”
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
The W has always been there to reflect the “double-U” sound as in “oo” and not the “w” syllable.
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
The modern Hebrew (Babylonian block script) clearly reflects Jewish tampering as they exchange the “Aleph” to “E’H” as in “E’H’YEH A’Sh’R E’H’YEH” which does not reflect the letter “Aleph.” Also to be seen in the word “ALaHYM” which they exchange for “ELohim.”
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since ‘the SEED is the Word of ALaHYM”83 and ‘His Name is called the Word of ALaHYM’84 and this is my FIRM belief, for when YaHUanan spoke and said these words, “In the beginning was the Word (singular), and the Word (singular) was with ALaHYM, and the Word (singular) was ALaHYM,” he was referring to this ONE SINGULAR WORD or Name JWJY besides pointing to Messiah for which it says, ‘the Word ( JWJY ) became flesh,’85 which is yet another confirming factor that His Name is YaHUaH!

Shimon Ben YUNaH choose to use a type of parable when he said, “having been born again, not of corruptible SEED but incorruptible, through the Word (JWJY) of ALaHYM WHICH LIVES AND ABIDES FOREVER.”86 One can so often jump to a conclusion and regard “the word of ALaHYM” as the entirety of Scripture but I firmly believe Shimon deliberately added the very last part, “which lives and abides forever” that one can be certain of what the Word of ALaHYM is, if only one would take in account the rest of the Scriptures. For example, the Psalms would say, “THY NAME, O JWJY, ABIDES FOREVER; and thy memorial, O JWJY, throughout all generations.”87 Did He not say unto MShaH, “this is my name FOREVER, and this is my memorial unto all generations?”88 When thinking about His Name being the “incorruptible seed,” through which we become “born again,” it highlights something of significance especially regarding the parable of the tares, which was sown WHILST THE SERVANTS WAS ASLEEP. This is of critical importance! We have slumbered to the fact that His Name is YaHUaH! If the “good seed” is said to be the “sons of the reign,”89 then in contrast to them are the “tares” which is said to be the “sons of the wicked.” The Psalms had something to say about them, “Have all the workers of WICKEDNESS no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, AND DO NOT CALL ON JWJY.“90 Anything other than His prescribed Name which is said to be “forever” and “a memorial to all generations” I would consider “corrupt” or a “tare” and you will do well if you heed to the words, “Do not be deceived: ALaHYM is not mocked, for whatever one SOWS, that will he also reap.”91 The implications for sowing a CORRUPTIBLE SEED such as “the Lord,” “God,” or even “Jesus” which aren’t “forever” as said about His Name JWJY then I can only imagine the implications it may have for the field that is now ready for harvest. We should all “turn back,” “turn around” or “return” to the Name JWJY that does abide FOREVER. The restoration of the Name of the Most High to any text or translation of Scriptures, books and in open conversation should require no justification. But surely He has many Names, one may ask? Not so! Our beloved clearly indicates through a parable that “while men slept his enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat and went away”92 therefore to my opinion men have called Him by many names (“while asleep”), and indeed there are many titles such as, ShLUM, AL Shaddai, ALaHYM, Adonai etc. but these are merely attributes of, or titles pertaining to His Name and therefore to Him. You might say, “I am a father, husband, pastor, writer, teacher, mister” etc., but none of these are your names. We have only one name which identifies us and which is used on all legal documents pertaining to us. YShAYaHU the prophet for example say; “And HIS NAME (singular) shall be called: Wonderful, Counsellor, the Strong Authority (LA), the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”93 Clearly Scripture is teaching that within His One Name JWJY each one of these attributes is hidden. His Name YaHUaH shall be called, or contain all these wonderful characteristics. “Wonderful” is not His Name, but His Name

83 Luke 8:1184 Revelations 19:1385 YaHUanan 1:1486 1 Peter 1:2387 Psalms 135:1388 Exodus 3:1589 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 13:3890 Psalms 14:491 Galatians 6:792 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 13:2593 Yshayahu 9:6

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
“Adon” is one who has authority over another or as it is usually translated “Lord.” When the suffix is added to the end of a noun as in “Adon-i” it means “me” or “my” thus “my authority.” The principality or angel over the bottomless pit is called “Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon.” Ab is the Hebrew word for Father and Adon already explained. His descriptive term means the one who is “a father of high rank” who “destroys” as if the defining aspect of this particular entity. With this in mind, you might want to get yourself acquainted with the work done in Switzerland regarding the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which will open up the Abyss (the removal of the “veil”) as explained in Chapter 9 in Revelations. The town in France where CERN is located is called “Saint-Genus-Poilly.“ Originally “Appolliacum,” named after “APOLLO,” because the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld! It is interesting that CERN is built right there, on that spot… and announcing that they are trying to open a gateway. Notice also the logo of CERN in the form of 666.
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
The base word is JLA (A-L-aH) meaning one of power or strength and authority in the expanse. The “YM” MY identifies this noun as plural, meaning more than one or qualitatively plural - great or large.
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Hebrew thought, a description of its function rather than its appearance. The root word “ShaDaD” means “to overpower” or “to be strong” the Sematic (Arabic) equivalent “shadiid” meaning “Strong.”
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
A more descriptive explanation of the word “AL” is to look at the “Aleph” A which is the first letter of the Aleph-bet (Alphabet) and in Ancient Hebrew pictographic script written in the form of an ox head having two horns representing the “strength” of the ox and the letter “Lamed” L in the form of an shepherd staff representing “authority” since Hebrew is all about its function, a “doing” language, it is not so much representing the staff itself or the ox itself, but more however what it does (i.e. its function). In Ancient times, a king would wear the horns of an ox as a sign of his strength and carry a staff (sceptre) as a sign of authority. When the meaning of both these pictographic letters are combined the original definition of the word “AL” is found as “one of Strength and Authority”. Thus “AL” could be translated into English as the “Strong Authority.”
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Shalom is more accurately rendered as ShLUM MWLS reflecting the “oo” sound as in school or the Hebrew ShUL LWS. And means far more than the English gives it credit. The word “peace” is really incomprehensive. The word ShLUM is more accurately put in context of wholeness or to be complete. So every time you say to someone, “Shabbat ShLUM,” you are literally saying may your day of rest (Shabbat) be wholesome or complete, that you have everything you need. Another example as given by the English translation “pray for the PEACE of Yerushalayim” you are in fact praying or should be praying that Yerushalayim be wholesome and complete. And in its current state it’s not! Its root word is ShLaM MLS which is to “restore.” I have a hunch that when the disciples used ShLUM they used it in context of those who understood the RESTORATION as stated in Acts 3:21.
Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
Proverbs 11:1 “A false scale is an abomination to YaHUaH, but a perfect weight is His delight.” YaHUShA also declared, “I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give account for it in the day of judgement.”
Charl Hattingh, 22/07/15,
Romans 13:11 states, ‘Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for salvation is nearer to us that when we believed.’ Ephesians 5:14 for example states, ‘For this reason it says, ‘awake sleeper and arise from the dead, and Messiah will shine on you.’
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
Shimon derived from the root word ShMA which is to hear, and Ben meaning Son, and YUNaH is the name of another “called out” (ekklesia) which point to its prophetic meaning “dove” thus parable. See the parable of YUNaH in my book entitled “The Parables and Riddles of Old.”
Charl Hattingh, 17/05/15,
Note also that he said, ‘AND THE WORD (SINGULAR) WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, (and we BEHELD HIS GLORY, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,…) Carefully notice how the Psalms used a similar play on words when they said, ‘O JWJY our Master, how excellent is YOUR NAME in all the earth who has set YOUR GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS.” So it stands to reason that His “GLORY ABOVE THE HEAVENS” is that very NAME which is why the Psalms would say much later “YOUR NAME, ABOVE ALL.” His Name is the nucleus or SEED from which the thousands of words came!
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JWJY is wonderful! “The Strong Authority” is not His Name, but JWJY is the Strong Authority. The expression AHaYaH often mistranslated as “I AM” is also often mistaken for His Name due to the phrase “I am has sent me to you”94 which is more accurately rendered “to be” and is merely a declaration as He leads up to His divine Name as seen in Exodus 3 verse 15 which means far more than the English translations gives it credit as we have come to learn. (See page 13) He is to be distinguish from all other deities.

One of the commands says we are not to take (treat) the Name in vain (not important or to naught).95 The Hebrew word for “vain” also means to falsify. It shows disrespect if NOT attempting to pronounce someone’s name with accuracy especially the Name of the Creator (see also Names of blasphemy). Thus let us have a closer look at the divine Name once more and see where translators have actually stumbled. There is only one true pronunciation and the way we write it in another language will determine the accuracy of the sound which is directly connected to the greatest command of them all, which is to HEAR the Name (see page 37 ) One may argue that my interpretation might also just be an attempt or rather incorrect, and if you lean towards that school of thought, that’s okay, as long as you do not grieve the Set apart Spirit by rejecting and or apposing those who proclaims it in brotherly love while the Master CONFIRMS THE WORD through the

accompanying signs.96 (see also the Good News of the Kingdom)

The letter Yud Y makes the “y” sound as in “Yard.”

The letter Hey J makes the “Ha” (prefix) or the “aH” (suffix) sound as in “halleluyah” JYWLLJ and the letter Wav W makes the double-U (“oo”) sound as in School or the Hebrew “Shul” LWS not the “W” syllable.

The Latin dropped its stem from where we get the “V” which doesn’t refer to the English “V” syllable but rather the “double-U” sound as the Latin inscription “AVDI, VIDE, TACE” i.e. AVDI pronounced “Audi” meaning “listen,” still carrying with it the sound “oo,” and named it “Num.” Another inscription is “VIRTVTI & MVSIS” meaning “virtue & Music.” The “W” is a variant letter that comes from the Germanic use of the Latin letter “V” not to mention that the letter “w” was not introduced into English until the 1300’s. The Germans took the Latin Num (“oo” sound) and written it V V which much later evolved into “W” as when placed together to reflect the “double-U sound” and not the “W” syllable. Over time translators took the W (“oo”) and used it in their language in the form of “V” or “W” as seen in the tertagrammaton (YHVH or YHWH or YHUH) to explain its sound, the Greeks even called this letter “Upsilon” carrying with it the sound “oo.” Those in favour of the spelling YaHuWaH are adding an unnecessary syllable which gives it another pronunciation “Wha” as in

94 Exodus 3:1495 Exodus 20:796 Mark 16:20

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 25/07/15,
By “those” I mean who do not take offence with those who do not agree with them on their School of thought
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“Wha..t?” Instead we ought to hear the “OO” as in HallelUyah, and clearly seen without the double-U (W) syllable. We don’t write it halleluWyah nor do we write YaHUDaH as YaHuWDaH. The “uW” we find in any Strong’s Concordance correlates to the “oo” sound and is given for pronunciation purposes only and not to be considered the correct pronunciation nor spelling. David, Daoud, or Dood for instance derived from DaUD (King DaUD) not King Dawid. It has caused millions to stumble with different pronunciations or attempts such as YaHVaH or YaHWaH or YaHVeH or YaHWeH simply because we have overlooked the fact that these transLITERATIONS were intended to reflect the “double-U sound,” yet we have so often accepted it for its modern “double-U (W) syllable” or even the “Vee” (V) syllable.” Therefore the more accurate English transliteration which will keep its intended sound thus pronunciation of the Name is:

Y ( Y ) aH (J ) U (W ) aH ( J ) reflecting the “OO” sound as found in “hallelUyah” JYWLLJ or as in the name “YaHUDaH” JDWJY.

People so often wants to point out or remind us of words or phrases that occurs several hundred times in Scripture to stress its importance such as the phrase, ‘do not be afraid’ which is found 365 times in the Scriptures (dependant on which volumes they conclude), yet overlook the importance of His Name (JWJY) which was removed and replaced with a substitute word “The LORD” over 6825 times in the Canon of Scriptures. The devil hates this Name (JWJY), despise this Name (JWJY) and will try and convince you to use another name, by all means possible. The Most High has something to say about this:

“A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is my respect? Says YaHUaH of hosts TO YOU O PRIESTS WHO DESPISE MY NAME.”97

When we look at the name the angel said to Miriam that she will conceive in her womb, and will give birth to a Son, it is said to call him OSWJY.98 If translators could end up with a transliteration Joshua for the companion of MShaH,99 whom bears the same name thus the same Hebrew spelling OSWJY. How did we end up with something completely different for the name of the anointed? Why do we find a substitute or “another” name for the anointed? This for me, is beyond ludicrous, and absolutely a disgrace when thinking about his sacrifice for us, which leaves the name Jesus in front of the heavenly Jury with something very close to the inscription on the wall:

M-N- ã ANM (numbered)

M-N-ã ANM (numbered)

Ta-Q-aL LQT (weighed)

PaRaS VRP (to break, split or divide)

“Why do I say this” you may ask? Well, let me explain. In Y’KaZeeQAL we read; ‘And the shekel is twenty gĕrahs. Your M-N-ã is twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, fifteen shekels.”100 i.e. a M-N-ã were 60 gold shekels. Now the inscription in DaniAL 5:25 reads “M-N- ã ANM M-N-ã ANM Ta-Q-aL LQT PaRaS VRP” Each of the words the finger inscribed on the wall is a measure of weight. The basic unit of weight in those days were measured in bronze, silver and gold shekels. The M-N-ã

97 Malachi 1:698 Luke 1:3099 Numbers 16:13 we read, ‘These are the names of the men whom MShaH sent to spy out the land. And MShaH called HaUShA the son of Nun, YaHUShA.100 Y’KaZeeQAL 45:12

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 23/02/15,
In a prophetic context we can already see a division or split between those who serve ALaHYM and those who do not serve ALaHYM (see Malachi 3:16-18 especially verse 18) and the only Kingdom that are one and not divided is the Kingdom on equal standing regarding His Name (see YaHUanan the entire chapter 17 “let them be one as we are one” all in relation to His Name. I cannot stress this enough!
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
An alternate interpretation is that "Selah, [celah], is from the primary Hebrew root word [calah] which means 'to hang,' and by implication to measure (weigh). This is readily understood because in Biblical history, money, food and other valuables were 'weighed' by hanging or suspending them on a type of balance (the equivalent of our measuring scale) to determine their value." This implies a possible meaning is an instruction to measure carefully and reflect upon the preceding statements.
Charl Hattingh, 23/02/15,
In a prophetic context we can take the Greek inscription CHI XI STIGMA pronounced “Gee-Zus” and its latter or present pronunciation “Jesus” though means of its numerical value which then equals to 666. “Chi” = 600, XI = 60, and Stigma = 6. This can clearly be seen in the Codex Vaticanus AD 350. Χες clearly amount to 666.
Charl Hattingh, 23/02/15,
Hebrew is prophetic in nature and not only does each word have a meaning or distinct character but also each syllable and when combined gives a prophetic meaning. Dani'AL was given divine understanding of WHAT was numbered, WHAT was weighed, and WHAT was to be divided. It wasn't that Belshazzar, the Chaldean King couldn't read it, as Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin which is indeed Chaldee. The inscription would have been something like MNA ANM, MNA ANM, TaQaL LQT, PaRaS VRP (Hebrew). The interpretation were: MNA – ALaHYM has numbered your reign, and put an end to it. TaQaL – You have been weighed on the scales, and found wanting (lacking). “PaRaS – Your reign has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” Compare the following Scriptures in light of DaniAL interpretation: Genesis 41:32, ‘And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is ESTABLISHED BY ALaHYM and ALaHYM will SHORTLY bring it to pass.’ The inscription MNa was given twice and the outcome was “established” and “shortly came to pass.” In YUB 31:6 for example we read, ‘Let me be WEIGHED in an EVEN BALANCE that ALaHYM may know mine integrity.’ (TaQ-AL) Bĕlshatstsar’s integrity was “found wanting” and in Yshayahu 13:17 we read how the reign was given to the Medes and Persians. Scripture has always interpret Scripture!
Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
A “biblical” canon or canon of scriptures is a list of books considered to be authoritative by a particular community. The word cannon meaning “rule” or “measuring stick” the term was first coined when a particular publication wanted to print a singular volume of scriptures which was considered “closed” i.e. books could not be added or removed afterwards. For example the book of Deuteronomy includes a prohibition against adding or subtracting (4:2 and 12:32) which apply to the book itself (i.e. a “closed book”) a prohibition against future scribal editing.
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equalled 60 gold shekels and the “upharsin” or “Paras” were half a MNã which equalled to 30. The four words therefore stood for MNã (60 gold shekels), MNã (60 gold shekels), Ta-Q-aL (1 gold shekel) and PaRaS (30 gold shekels). Yet it doesn’t seem to be a combination of these numbers equalling a total number according to the interpretation, instead they were pointing to a scale with 60 gold shekels on one side of the scale and 60 gold shekels on the other side of the scale and even when a TaQaL or rather 1 gold shekel is added on the side which were outbalanced by the other side, it still hasn’t measured the same therefore were “found wanting (lacking)” and the “upharsin” or “PaRaS” (30 gold shekels) stood for half the M-N-ã. Therefore in a prophetic context when measuring the name Jesus on the one side of the scale and the actual name OSWJY on the other side, then the name Jesus will barely measure a “PaRaS” (which is half the MNã) even when given a TaQaL (1 gold shekel) in hope to balance its weight of a MNã (60 gold shekels). This I obviously place in a similar prophetic context as when Belshazzar’s integrity didn’t match half the integrity of Nebuchadnezzar.

Translators have deliberately chose to ignore the fact that His name resembles the same as the companion of MShaH and still went with a substitute. Although I do not agree with a Transliteration “Joshua” either. In Numbers we read, ‘These are the names of the men whom MShaH sent to spy out the land. And MShaH called HaUShAy OSWJ the son of Nun, YaHUShAy OSWJY.’101

MShaH changed HaUShA’s name for a very specific and PROPHETIC reason to give its prophetic meaning or strength and in its context to say that YaHU will deliver them in battle. It was also the same name given through the angel unto Miriam to call her first born son. He deserves our reverence towards His name (which is His esteem) more than we just simply settle for a name that only came in the last four hundred years. He was given the Name OSWJY for a very specific AND PROPHETIC reason I might add, which is; YaHU WJY ShAy O’S meaning YaHU our deliverer. It should merely indicate to us that the one giving deliverance is YaHUaH! Regardless of the fact that his name is a combination of the Fathers Name and the root word for deliverance ( O’SY ) or salvation it doesn’t give it authenticity by which a man can be saved. If that holds true, then YShRAL could found salvation in the name of the companion of MShaH instead it merely states who is delivering or saving YShRAL in battle which was and always will be JWJY. The fact that the prophet YShAYaHU means “deliverer YaHU” doesn’t make it worthy to call on in order to be saved, it’s merely teaching us WHO IT IS that deliver or save! Since YShAYaHU is the same as YaHUShA, only that it is in reverse. Another prophetic name which was given to our beloved was AyMaNUAL (AyM meaning “with” and aNU meaning “We” or “Us” and AL meaning “Strong Authority” which is the short form for ALaHYM, thus rendering in a sentence meaning “AL with us” or “Strong Authority with us.” This is exactly what makes Hebrew prophetic and for which reason DaniAL could interpret the meaning of the inscription on the wall. How we end up with the Name Jesus is beyond ludicrous which I intend to explain somewhat later, but since I rest my case based on the evidence explained here above, I simply need to say no more. As for me and my house, we will call on the Name YaHUaH. We will NOT as so many swear by MaLCaM at the same time.102 ONE NAME! ONE NAME! ONE NAME!103 How many say that, yet continue with YaHUShA and YaHUaH at the same time. What is more important? The Name YaHUShA inherited104 after His death, burial and resurrection, or the name prior to His death, burial and resurrection, you decide.

101 Numbers 13:16102 Tsephanyah 1:5103 Acts 4:12, Romans 10:13, YaHUanan 17 (that they may be one as we are) 104 Hebrews 9:16-17, YaHUanan (John) 17:11, Revelations 3:12, Hebrews 1:4, Proverbs 30:4, YaHUanan 1:1

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 07/06/15,
The Greek reflects Παναγία which is closer to Marayah which were based on the Aramaic word Maryam. I lean towards an Hebrew word s y r m that would reflect the same characters as the Aramaic yet when viewing from an ancient paleo Hebrew which will then reflect VYRM it should then rather be transliterated to something like MRYeeS which will pronounce MiriaS in English rather than Mary which is yet another “name of blasphemy.” M (Paleo) m (Babylonian block) makes the sound ‘m’ in the word ‘move’ R (Paleo) r (Babylonian block) makes the sound ‘R’ in the word ‘Road’ Y (Paleo) y (Babylonian block) makes the sound ‘y’ in the word ‘Young’ V (Paleo) s (Babylonian block) makes the sound ‘s’ in the word ‘save.’
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CHAPTER 3(Which Name was prohibited, lets investigate!)

“But in order that it spreads no further among the people, LET US STRONGLY THREATEN THEM, TO SPEAK NO MORE TO ANYONE IN THIS NAME. And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the Name of YaHUShA”105

What is generally overlooked is the fact that the Name of YaHUShA might refer to something else! For example one might speak “in the name of the king” or sign a contract “in Duke's name,” or signing a declaration of war “in the Name of HaUShA” but the names or titles often referred to are neither “King,” nor “Duke” and certainly not “HaUShA.” This style of metonymy is a figure of speech often used in Scripture in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated. MShaH refer to HaUShA as YaHUShA:

‘These are the names of the men whom MShaH sent to spy out the land. And MShaH called HaUShA OSWJ the son of Nun, YaHUShA OSWJY.’106

For example signing a declaration of war “in the Name of HaUShA will simply mean the declaration would not have read HaUShA but rather YaHUShA. In the very same way, several hundred years later when reading ‘in the name of YaHUShA’ (although it referring to our anointed) it’s not to be understood at face value instead pointing to the Name YaHUShA made known to His disciples107 then a few sentences later He makes this COMPELLING STATEMENT when He spoke to His Father; “guard them in YOUR NAME (JWJY) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.”108 His very own words testify to the fact that He has inherited the name of His Father. Our heavenly Father has given His Name (which is above every name) to no one else except to His Son; no human being or angel has ever received the four letter tetragrammaton JWJY or Name of the Father for which reason it states;

‘ALaHYM (who we know is JWJY) therefore has highly exalted Him (YaHUShA) and given him (YaHUShA) THE NAME (JWJY) WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME, that at the name of YaHUShA (which we know is JWJY according to YaHUanan 17:11) every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue should confess that YaHUShA Messiah is Master TO THE ESTEEM of ALaHYM THE FATHER.”

i.e. every knee will bow to the name JWJY and this is His esteem! Yshayahu under the influence and power of the Set Apart Spirit prophesied and said, “I have sworn by Myself; A WORD (which is JWJY according to Revelations 19:13) HAS GONE OUT OF MY MOUTH IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, and shall not return, so that EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, EVERY TONGUE SWEAR.” To what will every knee bow to exactly? And to what will every tongue swear exactly? The answer is given in the following words: “One shall say, ‘ONLY IN JWJY DO I HAVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and strength’ and then it declares “he comes to Him.” i.e. the one who makes this compelling statement by saying “only in JWJY” (no other name) that person is said to “comes to Him.” Then carefully notice the words that follow, “And all those displeased with him (i.e. “him” being the one who says “only in JWJY do I have righteousness” then notice what it says about those who are displeased with him… “SHALL BE PUT TO SHAME.” Then the closing words of Yshayahu confirms “In JWJY all the seed of YShRAL shall be declared right

105 Acts 4:17-18106 Numbers 13:16107 YaHUanan (John) 17:6108 YaHUanan (John) 17:11

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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and boast.”109 YShRAL will not be declared right nor boast in any other name except in the four letters JWJY.

