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  • Kidney International, Vol. 40 (1991), pp. 643—652

    Renal entactin (nidogen): Isolation, characterization and tissuedistribution


    Departments of Pediatrics, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

    Renal entactin (nidogen): Isolation, characterization and tissue distri-bution. Entactin/nidogen (E/N) was isolated from bovine renal tubularbasement membrane. Apparent molecular weight, amino acid compo-sition, and molecular configuration by electron microscopy rotaryshadowing were similar to that of nidogen from EHS mouse tumor. Theidentity of bovine E/N was confirmed using a thrombin derived peptide,the sequence of which corresponded to a region within mouse andhuman E/N. Monoclonal and polyclonal anti-E/N antibodies were usedto determine the distribution of E/N in human kidney by immunofluo-rescent and immunoelectron microscopy. E/N was present in all renalbasement membranes and was distributed through the full width of theglomerular basement membrane (GBM) with accentuation along itsepithelial aspects. E/N distribution was similar to that of novel collagenchain o3(IV) NC domain in the GBM. In the mesangium, E/N wasdistributed mainly in the peripheral mesangial region that is bounded bythe GBM, while classical collagen chain ol(IV) NC as present diffuselythroughout the mesangium. In the developing nephron, EIN waspresent in basement membranes of the ureteric bud, primitive vesicleand S-form. In all instances, E/N co-localized with laminin B2 chain.Prominent E/N detection within the mesangium was observed indiseases where mesangial expansion was present. This process was alsoseen in early diabetic nephropathy, but disappeared with diseaseprogression. However, all thickened diabetic renal basement mem-branes showed an increase in E/N which was also present in Kimmel-stiel-Wilson lesions. E/N was observed in the GBM "spikes" ofmembranous glomerulonephritis and in epithelial crescents associatedwith various disorders. The association between E/N, laminin and typeIV collagen chains observed in the normal kidney were maintained indisorders with altered E/N distribution. We could not detect anychanges in the distribution of E/N in other acquired and hereditarykidney diseases. These observations reflect the involvement of E/N inthe structure and disease alteration of renal basement membranes andmesangial matrix.

    Basement membranes are extracellular matrices which sup-port vascular and epithelial cells, maintain tissue architecture,and serve as barriers to macromolecules and migrating cells.This molecular scaffold is composed of type IV collagen whichforms large cross-linked networks. Associated non-collagenousproteins include laminin, proteoglycans, and entactin/nidogen

    Present address: Department of Pediatrics, Shaarei-Zedek Hospital,Jerusalem, Israel,

    Received for publication November 26, 1990and in revised form May 2, 1991Accepted for publication May 5, 1991

    © 1991 by the International Society of Nephrology


    (E/N) [1]. The latter glycoprotein was isolated from the mouseEHS tumor and shown to consist of two globular domainsattached by a rod-like structure creating a dumbbell shapedmolecular [2, 3]. Nidogen is closely associated with laminin [4],binds to type IV collagen [5], and modulates cell binding tolaminin [6]. The cDNA sequence for mouse nidogen has estab-lished an identity with entactin, a glycoprotein isolated fromextracellular matrix of a mouse embryo cell line [7, 8]. Neithernidogen nor entactin have been isolated and characterized froman intact basement membrane.

    Immunohistochemical studies have shown E/N to be part ofbasement membranes of various organs. Its distribution in renalextracellular matrices has been examined in rodents usingimmunochemical techniques [2, 9—14].

    We report the isolation and characterization of E/N frombovine renal tubular basement membrane. Its distribution inhuman kidney was studied by immunohistochemical techniquesusing monoclonal and affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies.We describe the relationship to laminin (B 1 and B2 chains), andtype IV collagen in normal human kidney, in various renaldisorders and during renal ontogeny.


    Nidogen purification

    Bovine kidney tubular basement membranes were preparedas previously described [15]. Cortical tissue was dissected toexclude medullary elements. Aliquots were suspended in asolution containing ethylenediamine-tetracetic acid, epsilonamino caproic acid, N-ethylmaleimide, and phenyl-methylsul-fonyl fluoride protease inhibitors [15]. Following tissue disrup-tion using a polytron homogenizer, the suspension was succes-sively passed over metal sieves. Material retained on a #170sieve was sonicated and centrifuged. The resultant pellet waswashed with 1.0 M NaC1 and distilled water, and then lyophi-lized.

