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Page 1: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Remote sensing for producing malaria risk mapsp g pRainer Sauerborn, Jean Pierre Lacaux, Cécile Vignolle (Toulouse)


What is remote sensing?What can it do for infectious disease epidemiology?


T What can it do for infectious disease epidemiology?What can it do for DSS sites?Malaria risk maps based on surface water dynamics?

IND p y

Project with HDSS of Nouna and Ouaga

INDEPTH AGM Dar es Salaam, 22-26 September 2008

Page 2: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

History of Remote SensingHistory of Remote Sensing

Balloon view of Boston by J MBalloon view of Boston by J. M. Black.

October 13, 1860. Altitude of 365 m.

Page 3: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Remote Sensing- Introduction





Numerical and visual analysis of the imagesanalysis of the images

Final productsf th fi lfor the final user

Page 4: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Active and passive remote sensing

Sensors functioning in a passive modepassive modeSensors functioning in a passive modepassive modemeasure natural energy reflected or emitted from the


Reflected energyReflected energy => source of energy = Sunlight onlyReflected energyReflected energy => source of energy = Sunlight only detection possible during the day

concern visible and near infrared radiationEmitted energyEmitted energy => source of energy = Earth surface

detection possible day and nightconcern thermal infrared

Sensors functioning in an active modeactive modehave their own source of energy

The radiation produced by the sensor is directed towards the target of interest

The illuminated target reflects this artificial energy which is detected and measured by the sensordetected and measured by the sensor

detection possible anytimeconcern microwaves

Page 5: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Wavelengths (λ) Frequency (Hz)

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

300 000 km30 000 km3 000 km

1 Hz10 Hz

100 Hz

Wavelengths (λ) Frequency (Hz)

The electromagnetic spectrum shows the whole range of

wavelengths from the shorter 300 km30 km3 km

300 m30 m

1 KHz10 KHz

100 KHz1 MHz10 MHz


Audio (X-rays ) to the longer (radio waves)

30 m3 m

30 cm3 cm

0.3 cm

10 MHz100 MHz

1 GHz10 GHz100 GHz

Microwaves Red


0.7 µm


300 µm30 µm3 µm

0.3 µm300Å

1012 Hz

1014 Hz

1016 Hz Ultraviolet







300 30 3

0.3 0.03




10 Hz

1018 Hz

1020 HzGamma


X Ray Blue

Violet0 4

BONN F., ROCHON G., Précis de télédétection : principes et méthodes

0.4 µm

Page 6: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Interactions with the targetReflection Absorption and Transmission

3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the

Reflection, Absorption and Transmission

between the incident radiation (I) and the earth surface (target) :AbsorptionAbsorption (A)T i iT i i (T)TransmissionTransmission (T)ReflectionReflection (R)

Page 7: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Resolution in space and timeResolution in space and time

Satellite Spatial TemporalSatellite Spatial resolution

Temporal resolution

Meteosat 5 km 30 minMeteosat 5 km 30 min

Landsat 7 80m 16 d

Spot 5 5-10m 1 d

Ikonos 1m 1d

World Population mapping

6 000 m

Page 8: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

How does remote sensing work?THE AIM


Original spectral imagesClassified image Thematic mapsClassified image

Component n




Component 1

Component n

Statistical resultscolumn j

Continuity in informationDiscontinuity in information

Physical measuresNature of pixel

Continuous valuesDiscrete values x

Nature of pixel

Component k0 255 Classes0 p

C. Vignolle, 2008

Page 9: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

ClassificationSupervisedSupervised UnsupervisedUnsupervised

Identification of homogeneous representative l f th diff t f t


Spectral classes are grouped first, based only on the numerical information in the


samples of the different surface cover types (classes) of interest. These samples are called training areastraining areas

only on the numerical information in the data, and are then matched by the analyst to information classes (if possible). Clustering algorithms, are used to d t i th t l ( t ti ti l)determine the natural (statistical) groups (cluster).

Page 10: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Everybody with internet access* can use RS data

P i i l h t i tiPrincipals characteristic of remote sensing data

Exhaustive Available



Geographical referenced

IndependentD.W. Heath, 1989

* ..and some money

Page 11: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Application fields

R i i lt d i f t

Application fields

Resources in agriculture and in forestCrop monitoringWeather and climate monitoringWeather and climate monitoringWater managementNatural hazards managementNatural hazards managementInfectious diseases risksUrban and suburban surroundings follow-upArchaeological researchNational defenseNational defense...

Page 12: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,
Page 13: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Satellite-derived predictions of EIR for Africa

Satellite-based environmentalSatellite-based environmental data were able to discriminate between 5 equal-sized classes of EIR giving asized classes of EIR giving a high index of agreement (kappa statistic=0.77) between predicted values and training data. The satellite data included temperature variables i.e. reflectance in the middle infra-red (MIR) channel and land surface temperature (LST) and the cold cloud duration (CCD) ancold cloud duration (CCD), an index of precipitation

Rogers et al., (2002).

Page 14: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

14Predicting the risk of dying from malaria in Nouna Predicting the risk of dying from malaria in Nouna through remote sensingthrough remote sensing

no prediction0 3 0

Lell, Rogers, Yé 2002

0 - 3.03.2 - 4.84.9 - 35.5malaria death

Page 15: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Research ideaResearch idea

Instead of using vegetation index (NDVI), T, rainfall g g ( )equivalents for mapping malariaCan we use surface water distribution and mosquito flight range for mapping malaria risk?range for mapping malaria risk?Does the predicted risk correspond to malaria transmission and to incidence of cases on the ground?Can these maps be used by health services to focus interventions to high risk areas?Is this cost-effective compared to interventions aimed atIs this cost-effective compared to interventions aimed at total population?Can this years malaria risk map predict next year`s based on

i it ti d t l ?precipitation data alone?Can the maps be scaled up to national level?