You cannot find salvation (“righteousness”) in any other name except in the Name JWJY which means, Jesus, IESOUS, YShua, YaHShUA, YaHUShA or any other will not suffice and all those displeased with this compelling statement will be put to shame. Don’t say you haven’t been warned!

i.e. every knee will bow to the Name of the Father ( JWJY) which was given unto YaHUShA and every tongue (every individual) should confess that YaHUShA our anointed is Master TO THE ESTEEM OF ALaHYM (((THE FATHER))). For days upon days I pondered on what this would actually mean. And let me assure you, after much study it has come to me that it has but everything to do with His Name which was given Him110 which was His esteem! (see also chapter 5) ‘And indeed if our good news has been veiled,’ says brother Paul, ‘it has been veiled in those who are perishing, in whom the mighty one of this age has BLINDED THE MINDS of the unbelieving, so that the enlightening of the good news OF THE ESTEEM OF MESSIAH (who is the likeness of ALaHYM) does not shine on them.’ 111 The only Name “above every name” is these four letters JWJY as given unto MShaH or rather re-affirmed at the burning bush. At no point will any other name supersede the four letters JWJY, thus Name; which means that “at the name of YaHUShA” should simply be interpreted and/or understood to be JWJY. The Sanhedrin didn’t say to the disciples not to use the name YaHUShA; they didn’t like the idea of the crowd calling YaHUShA of Nazareth by the name of YaHUaH.112 For example, we read in Luke 19:38, regarding the crowds that were crying out a verse from Psalm 118:26 which contained the Name JWJY and the Pharisees told YaHUShA to rebuke them, simply because they were citing the Name over YaHUShA:

“‘Blessed is the Sovereign who IS COMING IN THE NAME JWJY. Peace in heaven and ESTEEM in the highest! And some of the Pharisees from the crowd, said to Him, “Teacher, rebuke Your taught ones.” But He answering, said to them, “I say to you that if these shall be silent, the stones would cry out.”

It means that if those who are divinely gifted with the ability to speak remain silent ESPECIALLY ON THE SUBJECT OF HIS NAME, then those things that do not have the gift of speech will cry out! They were literally citing THE NAME “YaHUaH” they DID NOT say “blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord” instead they rejoiced greatly and said, “Blessed is the Sovereign who IS COMING IN THE NAME JWJY” citing the very name aloud! Citing the very fact that YaHUShA is coming in the Name of His Father which is accurately fulfilling Yermiyahu 23:6 which states; ‘In His days Yahudah shall be saved, and YShRAL dwell safely. And THIS IS HIS NAME whereby He shall be called: JWJY’ and declares “our Righteousness.”

A CAREFUL examination of the records prove that, YaHUShA and His disciples taught and used the set apart Name JWJY AND THEREFORE got killed for doing so. They weren’t offended in His earthly name but in the name he shall be called “JWJY … our Righteousness.” This even reflected during the time of His crucifixion. For when Pilate made a sign that would go above the head of our beloved who were crucified. They were offended for it reads;


109 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 45:23110 YaHUanan (John) 17:11111 2 Corinthians 4:3-4112 Luke 19:38

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
“YaHUShA Ha’NoTZRi VMeLekH Ha’YaHUDiM” translated into English, “YaHUShA of Nazareth, King of Yahudim” yet those who wanted to conceal the Name said, “write not, the King of Yahudims” but to instead write “that he said, I am King of Yahudah” (YaHUanan 19) that way each opening letter of each word would not reflect the characters of the Sacred Name. It would have more than four words. Yet through the Spirit of YaHUaH I believe Pilate uttered these words, “What I have written, I have written”
Charl Hattingh, 01/06/15,
Devil, Mastema, Satan Lucifier, Beelzebub, Belial, Leviathan, Mamon, Python all referring to the same fold. It is important to note that he has many titles which reflects something of importance as a prophetic meaning and or character.
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Pilate wrote the above inscription in three different languages. What is interesting about it is how it reads in Hebrew because in both Greek and Latin and even much later we find the same tendency in the English language to write the first letter of a particular word or sentence slightly bigger and therefore the modern ‘Capital Letters.’ Thus it’s to no surprise that the Sanhedrin were offended by Pontius Pilate’s inscription, being a Roman official speaking Latin because to them the above inscription, we see that the first letter in each word combines to make another word in Hebrew that clearly reflects that very Name. And it was the Set Apart Spirit who convicted them a few days earlier through the words of our beloved who said, “for UNLESS you believe that I am He ( JWJY ), you will die in your sins”113 or for when He said, “verily I say unto you, ‘You shall not see me UNTIL the time comes when you shall say, “Blessed is he who comes in the Name JWJY “‘ The above warning isn’t just for the Sanhedrin at the time, but for each and every other individual who do not yet confess this important truth! They constantly wanted to stone YaHUShA because he kept reminding them that he did not came in his own name (YaHUShA, let alone Jesus) instead he came in the Name of His Father;

“I have come IN MY FATHER’S NAME” which is – you’ve quest it: ((( JWJY ))) and continue by saying therefore “you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive. ”114 You see the point of controversy weren’t in using his own name or rather “prophetic name” but in using the Name of the Father, THE NAME ABOVE ALL. This is such an important bit of information or rather “personal testimony” that ought to be realised before it is too late. For example, in speaking of those who will overcome it says this, ’The dragon was enraged with the woman and went off to make war with the rest of her children who (1st ) keep the commandments of ALaHYM and (2nd) HOLD TO THE TESTIMONY OF YaHUShA.”115 We have just read His personal testimony - “I have come IN MY FATHER’S NAME.” and His testimony unfolds “guard them in You Name (JWJY) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.”116

Don’t be ignorant to think that He only meant this for another group of people such as the “Jews” or the Pharisees. This is what proves YaHUShA of Nazareth’s authenticity! He did not as so MANY false prophets invoke another name or even his own name, instead, he said, “I told you and you believe not, the works that I do IN MY FATHERS NAME, (((THEY))) bear witness of me.” 117 Don’t for one minute think that YaHUShA gave you authority to do the “works” of baptism, casting out demons and other such works and signs in his earthly name! The ONLY works that bear WITNESS is done in the Name of the Father! Those who don’t fulfil or walk in light of this understanding - that He has INHERITED a more excellent name after his death, burial and resurrection is still ignorantly using YaHUanan 16:23 which states,

113 YaHchanan (John) 8:24114 YaHUanan (John) 5:43115 Revelations 12:17116 YaHUanan (John) 17:11117 YaHUanan (John) 10:25

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 18/04/15,
First YaHUanan 4:1 states “Beloved ones, do not believe every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of ALaHYM, BECAUSE MANY FALSE PROPHETS HAVE GONE OUT INTO THE WORLD.”
Charl Hattingh, 19/04/15,
Read Deuteronomy 18: 18-22 in the context of “IN MY NAME” which is JWJY
Charl Hattingh, 08/08/15,
YaHUShA prophetically mean “YaHUaH deliver” or “YaHUaH Saves.” YaHU is a short abbreviation of the Name of the Father and ShA is taken from the root word YaShA meaning “deliverance” or “save.”
Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
YaHUanan 5:43 reads: “I have come IN MY FATHER’S NAME ( JWJY ) and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.” Other Scriptures in perfect harmony to this is found in YaHUanan 17:11, Revelations 3:12, and Yermiyahu 23:6
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“Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father IN MY NAME He shall give you. UNTIL NOW YOU HAVE ASK NAUGHT IN MY NAME. Ask, and you shall receive, in order that your joy might be complete.”


“In My Name” was a message to be understood in FIGURE OF SPEECH! It was only after he has revealed the Fathers Name to them118 that they could then ask “in my name” confirmed by his own words a few sentences later, “guard them in Your Name WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.”119

The hard fact of the matter is: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord Lord’ shall enter into the reign of the heavens, but he who is doing the DESIRE of My Father in the heavens,” one “desire” being: “in all that I have said to you, TAKE HEED. And make no mention of the name of other mighty ones , let it not be heard from your mouth!”120 Therefore He continue by saying, “many shall say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied IN THY NAME, and cast out demons IN THY NAME, and done many mighty works IN THY NAME? And then I shall declare to them, I never knew you, depart from Me, you who work lawlessness!”121 It seems that “many” think they do all these wonderful works “IN THY NAME” but in retrospect they are simply doing it in a name of “another” mighty one. Last I checked, it is written:

“I am JWJY THAT IS MY NAME, I will not yield my esteem to another or My Praise to idols.”122

The opening line proves beyond any doubt that “another” or “idols” is anything other than His prescribed Name! This revelation has caused quite a stir among those who has hold on to the commandments of men. What very few people realise is that the Sanhedrin which was the lawyers (The people governing the supreme court at the time, made up of seventy men and the High Priest) had their own “law” (Parisaism halach) apart from the TURaH (the right rulings of YaHUaH) who pressed forward with an ultra-pious interpretation of Leviticus 24:16 which commanded anyone whether YShRAL or foreign who had “blasphemed” the Name should be stoned to death WHICH RESULTED IN A MISUNDERSTANDING of Exodus 20:7 and Deuteronomy 5:11 which commanded that no one was to carry the Name to worthlessness, therefore these passages were now understood to mean that it was profaned to utter the Name. For example in the Mishnah (Parisaism halach) we read:

"He who blasphemes is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the Divine Name. Said R. Joshua ben Qorha, "on every day (of the trial) they examine the witnesses with a substituted name. When sentence was to be given they did not declare him guilty of death with the substituted name, but they put everyone out and ask the most important of the witnesses, saying to him, "Say, what exactly did you hear?" And he says what he heard. And the judges stand on their feet AND TEAR THEIR CLOTHING, and they may not mend them again."123

118 YaHUanan (John) 17:6119 YaHUanan (John) 17:11120 Exodus 23: 13121 Mattiyahu 7: 22122 YShaYaHU (Isaiah) 42:8123 (m.San. 7:5)

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
‘You do not bring the Name JWJY your ALaHYM to naught, for JWJY does not leave him unpunished who brings His Name to naught.’
Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
“You do not bring the Name JWJY your ALaHYM to naught, for JWJY does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.”
Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
‘And he who blasphemes the Name JWJY shall certainly be put to death, and all the congregation certainly stone him, the stranger as well as the native. When he blasphemes the Name, he is put to death.’
Charl Hattingh, 19/04/15,
Lawlessness simply reflects people to be without YaHUaH TURaH (right rulings). If they harkened to the law of YaHUaH they would’ve avoided to “prophecy, cast out demons, and do all sorts of might works” in a name other than JWJY since He made it absolutely clear through these words, “the prophet who presumes to speak a word IN MY NAME, which I have not commanded him to speak, OR who speaks IN THE NAME OF OTHER MIGHTY ONES (that means anything other than JWJY, such as YaHUShA, Y’shua, Lord, God, Jesus) even that prophet shall die.” Deuteronomy 18: 20 This also proves YaHUShA of Nazareth’s authenticity who did not come in his own name (YaHUanan 10:25), instead, “the works which I do IN MY FATHERS NAME (((THEY))) bear witness of Me”
Charl Hattingh, 19/04/15,
“Other mighty ones” are regarded as any other authority besides JWJY. It’s NOT only pointing to idols of wood and clay. ShMUAL was regarded an ALaHYM (1 SamuEL 28: 13-14) and in Exodus 7: 1 YaHUaH made M’ShaH “an ALaHYM to Pharaoh.” The Pharisees wanted to stone Messiah because “’You being a man make yourself ALaHYM,’ they said. YaHUShA answered them, ‘Is it not written in your TURaH, ‘I (JWJY) said, ‘You are ALaHYM,” … and all of you are sons of the most high’” citing Psalms 82:6 in YaHUanan 10:34. Thus any authority including YaHUShA would be regarded as another ALaHYM (mighty one).
Charl Hattingh, 01/06/15,
This style of metonymy is a figure of speech often used in Scripture in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated.
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By not understanding the customs we tend to lose a lot of what is being said in the New Testament. This was the very act of the High Priest. Thus we conclude that YaHUShA must have uttered the Name in front of the High Priest the only historical reference which explains why the High Priest would tore his clothes. The Midrash (Parisaism halach) for example said:

“R. Abba bar Kahana taught that two generations made use of the ineffable Name: the men of the great Synagogue (Sanhedrin) and the generations under persecution (i.e. for uttering the Name)”

The CUSTOM “to tear their clothes” was only done when someone spoke the Sacred Name without the permission of the High Priest! This was the very reason why Sha'ul (Paul) before his so called “conversion” was sent on his way to Damascus to arrest the Nazarenes because he wanted to carry them back to the Sanhedrin to see if they would say the Name and be similarly condemned to death. Now see how the story unfolds. When you turn to Luke chapter 11, you’ll note that a Pharisee besought YaHUShA to dine with him. Notice the first thought of the Pharisee; he marvelled that YaHUShA didn’t wash before dinner,124 which I am going to explain shortly (another custom they followed) then a few sentences later, a lawyer (one of the Sanhedrin which was the lawyers, the people governing the supreme court at the time, made up of seventy men and the High Priest ) then said, “thou reproach us also?”125 then the most astonishing answer came, especially note the closing statement;

‘Who to you lawyers! For you took away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and those who were entering in you hindered.’126

This should send shivers down your spine! Without the key, you face little to no chance at all to enter in the Kingdom. Let me just say, be watchful and guard yourself that you do not become a “latter day Pharisees” or a “latter day Lawyers” when the key has been REINSTATED or else you won’t enter in either. The statement is quite self-explanatory. Knowledge is information of which someone is aware. Knowledge is also used to mean the confident understanding of a subject, potentially with the ability TO USE IT for a specific purpose, in this case; “to enter in.”

Another critical piece to the puzzle very few people realise is that Sha'ul's (Paul) so-called “conversion” on the road to Demascus was a conversion away from Pharisaism halacha127 (religious law), which is the Pharisaical “ORAL LAW” that ad things to the written law of YaHUaH (which is prohibited by Scripture) and teaches amongst many other bad things that the Name is too sacred to be spoken. The fundamental principle of Oral TURaH is adding to the Written TURaH! i.e. prior to Sha'ul's (Paul) conversion he was following the binding rules, regulations, traditions, enactments and prohibitions of the Pharisees, “at the feet of Gamli'AL”128 also Galatians 1:13 & 14 where Paul said, “For you have heard of my FORMER WAY of life in YAHUDAISM, HOW INTENSELY I PERSECUTED THE

124 Luke 11:38125 Luke 11:45126 Luke 11:52127 A rabbinic system of binding traditions, customs and teaching authority that was created some twenty plus centuries ago and imposed upon all Jewish people as a means of promoting a rabbinic centralized authority, an authority that lies to its own people and twists Written Mosaic Torah truth so that it comes out as another golden calf of the Hebrews (Exodus 32; Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 42:24; Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) 11:1-5) The oral law of rabbinite Judaism rabbinite means the “religion of the rabbis” is a multifaceted discipline of binding (legalized) customs and traditions (see Rabbinic oral law), many of them added to or expanding on the Written Law given to all YShRAL. It is now recorded in writing although it states “oral”, it has been written down and became a source for volumes of tradition and teachings passed down by mouth from teacher to student (PirkeAvot 1:1; Jer. Talmud 17a; Sifrah on Leviticus 25:1 from Bahar alef; Bab. Talmud Berechot 5a; Chag. 3b).128 Acts 22:3

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
According to the Mishna: "He who blasphemes is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the Divine Name. Said R. Joshua ben Qorha, "on every day (of the trial) they examine the witnesses with a substituted name. When sentence was to be given they did not declare him guilty of death with the substituted name, but they put everyone out and ask the most important of the witnesses, saying to him, "Say, what exactly did you hear?" And he says what he heard. And the judges stand on their feet and tear their clothing, and they may not mend them again.(m.San. 7:5)"
Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
See Deuteronomy 4: 2 and similar restating in Deuteronomy 12:32 and Proverbs 30: 6
Charl Hattingh, 09/08/15,
The SEPTUAGINT, derived from the Latin word for "seventy," Septuagint. Keep this in mind when thinking of the persecution the disciples faced under the Sanhedrin. Yahudah (Jude) 1:4 says ‘for certain men have crept in unnoticed…’ and these men presented us with the first so called “Bible” the Septuagint. Although they were persecuting the called out ones, they have crept in for several reasons which I intend to explain somewhat later.
Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
We are told how Hananyah replied to the Master in a vision and said, “Master, I have heard from many about this man (referring to Sha’ul), how many evils he did to Your set-apart ones in Yerushalayim, and here he has authority from the chief priests TO BIND ALL THOSE CALLING ON YOUR NAME.” – “Your Name” being “YaHUaH” and not YaHUShA, let alone Jesus implied from passages like YaHUanan (John) 17:11 and Revelations 3:12. Furthermore it was not a blasphemous act in the eyes of the Pharisees if they used the name YaHUShA let alone Jesus (if it were to exist in those days which it didn’t) but when someone make use of the Sacred Name JWJY implied from passages out of the Mishna (Parisaism halach) we read: "He who blasphemes is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the Divine Name.” "on every day (of the trial) they examine the witnesses with a substituted name. When sentence was to be given they did not declare him guilty of death with the substituted name, but they put everyone out and ask the most important of the witnesses, saying to him, "Say, what exactly did you hear?" And he says what he heard. And the judges stand on their feet and tear their clothing, and they may not mend them again.(m.San. 7:5)" By not understanding the customs we tend to lose a lot of what is being said in the New Testament. This was the very act of the High Priest who gave Paul authority as seen in the words of Hananyah.
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ASSEMBLY (for uttering the Name) of ALaHYM, and ravaged it. And I progressed in YAHUDAISM beyond many of my age in my race, being more exceedingly ardent for the TRADITIONS OF MY FATHERS.” A classic example of these “TRADITIONS” is found where the Pharisees hold to the “traditions” of the “washing of hands” which is a custom very much alive even today among the Pharisees (Orthodox Jews) and thus according to our beloved “transgress the commandment of ALaHYM,” as we read: “why do your disciples break the TRADITIONS of the elders? For they do not wash their hands before they eat bread’ And He answered them, “why do you transgress the commandment of ALaHYM for the sake of your TRADITIONS?” i.e. the commandment of ALaHYM is crystal clear, that you will not add to the words or take away from it (Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 and Proverbs 30:6) yet through their TRADITIONS they have added to the written TURaH (right rulings) of our ALaHYM transgressing the commandment through their “ma’asei haturah” because there is nowhere in Scripture to be found that one should wash their hands before they eat bread. YaHUShA had already warned His disciples against these teachings saying to them “How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread, but to beware of the leaven [referring to the added traditions] of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, BUT OF THE TEACHINGS [traditions as seen in the Mishna or Talmud] of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”129 Understanding the very principle of “Oral TURaH” (the added traditions) or “ma’asei haTURaH” will open your understanding to the very conflicts YaHUShA had with them and also our beloved brother Paul after his conversion away from it as seen when he boldly spoke about it which is commonly mistaken for the written law of YaHUaH, saying, “For as many as are of works of law (Ma'asei HaTURaH with the emphasis on “ma’asei”) are under a curse, for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who does NOT ABIDE by all things (((written))) in the book of the Law to perform them,” because the “book of the law” or rather the “written TURaH” tells us plainly, “You shall not add to the Word, which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of YaHUaH your ALaHYM which I commanded you.” He is NOT saying those who DO the TURaH (right ruling) are under a curse but simply stating “works” (ma’asei) which is the binding rules, regulations, traditions, enactments and prohibitions he followed prior to his conversion “a heavy burden” which not only add to the TURaH (right rulings) of YaHUaH and therefore transgressing the commandment of ALaHYM but also these “works” will place you under a curse for adding to the TURaH.

He is simply quoting Deuteronomy 27:26, the very Scripture that explains that you are cursed FOR NOT OBEYING THE TURaH, (if they were, they would not have added to the TURaH) This was the very principle YaHUShA had against the Pharisees for transgressing the commandment of ALaHYM for the sake of their traditions or their “ma'asei” (works) and the Afrikaans or Dutch word “handelinge” of the (ha) TURaH. Our “ma’asei” or “Acts” or “handelinge” should be in right standing to His right rulings. Even though these traditions was merely “oral” at the time of YaHUShA’s ministry, it has later been written down, and contained in the four collections of writings:

1. Mishnah 200 CE (Common Era)

2. Jerusalem Talmud 350 CE (examines the Mishnah)

3. Babylonian Talmud 500 CE and

4. Midras 200-900 CE

Collectively known as the Oral Law.

