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Page 1: Release Notes Aegis v3.018.043 - Dataminedownloads-cus.dataminesoftware.com/Aegis/aegis... · Release Notes Aegis v3.018.043.130 Release Date: 2017-05-10 Enhancement and Fix Counts

Release Notes Aegis v3.018.043.130 Release Date: 2017-05-10 Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Enhanced the split charge menu option. A window is presented that allows the user to select where to split the charge column based on the distance from the hole collar. It also allows the charge to be split into multiple pieces at the same time. The dialog takes a semicolon (;) separated list of distances from the collar to split the charge. (Ticket 16815)

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2016 iRing Inc.

2.  When exporting hole collars and hole toes to .dm format, the ring and hole names were not written. Now that information is included in the file format. In the original enhancement, the PTN and PVALUE columns were included when they shouldn't have been. They have been removed in this update. 3.  When an Aegis project was being saved there were some cases where an exception would corrupt the project file. These seem to occur when Aegis is saving the reports. Aegis will now write each report to a memory location. If successful it will write the report to a file. If not, it will replace the element(s) that caused the problem with debugging information that can be used to further diagnose the issue so that it can be repaired. This means that Aegis should not corrupt a project file if there was an issue with the reports during the save process.

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4.  In order to help prevent corrupted files Aegis will now save to a temporary file and if the save was successful, the temporary file will over write the original project. If an error occurred, the original file will remain untouched. (Ticket 16891) 5.  Updated the split charge mechanism so that it can be applied to all holes within the ring.

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6.  Added a new field, RotationD and RotationR, to the custom formula evaluation in the hole table report item. These fields are useful when coupled with the "if" statement. (Ticket 16943) 7.  Added the ability to sort the hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 8.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 9.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 10. Removed the "Fragmentation Statistics tab" and moved the ore/host rock selection to the "Wireframes tab". 11. Added the ability to display the reference line in adjacent stopes in the plan view report item.

12. It is now possible to control how the burden is measured when laying out rings.

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13. Add options to control how the holes are displayed in the hole listings table.

14. Added reference line table which lists all of the references lines used in a scenario by segment. It includes the azimuth and segment length. This replaces all other versions. 15. Added the ability to import rings from a csv file. This will import the holes, and create the rings. 16. Added the reference line information table to the reports. This will display coordinate and azimuth information about the reference lines. It is available for the stope/ring set or all of the stopes in the scenario. 17. Added explosives summary table report item to the reports. It is available as a scenario item, blast item, ring set/stope and ring item. 18. Weight per Delay table has been added to the blasting reports. (Ticket 17271) 19. When exporting hole point data (collar coordinates, toe coordinates, pivot points) to the Datamine file format. The file generated wasn't a true point file. The proper flags have been added and proper point files are now generated. (Ticket 17309) 20. Added Apparent Rotation column to the ring table report item. (Ticket 17342) 21. Added a menu option, Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing Option, to the Ring View context menu that will display the Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing window and allow the user to adjust the collar and toe spacing displayed while moving the hole collar or toe. 22. Added Advanced Costing Module. This module is available with an Analyzer license. The advanced costing module will allow the user to create cost models which can then be applied to different scenarios 23. Added the ability to group wireframes together. This is only functional in the project explorer tree currently. The feature will be extended to the other trees that Aegis uses in the future. 24. Added a reference line id column and a drill id column to the ring set summary table 25. Added new table - Ring Set Summary Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set Summary Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except that it displays all the rings from all the stopes/ring sets in the scenario in one table instead of in separate tables. 26. Added new table - Hole Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set - Hole Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except it displays all of the holes for

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all of the rings from all of the stopes/ring sets in one table instead of in separate tables. This table can also be filtered to show holes that are vertical. 27. Added the ability to export polylines to a csv file. 28. Added an apparent rotation column and breakthrough column to the hole listings table. (Ticket 17633) 29. When importing wireframes from dxf all of the imported wireframes will be grouped under the dxf file name. The individual wireframes will be named based on the layer they are stored on. 30. Added an option to the Copy Active Ring window that instructs Aegis to preserve the holes that already exist on the destination rings. (Ticket 17700) 31. Added the ability to display adjacent ring names to the plan view report item. There are various options to control the label positions. (Ticket 17583)

32. Added a new plan view report item specifically for the blast reports. This plan view will only show the rings that are involved with the blast. (Ticket 17592) 33. Added a visible comments field to scenarios. In the scenario properties there is a comment tab. Adding information to the comments section will cause an icon to appear in the project tree

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underneath the scenario. (Ticket 17711)

34. Added the ability to display slot holes in the Ring Table Item and the Hole Table Item. (Ticket 17714) 35. Updated the Copy Active Ring feature so that it now allows you to copy holes to rings within the stope or ring set. It know allows you to copy holes from rings between two different stopes in the same scenario. (Ticket 17736).

Issues Designer Issues

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1.  Corrected some potential areas where parsing a number from a string could through an exception. 2.  An issue with the way that converting a density in tons/ft^3 to g/cc was incorrect. 3.  While generating rings if you set the start dump and end dump angles as well as limiting the number of rings created, the end ring would not be at the end dump angle. (Ticket 16905) 4.  In some cases when inserting a slot and adjusting the horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table the value would not be quite right (e.g. set it to 7.5 and it would display 7.49). (Ticket 16917) 5.  When holes are placed manually and the toe spacing is changed in the hole listings table the hole would be moved to an incorrect location. (Ticket 16919) 6.  Certain angular conventions when applied to hole rotation angles did not produce the correct values in the 4th quadrant. (Ticket 16918) 7.  In the reports additional wireframe labels would appear when they really shouldn't be there. (Ticket 16950) 8.  The burden was not being calculated correctly when rings were not perpendicular to the reference line. The following screen captures illustrate the issue. (Ticket 16981)

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9.  A hole could be added to the ring view with a zero length which would cause an exception. Now it will not be created. (Ticket 16930) 10. Aegis would crash after recovering a project because the blast id was null. (Ticket 17011) 11. When multiple blasts have the same name a stack overflow would occur. (Ticket 17012) 12. A null reference exception would occur when the reference point of a ring was nothing. (Ticket 17035) 13. When export hole collar coordinates or toe coordinates to .dm format the file could become corrupted if the ring names were too long. (Ticket 17053) 14. There were issues around the way the hole naming convention worked. It wasn't applying the numbering in an expected manor. (Ticket 17050) 15. The hole labels in the ring view would not update if you changed them in the hole listings table. (Ticket 17063) 16. When creating new ring sets/stopes if the scenario was empty prior to creating the rings it wouldn't be removed if the process was canceled. (Ticket 17052) 17. A null reference exception could occur when there are no holes on a ring and you click on the ring to display it in the ring view. 18. When changing or viewing the drill dump/lean or rotation convention the wrong image would be displayed. The rotation image would be displayed for the dump convention and vice versa. (Ticket 17072) 19. When using the true burden offset calculations a null reference exception could occur when using a multi-segmented reference line. (Ticket 17079) 20. The dump/lean angles were not working correctly when used from the create ring set window. This also affect the drill rotation conventions as well. (Ticket 16918) 21. In the report editor the paper size dropdown would not display the paper size of the currently active template or report. This lead to scale issues in the plots due to incorrect page size being sent to the printer and the printer silently rescaling to an available paper size. 22. The horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table for a slot did not work as expected.

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23. In the reports, the hole table has a CollarXYZ and ToeXYZ field that can be pasted into a spreadsheet. In the current form, the values would be separated by a comma. This would not work well with locales that used the comma as a decimal separator. This has been changes so that semi-colons now separate the coordinate tuples. 24. Null reference exception could occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17102) 25. When creating new rings automatically, and applying the ring limit an exception could occur in the smooth interpolation of the dump or azimuth values from the start of the stope to the end of the stope. (Ticket 17103) 26. Null reference exception occurred when drawing the foreground color in the hole listing table. (Ticket 17110) 27. A crash could occur when generating a report. (Ticket 17111) 28. Imperial units were not visible in the adjacent rings display options. (Ticket 17114) 29. A null reference exception could occur in the adjacent rings functionality of the reference lines were nothing. (Ticket 17147) 30. A null reference exception could occur when importing corrupted dxf files. 31. A casting exception could occur when setting the blast timing. (Ticket 17175) 32. In the 3D view, if you had the measure tool active when a section view was not being used and you tried to move the 3D view by the "orientation cube" and null reference exception could occur. 33. An out of memory error could occur in the the ring view, long section view or plan view when manipulating the views. (Ticket 17230) 34. An exception can occur in some cases in the timing module when checking "Use Automatic Timing". (Ticket 17273) 35. Aegis would crash hard when loading a project if the Display View Plane option was left on during a previous session. (Ticket 17302) 36. If the explosive/ore database contained a newer version of a data structure that Aegis didn't recognize. Aegis would crash very hard. Now Aegis will display the standard exception dialog that can provide information on what the problem is exactly. 37. A null reference exception could occur when loading a project and the view quad button was left on. 38. The symbol, nextring, was not recognized properly. 39. A null reference exception could occur when the adjacent rings were turned on and some of the rings did not intersect the active stope reference line. (Ticket 17339) 40. In some cases the azimuth of rings that were parallel would be slightly off. For example if the azimuth were 224 for one ring, the next ring could be 223.998 when it should have been 224. 41. Some unit conversions were out slightly due to errors in the conversion factors. All unit conversions constants have been inspected and corrected. A new method for unit conversions been implemented. 42. The reference line table would cause an exception when a report template was loaded. 43. When changing the path of the default project location an exception could occur if the path was not accessible (didn't exist or no permissions). (Ticket 17365) 44. When importing IREDES drill quality reports and the rings/holes were not designed with Aegis in the first place an exception would occur because there was no PlanIdRef tag in the xml file. If this occurs, the ring will be given a generic name. (Ticket 17366)

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45. When importing IREDES Quality Reports, the list of holes is not cleared when importing multiple files at the same time. If you tried to import multiple files, it would produce rings with an increasing number of holes. 46. Changing the hole toe spacing for upholes in the hole listings table would not work as expected producing seemingly random results. 47. When changing a preference it was possible to get directory not found exception even when only changing a simple property. Now Aegis will catch the exception and allow you to try to resave the settings. (Ticket 17369) 48. When using the copy holes function an exception would be raised if a destination ring did not have a proper drill setup (problems with the drift, internal structure, etc.). Now Aegis will not copy any holes to rings that have problems. (Ticket 17390) 49. If a slot was placed on a ring and a hole was added to the pattern on the ring an index out of range exception would occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17417) 50. In some cases Aegis would not install correctly on some computers. This was due to permissions not properly propagating to all the installed files. Now Aegis explicitly sets the permissions of all the files that it installs to prevent this from happening in the future. 51. When adding an isosurface to a blast, if you hit cancel the isosurface would be added when it shouldn't have been added. 52. When exporting a report table to csv the numbers would retain their formatting (group separators etc.). This would prevent them from being used as proper numbers. Now the formatting is removed and replaced with a proper number. 53. A null reference could occur when creating a new ring set or running re-drill using fixed pivots. Sometimes holes could not be drilled to the left or to the right. 54. When moving a hole that was a break through hole off the void. The hole would not be updated automatically as not break through. (Ticket 17501) 55. In the ring summary table, the Custom formula field DistanceToNextRing and DistanceToPreviousRing would return an empty string if there was no previous ring or next ring (i.e. the current ring is at the end or beginning of the stope). Now they will return -1 which can then be used in a proper formula. 56. If the reference line used to create a stope had duplicate points on the first segment Aegis would hang when the plan view or long section view were displayed. Now Aegis will ignore the duplicate points and attempt to find the first valid segment. (Ticket 17529) 57. The slot table totalizer fields only reported totals in metric. (Ticket 17530) 58. In some cases the weight per delay table would show delay times with quite a few decimal places. (Ticket 17530) When using the copy holes functionality the charges would not be placed correctly in the copied holes. (Ticket 15740) 59. Cutting/Copying an empty text report item from a report window would result in a null reference exception. (Ticket 17559) 60. When using the plan view report item in a blast report where the project contained multiple stopes/ring sets. The correct stope/ring set was not displayed. (Ticket 17582) 61. In the hole listings table the hole collar and hole toe offset was not working as expected. (Ticket 17579) 62. On some computers when Aegis was installed the correct permissions were not correctly

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propagated. This resulted in Aegis crashing when started. 63. In the database, the detonator would not remember that it was an electronic detonator. (Ticket 17653) 64. If an invalid cost model is located in the same folder as valid cost model Aegis would crash when attempting to enumerate through all of the available cost models. Now Aegis ignores any invalid cost models it finds. 65. In a cost model if the group name was in english and the cost model was opened in a different localization the group names wouldn't match. It will now return the correct type. 66. When exporting the rings to the IREDES format the slot holes would be ignored and not included in the export. 67. A null reference exception could occur when no rows were selected while importing surveyed holes using the file based method. (Ticket 17698) 68. The units would not match the project when importing surveyed holes using the file based method if the project units were imperial. (Ticket 17697) 69. Stopes with empty rings were showing as locked. If a stope has an empty ring, that ring shouldn't be lockable and that means that the stope shouldn't be displayed as locked. (Ticket 17697) 70. In the Ring Table Item and the Hole Table Item the custom formula was not totalizing the values correctly. (Ticket 17728) 71. When using the redrill option with no rings selected. If you change the fixed pivots the apply button would activate. If you clicked the apply button without any rings selected a null reference exception would occur. (Ticket 17738) 72. The hole listings table columns were not lined up correctly with cells in the grid. 73. When there were multiple charges in the same hole, dragging the toe or collar of the the last charge resulted in the charge being set to zero length and flipping upside down. (Ticket 17755) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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Previous Releases Counts ........................................................................................................................... 14

2016 ........................................................................................................................ 15 2017 .............................................................................................................................. 17

v3.018.043.130 (2017-05-10) - Fully Localized ....................................................... 18 v3.010.028.087 (2017-03-28) ............................................................................ 30 v3.004.012.045 (2017-02-14) ............................................................................ 32 v3.002.005.020 (2017-01-20) ............................................................................ 34 v2.109.210.350 (2016-12-15) ............................................................................ 35 v2.105.199.314 (2017-11-09) ............................................................................ 37 v2.105.195.309 (2016-11-04) ............................................................................ 38 v2.95.181.274 (2017-09-30) .............................................................................. 42 v2.93.179.267 (2016-09-23) .............................................................................. 44

2016 .............................................................................................................................. 46 v2.91.179.264 (2016-09-20) - Fully Localized ......................................................... 47

v0.20.082.0830 (2016-08-30) ............................................................................ 62 v0.20.078.0811 (2016-08-11) ............................................................................ 68 v0.20.074.0713 (2016-07-13) ............................................................................ 70 v0.19.071.0615 (2016-06-15) ............................................................................ 73 v0.19.069.0603 (2016-06-03) ............................................................................ 75 v0.19.068.0530 (2016-05-30) ............................................................................ 76 v0.19.067.0519 (2016-05-19) ............................................................................ 77 v0.19.066.0512 (2016-05-12) ............................................................................ 78

v0.19.065.0505 (2016-05-05) - Fully Localized ....................................................... 79 v0.18.058.0412 (2016-04-12) ............................................................................ 85 v0.17.057.0405 (2016-04-05) ............................................................................ 86 v0.17.055.0324 (2016-03-24) ............................................................................ 87 v0.17.054.0318 (2016-03-18) ............................................................................ 88 v0.17.053.0311 (2016-03-11) ............................................................................ 89 v0.17.051.0304 (2016-03-04) ............................................................................ 90

v0.17.050.0224 (2016-02-24) - Fully Localized ....................................................... 91 2015 ............................................................................................................................ 101

v0.12.026.0810 (2015-08-10) ................................................................................ 102 v0.16.034.1126 (2015-11-26) ................................................................................ 104 v0.15.029.1020 (2015-10-20) ................................................................................ 106 v0.10.017.0506 (2015-08-13) ................................................................................ 115 v0.11.021.0629 (2015-06-29) ................................................................................ 123 v0.12.025.0722 (2015-07-22) ................................................................................ 125 v0.10.019.0526 (2015-05-26) ................................................................................ 127 v0.9.015.0401 (2015-04-01) .................................................................................. 129 v0.9.014.0317 (2015-03-17) .................................................................................. 131 v0.9.013.0313 (2015-03-13) .................................................................................. 132 v0.7.009.0223 (2015-02-23) .................................................................................. 137 v0.7.008.0123 (2015-01-23) .................................................................................. 139

2014 ............................................................................................................................ 141 v0.7.006.1212 (2014-12-12) .................................................................................. 142

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v0.7.004.1121 (2014-11-21) .................................................................................. 148 v0.7.001.1030 (2014-10-30) .................................................................................. 150 v0.6.531.1030 (2014-10-30) .................................................................................. 151 v0.6.530.1024 (2014-10-24) .................................................................................. 152 v0.6.529.1017 (2014-10-17) .................................................................................. 153 v0.5.527.1003 (2014-10-03) .................................................................................. 155 v0.5.517.825 (2014-08-25) .................................................................................... 156 v0.5.328.722 (2014-07-22) .................................................................................... 158 v0.5.142.709 (2014-07-09) .................................................................................... 159 v0.5.95.626 (2014-06-26) ...................................................................................... 161 v0.5.63.612 (2014-06-12) ...................................................................................... 163 v0.5.15.605 (2014-06-05) ...................................................................................... 164 v0.5.1.602 (2014-06-02) ........................................................................................ 165 v0.3.580.509 (2014-05-09) .................................................................................... 167 v0.3.569.508 (2014-05-08) .................................................................................... 168 v0.3.560.428 (2014-04-28) .................................................................................... 169 v0.3.422.226 (2014-02-26) .................................................................................... 171 v0.3.330.203 (2014-02-03) .................................................................................... 173 v0.3.217.117 (2014-01-17) .................................................................................... 175

Older ........................................................................................................................... 178 v0.3.1.1213 (2013-12-13) ...................................................................................... 179 v0.2.619.1122 (2013-11-22) .................................................................................. 182 v0.2.550.1112 (2013-11-12) .................................................................................. 184 v0.2.372.1025 (2013-10-25) .................................................................................. 187 v0.2.316.1015 (2013-10-15) .................................................................................. 189 v0.2.201.924 (2013-09-24) .................................................................................... 191 v0.2.188.920 (2013-09-20) .................................................................................... 192 v0.1.1000.767 (not released) ................................................................................ 195 v0.1.1000.746 (2013-08-13) .................................................................................. 196

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Day Enhancements Bugs Fixed Major Enhancements to Date

Bugs to Date

130 8 15 3 18 43

087 6 11 3 10 28

045 2 12 3 4 17

020 2 5 3 2 5

NOTE: The yellow highlighted counts are fully localized releases. They include previous interim release counts. That is, the enhancement and bug fixes are summed over the previous interim releases and included in the count for the fully localized release.

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Release Date Version Enhancements Bugs Fixed

2016-12-15 4 11

2016-11-09 0 4

2016-11-04 10 14

2016-09-29 2 2

2016-09-22 2 0

18 31

2016-09-16 44 51

2016-08-30 11 10

2016-08-11 2 6

2016-07-13 13 6

2016-06-15 7 3

2016-06-03 4 1

2016-05-30 1 2

2016-05-19 3 1

2016-05-12 1 2

42 31

2016-05-05 25 45

2016-04-12 4 9

2016-04-05 3 7

2016-03-24 1 2

2016-03-18 1 3

2016-03-11 2 3

2016-03-04 2 10

13 34

2016-02-24 22 83

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Total 109 210

NOTE: The yellow highlighted counts are fully localized releases. They include previous interim release counts. That is, the enhancement and bug fixes are summed over the previous interim releases and included in the count for the fully localized release.

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v3.018.043.130 (2017-05-10) - Fully Localized

Aegis v3.018.043.130 Release Date: 2017-05-10 Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Enhanced the split charge menu option. A window is presented that allows the user to select where to split the charge column based on the distance from the hole collar. It also allows the charge to be split into multiple pieces at the same time. The dialog takes a semicolon (;) separated list of distances from the collar to split the charge. (Ticket 16815)

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2.  When exporting hole collars and hole toes to .dm format, the ring and hole names were not written. Now that information is included in the file format. In the original enhancement, the PTN and PVALUE columns were included when they shouldn't have been. They have been removed in this update. 3.  When an Aegis project was being saved there were some cases where an exception would corrupt the project file. These seem to occur when Aegis is saving the reports. Aegis will now write each report to a memory location. If successful it will write the report to a file. If not, it will replace the element(s) that caused the problem with debugging information that can be used to further diagnose the issue so that it can be repaired. This means that Aegis should not corrupt a project file if there was an issue with the reports during the save process.

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4.  In order to help prevent corrupted files Aegis will now save to a temporary file and if the save was successful, the temporary file will over write the original project. If an error occurred, the original file will remain untouched. (Ticket 16891) 5.  Updated the split charge mechanism so that it can be applied to all holes within the ring.

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6.  Added a new field, RotationD and RotationR, to the custom formula evaluation in the hole table report item. These fields are useful when coupled with the "if" statement. (Ticket 16943) 7.  Added the ability to sort the hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 8.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 9.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 10. Removed the "Fragmentation Statistics tab" and moved the ore/host rock selection to the "Wireframes tab". 11. Added the ability to display the reference line in adjacent stopes in the plan view report item.

12. It is now possible to control how the burden is measured when laying out rings.

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13. Add options to control how the holes are displayed in the hole listings table.

14. Added reference line table which lists all of the references lines used in a scenario by segment. It includes the azimuth and segment length. This replaces all other versions. 15. Added the ability to import rings from a csv file. This will import the holes, and create the rings. 16. Added the reference line information table to the reports. This will display coordinate and azimuth information about the reference lines. It is available for the stope/ring set or all of the stopes in the scenario. 17. Added explosives summary table report item to the reports. It is available as a scenario item, blast item, ring set/stope and ring item. 18. Weight per Delay table has been added to the blasting reports. (Ticket 17271) 19. When exporting hole point data (collar coordinates, toe coordinates, pivot points) to the Datamine file format. The file generated wasn't a true point file. The proper flags have been added and proper point files are now generated. (Ticket 17309) 20. Added Apparent Rotation column to the ring table report item. (Ticket 17342) 21. Added a menu option, Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing Option, to the Ring View context menu that will display the Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing window and allow the user to adjust the collar and toe spacing displayed while moving the hole collar or toe. 22. Added Advanced Costing Module. This module is available with an Analyzer license. The advanced costing module will allow the user to create cost models which can then be applied to different scenarios 23. Added the ability to group wireframes together. This only functional in the project explorer tree currently. The feature will be extended to the other trees that Aegis uses in the future. 24. Added a reference line id column and a drill id column to the ring set summary table 25. Added new table - Ring Set Summary Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set Summary Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except that it displays all the rings from all the stopes/ring sets in the scenario in one table instead of in separate tables. 26. Added new table - Hole Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set - Hole Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except it displays all of the holes for

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all of the rings from all of the stopes/ring sets in one table instead of in separate tables. This table can also be filtered to show holes that are vertical. 27. Added the ability to export polylines to a csv file. 28. Added an apparent rotation column and breakthrough column to the hole listings table. (Ticket 17633) 29. When importing wireframes from dxf all of the imported wireframes will be grouped under the dxf file name. The individual wireframes will be named based on the layer they are stored on. 30. Added an option to the Copy Active Ring window that instructs Aegis to preserve the holes that already exist on the destination rings. (Ticket 17700) 31. Added the ability to display adjacent ring names to the plan view report item. There are various options to control the label positions. (Ticket 17583)

32. Added a new plan view report item specifically for the blast reports. This plan view will only show the rings that are involved with the blast. (Ticket 17592) 33. Added a visible comments field to scenarios. In the scenario properties there is a comment tab. Adding information to the comments section will cause an icon to appear in the project tree

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underneath the scenario. (Ticket 17711)

34. Added the ability to display slot holes in the Ring Table Item and the Hole Table Item. (Ticket 17714) 35. Updated the Copy Active Ring feature so that it now allows you to copy holes to rings within the stope or ring set. It know allows you to copy holes from rings between two different stopes in the same scenario. (Ticket 17736).


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Designer Issues

1.  Corrected some potential areas where parsing a number from a string could through an exception. 2.  An issue with the way that converting a density in tons/ft^3 to g/cc was incorrect. 3.  While generating rings if you set the start dump and end dump angles as well as limiting the number of rings created, the end ring would not be at the end dump angle. (Ticket 16905) 4.  In some cases when inserting a slot and adjusting the horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table the value would not be quite right (e.g. set it to 7.5 and it would display 7.49). (Ticket 16917) 5.  When holes are placed manually and the toe spacing is changed in the hole listings table the hole would be moved to an incorrect location. (Ticket 16919) 6.  Certain angular conventions when applied to hole rotation angles did not produce the correct values in the 4th quadrant. (Ticket 16918) 7.  In the reports additional wireframe labels would appear when they really shouldn't be there. (Ticket 16950) 8.  The burden was not being calculated correctly when rings were not perpendicular to the reference line. The following screen captures illustrate the issue. (Ticket 16981)

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9.  A hole could be added to the ring view with a zero length which would cause an exception. Now it will not be created. (Ticket 16930) 10. Aegis would crash after recovering a project because the blast id was null. (Ticket 17011) 11. When multiple blasts have the same name a stack overflow would occur. (Ticket 17012) 12. A null reference exception would occur when the reference point of a ring was nothing. (Ticket 17035) 13. When export hole collar coordinates or toe coordinates to .dm format the file could become corrupted if the ring names were too long. (Ticket 17053) 14. There were issues around the way the hole naming convention worked. It wasn't applying the numbering in an expected manor. (Ticket 17050) 15. The hole labels in the ring view would not update if you changed them in the hole listings table. (Ticket 17063) 16. When creating new ring sets/stopes if the scenario was empty prior to creating the rings it wouldn't be removed if the process was canceled. (Ticket 17052) 17. A null reference exception could occur when there are no holes on a ring and you click on the ring to display it in the ring view. 18. When changing or viewing the drill dump/lean or rotation convention the wrong image would be displayed. The rotation image would be displayed for the dump convention and vice versa. (Ticket 17072) 19. When using the true burden offset calculations a null reference exception could occur when using a multi-segmented reference line. (Ticket 17079) 20. The dump/lean angles were not working correctly when used from the create ring set window. This also affect the drill rotation conventions as well. (Ticket 16918) 21. In the report editor the paper size dropdown would not display the paper size of the currently active template or report. This lead to scale issues in the plots due to incorrect page size being sent to the printer and the printer silently rescaling to an available paper size. 22. The horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table for a slot did not work as expected.