    The crude basement membrane material was extracted over-night with 6.0 M guanidine HC1, 50 m phosphate pH 7.4,containing protease inhibitors, as above [15]. The extracts weredialyzed extensively against 6.0 M urea 50 m phosphate pH7.4 and subjected to ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose in 6.0 M urea at 20°C. The column was eluted with a0.0 to 0.8 M NaCI linear gradient. Column fractions containingE/N were identified by SDS-PAGE, pooled, concentrated,

  • 644 Katz et a!: Renal entactin (nidogen)

    dialyzed against 6.0 M urea 0.02 M Na acetate pH 4.8, andpassed over an S-Sepharose column at 20°C. Elution wasperformed using a linear 0.0 to 0.4 M NaCl gradient, andfractions containing EIN were pooled and dialyzed in guanidinefor further purification by Sephacryl S-300 gel ifitration. Forfinal purification, E/N obtained from gel filtration pools wasapplied to a Mono Q column in 0.05 M Tris pH 7.4 and eluted ina 0.0 to 0.5 M NaCI gradient.

    Nidogen characterization and analysisE/N in column fractions was identified by SDS-PAGE using 5

    to 15% gradient slab gels [161. Molecular weight determinationwas made using globular protein standards (Sigma ChemicalCo., St. Louis, Missouri, USA), including carbonic anhydrase,egg albumin, bovine albumin, phosphorylase B, beta galactosi-dase and myosin for calibration. EHS nidogen used as standardwas provided by Dr. Aris Charonis (University of Minnesota,Rochester, Minnesota, USA). The presence of E/N in columnfractions and protein pools was verified by Western blotting [17]using a semi-dry blot apparatus and rabbit antiserum to mousetumor EHS-derived nidogen (provided by R. Timpi, MaxPlanck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany).

    Amino acid analysis was performed on 25 to 50 jg of proteinhydrolyzed for 24 hours at 110°C in constant boiling HCI, andanalyzed on a Beckman 6300 amino acid analyzer using aninhydrin detection system. Intact E/N was incubated withthrombin (0.1 U/mg protein, Sigma Chemical Co.) for 12 hoursat 37°C. Digestion fragments were purified by chromatographyon a TSK G 3000 SW Ultropac column in 4.0 M guanidine HC125 m phosphate pH 7.4. Selected peptides were then isolatedon a 0.4 x 15 cm Vydac C4 reverse-phase HPLC column.Protein sequence determination of these peptides was done onan Applied Biosystem Sequenator, using automated Edmandegradation. Amino acids were detected as PTH derivatives.Amino acid analysis and sequence determination were per-formed in the Microchemical Facility, Institute of HumanGenetics, University of Minnesota.

    Rotary shadowing was performed on E/N samples in bicar-bonate buffer as previously described [18]. Samples were shad-owed under vacuum with a mixture of 95% platinum 5% carbonin a Balzers apparatus and then examined with a Philips 300transmission electron microscope operating at 60 KV (per-formed by Drs. E. Tsilibary and A. Charonis, University ofMinnesota).

    Immunologic methodsPolyclonal antibodies to E/N were made by immunizing

    rabbits with purified bovine E/N. Affinity column purifiedantibodies were prepared using E/N coupled to affinity matrixdiscs (Nalge Company, Rochester, New York, USA). Boundantibodies were eluted with 0.1 M glycine pH 2.5. To furtherensure antibody specificity, E/N was transferred from SDS-PAGE gels to polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes(Millipore, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA) by semi-dry electro-phoresis transfer. A strip containing E/N was cut from thetransfer membrane and reacted with antibodies previouslypurified by affinity column chromatography as described above.Antibody was then eluted from the strip using 0.1 51 glycine pH2.5 and neutralized [19].