129 Mattithyahu 16: 11-12

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
The Pharisees explain that the written TURaH is really incomprehensible without the Oral Torah. The most fundamental doctrinal belief of the Pharisees is that there are two TURaH’s. These men believed that YaHUaH revealed unto MShaH two separate and distinct revelations, the written TURaH and the Oral TURaH. The first datable or Historical reference is an incident in an era of Shammai who was the sidekick of Hillel (author of the seven rules of Hillel) and the source tells us ‘An incident with a certain gentile that came before Shammai. He said to him, “How many TURaH’s do you have?” Shammai answered, “two, the Written TURaH and the Oral TURaH.”’ This particular incident that dates back at least to the year 20 BCE (Before the Common Era) The Pharisees explain that the Written TURaH gives some sort of outline or lecture as with the notes and the actual detail, that which they speak and do is the Oral TURaH and according to them, you cannot understand the written TURaH without the Oral TURaH.
Charl Hattingh, 06/02/15,
Written in Tiberius it was given the name Jerusalem to give it more prestige.
Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
A modern tradition is seen by those who wear a “kippa” or the “black hat” as seen among Orthodox and these are nowhere to be found as a command in the written TURaH of YaHUaH, they are added traditions and go directly against YaHUaH’s commands. Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 and Proverbs 30:6
Charl Hattingh, 09/08/15,
Comes from the ancient word peroshiem meaning “separated ones”
Charl Hattingh, 22/02/15,
The TURaH the Prophets and the Writings. When the Scriptures says “Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the SCRIPTURES” (Luke 11:25) it speaking about the TURaH (right rulings of YaHUaH) the prophets (Nevi'im) and in the writings (Chetuvim) as spoken in the previous verse (verse 24).
Charl Hattingh, 18/02/15,
TURaH is derived from the word YaRaH which means to “bring forth” or “pour” as clouds of rain. And is interpret by Scripture as being “right rulings” although commonly mistaken for “law.” For example; “You shall do my commands, and you shall keep my RIGHT-RULINGS, and walk in them: I am YaHUaH Your Strong Authority Most High” Please do read, Leviticus 18:5 and MathathYahu 19:16-17 and Luke 10:28 and Romans 10:5 and Galatians 3:12 and Deuteronomy 4:1 and NachamYahu 9:29 and Y’KaZeeQAL 18:9 & 20:11, 13.
Charl Hattingh, 15/03/15,
These strongholds need to be broken in people’s lives, they are “Traditions of the elders” (Mattiyahu 15:2) “Commandments of men”(Mattiyahu 15:9), they are “Rudiments of the world”(Colossians 2:8) they are “Handwriting of ordinances” (Colossians 2:14) and “Works of Law”(Galatians 3:2), they are “Yoke of Bondage” (Galatians 5:1) and “Another law” (Romans 7:23) these are all contrary to the TURaH (“right rulings) of YaHUaH or the “oracles of ALaHYM”(Romans 3:2) contrary to “the Scriptures”(Acts 17:11) contrary to MShaH and the Prophets (Luke 16:31) contrary to the Set Apart TURaH (Romans 7:12-14) contrary to the “TURaH of the Spirit” (Roman 8:2) and contrary to the “Word of Truth (Timothy 2:15) which is the TURaH according to the Psalms 119:142.
Charl Hattingh, 22/05/15,
Do you hold "traditions" above the "Word"? "Forsaking the command of ALaHYM, you hold fast the traditions of men." ~Mark 7:8
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Now as we have already come to learn according to their TRADITIONS it was a “blasphemous” act to pronounce the name as recorded in the Mishnah, “He who blasphemes is liable only when he will have fully pronounced the Divine Name.” And YaHUShA forewarned his disciples of this and said;

“Then they shall deliver you up to affliction and kill you, and you shall be hated by all nations FOR MY NAME's SAKE.”

A name clearly YaHUShA revealed to those dear to him, for when YaHUShA prayed unto the Father and said, “I have revealed YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) to the men whom You gave me out of the world,”130

then a few sentences later makes this REMARKABLE STATEMENT, “guard them in YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME”131 and much later re-affirms that His inherited name is that of the Father as we read in Revelations 3:12;

“He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place OF MY ALaHYM, and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him THE NAME OF MY ALaHYM and THE NAME OF THE CITY OF MY ALaHYM, the renewed Yerushalayim, which comes down out of the heaven FROM MY ALaHYM, AND MY RENEWED NAME.”

Many people regard the earthly name of Messiah called “YaHUShA” as that RENEWED or INHERITED NAME but note the above words! His Father, “His ALaHYM” or “MY ALaHYM” as sited in the above Scripture which is JWJY has never been called YaHUShA, let alone Jesus and Daniel 9: 18 and 19 confirms even further that the “CITY OF MY ALaHYM” is called YaHUaH! And that is the RENEWED NAME OF OUR BELOVED. It truly brings these words “you shall be hated by all nations FOR MY NAME's SAKE” in a different light or understanding and in light of this understanding which is truly a revelation, we begin to understand more thoroughly why all the disciples and all the prophets were put to death. Our beloved brother Stephen was stoned because he made an example out of those who dragged him before the Sanhedrin just as they did the prophets who spoke in the name of YaHUaH, “then they screamed and put their hands over their ears and killed him.” Ya’aqub explained “my brothers, AS AN EXAMPLE OF SUFFERING AND PATIENCE, take the prophets, WHO SPOKE IN THE NAME OF JWJY”132 The prophets was hunted133 because the false prophets, whose inward desire to prophesy with a universal name Ba'al, wished to suppress the voice which convicted them for not using the Name YaHUaH ( JWJY ) for example: ALiYaHU said, “I have not disturbed YShRAL, but you and your father’s house, in that you have forsaken the commands of JWJY and you have followed the Baʽals.“134 Notice carefully how it says “send and gather all YShRAL to me on Mount Karmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baʽal”135 that means it was men of YShRAL who supposedly were following the word of YaHUaH but for some reason went after “Ba’al.” Ba’al simply means “Lord.” See Hebrew Stongs H1168 and H1409. For which reason ALiyahu would say, “How long would you waver between two opinions? If JWJY is ALaHYM, follow Him; and if Baʽal (Lord), follow him.”136 Did not the companion of MShaH also pose the very same question, “choose for yourselves this day whom you are going to serve”137 Their inward desire to follow their deceitful hearts138 resulted in a plot to remove the Name ( JWJY ) and replace Him with a “universal Lord”

130 YaHUanan (John) 17:6131 YaHUanan (John) 17:11 132 Ya’aqub (James) 5:10133 1 Kings 18:13134 1 Kings 18:18135 1 Kings 18:20136 1 Kings 18:21137 YaHUShA (Joshua) 24:15138 Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) 17:9

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
One of the commands being “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, I will not yield my esteem to another, nor my praise to idols” It stand to reason that “another” or “idols” is anything other than His prescribed name, for which reason He is stating His name in the beginning! He will not tolerate anything other than His prescribed Name period!
Charl Hattingh, 18/04/15,
At this point Stephen said as it is written in Acts 7 :51-54 “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Set-apart Spirit, AS YOUR FATHERS DID, YOU ALSO DO. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who before announced the coming of the Righteous One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who received the TURaH (“right rulings”) as it was ordained by messengers, but did not watch over it. And hearing this they were cut to the hearts and gnashed the teeth at him.” In Ya’aqub (James) 5:10 we read, “MY BROTHERS, as an example of suffering and patience, take the prophets, WHO SPOKE IN THE NAME OF YaHUaH ( JWJY )” i.e. they persecuted the prophets who not only “spoke in the name of YaHUaH” but also “announced the Righteous One,” whom the prophet Yirmeyahu said, shall be called YaHUaH (see Yermiyahu 23:6)
Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
“O my ALaHYM, incline Your ear and hear. Open Your eyes and see our wastes, AND THE CITY WHICH IS CALLED BY YOUR NAME ( JWJY ). For we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great compassions. “O YaHUaH ( JWJY ) hear! O YaHUaH ( JWJY ), forgive! O YaHUaH ( JWJY ) listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my ALaHYM, FOR YOUR CITY AND YOUR PEOPLE ARE CALLED BY YOUR NAME.”
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who was and still is to this very day much more permissive. And therefore YaHUaH uttered these words:

“WHO TRY TO MAKE MY PEOPLE FORGET MY NAME by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbour, AS THEIR FATHERS FORGET MY NAME FOR BA'AL (Lord).”139

According to the above words their Ba’al (Lord) was their ALaHYM of Scripture. Ironically it was the ones SUPPOSEDLY handling the TURaH (right rulings) of YaHUaH who didn’t know who YaHUaH was. Whom of the pastors, bishops and elders know his Name let alone fulfil it, preach it, proclaim it? Truth be told that the wicked who press the persecution are not always avowed atheists. We are told by YaHUShA that: “Out of the synagogues (assemblies/congregations) they will put you; but there is coming an hour that everyone who kills you will think he is rendering a service to ALaHYM and these things they will do to you BECAUSE THEY KNOW NOT THE FATHER OR ME.”140 How can someone claim to have a relationship with someone if they do not know the person’s name? Think upon this for a moment… King ShaLoMaH place a huge emphasis on “who” as in:

‘WHO has gone up to the heavens and come down? WHO has gathered the wind in His fists? WHO has bound the waters in a garment? WHO established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON’S NAME, IF YOU KNOW IT?’141

Even today as it were in the times of ALiYaHU, the ones who are pressing the persecution are the ones who do not know HIS NAME and therefore do not KNOW HIM. YaHUShA said, “IF THEY HAD GUARDED MY WORD (singular), THEY WOULD GUARD YOURS TOO. (i.e the one you set out to proclaim) But all this they shall do to you BECAUSE OF MY NAME, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW HIM (JWJY) WHO SENT ME.” One can draw a conclusion that He is speaking of the entirety of Scripture as a whole which “they” would guard or disregard. Although in YaHUanan (John) 17 He said He revealed the Name of His Father (JWJY) to His disciples and make the distinction between the Word (singular) He made known to them for which it states “they have guarded” (verse 6) and the words (plural) He received from the Father (verse 8) whom they also received. Then YaHUanan makes this remarkable statement by saying; “And by THIS we know Him, ((( if ))) we guard His commands.’ One of the commands being, ‘You do not bring the Name YaHUaH your ALaHYM to naught.’142 And another is ‘I am YaHUaH, THAT IS MY NAME, I will not give My esteem to another nor my praise to idols.’143 Then YaHUanan continue by saying, ’The one who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not guard His commands,144 is a liar, and the truth is not in him. WHOEVER GUARDS HIS WORD (JWJY) TRULY THE LOVE OF ALaHYM HAS BEEN PERFECTED IN HIM.’

In speaking of this singular Word which we ought to guard (See Revelations 19:13), YaHUShA reveals how the love of ALaHYM might be perfected in us through stating;

139 YirmeYaHU (Jeremiah) 23: 27140 YaHchanan (John) 16: 2,3141 Proverbs 30:4142 Exodus 20:7143 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 42:8144 The one command being “I am YaHUaH THAT IS MY NAME! I will not yield My esteem to another (Lord God, Jesus) or My Praise to idols.”YeshaYaHU (Isaiah) 42:8 as written in the 1st command, “I am YaHUaH your ALaHYM” and strengthen this by saying “For I, YaHUaH your ALaHYM am a jealous AL,” in fact He says much later ‘who’s NAME IS JEALOUS’ (Exodus 34:14). Then the 2nd command all still to do relating His Name; “You do not bring the Name of YaHUaH your ALaHYM to naught, for YaHUaH does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.” Question is, ‘are you guarding His commands?’ or His Word as in YaHchanan 17:6?

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
So often people think upon “His Word” as all the volumes of Scripture but I submit unto you, in as much as it can refer to the entire volumes of Scripture, it is in fact pointing to the Singular Word “YaHUaH” (JWJY) because in the prayer of our beloved He said, “And I HAVE MADE YOUR NAME KNOWN TO THEM, and shall make it known, SO THAT THE LOVE WITH WHICH YOU LOVED ME MIGHT BE IN THEM, AND I IN THEM.” Thus it stand to reason that the only time the true love of ALaHYM has been perfected in us, is when the Name Has become a REVELATION “IN US” (or made known to us) as stated in the above verse and this is how we know that the love of ALaHYM has been perfected in us, if we will imitate our beloved who made it known (verse 6) by which he said “they have GUARDED your Word” the very word He just made known to them. Hidden in plain sight!
Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
ShaLoMaH JMLS as in Sh S Lo or La L M M aH J
Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
Yirmeyahu 2:8 reads, “The priests did not say, ‘Where is YaHUaH?’ AND THOSE WHO HANDLE THE TURaH DID NOT KNOW ME, and the shepherds transgressed against Me, AND THE PROPHETS PROPHESIED BY BAʽAL (which simply means Lord, see Hebrew Stongs H1168 and H1409) and walked after matters that did not profit.” Again I say this is no different today from how it was back then. It is people who are in fact handling the word of YaHUaH who do not know who He is and therefore “prophecy in a different name such as “The Lord” or “God” or even “Jesus.”
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“And I have made YOUR NAME KNOWN TO THEM, and shall make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me might be IN THEM, and I IN THEM.”145

And THEREFORE YaHUanan would continue by saying “By THIS WE KNOW that we are IN HIM. The one who says he stays IN HIM ought himself also to walk, even as He walked. Beloved, I write no fresh command to you, but an old command which you have heard from the beginning.” 146 After all, to guard His words, is to guard His commandments, IS TO GUARD HIS NAME, is to guard His Sabbaths among many other things! The Psalms had a clear understanding for when they wrote, “the FEAR of YaHUaH is the beginning of all wisdom”147 and Paul who says, “work out your own salvation with FEAR and trembling”148 I see no respect or a fear for ALaHYM if someone continues to call Him “Lord God” when He insisted on remaining YaHUaH ( JWJY), a name He proclaims is eternal and a memorial to “ALL GENERATIONS.”149 The prophet Malachi declared;

“Then shall those who fear YaHUaH ( JWJY ) speak to one another, and YaHUaH ( JWJY ) listen and hears, and a book of remembrance be written before Him, OF THOSE WHO FEAR YaHUaH ( JWJY ) AND THOSE WHO THINK UPON HIS NAME ( JWJY )”150

It is my hope as it was for the author of Hebrews that “each one of you show the same eagerness”151

and that is; “your work and labour of love towards HIS NAME,” and in the same, restore the FEAR of ALaHYM back in your life and for this very reason the Psalms would say, “Teach me Your way, O YaHUaH; let me walk in Your truth; UNITE MY HEART TO FEAR YOUR NAME.” 152 Let us not as so many “ignore” His esteem nor despise it, for He was crystal clear on His thoughts regarding His Name for when He said;

“A son ESTEEMS his father, and a servant his master. AND IF I AM THE FATHER, where is My ESTEEM? AND IF I AM A MASTER, where is My FEAR? Said YaHUaH of hosts TO YOU PRIESTS WHO DESPISE MY NAME.”153

The sad thing is, there are people LIKE Nicodemus who regarded himself to be a teacher of YShRAL and didn’t know,154 and therefore do not feel comfortable assigning one of these pronunciation for which reason they continue with the titles, Lord and God or they simply write things like G-d which is just another tradition regarded as “leaven.”155 Others simply focus on attributes specifically to Father, which to them is the essence of who He is rather than pronouncing His Name, yet to my opinion, I see no harm in that as long as they realise that we have an obligation to make His Name known to them not His title.156 (See also the foremost command of them all) Not to mention that a “book of remembrance aren’t written for those who think upon these attributes, but instead, are written for those who think upon His Name.157 I just hope they do come to the realisation that His Name in essence reveals the essence of who He is. “Our Father in heaven” is the manner or outline for prayer. He said, “pray thus,” not “pray this.” And the word “ABBA” they so often use, is Aramaic

145 YaHchanan (John) 17:26146 YaHchanan Aleph (1 John) 2:3,4147 Psalms 111:10148 Philippians 2: 12149 Exodus 3:15 150 Malachi 3: 16151 Hebrews 6:10-12152 Psalms 86:11 153 Malachi 1:6 154 YaHUanan (John) 3:10155 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 16:11-12156 Psalms 22:22, 157 Malachi 3:16

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 20/12/14,
Thus if Messiah felt the need to reveal the Name of His Father to His brothers (YaHUanan 17:6) wouldn’t you feel the need to do the same? He also walked in the ways, and laws of His Father and therefore commanded us to do the same! The basic principal to repent is to “turn back,” “turn around” or “return” to His commandments! Not only do we know that “the TURaH (“right rulings”) of YaHUaH is Spiritual” (Romans 7:14), we also know that it is “set apart and the command is set apart and righteous and good” (Romans 7:12) and this merely confirms Proverbs 19:7, “The TURaH of YaHUaH is perfect, bringing back the being, the Witness of YaHUaH is trustworthy making wise the simple” and therefore YaHUShA said, “It has been written ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of YaHUaH”(Mattiyahu 4:4), He also said, “Do not think that I have come to destroy the TURaH or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil.” “Fulfil” is simply a Hebrew idiom that means to “walk in it” i.e you are fulfilling the command or He stand in fulfilment of it. It has never meant to be “complete” or “end.” YaHUShA said, “My teaching is not mine, but His who sent me.”(YaHUanan 7:16) “So YaHUShA said, to them, ‘When you lift up the Son of Adam, then you shall know that I am He, and I do none at all of Myself, but as My Father taught Me, THESE WORDS I SPEAK.” (YaHUanan 8:28)
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not Hebrew and although Sematic it would be a repeated of words to cry out – “ABBA Father.” This is ironic since our beloved forbids us to parrot these words,158 however, translators simply used the original word and given its translation next to it as I do when explaining several characters or transliterations such as Ab Ba meaning Father. But here is some food for thought! When our Father in heaven declares, “I AM JWJY THAT IS MY NAME! I WILL NOT yield My esteem to another (Lord, God, Jesus or any other) or My Praise to idols,”159 we ought to take note. The opening line proves beyond any doubt that “another” or “idols” is anything other than His prescribed Name. Not to mention that Scripture teaches “for YaHUaH, WHOS NAME IS JEALOUS, is a jealous ALaHYM”160 in perfect harmony to the opening command in Exodus 20, “I am JWJY your ALaHYM” and closing off with “for I, JWJY your ALaHYM am a jealous AL” followed by “You do not bring the Name JWJY, your ALaHYM to naught, for JWJY does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.” I would think that one certainly brings His Name to naught if we continue to make reference to Him in something other than His prescribed Name! In the years past, we have forsaken the one who said, “I AM JWJY THAT IS MY NAME.” We have in past year forsaken Him who said, “My Name is JWJY I do not change” and we went to “prepare a table for (the one who is “God”) and who fill a drink offering unto “that number” (as of many) but this text (Yshayahu 65:11) is often mistaken for gabling merely because it has been translated to give its definition as appose to an TRANSLITERATION which should give its pronunciation. See your Strong’s Concordance! It actually states, “those who forsake JWJY …” then continue by saying (which is most often translated in this way), “that forget My Set apart mountain, and prepare a table for that troop…” “that troop” is the Strongs H1408 DWG and reflects the transliteration “G’O’D” then the last part reads, “and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.” “That number” is the Strongs H1416 DWDG that reflects a transliteration G’D’O’D (as of many) yet often translated as a “band of raiders” or an “army” and rightly so (which take spoil or fortune). But if it meant to reflect a name, as when those who forsake JWJY for DWG then it should rather be TRANSLITERATED and would then clearly reflect the name God. I so often wondered why “God” now takes all the glory for the numerous acts in Scripture each time people make reference to the Most High. By this clever means the adversary has deceitfully succeeded to mislead not just some, but the entire world to rather give him esteem instead of the one who said, “I am JWJY that is my name” in order to achieve what he has set out to achieve from the very beginning of time, and that is “to be like the Most High.”161 If we dig deeper into the meaning of the singular “G’O’D” DWG (“that troop”) and the plural “G’D’O’D” DWDG (“that number”) then we find something interesting. The Scriptures so often use a word Satan, Devil, or Mastema which merely means “adversary” but often used in the PLURAL which indicates that there was a class of the “mastema” (a tenth) or “that number” (AS OF MANY) as well as one prince “mastema,” 162 especially in reference to when mastema asked JWJY that some of the spirits might be allowed to remain with him which was granted to him for which reason a tenth of the spirits remained.

It is my sincere hope that you will put a determined effort into the truth behind His Name and not as the majority of people who are simply unwilling to put forth the required effort and search for these facts; In spite the immense amount of documentation, there are those unfortunately who would disregard the very Word ( JWJY ) we guard for which we are despised, therefore the title “sacred namers.” HaUShA (Hosea) the prophet were very clear about the “rejecting of knowledge.”163 What I find very interesting is that YaHUShA said, “I AM THE DOOR, whoever enters through Me, he shall be

158 Mattiyahu 6:7159 YeshaYaHU (Isaiah) 42:8 160 Exodus 34:14161 Yshayahu 14:13-15162 See Jubilees 10:8-9 and ANUSh (Enoch) 40:7163 HaUShA (Hosea) 4:6

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 21/12/14,
In HaUShA (Hosea) 4:6 we read; “My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being priest for Me. Since you have forgotten the TURaH of your ALaHYM, I also forget your children.”
Charl Hattingh, 02/01/15,
Many translators and theologians discovered that these facts led them to an inconvenient truth, but they hold it at arm's length; acknowledging and recognising it will lead them to persecution, ridicule, loss of jobs and income and for men of renown it simply mean they will no longer be accepted in “main stream.” I do speak a word of encouragement, and remind you of the very words in Scripture, “My son, do not despise the discipline of JWJY NOR FAINT WHEN YOU ARE REPROVED BY HIM, for whom JWJY loves, He disciplines, and flogs every son whom He receives.” It would be senseless to defend a building which you knew had girders with no rivets. And it would be extremely hazardous to remain there! In fact, you would warn anyone who even went near it. Why? Because of love! And for this reason we will imitate our beloved who said, “And I have made YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) known to them, and shall make it known, (((so that))) the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.” YaHUanan 17:26 and therefore the TRUTH of the matter is, that His Name isn't Lord or God, or even Jesus. Oh how wonderful to know that He said, “the hour has come when the TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall worship the Father in spirit AND IN TRUTH” and its only by His Spirit, “the Spirit of Truth” that we come to these truths! Since our ALaHYM (Strong Authority) is the author of truth and the adversary is the Father of lies (YaHUanan 8:44) thus we can clearly see which of them is behind substituting His name for Lord, or God or Jesus. We can also clearly see which of them is behind “egg laying rabbits, flying reindeer, santa clause, the apparent birth on December 25th, Friday or Saturday or Sunday observance, tooth fairy, cupid etc) and to no surprise did 2 Timothy 4:4 came to light as we read “and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the TRUTH and be turned aside to MYTHS,”
Charl Hattingh, 21/12/14,
As explained in the book of Mattiyahu; “And you shall be hated by all FOR MY NAME’S SAKE. But he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved.” A Name He clearly revealed to be that of the Father for when He prayed to the Father and said, “guard them in YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME” YaHUanan (John) 17:11
Charl Hattingh, 24/01/15,
Further to my stance on this I would like to point you to Deuteronomy 13:1-3, now bear in mind, we should interpret it in the context and time it was given, therefore, we should not forget that He made His Name known to them, that they should know who it was who brought them out of Mitzrayim (Egypt) and therefore He states, “When there arises among you a prophet or a DREAMER OF DREAMS, and he shall give you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder shall come true, of which he has spoken to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other mighty ones – WHICH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN – and serve them,’ i.e. somewhere in the future a “prophet” or “dreamer of dreams” will do miracles, and persuade people to go after that or someone “WHICH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN” thus anything other than His prescribed Name, it is said; ‘do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for, JWJY your ALaHYM is trying you to know whether you love JWJYyour ALaHYM with all your heart and with all your being.’ It is also interesting to note that the prophet Yermiyahu several hundred years down the road, using a similar or rather semantic style of words when he prophesied and said, “who try to make my people forget my name BY THEIR DREAMS which everyone relates to his neighbour, AS THEIR FATHERS FORGET MY NAME FOR BA'AL (Lord).” Thus people would have to reconsider the most important command, which is not only to “hear” the Name YaHUaH, but by this means ‘ JWJY your ALaHYM is trying you to know whether you love JWJY your ALaHYM with all your heart and with all your being,” as sited above!
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saved” yet chastised the Sanhedrin (lawyers of the time) because they “took away the key of knowledge”164 to unlock the door, and what they withheld was the Name of the Father and this is evident from passages where the Sanhedrin forbidden them to spoke in that Name!