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23. In the reports, the hole table has a CollarXYZ and ToeXYZ field that can be pasted into a spreadsheet. In the current form, the values would be separated by a comma. This would not work well with locales that used the comma as a decimal separator. This has been changes so that semi-colons now separate the coordinate tuples. 24. Null reference exception could occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17102) 25. When creating new rings automatically, and applying the ring limit an exception could occur in the smooth interpolation of the dump or azimuth values from the start of the stope to the end of the stope. (Ticket 17103) 26. Null reference exception occurred when drawing the foreground color in the hole listing table. (Ticket 17110) 27. A crash could occur when generating a report. (Ticket 17111) 28. Imperial units were not visible in the adjacent rings display options. (Ticket 17114) 29. A null reference exception could occur in the adjacent rings functionality of the reference lines were nothing. (Ticket 17147) 30. A null reference exception could occur when importing corrupted dxf files. 31. A casting exception could occur when setting the blast timing. (Ticket 17175) 32. In the 3D view, if you had the measure tool active when a section view was not being used and you tried to move the 3D view by the "orientation cube" and null reference exception could occur. 33. An out of memory error could occur in the the ring view, long section view or plan view when manipulating the views. (Ticket 17230) 34. An exception can occur in some cases in the timing module when checking "Use Automatic Timing". (Ticket 17273) 35. Aegis would crash hard when loading a project if the Display View Plane option was left on during a previous session. (Ticket 17302) 36. If the explosive/ore database contained a newer version of a data structure that Aegis didn't recognize. Aegis would crash very hard. Now Aegis will display the standard exception dialog that can provide information on what the problem is exactly. 37. A null reference exception could occur when loading a project and the view quad button was left on. 38. The symbol, nextring, was not recognized properly. 39. A null reference exception could occur when the adjacent rings were turned on and some of the rings did not intersect the active stope reference line. (Ticket 17339) 40. In some cases the azimuth of rings that were parallel would be slightly off. For example if the azimuth were 224 for one ring, the next ring could be 223.998 when it should have been 224. 41. Some unit conversions were out slightly due to errors in the conversion factors. All unit conversions constants have been inspected and corrected. A new method for unit conversions been implemented. 42. The reference line table would cause an exception when a report template was loaded. 43. When changing the path of the default project location an exception could occur if the path was not accessible (didn't exist or no permissions). (Ticket 17365) 44. When importing IREDES drill quality reports and the rings/holes were not designed with Aegis in the first place an exception would occur because there was no PlanIdRef tag in the xml file. If this occurs, the ring will be given a generic name. (Ticket 17366)

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45. When importing IREDES Quality Reports, the list of holes is not cleared when importing multiple files at the same time. If you tried to import multiple files, it would produce rings with an increasing number of holes. 46. Changing the hole toe spacing for upholes in the hole listings table would not work as expected producing seemingly random results. 47. When changing a preference it was possible to get directory not found exception even when only changing a simple property. Now Aegis will catch the exception and allow you to try to resave the settings. (Ticket 17369) 48. When using the copy holes function an exception would be raised if a destination ring did not have a proper drill setup (problems with the drift, internal structure, etc.). Now Aegis will not copy any holes to rings that have problems. (Ticket 17390) 49. If a slot was placed on a ring and a hole was added to the pattern on the ring an index out of range exception would occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17417) 50. In some cases Aegis would not install correctly on some computers. This was due to permissions not properly propagating to all the installed files. Now Aegis explicitly sets the permissions of all the files that it installs to prevent this from happening in the future. 51. When adding an isosurface to a blast, if you hit cancel the isosurface would be added when it shouldn't have been added. 52. When exporting a report table to csv the numbers would retain their formatting (group separators etc.). This would prevent them from being used as proper numbers. Now the formatting is removed and replaced with a proper number. 53. A null reference could occur when creating a new ring set or running re-drill using fixed pivots. Sometimes holes could not be drilled to the left or to the right. 54. When moving a hole that was a break through hole off the void. The hole would not be updated automatically as not break through. (Ticket 17501) 55. In the ring summary table, the Custom formula field DistanceToNextRing and DistanceToPreviousRing would return an empty string if there was no previous ring or next ring (i.e. the current ring is at the end or beginning of the stope). Now they will return -1 which can then be used in a proper formula. 56. If the reference line used to create a stope had duplicate points on the first segment Aegis would hang when the plan view or long section view were displayed. Now Aegis will ignore the duplicate points and attempt to find the first valid segment. (Ticket 17529) 57. The slot table totalizer fields only reported totals in metric. (Ticket 17530) 58. In some cases the weight per delay table would show delay times with quite a few decimal places. (Ticket 17530) When using the copy holes functionality the charges would not be placed correctly in the copied holes. (Ticket 15740) 59. Cutting/Copying an empty text report item from a report window would result in a null reference exception. (Ticket 17559) 60. When using the plan view report item in a blast report where the project contained multiple stopes/ring sets. The correct stope/ring set was not displayed. (Ticket 17582) 61. In the hole listings table the hole collar and hole toe offset was not working as expected. (Ticket 17579) 62. On some computers when Aegis was installed the correct permissions were not correctly

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propagated. This resulted in Aegis crashing when started. 63. In the database, the detonator would not remember that it was an electronic detonator. (Ticket 17653) 64. If an invalid cost model is located in the same folder as valid cost model Aegis would crash when attempting to enumerate through all of the available cost models. Now Aegis ignores any invalid cost models it finds. 65. In a cost model if the group name was in english and the cost model was opened in a different localization the group names wouldn't match. It will now return the correct type. 66. When exporting the rings to the IREDES format the slot holes would be ignored and not included in the export. 67. A null reference exception could occur when no rows were selected while importing surveyed holes using the file based method. (Ticket 17698) 68. The units would not match the project when importing surveyed holes using the file based method if the project units were imperial. (Ticket 17697) 69. Stopes with empty rings were showing as locked. If a stope has an empty ring, that ring shouldn't be lockable and that means that the stope shouldn't be displayed as locked. (Ticket 17697) 70. In the Ring Table Item and the Hole Table Item the custom formula was not totalizing the values correctly. (Ticket 17728) 71. When using the redrill option with no rings selected. If you change the fixed pivots the apply button would activate. If you clicked the apply button without any rings selected a null reference exception would occur. (Ticket 17738) 72. The hole listings table columns were not lined up correctly with cells in the grid. 73. When there were multiple charges in the same hole, dragging the toe or collar of the the last charge resulted in the charge being set to zero length and flipping upside down. (Ticket 17755) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v3.010.028.087 (2017-03-28) Aegis v3.010.028.087 Release Date: 2017-03-28 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Added Advanced Costing Module. This module is available with an Analyzer license. The advanced costing module will allow the user to create cost models which can then be applied to different scenarios 2.  Added the ability to group wireframes together. This only functional in the project explorer tree currently. The feature will be extended to the other trees that Aegis uses in the future. 3.  Added a reference line id column and a drill id column to the ring set summary table 4.  Added new table - Ring Set Summary Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set Summary Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except that it displays all the rings from all the stopes/ring sets in the scenario in one table instead of in separate tables. 5.  Added new table - Hole Table (Extended) to the Scenario Items. This table works the same as Stope/Ring Set - Hole Table under the Stope/Ring Set Items except it displays all of the holes for all of the rings from all of the stopes/ring sets in one table instead of in separate tables. This table can also be filtered to show holes that are vertical. 6.  Added the ability to export polylines to a csv file.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  If a slot was placed on a ring and a hole was added to the pattern on the ring an index out of range exception would occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17417) 2.  In some cases Aegis would not install correctly on some computers. This was due to permissions not properly propagating to all the installed files. Now Aegis explicitly sets the permissions of all the files that it installs to prevent this from happening in the future. 3.  When adding an isosurface to a blast, if you hit cancel the isosurface would be added when it shouldn't have been added. 4.  When exporting a report table to csv the numbers would retain their formatting (group separators etc.). This would prevent them from being used as proper numbers. Now the formatting is removed and replaced with a proper number. 5.  A null reference could occur when creating a new ring set or running re-drill using fixed pivots. Sometimes holes could not be drilled to the left or to the right. 6.  When moving a hole that was a break through hole off the void. The hole would not be updated automatically as not break through. (Ticket 17501) 7.  In the ring summary table, the Custom formula field DistanceToNextRing and DistanceToPreviousRing would return an empty string if there was no previous ring or next ring (i.e. the current ring is at the end or beginning of the stope). Now they will return -1 which can then be used in a proper formula.

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8.  If the reference line used to create a stope had duplicate points on the first segment Aegis would hang when the plan view or long section view were displayed. Now Aegis will ignore the duplicate points and attempt to find the first valid segment. (Ticket 17529) 9.  The slot table totalizer fields only reported totals in metric. (Ticket 17530) 10. In some cases the weight per delay table would show delay times with quite a few decimal places. (Ticket 17530) 11. When using the copy holes functionality the charges would not be placed correctly in the copied holes. (Ticket 15740) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v3.004.012.045 (2017-02-14) Aegis v3.004.012.045 Release Date: 2017-02-14 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Added Apparent Rotation column to the ring table report item. (Ticket 17342) 2.  Added a menu option, Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing Option, to the Ring View context menu that will display the Adjust Collar and Toe Spacing window and allow the user to adjust the collar and toe spacing displayed while moving the hole collar or toe.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  A null reference exception could occur when loading a project and the view quad button was left on. 2.  The symbol, nextring, was not recognized properly. 3.  A null reference exception could occur when the adjacent rings were turned on and some of the rings did not intersect the active stope reference line. (Ticket 17339) 4.  In some cases the azimuth of rings that were parallel would be slightly off. For example if the azimuth were 224 for one ring, the next ring could be 223.998 when it should have been 224. 5.  Some unit conversions were out slightly due to errors in the conversion factors. All unit conversions constants have been inspected and corrected. A new method for unit conversions been implemented. 6.  The reference line table would cause an exception when a report template was loaded. 7.  When changing the path of the default project location an exception could occur if the path was not accessible (didn't exist or no permissions). (Ticket 17365) 8.  When importing IREDES drill quality reports and the rings/holes were not designed with Aegis in the first place an exception would occur because there was no PlanIdRef tag in the xml file. If this occurs, the ring will be given a generic name. (Ticket 17366) 9.  When importing IREDES Quality Reports, the list of holes is not cleared when importing multiple files at the same time. If you tried to import multiple files, it would produce rings with an increasing number of holes. 10. Changing the hole toe spacing for upholes in the hole listings table would not work as expected producing seemingly random results. 11. When changing a preference it was possible to get directory not found exception even when only changing a simple property. Now Aegis will catch the exception and allow you to try to resave the settings. (Ticket 17369) 12. When using the copy holes function an exception would be raised if a destination ring did not have a proper drill setup (problems with the drift, internal structure, etc.). Now Aegis will not copy any holes to rings that have problems. (Ticket 17390) Analyzer Issues

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1.  N/A

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v3.002.005.020 (2017-01-20) Aegis v3.002.005.020 Release Date: 2017-01-20 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Weight per Delay table has been added to the blasting reports. (Ticket 17271) 2. When exporting hole point data (collar coordinates, toe coordinates, pivot points) to the Datamine file format. The file generated wasn't a true point file. The proper flags have been added and proper point files are now generated. (Ticket 17309)

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In the 3D view, if you had the measure tool active when a section view was not being used and you tried to move the 3D view by the "orientation cube" and null reference exception could occur. 2.  An out of memory error could occur in the the ring view, long section view or plan view when manipulating the views. (Ticket 17230) 3.  An exception can occur in some cases in the timing module when checking "Use Automatic Timing". (Ticket 17273) 4.  Aegis would crash hard when loading a project if the Display View Plane option was left on during a previous session. (Ticket 17302) 5.  If the explosive/ore database contained a newer version of a data structure that Aegis didn't recognize. Aegis would crash very hard. Now Aegis will display the standard exception dialog that can provide information on what the problem is exactly. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.109.210.350 (2016-12-15) Aegis v2.109.210.350 Release Date: 2016-12-15 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Added reference line table which lists all of the references lines used in a scenario by segment. It includes the azimuth and segment length. This replaces all other versions. 2.  Added the ability to import rings from a csv file. This will import the holes, and create the rings. 3.  Added the reference line information table to the reports. This will display coordinate and azimuth information about the reference lines. It is available for the stope/ring set or all of the stopes in the scenario. 4.  Added explosives summary table report item to the reports. It is available as a scenario item, blast item, ring set/stope and ring item.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In the report editor the paper size dropdown would not display the paper size of the currently active template or report. This lead to scale issues in the plots due to incorrect page size being sent to the printer and the printer silently rescaling to an available paper size. 2.  The horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table for a slot did not work as expected. 3.  In the reports, the hole table has a CollarXYZ and ToeXYZ field that can be pasted into a spreadsheet. In the current form, the values would be separated by a comma. This would not work well with locales that used the comma as a decimal separator. This has been changes so that semi-colons now separate the coordinate tuples. 4.  Null reference exception could occur in the timing module. (Ticket 17102) 5.  When creating new rings automatically, and applying the ring limit an exception could occur in the smooth interpolation of the dump or azimuth values from the start of the stope to the end of the stope. (Ticket 17103) 6.  Null reference exception occurred when drawing the foreground color in the hole listing table. (Ticket 17110) 7.  A crash could occur when generating a report. (Ticket 17111) 8.  Imperial units were not visible in the adjacent rings display options. (Ticket 17114) 9.  A null reference exception could occur in the adjacent rings functionality of the reference lines were nothing. (Ticket 17147) 10. A null reference exception could occur when importing corrupted dxf files. 11. A casting exception could occur when setting the blast timing. (Ticket 17175) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.105.199.314 (2017-11-09) Aegis v2.105.199.314 Release Date: 2016-11-09 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts This release contains all of the enhancements and fixes from v2.105.195.309. If you are using that version you should upgrade to this version.

Enhancements 1.  N/A

Issues Designer Issues

1.  A null reference exception could occur when there are no holes on a ring and you click on the ring to display it in the ring view. 2.  When changing or viewing the drill dump/lean or rotation convention the wrong image would be displayed. The rotation image would be displayed for the dump convention and vice versa. (Ticket 17072) 3.  When using the true burden offset calculations a null reference exception could occur when using a multi-segmented reference line. (Ticket 17079) 4.  The dump/lean angles were not working correctly when used from the create ring set window. This also affect the drill rotation conventions as well. (Ticket 16918) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.105.195.309 (2016-11-04) Aegis v2.105.195.309 Release Date: 2016-11-04 - Interim Release - This build contained an error with the dump convention - DO NOT USE THIS VERSION Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  In order to help prevent corrupted files Aegis will now save to a temporary file and if the save was successful, the temporary file will over write the original project. If an error occurred, the original file will remain untouched. (Ticket 16891) 2.  Updated the split charge mechanism so that it can be applied to all holes within the ring.

3.  Added a new field, RotationD and RotationR, to the custom formula evaluation in the hole table report item. These fields are useful when coupled with the "if" statement. (Ticket 16943) 4.  Added the ability to sort the hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 5.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 6.  Added the ability to sort the ring summary hole table report item by various columns. (Ticket 16915) 7.  Removed the "Fragmentation Statistics tab" and moved the ore/host rock selection to the "Wireframes tab". 8. Added the ability to display the reference line in adjacent stopes in the plan view report item.

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9.  It is now possible to control how the burden is measured when laying out rings.

10. Add options to control how the holes are displayed in the hole listings table.

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  While generating rings if you set the start dump and end dump angles as well as limiting the number of rings created, the end ring would not be at the end dump angle. (Ticket 16905) 2.  In some cases when inserting a slot and adjusting the horizontal pivot offset in the hole listings table the value would not be quite right (e.g. set it to 7.5 and it would display 7.49). (Ticket 16917) 3.  When holes are placed manually and the toe spacing is changed in the hole listings table the hole would be moved to an incorrect location. (Ticket 16919) 4.  Certain angular conventions when applied to hole rotation angles did not produce the correct values in the 4th quadrant. (Ticket 16918) 5.  In the reports additional wireframe labels would appear when they really shouldn't be there. (Ticket 16950) 6.  The burden was not being calculated correctly when rings were not perpendicular to the reference line. The following screen captures illustrate the issue. (Ticket 16981)

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7.  A hole could be added to the ring view with a zero length which would cause an exception. Now it will not be created. (Ticket 16930) 8.  Aegis would crash after recovering a project because the blast id was null. (Ticket 17011) 9.  When multiple blasts have the same name a stack overflow would occur. (Ticket 17012) 10. A null reference exception would occur when the reference point of a ring was nothing. (Ticket 17035) 11. When export hole collar coordinates or toe coordinates to .dm format the file could become corrupted if the ring names were too long. (Ticket 17053) 12. There were issues around the way the hole naming convention worked. It wasn't applying the numbering in an expected manor. (Ticket 17050) 13. The hole labels in the ring view would not update if you changed them in the hole listings table. (Ticket 17063) 14. When creating new ring sets/stopes if the scenario was empty prior to creating the rings it wouldn't be removed if the process was canceled. (Ticket 17052) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.95.181.274 (2017-09-30) Aegis v2.95.181.274 Release Date: 2016-09-30 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  When exporting hole collars and hole toes to .dm format, the ring and hole names were not written. Now that information is included in the file format. In the original enhancement, the PTN and PVALUE columns were included when they shouldn't have been. They have been removed in this update. 2.  When an Aegis project is being saved there were some cases where an exception would corrupt the project file. These seem to occur when Aegis is saving the reports. Aegis will now write each report to a memory location. If successful it will write the report to a file. If not, it will replace the element(s) that caused the problem with debugging information that can be used to further diagnose the issue so that it can be repaired. This means that Aegis should not corrupt a project file if there was an issue with the reports during the save process.

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  Corrected some potential areas where parsing a number from a string could through an exception. 2.  An issue with the way that converting a density in tons/ft^3 to g/cc was incorrect. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.93.179.267 (2016-09-23) Aegis v2.93.179.267 Release Date: 2016-09-23 - Interim Release Enhancement and Fix Counts

Enhancements 1.  Enhanced the split charge menu option. A window is presented that allows the user to select where to split the charge column based on the distance from the hole collar. It also allows the charge to be split into multiple pieces at the same time. The dialog takes a semicolon(;) separated list of distances from the collar to split the charge. (Ticket 16815)

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2.  When exporting hole collars and hole toes to .dm format, the ring and hole names were not written. Now that information is included in the file format.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  N/A Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v2.91.179.264 (2016-09-20) - Fully Localized

Aegis v2.91.179.264 Release Date: 2016-09-20 Enhancement and Fix Counts

Note: We have implemented a new version numbering scheme. From this point forward all new Aegis builds will follow this convention. The previous release would have been v0.20.082.0830

Enhancements 1.  Ring Table - The DeckFrom column did not totalize. Now the sum of all entries in the column will be displayed at the bottom of the table. 2. An option to delete multiple holes has been added that allows the user to choose which holes to delete from a ring. The default is to delete all the holes. (Ticket 16709) 3. Added a dongle based license option. 4. The ring table in the blast reports will now only display charge information for a hole if the charge is part of the blast. (Ticket 16733) 5. The ring view item in the blast reports will now only display charges that are part of the blast. (Ticket 16752) 6. Added a row sorting option to the ring table. Now it is able to sort the rows by hole id in: ring, ascending or descending. (Ticket 16744) 7. Added new custom formula keywords to the ring table report item. They are HoleID and RingAzimuth. HoleID displays the current hole number and RingAzimuth displays the azimuth in degrees of the ring. (Ticket 16732) 8. Added new custom formula function to the ring table report item. The function is called Concat() and is used to create new text strings from a list of keyword arguments. It is used like: Concat("Hole", HoleID). Note: if you surround an argument with quotes it will pass through the as a string and not be resolved. (Ticket 16732) 9. Added new symbol to the ring object expanding the referencelineintersection. (Ticket 16751) They are:

a. referencelineintersectionX - The x-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane b. referencelineintersectionY - The y-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane c. referencelineintersectionZ - The z-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane

10. Added an option to display the hole labels in the ring designer view. (Ticket 16756)

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11. Plan View Item - Added more options to configure the grid settings. (Ticket 13303)

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12. Upgraded Aegis to the .Net v4.6 Framework series. 13. It is now possible to draw the holes in the ring view in the reports so that the hole numbers are visible against a hatch. (Ticket 16670)

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14. Added a rounding option for hole length labels in the Ring View report item. (Ticket 16508) 15. Added a rounding option for Dimension Report item. (Ticket 16508) 16. Added "Export Name" property to all tables in the reports. This is used by the export report tables to csv files method to name the csv files when the tables are converted to csv files. (Ticket 16509) 17. Added the ability to display different explosives in different colors. This affects all displays including reports. The display color is set by changing the database entry. (Ticket 14505) 18. Added the ability to display different primers in different colors. This affects all displays including reports. The display color is set by changing the database entry. (Ticket 14505)

19. Add an Auto-Save option that causes Aegis to save the project after milestones have been passed such as importing wireframes or creating a ring set. (Ticket 15264)

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20. Vertical alignment option has been added to text report items. (Ticket 16569) 21. Added the ability to lock report items. This will prevent the items from being moved or resized accidentally once they are placed on a report page. (Ticket 16564) 22. Added the ability to change the primers from the context menu for the ring view window. (Ticket 16556) 23. Added the ability to change the detonators from the context menu for the ring view window. (Ticket 16556) 24. Added the ability to drag a hole in the ring view window parallel from its previous position. A new middle position glyph has been added to the hole when selected. If the user drags the hole at this position, the hole moves parallel to its previous position. If you hold the CTRL key down while dragging, the hole maintains its length. (Ticket 16557)

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25. Added the ability to double-click on a table in the reports and have the column/row editor display. This only applies to report tables that have editable columns/rows. It saves the user from having to find the columns/rows property in the property grid and clicking on the ellipsis button to launch the window. (Ticket 16579)

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26. Added the ability to entire mine location information directly in the New Project Window. Simply type in a new location in the drop down or select an existing one from the list. After that you are free to type in new values for:

a. Level b. Work Place c. Division/Beat d. Stope e. Orebody

27. More New Icons. 28. Updated the specially formatted .dm file so that it can accept the hole pivot point. 29. Added new columns to the Ring Summary Table

a.  Length_Drilled_Total - Displays the total length drilled for the particular ring b.  Length_Drilled_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the slot holes for the particular ring c.  Length_Drilled_No_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the holes (except slot holes) for the particular ring d.  Length_Remaining_No_Slot - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled (excluding slot holes) minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings e.  Length_Remaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings f.  Tons_Remaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total tonnage minus the cumulative sum of tonnages from the previous rings (Has to be evaluated before this can be displayed)

30. Updated the custom formula field in the Ring Summary Table with the same values as indicated by the new columns

a. TotalLengthDrilled - Displays the total length drilled for the particular ring b. TotalLengthDrilled_No_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the holes (except slot holes) for the particular ring c. TotalLengthDrilled_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the slot holes for the

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particular ring d. CalculateTotalLengthRemaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings e. CalculateTotalLengthRemaining_NoSlot - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled (excluding slot holes) minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings f. CalculateTonsRemaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total tonnage minus the cumulative sum of tonnages from the previous rings (Has to be evaluated before this can be displayed)

31. Added the ability to manually time the individual holes in the slot (This is an interim measure as this was not possible in previous versions of Aegis) 32. Added a link and a graphical option to control the hole offset mode when creating a new ring set. 33. Ring Table - Added ExplosiveDensity to the Custom Formula column. 34. Updated icons. 35. Preferences - A True Offset added for ore contacts. Now drill holes can be offset from an ore contact by the so-called true offset. (Ticket 15485)

36. Added the ability to allow the background color of a mesh to have its opacity changed. (Ticket 16008) 37. Added the ability to use custom hatch patterns. (Ticket 16236) 38. Updated icons. 39. Updated icons 40. Added the ability to change the default root folder that Aegis uses.

41. Added csv file format to the list of survey file formats that Aegis can import. 42. New Icons were added

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43. The Delete Multiple Holes dialog now supports the use of ctrl+shift for selecting a group of holes between two selection points 44. Adding labels to the hatching in reports (Ticket 16198)

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  When adding a slot to a stope a check is performed to see if the drill contains the required bit diameters. If it doesn't they are added to the drill instance. Sometimes the comparison routine would fail due to lack of a tolerance check. 2.  Extruded meshes and drift approximation meshes would not be displayed in the project explorer if the rings had block model evaluation wireframes associated with them.