    A monoclonal antibody to human E/N, Mab A9, was devel-

    oped by immunizing mice with the collagenase resistant residueof human GBM, using standard procedures [20]. Reactivity ofthe monoclonal antibody was tested by Western blotting withpreparations of purified E/N and with 6.0 54 guanidine HC1 andSDS extracts of human and bovine TBM. Monoclonal antibod-ies MBM 102 and MBM 17 to human al(IV) and a3(IV) globulardomains of classical and novel type IV collagen chains, respec-tively [21, 22], and 4E10 to laminin Bi chain (Dr. Eva Engvall)and 2E8 to laminm B2 chain (Developmental Studies, Hybrid-oma Bank, Johns Hopkins University) were also used [23].

    Indirect immunofluorescent analysis was performed as pre-viously described, using fluorescein labeled secondary antibod-ies [23]. Cortical slices of human and bovine kidneys were snapfrozen in isopentane precooled in liquid nitrogen. Two micronsections of frozen tissue were obtained and processed forimmunohistochemical analysis. Antibodies were tested on fro-zen tissue sections that were processed in the conventional wayand also following tissue denaturation by incubation in acid-urea [24]. Orientation and spatial distribution within basementmembranes was analyzed by high resolution phase-contrastmicroscopy and epifluorescence. Dual antibody staining wasperformed with appropriate controls as previously described[22, 25] using in sequence mouse monoclonal anti-EIN, rho-damine-conjugated goat antimouse IgG, rat anti-a 1(IV) NC,and fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rat IgG. Similarly, whenthe tissue distribution of E/N and a3(IV) NC domain wascompared, tissue sections were first reacted with mouse mono-clonal anti-a3(IV) NC followed by rhodamine conjugated goatanti-mouse IgG, and then with affinity-purified rabbit anti-E/Nfollowed by fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. Allsecondary antibodies were appropriately absorbed to avoidcross reactive IgG binding. Control sections were stained withabsorbed secondary antibodies alone.

    E/N distribution was determined in normal human and bovinekidneys, during ontogeny using sections of human fetal kidneyof 16 to 22 weeks gestation, and in three to six patients witheach of the following disease states: IgA nephropathy, anaphy-lactoid purpura nephritis, membranoproliferative glomerulone-phritis type I and II, lupus nephritis, membranous glomer-ulopathy, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, diabeticnephropathy, familial (Alport) nephropathy, thin membranedisease, autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease, mini-mal change nephrotic syndrome, congenital nephrotic syn-drome, and nephrotic syndrome with focal segmental sclerosis.

    Immunoelectron microscopySmall pieces of human and bovine kidneys were fixed in 2%

    paraformaldehyde, 0.05% glutaraldehyde, 0.1% picric acid in0.1 M Sorenson's phosphate buffer, or in periodate lysineparafonnaldehyde fixative [26]. Samples were washed anddehydrated in a graded ethanol series at successively lowertemperatures down to —35°C and infiltrated with LowicrylK4M. Ultrathin silver-to-gold interference contrast sectionswere cut and mounted on formvar coated, 100-mesh nickelgrids. The grids were then floated on drops of phosphate buffersaline containing 5% pre-immune serum of the animal in whichthe secondary antibody was made for 10 minutes at 20°C. Gridswere then incubated overnight at 4°C with mouse monoclonal orrabbit polyclonal anti-E/N antibodies; control staining of gridswith either normal mouse serum or normal rabbit serum was

  • routinely performed. This was followed by the application ofaffinity-purified anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG coupled to 10 nmcolloidal gold particles for two hours at 20°C. The grids werethen washed with phosphate buffered saline 1% bovine serumalbumin and 0.05% Tween, and stained with uranyl acetate andlead citrate and examined with a JEOL- 100CX electron micro-scope at 60 KY.