“But in order that it spreads no further among the people, LET US STRONGLY THREATEN THEM, TO SPEAK NO MORE TO ANYONE IN THIS NAME. And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor to teach in the Name of YaHUShA”165

This is where the common mistake is being made. Most people regard it at face value 166 and say, ‘You see, it clearly says “in the Name of YaHUShA,’ without evaluating the rest of what is being said. Let’s investigate. The first thing the Sanhedrin asked the set apart ones after their arrest was, “In what power, OR IN WHAT NAME” had they cured the man.167 Shimon Ben YUNaH (SeLaH) not only knew that YaHUShA’s “renewed”168 and “inherited”169 Name was JWJY,170 since YaHUShA not only revealed the Name of the Father to them171 but a few sentences later also makes this remarkable statement by saying “guard them in Your name, WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME”172 therefore Shimon Ben YUNaH (SeLaH) would also have imitated173 their beloved who said, “the works that I do IN MY FATHER’S NAME, ((( they ))) bear witness concerning Me,”174 and therefore his response were ‘that in the name of YaHUShA Messiah of Nasareth’ which we now know is a style of metonymy which is a figure of speech often used in Scripture in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated and therefore says ‘whom you impaled whom ALaHYM raised from the dead, by him this one stands before you healthy.’175 Then carefully notice how he then utilised a citation from Psalms 118:22 (brilliant I might add) which states, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner-stone.” The entire Psalms (verse 1-29) proves to the clergy beyond any doubt that the stone under discussion was JWJY. Clergy knew this and would not have mistaken SeLaH’s meaning for what the name of YaHUShA of Nasareth were! Because they would have followed a very basic principle which states, ‘To the TURaH (right rulings) and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.’ 176 And since the TURaH and Testimony strongly affirms that there is no other Name by which a man can be saved except in the Name of JWJY 177as one Psalms plead, ‘For Your Name’s sake, O JWJY You shall pardon my crookedness, though it is great.’178 And THEREFORE after referring to YaHUShA Messiah of Nasareth as being the chief corner-stone he states;

164 Luke 11:52165 Act 4:17,18 166 This is an idiom to express the idea as to when someone would only look at an object from one side only, for example, there is two sides to a coin. The value printed or written on the face. And therefore except only that face as exactly what it appears to be. 167 Acts 4:7168 Revelations 3:12 confirmed by YaHUShA himself in YaHchanan (John) 17:11169 Hebrews 1:4 confirmed by YaHUShA himself in YaHchanan (John) 17:11170 See YaHchanan 17:11171 YaHUanan (John) 17:6172 YaHUanan (John) 17:11173 Even though Paul said these words, “be imitators of me, just as I also am of Meshach,” we should not forget that he also said that neither did I go up to Yerushalayim, “to those who were emissaries before me. But I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Yerushalayim TO LEARN FROM Kĕpha, and remained with him for fifteen days.” Galatians 1:17-18 174 YaHchanan (John) 10:25175 Acts 4:10176 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20177 For example see Psalms 18:1-6; 80:18; 91:14-16; 99:6; 105:1-3; 116:4,13,17; Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 12:3-5; Yermiyahu (Jeremiah) 33:2-3; Tsephanyah (Zephaniah) 3:8-13; YuaL (Joel) 2:32178 Psalms 25:11

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 25/12/14,
MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION! WHAT IS THE NAME OF YAHUSHA? I can assure you that it is not referring to the name YaHUShA (let alone Jesus) and neither is it Aymmanu’AL. THIS SAME QUESTION HAS BEEN ASKED BY ShaLoMaH “who’s wisdom surpassed all the sons of the East.”(1Kings4:30) He asked, “Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON’S NAME, IF YOU KNOW IT? If you don’t know you’d be a million dollars in debt but since we were told, “freely you have received, freely you give” (Mattiyahu 10:8) I will gladly share the answer with you. This Sacred mystery to be found in YaHUanan 17:11 where YaHUShA REVEALED HIS INHERITED NAME and said, “guard them IN YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME,” He confirms this much later in Revelations 3:12. “He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place OF MY ALaHYM and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him THE NAME OF MY ALaHYM and THE NAME OF THE CITY OF MY ALaHYM, the renewed Yerushalayim, which comes down out of the heaven FROM MY ALaHYM, AND MY RENEWED NAME.” Many people regard the earthly name of YaHUShA as that “renewed” or “inherited“ name as we read also in Hebrews 1:3-4, but note the above words! Messiah’s Father, “His ALaHYM” has never been called YaHUShA and Daniel 9: 18 and 19 confirms even further that the “CITY OF MY ALaHYM” is called YaHUaH! And that is His “renewed Name,” the one He could only inherit after His death (Hebrews 9:17) and so we as the family of YaHUaH also can now inherit that wonderful name as Ya’aqub spoke about in Acts 15:13-18 when he confirms the words of Simeon and said, “Men, brothers, LISTEN TO ME: Shim’on has declared how ALaHYM ( JWJY ) first visited the nations to take out of them a people FOR HIS NAME. And the words of the prophets agree with this, as it has been written: ‘After this I shall return and rebuild the Booth of David which has fallen down. And I shall rebuild its ruins, and I shall set it up, so that the remnant of mankind shall seek JWJY even all nations ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED, says JWJY who is doing all this, who has made this known from old” Acts 15: 13-18
Charl Hattingh, 21/12/14,
In Luke 11:52 we read; “Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.”
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This is the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that need to be answered! WHAT IS THE NAME OF YAHUSHA OF NASARETH? Better yet, what is the only name under heaven given by which a man can be saved? You’ve quest it:

JWJYThe Name of YaHUShA of Nazareth is JWJY and not pointing to the name YaHUShA itself, and neither to the name Aymmanu’AL179 let alone Jesus. ShaLoMaH “who’s wisdom surpassed all the sons of the East,”180 knew that they were known by the same name and therefore left us a riddle, ‘Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? WHAT IS HIS NAME, AND WHAT IS HIS SON’S NAME, IF YOU KNOW IT?”181 For those who couldn’t figure out the riddle and for those having their ears soothed by their ear tickling teachings182 unfortunately are still a billion dollars in debt and need to wake up from deception, worse yet, ‘for unless you do not believe that I (YaHUShA) am He ( JWJY ) you will die in your sins’183

It's time for us all to take the advice given by YaHUShA himself to “anoint our eyes with ointment, so that we may see.”184 What is that exactly you may ask, well Scripture have a fitting answer, ‘Your Name is oil poured forth’185 SeLaH knew that YaHUShA of Nazareth’s Name was JWJY and therefore stated;

‘To this One all THE PROPHETS BEAR WITNESS, that THROUGH HIS NAME, everyone believing in Him does receive forgiveness of sins.’186 Yet our fathers of old, receives pardon through the name JWJY 187 Thus SeLaH would have followed a very basic principle and would not have spoken contrary to the TURaH and the prophets;188 and therefore, made sure that those qualified to see will know and understand that the prophets bear witness and the witness they bear was clearly cited by Ya’aqub: ‘My brothers, as an example of suffering and patience, take the prophets, WHO SPOKE IN THE NAME

OF JWJY.’189 Let us HEAR once more the words SeLaH spoke and see what happened, ‘To this One all the prophets bear witness, that THROUGH HIS NAME, everyone believing in Him does receive forgiveness of sins.’ It is said, ‘While SeLaH was still speaking THESE words, the Set-apart Spirit fell upon all those HEARING THE WORD” The “word” being the singular Word ( JWJY ) or “Name” by which they could “receive forgiveness of Sins.” At no point did any prophet bear witness to the earthly name or rather prophetic name of Messiah but as Yermiyahu the prophet confirms ‘In His days Yahudah shall be saved, and YShRAL dwell safely. And THIS IS HIS NAME whereby He shall be called: JWJY our Righteousness.’ Here the prophet Yermiyahu wish to draw your attention to 179 Mattiyahu 1:23 and YShAYaHU 7:14180 1 Kings 4:30181 Proverbs 30: 4182 2 Timothy 4:3183 YaHUanan (John) 8:24184 Revelation 3:18185 Songs of ShaLoMaH (Solomon) 1:3186 Acts 10:43187 Psalms 25:11188 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20189 Ya’aqub (James) 5:10

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 18/04/15,
Yshayahu 43:11 states “I even I am JWJY and besides me (besides who?) THERE IS NO SAVIOUR.”! Yshayahu 43:3, “For I am JWJY your Strong Authority the Set Apart one YOUR SAVIOUR”! Yshayahu 45:17, YShRAL WILL BE SAVED IN JWJY with an everlasting Salvation.” Yshayahu 45:21, “there is no strong authority besides Me (JWJY) a just Authority AND SAVIOUR.” Verse 22 says, “look unto Me (JWJY) and be saved all the ends of the earth…” Yshayahu 49:26 “all flesh WIL know, that I am JWJY your SAVIOUR.” Psalms 37:39-40 “The SALVATION of the Righteous is of JWJY.” King DaUD said in Psalms 116:13, “I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of JWJY.” This is but a few Scriptures in hope to answer your question on who is our Saviour!
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
ShaLoMaH JMLS as in Sha S Lo or La L M M aH J
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sometime in the future and states “in His days” He shall be called JWJY and declares “our righteousness.” Shimeon Ben YUNaH (later called SeLaH) not only addressed the assembly190 by directly quoting from YUAL chapter 2 which in part states, ‘For it will be that all who call on the Name JWJY will be saved’ whom also during another occasion said “there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved”191 therefore in perfect harmony with the TURaH (right rulings) and the Testimony!192 “No other name” or simply “there is only ONE name by which a man can be saved” can only mean, one or the other. It cannot be both.

Ya’aqub urged every one of us by saying,

“Men, brothers, LISTEN TO ME: Shim’on has declared how ALaHYM ( JWJY ) first visited the nations to take out of them a people FOR HIS NAME. And the words of the prophets agree with this, as it has been written: ‘After this I shall return and rebuild the Booth of David which has fallen down. And I shall rebuild its ruins, and I shall set it up, so that the remnant of mankind shall seek JWJY even all nations ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED, says JWJY who is doing all this, who has made this known from old”193

Think upon this for a moment. The family of believers has but ONE NAME ( JWJY ) shared by the Father, the Son and the Set Apart Spirit, and we are not divided into parts. They have but ONE NAME and as a family we share in that very Name. We become “joint heirs,” (for those who believe and obey) and also “that they (us) may be one”194

“ALaHYM ( JWJY ) first visited the nations to take out of them a people FOR HIS NAME”195

“For this cause (this very reason) I bow my knees UNTO THE FATHER of our Master YaHUShA the Messiah of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named”196

When considering the very word of our beloved who said, “guard them in YOUR NAME (i.e. JWJY ) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME,”197 it brings Philippians 2:9-10 to a different understanding as usual. For it is written,

“ALaHYM (who we know is JWJY ) therefore has highly exalted Him (YaHUShA) and given him (YaHUShA) THE NAME ( JWJY ) WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME,198 that at the name of YaHUShA (which we know is JWJY according to YaHUanan 17:11) every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and every tongue should confess that YaHUShA Messiah is Master TO THE ESTEEM of ALaHYM THE FATHER.”

Therefore, we were commanded to “Go into all the world, and teach the good news to every creature. He who believes and be baptised will be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned.”199 Yet in order to “believe,” the person needs to believe that YaHUShA is named after His Father ( JWJY ) since He said, ‘for unless you do not believe that I (YaHUShA) am He ( JWJY) you

190 Acts 2:14-29191 Acts 4:12192 Yshayahu 8:20193 Acts 15:13-18194 YaHchanan (John) 17:6 and verse 21 and 22195 Acts 15:14196 Ephesians 3:14-15 in perfect harmony with Deuteronomy 28: 10 and 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14 and DaniAL 9:18-19197 YaHchanan (John) 17:11198 Psalms 138: 2 199 Mark 16: 15-16

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 09/01/15,
The Psalms already revealed which Name it is: “’I bow myself toward Your set-apart temple, and give thanks to YOUR NAME,’ For Your kindness and for Your truth; For You have made great Your Word ( JWJY ), YOUR NAME, ABOVE ALL.” Psalms 138:2 in perfect harmony to Exodus 34:14 which reveals, “for you shall not worship any other authority, for JWJY whose Name is jealous, is a jealous AL (authority)!
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
Shimon derives from the word ShMA meaning “hear” Ben meaning “Son,” thus Shimon Ben YUNaH meaning Son of YUNaH as much as MShiach Ben YoSUPH meaning Anointed Son of YoSUPH who is the prophet like MShaH (Deuteronomy 18:15-22). Each name, YUNaH and YoSUPH have a meaning as any other Hebrew name. HaUShA (Hosea) 7:11 for example states, “And Ephrayim has become a simple dove (YUNaH) without heart, they have called on Mitsrayim (bondage), they have gone to Ashshur (referring to the land of the Assyrians). Even though YaHUShA said unto Shimon, ‘Thou art SeLaH and on this Rock I will build my called out ones’ he was still known as Shimon as indicated in the text.
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
YUAL LAWY as in: Y Y U W A A L L
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will die in your sins’200 Then in order to baptise those who believe, we were instructed to do this “in the Name (SINGULAR) of the Father, the Son and the Set Apart Spirit.”201 It does not say “names” (plural) but rather “name” (singular)! For which reason SeLaH said, “having been born again, not of

corruptible SEED but incorruptible, through the Word (SINGULAR) of ALaHYM WHICH LIVES AND ABIDES FOREVER.” We have come to learn that His Name is the only singular word that abides forever.202

CHAPTER 4(The Good News of the Kingdom)The Prophet Yshayahu said;

200 YaHchanan 8:24 “Therefore I said to you that you shall die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I (YaHUShA) am He (YaHUaH), you shall die in your sins.”201 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 28:19202 Exodus 3:15

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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“YOU WHO BRING GOOD NEWS to Tsiyon, get up into the high mountain. YOU WHO BRING GOOD NEWS to YeRUShaLeM, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid. Say to the cities of Yahudah, “BEHOLD YOUR ALAHYM!”203

Thus in order to bring the GOOD NEWS one would need to first and foremost introduce our ALaHYM (Most High) as it says about those who bring the good news, ‘say to the cities of Yahudah “Behold Your ALaHYM” and the only way one can do this is BY NAME as one would do when introducing a relative or a friend to another. The Scripture also seems to indicate through means of a loud voice (“lift up your voice with strength”) even in like manner as if one would stand on a “high mountain” and shout where you’ll hear the sound of its echo. Now CAREFULLY notice how Philip announced the GOOD NEWS: “Then those who had been scattered went everywhere bringing the Good News: THE

WORD (singular).”204 So often when we think upon the “word,” we think upon the entirety of Scriptures as a whole and rightly so, however, what is generally overlooked is the truth about the nucleus from which the thousands of words came, the singular word or name JWJY. For example:

“And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF ALaHYM”205

i.e. the Word or Name JWJY is said to be the good news, “And going down to the city of Shomeron, Philip proclaimed Messiah (meaning anointed with oil) to them.”206 How did he do this, how did he proclaim Messiah to them? How did he say to the cities of Yahudah in this case to Shomeron, “Behold Your ALaHYM?” The answer verse 12, ‘And when they believed Philip AS HE BROUGHT THE GOOD NEWS about the reign of ALaHYM AND THE NAME OF YAHUSHA MESSIAH, both men and women were immersed.’ YaHUShA’s own words testify to the fact that HIS NAME is that of the Father;

“Set-apart Father, guard them IN YOUR NAME (JWJY) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME”207

Which means the Name of YaHUShA Messiah is JWJY, the Name Phillip proclaimed! These men and women were immersed in this good news! They were immersed in the (singular) Name YaHUaH. Then it is said, ‘And Shimʽon himself also believed.” Question, what did Shimon believed other than, “If you do not believe that I (YaHUShA) am He ( JWJY ) you will die in your sins.”208 So the testimony continues; ‘And when he was immersed he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which took place. And when the emissaries who were at YeRUShaLeM heard that

Shomeron (the City) had received the WORD ( JWJY ) of ALaHYM, they sent SeLaH and YaHUanan to them, who, when they had come down, prayed for them to receive the Set-apart Spirit.”

Now also CAREFULLY notice how SeLaH (commonly known as Peter) announced the GOOD NEWS; “To this One all THE PROPHETS BEAR WITNESS, that THROUGH HIS NAME, everyone believing in Him does receive forgiveness of sins.”209 The question we ought to ask ourselves is through which means did the prophets bear witness and we find a fitting answer in Ya’aqub ‘My brothers, as an example of suffering and patience, take the prophets, who spoke in the Name of JWJY.’210 Continuing on in 203 Yshayahu 40:9204 Acts 8:4205 Revelations 19:13206 Acts 8:5207 YaHUanan (John) 17:11208 YaHUanan (John) 8:24209 Acts 10:43210 Ya’aqub (James) 5:10

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 26/05/15,
Now closely consider the words of Sha’ul (Paul), “That I might fully carry out the preaching of the (((Word))) of YaHUaH”, (referring back to Deuteronomy 33: 2-4) the MYSTERY of which has been hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested IN His set-apart ones TO WHOM YaHUaH willed to make known what is the riches of the esteem of this SECRET among the Gentiles which is: (((Messiah IN YOU))), expectancy of esteem, Whom we announce, WARNING every man and TEACHING every man in all WISDOM, in order to present every man perfect in Messiah YaHUShA…” Col 1: 25-28
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Acts 10:44 ‘While SeLaH was still speaking THESE words, the Set-apart Spirit fell upon all those hearing THE WORD”

Here Scripture again seems to indicate that SeLaH revealed Messiah’s inherited Name JWJY due to the revelation that His Name is called the Word of ALaHYM211 for which reason it is said, ‘the Spirit fell upon all those hearing (ShMA) the Word (JWJY).’ This is also the only Name by which you can “receive forgiveness of sins.” Here SeLaH also acted in obedience to the most important command. Continuing on (verse 45) ‘And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as CAME WITH SeLaH, because the gift of the Set-apart Spirit had been poured out on the gentiles also, for they were hearing them speaking with tongues and extolling ALaHYM. Then SeLaH answered, “Is anyone able to forbid water, that these should not be immersed who have received the Set-apart Spirit – even as also we? AND HE COMMANDED THEM to be immersed in the Name of YaHUShA Messiah.’ Again we should not mistake the Name of YaHUShA Messiah for anything other than JWJY, a point confirmed by YaHUShA Himself for when He said,

“Set-apart Father, guard them IN YOUR NAME (JWJY) WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN ME”212

Not to mention he address those who will overcome by revealing this Sacred Mystery; “He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place of My ALaHYM, and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him the Name of My ALaHYM and the name of the city of My ALaHYM, the renewed YeRUShaLeM, which comes down out of the heaven from My ALaHYM, AND MY RENEWED NAME.”213 You see, many people regard His earthly name as that “inherited name” or “renewed name,” yet His ALaHYM has always been JWJY and the city of His ALaHYM, “the renewed YeRUShaLeM” has always been JWJY confirmed by Dani’AL for when He said, “O my ALaHYM, incline Your ear and hear. Open Your eyes and see our wastes, and THE CITY WHICH IS CALLED BY YOUR NAME. For we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great compassions. O JWJY, hear! O JWJY forgive! O JWJY listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my ALaHYM, FOR YOUR CITY AND YOUR PEOPLE ARE CALLED BY YOUR NAME.”214 And a forth witness also testify to the fact that His Name or rather “the name of YaHUShA Messiah” is JWJY. Yermiyahu reveals by saying, “In His days Yshudah shall be saved, and YShRAL dwell safely. And this is His Name whereby He shall be called: JWJY our Righteousness.’215

Thus, BEHOLD YOUR ALaHYM: JWJYNow that we have set the cornerstone for the “Good News” let us continue to reveal the good news through the ministry of brother Paul. It was said of Paul to have again baptise some of the disciples of YaHUanan the son of Zakarayah; “And it came to be, while Apollos was at Corinth, that Paul having passed through the upper parts, came to Ephesos. And having found some taught ones, he said to them, “Did you receive the Set-apart Spirit when you believed?”216 The question were, what did THEY believe? And they said to him, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Set-apart Spirit.” And he said to them, “Into what then were you immersed?” And they said, “Into YaHUanan’s immersion.” And Paul said, “YaHUanan indeed immersed with an IMMERSION OF REPENTANCE saying to the people that they should BELIEVE IN THE ONE WHO IS COMING AFTER HIM, that is, in Messiah YaHUShA” So these men did in fact believed in Messiah YaHUShA (as so many of you also)

211 Revelations 19:13212 YaHUanan (John) 17:11213 Revelations 3:12214 DaniAL 9:18 and 19215 Yermiyahu 23:6216 Acts 19:1

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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but it seems to indicate that they were baptise or immersed with an immersion of repentance instead of His Name by which we become joint heirs. And therefore these words followed, ‘ And when they heard this, they were immersed IN THE NAME OF THE MASTER YaHUShA.’ Thankfully, the Name of the Master has been given to us. Here it is AGAIN: “Guard them in YOUR NAME (JWJY) which you have GIVEN ME.’217 Are you believing the good news as taught by His disciples or have you accepted another name, or another good news? Now CAREFULLY notice how Paul addressed the Corinthians and his opening words reflects something of the Psalms218 who said, for when he said, “But BROTHERS, I make known to you the Good News, which I brought as Good News to you, which you also did receive, and in which you stand, through which also you are being saved, IF YOU HOLD FAST THAT WORD (JWJY) I brought as Good News to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.”219

Now that some of you believe, consider the fact that Paul felt it necessary to re-baptise these men for reason of a clear contrast between immersion of repentance and the re-immersion in THE NAME (or proper name I should add) then I suggest those who have not yet been immersed into the Name JWJY better do so without any delay. Brother Paul seems to indicate that some men from Galatia TURNED AWAY FROM HIM and followed after another or a different good news then said, “even if we, or a messenger out of heaven, bring a ‘Good News’ to you beside what we announced to you, let him be accursed.”220 He stated, “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves shall come in among you, not sparing the flock.’221 What is interesting about his prophetic analogy is that wolves attack their pray when they’re not wary (watchful) at the same time they tear their pray to pieces for which reason the Psalms would say, ‘Consider this, you that forget ALaHYM let I tear you in pieces’222 The wolves was YaHUaH’s doing! For those who forgotten him for Ba’al, Lord, God, or even Jesus.223 In light of those who were watchful, the Psalms said, ‘Blessed be JWJY who did not give us as prey to their teeth.’224 Do you hold fast to that Word (JWJY) brother Paul brought as good news or have you turned away and followed after another, thus believed in vain? I praise YaHUaH for removing the strong hold and therefore more and more people are waking up from the “great deception.”