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3.  It was possible to have small charge in a hole and if you dragged the collar past the toe of the charge an exception would occur. 4.  In some cases Aegis saved charges with a zero length. When loading these projects an exception would be encountered. (Ticket 16736) 5.  In some of the property grids it was possible to select multiple options and this could cause an exception. (Ticket 16740) 6.  It was possible for primers to be placed in a hole in such a way as to cause an exception. (Ticket 16736) 7.  A null reference exception could occur if the hole id was null. Now it will be replaced with an empty sting. (Ticket 16700) 8.  When editing an existing slot pattern, it was possible for an exception to occur while zooming in/out of the grid. (Ticket 16700) 9.  When hovering over the hole in the ring view designer a tooltip would be displayed containing the hole number. The number was partially blocked by the mouse cursor. The number is moved so it isn't obscured. (Ticket 16757) 10. If a ring only contained a slot and if that slot were part of a blast the isosurface functionality wouldn't function. 11. In the plan view the slot boundary/outline would be visible even though the plane did not intersect the slot. (Ticket 16634) 12. When importing survey holes using the manual import option it would fail when multiple holes are were un-named. (Ticket 16673) 13. In the timing module when some rings were uncharged and some were un-primed an exception could occur if the user clicked the stope checkbox to attempt to automatically time the blast. (Ticket 16678) 14. On the new project screen the folder to the new project screen could store a path that is not accessible (security restrictions, doesn't exist, etc.). If this was the case Aegis would crash after that anytime a new project was created. (Ticket 16682) 15. The hole listings table would not allow an empty text string to be used as a name. 16. An index out of range exception could occur when loading a block model into Aegis when the xInc, yInc and zInc were implicit fields (Ticket 16474) 17. A null reference exception would occur in the Construct Polylines Window when the point is cleared from a particular ring (Ticket 16506) 18. When using the export report tables to csv files method on a report, empty tables could be exported to csv. Now empty tables will be ignored. (Ticket 16509) 19. If there were multiple charges within a hole, the option to delete a charge from the hole using the right-click context menu would fail. (Ticket 16548) 20. An exception would occur when attempting to add a primer to an explosive charge if no primer had be set in the create new ring set window. 21. Attempting to add a primer or detonator when the were not set from the create new ring set window would cause an exception. 22. When an exception occurred it was possible to encounter another error indicating that there was insufficient permissions to save the project file. This was due to Aegis attempting to save a file to the recovery folder. (Ticket 16394) 23. When using a lot of fixed pivots and parallel holes, Aegis would only drill from the first three

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pivots ignoring everything else. Now Aegis will properly choose fixed pivots based on the parallel hole requirement if it can. (Ticket 16418) 24. A null reference exception could occur in the the blast properties window. 25. In the last version, Spanish and Russian versions of Aegis would lose track of the iRing license system. 26. When adding manual holes to the ring view it was possible that a 0 length hole could be generated an an exception would occur. 27. When windows font scaling was set to something other than 100%, the Rename holes and rings window would have some of the text fields truncated or hidden. (Ticket 16338). 28. In timing if there were no holes on a slot ring, the slot would be considered unprimed even if it was clearly primed. 29. The Dump column in the ring summary table was not obeying the rounding rules if they were set. It would always use 2 decimal places. The Dump variable in the custom formula columns was not expressed to full machine precision. It was being rounded to 2 decimal places. This would cause some discrepancies between calculations in a spreadsheet and the column. 30. When charges were placed automatically in the holes sometimes they would be quite tiny due to collar and toe offset limitations. It was possible to drag the collar/toe into a position that would give a 0 length charge. This could crash Aegis. This has been fixed and if a 0 length charge is detected it is removed from the hole. 31. Laser line offsets were not being correctly calculated when the ring had a steep dump. (Ticket 16792) 32. When specifying a default path an exception could be raised if that path was inaccessible (security restriction, path no longer exists, etc.). 33. In some cases when the user changed the length of a charge manually a null reference exception would occur. (Ticket 16800) 34. Loading reports with a lot of symbol formulas could be slow. This was due to the formula generating a lot of "N/A" results and exceptions would be created for each and every case which slowed things down considerable. (Ticket 16800) 35. In some drawings when you aligned the ring view to the 3D view it would take a few seconds or so to align (due to the number of wireframes, etc.). When you hit the ESC key it would return to the normal 3D view. However, if you hit the ESC very rapidly you could get a null reference exception. 36. When the slot was on a single ring other rings in the blast where not visible in the timing module. (Ticket 16803) 37. The timing module was not displaying the timing graph for charges that had been timed. (Ticket 16804) A hole labeling issue could occur with rings that contained purely vertical holes. 38. All adjacent rings were not being displayed in all cases when they should have been. Some of them were missing. (Ticket 16818) 39. Aegis would crash if zero length holes were created and the user attempted to move them manually. (Ticket 16831) 40. When changing the relative elevation offset in the plan view report item, the elevation property was not updated.

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41. If a ring containing a slot and holes. The slot is added to one blast while the holes are added to another blast. It was possible to edit the holes when the slot blast was selected (i.e. the other holes were not part of the blast). (Ticket 16832) 42. If there was a blast that only contained a slot. If you added another blast and attempted to time the rings it would fail put a 1 for each hole. (Ticket 16841) 43. Normally it is not possible to select a blast and a mesh node in the project explorer. It may be possible to do so for a very short period of time but this is highly unlikely. If the blast properties was accessed from the blast context menu, a casting exception would occur. (Ticket 16825) 44. When creating new rings or adding new holes manually, it is possible based on the hole creation rules to have holes with 0 length. This is now prevented. (Ticket 16831) 45. When creating new rings an error message, "Error: Ring Generation Failure" would appear in the output log even though no errors could be seen. (Ticket 16844) 46. For some reason it was possible to set the hole toe/collar to a null value. This would crash Aegis. If such a hole was dragged, it would also crash Aegis. (Ticket 16831) 47. Advanced isosurface would crash if two explosives with the same name were present in the blast. (Ticket 16848) 48. Out of memory exception could occur if the charge length was zero and the mouse cursor would hover over the charge. (Ticket 16851) 49. Reprime window had the incorrect icon. 50. When priming holes a null reference exception could occur. (Ticket 16850) Analyzer Issues

1.  Advanced isosurface would create a null reference exception if the cancel button was hit.

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v0.20.082.0830 (2016-08-30) Aegis v0.20.082.0830 Release Date: 2016-08-30 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Ring Table - The DeckFrom column did not totalize. Now the sum of all entries in the column will be displayed at the bottom of the table. 2. An option to delete multiple holes has been added that allows the user to choose which holes to delete from a ring. The default is to delete all the holes. (Ticket 16709) 3. Added a dongle based license option. 4. The ring table in the blast reports will now only display charge information for a hole if the charge is part of the blast. (Ticket 16733) 5. The ring view item in the blast reports will now only display charges that are part of the blast. (Ticket 16752) 6. Added a row sorting option to the ring table. Now it is able to sort the rows by hole id in: ring, ascending or descending. (Ticket 16744) 7. Added new custom formula keywords to the ring table report item. They are HoleID and RingAzimuth. HoleID displays the current hole number and RingAzimuth displays the azimuth in degrees of the ring. (Ticket 16732) 8. Added new custom formula function to the ring table report item. The function is called Concat() and is used to create new text strings from a list of keyword arguments. It is used like: Concat("Hole", HoleID). Note: if you surround an argument with quotes it will pass through the as a string and not be resolved. (Ticket 16732) 9. Added new symbol to the ring object expanding the referencelineintersection. (Ticket 16751) They are:

a. referencelineintersectionX - The x-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane b. referencelineintersectionY - The y-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane c. referencelineintersectionZ - The z-coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring plane

10. Added an option to display the hole labels in the ring designer view. (Ticket 16756)

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11. Plan View Item - Added more options to configure the grid settings. (Ticket 13303)

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  When adding a slot to a stope a check is performed to see if the drill contains the required bit diameters. If it doesn't they are added to the drill instance. Sometimes the comparison routine would fail due to lack of a tolerance check. 2.  Extruded meshes and drift approximation meshes would not be displayed in the project explorer if the rings had block model evaluation wireframes associated with them. 3.  It was possible to have small charge in a hole and if you dragged the collar past the toe of the charge an exception would occur. 4.  In some cases Aegis saved charges with a zero length. When loading these projects an exception would be encountered. (Ticket 16736) 5.  In some of the property grids it was possible to select multiple options and this could cause an exception. (Ticket 16740) 6.  It was possible for primers to be placed in a hole in such a way as to cause an exception. (Ticket 16736) 7.  A null reference exception could occur if the hole id was null. Now it will be replaced with an empty sting. (Ticket 16700)

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8.  When editing an existing slot pattern, it was possible for an exception to occur while zooming in/out of the grid. (Ticket 16700) 9.  When hovering over the hole in the ring view designer a tooltip would be displayed containing the hole number. The number was partially blocked by the mouse cursor. The number is moved so it isn't obscured. (Ticket 16757) Analyzer Issues

1.  Advanced isosurface would create a null reference exception if the cancel button was hit.

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v0.20.078.0811 (2016-08-11)

Aegis v0.20.078.0811 Release Date: 2016-08-11 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Upgraded Aegis to the .Net v4.6 Framework series. 2.  It is now possible to draw the holes in the ring view in the reports so that the hole numbers are visible against a hatch. (Ticket 16670)

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  If a ring only contained a slot and if that slot were part of a blast the isosurface functionality wouldn't function. 2.  In the plan view the slot boundary/outline would be visible even though the plane did not intersect the slot. (Ticket 16634) 3.  When importing survey holes using the manual import option it would fail when multiple holes are were un-named. (Ticket 16673) 4.  In the timing module when some rings were uncharged and some were un-primed an exception could occur if the user clicked the stope checkbox to attempt to automatically time the blast. (Ticket 16678) 5.  On the new project screen the folder to the new project screen could store a path that is not accessible (security restrictions, doesn't exist, etc.). If this was the case Aegis would crash after that anytime a new project was created. (Ticket 16682) 6.  The hole listings table would not allow an empty text string to be used as a name. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.20.074.0713 (2016-07-13)

Aegis v0.20.074.0713 Release Date: 2016-07-13 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Added a rounding option for hole length labels in the Ring View report item. (Ticket 16508) 2.  Added a rounding option for Dimension Report item. (Ticket 16508) 3.  Added "Export Name" property to all tables in the reports. This is used by the export report tables to csv files method to name the csv files when the tables are converted to csv files. (Ticket 16509) 4.  Added the ability to display different explosives in different colors. This affects all displays including reports. The display color is set by changing the database entry. (Ticket 14505) 5.  Added the ability to display different primers in different colors. This affects all displays including reports. The display color is set by changing the database entry. (Ticket 14505)

6.  Add an Auto-Save option that causes Aegis to save the project after milestones have been passed such as importing wireframes or creating a ring set. (Ticket 15264) 7.  Vertical alignment option has been added to text report items. (Ticket 16569) 8.  Added the ability to lock report items. This will prevent the items from being moved or resized accidentally once they are placed on a report page. (Ticket 16564) 9.  Added the ability to change the primers from the context menu for the ring view window. (Ticket 16556) 10. Added the ability to change the detonators from the context menu for the ring view window. (Ticket 16556) 11. Added the ability to drag a hole in the ring view window parallel from its previous position. A

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new middle position glyph has been added to the hole when selected. If the user drags the hole at this position, the hole moves parallel to its previous position. If you hold the CTRL key down while dragging, the hole maintains its length. (Ticket 16557)

12. Added the ability to double-click on a table in the reports and have the column/row editor

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display. This only applies to report tables that have editable columns/rows. It saves the user from having to find the columns/rows property in the property grid and clicking on the ellipsis button to launch the window. (Ticket 16579) 13. Added the ability to entire mine location information directly in the New Project Window. Simply type in a new location in the drop down or select an existing one from the list. After that you are free to type in new values for:

a. Level b. Work Place c. Division/Beat d. Stope e. Orebody

Issues Designer Issues

1.  An index out of range exception could occur when loading a block model into Aegis when the xInc, yInc and zInc were implicit fields (Ticket 16474) 2.  A null reference exception would occur in the Construct Polylines Window when the point is cleared from a particular ring (Ticket 16506) 3.  When using the export report tables to csv files method on a report, empty tables could be exported to csv. Now empty tables will be ignored. (Ticket 16509) 4.  If there were multiple charges within a hole, the option to delete a charge from the hole using the right-click context menu would fail. (Ticket 16548) 5.  An exception would occur when attempting to add a primer to an explosive charge if no primer had be set in the create new ring set window. 6.  Attempting to add a primer or detonator when the were not set from the create new ring set window would cause an exception. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.071.0615 (2016-06-15)

Aegis v0.19.071.0615 Release Date: 2016-06-15 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  More New Icons. 2.  Updated the specially formatted .dm file so that it can accept the hole pivot point. 3.  Added new columns to the Ring Summary Table

a.  Length_Drilled_Total - Displays the total length drilled for the particular ring b.  Length_Drilled_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the slot holes for the particular ring c.  Length_Drilled_No_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the holes (except slot holes) for the particular ring d.  Length_Remaining_No_Slot - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled (excluding slot holes) minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings e.  Length_Remaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings f.  Tons_Remaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total tonnage minus the cumulative sum of tonnages from the previous rings (Has to be evaluated before this can be displayed)

4.  Updated the custom formula field in the Ring Summary Table with the same values as indicated by the new columns

a. TotalLengthDrilled - Displays the total length drilled for the particular ring b. TotalLengthDrilled_No_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the holes (except slot holes) for the particular ring c. TotalLengthDrilled_Slot - Displays the total length drilled of all the slot holes for the

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particular ring d. CalculateTotalLengthRemaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings e. CalculateTotalLengthRemaining_NoSlot - Starting from the first ring displays the total length drilled (excluding slot holes) minus the cumulative sum of lengths drilled from the previous rings f. CalculateTonsRemaining - Starting from the first ring displays the total tonnage minus the cumulative sum of tonnages from the previous rings (Has to be evaluated before this can be displayed)

5.  Added the ability to manually time the individual holes in the slot (This is an interim measure as this was not possible in previous versions of Aegis) 6.  Added a link and a graphical option to control the hole offset mode when creating a new ring set. 7.  Ring Table - Added ExplosiveDensity to the Custom Formula column.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  When an exception occurred it was possible to encounter another error indicating that there was insufficient permissions to save the project file. This was due to Aegis attempting to save a file to the recovery folder. (Ticket 16394) 2.  When using a lot of fixed pivots and parallel holes, Aegis would only drill from the first three pivots ignoring everything else. Now Aegis will properly choose fixed pivots based on the parallel hole requirement if it can. (Ticket 16418) 3.  A null reference exception could occur in the the blast properties window. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.069.0603 (2016-06-03)

Aegis v0.19.069.0603 Release Date: 2016-06-03 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Updated icons. 2.  Preferences - A True Offset added for ore contacts. Now drill holes can be offset from an ore contact by the so-called true offset. (Ticket 15485)

3.  Added the ability to allow the background color of a mesh to have its opacity changed. (Ticket 16008) 4.  Added the ability to use custom hatch patterns. (Ticket 16236)

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In the last version, Spanish and Russian versions of Aegis would lose track of the iRing license system. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.068.0530 (2016-05-30)

Aegis v0.19.068.0530 Release Date: 2016-05-30 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Updated icons.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  When adding manual holes to the ring view it was possible that a 0 length hole could be generated an an exception would occur. 2.  When windows font scaling was set to something other than 100%, the Rename holes and rings window would have some of the text fields truncated or hidden. (Ticket 16338). Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.067.0519 (2016-05-19)

Aegis v0.19.067.0519 Release Date: 2016-05-19 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Updated icons 2.  Added the ability to change the default root folder that Aegis uses.

3.  Added csv file format to the list of survey file formats that Aegis can import.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In timing if there were no holes on a slot ring, the slot would be considered unprimed even if it was clearly primed. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.066.0512 (2016-05-12)

Aegis v0.19.066.0512 Release Date: 2016-05-12 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  New Icons were added

Issues Designer Issues

1.  The Dump column in the ring summary table was not obeying the rounding rules if they were set. It would always use 2 decimal places. 2.  The Dump variable in the custom formula columns was not expressed to full machine precision. It was being rounded to 2 decimal places. This would cause some discrepancies between calculations in a spreadsheet and the column. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.19.065.0505 (2016-05-05) - Fully Localized Aegis v0.19.065.0505 Release Date: 2016-05-05 Fully Localized to Spanish and Russian.

Enhancements 1.  Slot Editor - Updated slot editor to allow holes to be numbered. (Ticket 15315) 2.  Export options were added to the Scenario context menu. (Ticket 15487) 3. Add the ability to copy the 3D view to the clipboard. (Ticket 15693) 4. Added the ability to export report tables to csv files. (Ticket 15488) 5. Updated icons - Aegis is in the process of having the icons updated throughout the program. This will proceed over the course of a few versions. 6. Updates to various icons and controls 7. Updated the Editable Table Report Item. (Ticket 15859) 8. Updated the Wireframe Properties Window accessed from here.

9. Added a new way to build polylines. Click on the icon to view a video: . (Ticket 14669) 10. Added ability to estimate the ungassed charge column height for gassed emulsions. Click on

the icon to view a video: . (Ticket 15503) 11. Aegis now responds to the pgup & pgdn keyboard keys so that you can cycle through the rings when the ring view, plan view or long section view is active. (Ticket 15748) 12. Updated the .dm and .dxf import so that they try to use the color palette selection stored in the respective file formats. (Ticket 14430) 13. The user is able to copy the active ring holes to other rings. Useful for complex ring layouts that were done by manual manipulating the holes. (Ticket 16004) 14. Slot - Added the ore contact offset to the New Slot Parameters window so now the slot will behave the same way as the holes. 15. Symbols - Updated the functionality in the currentdate symbol so that it supports alternative date formats. (Ticket 15968)

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16. Symbols - Added new symbol, evaluationresult, for the block model attribute results. (Ticket 15985) 17. Symbols - Added new sample templates that illustrate all of the available symbols that Aegis can process in the reports. They are available in the "iRing Aegis" folder under report templates.

a. General Symbols b. Current Date c. Scenario Symbol Examples d. Blast Symbol Examples e. Ringset Symbol Examples f. Ring Symbol Examples

18. Ring Summary Table - Added new columns for the ring evaluation results. 19. Hatching - Added the ability to add hatching patterns to wireframes in the reports. They are available from the wireframe properties by adjusting the Report Style Settings of the Display Settings Tab. (Ticket 14437)

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20. Symbols - Added new mine location symbols: location.name, location.level, location.orebody, location.workplace and location.division 21. Ring Summary Table - Added new columns: ReferenceX, ReferenceY and ReferenceZ which can be used to display the x,y and z coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring. 22. Import rings and holes - The user is able to import rings and holes using a specially formatted

.dm file. Click on the icon to view a video: .(Ticket 16054) 23. Ring Summary Table - Added new custom formula variables: ReferenceX, ReferenceY and ReferenceZ (the x,y and z coordinate of the reference line intersection with the ring). 24. Ring Summary Table - Added new custom formula variable: DumpFromVertical. It is the angle from the vertical that measures the ring dump. It is measured in radians and can be used directly in the formula trigonometric functions. 25. Added some new sample projects.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  If the user zoomed in too far the view port in the slot editor would get stuck. Limited it to a scale less than 1:500000. (Ticket 15630) 2.  Timing module would throw an exception when editing a row in the timing grid where nothing could/should be done. (Ticket 15627)

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3.  In the timing module, some rings/ring sets/stopes that were part of a blast where not properly marked. (Ticket 15607) 4.  IREDES export would crash if a ring contained an empty string for a name. 5.  Turning off the fixed pivot points in the re-drill window had no effect when the re-drill was opened again. (Ticket 15645) 6.  Currency symbol in some parts of Aegis was not using the proper symbol from regional settings. 7.  When a hole was deleted the other holes would not be renamed. 8.  If an exception occurred while creating new ringsets, the ring name would be set to an empty string. (Ticket 15644) 9.  Reports - When pasting values in to the table editor, they would be duplicated. (Ticket 15670) 10. A key missing exception could occur when attempting to merge two wireframes. (Ticket 15680) 11. When loading a project, a duplicate key exception could be thrown. (Ticket 15706) 12. Some of the tables in the reports were not being drawn properly. The border was too large in some cases. (Ticket 15726) 13. The display survey group of buttons was not active if manual surveyed holes were imported. (Ticket 15750) 14. If an entire ring was surveyed, the un-lock option would be available when it shouldn't have been. (Ticket 15751) 15. The 3D view in the manual survey hole import was not docked properly and would not properly resize with the form. (Ticket 15757) 16. Ring View - Moving the holes by using the CTRL key didn't work in all cases. In these cases a stope limit wasn't set and wasn't needed. (Ticket 15811) 17. Changing the ring tolerance in the adjacent rings display options did not update the ring view until it was changed. (Ticket 15810) 18. The isosurface window had trouble displaying previously selected colors. Now the color is properly remembered and displayed (Ticket 15805) 19. Moving the holes with the ctrl key held down wasn't responding. (Ticket15811) 20. More drilling parameters menu option in the hole layout table context menu didn't work. (Ticket 15820) 21. When using fixed pivots in the Create New Ringsets window some rings in some projects would not be generated even though using the Re-Drill Rings Window would work as expected. (Ticket 15871) 22. Slot Editor - An exception would occur if a hole diameter was a very small number when trying to create a new slot template. (Ticket 15877) 23. Slot - In some cases the slot would not be placed even though it should fit. This happened because Aegis was not able to capture the correct pivots because the drill mast was hitting the wall and the location of the reference line was too close to the wall. Now Aegis will draw the slot with the missing holes. It will allow the planner to move the slot to a better position manually. (Ticket 15891) 24. In the reports the wrong plan view could be displayed when there were multiple stopes in the scenario. (Ticket 15899) 25. An out of range exception could be thrown when loading a project with some issues around

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the scenarios. (Ticket 15910) 26. Adding a charge to a hole could cause an exception. This occurred because the explosive wasn't set and they tried to manually add a charge to a hole. (Ticket 15912) 27. When editing a polyline it was possible to delete all but one coordinate. A valid polyline should have at least to vertices. (Ticket 15912) 28. If there was a keyword in the ring naming convention it wouldn't be processed when new rings were created. 29. The option to create a new ring set from the existing planes option should not be available if there are no ring sets. (Ticket 15581) 30. When using the re-drill rings option, Re-Load Rings window or the Re-Prime Rings window, deleted blasts were not restored. (Ticket 15932) 31. For some reason when attempting to place a reference line in 3D, the view would become inverted. This only seemed to occur when the 3D display render option was set to high quality. (Ticket 15762) 32. Append Rings did not update the list of classified wireframes if any of them were changed. For example, if you unselected a void mesh, the append rings would still think it were there. (Ticket 15449) 33. When a slot was placed it was not possible to change its length by using the CTRL key and dragging its toe position. Now the slot behaves the same as other holes. (Ticket 15942) 34. The exported laser line offsets and the ring marker lines were not all on the same elevation, it varied depending on the dump of the ring. Now the laser lines will be at the same elevation and the ring marker lines will be at the same elevation. (Ticket 15983) 35. The incorrect state was being assigned when attempting to edit a slot resulting in odd behavior at times. 36. Using the "Page Up" or "Page Down" keys while cycling through the rings in designer would cause a problem if the active window was the plan view. This is corrected and you are now able to use the keys with any Aegis window active. 37. Hitting cancel on the isosurface window before the process completed would cause the window to become unresponsive. 38. Hitting the cancel button or the close window button on the isosurface window after the isosurface was generated would cause a null reference exception. 39. In some cases using the Rename All holes in all rings menu could cause a null reference exception. (Ticket 15993) 40. When using the Russian or Spanish localization of Aegis there could be issues with the license system not properly activating the block model evaluation. 41. Reports - Ring View Item - The hole labels would be drawn outside the bounding rectangle. (Ticket 16091) 42. Extrude mesh from vertical plane creates extra mesh created two meshes instead of one. (Ticket 16098) 43. Corrected an issued that caused the hatching styles to generate an exception when choosing one. (Ticket 16123) Analyzer Issues

1.  When attempting a best fit mesh to a field, if there were no ore contact wireframes classified

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an exception would occur. (Ticket 15610) 2.  When a volume cannot be generated when doing a best field fit and exception occurred because no ore contact was set. (Ticket 15593)

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v0.18.058.0412 (2016-04-12) Aegis v0.18.058.0412 Release Date: 2016-04-12 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Added a new way to build polylines. (Ticket 14669) 2.  Added ability to estimate the ungassed charge column height for gassed emulsions. (Ticket 15503) 3.  Aegis now responds to the pgup & pgdn keyboard keys so that you can cycle through the rings when the ring view, plan view or long section view is active. (Ticket 15748) 4.  Updated the .dm and .dxf import so that they try to use the color palette selection stored in the respective file formats. (Ticket 14430)

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In the reports the wrong plan view could be displayed when there were multiple stopes in the scenario. (Ticket 15899) 2.  An out of range exception could be thrown when loading a project with some issues around the scenarios. (Ticket 15910) 3.  Adding a charge to a hole could cause an exception. This occurred because the explosive wasn't set and they tried to manually add a charge to a hole. (Ticket 15912) 4.  When editing a polyline it was possible to delete all but one coordinate. A valid polyline should have at least to vertices. (Ticket 15912) 5.  If there was a keyword in the ring naming convention it wouldn't be processed when new rings were created. 6.  The option to create a new ring set from the existing planes option should not be available if there are no ring sets. (Ticket 15581) 7.  When using the re-drill rings option, Re-Load Rings window or the Re-Prime Rings window, deleted blasts were not restored. (Ticket 15932) 8.  For some reason when attempting to place a reference line in 3D, the view would become inverted. This only seemed to occur when the 3D display render option was set to high quality. (Ticket 15762) 9.  Append Rings did not update the list of classified wireframes if any of them were changed. For example, if you unselected a void mesh, the append rings would still think it were there. (Ticket 15449) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.17.057.0405 (2016-04-05) Aegis v0.17.057.0405 Release Date: 2016-04-05 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Updates to various icons and controls 2.  Updated the Editable Table Report Item. (Ticket 15859) 3.  Updated the Wireframe Properties Window accessed from here.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  Changing the ring tolerance in the adjacent rings display options did not update the ring view until it was changed. (Ticket 15810) 2.  The isosurface window had trouble displaying previously selected colors. Now the color is properly remembered and displayed (Ticket 15805) 3.  Moving the holes with the ctrl key held down wasn't responding. (Ticket15811) 4.  More drilling parameters menu option in the hole layout table context menu didn't work. (Ticket 15820) 5.  When using fixed pivots in the Create New Ringsets window some rings in some projects would not be generated even though using the Re-Drill Rings Window would work as expected. (Ticket 15871) 6.  Slot Editor - An exception would occur if a hole diameter was a very small number when trying to create a new slot template. (Ticket 15877) 7.  Slot - In some cases the slot would not be placed even though it should fit. This happened because Aegis was not able to capture the correct pivots because the drill mast was hitting the wall and the location of the reference line was too close to the wall. Now Aegis will draw the slot with the missing holes. It will allow the planner to move the slot to a better position manually. (Ticket 15891) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.17.055.0324 (2016-03-24) Aegis v0.17.055.0324 Release Date: 2016-03-24 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  More updated icons.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  The 3D view in the manual survey hole import was not docked properly and would not properly resize with the form. (Ticket 15757) 2.  Ring View - Moving the holes by using the CTRL key didn't work in all cases. In these cases a stope limit wasn't set and wasn't needed. (Ticket 15811) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.17.054.0318 (2016-03-18) Aegis v0.17.054.0318 Release Date: 2016-03-18 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Updated icons - Aegis is in the process of having the icons updated throughout the program. This will proceed over the course of a few versions.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  Some of the tables in the reports were not being drawn properly. The border was too large in some cases. (Ticket 15726) 2.  The display survey group of buttons was not active if manual surveyed holes were imported. (Ticket 15750) 3.  If an entire ring was surveyed, the un-lock option would be available when it shouldn't have been. (Ticket 15751) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.17.053.0311 (2016-03-11) Aegis v0.17.053.0311 Release Date: 2016-03-11 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Add the ability to copy the 3D view to the clipboard. (Ticket 15693) 2.  Added the ability to export report tables to csv files. (Ticket 15488)