    Bovine E/N purflcation

    Guanidine extracts of bovine tubular basement membranewere subjected to ion exchange chromatography on DEAEcellulose in 6.0 M urea. By SDS-PAGE analysis, E/N was elutedwith few contaminating proteins in the ascending portion of thefirst peak corresponding to 0.2 M NaCl of the salt gradient (Fig.1A). These fractions were pooled and applied to a column ofS-Sepharose (Fig. 1B): samples from the major peak wereconcentrated, dialyzed against 6.0 M guanidine, and furtherresolved on a column of Sephacryl S-300 (not shown). Proteinfrom the main peak was applied to a Mono Q column in the finalpurification step (Fig. 2). SDS-PAGE of the material elutedfrom the Mono Q column showed a single band with anapparent molecular weight of 168 kDa. This compares with amolecular weight of 175 kDa observed for EHS nidogen in theseexperiments. Figure 3 compares the mobilities of bovine tubularbasement membrane E/N (lane 1) with EHS nidogen (lane 6).Bovine E/N reacted with the polyclonal antibody to EHSmouse tumor nidogen (not shown), and with the monoclonaland polyclonal anti-E/N antibodies by Western blotting (lanes 2to 5).

    Characterization of bovine nidogenThe amino acid composition of EIN derived from bovine

    tubular basement membrane shows a similarity to that de-scribed for EHS derived nidogen (Table 1). Minor differenceswere observed in the content of glycine which was reduced inconcentration, while the amounts of valine and arginine wereincreased compared to EHS nidogen. We were not successful inobtaining an amino acid sequence of the intact form of purifiedbovine E/N using automated Edman degradation.

    The thrombin digest of the intact form of E/N generated threemajor peaks on the TSK G 3000 SW HPLC column (Fig. 4A).Upon reduction, the major peak (100 kDa molecular weight)dissociated into two fragments which were separable by gelfiltration on TSK G 3000 SW column (Fig. 4B). The N-terminalsequence of the smaller molecular weight fragment correspondsto that described for a 22 kDa fragment generated throughthrombin digestion of EHS nidogen [271. Except for a substitu-tion of proline by serine in position 6, the observed sequence isidentical to residues 1040 to 1051 in the amino acid sequence ofhuman nidogen deduced from placental cDNA (Fig. 5)1281.Rotary shadowing of the intact bovine E/N disclosed ultrastruc-tural conformation similar to that previously reported for thismolecule (Fig. 6).

    Characterization of anti-E/N antibodies

    Monoclonal anti-E/N antibody reacted with the intact form ofE/N and also recognized a 100 kDa E/N fragment (Fig. 3, lanes2, 3). Minor reactivity with lower molecular weight fragments

    Fraction #

    Fig. 1. Fractionation of E/N by ion-exchange chromatography. Bo-vine tubular basement membrane was extracted with guanidine anddialyzed into urea-phosphate buffer and subjected to chromatographyon a column (2.5 x 15 cm) of DEAE-celiulose (A). Pooled fractionsindicated by the bar in panel A were further purified on a column (2.5 X15 cm) of S-Sepharose (B). Columns were developed with a 0.0 to 0.8 M(A) and 0.0 to 0.4 M (B) NaC1 gradient followed by a final batch elutionof S-Sepharose column with 1 M NaCI. Arrows indicate the start of thesalt gradient and the batch elution. The bar in panel B indicates pooledfractions selected for further purification. Extraction and column buff-ers are given in Methods.

    was also seen. The antibody reacted in ELISA assays andWestern blots with E/N from bovine and human renal basementmembranes, and EHS tumor. The polyclonal anti-E/N antibodyshowed reactivity similar to the monoclonal anti-E/N and alsorecognized trace quantities of 70 to 80 kDa E/N degradationproducts (Fig. 3, lanes 4, 5).

    Tissue distribution of E/NAffinity-purified rabbit anti-bovine E/N and monoclonal anti-

    human E/N antibodies reacted similarly with both human andbovine kidney, however, rabbit antibody to EHS tumor nidogenreacted only with bovine kidney. E/N was present uniformly inBowman's capsule and the GBM. Diffuse staining of lowintensity was observed throughout the mesangium with accen-tuation in the peripheral mesangial region which is bounded by

    Katz et at: Renal entactin (nidogen) 645






    20 40 60 80

  • Sea S —

    C p

    646 Katz et a!: Renal entact in (nidogen)


    5)u 0.1C(5


    Fig. 2. Preparation of nidogen by Mono Q chromatography. Selectedpools from a Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration column (not shown) wereconcentrated and applied to a Mono Q column in 0.05 M Tris, pH 7.4.The arrow indicates the beginning of a 0.0 to 0.5 M NaCI gradient, andpooled fractions shown by the bar contained the intact form of EIN usedin subsequent studies.