Let us have a closer look at the name of YaHUShA of Nazareth according to the prophets. Yermiyahu makes a remarkable statement by saying; “This is his name whereby he shall be called, ‘JWJY our righteousness’“225 he is merely pointing to the fact that YaHUShA’s Name is JWJY and declaring “our righteousness.” His earthly name (YaHUShA) prior to him inheriting the Name of His Father226 was merely prophetic in nature (i.e. “YaHU our deliverer”) Pointing to YaHUaH who gives deliverance, not

217 YaHUanan (John) 17:11218 Psalms 22:22219 1 Corinthians 15:1-2220 Galatians 1:8221 Acts 20:29222 Psalms 50:22223 Yirmiyahu 23:27224 Psalms 124:6225 Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 23:6226 YaHUanan (John) 17:11 “…guard them in Your Name which you have given me”

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
‘Who intend to make My people forget My name by their dreams which they relate to one another, just as their fathers forgot My name for Baal?’
Charl Hattingh, 19/04/15,
“For both He (YaHUShA) who sets apart and those (us) who are being set apart are all of One, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brothers, SAYING “I shall announce Your Name (JWJY) to My brothers in the midst of the congregation I shall sing praise to You.” This Scripture in Hebrews 2:11 is taken from the Psalms (22:22) which states, “I make known Your Name (JWJY) to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.” And we know that He has done just that as written in YaHUanan 17:6 where it states, “I have revealed Your Name (JWJY) to the men whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word” i.e they have guarded that very Word (singular) or Name which was made known to them!
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
‘I make known Your Name to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.’
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pointing to his earthly name itself. Therefore JWJY declares through the prophet Yeshayahu; “I have sworn by Myself; A WORD (which is JWJY according to Revelations 19:13) HAS GONE OUT OF MY MOUTH IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, and shall not return, so that every knee shall bow, every tongue swear.” To what will every knee bow to exactly? And to what will every tongue swear exactly? Let’s read, “One shall say, ‘ONLY IN JWJY DO I HAVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and strength’ and declares “he comes to Him.” i.e. the one who makes this compelling statement by saying “only in JWJY” i.e. no other name, that one apparently “comes to Him.” Then carefully notice the words that follow, “And all those displeased with him (i.e. “him” being the one who says “only in JWJY do I have righteousness” then notice what it says about those who are displeased with him… “shall be put to shame.” Then continue by saying “In JWJY all the seed of YShRAL shall be declared right and boast.”227

Many people assume it says, “those displeased in Him” as in reference to YaHUaH, merely because some translations chose to write the “he” with an capital “H” but in context and through logic; who in their right mind will be displeased with Him and for what reason; instead it can only mean those displeased with the one who convicts them with the fact that you cannot find salvation (“righteousness”) in any other name except in the Name JWJY which means, Jesus, IESOUS, YShua, YaHShUA, YaHUShA or any other will not suffice And all those displeased with this compelling statement will be put to shame. Don’t say you haven’t been warned! Here is another word of warning to everyone who acts as a priest, whether through the modern title, “Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Minister, disciple, youth leader or any other; The creator of heaven and earth is the same yesterday, today and forever and the words He spoke through the prophet Malachi is just as firm and steady today as it was in those days when He said;

“And now, o you priests, this commandment is for you. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, TO GIVE GLORY UNTO MY NAME, says JWJY of hosts, I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart.”228

Wonderful to know that the disciples did “lay it to heart” as when YaHUShA honoured His Father by revealing His Father’s Name to them,229 then went on to say that, “they have guarded Your Word”230

(verse 6) then notice how he makes a distinction between the Word (singular) and the Words (plural) (verse 8). Bear in mind, that YaHUaH said through the Psalms, ‘I shall not profane My covenant, neither would I change what has gone out of my lips”231 and therefore the covenant He made with Lewi did not chance and remains the same which says, “My covenant with him (Lĕwi) was life and peace, and I gave them to him (Lĕwi), TO FEAR. And he feared Me, AND STOOD IN AWE OF MY NAME.”232

227 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 45:23228 Malachi 2:1-2229 YaHchanan 17:6230 YaHchanan (John) 17:6 “I have revealed Your Name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, AND THEY HAVE GUARDED YOUR WORD.” Then verse 7 and 8; “Now they have come to know that ALL YOU GAVE TO ME, is from You. Because the Words which You gave to Me, I have given to them. And they have received them, and have truly known that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me.” It’s interesting to note in reference to “all You gave Me” right after he revealed the Name to them and to then read in verse 11, that the Name was given to Him as in “guard them in Your Name which You have given Me.” 231 Psalms 89:34232 Malachi 2:1-9

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 07/02/15,
“See, I shall rebuke your seed, and scatter dung before your faces, the dung of your festivals. And you shall be taken away with it. “And you shall know that I have sent this command to you, as being My covenant with Lĕwi,” said YaHUaH of hosts. “My covenant with him (Lĕwi) was life and peace, and I gave them to him (Lĕwi), TO FEAR. And he feared Me, AND STOOD IN AWE OF MY NAME. The TURaH of truth was in his (Lĕwi) mouth, and unrighteousness was not found on his (Lĕwi) lips. He (Lĕwi) walked with Me in peace and straightness, AND TURNED MANY AWAY FROM CROOKEDNESS. “For the lips of a priest SHOULD GUARD KNOWLEDGE, and they seek the TURaH from his mouth, for he is the messenger of YaHUaH of hosts. “But you, you have turned from the way, you have caused many to stumble in the TURaH. YOU HAVE corrupted the covenant of Lĕwi,” said YaHUaH of hosts. “AND I ALSO, I shall make you despised and low before all the people, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GUARDING MY WAYS, AND ARE SHOWING PARTIALITY IN THE TURaH.” Malachi 2:1-9 Lewi did rejoice in His name as when the Psalms (119:167) would say, “I rejoice at your WORD (Singular) as one who finds great treasure!”
Charl Hattingh, 05/01/15,
“For I am JWJY I shall not change, and you, O sons of Yaʽaqub, shall not come to an end.” These words in Malachi 3:6 was reaffirmed by Ya’aqub (James) 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.” He did not all of a sudden change His name to “God,” or “The LORD”, that’s pathetic. It is crystal clear, “I am JWJY I shall not change” See also Yeshayahu 41:4; 44:6; Psalms 90:2, 4; Psalms 102:27; 103: 17, and Hebrews 1:12
Charl Hattingh, 05/01/15,
Do you realise that Messiah had several names prior to Him inheriting the Name of His Father? On the one hand they were given to conceal His identity from those who would seek to kill Him before the prior time but on the other hand reveal the character of who He was. For example: Aymmanu’AL was merely prophetic in nature and were given to indicate “AL among us” the same holds true for the name YaHUShA which contains the Hebrew root “yaSHA” meaning “deliverance” therefore indicating “YaHUaH our deliverer.” When he appeared unto MShaH as the angel (“malak”) as it were “Behold I am sending you an angel to guard you on the road” he was known as “Micha’AL.” The “micha” part means “who is” and “AL” is a poetic short form for ALaHYM who we know is JWJY, which stands for both a question and/or a statement. In that particular reference it was pointing to the one who is ALaHYM.
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Yet in contrast to them, YaHUaH destroys the wicked and it is the wicked I have shown earlier whom pressed the persecution for using the name. The Psalms for example states ‘Have all the workers of wickedness no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, AND DO NOT CALL ON JWJY.’233

Perhaps the very reason the prophet Yermiyahu similar states, ‘Pour out Your wrath on the gentiles who do not know You, and on the tribes WHO DO NOT CALL ON YOUR NAME. For they have eaten up Yaʽaqub, devoured him and consumed him, and laid waste his home.’234 Now carefully note the following words of the Psalms, ‘O ALaHYM, how long would the adversary reproach? WOULD THE ENEMY DESPISE YOUR NAME FOREVER?’235 Then the Psalms went on to say (verse 18) ‘REMEMBER THIS: the enemy has reproached JWJY AND A FOOLISH PEOPLE HAS DESPISED YOUR NAME.’236

To continue to build on the “false pen of the Scribes who worked falsehood”237 and therefore proclaim the name Jesus instead of JWJY after you came to realise the truth about His Name would bring about a “watered down”238 good news. Instead be ardent239 to repent (“turn back”, “turn around” or “return”) AND AS AN EXAMPLE OF SUFFERING AND PATIENCE take the prophets who spoke in the Name of JWJY”240 and also the disciples who was willing to lay down their lives for that very Name and therefore to Him. I cannot stress this enough! As per the words of SeLaH, YaHUanan and Paul, we simply do not seek to please men, because if we do, then we should no longer be a servant of YaHUaH. If you continue with a name (that only came about in the last 400 years) after you came to the TRUTH about His Name then you are just as cursed as those who did bring about “another good news.” Who knows what excuses will the UNRIGHTEOUS bring to the table, but it is said of the RIGHTEOUS;

“The Name JWJY is a strong tower; The RIGHTEOUS RUN INTO IT AND ARE SAFE.”241

In closing, for the first time in decades you may start to jump with joy after the Word of ALaHYM

has been REINSTATED to its rightful place since ‘the Word ( JWJY ) of ALaHYM is LIVING and (((ACTIVE))) and sharper than any two edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and (((able))) to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart’ 242

AND THEREFORE you may also stand bold to proclaim (((it))) everywhere, while the Master will work with you, confirming ‘the Word ( JWJY ) through the accompanying signs! ShLUM!

CHAPTER 5(Esteem it again)

233 Psalms 14:4234 Yermiyahu 10:25235 Psalms 74:10236 Psalms 74:18237 Yermiyahu (Jeremiah) 8:8238 An idiom to express “to dilute or weaken something as with, or by water”239 “Displaying or characterizing by strong enthusiasm or devotion; fervent, as in “burning” or “fiery”240 Ya’aqub (James) 5:10241 Proverbs 18:10242 Hebrews 4:12

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 09/01/15,
Brother Paul makes this frightening statement which says, “However, even if we, or a messenger out of heaven, bring a ‘Good News’ to you beside what we announced to you, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8
Charl Hattingh, 09/01/15,
“But SeLaH and YaHUanan answering them, said, “Whether it is right in the sight of ALaHYM to listen to you more than to ALaHYM, you judge.” Acts 4:19 And again he spoke in Acts 5:29 and said, “We have to obey ALaHYM rather than men.” Brother Paul also said, “For do I now persuade men, or ALaHYM? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I should not be a servant of Messiah.”
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For it is written, “the Spirit of the Truth, He shall guide you into ALL the truth.” If JWJY is the author of truth243 and the adversary is the father of lies,244 the question we ought to ask ourselves is: Who is behind egg laying rabbits? Flying reindeer? Santa Claus? December 25th? Tooth Fairy? Cupid? Sun-day observance (church going)? Lent? Easter? Names of blasphemy, such as the name Jesus? And all other names as they now appear in modern English that which have stripped the true names from their sacred characters? In contrast to him, the Spirit of Truth “shall not speak from himself, but whatever He HEARS (ShMA) He shall speak, and He shall announce to you what is to come.” In fact, the Spirit of Truth has already announced (in chronological order) the things to come. 245 It also says that “He shall ESTEEM ME for He shall take of what is Mine (i.e. the Name) and announce it to you.” Can we draw the conclusion that He will announce the Name to us or is it referring to something else? Scripture seems to have a fitting answer once again.

“A son ESTEEMS his father, and a servant his master. AND IF I AM THE FATHER, where is My ESTEEM? AND IF I AM A MASTER, where is My FEAR? Said YaHUaH of hosts TO YOU PRIESTS WHO DESPISE MY NAME.”246

Thus YaHUShA ESTEEMED His Father by revealing His Name to us as in “take of what is mine” and “announce it to you.”247 Shouldn’t you feel the need to do the same? During another occasion YaHUShA openly prayed to the Father and said, ‘“ESTEEM YOUR NAME,” then a voice came from heaven, “I have both esteemed it and shall esteem it again”’248 And that moment I believe has arrived where He is esteeming His Name again.

“I make known YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.”249

“The voice of JWJY cries to the city – AND LET SOUND WISDOM SEE YOUR NAME! “Hear the Rod and Him who appointed IT!”’250 “It” being the Name!

CHAPTER 6(The Foremost Command of them all)WITHOUT ANY FURTHER DELAY, I believe it is time to announce the foremost command of them all:

243 Psalms 119:160244 YaHUanan (John) 8:44245 Revelation 1:3 “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and guard what is written in it, for the time is near.” See also my “verse by verse explanation of the book of Revelations”246 Malachi 1:6 247 YaHUanan 17:6 “I have revealed Your Name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word.”248 YaHUanan 12:28249 Psalms 22:22250 Micah 6:9

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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YaHUShA answered,251 “The foremost is…


(BIG PAUSE, BE SILENT, WAIT FOR IT,… ‘whispering’ “wait-for-it, we ought to hear WHAT EXACTLY? YShRAL need to hear the most important command, which is …”)


JWJYThen after everyone has heard the Set Apart Name, the nucleus or seed He continue by saying, “ALaHYM JWJY is one!”252 Which is why brother Paul says much later, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him OF WHOM THEY HAVE NOT HEARD? And how shall they HEAR without one proclaiming?”253

Therefore, I conclude that the “foremost command OF THEM ALL” is to HEAR the Name JWJY. For many years we have simply overlooked this due to commas ( , ) in the English text. Do not lean on your own understanding but ask the Father to open your understanding to the very text in context then while you reading it, remove the comma's which you won’t find in Hebrew. It reads, “Hear O YShRAL JWJY our ALaHYM JWJY is one” The First JWJY stand alone or by itself and is the very Word (Revelations 19:13) that needed to be heard, and after everyone has heard the Name we ought to know “our ALaHYM JWJY is one.” Even in this opening word “Hear” (Sh’m’a AMS) we are exhorted to hear the Name because it has the same etymology and root as ‘Shem’ MS meaning “Name” and ‘haShem’ msJ meaning “the Name.” The Hebrew word “shemen” means “ointment” for which reason I find it interesting to read “For fragrance your oils are good. YOUR NAME IS OIL POURED FORTH”254 Many people unfortunately are “stuck in a rut” especially on this particular subject and would just simply quote the next part of what is being said, which is too, “love YaHUaH your ALaHYM with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,’ for which it is said, “this is the first command.” And the second like it, is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” But I submit unto you that there is a means by which He is testing us to see if we love Him with all our hearts and with all our beings and it has but everything to do with His Name we ought to hear. Carefully consider Deuteronomy 13:1-3, now bear in mind, we should interpret it in the context and time it was given, therefore, we should not forget that He made His Name known to us prior to giving this command, that they should know who it was who brought them out of Mitzrayim (Egypt) and therefore He states, “When there arises among you a prophet or a DREAMER OF DREAMS, and he shall give you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder shall come true, of which he has spoken to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other mighty ones – WHICH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN – and serve them,’ i.e. somewhere in the future a “prophet” or “dreamer of dreams” might do miracles, and persuade people to go after that, or someone “WHICH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN” thus anything other than His prescribed Name, it is said; ‘do not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for JWJY, YOUR ALaHYM IS TRYING YOU TO KNOW WHETHER YOU LOVE JWJY YOUR ALAHYM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR BEING.’ Here the Father is saying exactly how He is going to see if you love Him with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Yet several hundred years down the road, people started to forget His Name and therefore the prophet Yermiyahu using a

251 Mark 12:29252 “unless you believe that I am He ( JWJY ), you will die in your sin” YaHchanan 8:24253 Romans 10:14254 Songs of Solomon 1:3

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 01/08/15,
“bogged down” a common ordinary average way of a person place or thing to "become" a simple kind of comfortable that turns out to be the very definition of, 'stuck in a rut' in the long run (enmesh). It is a type of metaphor used in modern times when someone is driving with a car not changing gears and therefore driving with high revs. (see metaphor in the glossary)
Charl Hattingh, 31/01/15,
This shed more insight to Psalms 23:5, “You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; YOU HAVE ANOINTED MY HEAD WITH OIL; My cup overflows.”
Charl Hattingh, 30/01/15,
“ShMN” NMS What I find interesting about this particular word and its root etymology is this. Just as the phrase “heaven and earth” is an idiomatic expression meaning “all of creation,” the phrase “Aleph and Tav” is an idiomatic expression meaning “the whole of the aleph-bet (Alphabet),” i.e. to say ‘the one behind all the languages.’ YaHUShA claims the title “Aleph Tav” for himself, him being the one behind all the languages. I find it very interesting that male sperm or SEED is called or named SEMEN in English. We know from Scripture that the divine Name is also SEED and Ointment or SHEMEN in Hebrew. Coincidence or genuine semantics? What was it that caused Miryam to conceive and become pregnant with the living “Word” (i.e. His Name) It was her faith in the message that was sent to her from ALaHYM through the messenger GabriAL. When he brought the message her reaction was: “Behold the handmaid of the Master, be it unto me according to your “Word”( JWJY) With those words she received into her womb the SEMEN of the Father’s Name (the singular Word YaHUaH ) which was there in the beginning and nine months later gave birth and the “Word became flesh.”
Charl Hattingh, 30/01/15,
“Sh’m’a” AMS
Charl Hattingh, 11/06/15,
Charl Hattingh, 27/12/14,
Charl Hattingh, 27/12/14,
Many people stop at the words “hear” as to say that the greatest command is to “hear” full stop. Others feel it is to love ALaHYM with all your heart! But I submit unto you that one ought to hear something so significant that it is said, ‘the Set-apart Spirit fell upon all those hearing the word.’ A singular word in Scripture we ought to hear! A singular Word so powerful, its LIVING and ACTIVE and SHARPER THAN ANY TWO-EDGED SWORD, and PIERCING AS FAR AS THE DIVISION OF THE SOUL AND SPIRIT, OF BOTH JOINTS AND MARROW AND ABLE TO JUDGE THE THOUGHTS AND INTENTIONS OF THE HEART.
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similar or rather semantic style of words when he prophesied and said, “who try to make my people forget my name BY THEIR DREAMS which everyone relates to his neighbour, AS THEIR FATHERS FORGET MY NAME FOR BA'AL (Lord).” MShaH came to us after he specifically asked the Most High, ‘if they shall ask me “what is His Name,” what shall I say?’ thus the command were that sometimes in the future there will be signs and wonders in another name “which you have not know,” thus, those who truly love Him with all their hearts and with all their beings will simply not accept the words of someone who come in the name of Ba’al the same holds true for the Lord, “which you have not known.” What makes the name Jesus any different? Or even the Messiah’s truthful earthly name (YaHUShA) which is different from that which we have known, or have been told through MShaH. Even YaHUShA testify to the fact that His Name is that of the Father255 and directed all prayer unto the Father,256 not too himself, and even stated, ‘the works which I do IN MY FATHERS NAME they bear witness of me.’257

This was, and is the test of time!

‘For I am JWJY I change not;’258

Who is He?

‘For I am JWJY I change not;’

Say again…;

‘For I am JWJY I change not;’

He strictly commanded us NOT to listen, and not to go after the prophet or dreamer of dreams who do signs and wonders in the name of another mighty one, which is simply anything other than His prescribed Name which was revealed unto us by MShaH259 which is why the prophet like MShaH260

our beloved YaHUShA of Nazareth revealed His Fathers name to His disciples. 261 He clearly states, “I am JWJY that is My Name, I will not give My esteem to ANOTHER, nor my praise to idols. ” The opening words testify to the fact that “another” or “idols” is anything other than His prescribed Name! Thus people would have to reconsider the foremost command of them all of which it is said 'hang all the TURaH and the Prophets.' It is one thing to know the command which is to “love YaHUaH your ALaHYM with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind. ’ “This is the first and great command. “And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ BUT IT IS ANOTHER THING TO KNOW THE “HOW TO.”

Oh how I am reminded of the words, “The WISE will HEAR (Sh’m’a), and will increase learning;”262

However, “foolish despise WISDOM and instruction”263

One should read the four epistles264 as if you review a picture in colour (CMYK it’s called in printing) i.e. one can certainly read it separately but should synchronized them all together to view in perfect colour. Most people unfortunately only review the foremost command as it is explained in

255 YaHUanan 17:11 & Revelations 3:12256 Mattiyahu 6:9-13257 YaHUanan 10:25258 MaLAKee (Malachi) 3:6259 Exodus 3:15260 Deuteronomy 18:18261 YaHUanan (John) 17:6262 Proverbs 1: 5263 Proverbs 1:7264 Mattiyahu, Mark, Luke, YaHUanan

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 25/05/15,
Micah 6:7 states, “The voice of JWJY cries to the city – AND LET SOUND WISDOM SEE YOUR NAME! “Hear the Rod and Him who appointed IT!”’ “It” being the Name!
Charl Hattingh, 09/08/15,
“…narrow is the way, which leads to life, and few there be that FIND IT.”
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Mattiyahu,265 through which they intend to lose a lot of what is being said. Yet in Mark, 266 the same question is posed by another individual, with the same answer but with an added opening and closing bonus. Let us first review the question posed by the Pharisee in Mattiyahu,

“But the Pharisees, having heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, were gathered together, and one of them, one learned in the TURaH, did question, trying Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great command in the Torah?” And YaHUShA said to him (simply quoting Deuteronomy 6:4-9) “‘You shall love YaHUaH your ALaHYM with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind.’ “This is the first and great command. “And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ “On these two commands hang all the TURaH and the Prophets.”