Issues Designer Issues

1. Reports - When pasting values in to the table editor, they would be duplicated. (Ticket 15670)

2. A key missing exception could occur when attempting to merge two wireframes. (Ticket 15680) 3. When loading a project, a duplicate key exception could be thrown. (Ticket 15706) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.17.051.0304 (2016-03-04) Aegis v0.17.051.0304 Release Date: 2016-03-04 Interim Release

Enhancements 1.  Slot Editor - Updated slot editor to allow holes to be numbered. (Ticket 15315) 2.  Export options were added to the Scenario context menu. (Ticket 15487) Issues Designer Issues

1.  If the user zoomed in too far the view port in the slot editor would get stuck. Limited it to a scale less than 1:500000. (Ticket 15630) 2.  Timing module would throw an exception when editing a row in the timing grid where nothing could/should be done. (Ticket 15627) 3.  In the timing module, some rings/ring sets/stopes that were part of a blast where not properly marked. (Ticket 15607) 4.  IREDES export would crash if a ring contained an empty string for a name. 5.  Turning off the fixed pivot points in the re-drill window had no effect when the re-drill was opened again. (Ticket 15645) 6.  Currency symbol in some parts of Aegis was not using the proper symbol from regional settings. 7.  When a hole was deleted the other holes would not be renamed. 8.  If an exception occurred while creating new ringsets, the ring name would be set to an empty string. (Ticket 15644) Analyzer Issues

1.  When attempting a best fit mesh to a field, if there were no ore contact wireframes classified an exception would occur. (Ticket 15610). 2.  When a volume cannot be generated when doing a best field fit and exception occurred because no ore contact was set. (Ticket 15593)

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v0.17.050.0224 (2016-02-24) - Fully Localized Aegis v0.17.050.0224 Release Date: 2016-02-24

Enhancements 1.  Reports - Ring View Report Item - Added various survey hole properties. (Ticket 14861) 2.  Report Editor - Added the ability to interleave report pages. When applying a template if you have a series of "stacked" pages representing various parts of the reports it is possible to interleave all of the stacked pages. For example, if the first page in the represents the front page and the second page represents the back side of the same page it is not possible to print them in the correct order. 3.  Block Model Legend - Once a block model legend was set there was no way to remove it from the list. Now a small 'x' button will appear beside it that can clear the selection. (Ticket 14893) 4.  Stope Management - Added the ability to right-click on a stope in a scenario and merge it with another scenario. This is useful in when creating multiple stopes for the same scenario and some of them ended up in new scenarios. (Ticket 14881) 5. Added a notification when attempting to create a blast indicating why it cannot be created because holes are not loaded or are not primed. (Ticket 14924) 6. Added circles around the end of charges when being dragged. The sizes can be controlled from this window and the window can be accessed by hitting the F12 key. The values for the charge toe circle and charge collar circle will default to the loading delta. (Ticket 14972, 15528)

7. Report Editor - Added the ability to paste the contents of the clipboard directly onto multiple report pages simultaneously. Very handy when labeling a large number of rings. (Ticket 14982) 8. Reports - Text - Added rotation property. 9. Symbols - Added two new symbols for gathering total drilled length for upholes and downholes for all the holes in all the rings of the active ringset. (Ticket 15132)

a. ~ringset.lengthdrilled_upholes b. ~ringset.lengthdrilled_downholes

10. Symbols - Added the ability to gather length totals by specify diameter using square brackets and the appropriate lengthdrilled symbol (Ticket 15249)

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a. ~ringset.lengthdrilled[50] : Adding [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled symbol will cause it to return a total length summary from all the holes in all the rings that are 50mm in diameter. b. ~ringset.lengthdrilled_upholes[50] : Adding [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled_upholes symbol will cause it to return a total length summary from all the holes upholes in all the rings that are 50mm in diameter. c. ~ringset.lengthdrilled_downholes[50] : Adding [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled_downholes symbol will cause it to return a total length summary from all the holes downholes in all the rings that are 50mm in diameter.

11. Export Ring Markers - Added ring look direction azimuth to the export file when exporting to Datamine .dm file format. (Ticket 15121) 12. Reports - Slot Report Item - The slot item can now be oriented by an azimuth angle. (Ticket 15164) 13. Landing Page - You can now select multiple entries from the grid and delete them all at once. (Ticket 15175) 14. Symbols - Added symbols that report on the total length drilled for all the ringsets in a scenario. (Ticket 15249)

a. ~scenario.lengthdrilled[50] : Adding the [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled will cause it to return total for all holes that are 50mm in diameter. b. ~scenario.lengthdrilled_upholes : Report the total length drilled for all upholes. c. ~scenario.lengthdrilled_upholes[50] : Adding the [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled_upholes will cause it to return total for all upholes that are 50mm in diameter. d. ~scenario.lengthdrilled_downholes : Report the total length drilled for all downholes. e. ~scenario.lengthdrilled_downholes[50] : Adding the [50] to the end of the lengthdrilled_downholes will cause it to return total for all downholes that are 50mm in diameter.

15. Symbols - Added symbols that report on total charge lengths for a blast. (Ticket 15249) a. ~blast.holecount : List the number of holes in a blast b. ~blast.lengthcharged : List the total length of all charges involved in a blast. c. ~blast.lengthcharged_upholes : List the total length of all charges in upholes involved in a blast. d. ~blast.lengthcharged_downholes : List the total length of all charges in downholes involved in a blast. e. ~blast.detonatorcount[20] : detonatorcount returns the total number of detonators in a blast. The option has been added to provide the total count by leg length ( as indicated by the leg length wrapped in the square brackets: [20]). NOTE: The leg lengths must be defined in the database for each detonator type. Only these values can be used. All other values will return a result of 0.0.

16. Symbols - Added a symbol for the current date - ~currentdate 17. Added the ability to export laser line markers based on the ring markers

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18. Added the ability to display rings from adjacent stopes. (Ticket 14436)

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19. Reports - Hole Table - Added column RelativeHorizontalCollarOffset which reports the hole collar offset relative to the adjacent hole collar. The first hole collar is left empty. (Ticket 15345)

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20. Added the ability to flip the look direction of rings that have been modified without losing the changes. Can now also flip rings that are part of blasts or that have been surveyed. (Ticket 15354) 21. Reports - Plan View Report Item - Added the ability to change the scale of the look direction arrows in the Plan View Report Item. (Ticket 15313) 22. Reports - Ring View Report Item - Added the ability to display the length of the hole overlaid on top of each hole in the Ring View Report Item. (Ticket 15314)

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Issues Designer Issues

1.  When extruding a stope outline a label was hiding the left edge of the up/down horizontal offset control. 2.  Replaced the hint window in the 3D view as it could cause problems with some graphics cards. 3.  Reports - Ring View Report Item, Plan View Report Item and Long Section View Report Item - The line style was not updating the view automatically when changed. (Ticket 14858) 4.  Reports - Ring View Report Item, Plan View Report Item and Long Section View Report Item - The "Line Style" in the property grid was reading Aegis.LineStyle2. (Ticket 14860) 5.  3D View - the direction cube had the labels "Top" and "Bottom" in the wrong positions. 6.  Reports - In the scenario reports the plan view only displayed the active scenario and no other scenarios. (Ticket 14871) 7.  Print preview output for a particular window with the print option doesn't match printed results. (Ticket 14880) 8.  When you changed the reference line in the Create New Ring Set window, if you had a large offset from start or offset from end value set that was larger than the reference line and problem would occur. Now if you change the reference line these values are set to 0. (Ticket 14892) 9.  When creating new rings in Create New Ring Set window hitting any of the check boxes in the Pattern Parameters Tab would have no effect until the rings were finished generating at which point it would start over again. (Ticket 14893) 10. When importing wireframes and setting the color in the grid you were not able to unselect a color. 11. Stope Layout Table - Under some conditions the grid would not display some of the rings after they were created. (Ticket 14921) 12. Stope Layout Table - Right-clicking on the selected row did not produce expected results. (Ticket 14930) 13. Would receive an exception in the scenario reports if the hole diameter was not supported by the drill. (Ticket 14939) 14. Fixed a cross-threaded exception when loading a report that contained an RTF formatted text item that also contained a symbol. 15. When re-drilling, the active ring was not maintained. (Ticket 14944) 16. Improved the locking mechanism around the surveyed holes. (Ticket 14379) 17. Report Editor - On some computers the A3 paper size was unavailable. This was caused because changing printers didn't update the list of available pages sizes. (Ticket 14963) 18. Create New Ring Set window - Pattern Parameters Tab - in some cases items would be disabled for no apparent reason. 19. Report Editor - Copying an image from a report page and pasting it back into the report would result in the copy being placed in a different position when it should have been pasted in the same position. 20. Repaired issues around certain file selection dialogs when no file name was entered. 21. Report Editor - Ring View Report Item, Plan View Report Item and Long Section View Report Item - Wireframe style options where not working correctly. (Ticket 14994)

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22. Updated the IREDES export checksum to HEX 23. Fixed pivots is stored with the drill and this caused some problems with the hole listings grid. (Ticket 14969) 24. If the user accidentally right-clicks while holding the left mouse button down while dragging a hole around in the ring view the ring view will crash. (Ticket 15036) 25. If a drill was setup without any hole diameters an exception would attempting to add a slot. (Ticket 15037) 26. Slot Pattern Editor window - The hole diameter dropdown had no indication that a user could enter a diameter size if it was unavailable in the dropdown list. Added a tooltip to the dropdown. (Ticket 15086) 27. Import Wireframes - Select Wireframes Button - When selecting .dm files to import, if the user selects both the tr and pt file duplicates wireframes are imported. (Ticket 15101) 28. In the timing module a ring would be timed if it contained a slot but no primers. (Ticket 15117) 29. Reports - When launching a report that contains a Ringset summary table item an exception could occur if a ring doesn't contain charged holes. 30. Reports - Ringset hole table didn't totalize custom formula columns. (Ticket 15130) 31. When you start a new project or create a new scenario that is empty, the lock button would be enabled and if you clicked it an exception would occur. (Ticket 15142) 32. When you start a new project or create a new scenario that is empty, the new slot button was enabled and if you clicked it an exception would occur. (Ticket 15143) 33. Report Editor - When selecting a number of report items on a page by dragging the selection rectangle around them hitting the ESC key would not unselect them. (Ticket 15154) 34. An null reference exception could occur when laying out holes in the create new ring set window. (Ticket 15181) 35. When creating new ring sets using the create new ring set window sometimes the rings would be created at very odd azimuths. It happened when the start azimuth was very close to 360 degrees and the ending azimuth was very close to 0 (17 degrees). This was an issue in the way that the azimuth was calculated for the reference line segments. The azimuth is no calculate based on the position of the starting point and the ending point. Now the rings will be placed with the look direction facing the end point of the reference line. (Ticket 15188) 36. Exporting holes or ring markers to Surpac .str files was not working correctly, the x and y coordinates were permuted. (Ticket 15209) 37. Exporting holes or ring markers to Datamine .dm files did not have defaults set for COLOUR, LSTYLE and SYMBOL. 38. While moving a ring in the plan view control, the selected ring was changing. (Ticket 15230) 39. When a ring was selected in the plan view the corresponding ring in the stope summary table would be selected. However if the ring was not visible in the list, the grid would not scroll to it. (Ticket 15251) 40. Opening incompatible projects (i.e. projects created with newer versions of Aegis) an exception would occur when using the open menu option. (Ticket 15254) 41. When selecting multiple projects on the landing page the OK button would remain enabled. Now it is disabled. 42. Slot View Report Item - the delay label font was being used to draw the hole labels.

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43. Reports - Table items and text would expand slightly when viewed in print preview or printed. (Ticket 15247) 44. In some situations Aegis would not drill all rings in a stope. The rings would have the issue "Could not find right wall above drift floor" (or it could be the left wall). (Ticket 15292) 45. Reports - Ring Table - When adding columns that were charge related empty values would appear in the cells when they should have had entries. 46. When adding a new hole to a ring sometimes the pivot would be incorrectly calculated. (Ticket 15321) 47. Reports - Azimuth Display - The compass indicator was not displaying the correct azimuth. (Ticket 15359) 48. When deleting multiple rings, if a ring had a checkbox that was not visible it was still selectable when it shouldn't have been. 49. Stope Layout Grid - The context menu option, Move Rings, was not working. (Ticket 15373) 50. After extruding a stope limit after displaying the ring section in the 3D view the working plane of the ring section would still be visible. (Ticket 14845) 51. Reports - The thumbnail on the left hand side of the report editor for each page would be incorrect if a line item were present on the page. (Ticket 15372) 52. With a charge selected in the hole table and if a hole rotation was changed in the ring view an exception would occur. (Ticket 15384) 53. In the hole table, an exception could occur when editing certain values when on a slot ring. (Ticket 15390) 54. In the 3D view, if a project was loaded that contained meshes that were invisible (hidden) part of the view could be hidden. (Ticket 15393) 55. Reports - Closing a report template that is already saved with changes on it will prompt to save the template. In this situation a duplicate report would be created in the gallery. (Ticket 15355) 56. If a project was recovered after it had been some how corrupted it may be possible to have no drill set which would cause an exception in some areas. (Ticket 15407) 57. Plan View and Long Section View - The context menu item, re-drill rings was not working as expected. (Ticket 15409) 58. Plan View - The compass option was not being drawn in the correct location when the option "Left Center" or "Right Center" was chosen. The vertical center was not being calculated correctly. (Ticket 15418) 59. Switching themes while light tables or adjacent rings were displayed caused the holes to hide. (Ticket 15448) 60. Attempting to add a ring before another ring could sometimes cause the ring to be created off the reference line. This would cause a crash that would require Aegis to be restarted. (Ticket 15451) 61. The horizontal pivot offset column in the hole table did not work for slots. Now you are able to change the horizontal pivot offset by typing in the grid. (Ticket 15447) 62. Switching to a different theme while the adjacent rings or light table options were displayed would cause them to hide. (Ticket 15448) 63. Null reference exception would occur if you attempted to look at the survey hole file properties if you only imported surveyed hole lengths.

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64. Setting a hole horizontally by the hole table sometimes would result in it changing to a different pivot. (Ticket 15457) 65. Changing the classification of a wireframe didn't affect the ring generation process. (Ticket 15449) 66. Attempting to change a holes breakthrough status would change the charge collar if it were manually set. (Ticket 15469) 67. Removing a void wireframe from the list of voids had no effect on ringsets/stopes that were existing. Holes were added and assumed the wireframe was still part of the voids list. Now if a wireframe is removed existing stopes will ignore it. (Ticket 15449) 68. In some cases it was not possible to manually add a charge to a hole because of the way the loading algorithm determined the collar height. Now if a charge is manually added to the hole Aegis will ensure that one is placed. (Ticket 15478) 69. In some cases when creating new ring sets/stopes ring generation would fail because the ring generator was not properly set. (Ticket 15491) 70. When a report template was applied a null reference could occur because the ring set is was not set properly. (Ticket 15498) 71. When an item was pasted into a report the scenario index wasn't properly set causing the report to display the wrong information. (Ticket 15514) 72. When a ring set item was pasted into a report with a ring context the index wasn't being properly set. (Ticket 15524) 73. The charge circles added to the charge when it is moved manually were taking the ring collar and toe spacing as a default. They will now take the loading delta as a default. (Ticket 15526) 74. The manual override for collar and toe circles in the ring view would not persist any changes. (Ticket 15528) 75. A null reference would occur when writing a slot pattern when there was no description set. (Ticket 15540) 76. DXF files would not export properly if the locale used the comma as a decimal separator. (Ticket 15541) 77. In the preview for renaming rings, setting the starting index didn't affect the preview. (Ticket 15548) 78. In some cases a ring would be generated with an hole that was in the list but not drawn. This would cause the hole naming routine to fail. (Ticket 15535) 79. Exporting meshes to dxf would generate incorrect files. (Ticket 15541) 80. The create new ring set form stored the custom drill angle settings (star angle, end angle) incorrectly. 81. When a blast was deleted from the project tree, the active blast in the main ribbon bar was not updated. (Ticket 15592) 82. Reports would crash when any symbols relied on blast.scenario. (Ticket 15584) 83. When loading a project, in rare cases an exception would be reported that the t value was outside the bounds of 0 and 1 for a piecewise linear path. (Ticket 15600) Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.12.026.0810 (2015-08-10)

Aegis v0.12.026.0810 Release Date: 2015-08-10

Enhancements 1.  The color dialog for selecting different colors has been replaced. 2.  Added columns Pivot Height and Pivot Height Distance to the holes table.(13993)

Issues Designer Issues

1.  Corrected the tab ordering on the windows in the Survey Import Section. 2.  When drilling holes in some cases voids would be ignored. This was happening because a stope limit was defined without including an ore contact wireframe. (13936) 3.  Added code to ensure that all dialogs were properly closed and removed from memory. 4.  When editing a slot template if no changes were made and the user clicked the ok button, the slot template would be removed from the list of available templates. (13983) 5.  Attempting to position the drill zone manually was not working as expected. (13987) 6.  There was no context menu associated with the fixed pivot grid in the database. (13980) 7.  Attempting to save the project in a folder that the user doesn't have access too resulted in an exception. Now the user will be warned and they will have the opportunity to save to a different location. (14002) 8.  In some situations it was not possible to place a slot on a ring. This was caused by a tolerance issue. The tolerance value has been relaxed somewhat. (14003) 9.  Report Editor - If you deleted the ring view from the page, the pan button would remain active. If the user clicked this button and Index out of range exception would occur. (14008) 10. Report Editor - If you deleted the ring view from the page, the set automatic scale and drawing scale slider would cause the same exception as the pan button. (14008) 11. If a stope limit has been defined, you would receive an exception stating that the ring plane doesn't intersect the drilling volume if you attempted to place a ring outside the stope limit. This restriction has been removed to allow the user to place services holes. (14021) 12. If a ring was drilled with fixed pivots, turning them off in the re-drill window would have no effect. (14022) 13. If an item is deleted from a report editor page, the ribbon bar would not be notified and buttons or panels could be left active when the are not supposed to be. 14. When an item was inserted into a report editor page its scale was not automatically calculated unless the item was resized. 15. When an item was being resized in the Reports, its scale was not updated automatically when the item was being resized. Analyzer Issues

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1.  The text of the scale control on the create field window was being cutoff. (13934).

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v0.16.034.1126 (2015-11-26)

Aegis v0.16.034.1126 Release Date: 2015-11-26

Enhancements 1.  Hole collar and toe coordinates can now be written to .dm and .dxf files as points. (Ticket 14511) 2.  Hole collar and toe coordinates can be written to .csv files as well as polylines in .dxf files and strings in .dm files. 3.  IREDES Import - Aegis can now import IREDES quality reports generated by compliant drills and use that hole information in the Survey Module. (Ticket 12740) 4. Aegis can now design rings in adjacent stopes based on rings from existing stopes within the same scenario. This allows a user to align rings to the same plane. It is accessed as a drop down menu from the create new ring set button. (Ticket 14507) 5. When drilling holes and using a stope limit in some circumstances it is desirable to stop the drilling process if the holes would be drilled outside the stope limit. This new feature will stop the drilling process if any hole that is drilled has no intersection with the stope limit. If no stope limit is specified, this option is ignored.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In some cases a null reference exception could occur while right-clicking on a stope in the project explorer tree. (Ticket 14493) 2.  When transforming polylines a null reference exception could occur when using imperial units. (Ticket 14577) 3.  When extruding a stope limit changing the reference line had no effect. (Ticket 14586) 4.  When deleting multiple rings at once an exception would occur if the active scenario or ring set were empty. (Ticket 14606) 5.  The hole/ring layout table would display some of the slot data in the wrong column. (Ticket 14624) 6.  Some re-calculation issues were fixed with the create new ring set window. In some cases, with a certain field selected, a re-calculation would occur if the user clicked on a different spot in the window even if nothing has changed. 7.  When importing surveyed holes to a scenario that already has blasts defined the blasts are supposed to be deleted when the new surveyed scenario is created. The active blast was not being deleted. (Ticket 14627) 8.  Wireframes stored in .dm files that had capitalized PT or TR in the file names would not be imported. Now the case of the file name is ignored. 9.  Some .dm files with field columns that spanned multiple pages would not import into Aegis. These files are now able to be imported. (Ticket 14631)

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10. In some cases when the users "My Documents" folder is located on a network share Aegis couldn't detect the existence of required files even though they were there. Improved detection and reporting have been added. Essentially, if the error occurs again Aegis will generate a richer exception report to assist us with diagnostics and correction. (Ticket 14630) 11. When launching the surveyed holes window the grid would have duplicated columns. (Ticket 14639) 12.  In the create ring set window if Aegis is busy creating rings and the scenario is changed, the ring generation would restart leaving the partially completed ring set in place. Now the ring set is cleared out properly. (Ticket 14703) 13. In the create ring set window changing the stope name has no effect until the ring set is regenerated by changing one of the other parameters. (Ticket 14708) 14. In the create ring set window changing the scenario name causes the ring set to be regenerated. (Ticket 14710) 15. Changing the visibility/transparency of the wireframes in the surveyed holes window had no effect on the 2D ring view. 16. When importing surveyed holes using the manual method after pasting the values into the window, if you tried to delete the data out of cell using the delete key wouldn't work. (Ticket 14720) 17. The arrow keys were not functioning in the surveyed holes window grid. Now the arrow keys can be used to navigate through the grid. 18. In the ring view item in the reports if a block model was available, the property to control the displayed attribute did not function. (Ticket 14721) 19. Block model evaluation buttons were not available in the Spanish or Russian localization of Aegis. (Ticket 14750) 20. Loading certain Report templates when a new, empty scenario is active causes the following exception: "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index". (Ticket 14551) 21. Certain blast icons are enabled directly after importing surveyed holes. (Ticket 14627) 22. An exception could occur when the isosurface rings form is canceled. (Ticket 14553) 23. There was an issue in when designing rings from adjacent stopes where Aegis was only checking for an intersection with the stope outline and not the reference line. 24. In the IREDES import if the selected ring set was not set a null reference exception could occur. 25. When you try to import surveyed ring data from a file into a ring set that has already been surveyed a warning message would appear. The message would disappear if you proceeded. (Ticket 14802) 26. There were items on the surveyed holes import form that were being displayed when they shouldn't have been. 27. When the color of a mesh is changed in the surveyed hole form an exception would occur. Analyzer Issues

1.  In some cases when generating a field after clicking a different spot in the window the field would be regenerated even though no settings were changed. (Ticket 12040)

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v0.15.029.1020 (2015-10-20)

Aegis v0.15.029.1020 Release Date: 2015-10-20

Enhancements 1.  DXF Import - Aegis can now import wireframes that are stored as block references. It can also deal with polygon mesh wireframes that are represented by separate polygon strips that are adjacent to one another. Typically these would be generated by some cavity survey scans. 2.  Slot holes - When the slot holes were not charged a gray outline was displayed instead of the holes in the ring view. Now they will be drawn and have the options to control the line style for holes that are not on the ring plane. (Ticket 14282)

3.  Reports - Added the Reference Line Coordinates Table which displays the coordinates of the

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current reference line. (Ticket 1265)

4.  Reports - Added the Length by Diameter Summary Table which summaries the total hole length by diameter for the active stope. (Ticket 14427)

5.  Drill Rig Outline - The drill rig outline that is displayed in the plan view is now centered about the selected hole in the Ring View/ Hole Layout View. (Ticket 14428)

6.  Added the ability to adjust drilling parameters on a hole by hole basis. This includes: setting the hole as breakthrough or not, changing the individual hole diameter, ignoring the contact or extending the selected hole to breakthrough. (Ticket 14416) 7.  Aegis is now localized to the following languages:

a. English b. Russian (Русский) c. Spanish (Español)

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Issues Designer Issues

1. Reports - If an item was deleted from a report page and the item had extended options available in the ribbon sometimes the options would remain visible. By remaining visible it allowed the user to click on buttons with actions that were not valid and cause an error.

2. Reports - Ring View, Plan View and Long Section View - The initial scale of the item was not being calculated correctly when the item is placed by initially dragging its size.