    the reflection of the GBM (the waist area). GBM staining wassingle linear and, by phase fluorescence microscopy showedlocalization in the outer aspect of the GBM. Tubular basementmembrane and basement membranes of vessel walls, includingperitubular capillaries, were also stained (Fig. 7). Exposure oftissue sections with acid urea reduced the staining intensity oftubular basement membrane but did not alter that of the GBM.Similar distribution was observed for laminin B2 chain in themesangium and other basement membranes while antibodies tolaminin B 1 chain only stained Bowman's capsule and weakly inthe mesangium. Using dual-labeled antibody staining, EIN wasobserved to have a distribution similar to the putative a3(IV)NC domain of type IV collagen along the outer aspect of theGBM in a locus different from the subendothelial distribution ofthe al(IV) NC of type IV classical collagen chains. In themesangium a3(IV) NC collagen chains were absent, whereasE/N was present mainly in the region adjacent to the reflectionof the GBM, while al(IV) NC domain of classical type IVcollagen was distributed diffusely throughout the mesangium(Fig. 8 A—F).

    Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed these findings usingboth polyclonal and monoclonal anti-E/N antibodies. E/N waspresent in all basement membranes, in the mesangial matrix,and in the GBM preferentially along its outer epithelial aspect(Fig. 9).

    We examined the distribution of E/N in the basement mem-brane structures of the nephron during ontogenesis (Fig. 10).Basement membranes of the ureteric bud, primitive vesicle,S-form and glomerulus in the early capillary loop stage werepositive by indirect immunofluorescence. The distribution oflaminin B2 chain was identical to that of E/N. Antibody stainingfor al(IV) NC was found in all the above structures, while thenovel chain a3(IV) NC appeared first in only the basement

    Fig. 3. Electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis of E/N. Purified EINanalyzed by SDS-PAGE and stained with silver is shown in lane 1.Western blots of pure bovine E/N using monoclonal (lane 2) andaffinity-purified polyclonal anti-E/N antibodies (lane 4) demonstratebinding of these antibodies to the purified protein. Western blots ofSDS-solubilized bovine tubular basement membrane with monoclonal(lane 3) and polyclonal (lane 5) anti-E/N antibodies reveal a major bandcorresponding in mobility to intact native E/N (lane 1) and a diffuseband of approximately 100 kDa that is less intense. Trace quantities of70 to 80 kDa material in SDS-soluble tubular basement membranerepresenting E/N degradation products are identified with the poly-clonal anti-E/N antibody (lane 5). Reactivity of the monoclonal anti-body with EHS derived E/N (lane 6).

    Table 1. Amino acid composition of bovine tubular basementmembrane entactin/nidogen

    Amino acidSpecies (residues /1000)

    Bovine EHS nidogen

    Aspartic acid 96 99Threonine 65 66Serine 76 85Glutamic acid 113 113Proline 73 67Glycine 94 105Alanine 62 60Half-cystine 37 32Valine 73 57Methionine 8 5Isoleucine 40 37Leucine 66 66Tyrosine 31 36Phenylalanine 42 36Histidine 30 33Lysine 30 31Arginine 64 55

    Results are an average of 4 determinations. The composition of EHStumor nidogen is from Paulsson et a! [3].

    membranes of the early glomerular capillary stage of nephrondevelopment, as previously described [22].