Now carefully notice the added bonus as explained to the Scribe in Mark:

“And one of the scribes coming near, hearing them reasoning together, knowing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first command of all?” And YaHUShA answered him, “The first of all the commands is, ‘Hear O YShRAL, JWJY Your ALaHYM JWJY is one and you shall love YaHUaH your ALaHYM with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first command. And the second, like it, is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other command greater than these.” And the scribe said to Him, “Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one ALaHYM, and there is no other besides Him. “And to love Him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the being, and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbour as oneself, is more than all the burnt offerings and offerings.” AND WHEN YAHUSHA SAW THAT HE ANSWERED WISELY, He said to him, “You are not far from the Reign of ALaHYM.”

In this particular account you’ll see the opening line is absent in the account in Mattiyahu, and it seems that the Scribe weren’t to “far from the Reign of ALaHYM” therefore I submit unto you, the reason for this is: IF the scribe could simply understand the "how to" love ALaHYM with all His heart and “how to” love his neighbour as one self, he might just then be “ in” the reign of ALaHYM instead of being “near.” Again we should not lean on our own understanding but Scripture has a fitting “how to guide.” YaHUShA explains, “And I have made YOUR NAME KNOWN TO THEM, and shall make it known, SO THAT THE LOVE WITH WHICH YOU LOVED ME MIGHT BE IN THEM, AND I IN THEM.”267

The “love” trend continue toward ALaHYM and thy neighbour through “your work AND LABOUR OF LOVE TOWARDS HIS NAME”268

If you love YaHUaH your ALaHYM with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, then you won’t even post, comment, or even forward Scripture which have been altered with a different title or name such as “God.” For example, to proclaim that “God DWG so loved the world” or “In the beginning God DWG created the heavens and the earth,” is to fall prey to the devils most deceitful scheme whereby he has mislead not just some, but the entire world.269 Through this means he now takes all the glory for the numerous acts in Scripture in order to achieve what he has set out to achieve from the very fabric of time, and that is “to be like the most High.”270 Think upon this for a moment. Neither “devil” nor “satan” or even “mastema” is his name. These words merely means “adversary,” which is often used in the PLURAL which indicates that there was a class of the “mastema” (a tenth) or “that number” (AS OF MANY) as well as one prince

265 Mattiyahu 22:36-40266 Mark 12:29 267 YaHchanan (John) 17:26268 Hebrews 6:10-12269 Revelations 12:9270 Yshayahu (Isaiah) 14:14

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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“mastema.” For example, in Jubilees271 we read, ‘And the Master ALaHYM bade us to bind all. And the chief of the spirits; Mastema, came and said: ‘Master, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men. And He said: Let the TENTH PART OF THEM REMAIN before him, and let nine parts descend into the place of condemnation.’ Then HaNUShA (Enoch)272 explains, ‘And I heard the fourth voice fending off the Satans (plural) and forbidding them (plural) to come before the Master of Spirits to accuse them (sons of men) who dwell on the earth.’ What is my point exactly… in the years past, we have forsaken the one who said, “I am JWJY that is my name! I will not yield my esteem to another or my praise to idols,” and prepared a table for God DWG. The opening line proves beyond any doubt that “another” or “idols” is anything other than His prescribed Name. In the years past, we have forsaken the one who said, “My Name is JWJY I do not change” and prepare a table for God DWG “that troop” and who fill a drink offering unto Gdod DWDG “that number” (as of many) but this text (Yshayahu 65:11) is often mistaken for gabling merely because it has been TRANSLATED to give its definition as appose to TRANSLITERATED which should give its pronunciation. See your Strong’s Concordance! It actually states, “those who forsake JWJY …” then continue by saying (which is most often translated in this way), “that forget My Set apart mountain, and prepare a table for that troop…” “that troop” is the Strongs H1408 DWG and reflects the transliteration “G’O’D” then the last part reads, “and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.” “That number” is the Strongs H1416 DWDG that reflects a transliteration G’D’O’D (as of many) yet often translated as a “band of raiders” or an “army” and rightly so which take spoil/fortune in context of those who remained with the adversary for centuries. But if it meant to reflect a name, as when those who forsake JWJY for DWG then it should rather be TRANSLITERATED and would then clearly reflect the name God. I so often wondered why “God” now takes all the glory for the numerous acts in Scripture. In closing, may we return to the one who said, “I have revealed YOUR NAME to the men you have given me out of this world” (YaHUanan 17:6) and a few sentences later reveals that it was the Name given unto Him (verse 11) so may we therefore continue to build on His words that says, “And I have made YOUR NAME (JWJY) known to them, and shall make it known, SO THAT the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.”(verse 26).

CHAPTER 7The Wise and the Foolish

This is a short extract from my book entitled ‘The Parables and Riddles of Old’

In ancient times people would frequently use the expression “burn the midnight oil” which is an idiom to express “to stay up working, especially studying late at night.” This expressions is quite fascinating considering the parable of the wise and the foolish. Thus in order “to stay up working, especially studying late at night,” thus meaning “burning the midnight oil” one needs to make sure you take with you enough oil in your container. 271 Jubilees 10:8-9272 HaNUShA (Enoch) 40:7

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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“Then the reign of the heavens shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five foolish. Those who were foolish, having taken their lamps, took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their containers with their lamps.”273

Now the sole purpose of a lamp is to shine. The Psalms states, ‘Your WORD is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.’274 Prior to our transformation by the renewal of our mind275 we have always assumed it refers only to the entirety of the Scriptures as a whole without considering the revelation of His Name.276 And Proverbs states, “The SPIRIT OF A MAN IS THE LAMP of YaHUaH, searching all his inmost parts.”277 The difference between the wise and the foolish is that the wise took something in their containers with their lamps (Spirit) and we find a fitting answer in Scripture, “For fragrance your oils are good. YOUR NAME IS OIL POURED FORTH”278 But before we are getting ahead of ourselves, it is said, “The wise in heart accepts commands, but one with foolish lips falls.”279

How would you like to reason concerning His commands regarding His Name for example? Might this be the determined factor that distinguish the wise from the foolish? The Psalms have something to say about the foolish, ‘REMEMBER THIS: the enemy has reproached JWJY AND A FOOLISH PEOPLE HAS DESPISED YOUR NAME.’280 We should walk in covenant relationship with our “bridegroom.” My wife and I for example live in covenant relationship with each other. At one point we had a quarrel whereby I called her by her maiden name. Ask any woman, it hurts and is regarded as one of the worst insults a husband can make because it is destroying our covenant relationship in a sense where she feels I am cutting myself away from her whereby destroying our oneness as a husband and wife. I share with you my experience or rather ignorance at that time not to boat in my actions, ALaHYM forbid, but to teach you something of importance, or to shed some light on the subject of our covenant relationship with our “bridegroom.” Our Name is what binds us together. Shim’on has declared “how ALaHYM ( JWJY ) first visited the nations to take out of them a people FOR HIS NAME, SO THAT THE REMNANT OF MANKIND SHALL SEEK JWJY even all nations ON WHOM MY NAME HAS BEEN CALLED, says JWJY”281

Each maiden carrying with them a lamp (Spirit) of their own, yet a lamp cannot burn by itself, it needs oil, and when the foolish realised theirs are running dry or empty; they were sent away by the wise to those who sell to buy for themselves.282 Yet we find another parable where a man having found a treasure in the field, and it is said, ‘and for joy over it he goes and SELLS all that he has and buys that field.’283 Do you realise that the “treasure” or “pearl of great prise” isn’t in the things he sold, but in that which he bought. Thus while the foolish went to buy, not only were they not ready, but bought that of no value from the merchant who was selling everything else accept that of great value. The Psalms had a good understanding for when they wrote, “I rejoice at your WORD (JWJY) as one who finds great treasure!”284 The “wise will hear (ShMA), and will increase learning;”285 thus for them (wise) looking at the “Word,” they look beyond the obvious or entirety of the Scriptures; 273 Mattiyahu 25:1-9274 Psalms 119:105275 Romans 12:2 and Ephesians 4:23276 Revelations 19:13277 Proverbs 20:27 278 Song of Solomon (ShLoMaH) 1:3279 Proverbs 10:8 280 Psalms 74:18281 Acts 15:13-18282 Mattiyahu 25:9283 Mattiyahu 13:44284 Psalms 119:162285 Proverbs 1:5

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for example, they press on, “stay up working, especially studying late at night,” thus “burning the midnight oil” to come to the heart of the matter which is the Singular Word pointing to His Name JWJY - “And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF ALaHYM”286 However, the “foolish despise wisdom and instruction”287 and THEREFORE, “The voice of JWJY cries to the city – AND LET SOUND WISDOM SEE YOUR NAME! “Hear the Rod and Him who appointed IT!”’288 “It” being the Name! What an amazing statement! Let us sought after the pearl of great prise.289 It is beautiful, valuable and rare, but there is more than just that. The Hebrew word for pearl or strings of pearls is “TUR” (pronounced “oo”)290 and its definition is “to SEEK, search out, spy out, explore or to go about as a MERCHANT, trader or to find out how to do something.” How are pearls created? A grain of SAND becomes SEEDED291 inside an UNCLEAN ANIMAL in the midst of the SEA. While irritating the beast, the sand becomes beautifully coated. The coating causes it to be highly VALUED by the one seeking it (the merchant). Once found, it is bought out of the SEA and is joined to others to be His “treasured possession” (String of Pearls). His Name being the centre piece of it all. JWJY is the author of truth292 and when allowing various Scriptures to interpret and inform each other rather than your own opinion, i.e. “sought out” those “pearls of wisdom” that were “strung together” you may see the common thread, the “mystery of the wedding garment” also explained in my book entitled ‘The Parables and Riddles of Old’

CHAPTER 8THE BLESSING In closing, we know Ya’aqub wrestled with ALaHYM, and so ALaHYM said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.”293 But he (Ya’aqub) said, “I am not letting You go UNTIL You BLESSED me!” So I believe ALaHYM gave Ya’aqub a hint as to what needed to be asked in order to be blessed by setting an example; ‘So He (ALaHYM) asked him, “What is YOUR NAME” and he said, “Ya’aqub,” “And He (ALaHYM) said, “Your name is no longer called Ya’aqub, but YShRAL because you have strived with ALaHYM and men, and have overcome.” So notice what happens in the following (verse 29) where Ya’aqub asked a very important question: “And Ya’aqub asked Him (((PLEASE))) (as to cry out) LET ME KNOW YOUR NAME.”!!! And if you would like my take on why ALaHYM would respond, “Why do you ask about MY NAME,” I WOULD SAY IT IS BECAUSE ALAHYM WANTED TO KNOW IF YA’AQUB

286 Revelations 19:13287 Proverbs 1:7288 Mikah (Micah) 6:9 289 Mattiyahu 13:46290 Strongs H8447291 Genesis 22:17, HaUShA 1:10, Genesis 41:49292 Psalms 119:160293 Genesis 32:26

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
2 Corinthians 6:14 Deuteronomy 26:18 MaLCHI 3:17
Charl Hattingh, 02/05/15,
“WATERS which you saw are people and multitudes and nations and tongues”
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
Yshayahu 61:10 DaniAL 12:10 Galatians 3:27
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
HaUShA 2:18, 2 Corinthians 6:17, Yshayahu 17:12 and Revelations 17:15
Charl Hattingh, 04/04/15,
If you “sought out” those “pearls of wisdom” (Psalms 19:9-11) that were strung together you’ll be clothed and be adorable. We adore ourselves with righteous works as a bride adores herself with wedding attire (Songs of ShaLoMaH 1:10, Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 3:27) Now see the common thread: YZEQAL 36:27 MaLAChi 3:6 Yirmiyahu 31:33 Romans 7:12, 14 and 8:1 Hebrews 12:2 Mattiyahu 13:45-46 But some say ‘we can’t keep the TURaH of our Bridegroom’ “Tuly truly I say unto you, whoever believe in Me will also do the WORKS that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father.” (YaHUanan 14:12)
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UNDERSTOOD THE IMPORTANCE OF WHAT IS IN A NAME! Although it may seem that Scripture doesn’t elaborate on this here, except for the words “AND HE (ALaHYM) BLESSED HIM (Ya’aqub) THERE!” I intend to reveal that there is more going on in the Hebrew than that which meets the eye in English which reveals something of significance! Yet before I do, I wish to remind you that it was for a very specific reason why He states much later, “Thus they shall PUT MY NAME on the children of YShRAL, AND I MYSELF SHALL BLESS THEM.”294 The blessing is connected to His Name and not to a title! No more Jewish, Rabbinical, Christian and Messianic’s traditions alike, of substituting the Name with Adonai or Lord. Note ALSO that YaHUaH does not command the kohanim (priests) to bless the people using their own words, but rather provides the exact formulation for the blessing, prefacing the instructions with the words: “This is how you bless the children of YShRAL.” This reveals that the blessing comes from YaHUaH Himself, and WE are but the means of transmitting His gracious will. This is further indicated by the verse that immediately follows the birkat kohanim: “Thus they shall PUT MY NAME on the children of YShRAL, AND I MYSELF SHALL BLESS THEM.”

I make known to you the Good News, which I brought as Good News to you, WHICH YOU ALSO DID RECEIVE, and in which you stand, through which also you are being saved, IF YOU HOLD FAST THAT WORD (JWJY) I brought as Good News to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. These words as you’ve probably gathered are the words of brother Paul which I now also bring forth in closing. “That Word” referring to a singular word or Name in Scripture! And if you also “hold fast to the Word” then I do suggest you take your family and recite this blessing over you and yours saying;

“YaHUaH bless you (and add each individual’s name) and guard you (add name): YaHUaH make His face shine upon you (add name), and show favour to you (add name), May YaHUaH lift up His face upon you (add name) and give you peace (add name).

Now after Ya’aqub was blessed, it is said; ‘And Ya’aqub called the name of the place PaNeeAL LAYNP for I (Ya’aqub) have seen ALaHYM FACE TO FACE, AND MY LIFE IS PRESERVED.’295 A similar event took place several hundred year later when an ‘angel’ appeared unto MaNUaH and his wife and some of the dialogue were, ‘Why do you ask MY NAME since it is WONDEROUS AYLP.’296 Then after their efforts towards the angel it is said, ‘and the angel did WONDEROUSLY’297 then the angel ascended and MaNUaH knew that it was the angel JWJY298 for which reason he said, ‘We shall surely die, because we have seen ALaHYM’299 and his wife responded and said, ‘If JWJY were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering’300 thus I conclude that the “man” or “angel” who wrestled with Ya’aqub is the same one who appeared unto MaNUaH and his wife which was ALaHYM the Son. Yshayahu prophesied about the anointed and said, ‘For a child shall be born unto us, (((a Son))) shall be given unto us, and the rule is on His shoulder. And His Name is called WONDROUS AYLP, Counsellor, Strong Authority Most High, Father of Continuity, and Prince of Peace.’301 The Word (JWJY) I brought as Good News to you is WONDROUS! There are those who reject the Word which was brought as Good News and there are those who perceive it to be WONDEROUS! In closing, we were told that YaHUaH our ALaHYM is ONE. Yet we refer to ALaHYM the Father and ALaHYM the Son which don’t seem right does it? Not to mention that He made a

294 Genesis 6:23-27295 Genesis 32:30296 Judges 13:18297 Judges 13:19298 Judges 13:21299 Judges 13:22300 Judges 13:23301 Yshayahu 9:6

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stern warning by saying, ‘I, I am JWJY and there is no Saviour besides Me.”302 Yet if one look at the word “Stone” NBA which the builders rejected it consist of two words put together. “AB” BA or “Av” (as you’ll hear in Modern Hebrew) meaning Father and “Ben” NB meaning Son, therefore His words, ‘I and my Father are One (echad)’303 which they rejected. I hope this teaching has been a huge blessing to you and yours.

The Aleph Bet (Alphabet) Middle Semitic Modern Babylonian Block Script

Name of each letter Pronunciation

A Alep a makes the sound ‘uh’ in the word ‘above’

B Beyt ב makes the sound ‘b’ in the word ‘better’

G Gimel g makes the sound ‘G’ in the word ‘good’

D Dalet d makes the sound ‘D’ in the word ‘double’

J Hey h makes the sound ‘H’ in the word ‘Help’

302 Yshayahu 43:11303 YaHUanan 10:30 and Deuteronomy 6:4

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W VaV/UaU w makes the sound ‘oo’ in the word ‘school,’ or

‘supper’ or ‘halleluyah’

Z Zayin z makes the sound ‘z’ in the word ‘zephyr’

H Chet j makes the sound ‘ka’ in the word ‘chorus’

+ Tet f makes the sound ‘th’ in the word ‘thanks’

Y Yud y makes the sound ‘y’ in the word ‘Young’

K Kaph k makes the sound ‘k’ in the word ‘keep’

L Lamed l makes the sound ‘L’ in the word ‘Lamp’

M Mem m makes the sound ‘m’ in the word ‘move’

N Nun n makes the sound ‘n’ in the word ‘nice’

V Samech s makes the sound ‘s’ in the word ‘save’

O Ayin u makes the sound ‘ay’ in the word ‘able’

P Pey p makes the sound ‘p’ in the word ‘peace’

X Tsade x makes the sound ‘Ts’ in the word ‘pots’

Q Quph q makes the sound ‘Q’ in the word ‘Queen’

R Resh r makes the sound ‘R’ in the word ‘Road’

S Shin c makes the sound ‘sh’ in the word ‘shine’

T Tav t makes the sound ‘T’ in the word ‘True’

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AFTERWORDThe information provided is not to be sold. ‘For we are not AS SO MANY adulterating the Word of ALaHYM for gain’304 Proverbs clearly states ‘Obtain the truth and do not sell wisdom, instruction and understanding’305 And our beloved spoke in perfect harmony when he said, ‘freely you have received freely you give.’306 The author of Hebrews encourage every one of us by saying, ‘For ALaHYM is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love which you have shown toward His Name, in that you have attended to the set-apart ones, and still attend.’ He continue by saying, ‘and we desire that each one of you show the same eagerness, to the entire confirmation of expectation until the end, in order that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through belief and patience inherit the promises.’307 In speaking of this inheritance, the Psalms had a clear understanding for when they wrote, ‘For you O ALaHYM have heard my vows, You have given me the INHERITANCE OF THOSE WHO FEAR YOUR NAME…”308 they also explained how ‘ALaHYM shall save Zion and build the cities of Yahudah. And they shall dwell there and possess it, and the seed of his servant inherit it AND THOSE WHO LOVE HIS NAME DWELL IN IT.’309 Then we have YaHUShA making this remarkable statement in

304 2 Corinthians 2:17305 Proverbs 23:23306 Mattiyahu 10:8307 Hebrews 6:10-12308 Psalms 61:5-8309 Psalms 69:35-36

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 13/06/15,
A part at the end of a book that has a few final remarks
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a prayer unto His Father which is, ‘And I have made YOUR NAME ( JWJY ) known to them, and shall make it known, SO THAT the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.’310



No need for alarm just because you might have heard this term from Arabic or Islamic people. Their Sematic languages bears similarities. “ALaH” simply mean to “go up” or “upwards” or “skywards” hence the modern Israeli airlines “EL’AL” which simply means “EL” (to go) and “AL” (upward). Those who make reference to "AL" simply refer to the “Strong Authority above." It is only the modern English translations whom have departed from the original “AL” or “ALaHYM” and if translated in order to give its definition one could simply replace it with “Strong Authority Most High” but one certainly do His word injustice to make use of a substitute word “God” in place of accurate translation or even transliteration. For the English reader, the term makes no sense whatsoever, and would much rather enjoy reading it as “Strong Authority Most High” interpreting the definition of the original word in English. Yet I purposely and deliberately use the word to educate the reader not only that which were used since the beginning of time, but also to describe all of its prophetic qualities combined in one singular word as Abraham would have used to describe the creator of heaven and earth. It’s only the modern age or rather “Western-World” that substituted its translation even its transliteration for another. The book of Jubilees chapter 20:1 says that “Abraham called Ishma’AL and his twelve sons, and YShA’ac (Isaac) and his two sons (Ya’aqub and Esau), and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons. And he commanded THEM that THEY should observe the way of the Master;…” i.e. they worshiped the same Strong Authority “AL.” Much later (verse 12-13) it says, “And Yshma’AL and his

310 YaHUanan 17:26311 This section lists vocabulary words and their definitions as they relate to the book’s subject matter.

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sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Babylon in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert. And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and YShma’ALites.” Even today they still make reference to the “AL” or “ALaH” or “ALaHYM” as all the Semitic languages would who came from Abraham decent. We will be making a huge mistake by dismissing these cultures and their languages or even this word “ALaHYM” simply because it seems strange or rather associated with groups that don’t reflect the principalities of our heavenly Father. Although they have departed from YShA'aC their brother according to the book of YaShER and become idolaters through mingling with the daughters of Canaan (don't mistake this for the house of Keturah) they retained the purity of the AyBER (Hebrew) or at least most of it. Whereas the house of Ya’aqub have their speech corrupted in Babylon and bring about a modern Babylonian Hebrew and its ‘block script.’ The YShma’ALites still refer to their children as Yuseph, DaUD, YShMa’AL, Ya’aqUB, ADaM original Paleo Hebrew (AyBER). Although they might take the “AL” or “ALaH” for the Name of the most high but in retrospect its merely pertaining to a title of the most high. ALaHYM has only made His Name known to a particular linage – the house of Ya’aqub and ALaHYM is merely His title. “God” is a SUBSTITUTED word in place of accurate translation. For example: Messiah’s dying words in the Greek say, “ALi, ALi, lama sabachthani” commonly known as “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me” but these are for Aramaic words that are found in the Greek translations. Both the Greek and Aramaic made a direct connotation to the Hebraic “AL” LA “ALaH,” JLA or “ALaHYM” MYJLA

The modern Hebrew (Babylonian block script) has diverted from its proper spelling "Aleph"A "Lamed"L "Yod"J and use the word "Eli."