3. When an exception occurs in the middle of saving a project, the project will become corrupted. A feature was added to attempt to recover as much of the project as possible automatically when the file is opened again. (Ticket 13998) 4. When working with wireframes sometimes the wireframes are non-manifold (holes, internal structures, self-intersections, etc.) and any calculated volumes or tonnage estimates could be incorrect. Aegis will now display a warning indicating what the problem is and that the calculations are suspect. NOTE: Internal structures may have no effect on volume calculations. (Ticket 13835) 5. The break cavity window would generate errors if there were no wireframes classified as voids in the project. (Ticket 13898) 6. Deleting the break mesh from a blast did not remove the ore and host rock volumes. This lead to incorrect values being displayed in the blast properties. (Ticket 14043)

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7. The blast buttons on the main ribbon where not behaving as expected. (Ticket 14048) 8. In some cases the slot pattern wouldn't be drawn because one of the holes had an invalid pivot point. Now a message will be displayed in the ring view indicating why the slot was not drawn. (Ticket 14097) 9. Aegis had trouble placing holes where two void wireframes where overlapping due to a poor union operation on the wireframes. Now Aegis will ignore a second void intersection if it is within a certain tolerance (less them 1m). (Ticket 14098)

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10. Re-Drilling with fixed pivots and then turning the fixed pivots option off would not affect how the ring was drilled again. (Ticket 14099) 11. Resizing windows with the 3D CAD view such as the block model evaluation or the survey holes windows, wasn't as smooth as it should be. (Ticket 14113) 12. When a blast node is selected in the project explorer the blast wireframe would highlight and turn white. If you clicked another wireframe, the previous wireframe would remain highlighted in some cases. Now if you hit the ESC key all wireframes will return to the unselected states. 13. The ring slicing plane was not in the correct position relative to the the ring location. It was noticeable on rings at the very end of stope limit blocks. It would look like rings were not being rendered correctly. (Ticket 14100) 14. If you zoomed in or out too far in the Ring View, Plan View or Long Section View Aegis would lock up at some point and become unresponsive. (Ticket 14214) 15. The numeric input boxes throughout Aegis used for accepting numeric input would accept the terms "Infinity" and "-Infinity" which clearly are not valid numbers that Aegis would be able to deal with. 16. In the new project window, if you entered reserved characters (such as a colon : or \) in the project name field would cause unexpected results. Now these characters are rejected and the user is not able to enter them into the input fields. 17. The close and merge wireframe buttons had no way to cancel the operations once they were started. Now, you can hit the ESC key or click on another button to end the operation. (Ticket 13958) 18. A null reference exception could occur if a break mesh was highlighted and then deleted. (Ticket 14155)

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19. Reports - Adding a drill angle display report item caused a null reference exception when there was no active ring set or stope. 20. If the user.settings file has become corrupted Aegis would crash on startup. Now Aegis will catch the issue and clean up the file to prevent future problems. (Ticket 14250) 21. When using the block model evaluation it wasn't possible to delete the resulting wireframe that was attached to the ring. (Ticket 14242) 22.  When creating a new slot pattern, if you clicked the save button and then clicked the ok button to exit the slot editor there would be duplicate templates in the drop down list. (Ticket 14305) 23. If Aegis was in the middle of displaying the ring section in the 3D view and you clicked on the new project main menu item, the ring slice in the 3D view would still be visible. (Ticket 14312) 24. Using the view in 3D button on the Ring View/ Hole Layout View causes the 3D View to align itself with the ring and display the ring slice in 3D. If you clicked on the New Project option under the Aegis button the 3D view would remain in the ring section view. Now the operation will be canceled. (Ticket 14312) 25. Extrude Stope Limit Window - The window had sliders to allow the user to move the rectangle outline around. The sliders were inaccurate and have been replaced with numeric controls that allow the user to enter numbers directly or to use the toggle to increment/decrement by one unit at a time. NOTE: Once the input field is selected a mouse scroll wheel may be used to increment/decrement the value faster. (Ticket 14335) 26. Rounding errors would occur in the process of converting metric values to imperial values when the user was entering imperial data. Aegis would convert the input value from imperial to metric. Some of the conversion were subject to rounding errors if the process was repeated a few times for the same field. This resulted in incorrect values. Some of the conversion factors did not have a high enough precision specified. Some small errors in some of the other conversion factors were also detected. (Ticket 14336) 27. The grid in the block model evaluation did not allow the user to copy/paste results from it. Now Results can be pasted into a spreadsheet. 28. An exception could occur in the reports when using symbol evaluations in some cases. (Ticket 14356) 29. An exception could occur on some unit text boxes if the rounding was not properly set. 30.  When deleting ring meshes that were generated from the block model evaluation an exception could occur. (Ticket 14373) 31.  A drilling error could occur if the slot were moved into a position where it wasn't completely drillable. (Ticket 14383) 32. The number of parent cells and child cells was incorrect in some cases after reading a .dm based block model file. 33. When timing a blast a "no elements" exception could occur. (Ticket 14413) 34. In the hole table it was not possible to change the hole length. (Ticket 14415) 35. On the break cavity window the resolution was not stored and subsequently would be reset to 1m whenever the form was displayed. (Ticket 14450) 36. In the blasting reports, if a fragmentation graph was added to a page, the page's thumbnail would not reflect this. (Ticket 13900) 37. Reports - Ring View Report Item - The charge scale property was not working as it should.

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(Ticket 14447) 38. Reports - Ring View Report Item - The Show Hole Collar Pivot Lines property was not working. (Ticket 14448) 39. Reports - Diameter Table - Placing a diameter table onto a report page where the ring had diameters that the drill didn't support caused an exception. Now the table will show the diameter length pair but will be unable to add the additional cost metrics. (Ticket 14426) 40. In some situations, aegis project files were being saved with additional "." in the file name. 41. Reports - The ctrl + scroll wheel movement wasn't controlling the zoom level of the page, you had to use the slider to control the zoom level. (Ticket 14459) 42. Reports - Ring View Report Item - The Show Hole Collar Pivot Lines property was not working for slot holes. (Ticket 14471) 43. Reports - Graph items would cause an exception if the location property had any negative values. (Ticket 14453) 44. Reports - Graph items would cause odd behaviors when the items were too small to display the graphs. (Ticket 14470) 45. Ring View - When values where changed in redrill or when creating a new ringset/stope, the ring view would lose its center and return to a default position. (Ticket 14337) 46. In some cases when using the light table and clicking on the last ring in the stope an invalid index exception could occur. (Ticket 14525) 47. The drill placement boundary was not being displayed correctly, the shape didn't reflect the height of the drill. Related to this, in some cases the placement boundary would not extend far enough to the left or right when there clear was space to do so. There was a tolerance issue when calculating parallel line segments. (Ticket 14529)

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Analyzer Issues

1. Generate Fields - An error would occur when retrieving cached values for the Holmberg-Persson constants. (Ticket 14034)

2. When the user pressed the cancel button on the Wireframe Field window the old mesh was not restored. (Ticket 14052) 3. A null reference exception would occur in the Comparison window when there were no void or ore wireframes classified. Now the error is clearer indicating what is missing. (Ticket 14054) 4. Blast volumes were not recalculated when a new wireframe was created with the Wireframe Field window. (Ticket 14057) 5. On the Wireframe Field window, the isosurface would be recalculated for no apparent reason. There was an issue with the text boxes not recognizing that a value hadn't changed. (Ticket 14279)

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v0.10.017.0506 (2015-08-13) Aegis v0.10.017.0506 Release Date: 2015-05-06

1.  Enhancements 2.  Slot - Added the Slot outline to the long section view. (Ticket 13050)

3. Theme - Updated some of the interface components with newer versions. This change will proceed on a go forward basis until the old components are replaced. The largest changes are with the toolbar in the ring view, plan view and long section view windows. The toolbars are now transparent.

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4. Wireframe Export - Added the ability to export wireframes to dxf format. (Ticket 13276) 5. Extrude Stope Limit - When extruding the stope limit the block model wireframe will now be sliced in the same view allowing the user to draw a stope limit shape to the block model. The wireframe representing the block model must be displayed before it can be sliced.

6. Wireframe Tools - Added new commands called merge and close. Merge will attempt to merge adjacent meshes together into a single mesh. Close will attempt to close holes in the meshes. It is was designed to close holes in the ends of drifts. (Ticket 13320)

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7. Import Wireframes - Importing dxf wireframes has been improved. Aegis will attempt to find shared triangles and automatically reconstruct larger wireframes from them. Instead of importing wireframes from a dxf like this:

The wireframes would be imported like this:

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8. Plan View - Added a new menu option to allow the planner to control the orientation of the plan view instead of having Aegis automatically set it based on the reference line location and orientation. 9. Plan View - Added a new menu option to allow the planner to batch flip selected rings. This will allow them to flip a set of rings after they have been created without having to flip them one-by-one. (Ticket 13398) 10. IREDES Export - The IREDES export would not function with Sandvik DL42x-C15 series drills. Working with Sandvik allowed us to correct the issue and now Aegis generates IREDES files that are compatible with the Sandvik DL42x-C15 drills. (Ticket 12664)

NOTE: For the IREDES files to work properly with the Sandvik DL42x-C15 series drills, the coordinate system must be set to the "Right Handed System" and the "XZ (Default":

In addition, the option to apply transformation must be selected as the Sandvik DL42x-C15 doesn't support applying the transformation itself.

11. Report - Symbols - Added new symbols to the ring item. Added distance to next (~ring.distancetonext) and distance to previous (~ring.distancetoprevious) which provide the distances from the current ring to the one in front and one behind respectively. 12. Report - Ring Summary Table - Added new columns: Distance to Next and Distance to Previous

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which provide the distances from the current ring to the one in front and one behind respectively.

Issues Designer Issues

1. Charging - Editing the length of a charge or splitting a charge and then moving the hole toe or collar would cause the charge column(s) to remain where the hole was originally located in the ring view. (Ticket 13156)

2. Add a New Hole - If you added a new hole between two existing holes and the new hole was a breakthrough, an exception would occur. (Ticket 13170)

3. Wireframe Import - Some wireframes that were imported into Aegis from dxf files would not appear with back or floor surfaces. Aegis will now import the wireframes correctly. (Ticket 13277)

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4. Reports - An exception would occur in some cases when copying/pasting into and out of the report as well as items on different report pages. (Ticket 13323) 5. New Project - The dates would not remember the planners choices. (Ticket 13329) 6. Light Table - When attempting to activate the light table option an exception would occur. (Ticket 13345) 7. Plan View - When adjusting the elevation slider in some cases an exception would occur. 8. Slot Editor - The slot editor was not saving new templates. 9. 3D View - An exception could occur from time to time when when using the measure tool. 10. Plan View - The elevation slider was limited to the reference line elevation. It can now go up to 10 units above the reference line. This is particularly useful for drifts that have a gradient to them. 11. Some of the windows had components that were not properly linked to the color theme. 12. Delete Multiple Rings - The ring selection buttons was not working as expected. 13. Reports - If editing an existing report template and a new page was added, the report editor would prompt for a new name and would save a duplicate copy when saving or exiting the report editor. 14. Slot Editor - Added a 0.25m grid snap to the list of available snap points. 15. Wireframe Import - The dxf importer had trouble with polyface meshes that used the "Point" directive to represent survey points. Now Aegis will properly extract the wireframe information from the dxf file. 16. If the user.settings file became corrupt (an exception occurred during the save process) there was no way to start Aegis without receiving an exception. The user had to manually delete the user.settings file. Now Aegis will check for the corruption and automatically remove the file so that a new one can be rebuilt. 17. Ring View - A null reference exception would occur sometimes when moving the hole collar or toe. (Ticket 13304) 18. Timing - When attempting to add a ring to be sequenced and timed by selecting the ring's check box, an out of range exception could occur. (Ticket 13304) 19. Ring View - A null reference exception could occur when panning in the ring view. (Ticket

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13304) 20. Ring View - A null reference exception could occur when clicking the mouse in certain parts of the ring view. (Ticket 13304) 21. When Aegis is saving the user settings it was possible that a null reference exception would be raised. This would prevent Aegis from saving the properly. (Ticket 13304) Analyzer Issues

1.  If a stope had fields defined and none of the: ring view, plan view or long section view windows were open an exception would occur.

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v0.11.021.0629 (2015-06-29) Aegis v0.11.021.0629 Release Date: 2015-06-29

Enhancements 1.  Reports - Symbols - Added new symbols for slot center line offset. Added ~ring.slotcenterlineoffset, ~ring.slotcenterlineoffsetlr and ~ring.slotcenterlineoffsetvertical. (Ticket 13492) 2. When importing wireframes from DXF files the color information (if available) is extracted and applied to the wireframes on import. 3. Reports - Symbols - Added new symbol for the slot. The symbol is slotlengthdrilled which represents the total length of holes drilled within the slot pattern. This can be used in conjunction with the formula evaluation to obtain total length drilled for all the holes on a ring. (Ticket 13726) 4. Reports -Ring Table - The custom formula column was not being totalized when the "Show Totals" option was set to true. Now the column will now be totalized provided that the values are numbers. If any of the values are not numbers, those values are skipped. 5. Reports -Ring Summary Table & Stope/Ring Set Summary Table - Added custom formula column similar to the one in the Ring Table. (Ticket 13736) 6. Import Polylines/Lines - When importing lines or polylines you were restricted to one file at a time. This is lifted and now you can import from as many files as you wish at the same time. 7. Fixed Pivots - Added the ability to force the drills to use fixed pivots located a certain distance from the reference line.

Issues Designer Issues

1. IREDES - Duplicate tags were being created in the xml file during the export process. This confused some drills.

2. Attempting to delete a large number of wireframes or polylines from the project explorer would result in the user being prompted to delete each and every wireframe. 3. Aegis would not install on computers that were set to languages other than english. This is corrected and the correct permissions and groups are properly assigned to the installation folder. 4. The line representing the pivoting region in the ring view was not being drawn. 5. Ring view - When right-clicking on the ring view, the context menu presented the option "Delete". This option would delete the entire ring from the project. It has been updated so that it now will read "Delete all Holes" and it will delete all of the holes on the ring instead of the entire ring. 6. In some cases an exception would occur when applying a report template to a project. Code was added to make sure that the data structures were valid before attempting to use them. (Ticket 13488) 7. When importing wireframes from the DXF format Aegis attempts to automatically join wireframes together based on common edges. In the process it would rename the mesh to less

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useful names. Now the wireframes will retain the file name and any layer name that may be attached to the wireframes. 8. Drift Approximation - When no wireframes have been classified as voids an error message is displayed that is very ambiguous as to what the cause of the problem is. The error message will now indicate that there are no voids. (Ticket 13709) 9. Reports - Slot View - The hole labels, delay labels and the sequence labels were not being drawn correctly. (Ticket 13732) 10. Some items in the DBAdmin would trigger a "Save Changes" dialog to appear even if no changes were made. (Ticket 13737) 11. In some cases dialog boxes prompting or warning the user about specific conditions would get stuck behind other windows rendering Aegis unusable. (Ticket 13738) 12. When an exception occurs a dialog is presented to the user to send the information to the developers so that the exception can be rectified. During that process the user is prompted if they would like to save a copy of the project. This prompt has been eliminated and the backup project is automatically created. 13. Reports -Ring Table - when using the pivot offset columns in the table, it was possible to move the ring in such a way that the reference line would not intersect the ring plane anymore. This would result in no values for those columns. Now Aegis will attempt to extend either end of the reference line in an attempt to look for an intersection. It will take the first and last segment and extend these in the respective line segment directions. 14. Import Polylines/Lines - When importing the lines/polylines from DXF files, the file name wasn't assigned to the imported entities. Now the entities will be named after the file that contained it and it will also contain the layer name if that information is available. Analyzer Issues

1.  N/A

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v0.12.025.0722 (2015-07-22) Aegis v0.12.025.0722 Release Date: 2015-07-22

Enhancements 1.  Survey Holes Module - Aegis now has the ability to import survey holes from various formats. This module also includes the ability to lock the ring holes from being edited. 2.  Fixed Pivots - Improvements have been made to the way the hole placement algorithm works. Added support for detecting when the mast hits the wall.

Issues Designer Issues

1.  Repaired a null reference bug that could sometimes occur in the 3D window. 2.  Repaired some theme issues where certain windows didn't display the proper colors. 3.  Pivot Interval line was not being drawn in the ring view. 4.  The offset line was not working as expected. 5.  Re-Prime - When multiple rings were selected it was supposed to make the text entry fields empty of all of the rings did not have the same value for that field. 6.  Stope Table - When using metric, the diameter unit was displayed as "m" instead of "mm". (Ticket 13793) 7.  Reports - When a table as added to the report page, the borders around it were correct. After saving and loading the report template the borders would be larger. (Ticket 13493) 8.  Ring Summary Table - The drilling cost column was actually displaying the total cost value instead. 9.  In some cases the IREDES export option failed to operate correctly. 10. Updated the hole sorting algorithm so that when the holes are labeled, but default they will be labeled left to right for both up holes and down holes. 11.  When creating a new ring set or using the Re-Load window, selecting an explosive from the drop down wouldn't work the first time. (Ticket 13817) 12. If a drill was using fixed pivots and the ring was regenerated using the Re-Drill window, the fixed pivots would not be assigned correctly to the ring generation algorithm. 13. In the ring view, the charges were not being scaled correctly when the zoom was being adjusted. This yielded a check board pattern on the charges. 14. An exception could occur when exporting all holes for a stope to the Datamine file format. (Ticket 13833) 15. Hole Layout Table - the Horizontal Pivot Offset was not working as expected when using fixed pivots. (Ticket 13838) 16. The fixed pivot grid in the drill database and the fixed pivot options window now properly respond to metric and imperial units. 17. Hole Layout Table - If the rotation column was set to 0L or 0R (based on the rotation convention), the tilt field would display 0 or 180 respectively even though the holes were in the

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ring plane and the ring was vertical. Now the tilt will match that of the ring if the holes are in plane. (Ticket 13846) 18. When using the clear all menu option on the polylines folder an exception occurred. (Ticket 13855) 19. In some cases manipulating the 3D view (pan, zoom, rotate) could yield an exception because of a calculation tolerance that was too narrow. (Ticket 13856) 20. Adding a new hole to a ring could cause an exception to occur. (Ticket 13885) 21. In some cases holes were not editable in a ring. 22. If you opened the break cavity window and clicked the OK button as soon as it became available an exception would occur. 23. If you had an older version of Aegis installed (one prior to the Survey Holes Module) and you rearranged the columns in the Hole Layout Table, Aegis would crash when starting up and the table was visible. (Ticket 13902) 24. When using Fixed Pivots and you attempted to change the pivot position of a hole manually, the drill mast and its grip point would be drawn at the wrong pivot while the hole was drawn from the correct pivot. 25. Exporting a wireframe to .dm format would not use the file name specified. Analyzer Issues

1. Advanced Isosurface - This window will now detect the different types of explosives loaded in the blast and allows the user to assign different isosurface values for each product type.

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v0.10.019.0526 (2015-05-26) Aegis v0.10.019.0526 Release Date: 2015-05-26

Enhancements 1.  N/A

Issues Designer Issues

1.  In special circumstances (computer was going to sleep) it was possible to receive an error when clicking on the OK button on the Create New Ring Set window. (Ticket 13411) 2.  If you right-clicked on a wireframe in the project explorer and selected the delete option, the wireframe would be immediately deleted without presenting a confirmation dialog. A confirmation dialog was also not presented when deleting the polylines. Now a dialog will be presented. 3.  In some environments Aegis would not be installed with the correct permissions to allow the user to execute the program. The installer has been corrected to ensure that the correct permissions are given when it is installed by an administrator. It was a simple matter for the Administrator to add the user(s) to the security of that folder and ensure the binaries in the Aegis folder had the correct permissions. The Warning would be:

4.  During installation, Aegis would install the templates and sample databases to a single users "My Documents" folder. This is a problem when a computer is in a shared environment. Aegis will not copy the sample files to "C:\ProgramData\iRing Inc\Aegis\sample_data". When Aegis is launched it will ensure that the user has all of the required sample files by copying them from the shared folder to their personally "My Documents" folder when Aegis is launched. 5.  On some systems Aegis would crash when launched by double-clicking an Aegis project file from windows explorer. (Ticket 13477) 6.  Some surpac string files (.str) would not load correctly and would cause an error. It seems that there were points defined in the file which were represented as lines with single points. 7.  In some cases a null reference exception would occur while attempting to manipulate. (Ticket 13482) 8.  When attempting to repair a mesh an exception could occur with specific wireframes. (Ticket 13489) 9.  Create New Ring Set window - With a multi-segment reference line the smooth interpolation

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between the start azimuth and end azimuth could go wrong depending on the look direction of the rings resulting in:

Basically, when the look direction was flipped the start and end azimuth were flipped as well. In some cases the angular difference between the two values would change drastically. Now it behaves as expected. (Ticket 13487) 10. Ring Summary Table - The "distance to next" and "distance to previous" columns were swapped. (Ticket 13491) 11. Reports - Any cost field didn't properly support different cultural currency representations. (Ticket 13513) 12. Some windows had elements that wouldn't change with the theme colors. (Ticket 13523) 13. Reports - Slots View - The hole labels and delay numbers would not print out. (Ticket 13503) Analyzer Issues

1.  Attempting to use the Liu-Katsabanis field would cause an exception. (Ticket 13490)

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v0.9.015.0401 (2015-04-01) Aegis v0.9.015.0401 Release Date: 2015-04-01

Enhancements 1.  Reports - Hole Table Report Item - Added a new column called HoleComment. This column will display the text that is entered into the comments section of the hole grid. (Ticket 13045) 2.  Rename Rings - Available Keywords for Ring Rename - Updated the function of the Northing and Easting keywords so that access to more advanced rounding options are available. (Ticket 13103) 3.  Block Model Evaluation - The block model evaluation has been updated after a small issue with block models and missing density fields was corrected. 4.  3D View - The graphics engine has been updated. 5.  Editing Line - Reference Line window - Added a copy to clipboard button to easily copy the coordinates of the selected polyline to the clipboard. (Ticket 13118) 6.  Reports - Slot Table Report Item - Added a new column called explosive weight. (Ticket 13090) 7.  Reports - Plan View Report Item - Changed the relative elevation to relative elevation offset. This will allow the user to specify an offset in meters (or feet) from the location of the reference line. This will make it easier to achieve a precise elevation placement. Positive and negative offsets are valid. 8.  Reports - Long Section View Report Item - Added: (Ticket 12877)

a. A relative offset property to allow the user to change the section that is being displayed. The offset is measured from the reference line and is in meters (or feet). Positive and negative offsets are valid. b. Various holes properties to allow hole intersections, collars and toes to be displayed

Issues Designer Issues

1. Ring View - If a hole is loaded with explosives and you moved the toe of the hole manually while holding down the ctrl key, the explosive charge column would not be moved. (Ticket 12026)

2. Double-clicking on a report in the project explorer would result in a null reference exception. (Ticket 13018) 3. Ring View - While dragging a hole around in the ring view a null reference exception would occur in some cases. (Ticket 13033) 4. Reports - Symbols - In the ring reports the symbols ~page and ~pagecount where not working correctly. (Ticket 13044) 5. Rename all of the holes - Applying a new naming convention to the holes while choosing the reverse direction option wouldn't take effect until it was done a second time. (Ticket 13035)

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6. Reports - Attempting to change the page orientation from portrait to landscape caused an invalid operation exception. (Ticket 13034) 7. Reports - Azimuth Display Report Item - An exception would occur if the user made the rectangle containing the azimuth display too small. (Ticket 13038) 8. Holes would sometimes be labeled inconsistently. Holes would be named "Hole 1", "Hole 2", etc. when a slot was added to the ring. (Ticket 13047) 9. Flipping a locked ring wasn't possible without Aegis re-drilling all of the holes on that ring even though the ring is at a complete 90 degree vertical angle and flipping it would not change the hole positions. Now rings that are locked and completely vertical can be flipped preserving manual changes. In addition it was also discovered that the flip rings was not working as expected for non-locked rings. (Ticket 13057) 10. In some cases when a project was loaded a null reference exception would occur when moving the mouse around the ring view. (Ticket 13046) 11. Reports - When pasting graphics such as charts from excel they would be pasted in to the report with a very large width and height. Now they will be pasted in with an appropriate width and height. (Ticket 13048) 12. Charging - Using the automatic charge staggering would not follow the loading delta as expected placing charges much closer than they should be. The staggering algorithm has been completely re-written and now works as expected. (Ticket 13089) 13. Reports - Sequence Table Report Item - In the sequence table, the columns: delay, detonator leg length, position and distance to collar didn't appear to have the items sorted consistently. (Ticket 13110) Analyzer Issues


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v0.9.014.0317 (2015-03-17) Aegis v0.9.014.0317 Release Date: 2015-03-17

Enhancements 1.  Reports - Ring View Report Item - Added Light table functionality to the ring view report item. (Ticket 12817)

Issues Designer Issues

1. Ring View - The elevation display would sometimes cause jerky panning and zooming operations. (Ticket 12990)

2. IREDES Export - When exporting rings to the IREDES format, slot holes would be ignored. Now, by default if a ring contains slot holes, the holes will be exported along with the ring holes to the same file. In addition there is a new option that will export the slot holes to a separate file from the ring holes. (Ticket 12971)

Analyzer Issues


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v0.9.013.0313 (2015-03-13) Aegis v0.9.013.0313 Release Date: 2015-03-13

Enhancements 1.  Plan View - Added the ability to display the drill rig outline in plan view. It uses the dimensions of the drill that are stored in the drill database. The display of the rig outline is controlled in the preferences. (Ticket 12818, 12936)

2. Reports - Ring View Report Item - Added the ability to display a horizontal reference line. (Ticket 12840)

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3. Changed the Check for Updates so that it queries the Datamine server for the latest version of Aegis. It will also display the url to the Datamine download site. (Ticket 12864) 4. Updated the block model evaluation with a brand new version of the evaluation engine (v1.0.52). (Ticket 12865) 5. Added the ability to move the pivot point of a hole freely by holding down the ctrl key while dragging the hole pivot. This will allow the user to freely position the hole anywhere. (Ticket 12932)

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Issues Designer Issues

1. Ring View, Plan View & Long Section View - A number of issues were corrected around memory usage with these views. These could potentially have caused exceptions that cannot be reproduced.

2. Reports - Editable Table - After placing the editable table onto a report page and double-clicking it, the editable table dialog would appear. After the dialog was dismissed none of the editable table properties could be edited. (Ticket 12278)

3. Isosurface meshes created by Aegis where not being rendered correctly in the ring view for large

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coordinate systems. (Ticket 12843) 4. Reports - Symbols - The symbol ~ring.dump was not displaying a correct value. It was displaying the dump in radians. (Ticket 12872) 5. Reports - Various Report Tables - Tables that had cost value columns or rows would not respond to the rounding options as was set in the table editor. (Ticket 12876) 6. Reports - Ring View Report Item - The left and right length values were swapped. (Ticket 12885) 7. Reports - Scale Bar - The scale bar was not being created accurately. When measured the lengths indicated on the bar were not correct. (Ticket 12887)

8. Wireframes, charges and isosurfaces in large coordinate systems that were far away from the origin would not be rendered correctly. (Ticket 12273)

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9. Reports - Plan View Report Item - The pivot offset distances were not being calculated correctly. (Ticket 12899) 10. Reports - When a planner created a new report template and used the save button to save the changes, they would also be prompted to provide a new report name again when closing the report editor. When the report editor had closed, there would be duplicate report templates with the same name in the report gallery. (Ticket 12884) 11. If you double-clicked on an Aegis project file to launch it, Aegis would launch with the project loaded. However it would ignore the Disable Aero Effects settings. (Ticket 12970) 12. A null reference exception would occur sometimes when changing between the pre-set view options. (Ticket 12965) 13. Angular Convention - The angular convention window was saving planner entered angular conventions in unexpected and inconsistent ways. (Ticket 12980) 14. DBAdmin - Drills - The state of the rotation limits check box was not stored. (Ticket 12981) Analyzer Issues


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v0.7.009.0223 (2015-02-23) Aegis v0.7.009.0223 Release Date: 2015-02-23

Enhancements • Reports - Added hole names to the plan view report item (Ticket 12652).