    Distribution of E/N in renal disordersProminent mesangial staining for E/N was seen in all diseases

    in which mesangial expansion is a feature (systemic lupus


    116 —-

    67 —

    45 --Time, minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6

  • Fig. 4. Purification of a thrombin-derived pep tide of E/N. E/N wasdigested with thrombin and applied to a TSK 3000 gel filtration columnin 4.0 M guanidine (A). The major peak, indicated by the cross wasreduced with mercaptoethanol and the products were resolved by gelfiltration under the same conditions (B). The asterisk indicates thepeptide that was subjected to chemical sequencing.

    erythematosus, IgA nephropathy, anaphylactoid nephritis andmembranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type I and II) (Fig.11). A double contour E/N staining of the split GBM was seenwhen mesangial interposition was present in type I membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis. Dense deposits present in typeII membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis did not react withantibodies to E/N. Lacey staining with anti-E/N antibodies wasseen in epithelial crescents and in the sclerotic lesions of focalsegmental glomerular sclerosis. No staining for E/N was ob-served in the subepithelial immune deposits of poststreptococ-

    1040 1050

    Bovine G I VTDSVRG NLYHuman

    EHStumor P

    Fig. 5. Amino-terminal sequence of a 22 kDa thrombin digestionproduct of bovine tubular basement membrane E/N. Protein sequenceof E/N thrombin fragment (top line) is compared with homologousregions of humans [28] and mouse EHS tumor nidogen [271. Completeidentity was found between the sequence of the peptide and the cDNAderived sequence of human nidogen from amino acids 1040 to 1051(numbering is according to the human sequence). One substitution(ser/pro) in this region is seen compared to the EHS tumor sequence.

    Fig. 7. Immunofluorescent microscopy using monoc/onal anti-EIN an-tibody on normal human kidney. Reactivity is found in the glomerularbasement membrane, Bowman's capsule, tubular basement membrane,and peritubular capillaries (arrow). In the mesangium E/N is detectedprimarily within the waist (double arrows) region (x 410).

    cal and membranous glomerulonephritis. In the latter EIN waspresent in the basement membrane "spikes" adjacent to theimmune deposits along the epithelial aspect of the glomerularbasement membrane (Kim Y, manuscript submitted).

    E/N distribution appeared normal in the renal basementmembranes of patients with Alport familial nephritis, thinbasement membrane disease, congenital and idiopathic ne-phrotic syndrome, and in autosomal recessive polycystic kid-ney disease.

    In diabetic nephropathy, E/N was increased in all thickened

    Katz el a!: Renal entactin (nidogen) 647






    Fig. 6. Electron micrographs of purified bovine E/N following rotaryshadowing. Selected fields are shown displaying the dumbell shape(arrows) characteristic of E/N (x 24,440).

    10 15 20

    Time, minutes

  • 648 Katz et a!: Renal entactin (nidogen)

    Fig. 8. Immunofluorescent microscopy of normal human kidney using dual label antibody staining. A—C. Monoclonal anti-E/N antibody (A),phase microscopy (B), and monoclonal anti-al(IV) NC antibody (C). D—F. Polyclonal anti-E/N antibody (D), with phase microscopy (E), andanti-a3(IV) NC antibody (F) (x 623).

    basement membranes (Fig. 12). In the early stages of diabeticmesangial expansion there was an increase in E/N staining ofmatrix material including Kimmeisteil-Wilson nodules. Withprogressive diabetic nephropathic change, E/N staining dimin-ished in the mesangium; a similar pattern of al(IV) NC andlaminin B2 chain in the mesangium was found. Glomerularbasement membrane staining for E/N was increased in all stagesof diabetic nephropathy, and the same distribution and patternof staining was seen with antibodies to laminin B2 chain.Increased glomerular basement membrane staining in all dis-ease stages of diabetic nephropathy was also observed for thea3(IV) NC domain of novel chain type IV collagen [29].


    We report the isolation and characterization of E/N frombovine tubular basement membrane using methods similar tothose described for EHS tumor derived nidogen [3]. We foundthat use of the S-Sepharose cation exchange column was moreeffective than CM cellulose, and a final HPLC anion exchangestep (Mono Q column) was necessary to achieve satisfactorypurification of the intact form of E/N.

    E/N derived from bovine renal tubular basement was foundto be similar to EHS derived nidogen in molecular weight,

    pattern of endogenous proteolysis, amino acid composition,and structure by rotary shadowing. The identity of the bovineE/N thus purified was supported by the partial amino acidsequence identity of a 22 kDa thrombin proteolytic productcompared with the same region of human nidogen [271. Ourresults are thus in agreement with a previous report of cDNAsequence similarity for human placental E/N and mouse tumor-derived nidogen [301.