A more descriptive explanation of the word “AL” is to look at the “Aleph” A which is the first letter of the Aleph-bet (Alphabet) and in Ancient Hebrew pictographic script written in the form of an ox head having two horns representing the “strength” of the ox and the letter “Lamed” L in the form of an shepherd staff representing “authority” since Hebrew is all about its function, a “doing” language, it is not so much representing the staff itself or the ox itself, but more however what it does (i.e. its function). In Ancient times, a king would wear the horns of an ox as a sign of his strength and carry a staff (sceptre) as a sign of authority. When the meaning of both these pictographic letters are combined the original definition of the word “AL” is found as “one of Strength and Authority”. Thus “AL” could be translated into English as the “Strong Authority.” Why substitute something so unique to that of “God” Strongs H1408 DWG which have the definition of “troop” when translated but name if transliterated (see page 27). It was for a very good reason, why DaniAL have said, “And those who have INSIGHT shall shine like the brightness of the expanse and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” and a few sentences later he said, “Many shall be cleansed and made white and refined. But the wrong shall do wrong – and none of the wrong shall understand, BUT THOSE WHO HAVE INSIGHT SHALL UNDERSTAND!”

A good name –

Chronicles 7:14 explains ‘If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves…’ His people are certainly “called by His Name.” YermiYaHU WJYMRY for example clearly reflect our heavenly Fathers Name. YShAYaHU WJYOSY also clearly reflects our heavenly Fathers Name. Proverbs 22:1 states ‘A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches…” and if any people knew the importance of it, it surely reflects in theirs. Ecclesiastics 7:1 also states, ‘A good Name is better than precious ointment…’ It was for a very specific reason our heavenly Father chose that Name above any other name and the Psalms reflects an important piece of the puzzle for when they said, ‘By the WORD JWJY

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were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.’ 312 And ‘by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the Word of ALaHYM (which is His Name) so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.’ 313 And for this very reason I am sure these men would much rather like to be called YShAYaHU instead of Isaiah and YermiYaHU instead of Jeremiah and MattiYaHU instead of Matthew. YaHUanan instead of John. Those who prefer the expression like Isaiah over that of YShAYaHU uses an excuse that “we are speaking English” and “these terms or names” familiar to them “are translations” they often say. These aren’t even English at all and neither a translation nor a transliteration, they are simply substitute names. They will soon have to face the reality that names do NOT change from one language to another. Words change and therefore are being translated in order to give its definition, but names should be transliterated. The disciple YaHUanan gave us the revelation of our beloved YaHUShA and spoke about the “mother harlot with her many daughter harlots” (as of many) whom have “names of blasphemy.” It’s important to note that “blasphemy” is the act of depriving something of its sacred characters’ thus “names of blasphemy” and therefore has cast away the sacred characters of these names for another. Ya’aqub’s name was cast away entirely for “James” and Yahudah’ cast away for Jude. When we look at the name the angel said to Miriam that she will conceive in her womb and will give birth to a Son, it is said to call Him OSWJY then if translators could end up with their “so called” transliteration “Joshua” for the companion of MShaH whom bears the same name, thus same Hebrew spelling how did we end up with something completely different for the name of the anointed? This for me is beyond ludicrous and an absolutely a disgrace when thinking about His sacrifice for us and rightly did YaHUanan prophesied and said, “names of blasphemy.” You will see that Messiah's name and the prophet YShAYaHU’s name are only reversed. The prophet YShAYaHU’s name meaning “deliverer YaHU” whereas Messiah’s name meaning “YaHU deliverer.” The “ShA” is taken from the root word “YaShA” OSY Not only did ALL the prophets had some form of the Name JWJY or ALaHYM in their names, but ALL spoke IN THE NAME OF JWJY which should be another serious matter to consider! See Ya’aqub (James) 5:10 NEVER ONCE did they prophesied “in the name of God” or “thus God said” let alone “in Jesus Name.” In fact if they were to come in a name of another strong authority (anything other than JWJY) they would have been regarded as a false prophet according to Deuteronomy 18:20 and also 13:1-3 and the very reason YaHUShA said, “I have told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do IN MY FATHER ’S NAME, (((they))) bear witness concerning Me.” (((THIS))) as a matter of fact, is how we prove YaHUShA of Nasereth’s and all other prophets authenticity! They did not come in their own names nor prophesied in another name as so MANY false prophets do; ‘Beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from ALaHYM because MANY FASLE PROPHETS HAVE GONE OUT IN THIS WORLD.’314 I don’t care how many miracles, signs and wonders they do in the community (see MattiYaHU 24:24) if they don’t comply with a simple test of time (Deuteronomy 18:20 and also 13:1-3 and Yshayahu 8:20) they should be regarded among the false.

ekklesia -

The intendant meaning for “ekklesia” or root etymology as seen in the Strongs Greek Concordance comes from “ek” (Strongs #1537) which means “out of” and the word “klesis” (Strongs #2821) which means “a calling.” So “ekklesia” meant to be “called out” or “calling

312 Psalms 33:6313 Hebrews 11:3314 1 YaHUanan 4:1

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Charl Hattingh, 04/07/15,
“And HIS NAME (JWJY) is called THE WORD OF ALaHYM’ – Revelation 19:13
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out of” thus one should read it as such, “And I say also unto thee, that thou art SeLaH (stating his name accurately), and upon this fortress (interpreting its definition) I will build my called out ones (ekklesia).” It’s not to be called “church” TO THE CONTRARY!

e.g. -

When you mean “for example,” the English has adopt e.g. which is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia. When you mean “that is,” use “i.e.” which is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase id est. Either can be used to clarify a preceding statement, the first by example, the second by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it. Because these uses are so similar, the two abbreviations are easily confused.

Father –

Before I address the word “Father” I’d like to draw your attention to something in the text regarding the word “ Rabbi.” It is written, ‘But you do not be called Rabbi for one is your master” this should indicate that “master” is the definition of the Semitic word “rabbi” and by which translators show comparison. When we mimic the first century disciples, one will refer to our beloved YaHUShA as ‘- our anointed and all you are brothers.’315 Therefore one can conclude that we are NOT TO BE CALLED “master” or “teacher” but One is which is our anointed YaHUShA, and that we on the other hand are merely all “brothers.” Interestingly how translators chose to insert the word as it’s found in the earlier translation (by which they show comparison) yet in the following passage they avoid it. ‘And call no man your Father on the earth’ if they would have inserted the word from an earlier translation as they did in the previous text it would have said, ‘And call no man your “Pater”’ as it reflects in the Greek or ‘call no man your “Abba”’ as it would reflect in the Aramaic or “Ab” in the paleo Hebrew or “Av” in modern Babylonian Hebrew. Also interestingly how there is a distinction made between those ON EARTH and our Father IN HEAVEN. To my opinion without giving an entire lecture on this subject is that His admonition here is a response to all who has proud hearts and their grasping after marks of status and prestige. Those who truly walk after the likeness of our beloved YaHUShA will avoid any elevation of an individual man (himself) and will esteem our Father (((IN HEAVEN))) – ‘Our Father who is IN THE HEAVENS (not a pope or individual man who is on earth) set apart be THY NAME!’316 This brings me to “ABBA Father” by means of how people make reference to our Strong Authority Most High to avoid confrontation on the interpretation and or pronunciation of the divine Name of the Father. The word “abba” was merely added for way of explanation. i.e. “abba father” which to the trained or educated reader is a repeated of words. They mean one and the same thing in different languages.317 Until you are fully convinced in your own mind regarding the pronunciation on the divine Name, then I see no harm in using the title “Father” but no point in using a repeating of words. However, do consider the importance of the “ greatest command of them all” which is to HEAR the Name! If you’re speaking English then use the words “Father” and if you are speaking Hebrew then use the word “AB” and if you are speaking Aramaic then use the word “ABBA” but there is no point in repeating the word as in “ABBA Father” or even to be a sounding brass or a clanging symbol to your family who are speaking English then Ab won’t suffice unless you explain yourself. People don’t feel comfortable assigning one of these pronunciation to the name simply because they scared they might be wrong, or simply to avoid any quarrel yet those who feel this way is still

315 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 23:8-10316 Mattiyahu (Matthew) 6:9317 Mattiyahu 6:7 says, "And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.”

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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comfortable calling Him “God” which is just as wrong or worse yet, insane to say the least. These so often choose to focus on these attributes specifically to Father, which to them is the essence of who He is rather than how you pronounce His Name. Yet a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.318 And I would place these attributes alongside “great riches” and if our heavenly Father wanted these attributes to have the same prestige, He would have asked MShaH to introduce Him as Father to Pharaoh, instead, He deliberately chose a good name and He has chosen JWJY. We have an obligation to make His Name know to the nations. People stop at these attributes especially at Father which is “Ab” BA which is merely the manner or outline for your prayers. Pray about these things! He said, “Pray thus,” not “Pray this.” Abba is Aramaic not Hebrew, and although Sematic it would be a repeated of words to say “Abba Father.” We are not to parrot these words. If you thus choose to use Father instead make sure you do not call someone else this, you need to make a distinction.319

Halal -

“Halal” is the primary root for praise as we can see in the word halleluyah and if accurately translated it could simply mean “glamorously foolish.” This word being used in Psalms 113:1-3 for example whereas “yadah” refers to the “extended hand” to “throw or to cast” as explained in the text and simply another form of praise and can be seen in Psalms 107:15. In Psalms 50:23 for example the word “towdah” is being used and has the same root as “yahdah” “extended hand” but more specifically used when thanking JWJY for things not yet received and notice what it says, “Whoever offers praise (todah) esteems Me.” Then we find the word Shabach in reference “to shout, address in a loud voice, command” as used in Psalms 145:4. Notice who is actually using the word “barak” in reference to a form of praise. “barak” simply means to kneel down in adoration.” King DaUD is trying to teach the people of YShRAL that when we come before a king, especially THE KING, we should “bless (barak) the Master our ALaHYM.” And all the assembly “barak” the Master as written in 1 Chronicles 29:20. Another form of praise is to “Zamar” and this is specifically used when “using an instrument” “to pluck the strings” as in Psalms 21:13. “Tehillah” is derived from the word “halal” (praise) with the “extended hand “ah” as in “yadah” used in Psalms 33:1 and Yshayahu 61:3. The word “halal” is often associated with “clean or unclean” just another term for “kosher.” Those under the veil of Christianity in general often avoid foods that are “halal,” simply due to their lack of understanding the house of Abraham. The book of Jubilees chapter 20:1 says that ‘Abraham called Ishma’AL and his twelve sons, and YShA’aC (Isaac) and his two sons (Ya’aqub and Esau), and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons. And he commanded THEM that they should observe the way of the Master;…’ i.e. they worshiped the same Strong Authority “AL.” Much later (verse 12-13) it says, ‘And Yshma’AL and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Babylon in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert. And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and YShma’ALites’ Even today they still make reference to the “AL” or “ALaH” or “ALaHYM” as all the Semitic languages would who came from Abraham. We will be making a huge mistake by dismissing these words or Samatic languages simply based on groups associated with it. The Scripture also reveals another revelation when Abraham prayed unto JWJY and asked (I suggest you do the same) ‘deliver me from the hands of evil spirits who have dominion over the thoughts of men's hearts, and let them not lead me astray from Thee My ALaHYM. And establish Thou

318 Proverbs 22:1319 YaHUShA gave us a stern warning, ‘And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the heavens.’ – Mattiyahu 23:9

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 09/08/15,
Father, teacher (rabbi) Adonai, ALaHYM, haShem etc.
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me and my seed forever that we go not astray from henceforth and forever more’320 the evidence is clear that all three houses he called to observe the way of the Master have unfortunately departed and were led astray. This is clearly visible in the Eid al-adha festival and the means by which they slaughter the animals at the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca which merely reflects "blood lust." The mere ancient reason for slaughtering it in an "halal" way is twofold. To drain the blood from the animal, thus its heart should not be stopped prior to slaughtering in order to pump the blood out completely and thus the animal should be raised upside down that all the blood can freely run out. And the reason for this we find in Genesis 9:4 ‘But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.’ The second reason by means of slaughtering it the "halal" way is although "lawful or permissible" its root or primary root comes from "praise" (or at least in the right manner) as we can see in the word halleluyah which means praise ye (hallelu) YaH (the one we are to praise). And if not in this manner, "a praise unto YaHUaH" it should be avoided. Thus what we see in the Eid al-adha festival and/or the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca does not speak of "praise" and merely shows that the evil spirits have dominion over the hearts of men.

Jesus –

Translators have simply ignored the hard evidence and continued to build upon a translation of another transliterated error and each translation rendering “Jesus” simply did not go back to the original text. If they did they would have had the name of our saviour exactly as the companion of MShaH. Then, on top of this madness, contemporary “Bible” Scalars still use the Masoretic text as their primary source of Scripture, yet it clearly reflects tampering i.e. it replaced the Name of the Father with traditional “Jewish” substitutes like “HaShem” (meaning “The Name”) or sometimes “Adonai,” clearly the works of those who felt it necessary to conceal the Name. The Masoretic text also reflects YaHUShA (O’SWJY ) as “Yshu” (WSY ) even though it appears 216 times in the Tanak as YaHUShA (O’SWJY ). What is even more disturbing is that “YShU” is an acronym321 for “Yemach Shemow W-zikhrow” (the “W” is taken for the “double-U” sound as in “OO”) and literally means “May His name and memory be erased.” While the short form YShU ( WSY ) or YShUA ( AWSY ) is popular with many, indeed the Shem Tob Hebrew text of Mattiyahu render it as such; it still reflects the same traditional “Jewish” substitutes. The Greeks and Aramaic simply build upon these substitutes, for example the Greeks took this mistranslation “YShUA” and it became Ihsou (Iesou) and the conjugated Ihsouz (lesous) in Koine Greek. Ihsou became IESV S (Iesus) in Latin, which has only been spelled “Jesus” since the 14th century and acquired its present English pronunciation in the 16th century when the letter “J” entered the English language.

“Jewish” Literature -

First and foremost; the inscription “Jew” derives from the tribe of YaHUDaH which became known as YUDaH and when the letter J was introduced into English it became Judah and in short we were left with Jew (a form of slang). Just remember that “Jew” is only one of the twelve tribes of YShRAL. Don’t be ignorant to assume that “Jew” or “Jewish” refer to the entire house of Ya’aqub who became YShRAL. Don’t mistake Jewish literature with YaHUaH’s TURaH or even with the Hebrew roots either it’s rather closer to “Judaism” which were the customs and traditions of the tribe of YaHUDaH who came back after their dispersion from Babylon which is the recorded volumes called the Talmud and the Mishna. The modern Hebrew (Babylonian block script) was developed whereby the vowel points for the Masoretic Text came into existence, such as the sheva and a gamets in an effort to disguise the Name YaHU by adding the vowel points:

320 Jubilee 12:20 see also Psalms 71:4 and Psalms 140-144321 A word formed by combining the initial letters of a multipart name, such as NATO from North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 04/07/15,
A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech made up typically of coinages and figure of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms or added raciness, humour, irreverence or other effects.
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
CHI XI STIGMA pronounced “Gee-Zus” and its latter or present pronunciation “Jesus” equals 666. “Chi” = 600, XI = 60, and Stigma = 6. This can clearly be seen in the Codex Vaticanus AD 350. Χ ε ς
Charl Hattingh, 01/08/15,
Charl Hattingh, 13/02/15,
Charl Hattingh, 13/02/15,
Charl Hattingh, 25/02/15,
This has led to several other “traditions” where people write G-D for example as to not profane the name.
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
Hanusha became YaHUsha
Charl Hattingh, 01/08/15,
YaHU (WJY) reflecting the first three letters of the heavenly Fathers Name and the letter (S) makes the sound ‘Sh’ in the word ‘shine’ and the letter (O) makes the sound ‘ay’ in the word ‘able.’ These two letters (OS) derived from the root word “Y-Sh-A’ OSY meaning to save, be saved, or delivered, see STRONGS H3467. The modern Babylonian block script render it as such: ucwhy i.e the YaHU ( why ) and the ShA ( uc ).
Charl Hattingh, 25/01/15,
Transgress the command of ALaHYM by their traditions
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This technique was especially used in those cases where the name YaHU formed the beginning of a personal name, e.g. YaHU-ShA which was altered to Yehosha which later then became Joshua. Since the Shem Tob Hebrew text of Mattiyahu were found, the short form Y’ShUA JWSY is popular with many especially amongst the self-proclaimed Messianic believers; indeed the Shem Tob Hebrew text of Mattyahu (Matthew) renders it as such as also the Hebrew translation of the “New Testament” by F. Delitzch. HOWEVER, the Jewish text of Mattyahu reproduced by Shem Tob, clearly reflects Jewish tampering i.e. it replaced the Sacred Name JWJY with traditional “Jewish” substitutes like ha-shem (meaning The Name), “adonai” and “elohim”, CLEARLY THE WORKS OF THOSE WHO FELT IT NECESSARY TO CONCEAL THE NAME. We do however find YaHUShA O’SWJY over 216 times in the old testament, whereas YaHUShUA OWSWJY found only two times and the Y’ShUA OWSY only once! It is from much study you can find “YaHShA” O’SJY or “YShA” O’SY rather than “YaHUShUA” OWSWJY. Regardless of this inconvenient truth, contemporary Bible translations still use the Masoretic Text that was written by Messiah hating Yahudim’s as their primary source of scripture. YaHUShA OSWJY for example has been changed to YShU WSY and YShUA OWSY thus the Greeks build on that and wrote Ihsou (Iesou) and the conjugated Ihsouz (Iesous) in Koine Greek. Ihsou became IESVS (Iesus) in latin, which has been spelled “Jesus” since the 14th century and acquired its present English pronunciation in the 16th. Consider both Yermiyahu 8:8 and Galatians 1:8 in the context of this inconvenient truth! I choose not to drink of this well (Jewish Encyclopedia) the very people who are influenced by the Talmud that proclaims the death penalty for pronouncing the name and yet sell you the idea that His Name is “YaHWeH”! What saddens me is that so many so called “scholars” are drinking of this well, the very teachings Messiah referred to as “leaven” and in many instances in Scripture regarded as “poison.”

Messiah –

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 27/06/15,
YaHU (WJY) reflecting the first three letters of the heavenly Fathers Name and the letter (S) makes the sound ‘Sh’ in the word ‘shine’ and the letter (O) makes the sound ‘ay’ in the word ‘able.’ These two letters (O’S) derived from the root word “Y-Sh-Á’ O’SY meaning to save, be saved, or delivered, see STRONGS H3467. The modern Babylonian block script render it as such: ucwhy i.e the YaHU ( why ) and the ShÁ ( uc ).
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YaHUShA was always referred to by his disciples as either “The King,”322 “The Servant,”323

“The Son of Man,”324 “The Branch,”325 “The Son of ALaHYM”326 or “Anointed”327 which is taken from the Hebrew word “MShYaH,” but never as “Christ.” If the Hebrew word “M’Sh’Y’aH” is TRANSLITERATED we would find it written in:

Greek Μεσσίας

Latin “Messias”

English “Messiah”

Yet this is not a name but a word or title that ought to be translated which will give the meaning of “anointed,” yet we find none of these in any of the translations but see a deliberate SUBSTITUTE word Χριστός (Khristós) in Greek, and its English offspring “Christ.” The disciples would simply have used a term “Μεσσίας” if they were to explain their “anointed” to the Greeks, yet translators chose another word Χριστός. I CHOOSE TO RATHER STICK TO THE ORIGINAL INTENDANT WORD. In my search for TRUTH in order to have a deeper or more meaningful relationship or spiritual walk with our beloved Father, I am so often reminded of the words of the prophet Yshayahu when he stated, “Woe to me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips…”328 THEREFORE YaHUaH had to send a Seraphim to touch his mouth with a live coal from the slaughter place and may He do the same for us because according to Proverbs, “A false scale (as a false word) is an abomination to YaHUaH, but a perfect weight is His delight.”329 (see also “found wanting (lacking)” Therefore I choose to rather use the term;

“Scriptures” instead of “Bible,”

“anointed” instead of “Christ,”

“YaHUaH” instead of “THE LORD,”

“Most High” or “ALaHYM” instead of “God,”

“Covenant” instead of “Testament”

“Set Apart” instead of “Holy”

“Faithfulness” or “Obedient” instead of “Faith”

“Good News” instead of “Gospel”

“Called out” or “assembly” instead of “Church” see the intended meaning for “ekklesia.”

322 In the book of Mattiyahu and Yirmiyahu 23:5323 In the book of Mark324 Throughout the book of Luke.325 Yirmeyahu 23:5326 Throughout the book of YaHchanan327 Psalms 82:6 in YaHchanan 10: 34.328 Yshayahu 6:5329 Proverbs 11:1

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 02/05/15,
Now closely consider the words of the author of Hebrews 13:15-17, “Through Him then, let us continually offer up a slaughter offering of praise to ALaHYM, THAT IS, THE FRUIT OF OUR LIPS, giving thanks to His Name ( JWJY ).”
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A FIGURE OF SPEECH in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison as in “Word” or “the Word” or “Thy Word” or “Your Word” as used in Scripture. For example: Revelations 19:3 states “…and His Name is called the Word of ALaHYM.” With that “revelation” in mind, consider the following Scriptures in a different light or understanding, ‘But brothers, I make known to you the Good News, which I brought as Good News to you, which you also did receive, and in which you stand, through which also you are being saved, IF YOU HOLD FAST THAT WORD (JWJY) I brought as Good News to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.’330 Or perhaps: ‘the Spirit fell on those hearing the WORD (JWJY).’331 Ten to one these Scriptures and more has often been miss implied due to a lack of understanding its metaphorical intent. I certainly hope a “light bulb” is going on in your hearts right now especially relating to the “Word.” Remember ‘YaHUShA said all this to the crowds in parables, and He did not speak to them without a parable.’332 Why? ‘Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens, but to them it has not been given.’333 Another example is found in the word “Truth” as used in Scripture. ‘You will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free’334 Here “truth” is used to designate “another” which the Psalms verify, “Your Righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your TURaH is truth’335 How about, ‘Now that you have cleansed your lives IN OBEYING THE TRUTH through the Spirit to unfeigned brotherly love, love one another fervently with a clean heart,…’336 TURaH and Truth are used interchangeably.