• Reports - Added a pivot display option to the plan view report item (Ticket 12753). • Reports - Added a pivot offset distance display option to the plan view report item (Ticket 12753). • Reports - Symbols - Added a symbol to the reports to display the hole diameters associated with the currently active ring. It can be accessed by ~ring.holediameters and will display a csv list of hole diameters within the ring (Ticket 12730). • Plan View/Long Section View - It is now possible to select a ring in the plan view or long section view and hit the delete button to delete the ring (Ticket 12742). • Plan View/Long Section View - It is now possible to delete multiple rings within the plan view or long section view by hitting ctrl+delete or by clicking on the stope delete button and choosing Delete Multiple Rings... menu option (Ticket 12742). • Ring View - It is now possible to delete selected holes, charges or primers by hitting the delete key (Ticket 12742). • Reports - Added an option to display ring marker widths at a fixed length to the plan view report item (Ticket 12753). • Ring View - It is now possible to adjust the size of the collar and toe circle by hitting the F12 key

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while in the ring view (Ticket 12075). Added the ability to edit the vertex list of polylines (Ticket 12743).

Issues Designer Issues

•  Reports - When the hole labeling is reversed the holes are also displayed in the reverse order in the hole table. Now the holes will be sorted in ascending order no matter how the holes are labeled (Ticket 12641).

• Slot - If you made a change to an existing slot pattern in the slot editor and closed the editor using the windows close button ('x') the changes would be discarded without any warning. Now you will be prompted to save the changes. • Ring View - In some cases when moving the mouse around in the ring view, the highlight around the selected hole would disappear (Ticket 12726). • When using a target line in the design process, if the pivot interval had an offset other than 0, that would be used even if the pivot interval was turned off. Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.7.008.0123 (2015-01-23)

Aegis v0.7.008.0123 Release Date: 2015-01-23

Enhancements • DBAdmin - Rocks - Added two calculators to the rocks database that calculate various rock properties based on: known modulus values or known wave velocities. • Export Collars and Toes - Exporting the hole collars and toes to a Datamine file has been enhanced to include ring name and hole number along with the collar and toe coordinates. • Ring View - Added two new preferences for displaying the boreholes in the ring view. The options are: hole scale and hole line style. The hole scale allows the borehole lines to be made wider so they are easier to see. The hole line style changes how the hole is rendered in the ring view.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Landing Page - In the recently opened projects window there is the possibility that a project no longer exists. In that case Aegis informs the user that the project no longer exists at that location and removes the entry from the list. However, the Ok button would remain enabled. If the user clicked on the button without selecting another project an exception would occur. (Ticket 12280)

•  If the user opened a project and then closed it without making any changes a save prompt would be triggered. (Ticket 12289) • Some times Aegis would have rendering artifacts at the top of the window. Some tweaks were made that seem to help. However it was discovered that if you have an NVidia graphics card you can turn the desktop scaling to none and it seems to fix up the rendering issues. (Ticket 12293) • Report - Ring View Item - Show Collar Pivot Lines - Moving the hole toes manually using the ctrl + dragging the toe of the hole would cause an issue with the way that the collar pivot lines would be displayed in the reports. The collar pivot lines were not aligned with the borehole. The issue was that the hole was being rotated about the collar instead of the pivot point. Now Aegis will rotate the hole about the pivot point and the collar pivot lines will be displayed correctly. (Ticket 12419) • Exporting Ring Markers - The ring marker strings used the reference line instead of the pivot height. This wasn't a problem if the reference line didn't have a grade. Now Aegis will use the pivot height of the ring to generate the marker strings for export. (Ticket 12433) • Block Model Evaluation - DMSTUDIO colour error occurs when the block model is located in a subfolder of the working folder path. Now the user doesn't need to specify the working folder, Aegis will automatically create the working folder at the root of the drive where the block model is stored. For example if the block model is stored on the c: drive, Aegis will create c:\tmp\aegis and use that as the working folder. The user would need permission to create that folder otherwise an admin will have to create it for them. (Ticket 12431) • Drill Database - The user was able to add a mast pivot offset value greater than half the width of the mast. This would cause the drill mast to be displayed incorrectly in the ring view window.

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The user can no longer enter values that are greater than the width of the mast and the documentation has been updated to better reflect this measurement. (Ticket 12478) • Holes Table - Changing the primer position in the holes table wasn't working correctly. (Ticket 12559) Analyzer Issues

•  Fields - On the Create Blast Designs Tab there was a small options button located on the fields chunk. If the user clicked on this button Aegis would crash. This button is now disabled and not visible to the end user. (Ticket 12316)

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v0.7.006.1212 (2014-12-12)

Aegis v0.7.006.1212 Release Date: 2014-12-12

Enhancements • Report Editor - Added an explicit save button to the toolbar. • Slot Editor - Added an explicit save button to the toolbar. • DBAdmin - When the save button is clicked, any items (drill, ore, host rock, explosive, primer, detonator) that are not part of the database will be added to the database automatically as new items. This is useful because projects do not store items from the database. They only store items that have been used in the ring generation project. This allows a user to extract drills, explosives, etc., from a project file and add them to their own database. • Updated the error handling to retrieve more information about any error. • Primer Placement - The fractional spacing primer placement option can now accept minimum charge lengths. For example, by adding a (10) after one of the parameters, Aegis can ignore charges less than 10m. If you use the string: "0.5(10), 1" as a fractional spacing you are telling Aegis to place a primer at the toe of every charge and to place a primer half way down the charge column for charges that are at least 10m in length. (Ticket 12092) • Check for updates - If Aegis detects that it is running with the Datamine licensing system, the download button will direct the user to the Datamine downloads website. • Added start and end times to the block model evaluation log output. • Hole Table - When changing the tilt of a hole Aegis rotated the hole about the collar. Now it rotates the hole about the pivot point. • Aegis will now use proper file permissions when reading from an Aegis project file or writing to a project file. This means that it can open read-only files and that it will toggle the read-only flag off when writing to it. • Slot View Report Item - Added options to display slot hole names and delay values. (Ticket 12232)

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Issues Designer Issues

• An error could occur when moving the mouse over the ring view if the drill wasn't setup properly within the drift - Aegis may have had difficulty with the geometry. • When a project contained a large number of reports it would slow the project loading time. This was a particular problem if there was an error in any of the reports. (Ticket 12096) • Reports were not saving correctly, sometimes new report templates would overwrite existing templates. • DBAdmin - Adding new bit diameters to a drill would add them to the active drill within the project and not the selected drill from the database. (Ticket 12907) • In Aegis, there is a provision to handle density numbers. It however had no support for tonnes/m^3 or tons/ft^3. These have been added. • If a ring was renamed in the project explorer, the ring name in the active ring drop down was not changed. (Ticket 12111) • Block Model Evaluation - During the evaluation process, the evaluation and ok buttons flicker between an enable and disabled state. If the user clicks on either one while it is enabled, problems occurred. • Importing Wireframes - Aegis had trouble importing wireframes that had MD4SUM attributes set to a value of -1e30. It would import the file very slowly. This has been corrected and now the files import much quicker. (Ticket 12124) • Block Model Evaluation - Pressing the cancel button while a model is being evaluated and immediately re-launching the block model evaluation window causes an exception. Basically, the evaluation process wasn't being properly terminated and the block model file was locked. (Ticket 12119) • Attempting to load a block model into Aegis that is already in use by another program results in an error. Aegis will now display a dialog indicating that the file is locked by another process.

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(Ticket 12135) • Stope Limits - If the stope limit wireframe did not encapsulate the entire working sill, no holes would be drilled. Now Aegis will attempt to drill through the stope limits if they do not entirely encapsulate the drift. (Ticket 12133). Stope limits like this will now work as expected:

• Reference Line - If the user changed the reference line that was used to create a stope with one that was shorter than the original one, an error would occur. Now, if the line is too short, Aegis will project the end of the reference line on to the ring section and use that as the reference point. (Ticket 12203) • Slot Placement - The slot would not be placed in drifts that had cross-cuts. This occurred because Aegis was attempting to place the slot in the center of the pivoting region which in this particular case failed because it was outside the ore contact. Now Aegis will attempt to insert the slot centered about the reference point. (Ticket 12205) • Deleting a scenario from the project explorer would not issue a confirmation dialog. It would simply delete the scenario, no questions asked. Now Aegis will prompt the user to ensure that they really want to delete the scenario. (Ticket 12216) • Hole Table - The tilt angle column was not working correctly. Changing the angle resulted in unexpected changes to the hole. Now the angle reflects the angle that is used to calculate the ring dump and the hole behaves as expected in that context. (Ticket 12213) • Double-clicking on an Aegis project that is embedded as an attachment in an Outlook email message would cause an error to be thrown in Aegis. (Ticket 12231) • Reports - Hole table - Changing the dump angle of a ring would lead to a calculation error when

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viewing the pivot offsets in the reports. • Hole Table - When changing the tilt of a hole, the pivot point in the 3D View was not updated correctly. • Report Editor - Navigating through the different rings in a report editor would cause the editor think that changes have been made (even though no changes were made). When the report editor was closed, the user would be prompted to save changes. Now Aegis will not issue a save changes dialog prompt if the user navigates through the different rings. (Ticket 12235) • Loading a project from the Landing Page and then closing the project resulted in being prompted to save changes, even though no changes were made. (Ticket 12237) • Export Hole Toes and Collars - If a ring contained no holes and the user attempted to export all hole collars and toes for the entire stope an error would occur. (Ticket 12241) • Export Hole Toes and Collars - Exporting all hole toes and collars to .dxf or .str format would not include slot holes. • The exception stack trace in the email body of Aegis trouble reports had strange characters in them. The stack trace data will be included as an attachment to the email instead of in the email body. (Ticket 12248) • Trouble importing a block model file - Certain block model files contained alphanumeric columns that Aegis didn't deal with properly. Now Aegis ignores these fields. (Ticket 12258) • Create New Ringset - Pattern Parameters Tab - If the maximum hole length were set to 0, no holes would be drawn and this is confusing. Now you are not able to set the value to less than 1m. (Ticket 12265) • Parallel holes - In some projects parallel holes would not be drawn when they should be. (Ticket 12252) • Automatic hole algorithm had trouble placing holes in some rings because it would not back track pivots to find a better spot. (Ticket 12045). Rings that would look like this:

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Will now be fully swept down:

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• Block Model Visualization - Some block models would not display section slices in the ring view or plan view. (Ticket 12259) Analyzer Issues

• A faulty field could cause Analyzer to overflow when the project was loaded.

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v0.7.004.1121 (2014-11-21) Aegis v0.7.004.1121 Release Date: 2014-11-21

Enhancements • Comparison - Added new fields: Mesh Volumes, Mesh Tonnages for the left and right meshes respectively. • Reports - Ring View Item - Ability to display lines that join the hole collars to the pivot points.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Comparison - Would load with rendering artifacts in behind the window.

• Incorrect VOD value causing problems with the timing window. • Project Explorer - If you selected a ring or number of rings and right-clicked on them to activate the context menu it would show the options for the associated ring meshes even though none existed for the items. • Reports - Hole Table Item - CustomFormula - The ChargeWeight and ChargeLength field would only display values from the first hole in the ring. • Ring View - Deleting all of the primers from a charge and then adding a new one back to it caused an error. • DBAdmin - a bug was encountered when attempting to reset a value to an original one. • DBAdmin - If a change was made and the user closed the main window they would be prompted to save the changes. If they choose the "No" option, the window would close without saving the changes. If the DBAdmin window was launched, the changes would still be there. • DBAdmin - When entering primer weight values into the explosive form, it wouldn't accept decimal values i.e. 454g = 0.454 kg would not be displayed in the box. • Block Model Evaluation - wasn't working correctly, no results were being generated.

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• Block Model Evaluation - A null reference exception would occur when selecting rings for evaluation against the block model. This would occur when a selected ring was empty and had no holes. Now, any empty rings are not added to the list of possible rings to evaluate. • Block Model Evaluation - if an attribute named Tonnes were part of the block model attribute list and error would occur. The Tonnes attribute is ignored as the evaluation engine calculates the tonnage of the blocks. • Block Model Evaluation - The help buttons on the block model evaluation window were not visible. • Hole Table - The tilt column was not displaying the correct hole tilt (or dump). If the hole was in the same plan as the ring, the hole tilt angle should match the ring's dump angle. • Export Hole Toes and Collars - Attempting to export a slot ring's hole toes and collars to a file resulted in an error if the ring didn't contain any holes outside the slot. • Export Hole Pivots - Attempting to export a slot ring's pivot points to a file resulted in no action if the ring didn't contain any holes outside the slot. • Reports - It was possible to import a blast report into the ring reports dropdown gallery. When this template was edited an exception would occur. Aegis will now check to make sure that the correct type of report is imported into the correct gallery. • Reports - When a report template was imported there was no indication that the import was successful. Now on a successful import the gallery tray will be expanded. • Sequencing - Removed the sequencing option Maximum Allowed by Charge Weight as it would cause an error if a charge over the charge weight was encountered. It was removed because it didn't allow the user to split the charges and redistribute the sequence over the new charges properly. It will return in a later version of Aegis. Analyzer Issues

•  Generate Field & Wireframe Field - Missing help button.

• Added tool tips to the field buttons on the main ribbon. • Generate Field - In some cases, when using the Holmberg field a duplicate key error would occur.

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v0.7.001.1030 (2014-10-30)

Aegis v0.7.001.1030 Release Date: 2014-10-30

Enhancements • Block Model Evaluation - Aegis now utilizes a block model evaluation engine to evaluate ring wireframes against a block model. A series of new symbols has been added (~ring.evaluationvolume, ~ring.evaluationtonnage, ~ring.evaluationdensity) as well as Evaluation Results Table.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Reports - Formula Evaluation - When pasting text from Word into the Aegis reports, if the text contained formula evaluation it would fail. Now any text that contains expressions that will be evaluated is formatted as plain text. This means that any special formatting will be discarded.

•  Reports - Formula Evaluation - if the formula contains symbols that are not currently in the correct context for that report sometimes the symbols would resolve to "N/A" which would trip the parser up. Now the string is checked for "N/A" before sending it to the evaluation engine. If "N/A" is found, the formula is returned unevaluated.

Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.6.531.1030 (2014-10-30) Aegis v0.6.531.1030 Release Date: 2014-10-30

Enhancements • Improved the loading time of large project files • Offset Window - When offsetting wireframes or polylines it is often the case that they are offset in groups. The offset window will now remember the last offset values used to make the process easier.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Expression Evaluation - If the user inserted a symbol that evaluated to a number and it contained a group separator (i.e. 5,342.23) the expression would not be evaluated. In order to use symbols in an expression, you will need to use the .v modifier which will resolved the number to a proper value it can use.

Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.6.530.1024 (2014-10-24)

Aegis v0.6.530.1024 Release Date: 2014-10-24

Enhancements • N/A

Issues Designer Issues

• Import - Some meshes imported from DXF files would fail. This was due to corrupted triangle indexes. Now instead of assume the entire mesh is corrupt, Aegis ignores the corrupt triangles. • Create Field Form - a null reference exception would occur if the generate mesh button was clicked if the blast had no charges assigned to it. • Create Field Form - an exception would occur if the charges had no VOD associated with them. • If the user was in the middle of drawing a reference line and clicked on the drill direction button and exception would occur. • If the user was in the middle of drawing a reference line and clicked on the drill direction button the wireframes wouldn't be made visible again so that the user could properly select the elevation. • Block Model Import - Some block models had implicit values defined in the middle of explicit fields. This caused an index error. Now Aegis doesn't assume that the implicit fields follow all of the explicit fields. Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.6.529.1017 (2014-10-17)

Aegis v0.6.529.1017 Release Date: 2014-10-17

Enhancements • Preferences / Ring View - Added an option, Enable Free Position Mode, that will allow the user to freely move the toes of the drill holes in the Ring View ignoring the ore contact, voids or stope limits. This is the same as holding down the ctrl key while dragging the holes. • Rename All Rings - Added Northing and Easting keywords to allow the rings to be named based on Northing and/or Easting values. • Symbols - Added the slot angle symbol to the ring group (~ring.slotangle). This will resolve to the angle that the slot is at within the ring plane in terms of the drills rotation convention. If the ring doesn't contain a slot it will resolve to an empty string. • Added the ability to export all hole pivots in all rings and export all hole pivots in a ring to a file. • Reports - Added Collar X, Collar Y and Collar Z coordinate columns to the Slot Table. • Reports - Added rotation column to the Slot Table. • Reports - Added hole id column to the Slot Table.

Issues Designer Issues

• A bug was discovered in the timing graph where the timing bars where not displayed. This was related to missing VOD values in the database. A message will now be displayed informing the user that the VOD/Diameter pair needs to be added to the database. • Dump Convention/Rotation Convention - If angle was set to 0 in either the dump or rotation convention it wasn't being displayed properly. • Create New Ring Set - The start azimuth and end azimuth angles would accept values larger than 360 degrees and attempt to set the azimuth of the rings to those values. Now if you enter a value outside of 0 to 360, the value will be calculated within the range (value mod 360) and that value will be used. • When opening a new project that has a drastic difference in the locations of the wireframes, if the the Ring View/ Hole Layout View was visible and the elevation markers were turned Aegis could hang for a while. • Drift Approximation - If the reference line used for the approximation is outside the drift the approximation would fail without any indication. • When exporting all holes in all rings if a ring had no holes an exception would occur.

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Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.5.527.1003 (2014-10-03) Aegis v0.5.527.1003 Release Date: 2014-10-03

Enhancements • Reports - Added excel like formula evaluations. • Added the ability to display rotated block models properly.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Reports - Symbol Resolver - When setting the number of decimal places in a symbol that supports a numeric display, the number of decimal places was ignored and it used 2.

• Corrected an issue when reading block model files in .dm format. It would read past the number or records resulting in invalid data in the block model. • AutoCAD had trouble reading dxf files that were created by Aegis that contained polylines. • Reports - If no ring set was available an error would occur in the report templates. This occurred because a ring report was loaded as a scenario template. Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.5.517.825 (2014-08-25)

Aegis v0.5.517.825 Release Date: 2014-08-25

Enhancements • Added the ability to import Surpac .str files. • Export - export lines to the Surpac .str file format. • Export - export all the holes from a selected ring to Surpac format. • Export - export all of the holes from all of the rings in the selected stope to Surpac format. • Export - export the ring marker lines from plan view to .dm, .dxf and .str. • Added the ability to isosurface individual rings including slots or the entire stope without first having to establish a blast. • Added the ability to toggle the display of hidden wireframes in the ring view, plan view and long section view. There is also a short cut key combination (ctrl+shift+h) that will quickly toggle the value. • Light Table - Slots are now displayed. • Reports - It is now possible to re-center the Ring View, Plan View and Long Section View by adjusting the center coordinates or using the mouse to pan around. It is also possible to rescale the view port by using the mouse wheel. • When changing the active ring in the Ring View/ Hole Layout View, the view center and zoom level are remembered. This means that when looking at the rings consecutively, they will not rescale and "jump around in the view". • Export - Exporting polyines to dxf now supported. • Export - Exporting ring holes to dxf now supported. • Export - Export all holes from all rings within a stope to dxf format now supported. • Export - Exporting ring marker strings from plan view to dxf format now supported.

• Reports - Added a display to graphically illustrate the dump or rotation convention. • Reports - Plan View - Added the ability to change the position of the north arrow. • Reports - Added a new symbol (referencelineintersection) which resolves to the 3D coordinates of the intersection of the reference line and ring plane. • Reports - Added a scale bar item. • Added settings backup/restore functionality which allow a user to backup the current settings to a standard zip archive and restore from a specially formatted zip archive. This will allow a computer to be properly setup with Aegis and those settings can then be easily restored to new computers on the network. • Report - Added an Azimuth Display which gives a nice graphical depiction of the ring's look direction.

Issues Designer Issues

•  The New Project window has a field for Project Name and Project Location. By default, Aegis would use "New Project" as a default name without checking to see if that project already exists and potentially over writing the existing project. Now Aegis will check the Project Location and

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suggest a name that doesn't conflict with existing project names • When wireframes were re-assigned (switch from void to stope limit for example) the ring generator did not notice the changes. • Various issues around importing .dm files. • Reports - The plan view wasn't displaying the active scenario correctly. It would display the first stope that it encountered instead of displaying the one that is currently active. It made it difficult to edit the report templates. • Reports - Editable table, if the table was rectangular (i.e. more rows than columns or more columns than rows) after saving the template and editing it again the columns and rows would be interchanged. • An error would occur when rendering a slot ring with a hole that didn't exist. • An error would occur in the drift approximation tool with some orientations. • In some cases an exception would be raised if there was a hole that wasn't setup properly. • Importing lines from dxf files were not being converted properly i.e. they were not being converted to metric from imperial. • When importing some block models there were missing blocks when sliced against the Ring

View, Plan View and Long Section View. • An error would occur in the isosurface window if the blast had no charges. • An error would occur if you attempted to edit a blast that contained a slot ring that contained a single uncharged/empty hole. • When the user settings where loaded, the database path was read in without verifying that it actually existed. • Not all the records were being from from 64 bit .dm files. • Moving a report item using the arrow keys and then clicking on the item once with the mouse caused the report item to revert to the previous position.

Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.5.328.722 (2014-07-22)

Aegis v0.5.328.722 Release Date: 2014-07-22

Enhancements 1.  Modified the parallel holes algorithm so that parallel holes are placed more aggressively in a ring design. 2.  Light Table - The light table functionality introduces the ability to display rings ahead or behind the current ring in the ring view. There is a shortcut key, ctrl+shift+L that can toggle the light table on or off. If the View in 3D button on the ring view is clicked the 3D view is oriented to the ring and the light table rings are displayed there as well. 3.  Plan View - Added the ability to display the collars and/or toes. 4.  Reports - Plan View Item - Added the ability to display the collars and/or toes. 5.  Reports - Ring View Item - The hole scale, hole color and hole line style options have been added. 6.  Reports - Dimension Report Item - The dimension report item now supports the use of the arrow keys to accurately position it 7.  Reports - Dimension Report Item - The dimension line takes the scale of the first view port it finds on the page and uses that as it default value. This means that you will not have to manually set the scale property to coincide with the value in the view port. 8.  Reports - Dimension Report Item - Added a text alignment option. • Reports - Dimension Report Item - Added options to control the size of the start arrow and end arrow.

Issues Designer Issues

• The Delete Active Ring Button deleted the active ring without prompting the user if that was the action that they wanted to take. Now Aegis will prompt the user with a confirmation dialog. • Reports - Dimension Report Item - The dimension line passed through the dimension text. This is now corrected and the line no longer passes through the text. • The drill direction would respond correctly if you attempted to move it in the ring view. This occurred when using the pivot interval and it was offset from the reference line. • Added better importing for dm files. Some files had ranges that were not properly set. Put in code to deal with them properly Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.5.142.709 (2014-07-09) Aegis v0.5.142.709 Release Date: 2014-07-09

Enhancements 1.  Updated the DXF import routines so that Aegis will examine all of the 3DFace entities connected entities. It will assume they are connected as a wireframe and import them as such. 2.  Primer Fractional Spacing - Added the ability to place a certain number of primers within a charge column by a fractional distance from the charge column collar.

Issues Designer Issues

•  Sizes and Values - The fragmentation sizes and values window import/export buttons were not functional.

•  Scenario Costs Window - If the Costs Button on the Scenario Ribbon Chunk was clicked and there were no costs available an error would occur.

•  Create New Ring Set Window - The Dump and Azimuth text boxes wouldn't respond when the enter key was pressed so that the pattern could be updated with the new settings - you had to tab off or click elsewhere on the form to get Aegis to apply those values.

•  Create New Ring Set Window - Minimum Sweep Angle and Maximum Sweep Angle values could be entered into the incorrect text box resulting in crossed holes and odd patterns that were not easy to figure out why they were doing that. Now the Minimum Sweep Angle is limited to 0 and -180 degrees and the Maximum Sweep Angle is limited to 0 and 180 degrees. This should eliminate the potential errors that can occur.

• DXF Import - Repaired a bug that caused Aegis to miss 3DFaces contained within the dxf file as it was importing. • Create New Ring Set Window - Changing the name of the new scenario wasn't applied to the scenario name in the project tree. Now when the name is changed and the user presses enter or leaves the text box the name is updated. • Import Wireframes - Clicking on the Add Folder Button and selecting the folder that contains the wireframe files to import would sometimes cause an exception. • Some windows would be displayed and the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons would not be aligned correctly. • Reports - All of the table report items would not be properly sized so that the columns would fit the widest items when displayed in the report editor. This was due to Windows 7 font scaling settings. Windows 7 has the ability to adjust the font from 100% to 125% and up to 200%. This causes fonts to be displayed larger and make them easier to see on higher resolution displays. Aegis will now display the tables correctly given the font scaling settings. However, with a larger font scaling the tables will also increase in width as well. To counter this simply use a smaller font size.

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Analyzer Issues

• N/A

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v0.5.95.626 (2014-06-26) Aegis v0.5.95.0626 Release Date: 2014-06-26

Enhancements 1.  Aegis now can import multiple templates (reports, slots, legends, gallery items, etc) in one session now. Originally you would have to import each template individually, one at a time.