Page 16: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Population distribution

Gridded Population of the world 6km resolution

INDEPTH site population: 10 m resolution

Page 17: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

INDEPTH HDSS populations: 3 0 million3.0 million


Page 18: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

A remoteA remote--sensing tool applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoringsensing tool applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) MonitoringLacaux JP, Tourre Y

Analyses and processing of high-spatial resolution satellite images (SPOT 5, 10m)

Computation of ponds’ area their vegetation cover and turbidityComputation of ponds area, their vegetation cover and turbidity

Evaluation of Zones Potentially Occupied by Mosquitoes (ZPOM)Multi-spectral SPOT 5 Image (high-spatial resolution -10m)Multi spectral SPOT 5 Image (high spatial resolution 10m)

Map of Senegal –African Atlas (Jaguar Edit. )

43 k


Studied area : Ferlo region in Senegalg g

46 km

© CNES 2003, Distribution Spot Image SA

Page 19: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

RemoteRemote--sensing applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoringsensing applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoring

Barkedji pond

Zoom – Pixel size : 10m

400 m©CNES 03 - distribution Spot Image

Baobab tree in the Barkedji pond Sept. 2003

Spot 5, multi-spectral high-spatial resolution (10-m) – August 26th, 2003

Page 20: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

RemoteRemote--sensing applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoring (2)sensing applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoring (2)

Remote Sensing Pond characterizationRemote Sensing Pond characterization

Abundance of mosquitoes is linked to vegetation cover and turbidity of ponds Abundance of mosquitoes is linked to vegetation cover and turbidity of ponds

NDVI (vegetation)NDTI (turbidity)

vegetation activity gradient

Pond detection CharacterizationNiaka

Satellite Images Turbidity Gradient


Ponds’ characterizationPonds’ area Ponds characterization

% vegetation cover

% Turbidity

Ponds area

Page 21: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

SPOT 5 Image 10 meters26/08/2003 t

RemoteRemote--sensing applied to sensing applied to Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoring (3)Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Monitoring (3)


26/08/2003 wet season

4 km

Pond south-west Barkedji15 ha (peak of rainy season)

55% covers by vegetation45% free water

1- pond vegetation1.4

© CNES 2003, Distribution Spot Image SA


1.4 km

False color composite

The new Normalized Difference Pond Index or:NDPI ( MIR G )/ (MIR G )

2-sahelian savanna

NDPI = ( MIR-Green)/ (MIR+Green)

Page 22: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,


e.g. Tourre et al. (2006) for Rift Valley Fever, Senegal

Pilot studyflight range of mosquitoes:capture, marking, release

Main study: Identify iso-moustique for A. gambiae

overlay population on surface water mapPredict malaria based on mathematicalPredict malaria based on mathematicalModel and compare to predictions base

on remote-sensed risk maps

Page 23: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Linking health surveillance and environmental monitoringg

Local: LUCC, meteo:Health Surveillance: 47 villages, 73 000 people

January 2003Page 23

Page 24: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

SPOT 5, 10m C, Nouna (Burkina Faso), 23/09/2007























4 16

Page 25: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

SPOT 5, 10m C, Nouna, 23/09/2207


© CNES 2007, distribution Spot Image © CNES 2007, distribution Spot Image

False color composite NDPI NDVI4km

© CNES 2007, distribution Spot Image

Bare soilsWater bodies

Vegetation Gradient


Zone 1

Hierarchical Classification

Vegetation Gradient

+Clouds© Medias product, CNES 2007, distribution Spot Image

Page 26: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Project proposal (EU)Project proposal (EU)

CNFRP, Ouaga: entomological classification of ponds, flight g g p grangesCRSN, Nouna: population maps, cohorts with incident malaria cases household survey (cases) DSS (deaths)malaria cases, household survey (cases), DSS (deaths)Toulouse (Remote sensing technology) Heidelberg: cost-effectivenessg

All: modelling of risk maps

Page 27: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Thank youMaybe it‘s a small contribution to keep this child healthyMaybe it s a small contribution to keep this child healthy

Thank you, asanti sani, abarka

Page 28: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Vegetation indicesTarget behaviour

Most of the information on vegetation are contained in the red and NIR wavebands, so it was logical to combine them to study vegetation activity

NDVI is one of the most often used

This index is a good indicator of the state of


Band 2 (Red)SPOT


Band 3 (NIR)NDVI


XS3 + XS2

Page 29: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Image analysis

Creation of new information thanks to remote sensing data

Remote sensinggdata

(different bands anddifferent dates)

Classified image


=Land cover

mapSummer crops



Page 30: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Environmental information systemy

Classical GIS of DSClassical GIS of DSInclusion of non-inhabited space

Di it l El ti M d l (DEM) f K i P i (B ki F )Ground mappingRemote sensing

Land surface model 400




Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Kossi-Province (Burkina Faso)

Elevation[m + msl]

Land surface modelMeteorological information

10 d t ti260









10 ground stationsRemote sensing: land use, surface water


January 2003Page 30

0 20000 40000 60000Meters

Page 31: Remote sensing for ppg producing malaria risk maps · Reflection Absorption and Transmission 3 types of interactions are possible between the incident radiation (I) and the Reflection,

Air quality measurement stations (5)

-Fine particles (PM10)-Carbon monoxide

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