    We observed that E/N was present in all human renalbasement membranes associated with vascular, tubular, andglomerular elements. In the glomerulus, EIN was observed inthe GBM, mesangium and Bowman's capsule. EIN was presentthrough the full width of the GBM but appeared to be increasedalong its epithelial aspect. Mesangial staining was light withaccentuation in the mesangial waist area (Table 2).

    The distribution of E/N corresponded closely to that seen forlaminin B2 chain. A different staining pattern was observed forlaminin BI chain which was only detectable in Bowman'scapsule and minimally within the mesangium, and was notfound in the glomerular basement membrane [23]. In vitrobinding studies have shown EHS derived E/N to bind either tothe B! chain of laminin [4], or to both B! and B2 chains [31].The above discrepancy could be attributed to the presence in

  • IISS











    Katz et al: Renal entactin (nidogen) 649

    Fig. 9. Immunoelectronmicroscopy of the glomerulususing the immunogold technique.Immunoelectron microscopy ofthe glomerulus using theimmunogold technique.Monoclonal anti-E/N antibodyreactivity is localized to theouter aspect of glomerularbasement membrane (A), anddiffusely throughout themesangium (B). Control stainingwith normal mouse serum wasnegative (x 46,500) (Enendothelium. Ep = visceralepithelium).

  • 650 Katz ci al: Renal entactin (nidogen)

    Fig. 10. Immunofluorescent microscopy of normal human fetal kidney.Monoclonal anti-EIN antibody reactivity is seen in the basementmembranes of the ureteric bud (U) (A) and of the glomerular comma-form (C) (B) which were identified by phase microscopy (not shown)(x 410).

    human kidney of laminin isoforms with binding propertiesdifferent than those of mouse laminin.

    In the GBM, E/N distribution was similar to that of recentlydiscussed novel chains of type IV collagen [tentatively identi-fied as s3(IV) and a4(IV)1 but differed from the distribution ofthe al and c2 type IV collagen which has a subendotheliallocalization. Although detected in different mesangial loci, E/Nand the classical type IV chains are found in the mesangium,whereas the novel type IV chains are absent from this region(Table 2).

    During renal ontogeny E/N distribution is similar to lamininB2 chain, but different from laminin B I chain (not shown). LikeEIN, classical type IV collagen chains are present early inontogeny while the novel chains appear in the primitive glomer-uli after vascular migration into the S-form [22]. E/N thus seemsto be an active participant in the complex process of ontogenicdevelopment of the fused glomerular basement membrane. Inthe immunohistochemical studies of fetal, normal, and diseasedhuman kidneys, the same staining patterns for E/N wereobserved using the monoclonal and rabbit anti-E/N antibodies.

    E/N staining was increased in all diseases with mesangialexpansion. When mesangial interposition is present in type I

    Fig. 11. Immunofluorescent microscopy in type I membranoprolifera-tive glomerulonephritis using monoclonal anti-E/N antibody. Increasedstaining reactivity associated with mesangial proliferation (A). Furthermesangial expansion with glomerular lobulation, and lacey staining ofan epithelial crescent (EC) identified by phase microscopy (not shown)within Bowman's space (BS) (B) (x 410).

    membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, antibodies to EINstain the glomerular basement membrane in a double linearpattern reflecting the presence of EIN in the lamina densa and inthe interposed mesangial matrix. In membranous nephropathyFIN was present in the "spikes" surrounding the subepithelialimmune complexes, likely reflecting increased synthesis byvisceral epithelial cells, and similar to studies using antibodiesto laminin and the novel collagen chains [Kim Y, et al,manuscript in preparation].

    In diabetic kidney, E/N and laminin B2 chain were increasedin all thickened basement membranes and remained altered inthis fashion with progression of the disease. E/Nand laminin B2chain were present throughout the expanded mesangial matrixin early diabetic glomerulopathy but diminished in advancednephropathy, whereas these components persisted in the GBMin advanced diabetic nephropathy similar to that observed forthe novel chains of type IV collagen [291.