Issues Designer Issues

• It was found that installing Aegis could require up to 3 permission elevation dialogs which could be potentially problematic for users that require administrative assistance to install Aegis. Now Aegis will require administrative permissions as it is starting. • The batch rename holes window and batch rename rings window had an issue where not all of the elements on the window where visible on all computers. • An exception would occur on some computers when attempting to access the Create New Ring Set window. • Wireframe Comparison Window - An exception would occur when attempting to load the window in some cases. • Block Model - A block model could have a negative ijk value that would cause array out of bounds exceptions when attempting to import a block model. • Block Model - In some cases, Aegis would incorrectly calculate the page size to use when importing a block model. • Preferences - Themes - Changing the theme colors wouldn't immediately change the colors of the ring view, plan view and long section view. • Changing the azimuth of a ring to 180 degrees would cause an error in the ring view and either display a message or the ring view would be replaced with a big red X. • Flip Ring - If you choose to flip a ring that had manually edits, the ring was flipped and holes re-drilled. This was done without warning the user. • If you used ctrl and dragged the hole toe somewhere and then dragged the hole pivot around the hole toe would be reset. Now, moving the pivot will leave the hole toe in the position that it was set to. • Wireframes - Some dm files contained extremely large values that do not fit into the integer data type causing an over flow error. Aegis will now use the largest or smallest integer value in place of the value that overflows. • Delete Ring context menu item doesn't prompt the user to confirm the deletion of the ring. • Rename All Holes within All Rings context menu item did not appear to be working correctly. Now the rename holes dialog is presented allowing the user to choose which naming convention to apply to all rings. • The Hole Table did not allow the user to edit the collar spacing to the previous or next holes.

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Analyzer Issues

• On the block model field visualization ribbon group there is a small button that displays a visualization window. If there were no blasts defined, specifically if there were no active blasts and If this button was clicked an exception would occur. This button is disabled unless there is an active blast available.

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v0.5.63.612 (2014-06-12) Aegis v0.5.63.612 Release Date: 2014-06-12

Enhancements 1.  N/A

Issues Designer Issues

• An exception could occur in the reports if multiple stopes/ring sets were added to the same scenario using the create new ring set window. • Report Editor - The window title remained the same whether the user was creating a new report template or editing a report. Now it will indicate whether it is a template or a report. • Report Editor - After applying a new report template to an active ring set, you would be prompted with a dialog to name the report. If you clicked the cancel button you would be taken to the report editor with no way of leaving. Now you will be prompted with a dialog asking if you want to discard the changes. That will allow you to view a report and discard the changes. • Create New Ring Set Window - When toggling the value between New Scenario Name and Existing Scenario Name the new ring set would be inserted into the existing scenario except it would be toggled invisible and greyed out. It would be inconsistent with the other stopes/ring sets in the scenario. • Small bug in the current licensing system. • When using the feature to pan the 3D view to either the ring view, long section view or plan view, the hint window always displayed "Plan View". Now it is aware of its context. • Reports - Adding the symbol "~project.drill.id" to a single text item on a report (the only thing) and saving the report would cause an error when attempting to edit or display that report. • DBAdmin - When a new rotation convention was selected for the active drill, the selection wasn't saved. • DBAdmin - When deleting the selected rotation convention from the active drill, it wasn't deleted. • DBAdmin - Changing the rotation convention of the active drill would not update the hole layout table. • DBAdmin - Button tooltips were missing on the drill window. Analyzer Issues

• The show block model grade field button was visible event though no block models were loaded. If the button was pressed an error would occur.

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v0.5.15.605 (2014-06-05) Aegis v0.5.15.605 Release Date: 2014-06-05

Enhancements 1.  Added CAE licensing information to the About box 2.  Added the block model visualization code to the designer license.

Issues Designer Issues

• The Create New Ring Set window tabs were not following theme colors • If Aegis was moved to a secondary monitor and closed, this position would be used the next time Aegis started. If the second monitor was no longer available (undocking a laptop for example) when Aegis was started again it would be restored to a position that made itself unavailable. This has been corrected and now Aegis will detect that it is not visible and move it self to the primary display

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v0.5.1.602 (2014-06-02) Aegis v0.5.1.602 Release Date: 2014-06-02

Enhancements • Added support for CAE licensing • The help file has been integrated into Aegis • Added the ability to change the reference line for a stope/ring set • Updated the splash screen • Added four new fields to the hole table in the reports:

a. Primer Distance from Hole Collar - The distance from the hole collar to the primer b. Primer Distance from Hole Toe - The distance from the hole toe to the primer c. Primer Fractional Distance from Collar - The fractional distance from the hole collar to the primer. If the hole is 10m long and the primer is 9m away from the collar, this value would be 9/10 d. Primer Fractional Distance from Toe - The fractional distance from the hole toe to the primer. If the hole is 10m long and the primer is 1m from the toe, the value would be 1/10

Issues Designer Issues

• Reports - There was an issue assign blasts and ringsets properly which would cause silent errors that would cause other parts of Aegis problems • Reports - A bug would occur when switching between ring and blast pages • Reports - Sequence table would not measure the table column widths against all of the blasts within a specific scenario. This lead to some columns not wide enough to display the data. • Reports - Ring summary table columns widths are now measured against all blasts within the scenario ensuring that the columns are wide enough to display all of the row items • Reports - Hole table columns widths are now measured against all ring sets within the scenario ensuring that the columns are wide enough to display all of the row items • Reports - Blast report allowed a diameter table item which would cause a problem as a blast can span multiple stopes which could be drilled by different drills • In the hole listings table if a hole rotation is changed and the rotation is invalid an error would occur. Now if the error occurs, the hole is reset to the original • Ring View - Dragging the pivot interval glyphs to adjust the width no longer produces a negative width • Hole Listings Table - Dragging a hole toe in the Ring View the annotation text that follows the hole didn't display the rotation angle in terms of the drill convention • Hole Listings Table - The rotation angle for conventions that have a 0 in them, that is they proceed from 0 to 360 for example, would display incorrect angles

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• In some instances when placing a hole manually in the Ring View would cause an error. This was caused by a zero length hole that had been inadvertently placed in the ring • When holes are charged, it was part of the algorithm to remove charge columns from holes that were less than the minimum charge length leaving empty holes. The problem was that this was applied when decking wasn't used • When holes are charged and the hole's length was very close to the maximum charge length when decking; the minimum collar length would be ignored • The assign mesh to blast window was resizable when it really shouldn't be • Slot Editor - When creating a new pattern if the user clicked the cancel button or clicked on the close button at the top of the window they would not be prompted to save changes. The window would simply close Analyzer Issues

• The blast node, in the project explorer, context menu contained a reference to Analyzer. This option is removed

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v0.3.580.509 (2014-05-09)

Aegis v0.3.580.509 Release Date: 2014-05-09

Enhancements • No new enhancements at this time.

Issues Designer Issues

• Reports - Hole/Ring table caused an exception when placed by itself on a report page. • Reports - Placing a diameter table by itself on a report page caused an error. • Using the arrow keys when the ring, plan or long section views were active caused the holes to shift their positions out of the drifts. •  Analyzer Issues

• No issues at this time.

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v0.3.569.508 (2014-05-08) Aegis v0.3.569.508 Release Date: 2014-05-08

Enhancements • Designer - Added mass and volume based powder factor calculations to blasts and to the blast report table and as a symbol. • Analyzer - Field best fit mechanism uses a percent match criteria as the optimization factor.

Issues Designer Issues

• No Issues at this time Analyzer Issues

• When a blast or scenario was deleted, any associated comparisons were left behind. Now they will be deleted. • Sometimes there was an issue creating a comparison.

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v0.3.560.428 (2014-04-28) Aegis v0.3.560.428 Release Date: 2014-04-28

Enhancements • Added a new drift repair tool. • Designer - DXF import for wireframes and polylines has been added. • Designer - Report Editor - When a new page is added it will be placed immediately following the currently active page.

Issues Designer Issues

• Adding new diameters to a drill in the DBAdmin would cause an exception if there was no active ring set. • The tab order on the "Create New Ring Set" window was not correct on some of the tab panels. • Re-Drill - The min and max sweep angles were not reporting the angles correctly. They were displaying radians instead of degrees. • Create New Ring Set window - The azimuth and dump angles were not being expressed properly • New Project window - Tab order was not correct. • IREDES Export - All output values are in metric by default. If Aegis detects an imperial project, an option is provided to convert the values to imperial. • IREDES Export - There was an issue with the window when it was first started it. It displayed the drill coordinate system as XZ but internally it exported it as XY. • Slot Editor - When the current culture was set to fr-ca or another culture that uses a ","" as a decimal separator an exception would be raised. • Hole Layout Grid - When decks were added to individual holes, the name of the explosive within the deck would be displayed in the wrong column of the table. • Exception Reporting - If an exception occurs and the user chooses to email the exception report, it would fail if the attachment is too large. Aegis will no determine if the attachment is too large and not attach it. That way the exception report can be easily sent. • Main window - Some dock window layouts docked the windows in a way that made it impossible to resize them. Now all custom views have all the windows properly resizable. • An exception would occur when deleting extra holes on a slot ring (not the slot itself). • An exception could occur if the slot is not set and an attempt was made to change the slot parameters. • Designer - Re-Drill - if the Re-Drill window was displayed while a slot ring was active and the user hit cancel immediately, the slot ring would be deleted. • Designer - Extrude Stope Outline - Tab order has been rectified. • Designer - Delete Mechanisms - It was discovered that clicking on the delete button for the

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active ring set would immediately delete the active ring set without any warning. A prompt will now be displayed. This has been propagated to other delete options. • The database path was stored as an absolute path with the Aegis user settings and when recalled could cause a problem. Now Aegis confirms that the path exists, if it doesn't then it will fall back to the default location. • Designer - Wireframe Export - If you hit cancel on the save file dialog, the CAD viewport wouldn't revert back to the correct state. • Aegis - If the user attempted to start a second copy of Aegis an exception could occur. Changed the mechanism. Now a dialog is displayed indicating that a second instance is already started and the Aegis window will be brought forward. Analyzer Issues

• Analyzer - Break Cavity Window - An exception would occur during the mesh rendering phase. • Analyzer - Field Mesh Window - An error would occur if there was only one void mesh. • Analyzer - Field Mesh Window - An exception could occur during the volume calculation. • Analyzer - Field Mesh Window - The OK and Cancel buttons were tied to the Enter and Esc keys. This was not consistent with the rest of the Aegis. • Analyzer - Reports - Comparison table report item was not being saved with the template properly. • Analyzer - Unit converters where not saved properly therefore it would cause problems with any of the Field windows when imperial units were used. • Analyzer - Best Fit Field Window - The current project units were not correctly bound.

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v0.3.422.226 (2014-02-26) Aegis v0.3.422.226 Release Date: 2014-02-26 Enhancements •  When a stope/ring set is created, the choice of drill, explosive, primer and detonator are persisted with the project by default. Added an option to the "New Project" window to clear these persisted settings and use default settings. •  Added an option to place all rings perpendicular to the reference line in the "Create New Ring Set" window. •  Added access to undocumented features by using the key combination ctrl+shift+d •  Added a button to clear settings for presentations to undocumented features window. •  If the users presses the 'Enter' key while on a text field in the "Create New Ring Set" window, the new value will take effect. This saves from having to "tab" to a different entry field for the action to take effect. •  Changed the terms "Stope Outline" to "Stope Limits" and "Ore Contacts" to "Ore Contacts and Stope Shapes" in the project tree in an attempt to clarify their particular meanings. •  Added a toe spacing circle around the toe of a hole as the toe position is manually dragged to a new position within the ring pattern. •  Added a collar circle to the hole collar position as the hole pivot is dragged to a new location. Issues •  If the number of decimal places in the report tables was set to 1, an "N-1" would be displayed in the report field. •  Toggling the visibility of polylines in the project tree did not change the state of the icon to represent that they were not displayed. •  Sorted some issues with Re-Drill, Re-Load and Re-Prime windows as they were not saving selected items correctly. •  When the option to turn off the Windows 7 Aero effects is activated in Aegis, the splash screen remains black after the effects transition. The splash screen will now refresh. •  On the "Create New Ring Set" window, the maximum hole length field didn't obey the maximum length of the drill. Now if the persisted value is greater than the maximum that the drill can drill, it is set to the drill maximum. In addition, the text field will not allow you to set a value greater than the maximum length the drill is capable of drilling. •  The Re-Drill window wasn't using the maximum length of the drill. •  When using the 3D view (eyeball icon) on the ring section view window, the rings that were not visible in this view were not clearly indicated in the project tree. Now the icons will be greyed out when the ring is not visible in that view. •  When using the 3D view (eyeball icon) on the ring section and exiting out of that state, the ring views were not restored to the original state before invoking the command. •  Fixed an issue that prevented importing the full dataset from .dm files.

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•  The settings that were specified in the "Create New Ring Set" window where not being properly persisted from run to run. •  In the "Create New Ring Set" window if the user changes the hole diameter, the decoupled diameter on the explosive tab would not change to match it. Now when the hole diameter is changed the decoupled diameter is changed to match it. •  The active blast was not being used when editing a blast report. •  Extra information associated with a license file was not being displayed within the about box. •  An exception would occur if a user attempted to "Add a Hole" using the context menu in the ring view on a ring that has no drill setup. A dialog box is presented indicating why the action could not be completed. •  If the user clicked on the empty cell associated with the first ring or last ring in the "Stope Layout" table, and error would occur. •  The icons for dump and rotation on the "Create New Ring Set" window were in the wrong position. •  Adding a new slot would fail if there was no previous slot settings associated with the project. •  If blasts are isosurfaced out of order, the isosurfaces wireframes are not correctly trimmed. A warning will not be displayed. •  On the "Re-Drill" window, the pivot interval width was not listed for the selected ring. •  The selected offset line on the "Create New Ring Set" window was not remembered in subsequent runs. •  If a target line is used in one run on the "Create New Ring Set" and deleted afterwards. On the next run of the "Create New Ring Set" window the target line option would be selected even though there is no target line available.

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v0.3.330.203 (2014-02-03) Aegis v0.3.330.203 Release Date: 2014-02-03 Enhancements •  Mesh Export - When exporting a single mesh, the default name will be the name of the mesh in the project explorer. If multiple meshes are selected for export the user will have to name the file. •  Added drag and drop support for Aegis projects and recognized import formats. •  DBAdmin - Added a print screen button •  DBAdmin - Added a save button •  The splash screen has a new look. •  A notification will be displayed when there are between 5 and 15 days left in the license. When there is less than 5 days, a notification will be displayed every time Aegis as started. •  DBAdmin - When changes are saved, a notification indicating that the save has completed is displayed in the status bar for a short period of time. •  Improvements were made to the project explorer tree. •  The currency character not defaults to the character used by the current culture (regional settings and languages in windows). •  Added current culture information to the About dialog. Issues •  Duplicate hole diameters were allowed to be added to the drill. This caused confusion and is no longer allowed. •  On some computers the 3D view would become inoperable when a button (such as properties, transparency, etc.) was clicked on the wireframes ribbon tab. Now there are a couple of different rendering options available to overcome this issue. •  When importing strings from datamine files, the names of the strings would be truncated in the project explorer. •  Changing the colour of a mesh by right-clicking on it in the context menu would not maintain its transparency setting. •  When panning in the ring, plan and long section views the mouse cursor would not change to a panning icon. •  If Aegis encounters an issue with a settings file, instead of crashing, the file will be deleted. •  If projects were removed from the "Most Recently Used" list on the landing page, the list of projects from Aegis' application menu wouldn't be updated. •  Deleting projects from the "Most Recently Used" list on the landing page was not working correctly. •  On the create new ring set window, the maximum hole length option could be set longer the maximum length of the drill even though it would be overridden by the drill value. Now you are not able to set the value past the maximum length of the drill.

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•  The re-drill, re-charge and re-prime windows would not display the correct units that the project was currently in. •  The stope layout table was not using the correct dump convention associated with the currently active drill. •  In certain areas of Aegis, the incorrect drill was being referenced. They now all use the drill associated with the active ring set/stope. •  On the new project screen if the mine name was too long for the drop down to display correctly it would not be displayed at all. Now the drop down will change its size to properly display the item. All other drop downs with a similar behavior have been corrected as well. •  DBAdmin - Duplicate bit diameters were allowed on the drill rig window. •  The Move ring feature would encounter issues with rings that had drill zones that were manually positioned. •  If a blast had no wireframe associated with it and it was right-clicked, an exception would occur. •  DBAdmin - Explosive window - The density field units were not working. •  Clicking on the Ore button in the ribbon could cause an issue in some cases. •  In some cases, Aegis would slice a wireframe up into very small line segments which would cause an issue with the plan view. •  Corrected an exception in the stope table window if a ring set was empty (null). •  Clicking on the "Quit" button on the main landing page did not properly close Aegis. If you restarted Aegis immediately exceptions would be encountered due to locked resources. •  The section views (ring, plan and long) no are able to tolerate holes that are not properly created and not crash. •  If the computer's "Regional and Language" settings (Controls number formatting, date formatting, etc. Not display language.) were anything other than en-US or en-CA there would be problems tabbing through the fields in the "Create New Ring Set" window. Now the regional settings can be set to any values and Aegis will work correctly with them. In addition the numeric fields will also correctly format the numbers into the proper digit groups, use the correct group separators and also use the correct decimal place maker. •  When the computer's "Make Text Easier to Read" option is set to a value greater than 100%, the blast isosurface window was not displayed correctly. •  If an exception occurs, Aegis offers to save the project into the recovery folder in case the project file itself becomes unstable. Once the project was saved and if the user is able to continue on, the project now, unexpectedly points to the file in "Recovery". Now the project is saved to "Recovery" and the location is pointed back to the original file. •  The hole layout tables rotation and tilt angles were not measured in terms of the convention specified for the drill. •  Cloning a scenario from the project tree doesn't cause a save project notification when closing Aegis. •  The 3D viewport rendering quality settings were not being persisted. •  In the Ring, Plan and Long section views, if you initiated the measure tool and immediately panned the window, the cursor would remain as the pan cursor. •  Corrected an issue with importing some dm files.

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v0.3.217.117 (2014-01-17) Aegis v0.3.217.117 Release Date: 2014-01-17 Enhancements •  Reports - Added ring context to hole layout table. •  Reports - Added multi-page support to tables. •  Reports - Added multi-line text support to table headers. •  DBAdmin - Updated the column padding for the grids in the mine window. •  DBAdmin - Updated the column padding for the grids in the detonator window. •  DBAdmin - Updated the column padding for the grids in the drill window. •  DBAdmin - Updated the column padding for the grids in the explosive window. •  Updated reference line icon on the main ribbon. •  Updated the HUD icon in the ring view dockable window. •  Reports - the context of the items are now stored with the reports when they are saved. This ensures that each entity knows what type of context they are in (ring, blast, scenario, etc.). •  Added the name of the drill to the top of the "Re-drill" window. •  Added a location column to the grid located on the landing page window that displays the list of most recently opened projects. This helps to distinguish projects that have the same name. •  On the "New Project" window there is a browse button that allows the planner to select a folder to store the project in. A "Make New Folder" button was added to the dialog to allow the planner to create a folder. •  Changed the "Ok" button text to "Load Project" on the "Landing Page" window. Also changed the text of the "Cancel" button to "Close Aegis" to more accurately reflect what that button does. •  Changed the way the ring view dockable window is docked when the 5 custom preset views are clicked. The window will dock in such a way as to allow it to be fully re-sizable with the 3D view dockable window. •  The project explorer tree now persists its state when the project is closed (and saved). This means that if the "Wireframes" branch is collapsed hiding all of the wireframes, it will remained collapsed the next time the project is opened. •  Performance improvements around the ring view dockable window. The wireframe slices are now cached and only recomputed when required. •  Reports - Page number items were added to the report editor so that the planner can now see which report page is tied to a particular page number. This is particularly useful when printing single pages or groups of pages instead of the whole report. •  The "Scenario Costs" window has been updated. •  A new splash window has been added when Aegis starts up. •  The "Create New Ring Set" window has been updated. •  The "Drill Hole Diameter" window has been updated. •  Added a window to the "Reset Settings" button on the help tab to refine which Aegis settings files are restored to default settings. •  Updated the About window to include path information to the various folders and

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settings files that it uses. The links are clickable and will launch windows explorer in that particular folder. Issues •  Reports - the text in the tables was not being measured correctly. This would result in differences between tables in the report editor and the printed results. •  Corrected tool-tip items on buttons in the new project window. •  The second date drop down box wasn't set to the current date when the window was loaded. •  On the main application menu is an option called "Send project and templates by email". This would generate an email with the project attached but no templates. Now the templates are attached. •  Reports - Plan view item was not remembering the minimum hole size. •  An exception could occur on the "Re-Load" window if the loading parameters was not properly set. •  An exception could occur on the "Re-Prime" window if the priming parameters was not properly set. •  Reports - The tilt column in the Hole table wasn't displaying the tilt angle of the hole in terms of the active dump convention. •  The angular conversion made a distinction and treated the angle 0 and 360 differently. Put in a epsilon check to see if the angular value was within an epsilon of 0. If it is then it is considered 0. •  In some cases, notably a clean install, if you clicked on the new project button on the "Landing Page" window and exception would occur. •  IREDES - an exception would occur if any of the rings didn't have a proper name. That is, if any of the rings had an empty string, "", for a name. •  The starting and ending azimuth text boxes on the "Create New Ring Set" window would not change when the ring set's look direction was flipped. •  The starting and ending azimuth text boxes on the "Create New Ring Set" window would not change when a new reference line or when the drill was changed. •  Reports - In some cases an exception would occur when accessing a report from the drop down gallery indicating that the drill did not have the required hole diameter even if it did. This is another case of a calculation tolerance error. An epsilon check was implemented. •  On occasion, the main Aegis window would be displayed behind the splash screen before the "Landing Page" window was presented. The main form was accessible and could cause a problems if the user started clicking buttons on the ribbon. Now the main form is disabled until the "Landing Page" window has closed. •  The azimuth value was being displayed incorrectly in the stope layout table dockable window. •  If a ring could not be drilled by the automatic methods, an error is displayed in the ring dockable window for that ring. The user is able to place rings if they switch to manual pivoting region placement mode. An exception would occur if the switched back (to adjust ring azimuth or move the ring to change its burden). Now the ring will be reverted to the initial condition.

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•  Reports - Using the arrow keys to maneuver the report items around the report would yield unexpected movements when on particular page sizes or near the edges. This is corrected now. •  On the Re-Drill window, the relative rotation angle didn't match the value that was displayed when dragging the drill direction in the ring view dockable window. The angle was displayed in radians rather than degrees. •  If an Aegis project file was double-clicked in widows explorer Aegis would start and load this project file. However, the buttons on the ribbon would be disabled. •  On some computers the Aegis tool-bar becomes distorted due to the Windows Aero effects. Added an option in preferences to have Aegis turn Aero effects off when it starts. •  When checking for updates, if no internet connection was available an error would occur. Now if, for any reason, it can't negotiate a network connection a simple dialog will be displayed informing the user of the issue. •  Database - When deleting an item from the database and it's respective information window is visible, the item would be deleted from the grid but the window would stay visible. •  Database - When a new mine was added and then immediately deleted it wasn't being deleted. •  Database - It wasn't possible to delete detonators. •  Some items in Aegis would not display correctly if font scale was active and set to 125% or higher. •  When exporting ring holes to the datamine file format, slots were not included. •  3D View - If the rotate option was active and the user started to place a reference line and canceled the operation, the rotate option was canceled even though it was still "checked" on the context menu. •  In some cases, when the user clicked on the "Change Slot" button an error would occur. •  If a mine, explosive, ore/rock type, detonator or primer exists within a project but doesn't exist within the users database they would be prompted to add the item to their database. If they choose not to import the item and exception would occur. •  Added a missing tool-tip to the "Data Management" button on the new project window. •  When exporting a wireframe to the datamine file format an extra line would be present. This now works as expected. •  Added a tool-tip to the wireframe repair button on the "Wireframe Property" window. •  IREDES - If a ring had no holes an exception would occur when attempting to display the IREDES export window. •  Reports - If a report had a slot table on it but the active ring contained no slot, the table would display "No Slot". No the table will remain empty. •  Reports - When editing a report template that was set for landscape, a print preview would show the report in portrait with the view truncated. •  On the "Landing Page" window that appears when Aegis is first started, if you right-click on an empty portion of the grid an error would occur. •  Licensing - On some computers old, expired licenses could cause Aegis to not recognize the new license. When a license is activated through Aegis, Aegis will first remove all old licenses before activating the new license.

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v0.3.1.1213 (2013-12-13) Aegis v0.3.1.1213 Release Date: 2013-12-13 Enhancements •  Added more import formats to the wireframe import mechanism. The new formats are: *.obj, *.iges, *.stl and *.step. The same formats have been added to the wireframe export mechanism. •  Added mesh volume property to the mesh property window. •  Added manual drill placement mechanism. You can now manually place a drill within the ring effectively overriding bad mesh geometry. Placing the drill manually will also allow rings to be dumped independent of the reference line. This effectively overrides the working sill void in case there are problems with its geometry. The planer can now override everything. •  On the help ribbon tab, the button "Delete Settings" has been renamed to "Reset Settings" to better reflect what it actually does. •  If a blast mesh is not visible it will not be displayed within the ring, plan or long section view. •  Added two buttons to the "Create New RingSet" window that allows you to display the ring, plan and long section dock windows in the main form. They are for times when you start placing rings and have forgotten to open those windows. •  Changed the width of the ring view dock window to a larger value so that it doesn't need to be resized when using the view configuration preset buttons on the "Choose View" ribbon tab. •  Manual drill setup/pivoting region has been added. This effectively allows the user to override the automatic placement of the drill within the drift. In addition the planner can also chose to use the drill pivoting region to trim the hole collars to. This is highly useful in situations where the wireframes have internal structure that the automatic drilling algorithms cannot overcome. Older projects do not have this mechanism in place. Thus the rings will be "locked" against modification - they will still be valid. If you need to modify rings from older projects simply toggle the manual drilling on and then toggle it off - Aegis will correct the issue. •  Added the ability to manually adjust the drill direction of each ring as well as adjust the sweep angles. •  Added render quality option to 3D view context menu. •  Added context menu to landing page grid to manipulate recently opened projects. •  Ring view performance boost. •  Batch ring rename and hole rename now have a reverse order option where it will name the items in the reverse order. •  Added a menu option to the stope context menu in the project explorer, "Rename All Holes within All Rings". This will allow the user to re-apply the hole naming conventions to all of the holes within all of the rings in one batch operation. •  Adding a reference line, drill direction line and polyline all use the same mechanism now - a multi-segment line. The user is also presented with a dialog where they can change the default name of the line.