MShaH –

The more common name used for him is “Moses” but I suggest you consider the prophetic warning in Revelations regarding “NAMES of blasphemy” before settling for what you’ve been told. If you look at any Strongs concordance you will see that it is spelled JSM as in:


Sh S

aH J

330 1 Corinthians 15:2331 Acts 10:44332 Mattiyahu 13:34333 Mattiyahu 13:10334 YaHUanan 8:32335 Psalms 119: 142336 1 SeLaH (Peter) 1:22-25

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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and it clearly reflects the aaaahhhh at the end as in halleluyaH JYWLLJ not MosES or even MoshES but rather M’Sh’aH. It also has a “Sh” as when you are trying to silence people, not just an “S” sound.

Natsarim –

A Hebrew word translated into English meaning "watchmen," that has the root or word etymology of a “netsar” meaning “branch.” Although Christianity briefly compares with the Natsarim, the one is a very narrow road known by a few and the other is very wide. The disciples use a term for themselves, and it was NATSARIM.337 The Natsarim (watchmen) were very specific in their labelling of themselves, since their label referred to the One they were followers of, YaHUShA of Natsarith. Never did they referred to themselves as “Christians” they did however SUFFER under a term of scorn being a “Christian.” In Acts 11:26 for example “the disciples WERE CALLED Christians FIRST IN ANTIOCH,” It doesn’t say the called themselves this, but rather, “were called this” by others or those in Antioch. SeLaH much later said “Yet if any man SUFFER as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify ALaHYM on this behalf.” i.e. he was simply using an example, for when a group of people begin to call us names such as “Messianic” or “Sacred Namers” in these last days, as they were called Christians “IN ANTIOCH.” While Paul was arrested (after his conversion) and taken to Rome, he was kept in the home of a centurion. He called for the chief Yahudim, and they had heard of this “sect“, and said to Paul, “But we desire to hear from you, what you think: for as concerning THIS SECT, we know that everywhere it is spoken AGAINST.” as written in Acts 28:22. When Paul was arrested, a lawyer made accusations against him before Felix. Part of that dialog describes the “sect” which Sha’ul was a member of: “He is a ringleader of the NAZARENE SECT, and even tried to desecrate the Temple; so we seized him.”338 More on this in “The Good News of the Kingdom” teaching series.

Oral Torah (TURaH) –

Rabbinic oral law is a very broad subject as it encompasses many aspects of “Jewish” law and traditions. In short, rabbinic oral law is a catchall framework for the following legal categories: 1) Halachot 2) Minhagim, 3) Takanot and Gezerot, 4) Ma'asim. Halachot are new laws derived from Scripture, although usually twisted out of context or manipulated and forced to reveal things that are not there in the plain reading of Scripture. Minhagim are Jewish customs that become law by the sheer fact that something may be commonly accepted and widely practised. You can see an example of this in Acts 15: 1, where it refers to circumcision as a “CUSTOM of Moses” which is a clear sign that this is a reference to the Pharisaic CUSTOMS and traditions. Another example clearly seen throughout the world amongst the Jewish communities are the wearing of a Kippah. Takanot and Gezerot are enactments and decrees invented out of thin air, with no scriptural justification. YaHUShA makes a reference to these in Mattithyahu (Matthew) 15: 3 and 6, referring to voluminous Pharisaic traditions. Ma'asim are deeds or actions of previous tzadikim – “righteous” men or rabbis (teachers) that become law just because they did something and, therefore, it makes their ma'aseh or actions valid and thus, legally binding on all Jews. An example of ma'asim is, “works of law.” Modern example would be seen by the Pharisees of today called Orthodox all wearing black hats. All four of these categories of law establish a central rabbinic authority for all “Jews,” YET TRANSGRESS THE COMMANDMENT OF ALAHYM FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR TRADITIONS ACCORDING TO YAHUSHA! The fundamental principle of Oral Torah is adding to the Written TURaH! i.e. prior to Sha'ul's conversion he was following the binding

337 Acts 24:5338 Acts 24:5

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rules, regulations, traditions, enactments and prohibitions of the Pharisees, “at the feet of Gamli'el”339 also Galatians 1:13 & 14 where Paul said, “For you have heard of my FORMER WAY of life in Yahudaism, how intensely I persecuted the assembly of ALaHYM, and ravaged it. And I progressed in Yahudaism beyond many of my age in my race, being more exceedingly ardent for the TRADITIONS OF MY FATHERS.” A classic example of these “traditions” which is called “Yahudaism” is found where the Pharisees hold to the “traditions” and thus according to Messiah “transgress the commandment of ALaHYM,” as we read: “why do your disciples break the traditions of the elders? For they do not wash their hands before they eat bread’ And He answered them, “why do you transgress the commandment of ALaHYM for the sake of your traditions?” i.e. the commandment of ALaHYM is crystal clear, that you will not add to the words or take away from it (Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 and Proverbs 30:6) yet through their traditions they have added to the written TURaH (right rulings) of our ALaHYM transgressing the commandment through their “ma’asei hatorah” because there is nowhere in Scripture to be found that one should wash their hands before they eat bread. YaHUShA had already warned His disciples against these teachings saying to them ‘How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread, but to beware of the leaven [referring to the added traditions] of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, BUT OF THE TEACHINGS [traditions as seen in the Mishna or Talmud] of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”340 Understanding the very principle of Oral Torah “the added traditions” or “ma’asei hatorah” known as “Yahudaism” will open your understanding to the very conflicts YaHUShA had with them and also our beloved brother Paul after his conversion away from it as seen when he boldly spoke about it which is commonly mistaken for the written law (TURaH) of YaHUaH, saying, “For as many as are of works of law (Ma'asei HaTorah) are under a curse, for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who does NOT ABIDE by all things (((written))) in the book of the Law to perform them,” because the “book of the law” or rather the “written TURaH” tells us plainly, ‘You shall not add to the Word, which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of YaHUaH your ALaHYM which I commanded you.’ He is not saying those who DO the TURaH (right ruling) are under a curse but simply stating “works” (ma’asei) which is the binding rules, regulations, TRADITIONS, enactments and prohibitions he followed prior to his conversion “a heavy burden” which not only add to the TURaH (right rulings) of YaHUaH and therefore transgressing the commandment of ALaHYM but also these “works” will place you under a curse. He is simply quoting Deuteronomy 27:26 where the ones who are cursed are the ones who DO NOT do YaHUaH’s TURaH” for if they did, they wouldn’t have added to the written TURaH (right rulings) of YaHUaH. This was the very principle YaHUShA had against the Phairsees for transgressing the commandment of ALaHYM for the sake of their traditions “ma'asei” (works) and the dutch word (handelinge) of the (ha) TURaH.

SeLaH -

SeLaH reflects the meaning of the city SeLaH JLV as named and renamed by the Nabateans and the Greeks now known as Petra. A fortress in the rock:

He smote Edom in the Valley of Salt, ten thousand, and took SeLaH in battle, and called its name Y’Ch’aH’AL to this day.341

It is not a musical signature denoting suspension. However there seems to be a connection to its echo from the rock for which reason it might be used in the Psalms, but nobody knows

339 Acts 22:3340 Mattithyahu 16: 11-12341 2Kings 14:7

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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for sure. This is different from the word SheLaH JLS which is used interchangeably with the root etymology that relates to where ANUSh (Enoch) consciously named his son HLSW+M (MeThUSheLacH). Messiah also spoke to Shimon Ben YUNaH and said you shall be called “SeLaH.” Shimon derived from the root word ShMA which is to “hear,” and Ben meaning Son, and YUNaH is the name of another “called out one” (ekklesia) which point to its prophetic meaning “dove” thus parable. See the parable of YUNaH in my book entitled “The Parables and riddles of old.” Thus its prophetic meaning is far more than just simply Shimon who became “the rock” or rather “fortress” but more specifically pointing to something we ought to “HEAR.” Just take note that Messiah spoke nothing unless it was in a parable. 342 In Greek manuscripts we come across the word Pertos (little rock) and Petra (big rock) which should merely indicate its definition taken from the Hebrew word SeLaH which simply means fortress. We read; "He said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?' Shimon SeLaH replied, 'You are the anointed, the Son of the living ALaHYM.' And YaHUShA answered him, “Blessed are you, ShMA Ben YUNaH! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are SeLaH and on this fortress (SeLaH) I will build my assembly, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."343 The disciple’s name was ShMA Ben YUNaH which literally mean “hear Son of YUNaH.” What was it that he ought to hear? Was is simply just that he ought to know that he will be fortress in the rock or the rock as so many hold dear, or is there more going on in Hebrew than meets the eye in English and unless you do not understand the parables you will simply not know the secrets of the reign of the heavens.344 This secret, and/or parable revealed in my upcoming book entitled The Parables and Riddles of Old.


Shalom is more accurately rendered as ShaLUM MWLS reflecting the “oo” sound as in school or the Hebrew ShUL LWS. And means far more than the English gives it credit. The word “peace” is really incomprehensive. The word ShLUM is more accurately put in context of wholeness or to be complete. So every time you say to someone, “Shabbat ShLUM,” you are literally saying may your day of rest (Shabbat) be wholesome or complete, that you have everything you need. Another example as given by the English translation “pray for the PEACE of Yerushalayim” you are in fact praying or should be praying that Yerushalayim be wholesome and complete. And in its current state it’s not! Its root word is ShLaM MLS which is to “restore.”

Mother Harlot -

Before you dismiss my interpretation of the mother harlot and her many daughter harlots as the “Catholic Church” with the many other “churches” throughout the centuries, consider this; Even though they all may have different first names, they all share in their mother maidens name “Church.” If the translators would’ve simply translated the Greek word “ekklesia” into English you would’ve seen it written as “assembly” or “congregation,” or better yet “called out ones,” instead we are left with another type of “assembly” that portrays something different from the intendant meaning. Although the modern meaning

342 Mattiyahu 13:13343 Mattiyahu 16:15-19344 Mattiyahu 13:10

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for “church” came to mean “assembly” over time, its root etymology derives from a “building” or “structure” which was subject to an “organization” which “stood for” or “acted as” a “letter of recommendation” and oppose the very thing brother Paul forewarned the Corinthians in chapter 3. The intendant meaning for “ekklesia” or root etymology as seen in the Strongs Greek Concordance comes from “ek” (word #1537) which means “out of” and the word “klesis” (word #2821) which means “a calling.” So “ekklesia” means to be “called out” and shed more light on the words of YaHUShA unto Shimon Ben YUNaH; “And I say also unto thee, that thou art SeLaH (stating his name accurately) and upon this fortress (interpreting its definition) I will build my ekklesia (called out ones).” Now bear in mind, that the so called “Church” (Building, Structure, Organization) joined the State under Constantine and it was carried through the Reformation. The Reformers, were all involved in civil government, such as John Calvin who set up the civil government in Geneva. The pope was the head of the Catholic (which means universal) Church (referring to the governance building or structure) and he was kicked out of England, and King Henry VIII took jurisdiction over the Church (“governance building”). And then when the King James version was done, it was very important for them to retain the word "church" because they had jurisdiction over it (building), so King James made fifteen specific edicts, as far as the translation goes, and one of those edicts (edict number three) stated that ‘this bible was to retain the word "church" in the translation and it was not to be replaced with the word "congregation." ’ That was his specific edict. He has no jurisdiction over the congregation (people), but he does over the church (physical buildings). So you can see he never wanted the word "assembly" associated with the original meaning. So he knew the correct translation, obviously, but he didn't want it in there, that way they retain control over "the church." Some dictionaries state that the word church derived from a late Greek word kurioton which means “the Lords house” yet what most people don’t realise is that it was never intendant to refer to the Most High but instead “the Lord” referred to the “head of State” who have ownership over the title deed (i.e. “Land Lord”) of the “building.” Another reason why they also decided upon themselves to SUBSTITUTE the Name JWJY over 7000 times with that of “THE LORD.” The derivation of the word “church” is found in Teutonic and Slavonic languages and comes from “circe” clearly seems to be cognate with “kirke” where we get the Dutch “kerk” and the German “kirche” and the Scots “kirk,” all referring to a “building, or “structure” which was subject to an “organization” and authority. Another important fact of History very few people know is that the Greeks attribute the invention of “Circus” (“circular in structure and worship or praise) to Kirke or Circe or church (Governance building) as it is in English today. In Acts 19:21-41 it explains how they all “rushed into their THEATER (circular in origin) when they heard that not only are their trade in danger of falling in dispute but also their temple of their goddess Artemis.” Regardless of its modern meaning, it was substitute with its original intent “called out.” Many daughter harlots share in their mother maiden name “Church.” In contrast to them, there are an assembly or “called out” ones in the earth today who see themselves as part of the family of Ya’aqub.345


TSUR RWX is the Hebrew word for “Rock.” The X makes the sound ‘Ts’ in the word ‘pots’ and the W makes the sound ‘oo’ in the word ‘school,’ or ‘supper’ or ‘halleluyah’ and the letter R makes the sound ‘R’ in the word ‘Road.’ I do not believe this was the name given unto the disciple for several reasons I explain in my book entitled the ‘Parables and riddles of old.’ But it could very well be, because of its close relation between TUR or TURaH but more

345 Luke 1:33 & Deuteronomy 33:4

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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study required on this, perhaps someone else like to dig deep into its semantics or find ancient text to verify.


No other Scripture has yet so beautifully define the meaning of the word as this particular one:

‘And what nation is there so great, that has STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS so righteous as all this TURaH which I set before you this day?’346

If one were to look into the etymology of the word so that we may better understand its true definition. The word JRWT (TURaH) comes from the root word RWT (TUR) meaning to “seek out” or “spy out” or “explore” thus His statues and judgements we ought to “seek out.” Be sure to also “spy out” both, “The parable of the dove” and “The Parable of YUNaH” in my upcoming book entitled “The Parables ad Riddles of Old.” To anyone who is not familiar with these things, seeing a dove descend on someone347 is cute at best. For someone who sees the linguistic connection between TURaH and dove, this is all quite a bit more profound.348 It is important to know that you really cannot translate one of these Hebrew words with one English word and convey the entire meaning of the Hebrew in fact it will even be better to translate a word with an entire sentence in English because of the richness in the Hebrew language. Yet we purposely and deliberately use the word to educate the reader not only that which were used since the beginning of time, but also to describe all of its prophetic qualities combined in one singular word TURaH. Much is lost in the translation, especially when reading “law” in its place as if that is an accurate translation. The first letter T of the word TURaH on its own literally means “a sign” which is in a form of a cross as when someone makes a covenant, “to seal.” The second letter W is in a form of a nail and often used to express the meaning “and” or to add, to secure. The third letter R has always portray a singular person, but is often used in reference to “the head” or “the highest.” And the last letter J is in the form of a window and is often used to express the meaning “the” as to “reveal,” throw, cast, or expand. When each of these letters are combined to make a sentence, an amazing truth is revealed: the combined meaning of the letters of the word TURaH are: “The SIGN - Nailed – The head (highest) – Revealed (as the living TURaH!)” “Do My right rulings and guard My TURaH to walk in them” 349 those who didn’t take it to heart died in the wilderness as explained in Acts 7:38 which also states that the TURaH (His right rulings) is “living words” and “good news” as explained in Hebrews 4:2. The Psalms would say, ‘Your righteousness is righteousness forever and Your TURaH IS TRUTH’350 Since TURaH revealed to be the TRUTH guess what is being said here:

‘Now that you have cleansed your lives IN OBEYING THE TRUTH through the Spirit to unfeigned brotherly love, love one another fervently with a clean heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible through the LIVING WORDS [TURaH] of ALaHYM, WHICH REMAINS FOREVER, because all flesh is as grass, and all the esteem of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls

346 Deuteronomy 4:8347 Mattiyahu 3:16348 TUR is also an onomatopoeia (The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sound associated with the objects or actions they refer to.) i.e. “TUR! TUR!” the sound a dove will make. 349 Leviticus 18:4-5350 Psalms 119:142

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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People could not see the TURaH for what it was worth -“Good News” or “living Words” and they still cannot see it for what it’s worth now since “it has been VEILED in those who are perishing.”352 A lot more can be said about the TURaH but more on this in my book entitled ‘The Good News of the Kingdom.’ In closing, the Psalms reminds us that ‘the TURaH is PERFECT bringing back the being.’353 And proverbs states, ‘For I give you GOOD DOCTRINE; do not forsake my TURaH.’354 Then our beloved brother said, ‘If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of YaHUShA the anointed, being trained in the words of the faith and of the GOOD DOCTRINE that you have followed.’355 Yshayahu said, ‘To the (1st) TURaH and to the (2nd) testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no light in them.’356


YaHU (WJY) reflecting the first three letters of the heavenly Fathers Name and the letter (S) makes the sound ‘Sh’ in the word ‘shine’ and the letter (O) makes the sound ‘ay’ in the word ‘able.’ These two letters (O’S) derived from the root word “Y-Sh-Á’ O’SY meaning to save, be saved, or delivered, see STRONGS H3467. The modern Babylonian block script render it as such: ucwhy i.e the YaHU ( why ) and the ShÁ ( uc ).


Parables and Riddles of Old –

The disciples asked our beloved, ‘why do you speak to them in a parable?’ and the answer came, ‘because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the KINGDOM of heaven, but unto them it is not given.’358 Where did our beloved find these parables? The Psalms have a

351 1 SeLaH (Peter) 1:22-25352 2 Corinthians 4:3353 Psalms19:7354 Proverbs4:2355 1 Timothy 4:6356 Yshayahu 8:20357 A preliminary statement or essay introducing a book that explains its scope, intention or background and is usually written by the author at least in this case it is. 358 Mattiyahu 13:11

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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fitting answer, ‘My people, give ear TO MY TURaH, incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I OPEN MY MOUTH IN A PARABLE; I UTTER RIDDLES OF OLD, which we have heard and known, for our fathers have related them [parables & riddles out of TURaH] to us. We do not hide them [parables & riddles out of TURaH] from their children, relating to the generation to come THE PRAISE OF YaHUaH!’359 However HaUShA explains, ‘I have written for him numerous matters of My TURaH – they were regarded as strange.’360 Those regarding the TURaH to be “strange,” “a curse,” or “done away with” will not have an understanding361 of the mysteries of the Kingdom and without knowing this parable our beloved said, ‘how shall you know all other parables.’362 What to expect is the parable of the dove, the early and the latter rain, the parable of YUNaH (an amazing piece of the puzzle relating to the called out ones), the parables of the fig tree, bitter waters, parable of the pearls, and many more.

The Good News of the Kingdom –

When the true Good News (Besorah) is given, it will be accompanied by the special mention of a certain woman’s deed recorded at Mattyahu363 To fully comprehend why her deed was inseparable from the good news message, is to first get a perfectly clear Scriptural understanding of the actual good news as taught by the forerunners of old and then once we have a clear understanding of it, we will then contemplate the things relating and pertaining to her story in order to have a better understanding of its significance. The Good News is veiled to many through “another Besorah” (another Good News) called the “Gospel” by the mighty one of this age364 The “Gospel” are being offered instead of the true Besorah. Many are under a DELUSION365 that the “gospel” refers to the “good news,” when (in truth) its root word doesn’t even come close to being “good.” The word “Gospel” is taken from two separate Celtic words, “God” and “Spell”. Many aren’t even aware that they are under an incantation: “a formula used in ritual recitation; a verbal charm or spell.” Another definition is “a conventionalized utterance repeated WITHOUT THOUGHT or aptness; a formula: the pious incantations of the administration.” This is evident amongst those who “utter” words such as Gospel, Saint, Church, Holy, Christian, WITHOUT ANY THOUGHT and so “God Spell” are being donated to men who don’t know WHO “God” (see page 27) or WHAT “Spell” is. In order to understand the good news, one would need to understand the REIGN, because for one; ‘The Good News was the Reign of ALaHYM AND FOR THAT REASON HE WAS SENT’366 and for two; ‘the Good News OF THE REIGN shall be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come.’ 367

HOWEVER in order to understand the REIGN, one would need to understand the “house of Ya’aqub” because ‘Messiah will only REIGN over the “house of Ya’aqub” (not Christianity) and of this REIGN there shall be no end.’ So do not delay, request to read the Good News of

359 Psalms 78:1-4360 HaUShA (Hosea) 8:12361 Mattiyahu 13:12-13362 Mark 4:13363 Mattiyahu 26: 6-13.364 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 & Revelations 2:24365 2 Thessalonians 2:11366 Luke 4:43 367 Mattiyahu 24:14

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

Charl Hattingh, 04/07/15,
“and indeed if our Besorah (Good News) has been VEILED, it has been VEILED in those who are perishing, in whom the mighty one of this age has BLINDED THE MINDS of the unbelieving, so that the ENLIGHTENING of the Good News OF THE (((ESTEEM OF MESSIAH YAHUSHA (which is to carry the Name of His Father) who is the likeness of ALaHYM JWJY, does not SHINE on them.”- 2 Corinthians 4: 3-4
Charl Hattingh, 09/08/15,
Now carefully consider the rest of the parable, “These, then, are the ones by the wayside where the WORD (JWJY) is sown. And when they HEAR (ShMA) the adversary comes immediately and takes away the WORD (JWJY) that was sown IN THEIR HEARTS. And likewise these are the ones sown on rocky places, who, when they HEAR (ShMA) the WORD, immediately RECEIVED IT with joy, and they have no root in themselves, but are short-lived. Then when pressure or persecution arises because of the WORD (JWJY), immediately they stumble. And others are those sown among thorns, these are they who HEAR (ShMA) the WORD (JWJY), and the worries of this age, and the deceit of riches, and the desires for other matters, entering in, choke the WORD (JWJY), and it becomes fruitless. And those sown on GOOD SOIL, are those who HEAR (ShMA) the WORD, and ACCEPT IT, and BEAR FRUIT, some thirtyfold, and some sixty, and some a hundred.”
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the Kingdom that you can put on the full armour of ALaHYM and therefore may put an end to all these other reigns.368

Figure 1 Thinking or Meditating

‘Truly, I say to you, UNLESS you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter into the reign of the heavens’369

Figure 2 - Strong Tower by Jean Guichard

‘the Name JWJY is a strong tower, the RIGHTEOUS RUN INTO IT ANS ARE SAFE.”370

368 DaniAL 2:44369 Mattiyahu 18:3370 Psalms 18:10

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Figure 3 - Strings of Pearls

Figure 4 - In the beginning

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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Figure 5 - Sharper than any two edged sword

Figure 6 - The Good News

A Scriptural Study by Charl Hattingh

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