    Previous reports have shown circulating anti-E/N antibodiesin sera of patients with acute poststreptococcal glomerulone-phritis [32], Goodpasture syndrome [33], and in experimentalmembranous glomerulopathy [34], suggesting a role for E/N in

  • r-r f——Katz et a!: Renal entactin (nidogen) 651

    Table 2. Distribution of entactin/nidogen compared to otherextracellular matrix components in normal human kidney

    by immunofluorescence


    Matrix componentsaE/N LM s1(IV) a3(IV)

    GlomerulusMesangium + + + —Capillary subendothelium — — + —Glomerular basement membrane + + — +

    TubuleTubular basement membrane + + + +

    VesselsArterioles + + + —Capillary bed + + + —a Matrix components are present (+) or absent (—). Abbreviations

    are: E/N, entactin/nidogen; LM, laminin B2 chain; al(IV), NC domaintype l(IV) collagen chain; a3(IV), NC domain type 3(IV) collagenchain.

    Fig. 12. Immunofluorescent microscopy in diabetic nephropathy usingdual-label antibody staining of the same glomerulus. Polyclonal anti-E/N antibody (A), phase microscopy (B), and anti-al(IV) NC antibody(C). Diffuse mesangial staining for E/N and classic type IV collagenchains is evident (x 576).

    the pathogenesis of these immune complex disorders. Reactiv-ity of the dense deposits seen in type II membranoproliferativeglomerulonephritis [35] with wheat germ agglutinin could alsosuggest the presence of E/N since the latter reacts in vitro withwheat germ agglutinin [36]. Our findings do not support thepresence of E/N either in the immune complexes of patientswith acute poststreptococcal and membranous glomerulopathy,or in dense deposit material.

    Since the observations of E/N distribution in various renal

    diseases are derived from limited numbers of patients with eachdisorder in this study, the following conclusions are tentativelyproposed, pending more extensive study. The presence of E/Nin all renal basement membranes and mesangial matrix in themature kidney and all stages of renal ontogeny is an indicationof its importance to renal structure. Furthermore, E/N distri-bution in basement membranes is not altered in disorders inwhich morphologic alterations of basement membrane structurehas been observed (cystic kidney disease, Alport's familialnephritis, thin membrane disease) or when altered filtrationpermeability is present (idiopathic and congenital nephroticsyndrome) [37—39]. E/N co-localizes with laminin B2 chainwhile its relationship to type IV collagen varies from themesangium (classical type IV) to glomerular basement mem-brane (novel type IV) collagen chains. These relationships aremaintained in disease states where changes of mesangial prolif-eration are associated with increased E/Ndeposition along withlaminin B2 and classic type IV collagen chains. However, GBMthickening is associated with increased deposition of E/N,laminin B2 and novel type IV collagen chains.

    We propose that these changes reflect heightened syntheticcapacity of glomerular mesangial cells in glomerular prolifera-tive disorders, and glomerular epithelial cells in diabetic andmembranous nephropathy, resulting in increased deposition ofE/N in the mesangium and the glomerular basement membrane,respectively. Additional studies are needed to define synthesisof E/N by glomerular cell types and the factors which areresponsible for their control.


    This study was supported by NIH grants #A1l0704, DKO 8232-01,DKO 07087, and DK 36007, The National Kidney Foundation of theUpper Midwest, The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International, andthe Viking Children's Fund. EHS nidogen used in this study wasprovided by Dr. Aris Charonis, University of Minnesota, and rabbitantiserum to mouse tumor EHS-derived nidogen was from R. Timpl,Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry. The authors gratefully acknowl-edge the help and assistance of the following individuals in this work:Vickie VanDrisse, (laboratory studies), Thomas Groppoli (immunoelec-(ron microscopy), Crystal Blocher and Kathy Divine (immunohistol-ogy), Drs. E. Tsilibary and A. Charonis (rotary shadowing), MarshallHoff (illustrations), and Patricia Erickson (manuscript preparation).

  • 652 Katz et a!: Rena! entactin (nidogen)

    The authors appreciate the support and kind assistance of Dr. AlfredDrukker.

    Reprint requests to Alfred J. Fish, M.D., University of MinnesotaMedical School, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Box 491 UMHC,515Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA.


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