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•  The explosive, primer, detonator and ore windows have been updated in the Aegis database. •  Aegis now uses the height of the drill (that is the height of the drill plus the full height of the extended mass) when placing the drill within the drift. Originally it was only using the mast length. •  Removed the concept of a left and right offset from the drift wall. This is replaced with a perpendicular left and right offset from the drill direction. This enhancement allows Aegis to properly drill holes within a cross-cut drift instead of assuming that it is free to place the holes along the entire length. •  In addition to a drill direction line the concept of an offset line has been added. The offset line would typically be used in complex narrow vein situations where the vein changes strike and dip rapidly and often. The offset line allows Aegis to infer a drilling direction automatically based on the line from the drill direction line and offset line for each individual ring. This means that the amount of manual drill direction adjustment can be minimized. •  Various speed and usability improvements. The section slice is now cached within the ring, plan and long section views meaning that they are not recalculated every time an entity such as a ring or hole is moved. •  Interval guides now appear when adjusting the drill direction within the ring view. •  Added hot keys to the plan view and long section view to easily switch to different rings. The hot keys are the "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons. When either the plan view or long section view has focus these keys will respond. •  Reports - Added new fields to the ring hole table. The fields are used to access the X,Y and Z coordinates of the hole collar and toe. This can be useful for pasting into a spread sheet to generate a csv file. •  Ring Creation - Re-Drill, Re-Charge and Re-Prime now support indeterminate states. This means that if multiple rings are selected, the properties that are different (for example toe spacing or hole diameter) will cause the corresponding entry box to be empty - indicating that there are multiple different values for that property. •  All stope holes or selected ring holes can now be exported as strings to a datamine file. •  Added a "Toe Burden" guide to the plan view and long section view. This will make adjusting ring dumps for fanned rings much easier. •  Reports - Added primer count field to the ring hole table. Issues •  Reports - Ring Table - Turning on the totalizing row would overwrite the last hole row so it wasn't visible. •  If you clicked on the "New" menu option in the main application menu, the new project form would be displayed and then a dialog asking if you wanted to save the current project would be displayed. This is corrected and now the dialog is displayed first. That way if the user chooses to cancel, they will be taken back to the project. •  If you added extra holes to a ring they would be added with the same hole number as an existing hole. This is corrected now and they will take the next available largest number. •  The batch change explosive tool contained duplicate explosive entries in the drop down

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box. •  Application menu recent documents were not sorted correctly. •  Some datamine files would not import correctly. •  Reports - The rotation column in the hole table wasn't responding to the rounding settings. •  Reports - Rotation angle wasn't measured correctly in the hole table. •  Corrected slot issue when attempting to split decks or manipulate a deck within the slot. •  Corrected a slot charging issue - it wasn't using the same explosive type that was used in the ring. •  Individual rings were not being assigned the correct explosive consistently. Now each ring maintains its own explosive parameters, drilling parameters and priming parameters. Changing one ring will not affect others. •  Slot - In some circumstances decks were added to a slot even though there were no explosives in the decks. •  Reports - Inserting a custom item from the gallery would place it in the original position. This is problematic with items that were created in larger page sizes and inserted into smaller page sizes. Now you will be warned that the item will be placed off the page and you will have the opportunity to cancel the placement. •  On the landing window you are able to select multiple files and choose the delete from list option. However it didn't delete all the selected items, only the first one. This will now delete all of the selected items from the list. •  Repaired an issue that prevented the user from manually clicking on charges when establishing a sequence in the timing module. •  When creating a new ring set/stope, the user would select a reference line from the drop down. The selected reference line would also appear as a choice for the target line. This is repaired and the selected reference line will not show up as a choice in the target line drop down and the selected target line will not appear as a choice in the reference line drop down. •  Adding a new reference line and deleting it could lead to exceptions. This has been corrected. •  Cloning an item in the database also cloned the unique id which meant that two items would have the same unique id. •  When adding a slot to a ring it was possible to add the slot without explosives. This caused some problems downstream in Aegis. Now you can add a slot pattern that has no charged holes. •  There was an issue that would slow down hole dragging in the ring view and cause some jittery movements. This has been corrected and adds to the speed improvements. •  Database - the metric/imperial display was not working correctly. •  The stope outline selection was cached in the "Create New Ring Set" window. This lead to some odd issues. This has since been corrected. •  Sometimes an error occurs and causes a "big red X" to appear in either the ring view, plan view or long section view. Now Aegis can recover gracefully from this type of error. Simply close the affected window and re-open it from the button on the "Choose a View" ribbon tab. •  Typing new hole diameters in the "Hole Layout" grid on the main form were ignored.

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v0.2.619.1122 (2013-11-22) Aegis v0.2.619.1122 Release Date: 2013-11-22 (Limited Release) Enhancements •  Added some new drills to the default database. •  It is now possible to control the individual ring visibility in the project explorer tree. This is quite useful in simulating a light table effect so that you can see not only the current ring, but rings in front or behind it. •  If the hole diameter is less than 25 mm, a warning is issued to the status window on the "Create Ring Set" window. The reason for the warning is that the charges may not be visible in the different views. •  When dragging holes in the ring view using the "glyphs" and the ctrl key override the cursor was rather large and made it difficult to accurately place the hole. Now the cursor is much thiner making the process easier. •  The extrude stope method now handles reference lines with multiple segments. •  Changed the "Left Offset" and "Right Offset" mechanisms on the "Create Ring Set" window so that the offsets are measured from the reference line instead of the left and right wall of the drift. This will allow the planner to limit the area that the pivots can be setup so Aegis doesn't assume it can use the full width of a cross-cut drift. Issues •  An issue with panning in the ring view would occur in some situations. •  Changing drills in the "Create Ring Set" window had no effect. This is corrected now and the user will have to select the drill to use every time. •  In the "Create Ring Set" window if no explosive was selected a charge column would be placed into the hole. Now if there is no explosive selected then there will be no charge placed into the hole. •  Slot - issues would occur if there was no explosive selected for the ring set. •  Stope Layout Table - Displayed nonsense values if the active/selected ring set where changed. •  Blast - The timing module would through errors if it encountered charges with no priming points. It will now ignore charges that do not have priming points. •  Adding extra reference lines to the project is confusing as they are all added with the name "Reference Line". Now they are added with a numeric increment appended to the name. •  Changing the colour of a transparent mesh would make the mesh opaque. •  If the project contained multiple reference lines toggling the visibility didn't work. •  Adding a new polyline to the project was confusing as the new polyline would be added with the same default name as existing polylines. Now they have a numeric index appended to the name. •  When moving a pivot of a drill hole, there would be some cases where it "jittered" back and forth to the extremes of the pivoting region. This is corrected now.

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•  When dragging a hole toe position using the "glyph" and ctrl key the hole would lag the mouse position. This is corrected now. In addition, the mouse cursor will change to a slim cross to allow easier positioning of the hole toe.

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v0.2.550.1112 (2013-11-12) Aegis v0.2.550.1112 Release Date: 2013-11-12 NOTE: The licensing system has changed in this version. Therefore previously issued licenses will not work with this version. Enhancements •  Added a button on the Help tab that allows Aegis to check to see if it is up to date. •  Added a button on the Help tab that will allow the user to restore the local Aegis settings to default conditions. This would be used if configurations issues presented themselves. Normally the user will not need to use this button. •  Updated the check update process so that the user is presented with a nicer looking dialog. •  Added scenario re-costing ability. This will not only display the costs of the explosives, detonators and primers of the stopes within the current scenario, it will allow the user to change the unit costs if desired. •  Updated drill diameter button icon. •  When placing a slot that has hole diameters that the drill isn't configured for, the user is asked if they want to add those diameters to the drill. If they choose to add the diameters to the active drill, the slot will be placed automatically. •  Updated splash screen with status messages. •  Improved application loading speed. •  Report - Added sequence table item. •  Added the ability to add any of the ribbon buttons to the short-cut tool-bar. •  Added the ability to customize the position of the ribbon short-cut tool-bar. •  Updated licensing algorithm. •  Added Percent dilution by volume to blast properties. •  Added a "Clone" menu option to the gallery. This will allow copies of report, slot and other item templates to be made. •  Implemented a performance boost when panning in ring section view, plan view and long section view. •  Added the ability to add a wireframe to a blast. This is used to assign a CMS wireframe to a blast. •  Reports - You can now use the arrow keys to move selected items around with very fine precision. •  Import Wireframe - Add the ability to select multiple individual files from a folder by holding the ctrl key down while clicking on the files. •  Slot Editor - Added the ability to use the arrow keys to move the selected holes around the editor. •  Updated icons on the "Tools" windows. •  Added the ability to select odd or even rings when using the ring set/stope tools. •  When creating new ring sets there is a status window that also displays any issues with

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generating rings. We add some new error messages and warning messages: If there are empty holes, the ring will be listed. If charges are missing primers are detonators the ring will be listed. A warning will be issued if the drill rig's maximum hole length is less than 10m. •  Removed the drill, explosives, primer and detonator buttons from the "Set Resources" tab on the main ribbon. •  Database - Added the ability to clone existing items in the database as a starting point to creating new ones. •  Added an option to the main menu to allow Aegis to export all templates to a folder. Issues •  Miscellaneous bug fixes. •  If a child form was visible and the user attempted to click on the section view button (which orients the 3D view to the respective section) on the long section view window a null reference exception would occur. •  Updated licensing system as there were problems with the current licensing system and MAC addresses. •  If no voids are selected and the user attempts to create a new ring set/stope now rings will be drillable and an error for each ring indicating that the floor of the drift could not be found. This error doesn't indicate that the user forgot to select the void wireframes. Now, the user will be presented with a dialog indicating that the need to select the void wireframe to proceed. In addition the wireframes tab will automatically be selected for the user. •  Re-Drill Window - If the user made some changes and then accidentally clicked the cancel button, the changes would be reverted without a confirmation. The user will now be prompted if the click the cancel button. •  When cloning a scenario, the name of the new clone is "Default Scenario". It is now based on the name of the original scenario with a numeric suffix to make the name unique. •  Reports - The ore value and host rock value were not calculated in the project report. •  Reports - There were numerous costing report items that displayed the currency symbol within the table cell ignore the configuration that was set when the table was generated. •  Blast break wireframe was not visible when Aegis was started. •  When clicking on wireframes in the project explorer tree, they would be highlighted in the 3D view. The highlighting wasn't working correctly and wouldn't turn off when clicking on another wireframe. •  Error occurs when loading a project with break meshes. •  Altering sizes and values for specific scenarios would not be recognized until the project was re-loaded. •  An exception would occur in the "Create a New Ring Set" window if there was no drill set in the resources tab. •  Import Wireframes - An exception would occur importing datamine files without a properly defined precision (single or double). Now Aegis will assume that these files are in single precision. •  When selecting a different drill from the drop down box in the "Create New Ring Set" window would not change the drill in the rest of the form properly.

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•  When double clicking on an Aegis project file, Aegis would launch with the project displayed but the landing page would still be visible. •  Selecting a slot ring in the "Create Blast" window would cause an error if there were no primers within the slot. •  Tabs were out of order on the JRC calculation form for the ore and host rock. •  Tabs were out of order on the Q calculation form for the ore and host rock. •  Changed primer detonation pressure unit from MPa to GPa. •  A threading issue would occur occasionally with the isosurface form. •  An error would occur on a slot if the charges were split and the user attempted to change the length of one of the charge decks. •  When changing drills in the 'Create New Ring Set' window, the available hole diameters could have no diameter selected if one of the drill diameters doesn't match a previously used value. Now the first item in the list is selected if the drill doesn't have the required diameter. A warning message is also displayed indicating that the drill doesn't have any hole diameters. •  If the priming distance to the end of hole is set to a value that is greater than the charge length the primer would be placed outside the charge column. This is corrected and a primer will not be placed into the charge if this distance exceeds the charge length. •  Corrections to ring generation algorithms and steeply dumped rings. The toe spacings for parallel holes would creep out as rings were dumped further towards horizontal. •  Correction to handling pivots of offset holes while manually dragging the hole pivot. •  When a new drill was added to the database, it wasn't immediately available from the create new ring set window. Aegis would need to be restarted for the change to show up. This is corrected. •  The ampersand (&) character would not be visible in various drop down boxes for entities likes drills, explosives, primers, detonators and rocks. •  The 3D view port would not always update the display at the correct time. •  The ring view, plan view and long section view quadrilateral would not update properly when the middle mouse was dragged around or the keyboard was used. •  Fragmentation Sizes and Values form was not re-sizable when it should have been.

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v0.2.372.1025 (2013-10-25) Aegis v0.2.372.1025 Release Date: 2013-10-25 Enhancements •  Updated the slot editor tool-tips. •  Updated slot editor cursor to a cross when making a selection or adding holes. •  The add new ring set form now remembers the last selected drill direction. •  The slot editor measure tool now uses a simple cross mouse cursor icon. •  Added a copy to clipboard option to the license dialog. •  On the license dialog, when the option to save the information to a file is selected, the folder that the file was saved to is opened automatically in windows explorer. •  Slot editor now allows the user to define a "cut" area which encloses all the holes involved with the slot cut. Various properties are then calculated based on the holes involved with the cut. •  Added a new drill button that allows the user to add new hole diameters to the drill of the active stope/ring set. This can be used to add additional diameters to accommodate slot patterns or it can be used to alter costs for the drill. Issues •  There was an issue with old license files, if old licenses were left it seemed to interfere with new licenses. Now all old licenses are deleted when a new license is "activated". •  Repaired an issue with the licensing that prevented trial licenses from being "activated" after initial trial licenses have expired. •  Installer now generates a log file to assist with tracking down installation issues. This will is located at the root of the c drive. •  Repaired an issue with the ring view window where an exception could be raised when moving the view around. •  Repaired some issues around the rings where certain conditions would cause exceptions. •  When attempting to request an Aegis license, the apply button was not active and it wasn't clear how to make the apply button active. The behavior is changed and now the button is active all the time. •  On locked down computers the installer would execute and crash. This is because it couldn't write to the required folder. Now the installer will not run unless it has elevated permissions. •  On the Re-Drill, Re-Load, Re-Prime windows, clicking the OK button without making any changes to the values simply closed the form it did not apply the changes. Now if the OK button is the first one clicked, the original settings will be applied to the selected ring(s). •  Reports - Adding a VOD plot to the project report with no project explosive report would cause an exception. •  Reports - Adding a muck pile histogram to a project report would cause an exception if the sizes and values were not set.

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•  Reports - Adding a muck pile report to a project report would cause an exception if the sizes and values were not set. •  Reports - Adding a ring report to a blast report would cause an exception. •  If you clicked on the slot editor properties without having a cut area polyline defined a null reference exception would be thrown. This is corrected now. •  Report Editor - If there were items selected and the user right-clicked and activated the context menu. The items would no longer be selected. However, the delete button would remain active and if the user clicked it and exception could occur. •  Fixed a bug that would cause the CPU usage to increase even when Aegis was idle.

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v0.2.316.1015 (2013-10-15) Aegis v0.2.316.1015 Release Date: 2013-10-15 Enhancements •  A ring limit was added to the process of creating a new ring set. It allows the user the ability to limit the number of rings that are generated. •  Added the ability to append rings to an existing stope/ring set. This will allow a user to add groups of rings with different burdens to the same stope/ring set. •  Updated the report gallery items so they are now a collection of report items. This means that any item, or group of selected items, can be added and re-used at a later time. •  Updated the ring generation algorithm to examine smaller initial sweep angles as they seem to result in better hole placement. •  Reports - There are now two ways to add any rectangular (rectangle, text, etc.) object from the insert drop-down. The first way is to select the item and click a spot on the report to add a 100x100 item. The second way is to select the item and click and a spot and drag a fence which will be the size of the rectangle object. •  Reports - After adding an item from the gallery to the report it will remain selected. •  Updated licensing. •  Updated Slot Parameters Window. •  Updated Drilling Parameters Window. •  Updated Loading Parameters Window. •  Updated Priming Parameters Window. •  Updated Create New Ring Set Window. •  New isosurface algorithm and implementation. •  When using the measuring tool in the ring section, plan view or long section view using the right-click button on the mouse cancels the action and doesn't bring up the context menu. This is in addition to the Esc key on the key board. Issues •  Added a check to the ring generation algorithm for the case of no ore in the ring plane. •  Numerical precision error that caused holes to reach beyond the ore and beyond the holes maximum length. •  Reports - The arrow didn't save the user assigned fill colour. •  Reports - The printer no longer reverts to the default printer when re-loaded. •  Reports - An issue with generating thumbnail images in the gallery losing a reference to the specific report type. •  A crash would occur if attempting to score a muck pile and sizes and values haven't been set first. •  Reports - Mine keyword in the symbolic resolver would cause an issue if the mine wasn't set. •  Reports - Tables with units appended to the header will no longer display () for values that

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do not have a unit associated with them. •  Reports - Tables can no be added to the gallery as templates. •  Reports - Added more robust checking for graph items. •  On the "Create Designs for Blasting Operations" tab, the blast group further options does nothing if there is no active blast. •  Repaired some issues with the licensing. •  Reports - Print Preview would cause an issue if the default printer were unavailable. Now it indicates that the printer is unavailable. •  If a project was loaded and the selected ring is a slot, the slot button wasn't active. •  Can now add a slot to an edited ring. •  Isosurface window progress bar issue. •  Adjusted tab order on change parameter windows. •  Isosurface window issue with text box fields. •  Charging - Decking wasn't dealing properly with empty holes. •  In plan view and long section the cursor wasn't changing to a cross indicating that you could click and start the measure process. •  When adding charges to the holes if the minimum charge collar was set to a number larger than the hole length the charges would be pushed out of the hole. Now, the holes will be empty. •  Explosive mass calculation error corrected. •  If primers were not set during ring generation and exception would occur when creating a new blast. •  An error would occur with decked charges if the minimum collar length were set to a value larger than the longest hole.

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v0.2.201.924 (2013-09-24) Aegis v0.2.201.924 Release Date: 2013-09-24 Enhancements These enhancements have been added since the last release of Aegis: •  The change parameter buttons on the "Create Designs for Stopes, Rings and Holes" tab where moved into their own group - essentially separating the ring creation functionality from the ring modification functionality. •  A grid display has been added to the plan view. This also includes the plan view in the reports. •  Added the tutorial to the installer. A shortcut to the tutorial will be added to the start menu. •  A button on the Help tab in Aegis will be added to launch the tutorial. •  Release notes have been added to the installer. A shortcut will be added to the start menu to display them. •  A button was added to the Help tab to display the release notes. Issues These issues have been fixed since the last release of Aegis: •  An exception would occur in the ring reports if there was a slot in the active ring set and the drill didn't support some or all of the diameters in the slot. Now, you will not be allowed to place a slot if the drill doesn't support the diameter of all the holes within the slot. •  On the "Create Designs for Blasting Operations" tab, the blasting reports button wasn't displaying the dropdown gallery when the button was clicked. •  On the "Choose a View" tab, if clicked on the "Stope" button and then clicked on the "Ring" button an error would occur. •  Updated the installer script as it seems it was not removing the old version of Aegis before installing the new version. Now, if there is an old version of Aegis it is removed before installing the new version.

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v0.2.188.920 (2013-09-20) Aegis v0.2.188.920 Release Date: 2013-09-20 Enhancements These enhancements have been added since the last release of Aegis: •  Added ore contact offset ability. This allows the hole to be drilled past an ore contact by a specific length. It also allows the hole to be drilled short by a certain length. •  Added drill direction & sweep angle indicators. •  The "Classic" theme was added to Aegis preferences. •  Many more colour options were added to theming in preferences. •  License dialog window has some visual changes. •  Added copy to csv options for property grids (for example, the ring properties dialog and ring set properties dialog). •  Reports now has support for pasting bitmaps directly. •  Reports - when adding a table, the unit prefix option for the column defaults to "Header" •  Hole Layout view has a colour option exposed so that the level grid, measurement tool and text can be changes so that they contrast with the background colour (i.e. if the background is set to black those values can be set to white). •  The printing was enhanced to allow the user to select the printer instead of using the default printer. •  Themes - Added option to display/hide wireframe edges. •  Themes - Added option to display/hide wireframe triangles. •  Themes - Updated names and descriptions of the theme properties. •  Slot Editor - Properties - Added unloaded/loaded area and percentage statistics. •  Added batch ring operations to the "Create Designs for Stopes, Rings and Holes" tab. These include move rings, change hole diameters and change explosive. •  Help tab - email and visit us buttons work. •  Import wireframes context menu option now available in the "Project Explorer" tree. It brings up the "Import Wireframes" dialog. •  Added a reference line display to the hole layout view, plan view and long section view. •  Added detonator costs to the statistics calculations and reports. •  IREDES works with Sandvik drills and Atlas Copco drills. •  Export polyline option added to "Project Explorer" tree. •  Change the explosive and change the hole diameter options can now be accessed from the context menu in the hole layout view, plan view and long section view. •  Updated licensing check. •  Using a new MSI based installer. •  Added text descriptions to the buttons in the ribbons. •  Added change hole diameter context menu option to the ring set in the "Project Explorer". •  Updated icons and graphics throughout Aegis.

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•  Report - Added ~page and ~pagecount to symbol resolver. •  Report - Added minimum hole scale to plan view item •  Reports - Right-click or ESC during move/resize/adjust line will cancel operation. •  Reports - Added dimensioning. •  Reports - Added linear report items (line objects). •  DBAdmin - Increased the rounding in some of the fields - particularly the length fields for the drill rig. •  Hole Listings Table - Horizontal pivot offset column is now editable •  Added Detonator/Primer dropdowns to "Re-Prime" flyout on the "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Added charge diameter to "Re-Load" flyout in the "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Added "Apply to Multiple" button to the flyouts for "Re-Drill", "Re-Load" and "Re-Prime" buttons on the "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Added icon denoting manual changes to the plan view, long section view and "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. The icon indicates that the ring is locked to automatic changes because the user made manual changes to that ring. •  Reports - ring dump convention is now displayed in terms of the drill's dump convention. •  Stope Layout Table - The dump convention is in terms of the drill's dump convention. •  Added manual alternating-hole adjustment to the "Re-Drill" flyout on the "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Added the concept of an active blast. Double-clicking on a blast in the "Project Explorer" tree will activate it. •  Added properties and edit menu option to a blasts context menu in the "Project Explorer" tree. •  Blast volumes are user editable from the "Blast Properties" dialog. Issues These issues have been fixed since the last release of Aegis: •  The "Hole Layout" view would crash if a ring section was not drillable. •  The license dialog had some display issues that made it hard to respond to other dialogs. •  Added a more verbose error message to the licensing dialog that may point to an incorrect license file being applied to an incorrect machine. •  "Clear All" context menu option in the "Project Explorer" tree now works correctly. •  "Create a New Blast" window had a visual issue with the "Maximum Weight Per Delay" text box. •  When an active blast was deleted, it was removed from the list of blasts but remained the active blast. This caused some issues. Now, when an active blast is deleted Aegis makes sure that its reference to the active blast is cleared. •  In some of the grid displays the value "NaN" would be displayed for numbers that didn't have a value assigned to them. This has been replaced with "N/A" •  Corrected an issue with the grids that prevented them from following the prescribed

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Aegis Help 194

2016 iRing Inc.

column alignments. •  Corrected a bug in the sequencing module in the "Create a New Blast" dialog. •  Print a report caused an error if the default printer wasn't available. •  If the active blast was deleted and it was the only blast in the scenario the UI buttons would still be available and would cause errors. If the active blast is deleted and it is the only blast in the scenario, the UI elements are updated correctly. •  An error would occur in the hole layout view, plan view or long section view if a reference line didn't exist and the user turned on the reference line display. •  In the "Create a New Blast" dialog, if you clicked the cancel button an error would occur. •  A bug prevented the "New" button on the "Create Designs for Blasting Operations" tab to be active when a new ring set was created. •  When creating an isosurface if the resolution is too small an out of memory exception will occur. •  Theme - Added more selection control to ApplyToMulitiple form. •  If there is no active ring set, the ring set tools button was active. •  The move rings tool on the "Create Designs for Stopes, Rings and Holes" tab didn't function correctly. •  Blast scenario buttons on the "Create Designs for Blasting Operations" tab were not working correctly. They were not enabled/disabled correctly. •  When changing rings the hole layout view did not respond. •  Fixed row alignment issue in Ring/RingSet properties dialogs. •  The maximum hole length was configured for imperial units on the "Re-Drill" flyout in the "Create Designs for Stope, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Rings were not correctly sorted in the stope layout table.

Page 196: Release Notes Aegis v3.018.043 - Dataminedownloads-cus.dataminesoftware.com/Aegis/aegis... · Release Notes Aegis v3.018.043.130 Release Date: 2017-05-10 Enhancement and Fix Counts

Aegis Help 195

2016 iRing Inc.

v0.1.1000.767 (not released) Aegis v0.1.1000.767 Release Date: Internal Release Enhancements These enhancements have been added since the last release of Aegis: •  Added Wipfrag import. •  Added ability to reverse polyline points. This could be used to flip the direction of the reference line. •  If there is no ore wireframe specified, Aegis will treat everything within the stope outline as ore. •  Removed prompt to delete existing reference line and target line. •  Added "Email Project and Templates" option to the Aegis application menu. •  Added "Close" option to the Aegis application menu. This will close a currently opened project. Issues These issues have been fixed since the last release of Aegis: •  Reports - Issue with the muckpile histogram.

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2016 iRing Inc.

v0.1.1000.746 (2013-08-13) Aegis v0.1.1000.746 Release Date: 2013-08-13 Enhancements These enhancements have been added since the last release of Aegis: •  Reports - Add 2 new columns to the ring table item. They are: HorizontalCollarOffsetLR and HorizontalPivotOffsetLR. These mirror the original values except that negative values are displayed as absolute values and an "L" is append. Positive values have an "R" appended. •  Reports - Added the ability to display the reference line in the ring view, plan view and long section view. •  Added "Apply to All" button on the "Re-Prime" flyout on the "Create Designs for Stopes, Rings and Holes" tab. •  Updating interface icons and button locations. •  Hole listings table now has a column to display collar spacing to slot. •  Added Collar spacing and horizontal pivot offset columns (not yet editable) to Hole listings table. •  Added 'Export to IREDES' to the ring tab. •  Added 'assign distribution' button to the ring ribbon. Issues These issues have been fixed since the last release of Aegis: •  Error in the isosurface volume computation. •  If there is no active ring set and the delete ring set button is clicked, an exception occurs. Put a check in place to prevent this.

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