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Page 1: Renewable energy sources introduction

Renewable Energy Sources

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What is meant by Sustainable Development?

“Development which meets the needs of present, without

compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their

own needs”

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Why RES? Clean Source of Energy Abundant Sources – Do not get depleted No harmful waste products Many type can be generated at the

location of use – No transmission Maintain reliability of supplies Competitive markets Ending fuel poverty No Green House gases

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Why not Fossil Fuels?

Depleting supplies Pollution Green house gases Dependent on Other Countries Less Efficient Will become more expensive

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UK Renewable Target

2010 10% of electricity generated from renewable sources

Doubled by 2020 National targets backed up by regional


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Benefits of RES

Most Renewable cost little more than conventional sources – Wind

Most renewable don’t have volatile price, since the fuel cost is nil/negligible

Most renewable have the advantage of Environmental benefits Waste Management benefits Economic Development benefits

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Why Developed countries Pursuing RES?

Economic Development Price Stability Fuel diversity to increase reliability Environmental benefits

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Limitations of RES

Solar only in Daylight Wind speed highly variable Solutions not yet developed fully Storage technology being considered

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